theexbook · 6 years
Dumbledore: I'm sorry for psychologically scarring you.
Harry: Which time?
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theexbook · 7 years
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Good evening 📚What a beautiful evening to chat a little with you, guys! 🌿 News: I FINISHED ACOWAR! What's your opinion? If you read it (seems everyone here already has) - what do you think about it? 🌿I promised to tell you a little bit more about my uni project which is basically about comparing the Night Court and the Spring Court by how they are organized. It really make the boring subject of organizational communication a fun thing! I had some parts of my presentation on my story yesterday- did you like it? 🌿Last thing for today: thanks you, @poesielos for my new Feyre cup! #happyme 🌿[[#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booknerdigans #bookphotography #bookworm #igreads #bookstagramfeature #reading #booklover #book #books #bookgeek #bookaddict #bookaholic #booklove #booksofinstagram #bookish #read #booknerd #literature #photooftheday #theexbook #bookishfeatures]]
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theexbook · 7 years
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Hi! I've got a pretty stressful afternoon ahead of reading a lot of newspaper articles and finding important information in them... so basically the most boring thing to do! What's your plan for today? 🍪🍪🍪 So excited to read "It Ends With Us" as soon as possible! It'll be my first Coleen Hoover book. Are there any you would recommend? And have you read "IEWU" already and did you like it? 🍪🍪🍪 [[#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booknerdigans #bookphotography #bookworm #igreads #bookstagramfeature #reading #booklover #book #books #bookgeek #bookaddict #bookaholic #booklove #booksofinstagram #bookish #read #booknerd #literature #photooftheday #theexbook #bookishfeatures]]
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theexbook · 7 years
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Hello everyone! I'm back with my first post for over a month. In the following text I'll be telling you a bit why I stopped sharing all my pictures and thoughts with you. Part of it are some personal reasons and a lot of university stress - but nothing out of the ordinary (or at least everything's alright again now 💃🏼). More importantly I really needed to find new motivation. I found myself at a point where I only posted because of wanting to gain and please followers. I had this voice in my head always telling me: "You need to take pictures", "You need to post something today". And I just wanted it to stop being like an obligation to me. So now I made some new rules to silence that voice in my head. I'll be posting again but only when I really have something to say. That's so much more fun and I guess you, my dear followers will appreciate much more that way, right? #thoughts #instagraming #fun #lifesabitch ☕️ [[#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booknerdigans #bookphotography #bookworm #igreads #bookstagramfeature #reading #booklover #book #books #bookgeek #bookaddict #bookaholic #booklove #booksofinstagram #bookish #read #booknerd #literature #photooftheday #theexbook #bookishfeatures]]
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theexbook · 7 years
Gedanken der Woche: On the Road
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Was beschäftigt einen, wenn man eigentlich eine No-Stress-Woche haben sollte? Vieles, was einen dann doch stresst. Dennoch: Gestern habe ich einen tollen Tag bei meiner Freundin Julie in ihrer neuen Heimat Gießen verbracht und bin jetzt auf dem Weg zu meiner #medstudentbestie Jeanette, bei der ich das Wochenende in Göttingen verbringen werde. Heißt: sie lernt und ich werd’ wohl auch zu einer zur Abwechslung mal wirklich produktiven Phase kommen.
Das Wetter lässt eindeutig zu wünschen übrig, es regnet nämlich und das ist, wenn man mit den ÖPNV unterwegs ist, etwas absolut Uncooles. Positiver Fact: es gibt einen Grund mehr, sich in einen Coffee Fellows zu setzen (Göttingen ist augenscheinlich zu klein für einen Starbucks im Bahnhof.) und einen leckeren, wenn auch teuren Latte Macchiato zu trinken.
Meine Gedanken während meiner Uni-freien Pfingstwoche:
↠ Wer entscheidet eigentlich bei den Verlagen, welches Cover gedruckt wird? Und wer übernimmt die Verantwortung, wenn alle Leser sauer sind, weil die Haarfarbe der Hauptperson auf dem Cover falsch ist? Oder weil Tiere auf dem Cover auftauchen, die im Buch nicht vorkommen? Oder Bücher aus dem Genre New Adult mit sehr eindeutigen, pikanten Szenen mit gelben Schmetterlingen auf dem Cover veröffentlicht werden?
↠ Beschäftigt man sich zu viel mit English, wenn man anfängt, der eigenen Mutter auf English Nachrichten zu schicken? ;-)
↠ Ich fühle mich Feyre Archeron (currently reading „A Court of Wings and Ruin“) so nah, vor allem mit meinem 20 kg Backpack, der sich bestimmt vom Gewicht her nicht besonders von ihren Flügeln unterscheidet ;-)
↠ Wie schafft es meine wohl annähernd 60-jährige Zug-Nebensitzerin ein eBook in Schriftgröße … 6 zu lesen? #hutab
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theexbook · 7 years
this being human is a guest house every morning a new arrival a joy, a depression, a meanness some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor welcome and entertain them all! be grateful for whoever comes because each has been sent as a guide
Kaleidoscope - Coldplay
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theexbook · 7 years
Finally done: Mein Umbau ist endlich fertig!
Endlich ist es geschafft - das neue Template ist ausgedacht, eingebaut und auch endlich angepasst. Ich hoffe, es gefällt der Welt da draußen. Ich habe mir viele Gedanken gemacht, was das neue Design angeht und ob es Sinn macht, alles umzukrempeln. In letzter Zeit war ich nicht wirklich viel aktiv, so dass es prinzipiell keinen Sinn gemacht hätte. Ich war ein wenig internet-müde und habe beschlossen, trotzdem weiter zu machen, denn einerseits ist es mir wichtig, mit anderen in Kontakt zu treten und andererseits hatte ich auch einfach Spaß daran, mal wieder etwas Neues auszuprobieren. Bevor ich aber richtig loslege und immer wieder (hoffentlich) etwas veröffentlichen werde, muss ich noch sagen, dass ich keineswegs vorhabe, ein richtiger Blogger mit Kooperationen oder ähnlichem zu werden. Ich möchte mir die Freiheit lassen, auch mal einen Monat nichts zu machen und keine Termine oder sogar Posting-Pläne machen zu müssen - ich möchte meinen Spaß an der Sache nicht verlieren.
Frage an euch: Gefällt euch das neue Design? Habt ihr noch Verbesserungsvorschläge?
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theexbook · 7 years
You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in every moment.
henry david thoreau
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theexbook · 7 years
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NEVERNIGHT ♥️ Y'all know that I really really like this book - I already told you that, but today I want to be more detailed because everyone who reads the first fifty pages will certainly question my mental condition - the first fifty pages are AWFUL! But everything afterwards is brilliant. Have you ever read anything like that? I gave four stars on Goodreads just because of those first pages. What's your opinion on Nevernight? And honey @xbreathingbooks, are you making any progress with it? 😘
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theexbook · 7 years
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Sorry guys, but I really need to show you a close up of those two tea boxes! They smell adorable, the look adorable - they are just totally beautiful! Thanks for making these lovely things for bookworms like us, @ohcararara! 🌿🌿🌿 And I'm sorry again for promising a post about "Nevernight" by Jay Kristoff for yesterday - I had a couple of rough days lately (but I already told you that in one of my previous posts 🙈). I'll be doing it tomorrow because I really need to find the right words to express my feelings for this book. 🌿🌿🌿 Sleep well (to everyone in my time zone at least) and to anyone else: remember that time is the most valuable thing you have and not to waste it! #everythinghappensforareason
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theexbook · 7 years
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It POLL-TIME! 📊 Enter in the comments! ♥️ Everything in this post is about Rainbow Rowell and her books "Carry On" and "Fangirl", so is the poll - but first of all, let's talk about the book and the amazing bookish accessories! For example the amazing tea by @ohcararara! ☕️ Let's check your opinion about "Fangirl" and "Carry On"! What would you rather recommend: 1. "Fangirl is the one you should definitely read!" - comment with the 👯 Emoji! 2. "Carry On: Simon and BAZ are adorable!" - comment with the 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Emoji! 3. "BOTH! Each one of them is special!" - comment with the 📚♥️ Emojis! 4. "None, RR is not my thing.." - comment with the ✖️Emoji! 🌿🌿🌿 Happy Choosing and I'm excited for your answers!
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theexbook · 7 years
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Is anyone as STRESSED as I am? Probably yes because life never stops challenging you. But being a 21 years old university student with at least five group projects, a sports team, an student project, bookstagram AND a character trait that makes you being interested by actually everything that's in sight, I guess that's especially hard sometimes. But being creative helps me to get stuff done - like working on my Throne of Glass Coloring Book! 🌿 But I learned a few days ago that you will die early if you worry a lot so I just decided to stop (at least for today hahaha) and now on to the good and important parts: BOOKS! 🌿 I just finished Nevernight and I have so much to tell you about this book - post will come tomorrow - but one little spoiler: I LOVED IT! ♥️ Good night honeys! Glad I've got you all 🌿
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theexbook · 7 years
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Good Morning everybody! 🌿 how are you today? It's a holiday in Germany and my family comes over for dinner this evening! We'll be playing games and stuff like that, I'm excited! 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 Shoutout to @dog_eared_book who gave me this beautiful book “The Song of Achilles”! I wanted to read the Illias and the Odyssey for so long! Thank you so much! 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 And I finished Fangirl yesterday - I really really like the story :) if I could give half stars on Goodreads, it would get 4.5 stars - sometimes Cath is just a bit too weird.. 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 Have a happy happy Easter weekend - but I'm sure we'll talk again before Sunday! 🐰🐰 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 [[#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booknerdigans #bookphotography #bookworm #igreads #bookstagramfeature #reading #booklover #book #books #bookaddict #bookaholic #booklove #booksofinstagram #read #booknerd #literature #photooftheday #theexbook #bookishfeatures]]
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theexbook · 7 years
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QUESTION!QUESTION! 🌿 I really really need to read all the Harry Potter books again! I guess I'll make it a challenge from May until December - each book in a month. What do you think? Would you like to join me in my rather long Harry Potter read along? #harrypotterreread 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 How's your week going so far? And yeah, we survived Monday! 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 [[#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booknerdigans #bookphotography #bookworm #igreads #bookstagramfeature #reading #booklover #book #books #bookaddict #bookaholic #booklove #booksofinstagram #read #booknerd #literature #photooftheday #theexbook #bookishfeatures]]
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theexbook · 7 years
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I had an amazing day today because it was a day off! 💃🏼And this means: reading time! Have you ever heard of David Foster Wallace? If you’re American, you might have but in Germany I’m sure only a few know them. The thing is: You absolutely should know him and his speech “This is Water”. It’s about how you should sometimes change your perspective on life. We all have that standard perspective in which you as a person are the center of the universe. David Foster Wallace makes you think about other people’s lives and how the circumstances may affect their behavior. You should read it! 🌱🌱🌱 And I’ve read a few pages of Fangirl again (after binge watching 13 Reasons Why on Netflix - but there will be a post to that one soon - when my soul is ready to deal with it again). Finally! I hope to finish it soon, maybe tomorrow or on Saturday! 🌱🌱🌱 I received "And I Darken" a few days ago as part of the traveling book project @travelingbookproject and I will hopefully find the time to read it soon! 🌱🌱🌱 [[#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booknerdigans #bookphotography #bookworm #igreads #bookstagramfeature #reading #booklover #book #books #bookaddict #bookaholic #booklove #booksofinstagram #read #booknerd #literature #photooftheday #theexbook #bookishfeatures]]
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theexbook · 7 years
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Good morning guys! 🌿 How are you today? This post won't be too long today because something always distracts me (like looking at all your beautiful Instagram stories! I die of jealousy for all the fandom stuff/books/coffee/food you've got 🙈) 🌿🌿🌿 Remember we are still holding our shoutout session until Sunday guys! ♥️ 🌿🌿🌿 [[#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booknerdigans #bookphotography #bookworm #igreads #bookstagramfeature #reading #booklover #book #books #bookaddict #bookaholic #booklove #booksofinstagram #read #booknerd #literature #photooftheday #theexbook #bookishfeatures]]
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theexbook · 7 years
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I am currently reading Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell 🌿 it's lovely written even though sometimes you just want to grab Cath (the main character) and shake her until she acts normally again - who goes to university and decides not to make any friends? That's just stupid! Anyway, except for her strangeness I really like Cath and her Co-Stars Wren and Levi, Reagan and Nick. And I'm totally interested in how the story goes on! 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 I've got an important announcement to make: I've got the best book friends in the world! My Traveling Book Project Germany @travelingbookproject gave me the opportunity to meet incredibly gifted and loving people who are just adorable! Our trip to Leipzig was extremely amazing and I totally had a perfect time: Alex, Anni, Caro, Charlie, Isa, Jasi, Julia, Karo, Leni, Meli, Natascha, Sabina, Sammy, Sarah 1.0, Sarah-Marlie, Sarah LittleBookTerror & (last but not least) Steffi - you are amazing 💚 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 So I'm going back reading right now - our Shoutout is still running, so check it out and enter if you like :))) 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 [[#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booknerdigans #bookphotography #bookworm #igreads #bookstagramfeature #reading #booklover #book #books #bookaddict #bookaholic #booklove #booksofinstagram #read #booknerd #literature #photooftheday #theexbook #bookishfeatures]]
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