tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
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Colours of the Rainbow
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
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Very beautiful day😍
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
Sugar Prep Part One
Ladies and/or gents!
Tonight let’s talk about sugar prepping. Sugar prepping to me is VERY IMPORTANT. So let’s break it down in two parts. Today’s blog will focus on beginning the search.
Looking into being a Sugar Baby??
Do your research. Look into blogs, articles, and youtube videos.  There are youtube videos from the Tyra show, Dr. Phil, 20/20, Fox, ABC Nightline, Dr. Drew, Maury…the list goes on and on. Keep in mind all of these portray the sugar lifestyle as if it was a sin.
Understand yourself… This to me is huge. Understand that most men on these sites are looking for sex. Are you comfortable with that? Are you comfortable with yourself? Do you find yourself beautiful on the inside and out?
Improve yourself. No one is perfect. Do you want to lose a little bit of weight? Go to the gym. Do you want whiter teeth? Whiten them. Do you want to learn about people and how to get what you want? There are TONS of books out there, read one.
Ask yourself why you want to be a sugar baby. This is not an over night cash cow. It takes time to find someone who you can stand to be around and with an allowance that you are comfortable with. Also understand that this lifestyle is really dependent on your looks and where you live.
Figure out how much allowance you want/need. This is huge. One person may only need a thousand dollars and someone else may need 5 grand. Write out all of your current bills, if you need tuition covered, and misc expenses.
Set personal goals. What do you want to accomplish? How will you accomplish it? I personally have a white board with my current short and long term goals. It keeps me focused on what I am doing with my life.
Please please please do not have allowance as your only income. Sugar daddies come and go. Can you live without that allowance?
Safety, Safety, Safety!
Be Smart…Save some money from each allowance. Provide yourself with a safety net.
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
My Honest Observation
So I guess it’s been a few months now & seriously I haven’t been “sugaring” as much as I should so hence this is probably the most accurate reason on why I have not found myself in the budget of an ultra rich man yet. *sighs*
I first became interested in trying to tap into this new found source of wealth when I saw a CNN documentary on Sugar Babies. The documentary featured the arrangement between an average, slash “borderline BASIC” black woman who lives in ATL and her filthy rich OLD white sugar daddy and I thought to myself… “Shhiiittt, I can do this!” Especially since they had a “platonic” relationship. *sneezes “bullshit”*
So, I made a profile on SA & I’m a good writer, persuader and I am most definitely a notable hustler in many neighborhoods so I figured this would be easy. WRONG!
You cheap sugar cubes are making it hard for people like me who require serious money! So I thought to myself.. “How can I network with these women & hopefully convince them all to raise their prices.”
Then, I found you guys here on Tumblr. (..a gift & curse) Most women here on Tumblr lie & accept low ball gifts from POTs and SDs. Flat out. How do you dream of owning Loubs & Dior when you clearly blog & post money pics depicting gifts from POTs and SDs totally no more than $500? Hell! For $500 you might as well just “trick”. A sex crazed man will pay $500 for a decent fuck & it’s clear cut, straight to the point. He wants sex; you want money. Meet. Count your cash. Secure it. Fuck him crazy. Freshen up. & Leave.
All of this 2 weeks of texting & sending pics before finally convincing one of these SA assholes to meet for dinner only to receive $200 is a joke AND complete waste of time.
I don’t waste my time or money on anything meaningless. Once you do, you truly can’t ever get either back; your time nor the money.
So what I propose is that we all say “fuck no” to dates offering less than $1000 to meet. If every SB started with at least $1000, the national SB median would increase!
The median now must be $200 a date, and around $1500-$2K per arrangement. Hence why some of these women have 3-4 SDs. (I don’t have time for this fuckery.)
& MEN know this! Just like we network, I’m certain somewhere out here in cyberspace lies a forum full of POTs discussing the allowances they give to their SBs & mistresses.
Help me raise the bar, stop settling for coins & so that we all can get money.
Greatly Appreciated,
— YOURS TRULY (an established & employed aspiring Sugar Angel accepting no less than $5K a month)
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
 If you don’t know how to be an SB then get the FUCK OUT of the tag- not for my sake, but for yours and the sake of your fucking followers!
 What is this shit I’m reading on some of your SB stories? Some of you have a bloody screw loose!
 Here’s an example of what an SB story should NOT look like:
 “Soooo…I met this guy on AM and he looked really nice. said he was looking for a financial arrangement. I said my minimum allowance was 4k a month for three meets he agreed- he said he would take me to a restaurant, take me shopping, give me the first part of my allowance and then we could have sex at his hotel. Then a couple of days before our meet he changes his tactic and said that he won’t give me my allowance until AFTER I sleep with him and I was like ookaay?? Like I wasn’t okay with it, but I’m a pro SB so I kept it cool. So we meet up and he was super aggressive and controlling- he said he wanted to keep my bag in his car for ‘safe-keeping’ and I was like, okayyy then wtf?? But I did cos them dolla bitches ;P Anyway we got dinner at the Red Lobster and he got me some things at Sephora…he said we should take his car so we did. Then I found out it wasn’t a hotel at all, it was his house?? And it wouldn’t tell me where we were?? But I was cool cos I’m an SB after all… So we did it, I come down the next morning and there’s only $70 on the counter? I mean ugh- SALT alert! Never again, hunnies! But POT date tonight planned so yah hopefully things are better.”
 -This piece is dedicated to the hundred fucking ridiculous stories I have thus seen today.
 If you see yourself at all in this piece and think: “Did she maybe read my story and…?”
 - NEVER lower your standards. You see when the girl in the fake story, let’s call her Miss A. You know when Miss A backed down on her set conditions to accomodate what he wanted. A) That makes you look desperate. B) Now he knows he can back you down. C) Now she’s agreed to have sex with him before he gives her the allowance- why is this wrong? Well…
- NEVER have sex with him before he gives you the allowance. Read this back. What did I just say? “But he-” NOPE. “He promised-” NO. “But he’s a Leo and I’m a Scorpio and Leos never lie to Sc-” FUCKING LISTEN. DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH HIM BEFORE THE ALLOWANCE IF YOU DON’T FOLLOW THIS RULE THEN STOP BEING AN SB IT IS THAT SIMPLE.
- “But he bought me some gifts first!” So fucking what? He took you around the mall and got you some $50 hand soap, I don’t see the cold hard cash, do you?
- NEVER get in his car. Don’t go near his car. Don’t leave your stuff in it- jesus do you really need me to tell you this? Do you want to get raped/killed/kidnapped? Don’t. Fucking. Trust. Him. He’s a man you just met and you are a young girl, fucking don’t fling yourself arse first in dangerous situations!
- Also, what happened to Miss A? They ended up at his house. What’d you think I’m going to say about that? Consider it. What do you think I’m going to say? DON’T GO INTO A POT’S HOUSE. EVER. NEVER. I don’t care if your appendix is bursting and you need a place to lie down and you’re in a middle of the desert with a thunderstorm above you and his house is four yards away. Gather bush craft materials and stay fucking smart.
- So Miss A got fucked out of her money. Did she deserve it? You might think yes, but I don’t think any working girl should get fucked out of anything. This is sad truth and happens to a lot of girls. Unless the 90% of stories I’ve been reading on the tag are dummied up. “How do I avoid this?” If you read the above of this text, you already know how.
- Miss A rationalized her lack of action with ‘keeping cool about it’ or ‘being cool’. Is being cool more important than not being raped? Is it more important than gathering up the beer stained 1s off the counter after a night of terrible sex? If something isn’t right- MAKE A FUSS. If he starts behaving weirdly, raise your voice, start to cry, get people to NOTICE the situation because nothing scares a potential rapist/murderer/fuckboy off more than people scrutinizing the situation. And NOW he knows you’re not going to stand there like a mute dumbfuck while he goes about his fuckery.
- You see how Miss A jumped right back into her sugar game after this monumental series of mistakes? You see how she didn’t take a breather, reevaluate her game, even recognise the places where she went wrong? If Miss A and you could be SB twins, listen to me: You’ve been stupid but I love you and here’s what you have to do:
- Take out at least two weeks of serious thinking. Firstly, is this really for you? It’s okay if it isn’t by the way. Set limits, goals and STICK TO THEM. See my safety guidelines up there? Please for the love of anything you believe in: FOLLOW THEM.
- Background research. Research your POTs as much as possible. Look at the SB blacklist.
- When messaging, be classy, confident but FIRM. Let them know they can’t fuck with you and what you say goes.
- Get the money FIRST.
- No ‘private spaces’ on the first date. Some SBs might tell you different and that it’s a ‘personal choice’ but honestly if you’re already entangled in Miss A’s situation, just don’t.
- Is he acting creepy? BOLT. BOOK IT. LEG IT. IT NEVER ENDS WELL. “Well maybe he’s just a little awkward.” Yeah and maybe he’s got girl’s severed heads lined up in his basement. Is it WORTH IT?!
Look. I had to write this. I had to at least try to do something about the influx of young, sweet SBs who get stars in their eyes from all the designer bags and money shots from the older ladies on the tag.
 How did the experienced, successful SBs we know and love get there?
 Not by being Miss A.
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
What is a Sugar Baby? “There are many, many factors that go into the definition of a sugar baby, but to strip it down to it’s most loose, basic terms - A sugar baby is a woman who agrees to be in a relationship with a man in exchange for money/gifts.” Common Sugar Baby Abbreviations: SD - Sugar Daddy SB - Sugar Baby POT - Potential Sugar Daddy Common sites used to search for a Sugar Daddy: Seeking Arrangement (SA) Sugar Daddy for Me (SD4M) Sugar Daddie Ashley Madison (AM) *Tip: Don’t wait for messages to come your way. Message SD’s yourself. This increases your chances. Profile Tips: - Unfiltered/Edited photos.  Preferably no duck faces, your photos send a message. - Headline. Reel ‘em in with something catchy. This is essentially a preview of you. - Hobbies/Interest Gives them something to connect with. - Try not to write a novel. Say less with more. - Grammar Check/Spell Check. Use them! - Keep it positive. Researching your Sugar Daddy: Google. Search the following - Phone # E-mail First & Last Name - Try and find a Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Images - Save a photo and upload it to Google Images to find their photos on any other site the picture is affiliated with. Spokeo. Search the following - Phone # E-mail First & Last Name Address Further screening: http://www.criminalpages.com/ *Tip: Research is not something to slack on. I spend a lot of time doing this, searching for any red flags. Informative Tumblr Hashtags: #sugar advice #sugar tips #sb tips *Note: Each Sugar Baby has had different experiences therefore he/she may provide different advice. This is my advice from personal experience in the sugar bowl and what I found most helpful upon starting out. XO
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
Fashion Tips and Dress Codes.
I grew up in France, dressing up is our thing. I used to wear “business casual clothes” just to go get coffee with my friends. (Depens on your family, I guess, but my aunt would have a stroke if she knew I sometimes wear sweatpants in public.)
NYC, and the States in general, is a lot more casual (in my opinion). I feel like the outfits here are a lot more relaxed and effortless, and I like it.
(Also, note that this post is about my personal style. I refuse to wear color because I want to show the world I’m dead inside, and I never completely got over 90s grunge. I tone it down when I go on sugar dates, and I tried to include different styles in this post, but still.)
1) It is way better to be overdressed than underdressed. When in doubt, wear that dress that makes you look like a badass princess.
2) Dress for your body type and for your tastes. Find your best feature and work with it! Look at celebrities and fashion bloggers with bodies similar to yours and try to emulate their style. Wear clothes that look good on you and that you love, because if you love your outfit, you’ll feel 100% more confident.  Don’t overdo it, though, because men don’t get fashion.
For example, I’m quite thin and I have the curves of a 12 year old (i.e. none), but my legs are long and I like my shoulders and my back, so I wear a lot of strappy tops and backless dresses, as well as short skirts and fitted pants.
3) Invest in your look. Buy clothes that are good quality and fit well. Same for shoes, bag, makeup, nails and hair. (Random note: Louboutins scream escort. If that’s the look you are going for, fine, but if not, YSL has awesome pumps.)
Trust me, if you go to a five star restaurant in a $20 dress, you are going to stick out like a sore thumb. Like a lot of girls say, splenda can get you there.
4) Underwear is a girl’s best friend. Always wear fancy underwear, even if you don’t plan to get naked. My top three recommendations for lingerie are Huit, Victoria Secret (this bra is amazing if you wear a lot of backless dresses), and Agent Provocateur. I do like to wear bralettes and those strappy plain bras on my daily life, but I would think men are more traditional when it comes to lingerie, so stick to the classics.
And now… Decoding the dress code. There are tons of different dress codes, but these are the basic four: casual, business casual, semi-formal and black tie (formal).
Keep reading
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
I’ll be updating this list fairly frequently, so feel free to suggest anything.
Safety first.
Drink Safe Tech- Date Rape Drug TESTS & EXAMPLES
Basic Online Dating Precautions
SB safety advice from Seeking Arrangement
Advice from a SB
More from Chemistry.com
What is and isn’t a red flag
What rapists look for
Criminal records search
Be confident.
SB mentality
Ted talk-Body Language
Mind Your Manners.
Etiquette By Emily Post
The 48 Laws Of Power By Robert Green
How to ‘ignore’ an asshole
Dealing with problematic people
Relationship skills to practice
Wine guide
SB/SD websites
Seeking Arrangement (SA)
Sugar Daddy For Me (SD4M)
Miss Travel (Not an “actual” SB/SD relationship)
What’s Your Price? (WYP)
Ashley Madison (AM)
Before and During your date
More freestyling.
10 things to ask first
Nice ways to say no
The first date
Asking for money on the first date
Set a baseline based on YOUR NEEDS
Get some goals.
What to do with your allowance
14k in gifts tax free
More ways to be paid
How to ask for a higher allowance
Prioritize your cash
The science of love and sex
Ted talk- Desire in long term relationships
Femdom advice
How to get him, keep him, and make him beg for more $
The Art Of Seduction By Robert Green
Keep him hooked
Find a balance
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
Is it okay to give out your number to a POT right from the start? How can I make a fake number?
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
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A little Fox Kit exploring (Source: http://ift.tt/1nwTwZu)
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
Body Language Linguistics
I’m going to start by stating the obvious!
Men LOVE a CONFIDENT woman! 
In one of my previous posts ( The Three Layers of Confidence ) I talked about how the surface layer of confidence is how you portray yourself … and this all boils down to your body language.
The way you walk, the way you gesture, your facial expression, your smile and your voice are just a few of the things that encompass what the rest of the world initially sees.
I’ve been a sugar baby for quite some time now and what I’ve found is that men (SD’s) value this a lot more than women and women tend to underestimate the importance of this. A lot of the time sugar babies are too busy thinking about the way they look, the way they dress and what type of men are around that they are not too concerned with their body language. If only these girls knew the amount of POTs and SD’s I’ve spoken to who have experienced the following situation: They see as stunningly beautiful woman and they cannot peel their eyes away from her but then the see her move and she walks around with a slouch and all her energy points towards the floor, and suddenly that girl becomes unattractive. Her physical features have not changed but the man’s perception has done a complete U-turn, simply because the girl looks unconfident and doesn’t own her presence.
The advice I’m about to give doesn’t just apply to sugar babies, it applies to EVERYONE!
1)      Hold yourself the right way.
When you walk around, one of the most attractive things you can do is carry yourself well. Keep your shoulders pointed back and push your chest up, (as if a string was pulling your chest from above) and keep a strong frame.
2)      Don’t be afraid to gesture when you talk. 
Standing there all rigid isn’t going to get you the attention of any affluent man! Be fluid with your hand movements. It shows power and confidence. Open palm gestures are better over closed palm gestures because they’re more welcoming, and that is what you want. You want to be approachable.
3)      Stop crossing your arms. 
This is something I learned from the age of 16 when my mentor pointed out to me how defensive you can look when you cross your arms. People often cross their arms when they are angry or hurt, they come off closed. I understand that sometimes when you are in a stressful or uncomfortable environment, you cross your arms, and often we do it subconsciously. But I want you to become more aware of your body. Try to notice those moments when you cross your arms and stop! It makes you seem cold and unapproachable.
4)      Don’t clutch your bag around your shoulder when you are walking. 
It’s a nervous sign and you look like you are hiding something. Just Relax! … If you find yourself in a high tension situation, a really great thing to do is to breathe slower. Taking your breathing to a more controlled and slower level will immediately relax you. I do this often, when I’m in a lecture theater with over 100 people and I’m about to be the first one to ask a question. I put my hand straight up in the air and in the few seconds, zone out, slow my breathing down and ask my question. That way when everyone turns to stare at the ebony, Irish/American acented girl who just asked a daring question.. I feel fine. And because my body language is on point, everyone who turns to look at me now sees a confident girl. In one brief moment, I have shaped their initial perception of me to my advantage.
Now that you’ve got the basics down, we are going to work on how body language changes through the different segments of an interaction.
At the beginning of the interaction you want to have a fun, energetic and an exciting persona. If you are an SB and you are freestyling, what you want is for men to be approaching you. If you are a business person and you are networking at an event, again, you want people to be approaching you. So approachable body language plays a key part at the beginning of any social interaction.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that this is just down to you…. No, no, no! This is down to you and your friends or team mates or whoever you keep in your company. 
For example, you’re out in the city and you’ve struck gold. You and your friend have stumbled upon the perfect 5 star bar that is just flooded with potential men/clients/mentors. 
Now if you and your company are all standing close together facing each other in a near circle-like formation, you have immediately made it very difficult for anyone to come over to you! What you want is to have your company standing side by side, sort of like a V shape (this is perfect for smaller groups). This way you can still have a conversation with your company, while making it open and easy for someone to join the interaction. At the same time you can be scanning the room to see what’s going on.
 Do this and you will find a lot more people will approach you. Ladies, never forget that one of the hardest things an older man can do is approach a young woman when she is out with her friends. Not only does he have to walk over to you, interrupt your conversation, risk being rejected or even laughed at, and then have to do the walk of shame back to his friends. So it’s your job to make it as easy as possible for someone to approach you.
As you move through the conversation, don’t be afraid to slow things down. Especially if you are trying to seduce a potential sugar daddy or date. You want to slow things down a bit and make the interaction a bit more sensual. Slow down your gestures, if you are drinking something, slow down the way you drink it. Make more eye contact. Play with your expressions and don’t be afraid to squint your eyes a in a sexy way (you know the look I’m talking about).
Do keep in mind that this isn’t about being overly sexual: there is nothing more unappealing than a woman that is trying too hard to be sexy.
Try these steps in your everyday life and you will soon notice they will become an integral part of your physical essence. The more you practice, the better you get and it won’t be long before people look at you and from your body language, they can immediately tell that you are a high value, confident person.
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
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How to handle multiple daddies. (Not my post, I just googled it)
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tallitalisa-blog · 8 years
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