thingsenjoyed · 3 years
You know what’s some crazy $hit?
This fabulous bitch
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She makes a shit ton of poses (like 16,000 or some crazy nonsense).  I used this lovely lady to draw so much as a teen.  Whether it was some nerdy pose for my Mary Sue as fuck OCs
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or for full on fight sequences
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or for tragic deaths of my OCs in the arms of a totally OOC main protagonist.  
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this bitch hooked me up.  
And with the wildest, craziest stuff that you could see in your head but had no way or resources to reasonably draw like
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or this
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or this
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DUDE!  INASNE SHIT!!  So I was using her for a pose reference and decided, you know what, I owe this bitch some cash.  Lemme dole it out for her.  BUT then, I looked and saw she only has 286 fucking patrons!!  This chick gives out free shit and spends countless hours arranging these shoots and setting this stuff up.  
I’ll fork up the cash, SenshiStock.  You’re worth it.  
Check out this amazing woman’s stuff, and get knowledged:  https://www.deviantart.com/senshistock
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thingsenjoyed · 3 years
hey so I fucking hate this and I never wanted to do this. I don't like handouts and I wanted to just be able to open commissions instead of e begging but unfortunately things keep getting worse and i really need money.
as some of you know I was forced to relocate in November, and due to the pandemic I haven't been able to find another job yet. I'm homeless right now and currently staying with a friend, and after spending all weekend attending funeral services for my grandfather, my debit card info was stolen at a gas station and most of my remaining money was cleared out of my account. my bank has warned me that it could take 45 to 90 days for me to get a conclusion on their fraud investigation, and 7-10 days after that before I might see that money again.
I have bills due in days that I cannot afford to pay. I cannot afford food at this point, and the process of receiving food stamps and unemployment is ridiculously long and complicated because of the amount of people in need right now. I can't afford to wait for the DOL and DHHS to get back to me at this point. I cannot survive anymore. I can't afford food for my rabbit.
please, if you have any amount of money to spare at all, I would be extremely grateful for any help. I know that everyone is struggling right now and I don't want anyone to feel pressured, but if you can give me literally just a dollar, it helps. if you can't help me out monetarily, please rb/share this post to spread the word.
my cashapp is $smaylum
it's currently the only access that I have to money, since my debit card and linked account are frozen and under fraud investigation.
thank you so, so much, and I'm sorry to ask this of any of you in the first place.
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thingsenjoyed · 4 years
this is GOOD STUFF
Form FLUTRON! ❤️💙💚💛🖤
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thingsenjoyed · 4 years
this is THE funniest thing i’ve ever seen in my life
I saw this tiktok on twitter and I just had to 😂
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thingsenjoyed · 4 years
I really, truly hate doing this, but I desperately need help
Due to the coronavirus lockdowns, my father is stuck outside the country, and lost his job (he was a truck driver delivering car parts between warehouses)
My mother was forced to move into a separate home, closer to the hospital she works at so she can be called in whenever and won't infect anyone at home
I am completely and entirely alone at home, with my matura exams coming up, no source of income, and no way to somehow recieve money from my mother.
I desperately need help. I have two sweet little cats and myself to feed, I have bills to pay, and I'm rapidly running out of money.
Please, please consider helping me
I need $650 for all this and if I play my cards right and spend as little as possible I should be able to live off that for a month and a half.
My paypal is right here, please, if you can, help me.
Every single dollar helps me more than you could imagine.
From just that much, I can buy myself a small bagged meal, or two little packets of wet food for my cats.
And that on its own is already great help.
Thank you to anyone who boosts this, or donates anything. You are helping save three lives and I'm truly grateful.
(For anyone curious, here are pictures of my wonderful cats)
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thingsenjoyed · 5 years
I love this I frickin missed your art and shidge happy October to you too omg
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Happy October! 🍂
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thingsenjoyed · 5 years
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Keep the flame going for those we have lost to suicide. 
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thingsenjoyed · 5 years
Me introducing myself like hi I romanticise everything, overthink way too much, live 85% of my life in my head and still can’t believe I’m a Real Person
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thingsenjoyed · 5 years
OMG OMG - this is freaking art and I love it so much and I’m so so ecstatic that you liked it enough to draw this for me I love Love LOVE it!!!!!!!
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An illustration for A Man Like That by @thingsenjoyed.
I fell in love with this story and just couldn't resist drawing anything for it.
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thingsenjoyed · 5 years
Pidge likes to run away from the problems that she doesn't consider important, but there's one problem she just can't seem to shake. So, as a scientist, she tries to find a solution in the only way she knows how. Experimenting. Running didn't help, neither did screaming into her pillow, and god knows she wouldn't bring this up to any real person. Maybe she just needs to forget.
In which Shiro finds a drunk Pidge and she gets a little too brave.
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thingsenjoyed · 5 years
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Voltron Legendary Defender: Yellow Planet
buy the print @ sethstpierre.com
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thingsenjoyed · 5 years
This is SO good
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thingsenjoyed · 5 years
love love love
Things that ships do that wreck me
Forehead touches
Hand holding
That look of utter awe of that person
Smiling between kisses
Eye fucking
That thing where when they’re kissing the stronger one lifts the other up onto whatever surface they’re near
Full ass down on one knee proposals
Communicating with out words
Being cool and collected with most people except each other
Romantic gestures
Any domestic moments
Being soft with each other
One of them gets hurt and the other ones brain falls apart
Needing to be near each other
Holding each other’s face when they kiss
One of them just going for it and surprising the other with a kiss
Love confessions
First kisses
Caressing each other’s faces
Holding each other when they cry
Being hungry for each other
Urgent kisses
Soft kisses
When they get so lost in the moment that everything else melts away
Fights, getting everything out on the table
Realizing that they like or love the other person
The look on their face when they learn each other’s feelings
Being nervous around each other
Being happy just existing with the other person
Tearing each other’s clothes off
Enemies to reluctant allies to friends to lovers
Checking each other out
Completing each other
Teaching each other things
Similar interests
Making each other better but still themselves
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thingsenjoyed · 5 years
‘I-Thought-You-Were-Dead’ hug
Wiping tears from face
Relieved forehead touches
Holding one back from a fight
Talking lovingly to other characters about significant other when they aren’t there
Angsty ‘Take-The-One-Thing-They-Love-The-Most-And-Hold-It-Against-Them-To-Get-What-They-Want’
Reminding one of what they love to break them from the mind control
Rescue. Just rescue.
Kissing scars
Staring lovingly at SO while they’re distracted
Being impressed by something they didn’t know their SO could do
Good Types of Tropes For H/C
No Pain Killers Available
Gotta Stay Quiet To Avoid Discovery
Feverish Delirium And Mumbling
Cowboy Medicine: Whiskey Internally & Externally Applied
Huddling For Warmth
Desperate Hand-Holding
“Breathe, Just Breathe”
Protectively Cradling A Broken Arm
The Word ‘Winced’
“Easy, Easy There”
Being Carried; Bridal, Fireman’s, Two-Person, Doesn’t Matter- Being Carried
Coughing, or, God-Forbid, Sneezing, With Broken Ribs
Waking Up Not Knowing Where They Are
Animal Attack
DIY Bullet-Removal
Field-Medicine in General
Blankets/Shirt Collar Shifting Just Enough To Have Bandages Peeking Out
Gentle Shushing
Needing Help To Drink From A Glass
Brushing Hair From Brow
Collapsing Off Of Horse
Dramatic Irony Injury Reveal (Audience Knows About It But Other Characters Do Not)
Frantically Feeling For Breath Or Pulse
(feel free to add on!)
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thingsenjoyed · 5 years
Lance reminds me so much of Tamaki.
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This didn’t happen by accident.
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LM admitted to being a fan of OHSHC. This was done on purpose.
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Shipping Plance wasn’t delusional. It was logical.
Part 1…check my reblog for Part 2.
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thingsenjoyed · 5 years
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Katie Holt, tech genius
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thingsenjoyed · 5 years
Okay this was adorable I love love love it
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Lance and Leon find out that they’re both sidepieces to the same woman
PS. Once Leon learns actual words and starts forming proper sentences, it’s curtains for everyone!! 
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