#zhingyalov hats
vegehana-food · 6 months
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✿ ジンギャロフ・ハッツ | Zhingyalov Khats ・南コーカサスのアルツァフ地域とアルメニア南部のシュニク地方で親しまれている料理。細かく刻んだハーブと野菜とラヴァシュと呼ばれるアルメニアのフラットブレッドに包み、「サジ (Saj) 」と呼ばれる鉄板で焼いて作られます。キリスト教の祭日「四旬節」の時期に食べる習慣があります。
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harminuya · 8 months
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Armenian Zhingyalov Hats 🌟.
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buralan · 9 months
غذاهای ارمنستانی که باید به هر قیمتی تجربه شوند
ارمنستان یکی از کشورهای زیبا و فرهنگی قوی در منطقهٔ قفقاز می‌باشد. این کشور به دلیل تاریخ و فرهنگ غنی خود، یکی از مقاصد گردشگری محبوب برای مسافران است. همچنین، غذاهای ارمنستانی نیز از جذابیت‌های فراوان این کشور برخوردارند. طعم منحصربه‌فرد و مواد اولیهٔ تازه‌ای که در تهیهٔ غذاها به‌کار می‌روند، این غذاها را برای هر گردشگری نیز جذاب می‌کند. در این مقاله، به معرفی چند غذای ارمنستانی که باید به هر قیمتی تجربه شوند، خواهیم پرداخت. غذاهای ارمنستانی که باید به هر قیمتی تجربه شوند
غذاهای ارمنستان که باید به هر قیمتی تجربه شوند
1. لاحاجیک (Lahmajoun)
لاحاجیک یکی از محبوب‌ترین غذاهای ارمنستانی است که به‌عنوان نوعی پیتزا معرفی می‌شود. این غذا از ترکیبی از آرد، گوشت چرخ‌کرده، پیاز و ادویه‌جات تهیه می‌شود. لاحاجیک در فر آجری پخته می‌شود و طعم دلپذیر و مطبوعی دارد. یکی از جالب‌ترین نکات دربارهٔ این غذا، تزیین آن با نعناع تازه است که عطر و طعم خاصی به آن می‌بخشد.
2. خشک‌کردن گوشت (Basturma)
خشک‌کردن گوشت (Basturma) یکی از غذاهای سنتی ارمنستانی است که از گوشت گوسفندی تهیه می‌شود. برای تهیهٔ این غذا، تکه‌های بزرگ گوشت با ادویه‌های خاصی ترکیب می‌شود و سپس به مدت طولانی خشک‌شده و کمی نمک می‌خورد. طعم بسیار خوشمزه‌ای که در این غذا حس می‌شود، باعث شده است که بسیاری از گردشگران غذایی با طعم منحصربه‌فرد را تجربه کنند.
3. دولما (Dolma)
دولما (Dolma) یکی از غذاهای ارمنستانی سنتی و محبوب است که از برگ‌های تازهٔ انگور، خیار، کدو و یا کلم تهیه می‌شود. دولما با حشوه‌ای از برنج، گوشت چرخ‌کرده، پیاز و ادویه‌های خاص تهیه می‌شود و سپس در آب و ادویه‌جات به مدت طولانی پخته می‌شود. این غذا با عطر و طعم خوشمزه‌ای که دارد، یکی از غذاهای محبوب برای سفر به ارمنستان است.
4. چیزبرگر ارمنی (Cheeseburger)
چیزبرگر ارمنی (Cheeseburger) یکی از غذاهای محبوب و معروف در ارمنستان است. این برگر با حشوه‌ای از گوشت چرخ‌کرده، پنیر، گوجه‌فرنگی و ادویه‌های خاص تهیه می‌شود. طعم لذیذ و چرمی این برگر باعث شده تا گردشگران بسیاری آن را ترجیح دهند و از آن لذت ببرند.
5. نازوک (Nazook)
نازوک (Nazook) یکی از شیرینی‌های سنتی ارمنستانی است که با استفاده از آرد، کره، شیر، شکر و وانیل تهیه می‌شود. این شیرینی به صورت خمیری درست شده و پس از پخت به صورت مربعی خوردنی است. طعم خوشمزه‌ای که در نازوک حس می‌شود، این شیرینی را برای همهٔ سفرکنندگان نیز جذاب می‌کند.
6. هژفتپ (Zhingyalov Hats)
هژفتپ (Zhingyalov Hats) یکی از غذاهای سنتی ارمنستانی است که از برگ‌های نان تهیه می‌شود. این برگ‌ها با حشوه‌ای از انواع سبزیجات تازه مثل گریپ‌ها، نعناع، پیاز و ادویه‌های خاص پر می‌شوند و سپس در تابهٔ غذاخوری پخته می‌شوند. هژفتپ با طعم خوشمزه و ترکیب منحصربه‌فرد سبزیجات، این غذا را برای هر گردشگری تجربه بی‌نظیری می‌کند.
7. کهک‌ه‌ی پوره (Khorovats)
کهک‌ه‌ی پوره (Khorovats) یکی از غذاهای سنتی و پرطرفدار ارمنستانی است که به‌عنوان نوعی کباب معروف است. این کباب از ترکیب مختلف گوشت‌های مختلف مثل گوسفندی، مرغ و گوشت‌های سفید تهیه می‌شود و با ادویه‌ها و نمک به مدت طولانی آماده می‌شود. طعم لذیذ که در کهک‌ه‌ی پوره حس می‌شود، این غذا را برای همهٔ علاقه‌مندان به کباب‌های خوشمزه، یک انتخاب عالی می‌کند.
8. نون‌های ارمنی (Armenian Lavash)
نون‌های ارمنی (Armenian Lavash) نوعی نان ترکیبی و سنتی است که در ارمنستان به وفور می‌یابد. این نان با استفاده از آرد، آب، نمک و برخی از ادویه‌ها تهیه می‌شود و سپس در تابهٔ نان‌پزی یا روی سنگی درست می‌شود. طعم ملایم و مطبوع نون‌های ارمنی، آن را به یکی از خوراکی‌های محبوب محلی تبدیل کرده است.
9. باکلوا (Baklava)
باکلوا (Baklava) یکی از خوراکی‌های شیرین و لذیذ ارمنستانی است که از ترکیبی از برش‌های نان سنتی، پسته و شیرهٔ شکر تهیه می‌شود. لایه‌لایه پیچیده شده و در آخر با شیره‌ی شکری روی آن سرخ‌شده می‌شود. طعم شیرین و خوشمزهٔ باکلوا، طعم اصیل و منحصربه‌فرد ارمنستان را به ارمغان می‌آورد.
10. سوجوخ (Soujouk)
سوجوخ (Soujouk) یکی از غذاهای سنتی و پرطرفدار ارمنستانی است که از گوشت چرخ‌کرده و ادویه‌های خاص تهیه می‌شود. این غذا به صورت یکی از نوعی سوسیس سنتی درست می‌شود و پس از پخت، به همراه نان و سبزیجات سرو می‌شود. طعم عالی و خوشمزهٔ سوجوخ باعث شده تا این غذا در بین گردشگران محلی و خارجی بسیار محبوب باشد.
در این مقاله، به معرفی چند غذای ارمنستانی که هر گردشگری باید به هر قیمتی تجربه کند، پرداختیم. این غذاها با طعم‌ها و عطرهای منحصربه‌فرد، زیبایی‌های مختلف فرهنگی و تاریخی ارمنستان را به ما یادآوری می‌کنند. با سفر به ارمنستان، می‌توانید این غذاهای شگفت‌انگیز را تجربه کرده و لذت بی‌نظیری از سفر خود به این کشور داشته باشید.
5 سوال متداول
1. غذاهای ارمنستانی چه طعم و عطر خاصی دارند؟ غذاهای ارمنستانی با طعم‌ها و عطرهای منحصربه‌فردی که از استفاده از مواد اولیهٔ تازه و ادویه‌های خاص به‌دست می‌آیند، معروف هستند. این غذاها طعم‌های مطبوع و دلپذیری دارند که باعث شده‌اند تا در بین گردشگران محلی و خارجی بسیار محبوب باشند.
2. کجا می‌توانم این غذاهای ارمنستانی را تجربه کنم؟ غذاهای ارمنستانی را می‌توانید در رستوران‌ها، کافه‌ها و مکان‌های خوراکی مختلف در سراسر ارمنستان پیدا کنید. همچنین، در بازارها و نقاط گردشگری نیز می‌توانید این غذاها را امتحان کنید.
3. آیا غذاهای ارمنستانی برای همهٔ گردشگران مناسب هستند؟ بله، غذاهای ارمنستانی برای همهٔ گردشگران قابل تجربه هستند. این غذاها با طعم‌ها و مواد اولیهٔ تازه‌ای که به‌کار می‌روند، انتخابی عالی برای همهٔ سلیقه‌ها هستند.
4. آیا غذاهای ارمنستانی برای گردشگران ویگان نیز مناسب هستند؟ بله، ارمنستان غذاهای متنوعی دارد که برای گردشگران ویگان نیز مناسب هستند. از جمله این غذاها می‌توان به دولما با حشوه‌ای از سبزیجات اشاره کرد که گزینهٔ مناسبی برای گردشگران ویگان محسوب می‌شود.
5. آیا غذاهای ارمنستانی حلال هستند؟ بله، اکثر غذاهای ارمنستانی حلال هستند. این غذاها با استفاده از گوشت‌های حلال و مواد اولیهٔ مجاز تهیه می‌شوند که برای گردشگران مسلمان یک امتیاز بزرگ محسوب می‌شود.
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day-lily761 · 3 years
New comfort meal: only 213 cals and super filling.
Also - made with literally no oil! the tortilla gets toasted and the zucchini gets steamed in the microwave.
zucchini: just salt/lemon juice, pepper. microwave 2 min
tortilla: based off my Armenian comfort food Zhingyalov hats. tortilla, filled with random greens and spices, + Siracha.
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nitehawx · 5 years
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“To invest in the education of a child, invest in knowledge and skill; that is something you cannot take away”
Restaurants: Dolmama, Gayane
Stops: Yerevan, Gum Market, Arstakh, the village of shushi
Foods: Keshlama, Lavash, Ghapama, Zhingyalov hats, Khorovats
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nogarlicnoonions · 5 years
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I’m so in love with this! “Armenian Zhingyalov hats” (at Stepanakert) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwI7clphcH1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gjxmgb3lig4t
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outsidetaiwan · 5 years
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Khurjin 是一道用Lavash餅皮包著肉餡去烤的料理,吃的時候切開來,脆皮搭著肉吃,份量不小。
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Zhingyalov Hats 也是一種用Lavash餅皮去包蔬菜的捲餅,包的是切碎的香草類綠色菜葉,不是我們一般認知的那種蔬菜。
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Ghapama 是一道南瓜料理,把整顆塞了肉餡的南瓜拿去烤,然後上桌的時候才切開成一朵南瓜花。
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Ishli Kufta 是一種炸肉球,外層裹的是小米。
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Khinkali 是"大"籠包,有人說上面合口地方的皮太厚,口感不佳不吃,然後留著用來算吃了幾個,一般是像我們點水餃一樣看是要吃幾粒,但至少會五粒起跳。
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Garni Yarakh 是茄子碎肉料理。
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jorgerbastos · 6 years
Armenia isn’t in many people’s list of countries to visit. However, if you are considering visiting Armenia soon, you will probably have a few problems finding correct and reliable information. Why? There aren’t many people traveling to Armenia an even less writing about it. That’s why after visiting Armenia we built this list!
  Armenia and the locals
#1 Armenia isn’t a “tourist ready” country, but that’s probably one more thing that makes it even more interesting! This doesn’t mean that tourists aren’t welcome, we were always pleasantly received in Armenia. However, the country still lacks many infrastructures to receive big amounts of tourists.
#2 Barely anyone speaks English, only Russian and Armenian. We believe it’s the least English speaking country we have been to… Communication can be very difficult, though it’s manageable.
#3 Armenia is a very dry country, at least in summer. Yellow is the prevailing color and makes it quite scenic 🙂 There’s something about it that’s soothing…
#4 It’s very mountainous or wouldn’t still be a Caucasus country… The mountains aren’t as high as its neighbor Georgia but the whole country is marked by mountains, gorges, and valleys.
#5 There are more Armenians outside Armenia than in the country! In fact, there are almost 3 times more Armenians outside Armenia (8M) than living in Armenia (3M)! This happened due to the Armenian Diaspora.
#6 During WWI the Ottoman Government (nowadays Turkey) killed 1-1.5 M Armenians in what it’s called the Armenian Genocide or Armenian Holocaust. Until today Turkey does not recognize what happened as a Genocide.
#7 Armenia is considered the first Christian country! Christianity was implemented as the state religion in 301 A.D. Though it was introduced in Armenia even earlier, during the 1st century by Christ’s disciples Bartholomew and Thaddeus. They are known as the “Illuminators of the Armenian world”. Even today Armenia is still a very conservative and religious country, 95 % of the population is Armenian Apostolic.
#8 Armenia (and Georgia) connects Europe and Asia. For centuries was a center of trade between continents. It was also the epicenter of many wars! It has been attacked and invaded by Greek, Mongols, Persians, Turks, Russians, etc…
#9 However, today Armenia is in a geopolitical tough spot! It has no access to the ocean and has a conflict with many of their neighbors country. It has no relation with Turkey and Azerbaijan. Iran to the south mostly supports they fellow Islamic countries. This leaves only Georgia,  who wasn’t too happy with their support to Russia during the recent war…
#10 All this made Armenia’s economy struggle and made Armenia’s transition to a market economy more difficult. Though, Armenia is still a very poor country!
#11 However, don’t feel discouraged Armenia is a stable and safe country. Moreover, it feels safe… As a tourist, I always felt relaxed and comfortable, almost as in Georgia or Western Europe.
Travel and tourists
#12 Armenia is one of the least touristy countries in Europe. Out of the few tourists, they host even fewer are western backpackers… We only saw a handful of them!
#13 Even in the peak season, in the biggest tourist attractions we just saw a few tourists and no ques. It was great not being overwhelmed by people everywhere we went!
#14 If you are planning an overland trip be aware that Armenia borders are closed with both Turkey and Azerbaijan. If you want to go to any of these countries your best option is to go through Georgia.
#15 While traveling through Armenia, one thing will catch your eyes… The country seems to abandoned to their own fate… There are way too many half-deserted towns with buildings falling apart.
#16 Yerevan is the exception, the center is much more developed than the rest of the country. It’s known as the pink city because of the color of the stones of the beautiful old and new buildings. Yerevan is a buzzing city and very pleasant to walk around both during the day and at night!
#17 If we had to choose the best travel attraction of Armenia, that would be the Tatev monastery and the Wings of Tatev aerial roadway! The Tatev monastery is amazing and situated in an incredible scenic mountain range, which you can appreciate from the Wings of Tatev.
#18 Mount Ararat is a very important part of Armenian National identity, however, it’s nowadays part of Turkish territory! Though you can see it from Armenia and it’s an incredible view that allows some amazing pictures particularly from Khor Virap! Unfortunately, when we were closer to it, there was a strong fog ruining the pictures…
#19 Sevan Lake is the biggest lake in Armenia and occupies 5% of the territory! We read how beautiful it was and that it’s a beach destination within Armenia… Well, the lake is impressive and being at 1900 makes it quite unique, however, most of the surrounding felt abandoned! it definitely wasn’t a place where we wanted to beach…
#20 Moreover, the town of Sevan itself was probably the worst place we have been in Armenia! Felt completely abandoned and with nothing to do… I would suggest visiting the lake as a stopover on a road trip, but nothing more!
#21 Armenia is the place to go if you want to see unique monasteries in a beautiful setting, usually hidden away in the Mountains. The most interesting we visited were Noravank, Tatev, and Geghard. Khor Virap isn’t that impressive by itself, but the view to Ararat is incredible! We also went to Etchmiadzin, which is supposedly the first cathedral ever built (between 301-303)!
Food and drinks
#22 Armenian food is pretty cheap, even in restaurants. With 5-10 Euros one couple can have a very good meal in a nice restaurant.
#23 However, it isn’t easy to find quick meals or fast food. Definitely, the country isn’t prepared for travelers… We ended up going to supermarkets and buy supplies to being able to eat “on the road”.
#24 Lavash is the staple bread in Armenia. When you ask for bread, usually you get Lavash. It’s a soft, thin flatbread. “lavash, the preparation, meaning, and appearance of traditional bread as an expression of culture in Armenia” was inscribed in the UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list.
#25 The best things we tried in Armenia were Zhingyalov hats and Dolma. Zhingyalov hats are flatbread stuffed with finely diced herbs and green vegetables. Dolma is a dish of minced meat wrapped in grape leaves.
Zhingyalov hats
#26 Be careful when you ask for a Lemonade! It may not be what you expect… We learned that, in Armenia, a Lemonade is Soda, and it doesn’t have to be a Lemon Soda! you can easily have a pear or Tarragon (Yeap…) Lemonade! 🙂
#27 Fruit (fresh and dried) is very good in Armenia, particularly peaches and figs! You will also see lots of melons and watermelons…  Enjoy them, it’s a great way to eat some healthy food during the trips!
Money & expenses
#28 Overall Armenia is a very cheap country to travel in! Food, accommodation, fuel, and tickets to attractions are all very inexpensive. Overall, in 5 days we only spent 190 Euros, which means less than 20 Euros per person per day. This doesn’t include the car rental!
#29 You can withdraw money from almost any ATM with your foreign card, without extra fees! It’s similar to Georgia and very different better!) from SE Asia! Note: We are talking about the local ATM fees, not the fees charged by your bank… those depend only on your bank!
#30 The problem is that in most places it can be difficult to find ATMs! It was actually easier to find shops than ATMs. I would advise you to take a few extra Eur/USD just in case you need an alternative… The exception is Yerevan, where there’s ATM everywhere like you would expect in a big capital city.
#31 Accommodation is also very cheap! It’s fairly easy to find a private double room in a nice guesthouse under 20 Euros. Most of the times we ended up paying about 15 Euros per night.
#32 Expect to pay an added service fee of 10% in every restaurant. That information is usually on the menu.
#33 Cash is King in Armenia. Many places only accept cash, even some that have Visa’s and Mastercard’s signs (no internet, no service or any other problem). Mostly supermarkets and big restaurants/hotels are the exceptions. Almost every guesthouse will have to be paid in cash and you can’t even pay with card when booking.
#34 Roads in Armenia are terrible, much worse than in Georgia. They are full of potholes, even some of the main roads that connect the country. Also, be aware that just because a road is considered a highway or a main road doesn’t mean that is any good, or even paved… You may need to drive gravel in places you won’t expect it!
#35 Therefore, you cannot blindly trust Google Maps (or maps me) expected time or you’ll be in for a bad time! In our experience, add 30 – 50% to the ETA to be safe…
#36 However, you don’t have to drive a 4 x 4 / SUV! It will make your journey more pleasant and allow you to go to more extreme places, but the most of the usual destinations can be reached with a normal car. We did it with a small Toyota and it was OK.
#37 If roads terrible, drivers are even worse… mostly because they are impatient and will overtake you in the craziest places. We think they are more reckless than actually aggressive. Anyway, it can be dangerous and if you are driving you should be aware of it. Our experience driving in Angola was very very useful 🙂
#40 Fuel is very cheap at half the price of western Europe countries, which is great for road trippers!
#41 In Armenia you can (or may really need to) fill up your car in these pumps… how cool is that? 🙂
#42 Armenia is part of the silk road and one of its most famous passes was the Selim pass (now called Orbelian’s pass). The scenery is amazing and the road is actually good and enjoyable to drive in. Selim pass goes as high as 2410 meters!
#43 If you are driving in Armenia please note that there are way too many speed cameras on the main roads! In almost every small town you’ll see one or several! We didn’t get any ticket, however, be careful because they used to enforce the speed limit.
#44 If you are planning to bring a car from Georgia to Armenia you will need a cross-border authorization para cross border to Armenia. It’s a documented from the car rental authorizing you to take the car to Armenia in Georgian and translated to Armenian! It will cost at least 50 USD and you’ll probably need to request it 1 or 2 days in advance.
#45 Additionally you will also need to buy car insurance in Armenia, but you’ll need to buy it in Armenia. Right after crossing the border you’ll find many places selling insurance. Just stop and buy it. It’ll probably cost 10-15 USD.
Other travel stuff and useful information
#46 In Armenia you’ll find free WIFI everywhere, restaurants, bars, hotels, guesthouses and even some tourist attractions! However, if you want you can also easily buy a sim card close to the borders. We didn’t buy and didn’t miss it!
#47 If you can buy products on the side of the road. This way you will get great products at very reasonable prices and will help directly the local economy! Fruits, nuts, honey, and wine are some of the great things you can buy…
#48 Be aware that the working day starts very late… There’s nothing open before 9:00… However, at night many things come to live, particularly in Yerevan.
#49 Crossing borders between Georgia and Armenia is perfectly easy and fairly quick. One time took us 30 minutes, the other almost 2 hours. But most importantly it was peaceful and without any “problems” from the Police. We were particularly worried about Brava Border (because it’s very small) but it was very simple and without any trouble!
#50 If you want to travel to a country that it’s still off the radar of tourism, visiting Armenia is probably one of your best options! It’s safe, cheap, relaxed, fairly easy to travel. It has many interesting destinations and a unique culture and history!
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50 Things you want to know before traveling to Armenia Armenia isn't in many people's list of countries to visit. However, if you are considering visiting Armenia soon, you will probably have a few problems finding correct and reliable information.
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nogarlicnoonions · 5 years
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At the #Market #Bazaar; preparing #jingalovhats. #Zhingyalovhats is a type of #flatbread stuffed with finely diced #herbs and green vegetables. It is a traditional dish of Armenians from #Artsakh and Syunik. #Zhingyalov hats is similar to other dishes of peoples of the Caucasus: herb qutab and afar. #nagornokarabakh #stepanakert (at Stepanakert) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwI7KOJB36d/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17mk4ky7v6mgg
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