theoiprayers · 5 months
Do you have any links/posts for general daily prayers? Or are most of them specific to a god?
Most are specific to certain god/s as that is typically what the community like to write, but any general prayers or prayers to all the gods can be found under the tag #theoi
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theoiprayers · 5 months
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(1 January 2024)
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theoiprayers · 5 months
as i travel the skies i think of Your glory ,
of Your splendor and grandeur ,
these heavens are Yours to control ,
subject to Your will .
You are their beauty ,
You are the grace with which clouds move ,
You are the rumbling of thunder , the strike of lightning and i cannot help but be in awe or Your power , my Lord .
Zeus , i look to the skies and think of You .
i look into the expansive blue and feel Your love , King of the Gods .
Hail Zeus !
may Your beauty continue evermore .
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theoiprayers · 5 months
Zeus, lord of the heavens and storms You who make the clouds dance to the rhythm Light as Hera's hands weaving the firmament Come propitious and with an affable mind,
Bring the magnanimous order with which you delight And the illumination you brought to the cosmos as in The dawn of the day where you enthroned yourself with your siblings Upon Olympus where the light dawns first, O King
Over my house your harmony prevails and In my spirit, your presence echoes with celestial patience. Come, omnipotent God of Gods! And be propitious to those who honor you, with offering, prayer and song!
Zeus, senhor dos céus e tempestades Tu que fazes as nuvens dançarem no ritmo Leve como as mãos de Hera tecendo o firmamento Vem propício e com mente afável sua Trazei a magnânima ordem com que te aprazes E a iluminação que trouxeste ao cosmos como na Aurora do dia onde te entronizaste com teus irmãos Sobre o Olimpo onde a luz desponta primeiro, ó Rei Sobre minha casa tua harmonia prevaleça e No meu ânimo, tua presença ecoe com paciência celeste. Vem, onipotente Deus dos Deuses! E sê propício a quem te honra, com melodia, oferta e prece!
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theoiprayers · 5 months
Poseidon in all your glittering beauty ,
i thank You for Your oceans ,
the grace of the waves as they lap over our skin ,
Your kisses through the salty air ,
Your deep blue gaze , calming ,
the unknown of Your grandiosity makes my knees quake but i know You are there .
as i look into You my heart stills ,
Your shades of blue hypnotizing .
Your domain a gathering ground ,
for us to feast and celebrate Your beauty .
to take a dive into Your cold waters ,
let the chill overtake us and forget all our troubles if only for a short time .
hail Poseidon !
God of the calm oceans .
God of the harsh oceans .
Caring and uncaring .
hail to You , my Lord !
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theoiprayers · 5 months
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to dimetor — originally penned 20 july 2023 for a (currently defunct) personal prayer book
please do not repost <3
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theoiprayers · 5 months
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(28 December 2023)
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theoiprayers · 5 months
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(6 August 2023)
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theoiprayers · 5 months
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theoiprayers · 5 months
Prayer to Hermes for Safe Travels
Hear me, you of the golden wand,
Son of rich-tressed Maia and mighty Zeus,
luck-bringing guide of mortals,
If ever I have burned pleasing incense or poured sweet wine for you,
Grant me this favor, Hermes DĂ´tor EaĂ´n,
Watch me as I travel and ensure that I reach my destination safely, and without trouble.
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theoiprayers · 8 months
Before I go to sleep, I offer this prayer, mostly for my own peace of mind:
To the loving gods of Olympos and beyond, the gods of the depths of the Underworld,
May Dionysos Androgynos stand by the side of all transgender and gender non-conforming individuals in the face of adversity.
May Ares Enyalios raise his arms in support of those who are impacted the most by the needless war that has been raged against us.
May Aphrodite Symmakhia remind those who struggle how beautiful, handsome, and gorgeous they look within their own skin and how worthy they are of love from others and love from themselves.
May Hermes Kharidotes grace the hearts of those suffering with boundless joy, adventure, and laughter, and may every new day bring something new to look forward to.
May Apollon Paean help to mend the internal (and even external) wounds of those who have endured countless emotional attacks and survived an endless mental warfare.
May Artemis Hemerasia soothe the troubles and worries of all those who doubt their own legitimacy and place in the world, and remind them that they do belong and that they are enough as they are.
May Athena Alalkomeneis watch over all who require her divine protection and keep them safe from all forms of harm, evil, and malintent.
May the Good Gods watch over us all - those who do not fit into society's standard of gender - and bring us peace, safety, and, above all, self-love. We deserve to feel happy, loved, and safe. Take care, everyone. 🧡
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theoiprayers · 9 months
As these libations are poured out, they cannot be taken back. So we pray our prayers to you, great ones of Olympus.
A Libation Prayer
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theoiprayers · 9 months
may loud-trumpeting pheme and iris of the golden sandals sing praise to the king of the gods and his quicksilver son. gracious-minded zeus who orders the cosmos, you alone know the path we mortals tread as we walk across the tightrope thread of the fates. your counsel is sought by both gods and men, and your myriad gifts are delighted by many. honey-tongued hermes, bringer of luck and gladdener of hearts, nothing is as vast as your love and care for mankind. as you tirelessly course the stars and tread the sky, joy glittering in your eyes and wealth flourishing in your wake, you free us of our binds and drive us to victory. father and son, together you bestow endless abundance, you offer wise counsel, and you open many doors. forget not your love of humanity, and forget not your care for those who raise their hands to you in humble propitiation.
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theoiprayers · 10 months
Praying to Asklepios that your doctors, nurses, specialists, etc. listen to you and take your concerns seriously, and that you’re able to get the help you need, and whatever answers you’re looking for.
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theoiprayers · 11 months
I saw someone asking about this and was wondering if you knew what happened to that one prayer account divinehellenicprayers? If you're uncomfortable with this ask please do not feel pressured to answer, I just thought you might know and I was curious after seeing someone else ask about it.
No I’m afraid I wasn’t aware of that prayer collection. I’m sorry it is now lost to you.
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theoiprayers · 1 year
Praise to the Hieros Gamos
Love, an untamed force A God who wields bow and arrow A connection, form'd between thunder and rain The skies ever-connected, by those who reing it Hera, mother of all, united With Zeus, father over Gods and mortals In love unending, victims of the arrow Together, with strong hands forming all that is hallow
Amor, uma indomável força Um Deus que empunha arco e flechas Uma conexão, formada entre chuva e trovões Os céus sempre-unidos, por aqueles que o encimam Hera, mãe de todos, junto À Zeus, pai sobre Deuses e mortais Em amor sem-fim, vítimas da flechada Lado a lado, com mãos fortes criando todo o sagrado
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theoiprayers · 1 year
Aphrodite of war, Areia Divine
nothing stands between you and your desires
what hubris sows, you will reap—swift and unmerciful
your Divine Nemesis of retribution
preeminent power of unbridled vengeance, star-struck Nike seated beside you
a mighty power few Gods and fewer mortals can resist
for you are the first to challenge mighty Ares
and bring Him to His knees
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