theseriallove · 2 years
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They're Together Again...
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theseriallove · 3 years
Always reblog!
Everyone SAYS they want a fairytale wedding but when I show up and curse their firstborn suddenly I’m a jerk.
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theseriallove · 3 years
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“If God listened to a word ma said, I’d be living in a mansion with a handsome millionaire and gorgeous kids. She forgot to say married?”
Fran Drescher as Fran Fine in THE NANNY (1993-1999)
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theseriallove · 3 years
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1x01 | 2x09 | 2x17 | 2x04 | 2x19
ONCE’s True Love Couples waking up parallels (insp. x x) 
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theseriallove · 3 years
me as a writer: Oh no I can’t write that, somebody else already has
me as a reader: hell yes give me all the fics about this one scenario. The more the merrier
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theseriallove · 3 years
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I don’t get it… Did my hair get flat? Did I stumble into some bad lighting? What’s wrong with me? CLUELESS (1995) dir. Amy Heckerling
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theseriallove · 3 years
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theseriallove · 3 years
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Day 6 - Time: Progress | @jorahdaenerysevents
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theseriallove · 3 years
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My bear, my fierce strong bear, what will I do without him?
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theseriallove · 3 years
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@userpurple november color event ≡ days six & seven || #945ab9 & #1400b6 » regina mills / the evil queen
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theseriallove · 3 years
I would love to see Emma with a female love interest but... why Regina? By pretty much every standard she is an awful, petty and spiteful human being who is responsible for hundreds of of innocent deaths. ..One of the reasons by Outlaw Queen makes absolute no sense to me is that she executed his wife before Emma changed the past and still had as far as Robin knew and that sort of thing was so common for her she didn't even remember it. Emma and her have never had a singe non hostile interaction.
Dear Eugene,
I will defend Regina faster than I will defend myself. I don’t think you want to see that side of me. Trust me, it’s not pretty.
I will say this, though, in case you weren’t aware, there’s this really incredible thing that has existed ever since fictional stories were created called *drum roll*… A REDEMPTION ARC! Wow! Characters can have second chances! Characters can redeem themselves for shitty things they have done in the past! Wow! Such innovation!
I know, it seems almost too good to be true.
Eugene, we do agree on one very important thing. Outlaw Queen makes absolutely no sense.
However, I must ask you this, are you sure we’re watching the same show? Just to be clear, we are talking about Once Upon a Time, right?
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have never
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a single
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They have never saved each other or anything. It’s not like Regina gave up her happy ending for Emma. Not at all. It’s not like that’s an actual canon thing that has happened.
Have a great day, Eugene.
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theseriallove · 3 years
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for amy (insp.)
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theseriallove · 3 years
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I see. Well, we should get these bills and things out of the way before— I have to go now.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 6.04-“Flooded”
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theseriallove · 3 years
Hope: I'm Hope Mikaelson, the one and only tribrid, daughter of the Klaus Mikaelson, the people I date need to have grace and -
Josie: -*stumbles into room knocking things over, blushing and hiding her face in embarrassment.*
Hope: Her, I want her.
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theseriallove · 3 years
Choose what should be the end to ACOTAR season 1 after it’s released:
Tamlin and Feyre escape “Under the Mountain” and arrive back in the Spring Court hand in hand | Harsh cut to the House of Wind where Rhysand crashes to his knees | Morrigan (audience has no idea who this is) shows up and asks him what’s wrong? | In the background we see Az and Cass (audience is like who are these hot ass men?) | Rhys says: She’s my mate. | Fade to black
Feyre and Tamlin’s wedding in ACOMAF | Feyre freezes halfway down the aisle | WABAM DRAMATIC THUNDER AND BLACK SMOKE AND SHIT | Enter Rhys who says “Hello, Feyre darling.” | Fade to black
Feyre dead in Tamlin’s arms Under the Mountain | pan side and shift focus to Rhysand | Harsh cut to Feyre’s eyes as they open and nothing else | Fade to black
Which one would you want? Can you think of any others? Please give me scenarios to play in my head while I try to fall asleep tonight.
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theseriallove · 3 years
no offence to the cauldron or anything, but it must have been malfunctioning when it made elain and lucien mates. I’m 99% sure nesta took its critical thinking skills because something very obviously went wrong.
I mean this nicely, because elain and lucien are both nice people! but they are just completely unsuited for each other. Elain at her core is the embodiment of “soft” aesthetic and is just kind and likes gardening and enjoys quiet discussions etc (like a certain shadowsinger-)
And then there’s lucien, who is sweet and witty and enjoys someone who’ll bite back at him and likes to laugh and hunt etc. They are both genuinely good people…that just don’t belong together.
Elain has outright said the mating bond means nothing to her, and lucien, my sweet fox, I love him, but he’s clearly miserable and trying really hard to convince himself that the mating bond was right. That’s how he grew up, being told and told a mating bond was special and sacred and fated. He’s probably struggling to accept that maybe, in this case, it’s not?
He never spends time with elain (I don’t blame either of them, they are terribly awkward around each other) and doesn’t seem to have that longing that rhys had for feyre, or cass had for nesta.
He’s perfectly happy to live with vassa and jurian instead and y’know what? Good for him. Elain’s happier healing with Azriel and rebuilding gardens and making friends with the twins, and lucien is happier with vassa and jurian, travelling and finding his spot.
I’m confident SJM will give them both a happy ending (I really hope so anyways) and they both deserve a happy ending. I just don’t think they’ll find a happy ending with each other.
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theseriallove · 3 years
Azriel honestly just stood there throughout the entire first half of ACOSF going “I shall offer to chaperone, I shall let them fuck like bunnies, I shall cockblock at certain times so they’re desperate for each other, and then let them go on sprees for days. This is how I win the Snowball War.”
Rhys, seeing all this in his mind::
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