thekingreturn · 2 years
Sheet Speak 💕💋⚡️
How Jujutsu Kaisen men dirty talk you (just assume from this point on this blog will be updated when inspiration strikes)
Satoru Gojo
He can get absolutely filthy, but really, its not so much about what he'll say about you as much as what he can get you to say about yourself
Gojo has a decided praise kink, but especially praise that involved degrading yourself in some ways. Whining about how unworthy you are of him, praising his unworldly beauty. He'll pick and pick at any embarrassment he sees coming off you to get you to state it as explicitly as possible
Absolutely unfair about making you beg for it. He taunts you with how needy you're getting while knowing full well he's kept you on the edge for nearly an hour.
Kento Nanami
Kento's the type who says what he means and means what he says. Not much is different in the heat of the moment. If you're looking for flowery language or hardcore degradation you may find yourself pretty disappointed
The hottest thing he does is lecture you. Something about the patient reprimands in your ears while he rails you into the bed just drives you mad.
He's surprisingly easy to fluster with dirty talk but going too hard will just make him scold you for not taking this seriously
He's the sliiiightest bit more prone to petnames in this state and is pretty giving when it comes to praising how you're doing
Suguru Geto
Gojo's opposite, Geto loves to pour on the most embarrassing praise, watch you struggle to accept it, and then reprimand you for getting distracted.
He talks to you in roughly the same tone one talks to a newborn kitten, he's shockingly gentle with you. That said he does like to slip in the occasion question to encourage you to get more vocal while also throwing you off your balance. "Please what, pretty thing?"
He's not particularly prone to being harsh with you, preferring for you to be starry eyed with worship than teary with humiliation
Sukuna doesn't talk to his casual hookups. Well. He might insult them but that usually means they're about to wind up dead. As a result if you're getting dirty talked at all its likely he possesses at least some interest in you, or maybe even scraps of affection
Very much leans into the godhood thing, demanding constant praise and worship before he'll even deign to look at you.
The kind to taunt you with what you thought you wanted in a way you didn't want at all. "You've been so well behaved, I think you deserve another reward! Too sensitive? That's too bad, but unless you think to spit on my benevolence I know you'll accept it gratefully."
He'd prefer it if you didn't talk at all unless he's specifically prompting you. Use body language to beg for him.
Descirbes what you're going through in humiliating detail, like he's reporting on it. "Oh, is that the spot that makes you cry? You make these noises like a bitch in heat! Well don't be embarrassed! I think its cute."
Absolutely mocks you for anything he can find that turns you on, especially if its related to his powers. What a stupid human you are to not be scared of him!
He likes being talked back to, whether you coo over him or you retort to his taunts. The back and forth is exciting for him and interesting way to turn the tables
Not prone to pet names, but he does like being called any variety of them by you.
Toji Fushiguro
Not to break any hearts but I think Toji's pillow talk isn't much to write home about. He's not particularly chatty in the sack and when he does talk it's usually along the "oh fuck....you like that? yeah you do..." variety
He does use petnames if he notices they're having an impact on you, its pretty cute watching you turn into a mess with a simple babydoll or sweet thing purred in your ear.
Sometimes he will get in a mood though. Especially if circumstances conspire to get you screwing in a place thats a little more prone to exposure. He'll tease you so gently about staying quiet while forcing every sound he can get out of you. Has an exhibition kink a mile wide and is really into the idea of someone walking in on you
Mostly his dirty talk tends to just manifest as an appreciation for your own filthiness. He spends so much of his life scrambling to make ends meet, looking over his shoulder, never catching a good break. Nice to be able to unwind with a sweet little thing who doesn't mind getting crass to please him.
Choso's a babbler
You're his first partner, and its clear he gets very easily embarrassed by how lost he can get in the heat of the moment. He just can't stop himself though, so overwhelmed with the sensation and emotions he's experiencing that he can't stop a flood of words praising you from slipping out of his mouth
And praise you he does, rapturous over every part of you and stammering about how soft you are, how pretty, how filthy, how good.
He can actually say things that are pretty vile but in the most worshipful tone that you realize he means them as praise. Choso calls you a slut like a term of endearment, worships your "desperate hole" like an idol. He gets off on the perverseness of what you're doing but only because if it was wrong, it wouldn't feel so right
He needs pretty consistent affirmation, some part of him still being a little worried that you'll change your mind, and loves being praised even if it flusters him
Naoya Zenin
If the degradation comes as a surprise to you you are seeing the wrong guy
Naoya gets absolutely FOUL in the buildup, calling you every name that gets a reaction and musing about how depraved you actually are that you would accept a place under his boot so willingly
Despite that, once you get into the act itself its clear he's actually struggling a little bit to hold the plot together. He's nowhere near as experienced as he lets on and the sensation can overwhelm him enough that he forgets to posture
Desperately craves praise while being too proud to ask for it. He does demand that you get vocal though, the rare time Naoya actually wants you to talk. It covers for his own stammering and lack of focus
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thekingreturn · 3 years
JJK Men and PDA Part 2
Getting the ones I missed with the first version of this post. 
Characters: Toji, Choso, Naoya
Toji Fushiguro
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In an unexpected twist Toji actually has a lot in common with Nanami insofar as PDA goes. “On” Toji (as in Toji trying to land himself a place to crash for the next few months) is another matter entirely. It’s not for nothing that he’s made a lifestyle mooching off richer women, he knows how to turn up the heat and when to play it cool, and being just roguish enough to keep their interest without getting pushed aside as a creep.
It’s different when it’s someone he actually gives a damn about. Toji’s never been particularly affectionate (at least not in an unprompted way) and will likely only be confused by more subtle attempts to get a little attention. That said, pretty minimal shame too. If you wanna crawl in his lap, hold his hand, play with his hair, so be it. Take what you need. He might be a bit of a lazy participant but this shouldn’t be mistaken as disinterest. He just doesn’t really know what kind of ruleset he’s working with. The exception is when he’s riding some high, a job that went well or a good day of gambling. It’s not long lasting but when those moments come he keeps you very close.
Most of what this comes down to is I don’t really see Toji as a big physical touch guy. As a love language (and I’m talking about actual love here), he prefers acts of service. Toji’s public displays of affection come in the form of holding doors. Always keeping track of your presence in a room. Actually paying his own way even when he really can’t afford to. Making a mental note of the kind of places you like and trying to bring you around them more often. All things that barely even indicate to the outside viewer that you ARE a couple, but….if you know Toji well, they’re enough to fluster you anyways.
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Another one who’s not necessarily big on physical affection, public or not. Choso’s the kind of guy who will tell you, in a crowded restaurant, and with an absolutely straight face, that you’re simply the most beautiful person he’s ever encountered, and yet you kissing his cheek in public is what gets him to blush. The arena matters less than just the fact that you’re touching him at all. Cut the guy some slack, he’s spent a long time as a fetus in a jar and he’s only barely getting used to being embodied. Much less that body being wanted.
Physical affection with Choso is very chaste initially, like he’s testing his limits. Simple things, linking your pinkies together when you’re out in public, putting his hands on your shoulders to move out of the way. Eventually it shifts to a little more intimate: hands on your hips while you walk around, letting you lean on him while you wait, playing with your hair occasionally. He also really, really likes hand holding. Its practical and it keeps you close.
So goes the general public. Around his friends or his brothers he’s a lot more open, by which I mean he likes you kept as close as possible. Nothing too intense, just his arms wrapped around you from behind or vice versa. He likes the reassurance of knowing the people he loves are close enough to touch. He knows the pain of separation better than most; he’s not keen to experience it again
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Well we all know the man’s stated position on women and where they should walk-
Naoya’s hard to keep gender neutral on. Not because I think he has to be straight just because the dynamics are so wildly different depending on the gender identity of the partner. Remind me to start writing what he’d look like with a male s/o at some point.
Anyways. Assuming for the premise of this that you’ve done the immense heavy lifting of actually finding a place for yourself in Naoya’s heart. He’s still very “we will keep our hands off of each other in public”, especially when he’s appearing as a Zen’in clan representative. Naoya’s a guy who places an immense amount of emphasis on strength, and his definition of strength is closely related to conformity to and mastery of social presence. Appearing like a lovesick puppy OR a horny teenager in public are equally distasteful to him. His partner is there primarily as a status object, to be beheld and envied, but they shouldn’t need physical touch to understand their allegiance to him.
There’s a switch that flips once he’s around people that he doesn’t respect, simply because when Naoya feels his time is being wasted he needs to make that clear to all and sundry. You always know when he hits that point before everyone else because he looks at you and jerks his head to indicate you should come closer. Hope you’re not the type to get embarrassed because the more they keep talking the bolder he’s gonna get. Emphasizing more and more that they’re beneath his notice, its probably the most doting he’s ever been with you.
As for affection coming from you, in public it will be smacked away unless it’s happening in the above circumstance. In private he likes being spoiled, but publicly he’s not letting it get out he can’t control his partner and appear professional. 
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thekingreturn · 3 years
adding on to this: Geto and Kenjaku will be separated as characters for requests
Having caught up feverishly on the manga, I will now also be writing for Toji, Choso, and (sigh) Naoya
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thekingreturn · 3 years
Having caught up feverishly on the manga, I will now also be writing for Toji, Choso, and (sigh) Naoya
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thekingreturn · 3 years
Jujutsu Kaisen Men and PDA
Characters: Gojo, Nanami, Geto, Sukuna, Mahito
Satorou Gojo
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I actually think of Gojo as the type of person who would hide his relationship if it were at all an option. This is a guy who’s preparing at pretty much every minute to just slowly overturn the jujutsu world and who’s constantly ready to clash with higher ups who he knows aren’t above setting people up to die as punishment. With his technique, he’s never at risk, and (most) of his students at least have the protection of the interest they attract and the families that they come from. You on the other hand are a glowing red target if he makes it public. He’s going to avoid it if at all possible.
Now, does this mean you’re completely absent of PDA? Not exactly. Gojo’s a touchy guy who gets a kick out of invading people’s space. His higher ups just don’t have to know that you’re a little more signed on for it than most people. More than that it appeals to the thrillseeker in him to see how much he can get away with in plain view without giving the game away. Its a little dependent on your skill as an improv partner, but as long as you can keep up the energy of being huffy and annoyed with him he’ll happily ramp up the physical affection.
The negative of this is that he’s directing a lot of that same energy towards other people, more so than usual even if you’re in the room to keep them off the scent. Despite appearances, I think Gojo’s generally a pretty loyal partner and you don’t really have to worry about him meaning it. Do yourself a favor though. If you’re the jealous type, for the love of God do not let him find that out. He’s going to escalate anything that gets a reaction out of you and then take his punishment with a grin afterwards.
Kento Nanami
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Nanami may come across as a buttoned up no nonsense type, and in some very real sense that’s true. He’s not particularly gushy or prone to unrestrained affection. It took your colleagues weeks to even realize you were dating because he basically continues to talk to you the same way as always.
Despite that I honestly don’t think he has a lot of shame about his relationship. Life is hard enough without trying to push off your partner’s attempts at affection. Don’t mistake the lack of initiation for a sense of comportment, more often than not it’s simply because he’s not thinking about it. Grab his hand, kiss his cheek, indicate to him that you’d like the same back, and he’ll happily take that into account whether people are watching or not. If it bothers them, then they can be the ones to look away.
Not to say he doesn’t at least have some sense of propriety. He’s not about to get hot and heavy in front of God and everyone. In general, on the clock, clothes stay on and hands stay on body parts considered generally appropriate to be touched. Climbing in his lap is likely to earn you a beleaguered sigh even if he won’t push you off. Ultimately, though, as long as its not too distracting, he’ll let you take the lead on how much you’re comfortable with, and if you want more out of him all you’ll have to do is ask. Just prepare for a lot of wretching noises from Gojo.
Suguru Geto
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Geto’s another one without a lot of shame. Quite the opposite, in all honesty. Unlike Gojo’s unwillingness to admit to a weakness, Geto gets a perverse amount of pleasure letting little tidbits about your importance leak out to the general population. It’s almost a direct challenge to the jujutsu establishment. Just try taking advantage of it, see how it goes for you.
That said, there’s still some constraints. Geto’s a religious figure to a lot of people, it wouldn’t really do for him to appear too prone to sins of the flesh. In general, while his followers are as aware of your relationship with his enemies, the two of you generally have to project an outward image of purity and detachment from worldly affairs. 
Still, Geto has little respect for most of the people who worship him, and really sees no reason they should hold him back from his own fun. As a result, like Gojo he’ll try to push it, but in ways that are simultaneously subtler and more intense. Little brushes intentionally timed to leave you a wreck, pulling you into corners for a bruising kiss just under the collar of your clothes, sliding his hand up your legs under the table while smiling like a saint at the curses you’re speaking with...He’s seemingly never more obsessed with touching you than when he really really shouldn’t. He’ll stop if you really really want him to, but not without some gentle cajoling. After all, you don’t need to concern yourself with what these wastes of air want. He can manage it all...
Ryomen Sukuna
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PDA is. Complicated. For the two of you. Any time you’re in a space that could be halfway called public, he’s possessing the body of a teenager who you aren’t dating. It’s weird and awkward for you and an embarrassment for him because he can’t bear the idea that the brat gets to be even slightly aware of it, or that Yuji could in fact just shove him out whenever he wanted. In general you both tend to be hands off unless absolutely necessary and he finds his own way of working out his frustrations on you the next time you’re in his Innate Domain. 
Still, Sukuna’s possessive before he’s anything else. He’s not so much worried about you leaving him. The idea that you could do better elsewhere doesn’t often (ever in a million years) occur to him. But he doesn’t like people looking at you. If they’re going to do it they should at least be aware of who they’re messing with, since the brat won’t let him kill them for the impudence.
So maybe, once or twice....he scratches you. Not that deep, just enough to leave a mark. Maybe the mark will scar! Would that be so terrible. And if it heals, well, he can just make it again. It’s efficient.
Chances are good that if you’re dating Sukuna you’re at least a little fucked up about your relationship with pain, so it’s entirely possible you’re into the idea of being permanently marked by what loves you. To each their own. In the event that you’d rather not be repeatedly sliced open on his claws, though, I’d suggest trying to talk him into alternatives, a ring or a collar or an  earring maybe. Maybe a tattoo, he’d be into that.
Bonus: if this is contemporary to him having his own body and you’ve somehow managed to become one of the humans he keeps around for sport, he’s got a very temperamental relationship with physical affection. Basically just resign yourself to being pulled into his lap and being shoved off at a moment’s notice, he’s like a big dangerous cat. Like a cat, though, he likes the top of his head pet, and if you hang off his arm or nuzzle against his leg on his throne he will preen just a little at the idea of his human being so devoted they just can’t keep their hands off him.
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Speaking of no shame. Mahito’s hard to nail down in terms of what exactly you are. But he likes to play your boyfriend in public. He likes to hold your hand, pull you close by the waist, lean on your shoulder, even pick you up on occasion. It’s a way to learn as much as anything else. He learns by studying your own reactions, and the reactions of people around you. Mind, Mahito doesn’t much care for human social conventions. It’s more a sort of scientific curiosity about the kinds of things that are considered boundary pushing, as well as the physical and emotional  reaction it can evoke.
Among other curses, he’s not particularly hands off. He’s fond of you, wants to show off that you let him in your personal space without fear. The other curses would pity you if they knew how, you’re definitely destined to come to some kind of nasty end if you don’t make him keep his hands as far away as possible. Maybe part of you knows this, but there’s something so sweet about the way he wheedles you to sit in his lap or let him sit in yours, the butterfly kisses to your cheek and neck, the way he plays with your fingertips.
Assuming you’re the type who likes to give back, he’s as enthralled by the novelty as anything, and is enthusiastic in complying with whatever you want to do with him. It goes right to his ego too, the fact that you’re not just a willing recipient, but actually seek out excuses to touch him too despite knowing the danger he poses. It’s so sweet it makes him want to put off experimenting with you for another few months <3.
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thekingreturn · 3 years
Look I know manwhore Dabi is a fandom fave but if Smash is anything to go off of the man has no idea when he's being hit on and its funnier to me if that's just a Todoroki thing. They all have no idea theyre hot and will not pick up on signals unless you're unbelievably explicit
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thekingreturn · 3 years
JJK Men Catching You Taking a Photo of Them
So this is a real specific prompt but. I couldn’t get it out of my head. This is my first exercise in writing them, but I had a lot of fun with it. Eventually I’ll be able to add Toji and Naoya but I’m not quite there yet. General warning for Sukuna and Mahito in that they’re, you know, themselves.
Characters: Gojo, Nanami, Geto, Sukuna, Mahito
Satorou Gojo
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It had been your own damn fault assuming this wasn’t going to be a big thing. Its not like you were lacking for pictures of Satorou. Your boyfriend’s a vain one, and his favorite expression is overloading your dms with dozens of “just felt cute today ;b” selfies. But the lighting had been just right, afternoon sunlight streaming through the window of your shared room, his expression uncharacteristically serious as he read over Megumi’s report for the latest mission. You hadn’t wanted to make a thing of it, knowing damn well the kind of theatre it’d become if you did, so you had just carefully slipped your phone out of your pocket, casually opening and flipping it over to the camera app-
“Ooo, whatcha lookin at?” Says a voice an inch from your ear.
You bolt up, the back of your head nearly colliding with his but for his nimble dodging out of the way. Somehow in the split second you’d looked down at your phone he’d managed to materialize behind you.
“I hate when you do that.” You mutter, trying to tuck your phone out of sight.
“Awww, c’mon, what’re you trying to hide?” He leans over you, grabbing insistently no matter where you tried to move the phone. “If you wanted a picture so badly you could’ve just asked, you know I’m always happy to model for you-”
“Your big head takes up too much storage anyways.” You say, badly suppressing a laugh as you do your best to keep up the game of keep away. To no purpose, before you can blink he’s got you pulled in tight, back to his chest as he wrestles the phone free of your grasping fingers. He leans down to tuck his chin against your shoulder, grinning from ear to ear as he squishes your cheeks with his free hand and opens the app again.
“What are you even using the extra space for. Now smile pretty for the camera.”
Kento Nanami
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You don’t look up when someone slides into the seat opposite you, heaving a beleaguered sigh. You caught the faint cologne as he approached. Instead, you keep your efforts focused on your task, arranging the little pastries on your plate into something a little more aesthetically pleasing.
“Sorry I’m late.” Kento says, sliding his briefcase carefully under the table and reaching up to loosen his tie. “Traffic.”
“I’m just glad they didn’t keep you overtime.” You say, twisting the plate just a little and tilting your head to consider the lighting as you fish your phone out of your pocket. “You order already?”
“I will in a minute...what are you doing?”
“My friend wanted a picture. Thought I might as well put a little extra effort into it.” You take the picture, examining this before making a few minute adjustments.
He snorts, but there’s no real mockery behind it. That’s Kento’s affectionate snort, and you’re trying not to dwell on what it means that you can tell them apart. Out of the corner of your eye you see him take out his own phone, grimacing and typing something into it.
Your gaze slowly tracks upwards to take a better look at him. He looks tired, he always does, but...something relaxed and open. In the way his usually impeccable hair hangs a little freer around his face. His glasses are slipping down his nose and he hasn’t bothered to push them back up. Whatever’s on his phone, it seems to amuse him. The slightest smile creeps up on the corners of his mouth and he leans back in his chair, humming softly
One of those moments so rare with him that you just can’t help yourself. Nanami’s not really a big photo guy, but just one wouldn’t hurt, surely. Before he can finish whatever he’s doing you lean back, theoretically to get a different angle but managing to catch him in the frame. Now, to take a few more from other angles to make your cover airtight-
“I hope you’re not planning on sending that one to your friend, I look like a mess.” His voice startles you and you lower your phone quick like that’ll hide it. He raises an eyebrow as he pushes his glasses back up.
“Uh….no. That one’s for me.” You say, your face hot with embarrassment. There’s a long silence that seems to stretch on forever as he looks at you, and you almost offer to delete it.
“...Hm.” He nods, getting to his feet. “I think I’m in the mood for a latte
Suguru Geto
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“You know, this isn’t a holiday.”
Despite his words, you can hear the smile creeping over his face before you even turn to see it., the thin line of his mouth quirking upwards as you take his hand, dragging him over the stall that has the yakisoba you’ve been smelling since you turned the corner on this street.
“Right, that’s why we’re at a street festival. Because this is serious business.” You find your head jerking in every direction to take it all in. It’s not like it’s your first festival, but maybe your first in a city this large. There’s so much to look at and hear and smell that it feels like sensory overload. 
“I told you, we’re here for work. There’s rumors about a powerful cursed object in the area, and if it turns out it’s one of Sukuna’s its important we get there before-”
“Well then, we better investigate.” You manage to pull you both to the front of the line, ducking your head a bit and waving to get the stall owner’s attention. “Which means we’ll need to thoroughly check the area. And don’t roll your eyes, it’s unbecoming of a leader.”
Despite his gentle scolding you know he’s enjoying himself. Sugaru’s never really been one to resent a detour. You think that might be part of why he’s able to work with curses, which among other things are prone to getting sidetracked. There’s something about watching him move through these spaces, interact with the merchants and smile sweetly when he bumps into someone. You’ve never particularly longed for normalcy, as one might expect from someone who insists on involving themselves with one of the most powerful jujutsu sorcerors in the world. But there’s something sort of thrilling about the game right now. The game where you’re just a normal couple, on a normal weekend, and all the while toying with forces beyond anyone here…
You can’t help but capture the moment, the amusement on his face as he leans over to examine some curios that purport to be good luck, to ward off spirits, when you can both see the curse perched on the owner’s head. You content yourself with thinking that he won’t notice until you both slip away from the stall and he slips an arm around you from behind, leaning over with that same distant smile. 
“Endearing as it is that you want to preserve our precious moments together, swear to me you won’t post that anywhere. Having Gojo find out what we’ve been up to from an Instagram post is too low even for me”
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It shouldn’t have to be so goddamn hard.
Little about being this involved with Sukuna was easy. Having to invade the inner world of a teenager just to get to see someone that was increasingly becoming something of a fixture for you was its own level of...well, weird didn’t even begin to cover it. Almost as weird as the idea that you were pretty sure the King of Curses was developing a soft spot for you, or even more, that you were developing one for him.
Whether or not reason came into it though, you were one of the few he’d let speak to him without an actual murder attempt, and his curiosity about you and your abilities could sometimes work as effective bait when negotiation was necessary. Meaning you ended up dragged onto most of the missions the vessel went on. “in the event of catastrophic failure”. So, in addition to being a complete pain in the ass personality wise and a demanding prick in action, the bastard you’d had the audacity to develop a sense of kinship with kept you pretty continually on the knife’s edge of life and death with the number of situations you wound up dragged into.
And what was worse, with a mission this intensive you hadn’t been able to get in to talk to him. What was worse is you missed him, missed speaking to him, missed the heady rush of sharing a space and feeling the thrum of his magic challenging yours. It was dangerous and annoying and frequently hurtful but...at least it wasn’t boring. At least it was something that made you feel like you had a reason to be here.
So when the special grade showed up and Itadori reluctantly surrendered control, maybe you went a little crazy.
Physical manifestations like this were rare, Yuji did a good job of keeping a tight hold on him (and you could hardly blame the poor kid). Still, it was hard to argue with results. Sukuna made quick work of the special grade, a larva-looking thing who sprayed a hot mist of foul smelling yellow guck out of its body when it went, completely soaking the both of you and making him even more furious than he was at the audacity of being summoned at all.
“It won’t come out.” He snarls, cupping a hand over his nose as he scrapes at his pants, claws tearing holes in the fabric. You huff, mopping the worst of it off your face and digging your phone out to see if it still works.
“What do you care, you’re not even going to be here in a few minutes.” None the worse for wear, seemed it had missed the worst of it in your pockets. On a impulse you take a few photos of the surrounding, including the strange markings on the wall. Some kind of signature, maybe...You’d have to ask some of the other faculty to take a look at them. 
Anything to distract from the fact that you’d just watch him tear a monster in half and your heartbeat had jumped to the sound of his voice anyways.
“I get the impressions of whatever’s happening with the vessel even sealed off, my entire domain will be infected.” He growls again, tearing at his clothes more insistently. 
“Ah-ah, knock it off.” You say, snapping your fingers in a way that you’re pretty sure would’ve gotten your neck broken a few months ago. “Leave the poor kid something to walk to the car in at least.”
He scoffs, but does finally leave off of it, stooping to examine the remains. 
You find your gaze creeping back to him.
Fuck, you really did miss him, miss the freaky eyes and the tattoos and the look on his face like nothing could ever surprise him. Maybe Gojo’s right and you’re a little bit of a glutton for punishment. 
It just...makes it that much better to know that you have seen him surprised, seen him bothered, seen him thrown off guard...and even a little impressed, you like to think. You’ve seen bits of Sukuna that no one’s lived to see in centuries.
Is it so wrong to want a little fragment of evidence for that?
“Pathetic.” His voice cuts across your contemplation, as he picks up a piece of the curse that remains and tosses it dismissively across the floor. “A waste of my time.”
“.....Lot of precious brooding time we’re making you miss out on, your worship?” The phone’s already in your hand, already pointed and framed, it’s as simple as pressing a button-
“Hardly. I’ve been formulating something. If you’re sufficiently grateful and I’m in the mood I might tell you when you visi- what are you doing.” His head jerks back, eyes snapping wide. All four of them.
You jump, you can admit that, tucking your phone against yourself. “...Evidence cataloguing.” 
“Well I don’t have to be in it, do I.” Not a question. He stands up, walking towards you with a dangerous look on his face. You hold your ground, you know from experience it betters your odds here, chin going up.
“Right, forgot you’re the shy type.” You say, voice heavy with sarcasm.
“I’m not having my physical form committed to any type of record.” He stops in front of you, fingers gripping your jaw tight as he jerks you up to look at him properly. “Not in this form, it’s shameful while I’m trapped in this brat.”
“You look exactly the same in your domain!” You say, exasperation slipping into your voice. Which is stupid when he’s this irritable, but still, you’re finding he’s hitting closer to a nerve than he’s been in in months. “I don’t understand what the point is of-”
“Delete it, now.”
“Fine!” You blurt out, shoving his hand down. “Fine. I’m going to the car. Get your head on straight, blah blah, Yuji if you’re not out here in five minutes deadly force will….whatever.” You want to shove past him, but...well, you’re not that reckless. You sidestep him, brushing past him towards the exit. 
Fuck him for having the nerve to look surprised.
“...You’re acting odd. Stop it.” He calls after you.
“I said I’ll delete it! God forbid anyone want to look at you once in a while…” You cringe at yourself, hoping he at least won’t be able to hear that part. You shoulder against the door, stepping out into the rain as you brace for a good long lecture from the kid’s handler of the week.
The mission goes off without a hitch. Yuji emerges a few minutes after you do, making exaggerated gagging sounds at the smell of him. You’re both put through rigorous showers when you get back to camp, and you spend the time after your own debriefing trying to cool off and finish up the incident reports. You’re so sleepy and still in such a foul mood that when you trip on something on your way into your room you’re about ready to call it a day and start breaking stuff. You curse, turning back to chew out whatever had the audacity to finish your day like this.
Its a scroll. A post-it note is stuck loosely on top of it. Confusion manages to swallow up your former annoyance and you bend down to pick it up, reading the note as you step inside your bedroom. He wouldn’t leave me alone until I left you this. Sorry if its something freaky! Yuji. One corner of the post-it is taken up by a doodle of Sukuna with stink lines and a frowny face.
A gift from Sukuna...well. Here’s hoping this won’t kill you immediately at least. You break open the seal and roll it open.
And start laughing.
A full portrait of the great god of curses, Sukuna, perched like a gargoyle on top of a mound of skulls.
He really was never boring.
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You hear his voice, bouncing off the cavernous stone walls of his home, before you see him.“I worry sometimes you think of me like a pet.”
“Whaaat.” You grin, turning the corner to see him with a hand propped on his hip, shaking the bag in your hands meaningfully. “Just because I bring you treats, that makes you a pet?”
“Weeeell, more like a labrat than a pet.” Mahito drops with catlike grace to sit on the edge of the ledge, gesturing next to him. “What’d you bring me this time.”
“Think of it as more like an offering.” You drop to sit next to him, pulling out a small assortment of colorful packages from the convenience store bag. “You’re hardly one to talk about pets.”
“Hm, I suppose that’s true.” He taps at your forehead, making you look up to see his smile. “Cats bring dead birds to their owners, don’t they.”
“Exactly. Or in this case, novelty snacks to a curse trying to broaden his horizons.” You lean back to rest your weight on your hands, indicating that you’ve finished unpacking. 
Despite the earlier connections there’s something so catlike about the way his eyes fix on the little things you’ve brought him, pupils blowing wide as he leans down to examine them. You wonder sometimes about asking him to make a tail so you can watch how it behaves.
Despite your earlier objections, he’s maybe not wrong that you don’t take him as seriously as sanity would dictate. It’s not that you underestimate his power. You don’t. He likes to leave little reminders about what he can do to humans just like you, what you’re sure he’d do to you if you ever managed to anger him (or worse, bore him). 
But after a couple of months of working together you just find it a little hard to maintain a lot of fear and awe for Mahito. There’s something too transparent about him, too...excitable. It’s like seeing everything with new eyes, which, you suppose it is. You can’t help but indulge his insatiable curiosity whenever you get the chance, just for the joy of watching him react and play and tease. It’s almost an altruistic joy, just pure fulfillment at the sight of his happiness.
“Bleh,” he makes a face, letting his tongue loll out as he grimaces down at the bag in his hands. “Not this one.”
“I’ll make a note of it.” You say, pulling your phone out with an exceedingly formal nod. He shakes his head in amusement, tweaking your chin and shoving the discarded snack aside as he moves to a different one. It seems to please him more, if his expression is anything to go by, and he goes back for another handful, turning the bag to examine the ingredients (you’re not sure why, it’s not like the list of chemicals mean much to him)
You do write it down (what was science without documentation, after all), but hesitate before closing your phone completely. You find yourself opening the camera app, making slow, microscopic adjustments as you try to find an angle that’ll capture the content expression on his face.
“Are you taking a picture of me?” He says, not looking up from the bag. You almost stash your phone and deny everything, but his tone is light. It seems like a genuinely friendly inquiry.
“....Yeah….” You say, carefully.
“Well, don’t let me stop you.”
You feel a faint tingle in the air, your Mahito Danger Senses are activating. Nothing actually dangerous (for now), but definitely some kind of mischief.
Ah well. Too late to prevent it, might as well get what you came for. You adjust the phone and take the picture. He waits for you to pocket it before looking up at you with that same wide, syrupy grin. “I like this one, here, try some…”
Between the two of you, you make short work of the haul, the trash shoved into the bag and tossed into the corner to be dealt with later. You sip from the water bottle you had the foresight to bring and feel a cool finger tuck under your chin, turning your face towards him and nearly spilling the water on your front. Mahito snickers, thumb tracing just around the edge of your lips as he tilts his head to the side.
“I enjoy your, uh….offerings. I’ll come with you next time.” He says.
“Uh….sure.” You say. Trying not to stammer, he’ll never let you live it down. “But, uh, no detours, we can’t afford to attract too much attention to this area.”
“Awww, don’t start being no fun now.” You feel a sudden push on your shoulders and suddenly you’re laying back on the concrete, Mahito shifting to straddle your hips and wrestle your phone out of your grip.
“Hey!!” You exclaim, trying to sit up and take it back. He only laughs, shoving you back to lay down and opening your phone. 
“Well I let you do it earlier! It’s only fair that its my turn now. Hold still!”
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thekingreturn · 3 years
League Roadtrip Headcanons
Characters: Shigaraki, Spinner, Twice, Mr Compress, Big Sis Magne, Dabi
Tomura Shigaraki
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Tomura Shigaraki makes your departure late waiting until he’s sure his devices are properly charged. Nevermind if you’ve got a remote charger, or that its only going to be a few hours, he’s not risking being screenless and stuck looking at the scenery (heaven forbid). You’ve (affectionately, probably) described his car ride habits as nesting. He swaddles his lower half in blankets, reclines the seat as far back as he can get away with, shoves a pillow behind his head, and settles in for a few hours with his headphones and whatever game he’s reserved for this thing. Just set whatever snacks you get him on his chest and he’ll graze on them at his leisure.
In general he prefers to be pretty quiet, long car rides actually aren’t great for him mentally. He doesn’t like the idea of being forced to be in close proximity to a person with no feasible exit. Not that he resents spending time with you, just that he gets grouchy and withdrawn on principle if he thinks he has no choice. Every two hours or so, though, he’ll turn off the game, straighten his seat (likely sending a shitload of crumbs into your car carpet) and just sort of. Butt his head against your shoulder until you start talking to him or at least pet his head. He’ll let himself enjoy it for a few minutes before relapsing back into his pseudo den
He can’t drive and thus you will be running this show for the entirety of it. Afterwards, though, you notice him..hovering, more than usual, just sort of urging you to lie down and bringing you food with the same sort of furtive expectance as a cat bringing you dead mice. You think this is his way of thanking you, but don’t confront him on it. Each time is a little easier with him. 
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Shuichi Iguchi (Spinner) may be one of the few members of the League who knows what he’s doing behind the wheel, but between you and him he actually doesn’t like doing it very much. He gets jumpy on the road and is prone to getting snappish with the other drivers. Still, he wants to do his part to pitch in, so tends to take the beginning and end of the drive. He also casually takes over snack detail and is the one to get out of the car and fill it with gas, as well as unload and reload the car. And navigation to boot. He’s a giver. Don’t tell anyone.
The level of conversational adeptness really depends on how long you’ve been seeing each other. Early stages comes up abruptly against his inability to small talk, you swear at some point he furtively checks his phone for icebreakers he found on the internet. Later stages bring ease with them, though, and with them Spinner’s favorite Olympic sport, complaining. The man pretends to hate gossip but if you hit the right buttons he’s more than happy to give you heavily editorialized anecdotes about the League and his various observations therein. Join in with some of your own, he’s a surprisingly good audience. The conversations will turn political at some point (and if you’re dating him, chances are good that’s somewhere you’re happy to follow) but if needed he can be convinced to leave work at work.
Spinner rarely initiates, even later on, but he’s kind of a sucker for tropey couple shit. Hold his hand while driving and he’ll get real quiet, even if it’s just for a second or two. Wrap your arms around him in the gas station while he pays, remind him that you’re proud to be seen with him. Kiss his cheek for getting your bags, make him feel valued. He’ll be following you around like a lovesick puppy.
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Jin Bubaigawara (Twice) prefers to be the one driving, even going over his limits while insisting he’s fine. He can be convinced to take a break once you start to notice he’s barely holding his eyes open, but it will in fact, take some convincing not to get him to just slam back a questionable amount of five hour energies. He finds it relaxing, one of the few times he can just sort of sink into a process. Keep an eye on his turns, occasionally he’ll take a couple he didn’t mean to, but its a good way to feel a little more in control of himself and the situation.
He’s a good guy to have around a car, capable of changing a tire or getting the engine back up and running before you finish looking up tow services. He won’t necessarily ask for a reward but depending on how late in the relationship you are he’s definitely going to be giving you hopeful glances until he gets the affection he craves so badly.
The man basically invented rubbing your partner’s thigh while driving, he likes keeping a hand on you whenever he can, likes feeling you next to him. It’s such a simple thing but something about having you in his car really does make him feel trusted. He doesn’t really get a whole lot of areas where he feels competent. When you fall asleep a little before arriving home, and he gets to carry you inside, feeling how completely you let yourself depend on him? There’s nothing else quite like it.
Mr. Compress
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Atsuhiro Sako (Mr. Compress) is...an ok driver. He thinks he’s better than he is, you can tell from the way he handles the wheel, the little flick of his hand as he hits his turn signal and the way he’ll narrate whatever he’s doing. And in practice, he is pretty good! Until other drivers with less of a showmanship factor hit the road. Which is always. All it takes is one guy pulling ahead of him too fast and he gets flustered enough to throw him off his game.
The two of you switch off driving at pretty even intervals. Even with navigation apps (which he does use, he’s not a Luddite) he still prefers to have a paper map on hand to cross reference it. He can be a little annoying with it but he more than makes up for it with the way he’ll touch your shoulder to indicate an offramp. “Why don’t we turn here, angel, its scenic.”
He’s much more about the journey than the destination, happy to divert the trip into an exploration of local curiosities if the two of you have time. He likes the anonymity of these small drive through towns where the two of you could be anyone, anything to the locals. He’ll squeeze your hand and murmur legends or history pieces if he knows any about the place (he makes about half of them up, but they’re nice stories anyways).
These things always take longer than it should, but he makes it all feel like but a moment.
Big Sis Mag
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Mag Hikishi (Magne) is another one who prefers to drive than be driven, and to be frank, you may as well let her. If stuck in the passenger seat she has a bad case of invisible brake and tends to grip the ceiling a little too pointedly. She has absolute faith in your abilities, and also if she’s going to be in a car crash she at least wants it to be her own fault. Its alright, darling, just sit in the passenger seat and look pretty for her, won’t you?
Master of the shortcut that takes you an hour off course, its best if you leave without an expected arrival time. She likes starting trips bright and early, likes seeing the roads clear of other cars and getting to enjoy those quiet morning hours with you. Not that things are often quiet with Mag. She has this ability to get you talking about almost anything for hours, with plenty of her own contributions to boot. She’s lived a storied life, and she wants to hear your own.
Mag has strong opinions on gas station snacks (Takis, string cheese if they have any, and water being a go to) and will absolutely hover a little to make sure you’re well hydrated for long hours in the hot car. She has an eclectic collection of CDs if you don’t feel like talking, and if you need silence, well...that’s harder, but she’ll do it for you, only occasionally breaking it with a peck on the cheek. She enjoys these moments with just the two of you, able to just bounce off of each other and get absolutely mushy without her beloved coworkers around to tease. For a moment, at least, things all feel like they might be ok.
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Dabi, like Shigaraki, never got his license and isn’t really interested in trying for it. He doesn’t really like any form of transportation and tends to walk most places when he gets the option, given he has a tendency to get motion sick and it’s really hard to keep up your persona of unflappable bad boy while turning a few shades of green. Still, sometimes its unavoidable, so he flings himself in the backseat, props open a window, and prays he’ll knock out soon.
Dabi’s not the easiest partner in the world to communicate with under the best of circumstances, but now especially when every jolt makes him regret being born (moreso than usual) and the only thing coming out of his mouth when he opens it is complaints about how that brat of a leader is doing this to him on purpose, has to be. This is one of the rare instances where fussing over him actually gets some desirable results. Tuck a blanket around him, get him set up with some water, and check in on him every time you stop. Eventually a hand shoots out from between the front seats and grabs at the air until you take the hint and lock your fingers through his. Its not much, but from Dabi? Its everything.
Ultimately he does his best to sleep through these incidents and has you under a firm promise to never describe them to the others, ever. He’ll incentivize it if he has to. You know he’s good for it.
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thekingreturn · 3 years
-Characters I will write for: all adult BNHA and JJK characters (caught up on the anime for JJK, working on the manga. Caught up on everything BNHA).
-Will write for Toga for general League/PLF prompts but not for NSFW prompts. Romantic prompts up to my discretion
-Will do spicy headcanons but Im still finding my bearings on full on smut ficlets, so for now its off the table (subject to change)
-Spoilers everywhere!
-Reader will be gn unless otherwise specified, if you want certain pronouns or body types feel free to ask!
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