thatssewleo 9 years
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I don鈥檛 really have anything to say about this. It was a pretty fun dress to make, and the circle skirt was apparently very fun to wear.
I made the dress and styled the wig and Hannah modeled it.
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thatssewleo 9 years
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Bonus pic from yesterday鈥檚 photoset!
I really liked this picture, but I didn鈥檛 want to use it in the actual photoset because it鈥檚 not focused right.
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thatssewleo 9 years
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Sorry for the long wait between posts! i鈥檝e been super busy with college and getting ready for college and all that. Anyway, here is the finished version of Aurora鈥檚 peasant dress.
Compared to Belle鈥檚 peasant photoset, this was a dream to shoot. There was less posing we had to do, and Hannah was so excited to be a princess that we could just harness that energy and put it all into the pictures.
I made the bodice and the skirt and styled the wig. Hannah modeled and supplied the button down.
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thatssewleo 9 years
Ok so after I made Aurora鈥檚 peasant dress, I wanted to make her fancy dress. I chose to make it in pink, mostly because it was easier to find the right shade of pink than the right shade of blue at my local Joann鈥檚. Which just goes to show how incredibly damn hard it would have been to find the right blue because one of the pink fabrics I bought knowing that I would have to dye it darker.
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Here鈥檚 the fabric I wanted to use for the main part of the bodice. Clearly its too light. I died it first using some fuchsia dye.
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It looked fine wet, but it dried almost as light as it had been before I dyed it.
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I dyed it again using red dye, but that pretty much did nothing. In the end, I had enough left over fabric from the skirt to make the bodice, but I was hoping to make them out of different fabrics. Whatever. I鈥檒 probably just the brocade that wouldn鈥檛 dye to make a waitscoat or something.
All in all, pretty disappointing, but I鈥檒l live.
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thatssewleo 9 years
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Ok so I have no pictures taken during the making of the skirt. None. In this photoset is literally every picture I have of the skirt. Oops.
Here's what the finished thing looks like. In a week or two I think I'll have pictures of it on the model available. When it is on the model, I'm going to leave the top two laces deliberately loose to get the gaping triangle Aurora has in the movie.
About the skirt (since it doesn't have its own separate post)
It's a full circle skirt with an elastic waistband and some colossal freaking pockets. I like to put pockets on everything I make. Probably a side effect of store bought women's clothing having the shittiest fucking pockets if they have pockets at all.
It has three panels, with a large one in the front and two smaller ones in the back. All the seams are french seams, which I did to make it look more finished and to stop fraying.
The more discerning person may notice that I sewed the skirt using black thread and wonder at my choice to do so. The reason was that I didn't have grey thread and didn't feel like going to Joann's (which is like at least a 20 minute drive away and is the closest option to me to buy thread) to buy some.
I gave it an elastic waistband because
1. No one will even be able to see it when worn.
2. It will make the skirt more comfortable.
3. It's not delicate fabric, so the bunching won't hurt it.
4. I had the elastic lying around.
I guess that's about it.
Also special thanks to my sister for holding the thing while I took pictures of it
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thatssewleo 9 years
Aurora's Peasant Dress
Ok so I know I am pretty much shit at keeping the blog updated, but I try. Where I'm going with this is that I have entirely finished making that grey skirt, black corset number that Aurora wears at the beginning of the movie without a single blog post about it. Yeah. Sorry. I'm going to space out a couple posts about it over the next couple days.
Today: The making of the black top.
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Here we have to muslin of the thing.It's a pretty simple pattern. It has two panels more that my usual 8, but that was because it ended up a little too big for my model.
The second seam from either end is basically a dart going up the entire length of the bodice.
I actually made a different muslin before this one that I don't have pictures of that didn't turn out quite right, so this is the better of the muslins I made over the course of drafting this pattern.
That pile of black lines in the bottom of the frame are the boning channels. I didn't take any pictures during the process of sewing those on or inserting the boning (which was plastic, for those who want to know), but it was pretty simple too. I put boning along the side, side back, and accidental second princess seams. So those seams where I messed up and had to take the dress in had a purpose after all!
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Here's the outer part. It's identical to the muslin, except it doesn't have the accidental seams. I accounted for the amount i needed to take the bodice in and just make the front side panels about and inch smaller.
I normally use the finished and correct muslin as a liner, so I stitched the muslin to the outer piece.
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Here's the thing with both pieces sewn together. The white lines are markings for the eyelets to add laces.
I don't have any pictures of making the eyelets, so that's it for now!
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thatssewleo 9 years
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Outtakes from the photoshoot!
Just in case anyone thought we were anything remotely approaching proffessionals
This was just the outtakes photoset, so I didn't bother to edit out the things I did in the real photoset, like the date stamp (interestingly, none of the pictures were taken on the 29th. They were all taken on the 31st)
Click through for terribly sarcastic captions.
Click here for the actual photoset of the gold dress and here for the actual photoset of the blue dress!
As before, I did the things, Sarah wore the things, and Hannah was there to help
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thatssewleo 9 years
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And the gold dress!
I had more pictures of this, but some look absolutely ridiculous, and some I don't have the photoshop skills to remove the modern paraphernalia in. I guess that's something I'll have to think about the next time I take pictures.
Dress drafted and made by me
Modeled by spiffydorksarah
The petticoat (which is not visible, but does make the skirt look fuller) was drafted by me and made by mynotablenonsense
Photos by me
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thatssewleo 9 years
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At long last the dress is available for viewing on a real life human being!
I am really pleased with the way this all turned out (cant type periods with the new update whats up with that) makes me feel so professional
Dress drafted and sewn by me, worn by spiffydorksarah, photographs done by me
Stay tuned for pictures of the gold dress, and a possible photoset of outtakes!
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thatssewleo 9 years
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So here is the finished result for Belle's gold bodice. After I finish making the skirt, I will probably make a making of post for the whole thing.
About the pictures: right now they look really washed out. I swear the fabric is more gold than this! Probably the camera's fault: it's night out now and I was using my ceiling light as the main light source. Also, the reflectivity of the satin makes them look kind of weird. Whatever. I'll get some better pictures later when I get my model to put the whole thing on.
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thatssewleo 10 years
I have finished Belle's blue dress. I don't know if I am going to make a making of post for this dress because it really is very simple. Literally just a fitted bodice with straps and a circle skirt.
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front view
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back view
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top view to show the fullness of the skirt
fyi I didn't make the white shirt underneath. That's just a shirt my model, Sarah, already owned.
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the pocket. That is a really big pocket. It's just hard to tell with the fullness of the skirt.
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The bottom hem. Just a rolled hem, but look at how beautiful that hem is. I am so proud of that hem.
I will post pictures of the dress on Sarah as soon as I have taken them.
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thatssewleo 10 years
Next project: Belle's blue provincial dress.
I made the muslin for the bodice, which was pretty much half the battle since this is a聽very聽simple dress.
This time, the pockets will be functional.
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I think I'm going to bring the neckline in the front down a bit, otherwise I am pretty happy with how it is.
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thatssewleo 10 years
So I'm not actually done with the embroidery project but I think I'm done with it being my primary project. If I ever get stressed, I can just pull it out and do some low-stress embroidery.
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It is done enough聽to wear, I just haven't finished all the embroidery I wanted to do. The one thing I don't like about it is that I sewed the pockets on too low and they are pretty much useless.
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In the end, I wanted to do something inspired by Van Gogh's Starry Night. I like the way what I have turned out; I just want to move on to other projects.
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thatssewleo 10 years
I started the embroidery project today.
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Ah yes. The majestic unsewn bodice.
So far I've drafted the pattern, cut out the fabric, and mostly sewn the bodice.
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Tomorrow, I'm going to adjust the bodice where the back is loose, cut the skirt, and draw up the pattern for the embroidery.
All in all, I'm feeling pretty good about this right now.
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thatssewleo 10 years
First project on the blog: I'm making a plain black dress to show off embroidery. I have a rough sketch of how it should look, but I can't take a picture.
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