Everything that Paul and John's ex-girlfriends/wives have said about them
"John and Paul always had a special link between them, a chemistry that added to the heat."
"I was just some chick from New York when I walked into all of that. God, if I’d known what I know now…All I could do was sit there watching them [John and Paul] play these games.”
"They loved each other… they were friends, and it was deeper than any of us will ever know".
"He [John] did put it that way, he was 'riding on the boat called Paul, and now I'm going to ride on a boat called Yoko." "I knew there was something going on there. From his [John] point of view, not from Paul’s. And he was so angry at Paul, I couldn’t help wondering what it was really about." "I’m sure that if he [Paul] had been a woman or something, he would have been a great threat, because there’s something definitely very strong between John and Paul." "I’m sure that in the case of Paul there’s that feeling that I’m the woman who took away his partner – it’s like a divorce." “I think it was like he was married to Paul. And now he was married to me so it was like a situation that he didn’t feel like he wanted to go back."
“When I came back after five months, Paul had changed so much. He was on LSD which I hadn’t shared. I was jealous of the spiritual experiences he’d had with John”. She told Ray Connnolly that "to Paul, his relationship with John was more important than his relationship with her".
Peggy Lipton
"John didn't like me being there at ALL. He was mean and sarcastic [...] I got the idea that he thought Paul was an idiot to take a girl so seriously he'd actually invite her to dinner, when all he really needed to do was fuck her AFTER dinner."
"I have no doubt Paul loved John deeply. But as I said on the Westwood One show, he is twice widowed now. His two great loves [John and LInda] are gone." "He wasn't happy. But the big things that were driving him mad were beyond me. He kept on working and writing, but when John came over, all he could talk about was how much he loved Yoko. That disturbed Paul." "That Paul started painting after John's death is no coincidence. That competition, the clash, the ebb and flow of *that* relationship, was so central to Paul's being, the only love that comes close to being a reasonable comparison is his marriage to Linda and the births of his children." "Please remember, Jane Asher was his first great love (after Lennon)." "For a reason to hold a grudge, think about the possibility of this: She [Yoko] took John from him. And she didn't particularly want to share John with his "ex significant other" on certain levels." "Paul hates Yoko for stealing the love of his life away from him. No, not Linda.... John! Paul has never forgiven her for that." "When John and Paul split up (think of them as a couple for a moment) their second mates had to stand by them."
"Paul hated Stu. It's true that Paul had his eye on Stu's bass, but in fact, he was jealous of Stu, especially of Stu's friendship with John. What's more, Stuart flaunted it. Time and again, he put it under Paul's nose and gave it a scornful swish."
“They would bounce off each other. Their perceptions were different. Paul was softer and John sharper but they could change roles. They were so intertwined and so tight on so many different levels."
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being a mclennon truther isnt even tinhatting or rpf its called "having eyes and ears and a brain"
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I want to be a writer but I find it difficult to turn my stories into sentences because I imagine my stories like a movie or something does anyone have any tips
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parasocial relationships are so weird it’s like “let me go hang out with my friends Bob, Mark, Wade and Jack” but none of them ever invite me and they don’t talk to me and they don’t know I exist, yet I know everything about them like we’re close friends, would die on a hill to defend them and their presence and jokes help me out of the darkest of places
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To all my Supernatural followers! I have a second blog for SPN stuff that I don't want to post on here.
If you're interested, please reach out and I'll send you the name of the blog.
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There is no one left alive who has known and loved John Lennon longer than Paul McCartney. Show me another cosmic soulmate pairing who are still openly pining for one another in song 43 years after one of them died and more than 66 years after they met. They are THE definition of eternal twin flames and I’ll never get over it.
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if you google "what is it called when" and the first letter of a beatle, autocomplete writes you a little poem about their apocalyptic destiny.
john paul
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george ringo
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(I'm sorry, but "rats get stuck together, reality feels like a dream, rocks fall down a mountain" has more emotional comprehension of the beatles story than many nine hundred page biographies.)
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Do people still make powerpoint memes?
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Oh, I can tell you, he’s not going to like that.
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hello good omens fandom long time no see
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I was going to write a thing about "Crowley has bad eyesight VS. David Tennant can't see with the contact lenses"as a complementary to my last post, after some people used that as a counter-argument and I've read the same thing in other details on twitter. But I've realized that there is no argument. I mean.
Neil Gaiman always tells us that only what's on the screen is canon (or in the pages of the book for that version of them). It doesn't matter if these details (the door, having trouble with a dance step, even the pull-push door in s1) are David Tennant's mistakes because of the contact lenses or are on purpose. It doesn't matter because it's on screen and it's canon: Crowley did it.
They can repeat the shot. If I got anything from the behind-the-scenes videos, it's that something as simple as ordering drinks in the pub took a lot of takes. They left those "mistakes" in the episodes, no matter the reason, it's canon.
My post was just in case you all consider that the headcanon that he has bad eyesight since he is a snake could now have evidence in the series thanks to this or if it's just that Crowley is a bit of a mess with glued limbs (which he is haha).
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AO3 Etiquette
It would seem a whole new kind of AO3 reader/writer is emerging and it is becoming clear not everyone quite understands how the website community works. Here is some basic guidance on how most people expect you to go about using AO3 to keep this a fun community archive that funtions correctly:
Kudos is for when the story was interesting enough to make you finish reading. If it sucked or was badly written, you probably left. If you finished - you kudos.
If you liked it, you should comment. It can be long and detailed or a literal keysmash. Writers don't care, we just love comments.
No critisism unless the author has specifically asked or agreed to hear it. Even constructive critisism is a no-no unless an author note tells you it's okay. Many people write as a fun hobby or a way to cope with, among other things, insecurity. Don't ruin that for them.
Do not comment to ask the author to write/update something else. It's tacky and off-putting and will probably have the opposite effect than the one you want.
There is no algorithm, it's an archive. Use the search and filter function to add/remove the pairings/characters/tropes etc. you want to read about and it will find you the fics that fit the bill.
For this to work, writers must tag and rate stories. This avoids readers finding the wrong things and missing the stuff they want. I don't care how cringy that trope is in your eyes - it gets tagged.
Character A/Character B means a ROMANTIC or SEXUAL relationship of some kind. Character A&Character B is PLANTONIC, like friendship or family.
Nothing is banned. This is an implicit rule because banning one thing is a slipperly slope to banning another and another, until nothing is allowed anymore. Do not expect anyone to censor for you. Because of the tags system, you are responsible for your own reading experience.
People can create new chapters and sequels/fic series any time after they "complete" a story. So it's considered perfectly normal to subscribe, even to a finished story. You can even subscribe to the author instead just to cover your bases.
Do not repost stories or change the publishing date without an extremely good reason (like a complete top to bottom rewrite). It's an archive, not social media. No one cares what's the most recent, only what fits their tag needs.
Avoid deleting a story you wrote if you hate it - orphan it so others can still enjoy it, without it being connected to you anymore.
This is a creative fanfiction archive. No essays on your insights or theories please. There are other places for that.
I KNOW there's plenty more I missed but I'm trying to cover most of the basics that people seem to be struggling with.
I invite anyone to add to this, but please explain, don't berate.
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When I say "I'm writing" what I mean is that I have a selection of out-of-order PowerPoint slides in my head
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