tenta-squidthing · 5 years
The World Revolving with 100% more hoenn horn
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tenta-squidthing · 6 years
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tenta-squidthing · 6 years
Things almost every author needs to research
How bodies decompose
Wilderness survival skills
Mob mentality
Other cultures
What it takes for a human to die in a given situation
Common tropes in your genre
Average weather for your setting
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tenta-squidthing · 6 years
So like
we’re streaming and stuff
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tenta-squidthing · 6 years
I swear I come here for
A. Cute birbs, so many cute birbs B. Cute arts, so many cute arts C. To announce my livestream
Anyway the adventure of Edge Prince, Fun Muscle Guy, Husbando Librarian, and Cloud Strife’s Pun-loving Cousin continues as my computer struggles to render all this good looking foliage A Hat In Time after a bit of that
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tenta-squidthing · 6 years
I would just repost the whole tweet I tweeted a minute ago but I think that’d get a little too tweety, ya tweet me here
Anyway Final Fantasy XV, it’s a happen
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tenta-squidthing · 6 years
Sims 3 is supposed to be a game about putting a little avatar in and making it do mundane things, albeit awkwardly, to achieve a nice, stable domestic life.
When you give me the controls (and a few mods), this game is about creating horrendous, physically distended and awful monsters, making them charm normal people, and then locking the charmed party in a room until they starve to death, taunted by the freedom they once had. It’s an enjoyable time for all, come watch!
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tenta-squidthing · 6 years
Hey would you look at that the Jake guy is back and we’re trying not to starve!
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tenta-squidthing · 6 years
A young (Florida) lad yells at statues and fire until they do what he wants, destroys ancient architecture and abuses disabled pterodactyl
Live now for your viewing pleasures
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tenta-squidthing · 6 years
Someone help I’ve created some elephant people and they won’t shower in the toilet
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tenta-squidthing · 6 years
Cleansing my tumblr with more birb
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tenta-squidthing · 6 years
I can’t sleep so here’s a rant about politics
I kind of feel like people give me odd looks or take it as some kind of an insult when I say “I don’t care about politics.” It’s like saying “I don’t really care about this country,” to them, I feel. Like I’m disregarding something important because I simply can’t be assed to care about it, not that either of those are far off. Truly, I don’t like to focus on politics because I feel just about everything any big-wig whose name you can pull off the top of your head does, is done or left undone for some reason they don’t let on about.
Reasons that aren’t “to serve the country, and improve the lives of those in it.” Reasons that most normal people don’t strive for quite as doggedly, like fame, or relevance. Reasons like money. And not a whole lot else. Every single one of them just seem to want something out of the deal. They’re signing themselves into an office of public service expecting something in return. Why would you want to be the president? Because you become world-famous instantly, and you’re one-third of our entire governing body, so you can push your agenda as far as you want. Why would you speak out against something, anything at all that the society you dwell in cares about? Because riding the controversy train is easier than walking to the notability zone. Why won’t those high-paid journalists stand up to [awful politician]? Because the people that pay them are on the politician’s list of favors they can call in.
There’s always an extra string attached, an unseen finger in every pie. You can’t trust any of the facts you recieve to be valid or even possible to prove. You can never be sure beyond a gut feeling that what you think is right. Yet I see people butting heads every day behind a wall of vague anonymity about every little thing every ancient dullard manages to pointlessly spew out of their jowel-flanked maws. It comes to a point where I throw my hands up, and admit that I can’t continue to comfortably pay attention to it. It becomes painful to look at and have to deal with, and I have enough things I feel that way about.
So, in summation, I don’t largely care about politics because there’s nothing but a sinkhole of corruption and hidden intent to care about. Politics, in its current state, has nothing to do with our country. It has more to do with how much money and overall potential gain our “elected” “”““representatives”“““ can milk out of us while we’re busy squabbling over whether or not to allow Tide Pods to continue looking so delicious.
//end rant, please return to your regularly scheduled scrolling and remember to change your underwear regularly and brush your teeth before you go to bed
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tenta-squidthing · 6 years
Man, I keep forgetting to come back to Tumblr every now and then, this place is neat! Reddit just gives me everything I need now. Well, except all the cool art.
Anyhoozles, come on down to my trash art stream at 7pm EST where I draw intentionally horrid and weird looking things badly as an off-beat statement of my distaste for this holiday!
Also because we did this a couple years ago and it was hells of fun
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tenta-squidthing · 7 years
Have you ever wanted to hear the worst voices in existence coupled with dated memes and less-than-tasteful humor? Have you ever wanted that done with Wind Waker of all things on this earth?
You got the right place, babs
(Oh damn the art is still outdated forgot about that)
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tenta-squidthing · 7 years
I love it when I post a drawing on the internet and immediately realize a million ways I could make it better
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tenta-squidthing · 7 years
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As promised, I’m posting this one here and not on my Twitter because I actually like it, more or less.
I’m still super crap at this honestly but I’ll polish out if I KEEP TRYING I GUESS
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tenta-squidthing · 7 years
By the way I need more birbs, can someone send me a birb or five or maybe infinite forever
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