trans-mad-scientist · 1 month
I am hopefully going to be done with collage in a quarter or two when I'm done I will be more active and probably start my comic proper I've just been busy and getting used to a new med dosage I'm telling you all this not because I care if people hate my lack of updates but just so you know I'm not dead (edit I'm going to be done by the beginning of next year)
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trans-mad-scientist · 2 months
still feeling shit but not as bad as last time i think I figured out my main worry is being seen as a bad person mainly through what media I support or consume and the people I associate with like if my friends turn out to be bad people that would make me bad but also the resulting arguments when I need them to either change or we break up I'm super scared of any conflict even if I know I'm wrong and I except that it still scares me. I know you can't control how people feel about you but I just don't want to be seen as bad by anyone god I hope this stops soon I think this stems from how I have no idea how your supposed to judge others and engage with them after they have done something bad but apologized and isn't doing it again thus I don't know how I should judge myself
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trans-mad-scientist · 2 months
one day I'll have the time and motivation to make my slightly edgy inspector gadget re-imaging comic
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trans-mad-scientist · 3 months
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trans-mad-scientist · 3 months
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trans-mad-scientist · 3 months
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trans-mad-scientist · 3 months
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fursona clothes ref
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trans-mad-scientist · 3 months
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trans-mad-scientist · 3 months
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tf2 my beloved
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trans-mad-scientist · 3 months
a bit pissed off cus I was going to use my time off to make my comic but my mental health is a bit shit right now but I'm close to being done with collage so I guess I'll get to it eventually
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trans-mad-scientist · 4 months
Are you a student who is unable to donate to Palestine, but still want ways to show your support?
Me too! Unfortunately, searching up ways for students who can't drive, spend money, or drop school for a week to show solidarity for Palestine just comes up with "centrist" (if not blatantly pro-israel) articles for teachers telling them how to stay neutral during discussions with students. So! Here are some ways that I've thought of to bring pro palestine sentiment into your school and community! You are more than encouraged to add on any ideas of your own!
Wear shirts, pins, or anything outwardly pro palestine. If you can't find something, make it.
Email your representatives. Email Congress. Email the White House, or whatever your country's equivalent would be. Let the people in charge know you want a ceasefire
Talk to your local library about holding an educational night about the genocide, and/or about Palestinian culture.
Talk to your peers. Find people who share your views. Create a fuss together.
Talk to your teachers about it. Having an authority figure on your side could make things so much easier for you.
Make stickers, posters, pamphlets, etc to put up around your school, town/city, anywhere you can.
Educate yourself on anti-palestine talking points and how to refute them in a calm and logical manner. (Palestinian Toolkit is a great website for that)
Speak up! It's fucking scary, but if you can, don't let people's bigotry go unchecked. (You can use knowledge from the last point to make it easier to talk)
But also, know when to give up. It sucks, but not everyone is worth wasting your time debating. Some people won't change their mind no matter what.
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trans-mad-scientist · 4 months
Palestine Donation Links Masterpost
This is a masterpost of places to throw your money at to support Palestine. I'm gonna try and keep this updated as much as I can.
*** Please note, donating does not mean you should stop boosting Palestinian voices. Spreading awareness is JUST AS IMPORTANT as sending money since misinformation is one of the Zionist movement's most dangerous tools. ***
(Last Updated: 13-02-2024)
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
In addition, follow the PCRF on twitter (@/thePCRF) as they regularly post about opportunities to donate to support Palestine.
Doctors without Borders
Defense for Children Palestine
Palestinian Red Crescent Society
United Palestinian Appeal
Heal Palestine
eSims for Gaza
Care for Gaza (PayPal / GoFundMe)
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Islamic Relief USA
Help Gaza Children
Sulala Animal Rescue
Hirbawi Kufiyas
Palestinian Youth Movement
BDS Movement
Decolonize Palestine (Patreon)
Aid requests from Palestinians in Gaza:
Help Ahmed Saad get to safety
Help Lama AlJamous Evacuate
Support Khalil in Gaza
Help Yoseph and his Family
Surgery fund for Abdulaziz
Support Abdelrahim Alfarra
Help Yosef Kassab Evacuate
Safe Passage for Nadin
Help Yousef Yaser get treatment for cancer
Help Adel Al Zaharneh
Help Shaymaa's family leave Gaza
Evacuate Abood's family from Gaza to safety
Help Mohamed and his family evacuate
*** If you have any additional recognized and trustworthy places to donate, please either reply or send me an ask or DM and I will update this list! ***
In addition, Palestinians (both in Palestine and diaspora) can feel free to leave your paypals / ko-fi's / cashapps / venmo.... whichever you want in the replies.
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trans-mad-scientist · 4 months
Here's a list of organizations within Israel doing good work to document and resist the occupation and oppression of Palestinians. I highly recommend following them.
Standing Together
An organization of Palestinian and Jewish citizens of Israel that has been advocating for ceasefire and promotes a vision of Palestinian-Jewish coexistance.
Radical Bloc
A group that organizes weekly pro-ceasefire protests in Tel Aviv, even in the face of police harassment.
An organization that documents Israel's oppression of Palestinians, from the war in Gaza to settler violence and continued dispossession in the West Bank. "B'tselem" means "in the image" referencing the Jewish concept that every human is made in the image of God.
An organization whose main goal is educate the Israeli public about the Nakba, despite the lengths Israel has gone to hide it from view. "Zochrot" means "rememberers."
Breaking the Silence
An organization that collects testimonies of current and IDF soldiers of the things they witness and perpetrated.
This Is Not An Ulpan
A co-op language school for Hebrew and Arabic run by Palestinian and Jewish educators that also posts information about the situation from a radical perspective.
Mesarvot Network
An organization that supports young Israeli who want to refuse being draft into the IDF. "Mesarvot" means "refusers."
Parents' Circle
A peace organization comprised of family members of Israelis and Palestinians killed in the conflict.
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trans-mad-scientist · 4 months
Mirna El Helbawi just put out an update — right now the Gaza Esims email only has 500 esims left when they send out more than 3,000 esims daily. If you have not yet sent an E-sim, now is the time to do so.
To send an e-sim, refer to the information at https://gazaesims.com/
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(February 15, 2024)
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trans-mad-scientist · 4 months
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They need more esims!
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trans-mad-scientist · 4 months
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When he told the people around him about filing a lawsuit, Rensburg said he received a lot of support. "Many lawyers decided to join us in the lawsuit. Many of those who have joined are Muslims, but I am not. They feel obligated to assist this cause, but I believe that what is happening is incorrect." What happened in Iraq is an example of this, he said, noting that no one held the US accountable for the crimes it committed in the Middle Eastern country as the issue was not given the necessary importance.But now people believe what is happening in Palestine is an ideal scenario for the legal process to be carried out, the South African lawyer said, adding that "the US is busy spending more money and more resources to (allow Israel) commit the crime.” “No one says stop, enough is enough," he remarked. Rensburg said the genocide case filed by South Africa against Israel at the ICJ will serve as a guide for their case against the US and UK, and that they will begin the process based on the outcome of the case and the steps to be taken by the United Nations.
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trans-mad-scientist · 4 months
Here are some of the donations for Congo
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