They survived the war. They all survived the war. Marlene and Dorcas were together and out of hiding, living in the same house together. Marlene and Dorcas had three kids, Artemis, the oldest, who's a girl, Aries, the middle child, who's a boy, and Jack, the youngest, who's also a boy. James was the donor for all three.
Lily and Pandora are married and have twins, Harry and Lillian Rosier, and their youngest, Lewis Rosier, who's seven years apart from the twins. James was the donor for all three yet again.
James and Regulus are married and also have three kids. Their oldest is Rose, the middle is Leo, and their youngest is Euphemia Potter. Who is named after James' mother and Leo's named after Regulus's constellation. Lily was the surrogate for all three.
Mary and Emmeline are married and only have one kid, Penelope Vance. They live in an apartment, the same one they've had since before Penelope was born. They didn't need a house since they only planned on having one. Their sperm donor was Caradoc Dearborn, a dear friend of Emmeline's.
Alice and Frank married each other and had three kids, Neville Longbottom, Juliana Longbottom, and Nicky Longbottom, who are twins. Alice and Frank tried to make it work, but they just weren't in love with each other anymore. So, when the twins were four and Neville was ten, they had a separation and went their different ways. They have partial custody, Neville, Juliana, and Nicky go to Frank's on the weekends, but they live with Alice.
Frank found Hestia Jones and married her when Neville was fourteen and the twins were eight. Frank was Hestia's first husband and wanted kids. Frank gave her two, the oldest is William, and the youngest is Alexander, Will, and Alex for short. Their two years apart, and William is ten years apart from the twins and sixteen years from Neville.
Alice married Narcissa Black, who also had a previous marriage to Lucius Malfoy and had twins, Lila and Draco Malfoy. When Narcissa left, she took the twins with her and switched their last names to Black as she did to herself. Lucius isn't allowed visitation since Narcissa has full custody. They didn't want any more kids. Five was enough for them to raise.
Sirius and Remus married fairly young but didn't have any kids until they were twenty. They named her Violet Lupin. They had another a year after Violet. They named her Hermione, and their last was five years after Hermione, Teddy. Violet and Hermione's surrogate was a friend of Mary's, who she recommended to them. Monica was very sad to tell them she couldn't carry their third child as she didn't think she could do it, so they went with Sirius's cousins, daughter, Nymphadora Tonks.
Peter and Sybill married, and they had one child and named her Cassandra after one of Sybill's ancestors. Peter didn't argue since Enid, his sister, had taken the name he wanted for his kid.
Of course, Barty and Evan married each other, but what was surprising was they had two boys, Lucas and Nicholas, only two years apart. Everyone was surprised when they announced Emma was going to be their surrogate since they didn't even think they wanted kids.
Emma had fallen in love with Amelia. They soon after married and had two kids, Olivia - the oldest - and Camilia - the youngest. The sperm donor was Regulus as he was a dear friend of both of theirs, which is why they went with him.
Edgar married a girl named Jessica and had two girls, Ava and Aria. Aria being the oldest and Ava the youngest. Ava and Aria loved their cousins, Camilia, Olivia, and Susan. They got together on the daily just to hang out.
Susan lived with Emma and Amelia as her parents died from some kind of deadly flu. Amelia and Edgar were sad for months after their brothers - Anthony's - death. Emma was the one who took care of Susan in those months that Amelia couldn't. Jessica came over when she could with Aria to help, but it just made it worse since they now had to take care of three kids when they were already exhausted. Amelia and Edgar got better and started to become theirselves again, but they never were the same people they were before Anthony's death.
Aurora had married Ophelia and later on in 1980 had a boy named Blaise. His sperm donor is unnamed as they went with a random person on the website. They decided to only have one as he also had "cousins" to play with.
Andromeda had, of course, married her boyfriend of ten years and had two girls, Nymphadora and Nina Tonks. Dora is the oldest and Nina, the youngest.
Bellatrix had married Rodolphus Lestrange and had two kids with him, Mandy and Cara Lestrange. She also had four kids with Tom Riddle, Tom, Mattheo, Aliana, and Delphini Riddle. Her last and final kid was with Charles Berkshire. She named him Lorenzo Berkshire. Tom is the oldest, Aliana and Mattheo are twins which Bellatrix had a year after Tom, Mandy was born five years after the twins, Cara was born a year after Mandy, Delphini was born a year after Cara, and Lorenzo was born nine years after Delphini. Rodolphus had tried to get her to kill her cousins and sisters, but she refused and ran away later that night with her kids. She changed her kid's names to Black as she did to hers and later on remarried Rita Skeeter.
Rita hasn't ever been married as she was in love with someone else who was already married off and had kids. When Rita found out the woman she loved had ran away, she knew exactly where to find her, with her sisters. A few years later, they married, and Rita took Bellatrix's name. They decided that having one more kid just to have one matching Rita's DNA wasn't worth it and decided to have Delphini be the youngest.
Voldemort was defeated by Dorcas, Marlene, Lily, Pandora, Regulus, and James in 1990 when they were all the Potter house. Voldemort had, of course, hit there first as he didn't succeed in killing them the first time. Marlene had answered the door first with her son, Jack, in her arms.
She ran to the sitting room where everyone was sitting and yelled Voldemort is here before grabbing her wand and firing curses at the door before going to get Artemis and Aries to make sure they were safe. James followed behind her, wand in hand, getting his kids to safety. Lily had Lewis in her arms and her wand in her other and followed behind them to get her kids.
Pandora and Dorcas ran upstairs after a big thud and burst in the nursery. James had immediately run out to find Regulus when he didn't come in after. He saw Regulus at the bottom of the stairs laying on the ground, Voldemort hovering over him wand directed at him.
He must have heard James run out because Voldemort snapped his head up to him and fired a curse. James dodgged it. He hears Marlene scream from inside the room before someone comes out of it. James whips his head back to Voldemort just as he fires a curse at Artemis.
"No!" James yelled before hugging Artemis just before the curse hit her. James fell to the ground just as Dorcas came out to grab Artemis. James screamed in pain. It was the Crucio spell.
James hears Voldemort's cynical laugh. It pierced through his body and sent a shiver down his spine. "The great James Potter is going to die from a Crucio? How pathetic. I don't think they should even call you 'great'. I mean, protecting a child? That's how you die? Pathetic, really."
It stops. James can move again. He muscles through the pain and stands up to face him. "You wouldn't protect your children? Oh, that's right. Bellatrix took them. They don't have a father."
He sneers. "Do not talk to me that way! Imperio!"
"No!" James hears Marlene yell. "That's my best friend you mother fucking asshole!" She runs out with her wand. "Crucio!"
He dodges the curse. A death eater behind him hits Marlene with the cruciatus curse. She falls to the ground screaming in pain before passing out.
That must have been what happened to Regulus.
The death eater and Voldemort walk up the steps and stop in front of the nursery. "Stay away from my kids!" Pandora yells.
Voldemort smirks. "Oh, I will." James forcibly walked into the nursery controlled by Voldemort.
Lily and Pandora start breathing heavily and put all their kids behind their back to protect them. Dorcas has a stern face with her kids behind her back. Euphemia, Rose, and Leo are standing off to the side, staring at their aunt, lying on the floor in the hall, and then turn their heads to their father, walking towards them.
"Dad?" Rose says. "What's happening? Where's Papa?"
"Kill them." Voldemort says. "Kill your children."
James's mind flicks back to him at that moment and casts his patronus. The stag finds Voldemort in his mind and kicks him out. James takes back control and spins around and points his wand at Voldemort. "How did you -"
"Never invade a man's mind and make him kill his kids. It never works out well." Pandora, Dorcas, and Lily pull out their wands and point it at Voldemort. Regulus had apparently woken up and is now standing behind them, pointing his at the death eater. Marlene is beside him, pointing it at the other death eater that was there when James turned around. "You're surrounded. You're not getting away this time."
"Crucio!" Regulus yells, sending the death eater to drop to the ground.
"Crucio!" Dorcas's was aimed at the other death eater. That one also falls to the ground in pain.
"Avada kedavra!" Lily says, sending one of the death eaters to its death. Pandora does the other.
Dorcas aims her wand behind Regulus head. "Avada Kedavra." Marlene and Regulus spin around their killing spells going off as they go down the stairs.
"You're followers will be dead soon and soon you will be, too." Voldemort tries to aparate out, but James stop him. "Crucio!"
"You're not getting away this time." Dorcas says.
"You tried to kill us when Harry and Lillian were babies." Pandora says.
"You're not going to have another chance to do that." Lily says, finishing her wife's sentence.
"Crucio!" James yells. Voldemort falls to the floor. "You might have succeeded in killing Anthony, but you left his daughter. You won't get her or anyone else. You'll be dead before that happens."
Regulus and Marlene come back up the steps. "They're all dead."
"Avada Kedavra!" James finally yells, killing Voldemort himself. Hopefully, for the final time.
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alephsblog · 19 hours
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gatchayam · 7 years
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Is there such a thing as too many pairs of twins in a story?
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