thinkgazer · 10 months
Ooh, the SPEED! Wait, wait. I have a better angle:
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I am sorry this was a gif emergency!
Original video from @thinkgazer here.
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thinkgazer · 10 months
Came across this HUGE rolling promo quite accidentally. Wait for the end. Istg I have never come so close to irrationally losing my mind in such a public space.
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thinkgazer · 5 years
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Turns out I’m a total sucker for the post-Endgame-insecure-Peter-but-EVERYBODY-LIVES trope?
Sahiya’s fic Time-Lapse is one of the most beautiful examples I’ve ever read; so sensitive, raw, and wonderfully evocative. Please go check it out!
P.S. I never stopped thinking about this sweater in Peter’s Civil War wardrobe. I’ve always thought he’d look SO cute in it and was disappointed when it never reappeared 😅
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thinkgazer · 5 years
Almost cried at the extraordinary cornucopia of content today...
Look at my inbox within the last 24h!!! It was like a surprise birthday, or something...
...so grateful to these amazing writers, and all other talented creators who continue to express and share their Irondad/Spideyson love.
I don't know what made today such a fertile day for updates, but it's left me STOKED! 🥰
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thinkgazer · 5 years
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Here’s a scene from this beautiful Post-IW fic by @groo-ock, ‘Put Out Every Star.’ There are many standout scenes in that story that I found understatedly sublime. But this was an image I just couldn’t get out of my head. So it turned out to be the one to stir me out of my endless creative funk. First ever attempt on iPad, lots of experimenting. Here’s hoping this gets better…!!
@thinkgazer - Artist’s tumblr
@groo-ock - Author’s tumblr
Put Out Every Star by Gruoch
Later, much later, after the initial shock wears off and he can feel something other than numbness, he will attempt to contextualize this tragedy. He will compare it to all the other losses and failures he has experienced in his life, as if grief is something that can be quantified and measured against a standard. He will search for some formula that will explain why this loss feels so profoundly unbearable, why it feels like he’s had some vital organ he hadn’t previously even been aware of amputated. It will take him even longer to realize what an absurd, pointless exercise this is. That the only thing he can know with absolute certainty is that the Tony Stark who arrived at Titan is not the same man who left it. But for now all he can think about is escaping this dusty tomb of a planet as quickly as possible. After Titan, a homecoming.
So much color and small details! And all done on an iPad?! Simply amazing job!
Learn more about how you can submit art here!
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thinkgazer · 5 years
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Right. I’m getting back in the game.
Here’s a scene from this beautiful Post-IW fic by @groo-ock, ‘Put Out Every Star.’ There are many standout scenes in that story that I found understatedly sublime. But this was an image I just couldn’t get out of my head. So it turned out to be the one to stir me out of my endless creative funk.
First ever attempt on iPad, lots of experimenting. Here’s hoping this gets better...
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thinkgazer · 10 years
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"Hello Bruce. Been a while."
I have never drawn Discowing. Why have I never drawn Discowing? That clearly needed to be rectified.
It's been way too long, Tumblr. This was a good antidote to Easter-downtime boredom :)
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thinkgazer · 10 years
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Please forgive the little deviation from my usual dashing muse, but it's Xmas and I'd like to share a little holiday love.
This pic was my Xmas gift to IconUK, for no reason other than it was due to Icon's S_D posts that introduced me to these cuties.
Wishing everyone (especially my few and treasured followers!) a wonderful holiday. I hope you, like these two, have someone meaningful to share it with this year. x
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thinkgazer · 10 years
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Sorry, been AWOL. Had an exam to study for; then missed the big Doctor Who ep and banned myself from Tumblr to avoid spoilers!
Here, have an Earth-16/YJ Robin in Bialya to make up for it.
(Apparently it's his birthday today! That was happy coincidence)
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thinkgazer · 10 years
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thinkgazer · 10 years
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thinkgazer · 11 years
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Happy Halloween!
Something I've been working on for fun, in honour of the 2015 '75 Years of Dick Grayson' Project. And of course it's Halloween, so I couldn't resist a little fun background tonight!
Now, I need your help. I can't decide whether I prefer his fingerstripes splayed open, or closed around an escrima. Which do you prefer?
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thinkgazer · 11 years
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Elemental, a batman fanfic | FanFiction  www.fanfiction.net
This stunning cover art was the inspiration for this piece, and is linked and shared again here with the permission of the amazingly talented artist, Lily of Snackage (thank you, Lily!). I've always thought it too simplistic to just say all the BatBoys share merely "blue eyes", and their subtle shades and dynamic personalities are so vividly captured in this artwork. My muse was stirred the moment I first saw it on my Tumblr dashboard, but it took a while to string into any coherent form.
They say "a picture paints a thousand words": this is just my little attempt at writing them down.
The world through the eyes of bats and birds.
I. Dick
Dick's eyes are cerulean. Expansive and oceanic, they effervesce with zest, and shine like sunsparks on ripples of the sea. Just as a bubbling brook, he is always moving, and every motion is danced. In his early years, he was effusive and mischievous, as spirited and spritely as a spring; as the years have passed, he has matured and grown. His intelligence is sharp and clear as a crystal lake, and his ease and fluidity showcase his natural strength and grace.
His are pools that could drown even the Sirens. When those still spheres fix upon any hapless soul, healing waters swell and it's as if it's just them and him, standing at the utmost edge… then one rolling sweep, and they're lost, submerged in the comfort of warming waves and the fathomless depths of his spirit.
He is a peacemaker, trying to dilute the acidity that sometimes flows between his band of brothers. Yet the oceans are known, too, for their mutable nature - and Dick's rare but tempestuous storms are capable of unleashing untold destruction. Still waters run deep: orbs that whisper sweet, swirling susurrations also deafen with their roars. He can be ferocious in his fighting; a storm that beats down unrelentingly and is seemingly everywhere at once, so as a result, his attacks are powerful, calamitous, and devastating. Passion flows deep in his veins.
His friends always joke that he's a world of his own, and he is, quite literally - his heart is so dense, and his soul brims so full, that he engenders whole ecosystems of groups and social circles that thrive on his very life-force. He laughs at that, the social butterfly, and says if that were true, he'd love to take his friends everywhere he goes; little does he know the extent of their thirst, that if he were to rally them up, they would surge to his call like a rising tide, and follow his lead to the ends of the earth.
II. Jason
Jason's eyes are steel-blue. Sharp, now, and cold - they were once a more puerile, yielding zinc (Bruce certainly banked on his malleability, back in the day), but lids closed to that old hue long ago and they've taken on a rough, jagged edge since light returned to them.
It's always a fine balance on the tip of Jason's knife; no-one is ever quite sure which way he is going to pitch. But one thing is certain: he is dangerous. His eyes - and mouth - are incisive and penetrating. Depending on the circumstances, his opponent might suffer either the smart sting of his sardonic bite, or the unleashing of hell's fury with full guns blazing. His unreliability is notorious.
He'd never let anyone close enough to see it, but you can watch his whole story unfold within his steely spheres. He's been pounded and ground down; forged in the furnace of the Joker's explosion and quenched in the liquids of the Lazarus Pit. It's hardened him, and given him a raw, serrated edge. That's why he keeps his eyelids at half-mast with a swagger and a sneer, signalling clearly that he's abrasive, derisive and dispassionate; perhaps he's protecting himself - or is he protecting others? - from the nightmares refracted within.
So he withdraws into himself, collecting his grudges close to his chest, nicking himself with perceived 'betrayal'. These cuts fester into scabs that he grimly picks before they can heal, so that they build up, scar upon scar upon skin, into a seamless full armour that he can't remember putting on, much less figure how to take off. Sometimes, it's oppressive and he finds it hard to breathe. But then he remembers that, between his golden predecessor and resented replacement, he'll only rust - and that demon-child makes him searingly incandescent - so he holsters his thoughts, and soldiers on, with the safety off.
III. Tim
Tim's eyes are azure. Unclouded and sky-blue, they twinkle with a pure, bright focus, and see with a clarity and coolness that belie his teenage years. His curious, analytical mind barely contains a whirlwind of calculating theories and cunning ideas that bear him aloft from the shady dealings of Gotham's underworld.
Unlike the others, Tim has worked to achieve his position - and how! With every breath, he has ached and climbed and beat his own way to respect, knowledge and mastery; as a result, trained muscle-memory keeps him airborne, and keeps his flight path high and true.
He can't remember a time when he wasn't looking upwards. Once upon a time, it was the highlight of his day: eyes peeled to the horizon, yearning to glimpse those two familiar silhouettes swinging amid the urban jungle of Gotham City. Years afterwards, he was still gazing higher - at his best friend, who could soar amongst the clouds; at his girlfriend, who leapt with him and shone like his sun; at his oldest brother, to whom he still aspires; at his own lofty ambitions to better himself and follow in the footsteps of his great mentor.
Sometimes, his irises cloud over, and he sighs to think how some of those memories have flown, forever lost to him now. He feels buffeted by gales of change and circumstance. But then, at night, when he's forty stories up and ready to meet the winds head-on with just a leap and a line - he knows there are no limits to what he can achieve, and he's at peace. He's ready to join with the skies, and in that moment, there's nowhere he'd rather be.
IV: Damian
Damian's eyes are electric blue. Sparky, hot-tempered, and burning with the intensity of a bunsen burner, they roar with a heat that combusts noisily, but always hit their marks with deadly precision. He was, after all, powered and honed by his mother for all his formative years.
Fierce and fiery, he will suffer no fools. He prides himself on the assassin's efficiency with which he wields his katana, and the matching irascible sharpness of his tongue, its scorching levels matched only by Red Hood.
Admittedly, he's most heated in the company of 'the airhead Drake', and within his small circle of acquaintances and even fewer friends, Tim is certainly made to feel the hottest part of his flame. But everyone knows it's all gas, mere thunderclaps and rumbles: at the heart of his ire sits an unburnt core of fierce loyalty and a palpitating need of acceptance.
When he first arrived in Gotham, he would glower and simmer with youthful resentment and rage. He was the rightful son and heir, always at the brink of ignition. But over time, he learns discipline, and with Grayson to conduct him in both thoughts and actions, Damian finds his abilities and energies channeled into something altogether… better. He's beginning to earn the esteem he craves, and now he's determined, more than ever, to make his mark - naïvely unaware that in many respects, and in all the ways that matter most, he already has.
Bonus! Bruce
Bruce's eyes are sapphire. Highly polished, intense and glistening, they present the perfect front for his persona: a very desirable prospect to the societal ranks. The precious gem, the Prince of Gotham. Yet gaze further, and you'll almost flinch from the hardness in those spheres; still further, and you can see the fractures in his stony facade, like cracks in bloodstained pavement slabs.
One balmy June night, his destiny was set in stone. Inexorable in his quest, he gathers no moss; he is earthy and driven, a creature formed artificially, painstakingly, in the deep recesses of wells and caves and underground prisons. He has a mind that's clear as crystal and as sharp and lethal as stalagmites, sitting atop a soul that's pitted, unforgiving, unrelenting… but not unfeeling. Not any more.
True, he wields silence as a weapon. Dick says he's as obstinate as a rock: sometimes, it's in jest to Alfred, perhaps in mutiny over the choice of family movie. Other times, it's spouted in a torrent of exasperation, within the dark bowels of the Batcave. Crushed by a continued sense of loss, Bruce puts up walls even against his former partners. Jason tries to cut him down; Tim says he's over it, above it all. (Damian used to bear down hard on those walls, but has since grown unfazed: he imagined them taller).
Yet even a man so obdurate and steadfast as Bruce is known to change. His eyes reflect a spectrum of once-buried emotions. His first Robin softened and reshaped him, and - even now, he knows - carries him. He was almost cloven in two by the loss of his second Robin; his third lifted him airborne from that dark place, and now his fourth boy has lit within him a new sense of purpose. It is because of them that his deep, dulled eyes took on a new lustre of resolution. They are his world, and he needs them to live; he, in turn, grounds each of them, and is ever their home.
P.S. I know Stephanie was technically Robin IV, but like I said, the art-piece was my launchpad. So sorry, staunch Steph supporters! I still made sure she's at least in Tim's part ;) Maybe someday I'll do a Batgirl version; she would definitely be in that.
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thinkgazer · 11 years
Oohoo, twisty! 
Hm. Back when I thought it was the JL trinity, I didn't think they were talking about saving Dick. But now that it's Owlman talking, I think he's talking about 'saving' Dick (from the 'weaker' world?) and making him come with them...
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"We have to save him" - Owlman Him?????????
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thinkgazer · 11 years
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I've only ever watched a few episodes of Young Justice rather sporadically, and have read a few of the tie-in comics; but from what I see, although Wally and Dick are established as 'best friends', they don't always necessarily demonstrate the depth of their relationship beyond familiarity, flippant banter and playful rivalry (and this is before the total souring between them in the second season). 
But I just watched S1e21, and seeing Wally so supportive of Dick when he leads the team (especially after they'd duked it out, much earlier in the series, for the role) - awwgh, isn't that what friends are for? ((feeeeels))
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thinkgazer · 11 years
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Fall, a batman fanfic | FanFiction  www.fanfiction.net
OK Sportsfans, let's try something new.
Ahhh... my first foray into the world of fanfiction!
The first two chapters are primarily focussed on Batman and Nightwing, but the story will feature a plethora of my favourite characters - we are really going to see Dick's importance in the Superhero 'verse. For starters, the next few chapters will see Babs, Superman and Wally. And who knows where this tale might end up going...
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thinkgazer · 11 years
Exactly! Because:
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So on the eve of this big “Forever Evil” stunt, I find myself shuddering in apprehension of what awaits our Bats. And I reflect on the sea of change that has swept through the DC universe in the past two years, changing dynamics, cleaving bonds.
I mean, after 73 glorious years of thrilling development, hard-won growth, and rich interaction to form the most enduring of all comicbook relationships… as Bruce says: 
(Source: Batman #1; DC Last Will and Testament one-shot). Ah, what they give with one gloved hand, they taketh away with the other gauntlet
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