we're all made of glitter and nightmares (and baby, we thrive)
Tsubasa Chronicle Month 2023
- Day 4: Fai D Flourite
"What was he like?" Mokona asks, voice hesitantly tiny, but tinged with so much innocent curiosity that Fai can't even think to deny her an answer. He has no reason to, anyway.
Not anymore.
He hums, thinking back to the early parts of his childhood, before the valley, before so much death entered his and his brother's tiny world. 
Thinks back to days of comfortable silences and tiny, warm hands in his. "He was kind," Fai says, a rueful smile lifting the corners of his lips. "And brave. I was… a timid thing back then - yes, Kurorin, it's possible, don't be so shocked - and Fai would… he'd always hold my hand and encourage me to do things, and he'd always be beside me through everything, no matter how scary it felt."
"So he was the elder of the two of you?" 
Fai laughs, and he can feel the bridge of his nose stinging with the onset of tears. Ah, but he misses his brother so. "No. No, I'm the older one. Only by a few minutes, though. But for some reason, it never felt like it."
"I can see it," Syaoran says from where he's sitting cross-legged on the floor by Fai's feet. When Fai blinks down at him and tilts his head in question, the boy's shoulders straighten just a bit. His smile softens ever so slightly. "Fai-san feels like a big brother all the time. Kurogane-san, too, though he's an only child. It's just… maybe it's the age difference between us, but the two of you always felt like elder brothers to me… to us." He shrugs, grin going endearingly sheepish. "When you're not being all fatherly, that is."
And ah, ah, but Fai has drawn such a lucky hand, to have such a good, loving child to call his own. "Thank you for saying that, Syaoran-kun." 
Yes, he's lost more family that he cares to remember, and more than once in his long life, but Fai looks around him now, takes them all in - Mokona snuggled in his lap, Kurogane by side, Syaoran next to them, Sakura here in spirit, always, as well as their other, missing children - and marvels at how lucky he is to be here and have it all.
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sliding into kurogane day with some study sketches! its hard to keep him on model without making him 20 ft tall
day 3 - kurogane (full prompt list)
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Tsubasa Chronicle Month | Day 5
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we're all made of glitter and nightmares (and baby, we thrive)
Tsubasa Chronicle Month 2023 
- Day 5: Mokona
Mokona knows it's a weird thing, but… well, she's both happy and sad at the same time, right now, and it's not a feeling she thinks she'll ever get used to.
She's happy, yes, because finally, Syaoran and Fai and Kurogane have all found what they have been searching for on this journey, and she's happy that Syaoran and Sakura can finally stay together and be together and not be heartbroken anymore. She's happy that Fai's smiles are no longer brittle and sad, and that Kuro-puu is… well, he's still grumpy, but he's not quite so angry anymore. He smiles more, too, now, and it makes Mokona happier than she can express.
The journey has ended.
After such a long time, after so many worlds, and so many tears, and so many adventures, everything has finally come to an end. 
And Mokona knows that her time with her family is ending, too.
Sure, she's delighted to finally go back to the other Mokona (visits and shared dreams rarely are enough to stave off the longing to see her other half), but��� Mokona has grown to love her small, silly little family so, so much, she can't really bear the thought of not being with them anymore. Of never seeing them again.
"We'll visit Mokona, too, as often as we visit the other kids," Fai promises, face pressed into Mokona's cheek. "Mokona's our child just as much as Syaoran-kun and Sakura-chan. Right, Kuro-sama?"
They both turn to Kurogane, who looks at them with soft eyes. "As if I'd be lucky to live my life Bun-free," he says, and they all know it's a tease to get Mokona to stop crying.
It works. "Kuro-daddy is mean! So mean!" Mokona exclaims, jumping from Fai's hands to Kurogane's shoulder, small hands pawing at his face in fake anger. "Mean daddy!"
"Yeah, yeah," Kurogane snorts and cradles Mokona against his chin. "I'm the worst, I know."
Mokona buries her face into Kurogane's neck, and rubs against the warm skin there, taking comfort in the love she feels from him. From Fai, too. And from Sakura and Syaoran, where they've already retreated to their quarters for the night.
Yes. The journey is over.
Yes, they'll see each other less from now on.
Yes, it will be hard and Mokona will be sad for the time being.
But Mokona knows she'll never really lose her family.
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Tsubasa Chronicle Month | Day 6
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we’re all made of glitter and nightmares (and baby, we thrive)
Tsubasa Chronicle Month 2023
- Day 6: xxxHolic
The day Doumeki marries Kohane, Watanuki opens a bottle of saké at seven in the morning (and tells himself, like the lying liar he is, that it’s in celebration, because surely he’ll see less of the bastard now), the small gift box he’s prepared and never got around to actually giving away sitting almost ostentatiously in the middle of the small, low table by his divan. 
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we’re all made of glitter and nightmares (and baby, we thrive)
Tsubasa Chronicle Month 2023
- Day 7: Please Don’t Stop the Music
“Ah, Sakura-chan, please don’t turn it off,” Fai says from behind the bar when he sees Sakura’s hand reaching for the small radio on the windowsill. “I like that.”
Sakura blinks at him, seemingly startled (though why, Fai can’t tell. Perhaps she was lost in her thoughts), before she giggles. “I wasn’t going to turn it off, Fai-san. It sounds nice, so I thought I’d turn up the volume a bit.”
Fai nods. “I don’t know what it is about the music of this world, but I find it kind of… soothing.” He shrugs.
Sakura closes her eyes and sways lightly from side to side. She hums, just for a second, and it’s almost perfectly in time with the song. “Yes. Yes, so do I. It’s light, and carefree. It makes me think of a spring sunrise, full of songbirds and the rustling of leaves. 
Yes, Fai thinks, smiling down at the cupcakes he’s decorating. A small sun and a white bird graces the top icing of the one he finished just before Sakura distracted him. That’s about right. “I wonder if we could get Mokona to record some of these songs for us before we leave for the next world. So we can have something to dance to whenever we want.”
Sakura’s eyes sparkle in happy enthusiasm at the prospect. “That would be amazing!”
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Tsubasa Chronicle Month | Day 4
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Tsubasa Chronicle Month | Day 3
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Tsubasa Chronicle Month | Day 7
Please don’t stop the music
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Tsubasa Chronicle Month | Day 8
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my favorite affronts to nature <3
tsubasa chronicle month (which i. totally didn’t forget about until now. hi)  day 8: otp 
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we're all made of glitter and nightmares (and baby, we thrive)
Tsubasa Chronicle Month 2023 
- Day 3: Kurogane
It's different than I remember, Kurogane thinks to himself as he walks through what was once the household of the Suwa lord and his family. And of course it would be, after so many years abandoned to nature and time.
All that's left of the main house is a vague outline, and here and there, crumbled, ivy-covered bits of stone foundation pillars. Kurogane walks the overgrown paths that his feet still remember from sunny, laughter-filled days, from chilly, dreary winter evenings, hears the whispered echoes of the lives that once inhabited this place and made it a home.
The ache in his heart has not faded much over the years, but Kurogane has long since made his peace with it, has long since learned to live with it. Even more so after that wretch of a man who took everything from him and almost took more, too, is dead and gone.
"I can just imagine a tiny Kuro-sama running barefoot through these trees, waving a tiny wooden sword around, pretending to be a mighty warrior," Fai says from his side, and there's a small, thoughtful, fond smile on his face when Kurogane looks at him.
Kurogane snorts. "Father and I would hide out here from Mother, when we did something to annoy her." Or when they didn't feel like doing the things that they were supposed to do when Father had his days off from his duty of guarding the borders.
"Mn, I can see it." Fai laughs, and its echo joins those of the past in flawless harmony.
And Kurogane drinks it all in, the remnants of his past and his present and future standing next to him, and for the first time in a long time feels happy. Not just content, or peaceful, or giddy.
Happy. Only happy.
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happy trc month to all who celebrate !!
day 1 - sakura (full prompt list)
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Tsubasa Chronicle Month | Day 2
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Tsubasa Chronicle Month | Day 1
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Tsubasa Chronicle Month 2023 - Day 1 (Sakura)
I don't have a lot of free time so I thought that I would at least do a simple sketch. It came out a lot better than I hoped for and certainly a lot better than my very first submission back in 2016!
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