the-bofurin-digest · 9 days
Umemiya: we should go somewhere fun today! I'll even do the driving.
Hiragi: you can't drive! You don't even have a license.
Umemiya: sure I do, see?
Hiragi: that's not a driver's license, it's a fishing license!
Umemiya: same thing, basically!
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the-bofurin-digest · 11 days
Umemiya: Where's the last place you flew?
Hiragi: right off the fucking handle and there's another potential flight on the way.
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the-bofurin-digest · 23 days
how the furin boys kiss. -> 616 words. gn!reader, just super cute fluffy stuff. some suggestive elements spread out, but no pronouns or y/n usage. this was suggested by @otakumodeactivaded — i hope you enjoy! <3 -> feat. haruka sakura, hajime umemiya, hayato suou, and toma hiragi.
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sakura is a quick learner when it comes to kissing. he's shy, though, mostly out of inexperience, and the embarrassment of not being good at it keeps him chained to his inexperience. he's the type of guy who stammers out a "no, i know how to do it!" when you ask him, with blush spreading across his face in a light pink color, and when you do eventually kiss, he doesn't seem like he really knows what he's doing. however, he does let you move his hands to where you want them. he's pliant, because despite all his faults, and he wants to learn. he wants to know how to kiss you in the ways you enjoy. he's hesitant as well, nervous of screwing up, but with your pretty eyes on him and your lips centimeters from his own, he knows you won't judge him. you never fail to remind him of that fact, too.
umemiya kisses like he's putting his heart into every single one. they're long and smooth, commanding even, his tongue sliding against your own so sweetly that it would seem you were made for him. he always asks for one from you, too, even in the silliest circumstances. he needs at least one goodbye kiss from you as you go off to class, or one when he sees you and sweeps you up in his arms. he's the king of peppering kisses, never failing to kiss all over your face as you giggle and try to shove him off, saying he's annoying. he's not though, you and him both know that. he always says a soft i love you after each and every one, no matter how heated they are. most times, he'll pick you up when he kisses you, twirling around with his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he catches you in a sprint, his lips pressing against yours.
hayato kisses you like you're going to leave him. there's something desperate in it, as if he's trying to prove himself to others, but feels embarrassed that he feels the need to do so in the first place. he's very polite about it, at first giving you forehead and cheek kisses, but behind closed doors he practically devours you. it's messy, spit spreading across your chins as he bullies his tongue inside your mouth. he enjoys the power dynamic between you both, the way you fall apart so quickly in his adept, mature hands and tongue. he likes hearing the little moans that fall from your own lips, muffled from his mouth. he's handsy, too; he'll always need skin contact in some way when he kisses you. big fan of the "cupping cheek" kiss.
hiragi kisses you gently, like he's scared that he's going to break you if he goes full force. every touch is gentle and soft, every kiss is a peck and not more; he holds himself back, just slightly, just enough for you to pick up on the fact that he's holding back. when you ask him to stop doing that, when you pout and tell him to kiss you for real, he pauses for a moment, before you squeal as he pulls you in for a burning kiss, your mouths smashing together. he likes to kiss you when you're pressed against something, as if he's concerned that his force will make you fall back onto the ground. he needs to have you secured when he kisses you, be it with his hands wrapped around you, or you pressed up against a wall. he's a huge fan of neck kisses, too; loves hearing your little hitch in breath as he presses his lips against your pulse point.
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divider credit: @/benkeibear networks: @enchantedforest-network
disclaimer: DO NOT copy or repost my works for any reason. translations are acceptable, but please ask for permission first!
© togamest 2023-2024
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the-bofurin-digest · 24 days
Hajime Umemiya Casual Headcanons
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Casual Headcanons
> Loves the smell of just basic, fresh cotton. It's his favorite only after the smell of a freshly watered garden in the spring. > Cannot and also will not ride a bike. Has tried to learn but can't coordinate enough to pedal AND steer at the same time. > Would probably enjoy DnD once or twice for fun. Would enjoy to pretend being someone else for a few hours while having an adventure > Hates socks. > Secretly reads The Secret Garden weekly. > Highlight of his weekends is Karaoke with Kotoha, Hiragi (who was forced into this mess) and Tsubaki
Dating Headcanons
> Love language when receiving love: quality time. not only does he like spending time with his friends, he love spending it with his partner. Nothing makes him happier than the two of you just relaxing on a nice sunny day, him working on his garden and you laying in his hammock napping or reading one of his books and just being close to one another. > Love languages when giving love: Acts of service, a given. This man would do almost anything for you with or without you asking. It can get a bit annoying, actually. > Comes up with obnoxious nicknames/ "Ship name" for the two of you. INSISTS you guys are referred to as that early on in the relationship (Hiragi eventually convinces him to change his mind) > Is a sucker for moonlit slow dances on the school roof with you. Has compiled the perfect playlist for just the occasion but will even do it in public. If he hears your song over the market radio he will not hesitate to pull you in his arms for a quick little spin around the aisle while you blush and laugh > Blanket hog during covers. You better have two and even then he still might roll up in the second one. > When he's beat up or had gotten involved in something rough, he will shut down and not come to you until he is healed/in his right mind because he is afraid of scaring you away. One too many cuts, bruises, seeing him in a fight is what he thinks will end your relationship. It takes a lot for him to accept that you are in it for the long haul, despite his positive and happy demeanor the self worth of that side of him in relationships is hard.
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the-bofurin-digest · 27 days
That's it. That's the post
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the-bofurin-digest · 27 days
⌕ : ʜɪʀᴀɢɪ icons ୨♡୧ 冫ᴡɪɴᴅ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋᴇʀ
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𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐚 𝐇𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐢
ᴡɪɴᴅ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋᴇʀ
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the-bofurin-digest · 27 days
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the-bofurin-digest · 27 days
let your guard down. 
synopsis: you fall asleep around him
characters: sakura, suo, kaji, umemiya, hiragi, togame 
warning/s: no dialogue, gender neutral, 
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SAKURA freezes in his seat as the weight of your head rests on his shoulders, he looks like a startled cat, with his shoulders tense and his mismatched eyes wide as he looks over at you with a curious expression. you felt comfortable enough to let your guard down? around someone like him? he looks around, seeing if anyone was looking at the two of you, when he found no eyes on the two of you, he hesitantly places a soft peck on your forehead, before he turns his head quickly to the side, chin on his hand as he pretends that his face isn’t a bright red and his lips aren’t tingling from kissing your forehead. the human touch feels especially warm when it comes from you. 
SUO hums as he feels your cheek squish against the side of his arms, he looks to you and sees your pretty eyes in a close, mouth slightly opened and suo had half a mind to put his finger in just to jolt you awake and tease you. but he doesn’t. suo carefully takes a hold of your head and places it carefully on his lap, taking off his furin coat and placing it over your body, his hand coming to the side of your arm, rubbing comforting circles on your skin as he continues the conversation he has with his peers.
KAJI jolted as he felt your head hit his shoulder, he almost didn’t want to look away from the train window, not wanting to confirm if it was you on his shoulder. who else would it be? the two of you were about to go home, riding the last train like you usually do with kaji always taking the window side, he finally looks at you, taking out the sucker in his mouth as he calls your name out softly, not hearing a response, he sighs. kaji switches his playlist to one with white noise as he removes his headphones and slots it on your head, providing you with better sleep. kaji tries to keep looking at the window but evidently gets distracted with how cute you were wearing his headphones.
UMEMIYA suddenly stops his yapping about his garden once he realizes there was no response from you. he looks over his shoulder and swoons at the sight of your body curled carefully on the bench, his representative jacket was draped like a blanket on your body and soft snores were escaping your lips. umemiya smiles so wide that he was almost laughing as he quickly takes out his phone and snaps so many pictures of you in different angles before he reviews them and decides on the one he deems worthy of becoming his lock screen. he laughs before pressing a kiss on your cheek and tending back to his little garden. 
HIRAGI knew before you even did that you were on the brink of falling asleep. he was prepared to be the chest you slept on as you watched the stars. hiragi tried to pay attention to where you were pointing but evidently ended up looking at the focused yet sleepy look on your face. he hums, asking you more about the constellation that you were currently pointing at, you put your finger down and explained the lore behind it, he nods intently, looking at the constellation before he realizes your voice was zoning out. he was careful to not chuckle out loud, fearing that the vibrations of his chest would wake you up. so with a strong arm, he pulls you closer, placing a kiss on your forehead then cheek, silently enjoying the moment that the two of you had. 
TOGAME raises the bottle of ramune soda to his lips and sighs after swallowing the first sip. he fixes your figure on his lap as he rests his head on your shoulder. you shudder slightly as you flipped the page of the book you were reading, the sun was warm and the surroundings were airy as the two of you had a date under the tree, on a picnic blanket, within the fields near the shishitoren area. with the way his arms held you so comfortably, you didn’t realize that you were slowly dozing off, the book almost falling from your grasp before you tried to pay attention once more. but with the way your lover held you as if you were the most important thing in the world lulls you into a comfortable sleep. togame only realizes once he finishes his second bottle of ramune that your breathing was deep and the book you were previously reading fell from your grasp. togame carefully picks up the book and bookmarks it before he lays the both of you down, he chuckles as he slowly pokes your puffed up cheek, placing a little kiss on it before he lays you down on his arm and places his sunglasses on your face, providing extra protection as he lets you sleep, following almost immediately after. 
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note: oh hiragi toma i want you so bad. also wdym two wbk fics in a row !!! i lost track over togame's, i'm sorry he's an eepy lover, it was supposed to be longer im ngl
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the-bofurin-digest · 27 days
@bubblespinkss How would they act with their crushCan you do "How they would act with their crushes" with taiga, too. Please?<3
That's such a cute topics omg I love it. <33
How would they act with their crush
Including Umemiya, Taïga, Sakura, Suo, Kiryu
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I think Umemiya would be the type to want to pass all his time with you. No matter what you do or what he does he just you to be there with him.
Seeing you make him feel happier, less stressed, only good feelings when you are around.
He invite you every day to go on the roof and help him with gardening.
If you don't know how to garden even better it's a chance for him to be closer to you. Obviously just to teach you nothing more~
Or if you do know how to garden he would be so impressed. Like how could you be so perfect in every way.
Umemiya would invite you to go to the little restaurant kotoha has. In fact he would like to introduce you to everyone he knows.
Everybody in the gang knows he loves you and everybody is rooting so hard for him.
Dude would give you plant and be like it made me think of you.
He would always tries to make you smile and laugh. Your laugh is such a sweet melody to his ears.
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I think Taiga would at first tries to speak lower. Kiryu once told him if he acts with that much energy and speaking so loud he would never get a girlfriend (this is canon Kiryu we love you but that's also why we love taiga.)
But boy get so excited around you he can't keep himself calm. That's fine you found that cute.
It's like being with you get him 100%more energy.
He would even do more exercise to impressed you (obviously after that he can't feel his muscle but that s fine.)
Would ask you if his muscle get bigger.
The first time he met you he ask you what was your mantra you answer right away with an answer that was such like you very confident in what you said he couldn't help to fell for you.
Will definitely ask you to come to the gym with him. If you are a beginner he would help you build a program for you. If you are not the gym would be a competition.
Always buys you food after the gym.
His smile would be so bright you would have to wear sunglass.
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This guy wouldn't even notice his feelings for you. He only realized it when Suo and Nirei pointed it.
At this exact moment his face went so red it could have explosed.
Before that his behave with you was totally normal of course he would be more carrefull and stuff but it was natural for him to act this way.
Now that his friend pointed it his face always got red whenever you a real around. He always knew he felt different with you but not at that point.
Would definitely be the type to carry your bag without even ask. He would just take it and be like I just do it cause it's the furin way that's all. He would never admit it's just because he doesn't you to lift something in front of him. He just doesn't want you to get hurt.
He would even eat your vegetables if you don't want them. Even if he doesn't like them he doesn't want you to be embarrassed about it.
Would definitely ask you to fight with him for fun. He just wanna see if you are strong or not.
Of course he would always defend you in a fight nobody can touch you but he also wanna see what are you capable of.
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One of the sweetest. Such a cutie.
Always tries to make you laugh. We all know Suo is a joker he likes to crack jokes but if you are around and he makes you laugh that's even better.
The fact that he makes you laugh would give him butterflies. He would be so proud and so happy to hear you giggles and his jokes.
Would definitely be the type to buy you some gift but never let you notice it's from him.
In fact since you were yapping about how much you wanted to know who it was he started to put some puzzle like a little game between you to see if you would realized.
He knew you did when one day he went put a gift for you and he found a bag of tea at the spot he usually put his gift.
Now you just exchange gift time to time but never in person always using the same systems.
He loves spending time with you, he would ask you to come walk with him and even tries to teach you some of his moves.
Would definitely invite you drinking tea while reading a book.
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(Help this boy is so fine. Like I'm obsessed with him having his hair like this.)
Would be so sweet around you. Like one of the sweetest just like suo.
He's such a cutie. Always remove one of his headphone when you are around. Some time even pass you one so you could enjoy music together.
Definitely made a playlist for the both of you. You guys listen to it often even when you are not together.
If you are into game he would love to play with you. Like every change he gets he asks you to join his game. The one who lose buy food for the other at the end of school.
If you are not he would try to teach you some easy game so you could okay together.
Always carry your bags that's what gentleman does.
Would come with you to get your nails done or even your hair or to buy new clothes.
He likes to match you. Like you're at a store he would picks hairpins to wear together. Even though you guys aren't a couple it still cute so you wear it anyway.
Buy you some of your latest new interest and even listen to you speaking about it for hours. He just love the sound of your voice.
.・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・゜゜・
In receiving request it makes me so happy I love you guys.🧡🧡🧡
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the-bofurin-digest · 27 days
Toma Hiragi: Casual Headcanons
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Casual Headcanons
~ Its said he likes rock, so I'm going to throw him into the more old school rock with a mix of some of the newer stuff. He gives off the motely crue, chevelle, slayer, etc vibes. I like to think his tastes are versatile but he isn't so much into the modern punk. (absolutely listens to nickelback in secret) ~Raised mainly by grandparents, has older sibling vibes too. Is the frazzled and exhausted 'stay at home mom' side of Umemiya's 'I'm the cool and fun dad!' side. ~Takes selfies and video chats like a 65 year old grandma. Can't figure out camera angles ~Has a secret stuffed bear he's had since he was a toddler. Its nestled comfortably in his room. ~He has an abundant collection of random magazines (mainly car, motorcycle, gaming, and music ones) that litter his bedroom floor. He went through a phase of cutting out some of the cool art and taping it to his wall to "decorate." But now he just peruses. He buys one every time he goes to the pharmacy for his stomach pills!
Dating headcanons
~Motorcycle Boyfriend. practically melts when you ride behind and your arms are wrapped around him tightly. Bonus points as I think he would be the type to date someone from "the other side of the tracks" so to speak. So a good girl who is only bad with him, wrapped around him while he speeds down the street, hits a note in his otherwise very straight laced tough man brain. ~Love language when receiving love from partner: physical touch. cuddle this man and run your fingers through his hair and he is absolutely yours for eternity. ~Love language when giving love to partner: quality time. He is very busy with his bofurin stuff and keeping Umemiya and the others on track so when he gets the free time he is immediately at your side. Whether its something mundane like a nice walk or a more intricate date, he's just happy to be with you as you do whatever it is you are doing. ~ Favorite date night is a night in, ordering pizza or some other take out and watching old black and white horror films where you pretend to be scared of the lame and cheesy special effects and jump in his arms every 5 seconds ~Def little spoon during cuddles
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the-bofurin-digest · 28 days
Intro and Table of Contents
>Call my Ang >Upper 20s >Writer >Sometimes arts >Inbox and discord are always open! I love making new friends interested in the same fandoms as me. >Will write anything based on a request basis. I am very indulgent in writing and love attempting a challenge! So if you are unsure, just ask! Favorite things to write >Found family >Slice of life Headcanons >Relationship Headcanons Requests: OPEN
~Table of Contents~
Will be updated as things are posted!
Key: 🌶️- NSFW 🧸- Fluff 💊- Angst/Hurt 🤡- Crack/Humor Toma Hiragi - Casual and Dating Headcanons Hajime Umemiya - Casual and Dating Headcanons
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