talisnessie · 6 months
Into the Wild Allegiances
For 'What if Tigerclaw was not the traitor'
Part 2
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Thank you to @doctorsoul29 for helping me out ❤️❤️
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talisnessie · 6 months
Into the Wild Allegiances
For 'What if Tigerclaw was not the traitor'
Part 1
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Thank you to @doctorsoul29 for helping me out ❤️❤️
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talisnessie · 11 months
Into the Wild
(What if Tigerclaw was not the traitor?)
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Cold and hungry, a desperate mew drowned by a dog's yapping only to be deafened by the rumbles that could only be described as monstrous. Dog? The bundle wriggled in fear, thrashing its tiny paws out before being dropped hard. A fury of paws batted at its head.
A foul, hot breath made the kit shrink away, "Quiet!" The voice was most unpleasant with the dry, scratching rasp. The kit shrank away as the patchy she-cat opened her mouth.
Picking the kit back up, she bounded away, stopping on the edge of a fence. The kit raised its head. Tasting the air made them feel hungry. It was crisp and untainted. It wanted to protest for food, feeling dizzy and weak. Though remaining quiet to avoid another confrontation.
The she-cat adjusted her stance, tightening her grip on the bundle before leaping into the luscious forest. The kit opened its mouth before reeling away. The smells of many cats overwhelmed it, causing it to thrash in fear.
"Pest!" The kit flew from the she-cat, rolling over into a white powder that chilled it to its bone. It couched down, shivering as the she-cat towered over the poor kit.
"You will earn your worth... it's the least you can do after what you've done to me!" The she-cat rasped before touching noses with the kit, taking everything from flinching away.
"You will become one with them when they trust you enough... I will return." She bent down, licking the top of its head.
"Don't let me down." She turned, scampering away. The kit desperately tried to follow, only to find its paws heavy and cold. It cried out, hoping its mother would return.
Pitiful cries rang out across the forest, too weak from the harsh cold and hunger. Letting out one last cry, it let its head fall onto its paws.
Until it was lifted from the ground.
Underneath the half moon, Bluestar gazed up at the sky. Eyes flicking, searching the sky. A pretty tortoiseshell she-cat bounded up gracefully, letting off a soft mew to alert Bluestar of her presence.
"Spottedleaf..? How is Mousefur?" The leader's voice almost quivered in front of her medicine cat, but she managed to pull it together.
"She has a couple of deep wounds but is young and a fierce fighter. She will recover," Spottedleaf laid her tail reassuringly across her leader's back, "They will all recover."
Bluestar let out a breath stuck inside her chest, letting her paws give out underneath her, her eyes never breaking from the sky.
"Are you trying to communicate with Starclan?" Spottedleaf asked, sitting beside her leader and joining her in her night watching.
"Thunderclan has not lost a war in its territory until I became leader." Bluestar's tail lashed to and from. "You mustn't take it too hard, Bluestar. Riverclan has always been looking to claim that land as its own. It was only about time."
"Only about time," Bluestar scoffed, glaring down at her medicine cat, who calmly held her gaze. "New-leaf is late, and the fewer kits in camp..."
Bluestar's tail drooped, "Starclan has not reached out to me," Bluestar looked over at Spottedleaf, who shook her head. "They have not communicated with me either."
Spottedleaf lifted her head towards the sky just as a shooting star shot through the sky. Spottedleaf's fur stood on end as her eyes reflected what she could only describe as fire.
Bluestar watched but held her tongue, knowing she was receiving a message. Once Spottedleaf's head lowered, her eyes followed Bluestar.
"What did they say?" She asked, climbing to her paws. Spottedleaf blinked before taking a breath as she recovered.
"Fire alone can save our clan."
"Fire? But fire is feared by all clans!" Bluestar stated, shocked and almost outraged. "How could fire save us?" Spottedleaf sat down, cleaning her ears.
"I am not sure, Bluestar, but this was the message they sent me." Bluestar looked from her medicine cat and then back up to the sky, seeing Starclan twinkle from above.
"If that's what they told you, then.." Bluestar said quietly, "Fire will save our clan."
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