thirteensfavoritetoy · 4 minutes
Anyone missing a heavy stone/concrete Dalek?
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thirteensfavoritetoy · 10 minutes
And speaking of shit, I'm seriously hoping all those animals were let outside regularly to take care of their business
“Lord Byron gets up at two. I get up, quite contrary to my usual custom … at 12. After breakfast we sit talking till six. From six to eight we gallop through the pine forest which divide Ravenna from the sea; we then come home and dine, and sit up gossiping till six in the morning. I don’t suppose this will kill me in a week or fortnight, but I shall not try it longer. Lord B.’s establishment consists, besides servants, of ten horses, eight enormous dogs, three monkeys, five cats, an eagle, a crow, and a falcon; and all these, except the horses, walk about the house, which every now and then resounds with their unarbitrated quarrels, as if they were the masters of it… . [P.S.] I find that my enumeration of the animals in this Circean Palace was defective … . I have just met on the grand staircase five peacocks, two guinea hens, and an Egyptian crane. I wonder who all these animals were before they were changed into these shapes.”
— Percy Bysshe Shelley on the lifestyle of Lord Byron (via timemarauder)
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thirteensfavoritetoy · 13 minutes
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thirteensfavoritetoy · 17 minutes
If you think back to a lot of the reviews for series 11, a frequent comment among them was that Yaz wasn't very interesting and that she was mostly in the background without having much to do. So it's interesting in hindsight how, from rather inauspicious beginnings, she eventually became one of the most important, longest-lasting, and certainly most Doctor-like in her abilities of any companion.
i think one of the reasons yaz is often overlooked/underrated is how she's treated by the narrative, especially compared to other companions (the same goes for Ryan, graham, and Dan, btw, but im focusing on yaz bc it's most obvious with her). she doesn't get a fancy nickname, and she's not important to the lore - she's not impossible, of the bad wolf, or the first cyberman, she's just yaz. even the villains treat her that way - swarm, the skithra queen, even the daleks. in demons of the punjab you never get any inkling that prem's death is a fixed point, that it'd be the end of the timeline if the doctor saved him - not like pete, where the reapers got summoned. the only thing that would happen, if prem lived, is yaz and her family would vanish (and, at this point, we don't know half of what yaz would go on to do, so). and it would be tragic, but it wouldn't matter.
but that's the trap.
because if you get caught up in the fact that she is presented as unimportant, you fall into the same mistake as the villains, and even yaz herself to some degree (and she gets some insane shots at her insecurities, like even the daleks get personal), you miss just how much she matters. (and I could talk about recklessness stemming from yaz seeing herself as less important than what she's trying to achieve but rhats not the point of this post)
because then we come to "can't have a universe with no yaz", the person who always comes - the doctor, and graham "keep making humanity proud" and ryan pledging that he'll never let her die and dan talking about how amazing she is and, if you haven't been paying attention, it can feel like character shilling, bc it runs counter to how she's framed in the narrative, by herself, and by enemies.
by the standards of doctor who companions, yaz is ordinary, unimportant - but doctor who is always been about how important a single person, who is willing to try, can be.
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thirteensfavoritetoy · 15 hours
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Classic Who's budget was notoriously frugal
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I like S24's "badass teenage girls saying incomprehensible yet vaguely menacing things" theme.
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thirteensfavoritetoy · 15 hours
We should follow her lead whenever possible.
And I'm only slightly joking.
i think yaz doesn't get enough credit for her tendency to jump at the chance to shittalk a billionaire. including to their faces.
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thirteensfavoritetoy · 15 hours
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{What's it like to find that one person, the one you're always thinking about, the one you think you could spend the rest of your life with...}
(looks at Vilma as she thinks about Benny)
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all of yaz’s looks ever: 27/?
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thirteensfavoritetoy · 15 hours
"C'mon Yaz, we just need to create a diversion, then we can give that renegade time agent the slip!"
consumed with the image of yaz actively wrestling the sonic screwdriver from the doctor if she ever tried to steal money from an atm like past regenerations have
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13 days! Yaz & the 13th Doctor. I really enjoyed the energy that Jodie brought to the role as the Doctor. I also loved the bond Yaz shared with her Doctor, so it only felt right that they be holding hands.
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Me to the outside cat I feed: God you're an idiot. I mean, I'm putting this food out right in front of you and you're not touching it. What do you not understand about this?
The cat to me: God you're an idiot. I mean, I'm slow blinking at you and circling around your feet. What do you not understand about this?
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Hey, coupla things...
First, curious to know if the total for Doctor Who content (about 800 hours) includes all TV episodes ever made or it the ones from the 60s that have been missing for years have been excluded.
Second...and I know this would take quite a bit of time to figure out...
If you took the total of all Doctor Who and its expanded universe content (TV, audiobooks, novels, comics, etc.) I wonder how it would compare to things like the total content of all Arthurian legend, Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes, Tarzan, etc.
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Star Trek's crazy ass 28 day total runtime leaving everyone else in the shade
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The office of the person in charge of the Orange Bowl
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^me not posting and doing literally anything else ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jk, it’s the Doctor and her new cool purple sofa!
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i step up to the mike. "ten treated martha unfairly" i say. the crowd boos. "shes right" says a voice in the front row. its 13.
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"There's a reason I invited you in..."
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the champion
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OP we swear we just need to know which clinics have the evil penises so we can be sure not to go to those clinics we swear to God
Well you see minors under 25 years old should not be allowed to get gender reassignment surgery because what if they go to the clinic but instead of giving them a normal penis the nurses mess up and give them the evil penis. That's irreversible
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