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The phone is ringing. Won't you answer the call, little bird?
-This blog and the mun are 18+
-OC and crossover friendly
-Penned by Shy
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Commissions Open Once More
Flatcolor Bust - $20 USD Waist/Thigh - $30 USD Fullbody - $40 USD
Shaded Bust - $45 USD Waist/Thigh - $50 USD Fullbody - $60 USD
References (Flatcolor) Front & Back - $75 Front, Back, & Side - $100
Comics (Per Page Pricing) Lined - $50 Screentone - $75 Flatcolor - $90 Shaded - $100
Willing to draw: Humans, Humanoids, Furries, Ferals/Pets
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Those are my examples, please share!! Take P@yP@l currently (Or contact @sunshinecackle for other options!)
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theoriginalfizzarolli · 2 months
My muse is strapped to a chair and your muse can press any button of their choice. They can press it however many times they want, but with ever push, my muse grows hornier.
Red- My muse becomes a dog or cat hybrid (mun’s) choice.
Magenta - My muse becomes an animal hybrid (not cat or dog, also muns choice)
Blue- My muse’s stomach swells with water.
Yellow- My muse’s hips, thighs, and butt gets bigger.
White- My muse’s breasts fill with milk.
Violet - My muse grows breasts/breasts grow in size.
Purple- My muse’s dick grows.
Orange- My muse’s dick shrinks.
Green- My muse’s muscles grow.
Black- My muse’s muscles shrink.
Silver- For every button push, my muse is fed food that will fatten them.
Gold- My muse’s stomach will be filled with cum.
Bronze- For every button push, my muse will become pregnant.
Platinum - For every button push, my muse will become pregnant with an egg.
Teal- Anything of your choice happens. Please be as detailed as possible so the mun knows what to do. (Like making them into a cum slut bimbo?)
Pink: For every button push, my muse’s nipples become highly sensitive and turned hard.
((Mix and match these as well if you’d like!))
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theoriginalfizzarolli · 2 months
Shipping Call - Send me one if you want to plot one or more of these
💚 - friendship 💙 - kinship ( blood or symbolic familial bond ) 💔 - past relationship 💜 - hateship ( they hate each other but can’t stay away ) 💛 - hateship ( enemies ) 💟 - friends with benefits ❤ - romantic relationship
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theoriginalfizzarolli · 2 months
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"Heh, I figured as much. Still, it'll be nice to have you giving me a helping hand," Fizz answered, though he soon trailed off for a moment. A sigh shortly followed, and in a lower voice he admitted, "I just hope I don't freak out again like I did the first time..." He wrapped his arms around himself. "I don't want my own fears to get in the way of my learning, you know?" He'd gotten better with it, granted, but he still had his moments.
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"No, but for what it's worth I am sorry about the chair," the sinsworn answered with a slightly sheepish smile. "Don't suppose you have any tricks up your sleeve to make our stuff fireproof? I don't want to burn anything important down while I'm still trying to get the hang of this... And hey, maybe you could even teach me how to control it?"
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theoriginalfizzarolli · 2 months
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"No, but for what it's worth I am sorry about the chair," the sinsworn answered with a slightly sheepish smile. "Don't suppose you have any tricks up your sleeve to make our stuff fireproof? I don't want to burn anything important down while I'm still trying to get the hang of this... And hey, maybe you could even teach me how to control it?"
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"Wellllll..." Fizz gave Ozzie the most innocent look he could muster, but there was no hiding the smoke that curled out of his mouth and dissipated into hearts.
"I can apparently breathe fire now?"
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theoriginalfizzarolli · 2 months
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"Wellllll..." Fizz gave Ozzie the most innocent look he could muster, but there was no hiding the smoke that curled out of his mouth and dissipated into hearts.
"I can apparently breathe fire now?"
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"Shit, shit, shit... How am I gonna explain to Oz that I accidentally set one of the kitchen chairs on fire?"
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theoriginalfizzarolli · 2 months
Send “Collared!” to see my muses reaction to yours putting a collar on them!
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theoriginalfizzarolli · 2 months
Reblog if you will NOT roleplay with those under 18.
NOTE TO MINORS: Many of those who reblog this and similar posts are adults who write mature content, which may include sexual content, and as such it is for their legal protection as much as yours that their blogs are age restricted.
[Plain text available under the cut.]
Reblog if you will NOT roleplay with those under 18.
NOTE TO MINORS: Many of those who reblog this and similar posts are adults who write mature content, which may include sexual content, and as such it is for their legal protection as much as yours that their blogs are age restricted.
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theoriginalfizzarolli · 2 months
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Did someone say shipping?
*drops @theoriginalfizzarolli, @onehelluvacircus, @tearfulribbons, @waspseekinghoney, @nohonestwaysout, and @bittergiggling*
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theoriginalfizzarolli · 2 months
This has been on my mind for long but I’m gonna do this - please reblog this if you’re comfortable with pre-establishing relationships. I do not mean “met at the grocery store two weeks ago” or “have a common friend”, but rather stuff like “have been best friends since kindergrden”, “go for a beer every friday”, “friends with benefits”, “dated in highschool”, “hate each other’s guts because -insert reason-”  etc. Something meaningful (but not necessarily shippy) and I mean with muns/characters you have not interacted with, because I cannot believe I am the only one who prefers jumping right into the heart of the human interaction.
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theoriginalfizzarolli · 2 months
Kisses Sentence Starters
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
"Where are my kisses?"
"Don't kiss me there! I'm ticklish!"
"Did you just... Kiss me?"
"Can I kiss you?"
"Hand kisses are so romantic, don't you think?"
"I could kiss you forever."
"Don't forget the goodnight kiss."
"Did you do all of that just to kiss me?"
"You hung up all this mistletoe to kiss me?"
"Yeah, I know, I know, kisses."
"Gonna leave without your kisses?"
"You've earned your prize! And I've decided that it's a kiss from yours truly~"
"Kiss me."
"If you don't shut up I'm going to kiss you."
"I've wanted to kiss you for a long time."
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theoriginalfizzarolli · 2 months
Send a ❦ if you’d consider shipping our muses.
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theoriginalfizzarolli · 3 months
What Character Archetype Are You?
The Jester
The kind of jokes that leave your sides aching. Your humour and sense of what will make others happy is intense. You know how to lighten the mood and you can keep a relatively cool head in stressful situations. But you spend too much time worrying about other people. Learn to drop the facade, once in a while.
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"All I'm hearing is that you think I'm funny."
(Tagged by @e-m-p-error!)
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theoriginalfizzarolli · 3 months
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So Go And Pitch Your
Gives A Shit
If You Just Get
|| Rules || Mun || Muses ||
|| Multimuse Blog HEAVILY Featuring Valentino || Features 55 Canons & OCs || OC, Duplicate, Crossover, and AU Friendly || Dead Dove Warning || VERY Slow Activity ||
Template From Here
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theoriginalfizzarolli · 3 months
Treat my muse
Send a symbol to give my muse a…
🍎- An Apple
🍉- A watermelon slice
🍇- Some grapes
🍓- Some berries (specify what kind)
🍊- Orange slices
🧀- a cheesecake
🍥- A cinnamon roll
🍰- A pie
🎂- a cake
🍦- some ice cream (specify what kind)
🍪- a cookie (specify what kind)
🍮- Some pudding
🍬- some candy
🍩- a doughnut/strudel
🍫- a candy bar
Or send 🍙+a food item!
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theoriginalfizzarolli · 3 months
Muse drink!
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Tagged by: @e-m-p-error
Tagging: @e-m-p-error's Ozzie and Andrealphus. Anyone else can steal it~!
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