thebisexualjedi · 6 years
"I'm sorry, have we met?" Obi-Wan knew it was a long shot, but some part of him hoped that this Dathomir creature wasn't who the Jedi thought he was. And maybe, just maybe, that Maul was still dead like he should be and Obi-Wan wouldn't have to relive this nightmare.
The sith snarled. "You may have forgotten me but I have not forgotten you, Kenobi. I remember slaying your master as you watched helpless, and then you leaving me for dead on Naboo." He looked down at Obi-Wan, as if the Jedi Master was merely a bug. "Solely my hatred has kept me alive all these years, fueled with one desire, to see you suffer as I have."
Obi-Wan's eyes widened, "It is you." He could faintly hear the buzz of the ray shields, and the smell of charred flesh, before he shook his head bringing himself back into the present. Obi-Wan ignited his light saber with a renewed diligence. "I defeated you once before, I can do so again."
Maul let out an animalistic laugh that sent shivers down Obi-Wan's spine. "I think not, little Jedi."
Savage appeared behind Obi-Wan, and the Jedi Master attempted to fend off Maul's brother. But he was still recovering from his injuries as Rako Hardeen, and fending off both Siths would have been a challenge if Obi-Wan had been in peek performance. Savage easily disarmed him, using Obi-Wan's distraction at Maul's approach. And before he could pick himself up, the Night Brother used his pommel to deliver a blow to Obi-Wan's temple.
As Obi-Wan gazed distantly at the figures of both Maul and Savage staring at him, his last conscious thought wondered how the kriff he was going to get himself out of this one.
Pain was becoming a constant in Obi-Wan Kenobi's life. He had always been a magnet for trouble, but there had always been someone to help pull his ass out of the fire. This time though, Obi-Wan found himself up shit creek with no paddle and no one to rescue him.
Maul and Savage had left him alone for the moment, both assuming he was still out for the count. Obi-Wan could feel the cold metal of the ship begin to vibrate which meant that his captors were taking off to force knows where.
He reached out slowly with the Force, hoping to gain some insight to his surroundings, but the Force was muddy and clouded. Too tainted in the Dark side for it to be of any use to the Jedi. Instead he instinctually reached out towards his bond with Anakin, only to be painfully reminded that said bond no longer existed. Obi-Wan had forgotten in his dazed state that Anakin would not be coming to save him. His former Padawan had wanted nothing to do with Obi-Wan in the aftermath of the assassination attempt of the Chancellor, having severed their bond and requesting for the Team to be separated the first chance he got. It had hurt Obi-Wan to be abandoned like that, but he knew he deserved it. After all his actions were inexcusable, and he didn't blame Anakin for not forgiving him. But the severed bond meant that there was no way for Obi-Wan to call for help, and no way for the Jedi to know where Maul and Savage were taking him.
The door to the cargo bay opened, and Obi-Wan found himself being lifted in the force. He opened his eyes only to meet the sickly yellow of Maul's, the hatred rolling off of the Sith in nauseating waves. Maul smiled manically at him, the force closing around his neck stopped him from making any sort of quip.
"At last you're mine, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You have no idea how long I've waited for this day." The Sith growled pulling Obi-Wan closer to him. "I will make you suffer, as I have suffered. You will experience pain as you never have before, I will break you Kenobi. And only then when you kneel before me, like the weakling you are, and beg me for death will I kill you." The choke hold tightened, and Obi-Wan struggled for breath his hands flying to his throat. "But have no fear my Jedi, your death will not be merciful." A red hand laid on Obi-Wan's stomach. "I will gut you like I gutted your precious Master."
Maul released his hold on Obi-Wan, the Jedi falling to the floor as he coughed and wheezed in an attempt to breathe again. Obi-Wan looked up as the Sith kneeled in front of him. Something clicked onto his wrist before Obi-Wan could react, and he felt the air leave him once more as the Force fled from him. A glance down confirmed his suspicion, Maul had attached a Force suppressor.
The sound of a lightsaber igniting drew Obi-Wan's attention back up. Maul stood once more, his saber lighting the cargo hold in an eerie red glow.
He felt the force surrounded him and Obi-Wan found himself immobilized on the floor. He was unable defend himself, leaving him at the mercy of Maul's revenge.
"I'm going to enjoy your suffering, Kenobi."
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thebisexualjedi · 6 years
"You failed your mission." Ventress hissed at the soldier. He flinched from her anger, not wanting to upset his Mistress even more. She paused, taking a deep breath to center herself. "Care to explain why you decided to deviate from your orders?" 
Her voice was calm, but the soldier knew it was masking the storm brewing inside his Mistress. Usually he would submit to her, taking whatever punishment she inflicted upon him, but today was different. Today he had to know.
"The man with a metal arm..." The soldier paused his eyebrows creasing with confusion. "The Jedi general..." He looked up to his Mistress hopeful. "I know him."
She would know the answer, she always did. His Mistress took good care of her soldier... She would help fix the growing hole in his chest that something was missing, that something wasn't right...
Ventress cursed under her breath, before placing a hand on the soldiers back soothingly. "Shh child, that man is nothing more than a traitor. I'm not surprised you didn't recognize him sooner. Skywalker was the one who abandoned you to those slavers, those monsters I saved you from." She spoke softly, as if trying to comfort a lost youngling. "Come, you've been out for too long." Ventress looked past the soldier to the staff behind him. "Prepare the droid, he needs to be taken care of."
The soldier whimpered. He didn't want to sit in the chair and let the droid work on him, it always left him hollow and funny. But with a delicate push from his Mistress he complied with her wishes.
She guided him to the chair, and with one more lingering touch she strapped him in. A gag hovered in front of his face and he opened his mouth to accept it.
Good soldiers followed orders. And he was a good soldier. So he closed his eyes and braced himself for the droid to do its work.
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thebisexualjedi · 6 years
“What do we have here.” Grievous chuckled as he threw off the helmet on the soldier, revealing none other than Obi-Wan Kenobi, before grabbing Kenobi by the face. “I’m going to enjoy killing you, Kenobi.” Kenobi glared at the cyborg, struggling to get free from Grievous’s grasp.
“I’m surprised, and disappointed, that you were dressed up as a clone, hiding amongst your men like a coward.” Grievous tightened his grip on the Jedi, causing Kenobi to gasp. But the cyborg was not done with playing with his food. Lifting Kenobi higher, he slammed the man down onto the ground with a force that only his mechanical limbs could manage. He continued this assault several more times until he was satisfied with the damage. Grievous dragged Kenobi towards the cliff’s edge, a murderous gleam in his eyes. He held his prey over the edge, the Jedi now hanging limply from Grievous’s grasp. Shame, he must have passed out from his injuries.
“Time for you to die, Kenobi.” The cyborg snarled as he dropped the man. He watched Kenobi’s body fall for a moment before turning away from the cliff, laughing.
Kenobi’s body continues to fall, oblivious to the cries of his name. But before he could hit the ground, a force caught him and gently lowered Kenobi to the ground. Not more than a few seconds later, Anakin Skywalker ran to Kenobi’s side. The knight cursed, laying his Master’s head onto his lap as he carefully assessed the damage Grievous did to his friend. Another string of curses escaped him when he grabbed for his comm. “Kix, Obi-Wan is down. Have a med team ready, I’m brining him to you.” “On it, general.”
Anakin wasted no time, cradling Obi-Wan’s body bridal style he began to take off up the cliff.
“How is he?”
Kix sighed, facing his General. “He took a lot of damage to the head, sir. While we were able to patch him up, there’s no telling how bad the damage to the brain is. We won’t know until he wakes.”
Anakin deflates on hearing the answer, but Kix isn’t done. “However, he was lucky. If he hadn’t had the helmet on during the explosion he would have died before Grievous could even get his hands on him.”
“Can I see him?” Anakin asks quietly. His medic nods, “Follow me sir.”
Once inside Obi-Wan’s room Anakin gasps at his former Master’s condition. Obi-Wan looks small, his head bandaged and covered in bacta. The only sign of life is the slow rise and fall of Obi-Wan’s chest. Kix left his General to tend to other patients.
Anakin pulled up a chair to Obi-Wan’s bed before taking a pale hand with his human one, gently rubbing circles into it. “Oh, Obi-Wan. Please wake up soon.”  
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thebisexualjedi · 6 years
“Well, it looks like Fulcrum is almost here.” Here whispered to Kanan, both being courteous to Ben who was meditating near the window. Kanan nodded, before turning his attention back to Kenobi. “I still can’t believe he’s alive.” Hera nodded. “He’s different than I imagined.” Kanan sighed. “The purge changed all of us. But, he was the Master to Anakin Skywalker. I can’t imagine how he must feel.”
Their conversation was cut short when Ben opened his eyes with a gasp. The old Jedi Master shot to his feet quicker than Kanan thought possible for Ben. But before either could ask Ben anything, the elder man made his way outside of the hut in a hurry.
“I’m guessing that Fulcrum has arrive.” Kanan says with a smile. Hera looks to her lover in confusion. “Ahsoka is was Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan, and Ben was her grandmaster. Come-on, let’s go watch.”
Outside Ben watched as a speeder pulled up to his hut. Fulcrum was driving with an elder man holding on for dear life from behind. Both had their faces hidden from the sun and sand, but Ben didn’t need to see their faces to know who they were.
He waited for the speeder to come to a stop before approaching it, the diver looking up at him through their goggles. “Why hello there.”
Both gasped, and Fulcrum scrambled to get off of the speeder and take off the cloth around her face. With the cloth removed, Ahsoka Tano stared at him and oh force had she grown. “Master Obi-Wan.” She says in disbelief, eyes wide. Ben smiles at her. “It’s been a long time, little one.”
Ahsoka seems to shake herself from her shock and engulfs Ben in a hug that he eagerly returned. “I thought you were dead.” She whispered. He sighed, tucking his head under hers. “I had hoped and prayed that you had survived.” He responded.
Both stood there for a moment longer, each soaking up the other’s presence. They pulled away, but stayed in reach of each other. “Force, you’re tall.” Ben says looking up at Ahsoka. She giggles, “I told you that one day I’d be taller than you.”
“Yes, yes you did.” Obi-Wan sighed wistfully, before turning his gaze on Rex. The clone soldier watching the reunion with a smile on his face. “It’s good to see you again, Rex.” Rex nods. “You too, Obi-Wan.”
“Come, we’ve got a lot to catch up on.” Both nod and Ben leads them into his home, his heart lighter than it has been in years.
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thebisexualjedi · 6 years
“Well, well well.” Obi-Wan blinked groggily, attempting to locate the sound of the voice. “Obi-Wan Kenobi in the flesh.” A chuckle filled the room before the blindfold was ripped off of him. The figure of Jenna Zan Arbor stood before him. “It’s been a long time, my friend.” The deranged scientist was beaming. “And look at you all grown up, and with a beard too. Your master must be so proud.” A pang of pain flooded through him at the mention of Qui-Gon, but his reaction must have shown on his face for Zan Arbor tutted. “Oh, did Qui-Gon finally meet his end? Shame, I was really hoping to have the whole family here.”
“What do you want.” Obi-Wan snarled, unable to listen to Zan Arbor mock Qui-Gon any longer. Zan Arbor merely smirked at the display of emotion. “Tsk tsk. That’s not the way of the Jedi, now is it Obi-Wan? Surely Qui-Gon taught you better manners than this.”
“Only to those who are worth of them.” Obi-Wan snarked. But Zan Arbor merely laughed at him, sending shivers down his spine. “Oh my. Age has served you well Obi-Wan, you’re quite the charmer. If I had known, I would have focused on you instead of your Master.”
Obi-Wan could feel the blood drain from his face at the mention of what this woman did to his Master. “I believe I asked you a question.”
“Yes, I believe you did.” Zan Arbor smirked, walking towards the tray on Obi-Wan’s right. “Do you know how hard it is to capture a force sensitive these days? With me being a fugitive and with this bloody war killing so many of the Jedi, you can imagine that my work has suffered greatly. Imagine my surprise when Count Dooku approached me early in the war. He had apparently heard of my work, and offered me a deal. In exchange for funding, and opportunities to experiment on captured Jedi, all I have to do is forward my results to him. That and development of warfare weapons for the CIS to use against the Republic. But that’s beside the point.” She picked up something that Obi-Wan couldn’t see, before inching closer to the Jedi’s face. “When I heard that you were in the nearby sector, I couldn’t help myself. I thought ‘wouldn’t it be ironic Jenna, the Jedi who shut me down will become the key to restarting my work once more’. All it took was a mere tranquilizer dart suited for a force sensitive, and boom I had you in my grasps.”
Zan Arbor stood in front of him again, with a syringe in her hand. “So, my dear Obi-Wan. You asked what I wanted. I had hoped to keep you hostage as bait for dear Qui-Gon to rush in and save. I wanted to make him suffer. I wanted to make him pay for all the time I’ve lost from conducting my research. Unfortunately, there is no Qui-Gon Jinn to save you like I had originally planned. I suppose you’ll just have to take Jinn’s place in my revenge. I was just going to kill you in front of Qui-Gon, but I’m afraid your death will be slower and more excruciating than that now.” She takes Obi-Wan’s distraction at her works as an opportunity to jab the syringe into his neck. “Now let’s begin, shall we?”
Obi-Wan grunts at the pain, and he feels himself drift away.
Everything is a blur after that. He feels pain, and he vaguely recognizes that the ear-piercing screams are coming from him. But yet time is lost to him. He could have been fastened to this chair for five minutes or five years for all he knew. Zan Arbor’s visits seemed random, with no way to gauge the time he drifts in-between the sessions.
But when he feels like he cannot take anymore pain without snapping, the room shakes with the sound of explosions and Obi-Wan can almost hear the sound of lightsabers and blasters firing. Zan Arbor stops mid-session and curses. She stabs another syringe into his neck before grabbing her blaster, and Obi-Wan knows no more.
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thebisexualjedi · 6 years
“Oh Kenobi.” Dooku tutted. “Do you honestly think anyone is coming for you? Especially with the stunt you just pulled? Faking your death, decieving and lying to everyone around you.” The sith leaned din closer to Obi-Wan, grabbing his chin to force the Jedi to meet his eyes. “Do you really think that Skywalker will save you? He practically hates you now. In fact, I’d wager that he’s glad that you’re gone.”
Obi-Wan knew that the Count was right but he kept his sabaac face, unwilling to give Dooku the satisfaction. “Please Count. We both know that I’m too valuable of a general for the Republic to leave me in the hands of the enemy.”
Dooku merely laughed, sending chills down Obi-Wan’s spine. “We shall see Kenobi, we shall see.” He stepped back, a malleolus look in his eyes. “until then, I’m going to enjoy breaking you. Sooner or later, you will see things my way.”
Obi-Wan was surprised when Dooku visited a second time that day. In the past couple of weeks the Count routinely would enter his cell once a day. He would have a new concoction of torture for Obi-Wan to endure, and he usually didn’t stop until Obi-Wan passed out.
Sometimes Dooku would skip a day, in an attempt to keep the Jedi Master guessing, but yet so far the Sith hasn’t visited twice in one day.
Dooku is silent as a droid rolled in with what looked like a hollo-projector, and Obi-Wan watched with a bad feeling settling in his gut. Finally the Sith finishes and turns to face Obi-Wan.
“And to what do I owe the pleasure of receiving a second visit?” Obi-Wan tries to taunt, but with his bone-deep exhaustion the words fall flat to his ears. Dooku smirks, “Oh my friend, I’m merely here to pass along some information I believe you’ll find interesting.”
The holo-projector flickered to life, showing a picture of the Jedi Council room. Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker stood alone by the windows. Mace was watching Anakin with concern, and Obi-Wan couldn’t blame the Master of the order. Anakin looked worse for wear.
“Run that by me again master.” Anakin finally spoke, turning from the window to face Mace.
“The Chancellor decided that Master Kenobi is not worth the resources it would require to send out a search and rescue party.” Mace spoke, with a hint of anger in his voice. Obi-Wan felt his stomach churn, the confirmation of what he had already known sitting heavily.
Anakin frowned, but before he could speak Mace continued. “I know you’re angry, but you cannot go charging off to rescue Kenobi. You won’t have Republic resources, and the Jedi are technically forbidden to act. If the Senate found out we…” Anakin held up a hand, stopping Mace mid-sentence.
“Master, I reassure you, rescuing Obi-Wan was the last thing on my mind. He got himself into this mess, and he can get himself out of it.”
Obi-Wan felt his heart shatter.
Anakin walked out of the council chambers leaving a very confused Mace Windu behind. The holo-projector shut off and the cell fell into silence. But Obi-Wan didn’t register the silence, his mind still on the scene that had just played out before him.
Anakin… hated him. His Padawan didn’t care that Obi-Wan was captured and in Dooku’s hands.
No one was coming for him…
He had been abandoned by the Republic, the Jedi, and… Anakin. And Obi-Wan honestly couldn’t blame them.
Dooku waited patiently, enjoying the look of despair on Kenobi’s face. Now that he has crushed the very foundation of hope Kenobi had held onto, Dooku expected that his work would be substantially easier.  
“I’ll leave you to your thoughts, Master Kenobi.” And with that Dooku left Obi-Wan alone in the darkness of his cell.
Only once Obi-Wan was sure that Dooku had truly left, did he allow for his hold on his emotions to wavier as sobs shook through his body.
Dooku was pleased. Now that Obi-Wan was aware of the hopelessness of the situation, it was easy to finish breaking the Jedi. Within weeks the Jedi had completely shut down mentally. There wasn’t any defenses left in the way for Dooku, allowing the Sith to do or take whatever he wanted from Kenobi.
He reveled as he sunk his mental teeth into the Jedi’s mind, the man only shuttering in his submission. Nothing was done to damage Kenobi’s mind he merely shuffled through the information, and secrets, that the Jedi Counselman had to offer.
Obi-Wan had lost all sense of time. His head felt like it was filled with tar, making him sluggish and cold. Some part of him recognized that feeling was due to Dooku’s use of the dark side of the force as the sith tore through his mind. But he couldn’t find it in himself to care.
Dooku had won. And all Obi-Wan could feel was a cold numbness of acceptance to his situation.
The sith pulled away from Kenobi’s mind with a smile. He was pleased with the man’s easy submission to his mental advances. This means that the next stage in his plan could be implemented. He would rebuild Kenobi’s shattered mind, and mold him into the perfect weapon of destruction against the Republic.
With a chuckle he lifted Kenobi’s chin so he was eyelevel, the man’s eyes glazed over and unseeing. “You should have joined me when you had the chance, my friend.”
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thebisexualjedi · 6 years
 “Force, what did they do to you Master.”
Obi-Wan felt himself drop into warm arms, and he groaned as he was shifted into a more comfortable position. The person attacted to the arms gasped. “Obi-Wan?” 
Obi-Wan opened his eyes, and a blurry man appeared before him. The man’s curly blonde hair were pushed behind his ears exposing the worried blue eyes. He frowned, and Obi-Wan felt the urge to reassure that everything was okay. 
“They’ve really got you drugged up, don’t they.” The man mumbled. 
His muddled brain recognized the man from somewhere... But everytime Obi-Wan tried to put a name to the face, the name slipped away from him. His confusion must have been shown on his face, because the man placed a hand on his forhead and smiled reassuringly at him. 
“Sleep, Obi-Wan. All will be well when you wake up.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes closed, and he was gone before the man finished his sentence.
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thebisexualjedi · 7 years
"I've got a bad feeling about this..."
Qui-Gon turns to his partner, an eyebrow raised. "And why is that Obi-Wan?"
Both Jedi wait anxiously, or at least in Obi-Wan's case, for their jaeger to get the green light to deploy. The Maverick was the top of the line mark 2 that the Jedi Corps had to offer, and Obi-Wan was grateful that he had been chosen to co-pilot it with Qui-Gon. But with the breachers, or droids as the Jedi liked to call them, coming more frequently it was all hands on deck within the temple base. Which meant that both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon haven't slept more than 2-3 hours per day within the last couple of weeks. Obi-Wan didn't need the force bond with Qui-Gon to tell him that he wasn't the only one suffering from the lack of sleep.
"Our jaeger's repairs weren't completely finished, they still needed to run performance checks to make sure all systems were fixed. Not to mention that the droid's category isn't known." Obi-Wan frowned. And with larger and larger droids coming out of the breach, knowing their luck, this next droid could be a Sith. No one had seen a Sith classification since the beginning of the droid attacks, but all Jedi knew that the Sith came in pairs. When one came through the breach, another wouldn't be too far behind it.
Qui-Gon squeezed Obi-Wan's shoulder comfortingly. "I know, but none the less we are the only Jedi available. The Maverick will have to do, the Naboo are counting on us."   
Obi-Wan sighed, deflating. "I know Qui-Gon, but it still makes me nervous."
"I understand Padawan but we must focus on the here and now, not on what may happen."
Obi-wan wrinkled his nose at the use of his old title, he wasn't an apprentice anymore but rather a full fledged knight thank you very much, but made no other comment as the comm system crackled to life.
"Neural handshake beginning in 5...4...3...2...1..." The voice of Chief Mace Windu filled the cockpit. Obi-Wan sighed, allowing his mind to clear. The flash of memories that came with the force bond happened quickly, and before Obi-Wan knew it the familiar presence of Qui-Gon was in his mind.
"Force bond initiated. Good luck gentlemen, may the Force be with you."
Obi-Wan turned to look at Qui-Gon one last time before their jaeger was dropped into the Naboo ocean. The hunt for the droid began.
"Maverick do you copy?"
"Looks like Windu is on the comms tonight." Qui-Gon mutters, causing Obi-Wan to smirk at his partner's frustration. 
"We copy Windu." Obi-Wan answers before Qui-Gon can snark at the younger man. 
"The droid should be picking up on your sensors momentarily, we have both of you on our radars." 
"Do we know the category yet?" Qui-Gon questions. 
"No, the bastard is still shielded heavily. You're walking into this blind." 
Both Jedi looked to each other, their apprehension echoed in the force. The Maverick's sensors beeped, alerting them to the location of the droid. 
"Hmm, according to the scanner the droid should be right in front of us." Obi-Wan frowned. "I'm not seeing anything, are you Qui-Gon?" 
"Negative Obi-Wan. Which means that it must be underwater still. Be on guard."
With a nod Obi-wan turned his attention back to the water, the Jedi ready to strike at a moment's notice.
A giant rumble shook the Maverick as the droid quickly emerged from its hiding place in the water. The monster was huge, larger than any droid Obi-Wan had ever seen in his 10 years on the temple base, it towered over the Maverick by a good couple of feet. But it was not the size that made Obi-Wan falter. Instead the distinct red and black markings on the droid's face and body made the Jedi Knight's blood run cold.
"Holy- it's a Sith!" It had to be a category 5, or better. They had never fought anything over a category 3 before, no current Jedi had.
"Obi-Wan, look at me!" Obi-Wan's attention was drawn back to Qui-Gon. "We got to lure it away from the shore." Sure enough, instead of attacking the Maverick the Sith had it's sights on the Naboo shore line.
Obi-Wan shook his head, pushing aside his fear and worries to focus on the present like Qui-Gon was always telling him to. "We're going to need our lightsaber for this."
Qui-Gon nodded, a small smile on his face as he activated the Maverick's lightsaber. Without a moment's hesitation they attacked the Sith, swinging the saber with all the force they could muster. The Sith turned around with a howl, it's attention fully on the Jedi now.
"Well it knows we're here, now what?"
"Follow my lead Obi-Wan."
Together, united as one with the force bond, the Jedi parried the Sith's attacks. But the Maverick continued to stay on the defensive, without any opening to take advantage of things were not looking good.
"Maverick do you copy? You need to abort. I repeat, you need to abort."
"Negative base. We're still too close to the shore." Qui-Gon grunted as the Maverick took the brunt of an attack.
"Damn it Jinn! We can't lose you. Kenobi, talk some sense into him."
Obi-Wan hesitated for a moment, mind too focused on the task at hand. "Sorry Windu, but he's right. If we don't distract the Sith then Naboo will be lost."
There was a pause before a string of curse words was barely audible on the comms. "Backup is on the way Maverick, just hold on until then got it?"
"Understood, Jinn out."
With each passing moment, the Sith was growing more frustrated at the Jedi. Despite their best efforts, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan could not hold an offensive strike long enough to find a weakness. And Obi-Wan knew, at this rate, they would not last in time for reinforcements. As if the Sith had read his mind, it lunged for the Maverick. Both Jedi gave a yelp as their jaeger toppled to the ground.
Panic rose again in Obi-Wan's mind. "Qui-Gon, he's too powerful!" He all but shouted as they struggled to stop the Sith from crushing them.
"Obi-Wan, listen to me. Focus, we're going to be oka-"
Qui-Gon was cut off, his sentence ending with a gasp. Obi-Wan looked over to his partner in horror. The Sith had broken through the solid steel of the jaeger, it's long sharp claws now impaled the older Jedi. With a soul shattering shriek the Sith tore away a chunk of the Maverick, taking Qui-Gon's dead body with it.
Obi-Wan feels the emptiness of Qui-Gon's death in the force. What was once warm and loving had turned cold. He can feel himself drifting further into the force, losing himself in the swirl of emotions. No... he can't allow himself to drift like a youngling, he still has a Sith to kill. And damn the consequences he's going to succeed... for Qui-Gon.
With a new found determination Obi-Wan transfers total control of the Maverick, or what was left, to his side. The Sith aims for another blow, but this time Obi-Wan sees it coming and blocks it in time. Rage bubbles inside of him towards the Sith. Letting out a yell, he pushes the monster off of him. Seeing red, he activates the lightsaber once more. And for the first time this fight, Obi-Wan goes on the offensive.
If droids could feel, Obi-Wan would have sworn that this Sith would have seemed surprised. He relentlessly attacked, less worried about form and more on power, each strike fueled by his ever growing rage.
Suddenly he sees it. The weakness they, he, had been looking for. Obi-Wan channels all of his fury into one final strike, he hears himself unleash a feral shout as the Sith is sliced in two by the lightsaber.
Obi-Wan felt his legs give out, and he grabbed the console for support before he could fall to the ground. It was over, the Sith was dead. For a moment he turned to his right, expecting to see Qui-Gon's pride filled eyes on him, but all that met him was an empty pilot seat damaged beyond repair. Grief washed over him, and Obi-Wan closed his eyes to stop the oncoming wave of tears.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by the annoying shriek of alarms. Obi-Wan swore to himself when he noticed the fried control panel. The Maverick is beyond repair, most of the electronics were shot, and if he remembered correctly the current alarm meant that the nuclear reactor had been damaged. Kriff, that meant he had maybe 10 minutes before the jaeger would automatically shut down so the core wouldn't explode. Obi-Wan's eyes drift towards the Naboo shore, he can't be more than a couple hundred feet away. Sitting straight up again, he begins the slow crawl back to land.
He makes it to the shore... barely. The Maverick powers down before he can pilot the jaeger completely out of the water. Windu is going to kill him, he thinks as he tears himself from the pilot seat letting out a wince when his right shoulder complains. Kriff he's going to need to see the healers after this one, hopefully it won't mean another dip into the bacta tank. Exhaustion takes over as the adrenaline from the fight slowly ebbs away, and for a moment Obi-Wan isn't sure he has the strength to make his escape.
Somehow he manages to make it out of the jaeger without passing out. His body wobbles with each step he takes as he numbly starts the trek away from the Maverick, never to lay eyes on the jaeger again. Some small part of his mind registers that he's probably in shock, the effects of having a force bond ripped apart was fatally dangerous if he did not receive help soon.
"Oh my god, are you okay?"
Obi-Wan looks up to see a teenage girl and young boy staring at him in shock. He realizes, suddenly, that he must look rather dreadful. Obi-Wan goes to open his mouth (to reassure them that yes, he's perfectly fine, most of the blood isn't even his...) but not sound comes out. Instead his legs decide that now is the perfect time to give out on him, and he hears the girl gasp in surprise. Someone catches him before his head can make contact with the ground, but Obi-Wan doesn't have the faintest idea who is cradling him in their lap.
"Ani, get help!" The girl shouts. Ah, so it's her lap that his head now lays in. He realizes that she's saying something to him, but it's as if he's underwater for everything is distorted and blurry. Obi-Wan wonders if this is what it's like to die as he drifts away into blissful darkness.
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thebisexualjedi · 7 years
The smell of smoke is what brings Anakin back from the clutches of unconsciousness. Opening his eyes, the Jedi knight hissed in pain at the sudden intrusion of light that overwhelmed his senses. He closed them forcefully, resting for a moment before slowly blinking this time.
Anakin's surroundings came into focus as he found himself staring at the ceiling of what used to be a Republic gunship. He turns his head, letting out a groan as his joints protested, eyes widening at the array of destruction that meets his gaze.
"General Skywalker?" A familiar voice calls out, concern laced in their voice. It takes Anakin longer than he would admit to place the voice to a name.
 There's a sigh of relief before the sound of metal being tossed aside meets Anakin's ears. He blinks, forcing his vision to focus again, and is now met with the face of his concerned Captain hovering over him.
"I'm alright, Rex." Anakin answers the clone's silent question, accepting the hand up from the trooper. He looks around at the carnage with a grimace. "Any survivors?"
Rex gives a quick shake of his head. "Not many, sir." Anakin swears under his breath at the answer. "What about Obi-Wan's ship
"I don't know, sir." Rex answers truthfully. "We lost contact with General Kenobi and Commander Cody before we were shot down."
Anakin frowned. "We need to get out of here, Separatists droids will be on us any second.
"Lead the way sir."
Anakin ignites his lightsaber, the blue light filling the ship in a eerie glow, and starts to cut a hole into the blaster doors.
Once out of the damaged gunship, Anakin begins to check his surroundings frantically looking for any signs of Obi-Wan's ship.
"Look over there, sir!" Anakin looks to where Rex is pointing, and takes off to follow the smoke of what must be Obi-Wan's ship.
"Please don't be dead, please don't be dead." He mumbles, reaching out in the force in search of Obi-wan's signature. When he finds it, albeit a little weak, he lets out a shaky breath. His master was alive, thank the force.
Motioning for Rex to take the other side of the blast doors, together the duo pried open the doors. The figures of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody came into view. To Anakin's dismay, Obi-Wan was heavily relying on the clone for support. Probably sensing his concern through the force, Obi-Wan waves away Anakin's offer of help. "Don't worry Anakin, I'm fine."
Anakin raised his eyebrow resisting to urge to roll his eyes at his master. "Obviously master. Honestly, this is what- the 9th time I've saved your skin?"
Obi-Wan sends him a dirty look. "8th time, you know Cato Nemoidia does't count."
"Keep telling yourself that." Anakin replies as Obi-Wan shrugs away from Cody's support, ignoring glares from both clone commander and Jedi. The Master Jedi flashed a reassuring smile at them.
"What's our status?" Obi-Wan turned to Rex and Cody.
"It's not good sir, we've lost over two-thirds of our men. Our gunships are down, along with most of our heavy artillery. And this planet we've landed on is in the heart of Separatists' territory. I'd say we've got maybe 15-30 minutes before the droid army is upon us."  
Obi-Wan rubbed his beard in thought, frowning. "Commander round up whatever troops and weapons we have left, we're going to need it. We need a survey of the land, if the separatists are going to attack then I want to make sure we have the advantage. Captain I want you and your men on that. Anakin see if you can repair the communications on the gunship, so we can contact the Republic. We need to update them on the situation, and request an evac."
"Aye sir."
"Right away, sir"
"Roger, Roger."
 Anakin gave his master a trademark Skywalker smirk before heading off into the cockpit of the downed gunship. Looking onto the fried wires and circuits of the dashboard, he was in his element. Even in the middle of a war, Anakin could find peace and happiness from working on machines and droids. It was his secret gift, according to Obi-Wan.
After some time passed, Obi-Wan joined him in the cockpit. Anakin only acknowledged his friend's presence with a nod, deep in thought.
"How's it look?"
"Almost done. But I gotta admit Obi-Wan, the moment we make contact the Separatists will have our exact location." Anakin frowned. "If they didn't know we were here before, they will now."
"Then we best be ready then."
"Obi-Wan..." Anakin started but stopped, unsure of what to say.
"Yes Anakin?"
"I... I have a bad feeling about this. A really bad feeling."
"I feel it too. But like my master used to say, we must stay in the here and now." Obi-Wan placed a hand onto Anakin's shoulder, the younger Jedi looked up and smiled knowingly.
"Alright, communication is repaired. You've got maybe five minutes before they jam our communications completely. Use it wisely, Master."
Obi-Wan nodded, stepping out of the cockpit to make the call.
"This is General Kenobi requesting immediate evac. Our gunships were shot down onto the planet of Aargonar. We've sustained heavy losses and the Separatists are-" A loud crash interrupts Obi-Wan mid sentence. Anakin looks up to see the start of the Separatists droid attack. He ignites his lightsaber and jumped to Obi-Wan's side. "Time's up!"
In response Obi-Wan had already ignited his lightsaber. "Stick together Anakin, we're vastly outnumbered."
"Shall we begin then?"
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thebisexualjedi · 7 years
“My, my.” Sidious chuckled. “What do we have here?” 
Obi-Wan’s eyes widened as he rose from his cot. He had thought once Maul had killed Satine he was going to be left in this cell to rot. But no more than an hour ago there had been crashes from the surface that Obi-Wan thought to come from a fight. It seems he was right as the Sith Master stood outside of his cell. 
“You, you’re the Sith Master... you’re Sidious?” The broken jedi was shocked. Sidious’s hood was down, allowing for Obi-Wan to identify the Master as none other than Chancellor Palpetine. 
Sidious smile grew feral, as glances over Obi-Wan like he was piece of meat. “Aren’t you a cleaver Jedi, Master Kenobi.” He mocked, his voice sending shivers down Obi-Wan’s spine. 
“Imagine my surprise,” Sidious continued, “I came to collect my pathetic ex-apprentice Maul, and as an added bonus he’s got you practically wrapped up with a bow on top.” 
The Sith entered Obi-Wan’s cell.  Unable to access the force due to the collar around his neck, Obi-Wan took a step back only to hit the cell wall. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this moment. You’ve been a thorn in my side for too long, Master Kenobi, and I’m afraid that cannot stand.” Electricity arched from Sidious’s fingers and onto Obi-Wan’s body, causing Obi-Wan to let out a scream as his body collapses and seizes on the ground. 
The lightning stops abruptly, and suddenly Sidious is hovering over Obi-Wan gleefully. “I’m going to enjoy breaking you, my dear Jedi.” 
Obi-Wan loses consciousness, the sound of the Sith Lord’s laughter ringing in his ears.  
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