best to worst relationships in TBBT (with reasons)
1. Amy & Sheldon
they had similar interests
they liked spending time together
they had a relationship agreement that objectively helped them – they had rules, schedules and agreements which made the relationship safe for both of them
they truly like each other
they value each other’s insights
they are actually able to resolve any conflict that grows between them (not just ignore it)
they respected each other’s interests
2. Raj & Emily
they had fun together
they were honest with each other
they had different interests but they didn’t try to force one another into them
Raj broke up with her because he developed a new crush (a crappy reason tbh)
3. Leonard & Priya
they shared some part of interests
they actually liked each other
she tried to change Leonard (especially his looks)
she made him choose between her and Penny
Leonard lied to her about cutting ties with Penny
the end of their relationship was awful
4. Leonard & Penny
adorable at the beginning, but just downhill from there
Leonard liked Penny just because of her looks at the beginning
during later seasons Penny didn’t even like Leonard
she made fun of him a lot
she did not accept him at all
she mooched on him for most of her acting career and then felt superior just because she got a better paying job than him
she wanted to broke up with him but didn’t just because she became jealous of Alex
they had nothing in common
near the end of the show Penny was kind of a bully towards Leonard
5. Howard & Bernadette
they had so many red flags basically from the beginning
Bernadette didn’t like anything that Howard liked
she tried to force him not to go to space and then stated that Howard is an astronaut because of her
he said he would hate to spend as much time with Bernadette as he does with his fiends
she was manipulative, competitive and mean
he treated her like a mother
he thought he wasn’t hot enough for her ex boyfriend or him (he states that at the beginning, short after meeting her)
she felt superior just because she earned more money
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from my other account
I absolutely love The Big Bang Theory because not only is it an interesting show about “different” people but also because I headcanon Sheldon as an aroace character and I love seeing the relationships he forms especially the one with Amy (which for me has the strongest qpr vibes). So I wanted to share my favorite parts about their qpr:
they respect each other’s boundaries
they move at a pace that’s comfortable for both of them
they discuss and compromise on physical activities
they were friends at first and then they decided to change the character of the relationship without changing its characteristics – they called each other girlfriend and boyfriend which was the main change, they also decided to go on dates (during which they were doing the same things as before)
they developed love for each other over time
even when doing something others would describe as romantic they didn’t characterize it as romantic
they didn’t act romantic (even Leonard described their hand holding as not romantic)
their relationship was based on mutual respect, similar interests and understanding of each other’s need for space
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from my other account
Decisions screenwriters/producers of TBBT made on Amy Farrah Fowler that bug me:
They changed her from practically aroace person into a hyper sexual one. At the beginning she was barely interested in dating and her rule was no sex. Even when Sheldon was wondering if the real act would be as enjoyable as pretending to be in a sexual relationship Amy said she was not yet in that place. She first feels sexual attraction upon meeting Zack but decides not to act on it. And then suddenly she’s super into sex without any reason really.
I don’t understand why they had to do the makeover in the last episodes. I loved original Amy. The cardigan wearing Amy. The orthopedic shoes Amy. The grandma style Amy. Of course she looked more attractive after Raj helped her. But it was a bit inconsistent with her character. She had her comfort zone and dressed accordingly (for dates, interviews etc.). I don’t like that it wasn’t enough for her to win a Nobel prize and have a happy life – she had to become attractive on top of it.
Amy had a great relationship with Howard from some point of the story. But the writers would forget about it from time to time and make them awkward in close proximity.
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from my other account
I’m rewatching the big bang theory for a millionth time and honestly something that is absolutely stunning for me is that the writers seem to be actually forgetting the points of their story. My favorite examples: they kind of forgot that the comic book owner and Penny’s father were already given names at the beginning of the show.
And then all of the sudden… we get guys with completely different names. WHY? Why couldn’t they just use the names they’ve given them previously?
The same goes with the characters’ families. It’s mentioned that they have brothers or sisters and then all of the sudden they are not invited to the wedding. And we have no explanation whatsoever. No comment. Nothing. Examples:
Leonard has a brother and a sister. Neither of them attend his wedding.
Penny has a brother and a sister. The sister is not present at the wedding.
Sheldon has a Meemaw and is good friends with Beverly Hofstadter. Neither of them come to the wedding.
And I don’t mean they should have attended. But why isn’t it commented? There’s no mention of it (even if it was present in some scene but didn’t end up in the show they should have made another scenes with at least an honorable mention). It’s like the writers forget that characters have families. Even though they were the ones who gave them those families.
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a repost from my other account
The Big Bang Theory plot holes and inconsistencies that annoy me:
(don’t get me wrong: I love that show, I must’ve watched it a thousand times, I’m even watching it right now, writing this post—but because I watched it so many times I had to notice some things):
Sheldon swears at the beginning of the show. Then he claims he doesn’t swear ever and you can bet your sweet “b” on it, because he wouldn’t even say “a”
Sheldon has asthma that gets magically transferred into Leonard.
Raj states randomly that he’s dating a “deaf chick”, so that’s no problem he can’t talk to women. When later Penny introduces him to her friend Emily he has no idea how to react and behave and can’t even communicate with her.
Amy starts as a sex and romance negative person and a season later she’s suddenly hyper sexual.
Howard’s dad abandoned him and his mother some time ago—yet in the first season Howard states that never talking and staying drunk during the relationship “worked for his parents”.
Stuart’s name and Penny’s dad name change through the show—Wyatt was a Bob before and the comic book store was Larry’s.
Leonard had a girlfriend/girl he dated that’s mentioned once and never again—while talking to Penny, Sheldon says that Leonard dated a french woman who had a PhD in french literature, and yet she never comes up when Leonard’s love life is discussed.
Penny gets a job as a pharmaceuticals sales person and even gets promoted even though she hasn’t even graduated from community college—she takes some classes but there is no mention of her graduating, she only got the job because the interviewer was afraid of Bernadette.
Amy and Howard have things in common and have fun together in one episode and don’t have anything to talk about and behave awkwardly towards each other in the next one.
Doctor Gablehauser suddenly disappears and gets transformed into President Siebert.
Howard doesn’t know why the elevator is broken and tries to fix it even though we later find out that he was present when the elevator broke down.
Neither Beverly Hofstadter nor Sheldon’s Meemaw attend Shamy’s wedding and nobody bothers to explain why.
Penny has a sister who doesn’t attend her fake wedding with Leonard. Leonard’s siblings and their families do not attend either.
Sheldon is really happy for Raj after he finally slept with Emily and congratulates him even though just an episode earlier he told him to “stick to his guns, because there’ll be a lot of pressure [to have intercourse].
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