the-evetorres · 11 years
Brief hiatus!
As you are aware, I haven't been posting much lately due to a lack of time. However, I have a new laptop and it doesn't have photoshop on it for the time being, so I won't be able to update this blog for a while with edits. As soon as I do get photoshop, I'll be back to update this! Enjoy your Christmas and I hope 2013 is a fantastic year for you all!
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the-evetorres · 11 years
Merry Christmas, beliEVErs!
Hope you all have a wonderful time!
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the-evetorres · 11 years
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the-evetorres · 11 years
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the-evetorres · 11 years
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the-evetorres · 11 years
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Monday Night RAW, December 17 2012
Don't Blink - You Just Might Miss It!
Kaitlyn defeated Eve Torres with a Fireman's Carry Gutbuster.
Well... well, well, well... Well. In case you were wondering, I'm typing out my thought process, and I honestly don't really have anything to say. And usually, that's a good thing. I rarely have nothing to say, and that's usually when I'm absolutely blown away by something/
This match, I just... oh. I think that's the word I'm looking for. Oh. There was only one good match last night, that being the six man tag between 3MD and Miz/Del Rio/Dreamer. There were probably less than 5 backstage segments, on a show of which we usually have quite a few, so why did the matches need to be shortened down? Why did we need a 5 minute introduction for every single Slammy award? We know what they're about, you come out, introduce the nominees, and then announce the winner. That's it!
But whatever, the only noticeable decent thing coming out of this Divas match was Eve's fierce streak when Kaitlyn nearly disfigured her gorgeous face. That was it, which is quite bad.
It looks like the WWE are going for one final Eve/Kaitlyn encounter for the title, before they hopefully bring AJ into the title picture. However, after the pop that Kaitlyn got when she won the last match night, I'm kind of welcoming the idea of her winning the title at some point. As much as I love her, I never thought she was ready to be the head of the division, because she's still green in the ring and wasn't really bringing in a reaction from the crowd. But if she continues to get reactions like that, I'll have no problem with her taking the Divas title. Although I do need Eve to hold onto the championship for another 35+ days to become the longest reigning Divas champ.
But now, I have nothing else to say in regards to RAW.
Match rating: 1 out of 5.
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the-evetorres · 11 years
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the-evetorres · 11 years
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the-evetorres · 11 years
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the-evetorres · 11 years
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the-evetorres · 11 years
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the-evetorres · 11 years
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the-evetorres · 11 years
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WWE TLC 2012
Funkadactyl Becomes Extinct!
Eve was on commentary for the pre-show battle royal, before costing Kaitlyn a potential victory.
Divas Champion Eve defeated Naomi with a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker to retain the Divas Championship.
Honestly, I did NOT see that coming. After Kaitlyn's victory over Aksana on SmackDown (in a match that should not have happened - three and a half minutes on a headlock? No thank you!), I thought it was almost confirmation that Kaitlyn was going to be leaving as the number one contender. I didn't want it, as much as I love her, because I wanted someone new and fresh to the scene for a short while.
So Naomi winning the battle royal was like God answering my prayers, I was so happy when she won, I really didn't see it coming.
As for the battle royal itself, I thought it was amazing! For the first time in a long while, this battle royal actually seemed like none of the Divas were rushed and were trying to find the most logical way to be eliminated within the first two minutes without just rolling out of the ring by herself (hey Gail, how you doin'?). The match was lengthy and action packed, and the Divas got to show their personalities. We had the Funkadactyl's doing some dance moves before hitting a nice double split legdrop to the lovely Lithuanian, Tamina and Nattie got to show their badass take-no-shit attitude and the others just seemed like they were actually enjoying going out there and competing in a battle royal.
The battle royal was fantastic, and the addition of Eve being on commentary and involved in the finish was good, too. However, it still leaves me thinking whether or not the WWE are done with the Kaitlyn/Eve saga.
Eve got some mega heat when she slapped Kaitlyn and walked off, she was all sorts of sassy and I loved every bit of it! She has really come into her own this year, and - in an honest, non-biased opinion - she should have won the Diva of the Year Slammy (but congratulations to AJ, because she had a good year, too).
I loved Eve on commentary, though. She has an answer for everything and is very witty. For example, as they mentioned the dancing backgrounds of Layla and Naomi, and Eve was straight out there saying she was a dancer and whether she faces the two of them in a match or a dance off, she's still going to win. I found it amazing.
But a huge win for Naomi, in her first live match since finishing NXT, it's like the beginning of a fairytale. Perhaps the rumours of a focus group on the Diva Division were actually true, and they were advised to use one of their most athletic Divas as more than a back-up dancer? Who knows? (apart from those involved, of course).
Live Show.
And the Divas take the stage as Eve comes out, wearing her marvellous bronze attire from RAW, with a new hairstyle and an extra sense of confidence in her royal wave. And then Naomi takes the stage before Eve can get into the ring, which instantly made me worry for the sake of the match. If the Diva's can't even get a full entrance to themselves, what can we expect of this match?
Well, I shall no longer judge the match from the length of Diva entrances any more. Whilst the match was just over three minutes, it was still a brilliant match. Naomi and Eve put on a great show and managed to get the crowd behind it, as Naomi was cheered with everything she did - and who would have thought that would have happened after that shamazeballs (yes, I decided Nicole's X Factor adjectives were suitable replacements for real words) six man tag match?
I absolutely loved Naomi's flips in and out of the ring, followed by her dancing and taunting Eve, I thought it was fantastic to show Naomi's personality, because we as viewers only see a woman in glitter dancing down to the ring, so it was a nice touch to see her confidence and charisma shine out.
Speaking of things I loved, Eve not taking Naomi as a threat at the beginning of the match was a nice touch, too. As she mocked her by dancing, it really showed how much of a bitch Eve really is, belittling Naomi to just a dancer and nothing more - I loved it!
Naomi did have a part where she nearly lost it, where she went for that turnbuckle leg lariat into the float-over to the ring apron. It was rather slow, and that continued as she pulled herself up to the top turnbuckle, but that's to be expected as she's probably had less than 5 matches this year (if even that many), so she is bound to have some ring rust. It didn't ruin the match at all, and it wasn't like it was a huge mistake, just a little slowness and a little slip, which is something that the greatest wrestlers do from time to time.
The second that Naomi missed the crossbody, I knew it was the end, because that was the same way that Eve won the Divas Championship from Layla. So I expected  it, which was a little disappointing, but I won't complain - the Queen Diva retained her championship successfully, which is a good thing,
I'd have liked to have seen Eve get more offence in the match, because she didn't do that much, but my guess is that they're just looking out for Eve's arm, not allowing her to do much so she's not risking a further injury. Which is a good tactic, but I would still have liked some more offence.
The aftermath of the match was great, too, with Eve once again bringing the cameraman into the ring. She's an uber-bitch, she's the Queen Diva, so why shouldn't she get to have a photoshoot above her fallen victims. Those who try to dethrone the Queen deserve to have themselves shamed in photoshoots. It's a brilliant tactic to get Eve some heat by embarrassing the other Divas, and I'm loving every second of it.
But once again, I'm left wondering: what's next? Are we going to see Naomi continue challenging for the Divas Championship? If not, are we going to see the Funkadactyl's become involved in more in-ring action? Who will challenge Eve? It's evident that AJ isn't going to be entering the title picture yet, so perhaps we'll see Kaitlyn get one more match at the Royal Rumble, to end their feud once and for all? That's what I'm hoping. Eve retain's at the Rumble, and AJ get's a title match for the Elimination Chamber, to which Eve retains, and then AJ's year comes full circle as she wins the title at Wrestlemania, a year after she managed Daniel Bryan to a loss. It'd be the cherry on top of a superb year for AJ, and it'd be great to see Eve in a single's match at 'Mania.
Pre-show match rating: 4 out of 5 (by far my favourite battle royal for a long time). Live show match rating: 3.5 out of 5 (given 6+ minutes, the match would have been absolutely amazing, and I need to see that happen at some point). 
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the-evetorres · 11 years
Cannot find a download for TLC anywhere, so the review will have to be with digitals, I'm afraid!
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the-evetorres · 11 years
Tonight at TLC: Eve Torres vs ?
Eve Torres vs. Naomi!
That's right! Naomi won the pre-show battle royal, earning a championship match against Eve, later tonight.
Can Naomi perform the ultimate upset and win the Divas Championship in her first actual match as a RAW Superstar?
Or will Eve continue to dominate the WWE Diva Division?
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the-evetorres · 11 years
Don't forget to tune into tonights TLC preshow on WWE.Com and YouTube to find out who will be the number one contender for Eve's Divas Championship, and whether or not our Hellacious Heartbreaker has won any WWE.Com Slammy's!
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the-evetorres · 11 years
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