the-sparrohawk · 1 month
reminder to worldbuilders: don't get caught up in things that aren't important to the story you're writing, like plot and characters! instead, try to focus on what readers actually care about: detailed plate tectonics
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the-sparrohawk · 1 month
Trapped together in their damaged shuttle, Obi-Wan and Anakin slowly begin to drive one another mad. And then they begin to drive one another crazy.
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, CT-7567 | Rex, CC-2224 | Cody Additional Tags: Humor, idiots to lovers
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the-sparrohawk · 9 months
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2017 is off to a great start. I just got sent this on AO3. This is my fucking fic. I’ve reached peak Internet. There is no where to go from here.
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the-sparrohawk · 9 months
the thing i love about how lucas designed obi-wan as the 'good father' and vader as the 'bad father' aka two opposing and complementary halves of a single archetypal figure, it means that in a way, anakin made himself into vader. not just that he chose to fall, but also that he chopped himself into pieces and set himself on fire. he fought against the good part of himself and both won by losing, and lost by winning, you know? he was irrevocably damaged by the fight and the good part of himself withdrew, leaving him as vader ascendant, which is what he wanted, but god at such a high cost.
it's just that narratively anakin HAD to either kill or remove the obi-wan part of his character during his fall, or else he would never be free to be vader, but you cannot destroy a part of yourself without consequences. so he suffered a painful echo of the damage he'd done to the galaxy and his own soul for the rest of his life, courtesy of obi-wan's violent departure. luckily that rejected part of himself left mustafar to go hover around luke (his legacy) instead, guiding the son figure who would ultimately return his goodness and heal the divide in his character.
idk man obi-wan is just such an interesting figure in the tragedy of anakin skywalker, so deeply interwoven in his entire life, from childhood to death, like there's a reason he's in all 6 OT and PT movies, even death can't remove him from the story. he is wherever vader is, in vader's mind, in his words! they can't escape each other, and don't even want to. obi-wan gives luke anakin's light in the narrative (and his lightsaber) and then lets vader kill him, waiting in the force for anakin to die so they can reunite forever. they're two halves of a single character and i'll never be normal about it.
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the-sparrohawk · 9 months
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the-sparrohawk · 9 months
One thing that was really good about episode 4 of Ahsoka is that it knew exactly what the theme needed to be, the same thing that it always comes back to in Star Wars: Attachment. Ahsoka starts the episode off by saying that, if they can't get to the map, they may need to destroy it, stranding Ezra, because letting Thrawn come back is worse, knowing what would happen. Sabine's big temptation in this episode is exactly that--Baylan promises her that she can see Ezra again, because she thinks he's the only family he has left that she can do anything for, because she's so afraid to live without something that she makes a deal with the dark side. It's the exact same situation that Ezra had to make at the end of Rebels--he could bring Kanan back, but it would mean destroying all that Kanan saved in that moment, possibly even tear open time itself. He could have brought his parents back, but it would have let Sidious into the World Between Worlds to tear everything down. Which was the exact same situation that Anakin faced, that Ezra's was a riff off Anakin's, the willingness to trade the entire galaxy's freedom and lives for the one person (who wasn't even actually dead, either!) he was too afraid to live without. Which was the exact same situation that Luke faced, that he could save his friends if he would just give in to the dark side. It's the recurring theme of Star Wars, to face what attachment means to the Jedi, who are based on Buddhist monks, that attachment means the fear that makes you cling to someone or something so hard that you only end up hurting yourself--and Sabine, in her Jedi training, has to face this choice and she couldn't do it, she couldn't be selfless enough to let go and we can see it's going to be a shitshow. It's such a human, empathizable choice, she lost so much, her family is dead, she thinks Ahsoka is dead, she's been stagnating since Ezra left, she feels lost and adrift, of course she makes the wrong choice, of course she gives in to the fear that is attachment, and of course it's going to be awful. OUR GIRL IS GOING THROUGH IT, PLEASE BE KIND TO HER!!!!
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the-sparrohawk · 9 months
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the-sparrohawk · 9 months
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I LOVE THIS SCENE A LOT???  I mean, it’s super painful because it’s complicated for all of them–I understand why Anakin feels betrayed, because he takes everything so incredibly personally, that he has trouble parsing the difference between what Obi-Wan’s duty is versus Obi-Wan’s personal loyalty to him, that duty and saving lives might actually take precedence over that personal loyalty. Then you have Obi-Wan who understands that this is difficult, but he can put other people’s lives above personal loyalty, that it’s never that he didn’t care, but that he saw a situation where there was something more important than how Anakin would feel about this, no matter how much he cared about Anakin’s feelings, too. BUT IT’S ALSO A REALLY COOL LITTLE SCENE because Anakin is in full rage mode, wanting to kill the person who killed Obi-Wan, he’s ready to do some Serious Murder here and “Rako Hardeen” just absolutely wipes the floor with him.  Even when Anakin gets in a few hits, Obi-Wan flips him right back over and puts him to the ground. Which is fascinating–is Obi-Wan just that much better at hand-to-hand combat than Anakin?  Is it that he knows Anakin so well that he can mop the floor with him like this?  Is it that Anakin’s rage makes him sloppy and unfocused?  Probably some combination of all of the above? It always invites parallels to Mustafar for me, where Obi-Wan spends so much of the time not actually fighting back against Anakin so much as giving ground to try to give Anakin time to come to his senses.  That, part of what allows him to win there is that he knows Anakin so well that he beats him in that fight, that Anakin’s powers should make him at the peak of his entire life thus far (because, in so many ways, Vader may do more grand gestures, but George Lucas was always clear that Vader NEVER reached Anakin’s true potential), but Obi-Wan won that fight pretty thoroughly. Again, to some degree, Anakin’s rage and arrogance made him sloppy, that part of it is Obi-Wan is an incredibly disciplined Jedi who has mastered himself and his style, but a lot of it is just, yeah, holy shit, Obi-Wan is really fucking good. It also makes me think of Naboo, where Qui-Gon was a Jedi Master and still fell to Maul’s attacks, showing that Maul was indeed a powerful and well-trained fighter.  Yet, Obi-Wan still wins that fight as well, even when he probably uses the Force through anger and hurt and suffering (the dark side), he still is good enough and disciplined enough that he ultimately wipes the floor with Maul, too. It also makes me think of his fight against Maul and Savage at the same time, where they’ve both been established as incredibly dangerous fighters, they’ve both killed Jedi before, and Obi-Wan not only holds them both off at the same time, but he even does serious damage to them!
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the-sparrohawk · 11 months
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the-sparrohawk · 1 year
What if when we were born we were each assigned a Wikipedia page like a social security number would that be fucked up or what
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the-sparrohawk · 1 year
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Meowrpheus :3
Edit: I made some extras!
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the-sparrohawk · 1 year
Hello, Sherlock Holmes adaptation writer. I have trapped you in this room. It is fully furnished and comfortable. On the table, you will notice a copy of A Scandal in Bohemia by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, of which redistribution is perfectly legal, as the work is in the public domain. You will notice it is rather thin. You have 24 hours to read the approximately 8,550 words in this story. To exit this room, all you must do is summarize the plot of the story without referring to Irene Adler as a seductress or implying she is attracted to Sherlock Holmes. Good luck.
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the-sparrohawk · 1 year
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They won!
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the-sparrohawk · 1 year
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the-sparrohawk · 1 year
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Asajj Ventress, seeing Anakin stumble:  HA HA I KNOW HOW THIS STUDENT THING WORKS, I AM THE STUDENT OF DOOKU, WHO JUST LIGHTNING FRIED ME EARLIER THIS MORNING FOR POTENTIALLY FAILING HIS LATEST SCHEME, GET WRECKED, SKYWALKER Obi-Wan Kenobi, who stays true to the Jedi principles of teaching:  Don’t worry about that, what’s important to me is that you are okay, because you’re more valuable to me than the mission, plus now we can just go find her again anyway, we work together and support each other, now let’s go get some ice cream Asajj Ventress:  what in the actual fuck
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the-sparrohawk · 1 year
Considering there are multiple million clones, there’s gotta be a fair number of trends and subcultures and even clashes over those differences. Generational ones- older batches being flummoxed and offended by shinies doing it all differently, or clones from the eastern infantry facility changing their names all the time which the clones of the pilot training program generally agree is not how they should do names. And so on
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the-sparrohawk · 1 year
if you try looking for a post using the tumblr search function it will never show up. but you know what will? a reader x character fic
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