(to mun: Hello, I have read your rules and would be honored to rp with you. I will be patient. I understand there will be horror themes. if, for some reason, you do not wish to interact, thats ok. have a good night/day!)
Hello dear one,
Thank you, I would be honoured to rp with you too. Feel free to send me a description of the oc or character 🩸🦇
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The Verde eternal; she felt the mix of fear and allurement. Her strength was more than any prey he'd encountered. She knew of his history—or rather 'vlad the imapler', of course, to her she knew not of his true nature but a belief he was a descended or resemblance. She was enticing, a worthy foe to chase, alike van helsing. Yet, her intelligence was on par with mina harker's; she was likely even the reminiscent of her identity.
Love, she never felt. And he—lost it long ago. No, she was not mina, nor was she even the reincarnation of Elisabeta. However, she was new, an incantation he lusted for; a melody that sung to his deeper desires. He won't be letting this one get away easily. 🌹🩸
Commission I've made for @justafairytailofinnocence 🧛
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hear me out hear me out hear me out..... dracopia but it's the dracula (1992) rendition (prints!)
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Send "🦇" for a starter call
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Send a "🦇" to have him bite you
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The softness of her plump skin was ripe, warm, and freshing. His lips against her skin would've felt cold, a cold flesh pressing against her neck. Her blood, her life, and her essence enticed him with delight.
It was so sudden—a sting of two needle like canines piercing through her flesh with ease. The venom seeped through her veins, spreading like a snake paralysing it's prey.
"My—bride" he huskily spoke whilst his lips pressed against her neck. The blood was delectable, her essence filling his thirst. However, he stopped midway. His elongated finger had touched his wrist, his nail dragged along his skin, opening a cut within his flesh with a black substance oozing out, presumably his blood. "Drink." He muttered.
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"Prețioasele mele lyri, (translate: my precious lyri)
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"To have immortality, you must die to your breathing life and be reborn as mine. To be cursed as I, to walk through the shadows of death for all eternity. You'll be condemned, a forsaken creature of the damned, to walk the earth as a moroaică.—
Shall you want this much— to give up on life, to walk among the land of the dead?"
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The Demeter, a small schooner from Varna, Russia, had passed through Caribbean waters and ended up at Port Royal. The crew was nowhere to be seen except for a captain, who had been lashed to the helm with a crucifix in both hands. The oddest part of this was the captain’s logs left behind and the cargo—which was the weirdest part, it contained nothing but earth and soil from Transylvania. At least 50 boxes of it were set to be delivered to the Carfax Abbey, a church in Purfleet, London, England. The logs left behind were a disturbing discovery, horrors of tellings, of a creature ‘small, tall, thin and ghastly pale with a beastly appearance’ according to the written logs of the captain's first mate. Though there were no bodies in sight aside from the captains.
Vlad’s blue eyes bored into Commodore Norrington’s stern green gaze; he never flinched with fear. They were the eyes of a wolf staring down at a dog, a warrior and a soldier crossing paths.
Just then, he mentioned ‘Caribbean’, not ‘London’; Vlad, in a twinge of annoyance, went silent for only a second. His eyes bore no emotion or expression. Despre ce vrăjitorie am invocat, despre ce Șolomonar a schimbat soarta. Deși pământul patriei mele rămâne încă, neatins și nelegat, planul va rămâne doar, în Port Royal.
Vlad regained his expression, keeping a deceit of his pleasant composure and mannerisms. “Ah, but of course, forgive me, for I’m not as familiar with other countries that aren’t of my native homeland” his tone tried to come across as warm and pleasant. “I see, you are a man-at-arms, a warrior for his country, a commander who leads his men into war”, he pointed out. “And such a proudness you acquire, you must have won many battles, many tales to be told.”
He was a soldier but not a conqueror, a man who had won many victories in the great war between Wallachia and the Ottomans in 1462. The idea of the ‘Navy’ sounded foreign to Vlad; he only knew of the warriors of his time and only that.
Vlad extended his arm, his hand covered in a black glove, shaking the hands of a solider. He held little respect for him, for he was not as highly regarded as Vlad considered himself to be.
“A pleasure to greet a fellow warrior, Mr Norrington.” He spoke perfect English, yet his Romanian accent was dense. “Blood is too precious a thing in these times.”
Perhaps a change of plans, England shall be the main course after the appetizer of Port Royal.
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"And what do we have here?" a hiss from not a man but a monster had spoke with a husk of breath from the shadows.
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" I .. beg your pardon?" The confused englishman questioned, perking a brow.
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The fair, pale, mysterious man smiled gently in retaliation. There was something ominous about how he remarked himself, stater, posture, attire, and mannerism as though he were from another time. He lightly placed the black tricorne, which was donned with a gold trim, around the edges of his head. “It is an unfortunate world we live in; life is not kind to grant us all the luxury nor the privilege to live among the freedom we so choose.” He spoke perfect English yet still with a dense Romanian accent. “Nor me”. The subtle and vague hint in those last two words conveyed a truth of his desolation. His eyes lingered in her gaze, never blinking nor turning away; it was as though his eyes had a pulling effect, an entrancing spell that was hard to resist. Yet, his presence had a menacing aura that couldn’t be described. The temptation of her youth, life and essence was alluring to him; he only moved closer, ever so slightly—until he was interrupted by an older man.
Based on his appearance, he was one of the wealthy, a fitting upper-class man who was a governor. At first glance, Vlad cared not for who this man was, regardless of his power or rank; he was just another mere façade in society. However, his daughter, Elizabeth, had piqued his interest. When Elizabeth introduced her father, Vlad displayed a polite demeanour, enough to pass off as genuine. “Likewise, Mr Swann.” he partially bowed.
The weather had turned, and dark clouds filled the sky, with the scent of moisture predicting rain. Vlad, however, did not look up. Instead, he spoke in response to the naïve gentleman’s invitation. “I thank you, Mr Swann, for your kind gesture. I would be humbled to join you—and your daughter for this evening’s supper”, he spoke with an imitation of gratitude for their invitation. Such a vacuous Panglossian mortal, shall he be the first to plunder in my inferno. Dumnezeu îi va părăsi așa cum mi-a făcut mie.
“Ah, what perfect timing, then we shall away before the first rainfall,” he said, eager to carry out the next part of his plan.
An evening’s feast.  
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The man’s appearance was otherworldly. He donned, wearing a charcoal frock coat, grey buttoned waistcoat, a black cravat, and leather gloves. He held an elaborate silver-metal winged dragon head and wooden shaft with an aluminium tip. His medium-wavy-length black hair framed his elegant face. Additionally, he sported a van dyke with a Mustache.
“Please excuse my ignorance, I've recently arrived abroad, and I, uh, do not know this city” he smiled with a hint of deceitfulness.
"Permit me to introduce myself."
The mysterious man took off his top hat and bowed, maintaining eye contact. “I—am—Prince Vlad of sagite”.
She was understandably taken aback by the flourish of a greeting she received.  Elizabeth came to a halt before him as her eyes narrowed, a vain attempt to recognize the man.  Something about him striked her as familiar, although she couldn't quite place it.  It wasn't long before she abandoned the task of placing him, too curious and undeniably amused by his following words. Prince Vlad. Stories circled like wildfire in the small city she called home, more than one a tall tale that the governors daughter hardly blinked at… but there was a particular fable that had caught her attention, and it was with a swagger borne of untested confidence that she took a step closer, determined to find the truth, as it were, first hand. There’s talk that a prince, a mysterious man, at that had arrived, and ominous things had happened ever since his arrival - and Elizabeth would be damned before she let such an opportune moment pass.   “Elizabeth Swann”  Elizabeth greeted, there was no sternness in her features.  In fact, it took all of her self-control to keep her features in check.  She regarded him silently for a few moments more, a brow arching.  “And why does a prince leave his homeland to visit Port Royal? A family vacation, perhaps?”
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Reblog if you’re a Dracula Indie RP account.
We are creating a giant master-list for NBC Dracula Indies
OCs and genderbent characters may also reblog.
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Thematic Headcanons. A series of subject-specific headcanons you can ask your favorite blog and muse.
hc + 🤝 for a headcanon about a connection with one of the receiver's mutual
hc + 👪 for a family-themed headcanon
hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
hc + 💌 for a romance-themed headcanon
hc + 💕 for a loved-themed headcanon
hc + 💔 for a headcanon about a sad experience
hc + 🤥 for a lie-themed headcanon
hc + 😶 for a headcanon about a secret they know of / keep
hc + 😴 for a sleep-themed headcanon
hc + 🌇 for a headcanon about morning- or evening rituals
hc + 🧼 for a hygiene-themed headcanon
hc + 🏠 for a home-themed headcanon
hc + 😃 for a happiness-themed headcanon
hc + 😨 for a fear-themed headcanon
hc + 🤕 for a pain-themed headcanon
hc + 🚶‍♂️ for a habit-themed headcanon
hc + 👍 for a headcanon about things they like
hc + 👎 for a headcanon about things they dislike
hc + 💪 for a sport-themed headcanon
hc + 😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
hc + 👻 for a headcanon about supernatural occurrences
hc + 🥣 for a food-themed headcanon
hc + ☕ for a drink-themed headcanon
hc + 🐈 for a pet/animal-themed headcanon
hc + 🌸 for a plant-themed headcanon
hc + 🌄 for an outdoor-themed headcanon
hc + 🌍 for a travel-themed headcanon
hc + 🗡 for a weapon-themed headcanon
hc + 🎡 for a hobby-themed headcanon
hc + 🚗 for a transportation-themed headcanon
hc + ⏳ for a time-themed headcanon
hc + 🌘 for a night-themed headcanon
hc + 🌞 for a day-themed headcanon
hc + 🪐 for a universe-themed headcanon
hc + 🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
hc + ⛄ for a season-themed headcanon
hc + 🎉 for a celebration-themed headcanon
hc + 🏆 for a goal-themed headcanon
hc + 💯 for an achievement-themed headcanon
hc + 🚬 for a headcanon about a bad habit
hc + 🎭 for an arts-/crafts-themed headcanon
hc + ✂️ for a hair-themed headcanon
hc + 👗 for a clothes-themed headcanon
hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
hc + 💄 for a makeup-themed headcanon
hc + 🎓 for an education-themed headcanon
hc + 📿 for a faith-themed headcanon
hc + 🎵 for a music-themed headcanon
hc + 📱 for a media-themed headcanon
hc + 🎥 for a film/tv-themed headcanon
hc + 📔 for a reading-themed headcanon
hc + 💰 for a money-themed
hc + 💼 for a job-themed headcanon
hc + 💉 for a medical-themed headcanon
hc + 🛒 for a shopping-themed headcanon
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver's choice
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with the help of some very talented and amazing friends, i present to you an unexpected, very spontaneous meme list based on the beautiful art of cupping someone's face! there's a mix of romantic and platonic here, and even a few that defy the boundaries of normal relationship dynamics! i hope you enjoy! as always; DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST NOR CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN!
[KISS]: sender cups the receivers face in their hands before drawing them closer for a kiss.
[CHECK]: after an unexpectedly violent situation, sender frantically rushes to check if the receiver is okay, cupping their face to look closer.
[CLEAN]: sender affectionately wipes a smudge of sauce from the corner of the receiver's mouth, cupping their face in the process.
[LIFT]: sender gently cups the receiver's face and lifts their chin so the receiver is looking up at them.
[COMFORT]: sender cups a distressed receiver's face in their hands and steadies them by resting their foreheads together.
[ATTENTION]: during an important conversation, the sender takes the receiver's face in their hands and firmly directs their focus on them.
[MAKE-UP]: while applying make-up on the receiver's face, the sender cups their face in order to keep them still.
[PRIDE]: after the receiver succeeds in a remarkable achievement, the sender cups their face and tilts their foreheads together to express how proud they are of them.
[WHISPER]: in order to have a private, hushed conversation with the receiver, the sender cups their face and draws them close to make sure they can be heard.
[HAIR]: in the process of pushing the receiver's hair back from their face, the sender lets their hand rest against the receiver's cheek a moment longer.
[GROUND]: during a moment of intense emotional stress, the sender gently takes the receiver's face in their hands to ground them until they're calmer again.
[WONDER]: unable to comprehend how incredible the receiver is, the sender decides to simply cup their face in their hands and marvel at them instead.
[LAST LOOK]: before going into a situation that may result in their death, the sender takes a moment to cup the unaware receiver's face in their hand, just to take a final look of admiration at them before they go.
[SACRIFICE]: the sender cups the receiver's face tenderly to distract them, right before shoving them out of the way (to safety) and facing an attack alone in order to buy the receiver enough time to escape.
[BELIEF]: in a moment where the receiver is lacking in self-confidence, the sender cups their face tenderly and professes their faith in the receiver's abilities.
[DISBELIEF]: after the receiver has done something completely unexpected (and reckless) the stunned sender cups their face in their hands while trying to get them to explain why the hell they did it.
[BETRAYAL]: trying to keep the receiver calm before the big reveal, the sender cups their face gently to keep them steady, and then reveals that they're the villain.
[WOUND]: after the receiver has been wounded, the sender tries to keep them calm and conscious by cupping their face in their hands and talking to them to keep them focused.
[INJURY]: after having been badly wounded themselves, the sender tries to reassure the frantic receiver by cupping their face and comforting them.
[RAMSAY]: after the receiver commits a culinary crime, the sender presses two slices of bread against either side of their face, cupping their face to hold the bread in place, and calls them an idiot sandwich.
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actions speak louder than words non - verbal / action prompts from yours truly. (add a "swap" to swap the sender/receiver in the prompt (or just do it manually).)
back, sender gives receiver a back hug.
beckon, sender beckons receiver closer with a finger.
blood, sender cleans blood off of receiver.
book, sender helps receiver get a book from a higher part of the shelf.
care, sender takes care of receiver when they're sick.
catch, sender catches receiver by the waist after they bump into each other.
choke, sender saves receiver from choking by giving them the heimlich.
cold, sender places their jacket over receiver's shoulders.
cry, sender wipes tears off receiver's face with their thumbs.
dance, sender sticks a hand out to receiver and invites them to dance.
dip, sender skinny dips in front of receiver and invites them to join.
dog, sender's dog pulls them in receiver's direction.
drive, sender drives receiver somewhere in their car.
drag, sender drags receiver into a room and closes the door behind them.
draw, sender draws receiver like one of their french girls.
face, sender turns receiver's face towards them.
flower, sender gives receiver a flower.
footsie, sender initiates footsie with receiver under the table.
forehead, sender presses their forehead against receiver's.
grab, sender grabs receiver's wrist to stop them from leaving.
jump, sender jumps onto receiver's back.
kiss, sender kisses receiver.
link, sender links arms with receiver while walking.
massage, sender offers receiver a massage.
patch, sender patches up receiver's wounds.
piano, sender teaches receiver how to play the piano.
pin, sender pins receiver's hands behind their back.
pluck, sender plucks something out of receiver's hair.
press, sender presses receiver against a wall.
propose, sender proposes to receiver.
quiet, sender gestures for receiver to be quiet.
rest, sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder.
serenade, sender serenades receiver with a song.
sign, sender walks into a sign and receiver sees.
size, sender measures the size of their hand against receiver's.
shoes, sender removes receiver's shoes for them.
sun, sender rubs sunblock onto receiver's back.
tattoo, sender gives receiver a tattoo.
tie, sender helps tie receiver's tie.
tuck, sender tucks receiver's hair behind their ear.
umbrella, sender lets receiver under their umbrella.
warning, sender presses a knife against receiver's neck as a warning.
zip, sender needs receiver's help to zip up the back of their dress.
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Omg, this is stunning 😍
I want to be what you are, see what you see, love what you love.
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not a vampire
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Jonathan Harker: Hey, Mr. Dracula I’d really like to go home right now, like right this second
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