#zane talks trans
albeitinzane · 5 months
my top surgery recovery tips
alrighty gang! im one week post op and i have tips for anyone who might need them in the future. this is likely prone to be updated/reblogged with more tips in the future once i'm further in recovery.
keep in mind that even a day after surgery i was pretty mobile and was able to do most things by myself, so these tips may not be as helpful for older trans people who would be slower to bounce back, people who are chronically ill or disabled and already have trouble with movement or surgical recovery, or just other people who don't recover as quickly. different bodies will react differently to surgery.
i also have surgical drains, which not all surgeons will provide (but my surgeon gives them to all top surgery patients). they will have quite a few tips of their own because they're annoying to manage.
and lastly, i had double incision top surgery, but i didn't get nipple grafts. if you do have nipple grafts, you have to wait 2 weeks to shower instead of just 2 days, since the grafts can't get wet.
get lots of zip ups, button ups, and oversized shirts or tank tops.
for the first few days, you won't be able to reach your arms high enough to put a shirt on; at least, not without help, and it's very annoying to do. the best option is to get button-ups or zip-ups with wide shoulders that are easy to pull on. bathrobes are really nice too.
if the hospital doesn't provide you with gauze, it's good to buy some (and some waterproof medical tape to keep it there).
while i didn't need gauze after a few days to cover up the scars because they had glue protecting them, one of my drain sides leaked quite a bit, and it got super itchy if it wasn't cleaned up right away. if there was gauze soaking up the leaks before it got too far, it really cut down the itchiness, and made for less mess i had to clean up (which is its own annoying and uncomfortable process)
make sure you have sweatpants or baggy/comfortable pants on hand; stuff that you don't need a belt to wear.
putting on pants is a pain in the ass, so you won't want to have to change them constantly. it's good to have comfortable pants you can wear for a while without wanting or needing to change them. i have a lot of pajama pants and they have been my best friend.
put anything you need to access daily on a lower shelf.
most of my bathroom stuff is in a 3 shelf mirror cabinet, and while everything i needed was on either the first or second shelf, the second shelf was still annoying, painful, and difficult to reach. putting everything on an easily accessible shelf level or setting them lower (though not on the floor because bending down to pick stuff up is also annoying) is way easier.
baby wipes. so many baby wipes.
generally speaking, your skin will be sore but you won't feel it when you touch it because of nerve damage that just comes with surgery. but it's still really sensitive in areas that weren't operated on, so cleaning up any mess with baby wipes (especially if you got grafts and can't shower) which are soft on your skin but good at removing residue or anything sticky is very useful. they've saved me so many times when i had drainage leaks.
cough drops.
after surgery, you're likely going to have a sore throat because of anesthesia. it's good to have some cough drops or tea on hand to soothe it.
make a mini beside table (BEFORE SURGERY!) with any nighttime items or pain medication.
i had a little nighttime stand with snacks, my pain medication, water, my tablet and phone, and a charger. this made it very easy to get anything i needed without potentially having to get up and walk into another room to get whatever i needed instead.
make sure you're with a friend or relative who you're comfortable with seeing you exposed and who's able to take time off to help you with anything.
even with my mobility, there was still a good handful of things i couldn't do by myself that i needed help with. i often needed help getting dressed, i can't do dishes, i can't cook for myself, and early on, i was often so sore that i needed help getting out of bed. having someone you trust to help you do any of this is essential, but that's true for almost any surgery.
get a belt that can get wet.
if you have drains, but no grafts, and you want to shower, you're going to want a belt to attach your drains to while you shower. having them hang free is very anxiety-inducing (at least, for me), so you might not be able to clean up as well with a belt on, and it might feel really uncomfortable, but it's better than having them swing free and potentially get pulled out too early.
stay safe everyone, and happy recovery for everyone getting top surgery!
edit: if anyone who's also had top would like to reblog with their own tips, i'll be sure to reblog them!
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cheddertm · 11 months
I love you, [shoots my transgender beam at Ninjago]
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jurygarroth · 1 year
what your MCD/MYS fave says about YOU
from my jurygarroth experience
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endangered species. mostly on aphtwt?
tend to be younger
and also a little more defensive of your favs, not like picking fights but sensitive to negativity and avoid it at all costs
diaries fan? zoeymau. mystreet fan? aarmau
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professional mcd overthinkers, physically unable to stop talking about analysis and interpretations. especially betrayal arc.
very emotional fans
garroth boobies
poly garlaurmau believers
have beef with laurance fans but like laurance
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almost always more of a diaries fan
talkative. most vocal in a shooting the shit way
ginger laurance enjoyer. you’ll draw laurance with orange hair and at least 1 green eye until the end
long tumultuous history with laurmau as a diaries fan or garrance as a mystreet fan
have beef with garroth fans but neutral on garroth
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dante angst lockdown good heavens what are you guys doing to him!!
you project onto him a lot don't you.
mostly mystreet fans but you’ll also defend his diaries version with your life
danvis and/or daaron
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you’re gay
made you realize you like women
pretty quiet all things considered? not usually someone's #1 fav but everyone likes her so she's always high up on their lists
adore her voice actress. her voice is one of the reasons she caught your eye
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yeah you’re gay
also made you realize you like women
usually the most well-adjusted people, have nuanced takes
you project onto her don't you
travlyn is a comfort ship but you pick the parts of their dynamic you like
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you are just joyful peppy people
have a very obvious type in favorite characters, more often than not your favs are filled with other "silly guys with hidden depth" types
ninjago fans??? wonder why that is
trans travis enjoyers
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mostly mystreeters
nobody gets him but you. you look into him and see the characterization he was robbed of and you want to save him
you guys have a lot of thoughts.
aaron boobies
derek lycan HATER derek lycan DEATH PENALTY
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literally all of you act a certain way and I don’t know how to explain it. not in a bad way but YOU ALL HAVE THE SAME BRAIN
whether it's zanana zanki zanus zanvis zanemau you have a zane otp that you will put your life on the line for
you want to see him slay. drawing him in indulgent outfits forever
you've put some kinda gender into him
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big fan of pink
put a lot of effort into making your online profiles look nice. terminally online and a little silly
involved in or appreciator of some type of subculture fashion like scene, emo, gyaru, lolita etc
usually also a zane liker
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incredibly specific about vylad characterization and vylad headcanons you’ve imagined his whole life’s story in your mind already
obsessed with ro'meave family backstory
your nonbinary.
vylance believers
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you have a massive crush on him don’t you
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destinygoldenstar · 5 months
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Heyo. So I just rewatched the episode ‘Tick Tock’.
Why? I don’t know. I just found the episode in my YouTube recommend today and I like the episode, so why not?
Blah blah blah, it still holds up, it’s still one of the best episodes of the entire series a decade later. It’s gold.
I just wanted to praise a part of this episode that I think is very underrated.
That’s the other ninjas reactions to the reveal. Like we all focus on the reveal itself, understandable, but I don’t think enough people talk about how significant of a reaction this is for the others to have this.
They just found out one of their surrogate brothers is actually a robot. (That’s not a spoiler, you’ve all seen toy sets, and this twist is basically a ‘duh’ now. But back then? With us nostalgic viewers who saw this as kids, we had no clue, man! This was not only such a shock but one of the best handled plot twists I’ve ever seen in a cartoon.)
And yet while they are shocked and unsure how to take it, they almost immediately decide to accept that. They try to make it clear this doesn’t change how they feel about Zane at all.
In any other show that would do something like this, the others would probably go ‘OMG, you’re different from the rest of us. How can we trust you now?!’ And there would be a fight and a storm off and they’d walk away out of confusion over how to feel about their friend anymore. I don’t think that would’ve worked nearly as well even if the lesson was ‘grow to accept it’.
Weirdly enough, they probably would have sims just that if this was revealed a few episodes ago. Particularly Episode 2. That episode was about the ninja finding Zane odd cause not only did he lack the same humor they did, but he also did ‘strange’ things and reactions, one of which got censored in certain versions of that episode. (Don’t go in the fridge, kids)
That episode also ended with the others blaming Zane over the destruction of the Monestary, irrationally mind you, and them apologizing to him for such and promising to try and accept and understand him.
And, well, they’re doing that here. This isn’t a repeat. They had already learned the lesson to accept people wired differently, literally in this case, and they’re applying that here. Little hesitation. Because they care about Zane and his mental health at this moment.
It’s no fight or blowout or storm off or anything. Zane HIMSELF pushes them away because he’s too emotionally distraught to process his whole identity being revealed to be different from the others. And they accept that once it’s made clear and give him some space.
This was the moment that made me truly respect the ninja’s brotherhood. And it’s what made me have so much respect for all of them as characters. Even through the familial jabs, they know when one of them isn’t doing well and accept that to help them.
Whether or not you consider Zane being a robot autistic symbolism, trans symbolism, or whatever, is entirely up to you. But I can say as an autistic person, this resonated with me and made me feel heard. This tells me, more than anything, that it doesn’t matter. People will accept you. And autistic, robot, or not, you’re still a part of the community you deem family. (Take notes, Dhar Mann. This is how you do it.)
Ah, I miss when Zane was a three dimensional character back in the day. I believe the writers have addressed the recent criticisms towards his character and are working towards trying to salvage that to give him depth again. And I am absolutely here for that.
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gaybae1021 · 8 months
Kiki’s Rainbow Baby
Tw: Mentions of abortion and miscarriage
So I’ve had a lot of thoughts about motherhood in mcd. With Jess having a lot of kids, Aphmau the character ending up with 4 children by season 3, and Irene’s og title being “the Matron”, I think motherhood is a big theme in mcd. By itself that isn’t a bad thing, I love parental relationships, and the prevalence of adopted families is very wholesome. That being said, this theme of motherhood sometimes clashes with the actual content of the story. Specifically in regards to Travis’s mother, and Kiki.
Both of them ended up pregnant by absolutely despicable people, and at least for Kiki, came as a complete surprise. Despite this, the story can’t even fathom the idea that they wouldn’t want these children. They aren’t even allowed to have complicated feelings about it. I know abortion is a heavy topic that might’ve not have been appropriate for the age of the audience, but not only were the characters not offered a choice, another option just fully does not exist within the story. They are assumed to be baby-crazy, probably because that’s what Jess feels.
I’m going to largely focus on Kiki because Travis’s mom was never really much of a character, and my rewrite of her is still in progress. So here’s my thoughts about Kiki.
The amulet from the og mcd is the most terrifying thing I’ve seen outside of a horror movie. At least with sex people recognize that pregnancy is a risk. But Kiki was given a piece of jewelry, something she assumed was just a gift. And because of that simple act she experienced severe pregnancy symptoms had a child to take care of. As someone with a fear of getting pregnant this would absolutely cause me to have a complete mental breakdown. Because of this I’ve removed the amulet from the story entirely.
In my rewrite, Zane and Kiki just have a normal one-night stand. Zane is less of an outright evil monster in my version, but that being said, his fling with Kiki was still built entirely off of deception, disguising both his identity and appearance. So I still wanted Kiki to have a strong reason to keep the pregnancy.
Shoutout to jurygarroth’s trans Kiki comic, not only is it wholesome, I also think it’s an excellent explanation for why Kiki would be excited about being a mom separate from her feelings about Zane. I definitely wanted to do something along those lines. Though obviously without the amulet, trans Kiki isn’t an option for me, so I had to come up with something else.
So I imagine Kiki is one of the slightly older characters, around late twenties during season 1. After the events surrounding Donna and Logan’s wedding, Kiki started to feel off. After this feeling persisted for a few weeks she went to Zoey, who confirmed that she was pregnant. Despite the unfortunate circumstances surrounding it, after the initial shock Kiki was actually very happy about the news. However, as time went on Kiki began acting strangely. She isolated herself from her friends and brother. Her only significant interactions were her frequent check-ups with Zoey, with her growing more and more paranoid over every little thing.
Aph, growing increasingly concerned about Kiki, went to Brendan. He admitted that knew what was bothering Kiki, but also said it wasn’t his place to talk about it without her there. So Aph decided to pay Kiki a visit.
After some pushing, Kiki revealed that she was married when she was younger, but that marriage had fallen apart after a series of infertility issues and multiple miscarriages. Kiki had come to Phoenix Drop as a way to start over, a new place where she could focus on finding new things that made her happy, rather than hoping for something that just wasn’t meant to be. It’s why she got interested in animal care and handling. But even after finding her passion, it didn’t make her losses hurt any less.
Kiki had gotten into other romances while staying in Phoenix Drop, but always cut things off before they got too serious. To her, being alone was easier than risking more loss, both in terms of her lost children and her first partner’s rejection of her.
But now, she was pregnant again. And unlike the first times, she hadn’t even had to try. She took this as a sign, that if the pregnancy had come so easy then maybe this time, it would work. But she was so determined to not lose it that she was scared to do anything that might cause her physical or emotional stress. But of course, isolating herself with just her thoughts during this delicate time was only causing her harm.
Aph was, of course, heartbroken that Kiki had been going through this by herself. She eventually convinces Kiki to talk to Zoey about it, who gets Kiki to start going outside again. Kiki starts to open up to the rest of the village, and builds a good support system.
Leona was ultimately very premature, and had several complications. Zoey didn’t have much hope for Leona surviving beyond a few days, but Kiki was absolutely unwilling to accept that. The day after literally giving birth she took Leona to Bodolf’s tribe, in the hopes that turning Leona would give her the extra strength she needed. The turn was successful, and Leona’s health improved. Kiki finally got to see her child open their eyes.
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way-of-the-rewrite · 4 months
Agender[Any/all minus it’s/it]
Cis Male[He/him]
Trans Male[He/him]
Cis Male[He/it]
Cis Female[She/her]
(Please keep in mind that these are my personal opinions. Please keep rude opinions to myself.
Zane is one I especially don’t want to see shit talked as I projected heavily onto him)
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floral-ashes · 3 months
I was interviewed by the lovely Zane McNeill for the release of my new book Gender/Fucking: The Pleasures and Politics of Living in a Gendered Body. We talk about sexualization, what our bodies can teach us, and how to keep on fighting in a world that makes us lose hope.
To read the book’s description and a few reviews, check out its Goodreads page. And if you want to buy it but don’t know where, I made a list.
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obeythebreadlord · 1 year
Ninjago Movie headcanons
Pt. 6
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-Had hella long hair when he was younger
-Hated that era of him and always finds an excuse to bolt if someone brings it up
-Actually knows how to play the ukulele
-Always kept it secret from everyone though until Zane found him practicing once
-He thought everyone would judge him but instead they thought it was so cool and requested a bunch of songs
-Is secretly rlly touch starved but would never admit it
-He may deny it to his grave but he once fell asleep in his moms arms when she hugged him
-His birthday is September 22 cause that’s when the ninjago movie was released :D
-Also huge cat person
-Likes to feed stray cats after school and overall just has a huge soft spot for them
-trans dude 🤯
-Was actually very open about being trans when he’s the green ninja, he revealed it in a interview he had with the ninjago news station
-Garmadon may hated him but he would and still would not hesitate one bit to shoot any of his generals out of the volcano at full speed if they misgendered him
-He may be the worse guy ever but he’s not going to be transphobic
-Once got caught by Wu wearing one of his outfits
-Surprisingly he wasn’t mad and just laughed and said “Seems your already getting ready to be a master huh?”
-Sometimes vents to his mech about his problems when they’re really bothering him, it even sometimes nods it’s head unintentionally
-(perhaps his mech is alot smarter and aware then he originally thinks-)/hsrs
-His eyes are very sensitive to light bc their green and lighter than other ppls eyes
-Knows how to do a really good villain laugh, he got it from his father
-Is the master of Halloween with that laugh
-Also surprisingly good with little kids
-Sometimes if he has some time on his hands he’ll just randomly come to a kids birthday party as the green ninja, he ofc wasn’t invited but the parents don’t mind
-After Garmadon had stopped his evil ways, Lloyd didn’t know how to bond with him other than like how a 6 year old would
-For example whenever Garmadon would take him home after a night of adventure, he would just pretend to be asleep in the car (or mech) just so that his dad could carry him inside.
-Always feels like he has to be serious but his friends always manage to bring out his little kid side
-Also knows how to speak Japanese fluently
-Garmadon tried to mess with him once by talking in Japanese and was flabbergasted when he spoke Japanese back
-Also knows how to make gremlin noises
-Overall very silly guy much love to him he’s my favorite
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stuffieplaydateinc · 5 months
WIP drafts (pick which one i should post first)
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"Spilled" ☕ CG!Wallace x reg!reader
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"Spoiled" 🧼 CG!Zane x little!reader
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"Little world, big Castle" 🍬 CG!PrinceGumball x reg!reader
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"They bite because of me" 🍇 CG!Marshall x reg!reader
"It's temporary" 🍓 Flip!Hunter x reg!reader
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🍬 basically a small rundown of what the fics are about. Okay 123, let's go��
CG!Wallace: you guys woke up early together and while making coffee you rook a sip and burned your lip. Wallace reassures and takes care of it for you
CG!Zane: you get spoiled by every ninja all day except for Zane. When coming bed time he has a hard time getting you into bed (CW: he is a stern and strict cg bc that's what i headcanon him as)
CG!Gumball: you are regressed and you run around candy kingdom. Alot to explore, and alot to learn! Gumball is there to help
Cg!Marshall: has a talking to for a biting little and gets them things they can bite instead
Flip!Hunter: he's a cg in this— this is mostly a directed comfort fic to transmasc littles. Hunter is headcanon as a trans guy in this, and he is there to comfort a gender dysphoric little
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splinnters · 1 year
For the Ninjago pride month headcanon requests, maybe trans masc Cole please?
YEAAAAH MORE COLE!! I am not kidding you I had to retype this whole thing THREE TIMES FROM MEMORY. THREE TIMES. worth it though
transmasc cole pride month headcanons!
he’s twice the men because he’s transmasc AND gay ;)
his dad was never very supportive when he was younger, but he also didn’t pay enough attention to realize Cole was socially transitioning. by the time Wu found him, Cole had started testosterone, legally changed his name and gender, and had a small gofundme going for his top surgery
he never officially told the other ninja he was trans, it just eventually cropped up in conversation. Kai and Lloyd were talking about pronouns and Cole joined by saying, “well, as a trans person-” and he recommended tampons to Nya, who was very confused until he said, “or you could start testosterone like me, that’ll get rid of it forever”
he had to slowly and carefully explain to Jay that he wasn’t a girl because Jay was under the impression he was born male and thought Cole was trying to say he was a trans woman
he’s very sure about his identity. he knows he passes well and will mention he’s trans in a conversation extremely casually. if anyone has a problem with it they have to answer to a ripped guy trained in the martial arts who can throw a car with ease
he eventually changed his gofundme account to “Master of Earth Official” and BOOM done his top surgery was scheduled. the other ninja wanted to video tape him while he was loopy after for the laughs but he passed out right away and slept for 16 hours
Lloyd comes to him for advice on gender. he asks about everything, labels, pronouns, hormones, EVERYTHING. Cole admittedly has to ask Zane to look things up once and awhile, but he loves being Lloyd’s mentor in all of this and calls him “my student” in a very bad Master Wh impression every time they talk
one day Lloyd and Cole went out for coffee, Lloyd was wearing some pronoun pins, and some jerk made a passing insult. Cole socked him so hard in the stomach he collapsed and the two had to bolt out of there before the police were called. Lloyd thought it was hilarious
Cole never became a trans icon for the rest of Ninjago. he prefers to keep his assigned sex at birth private, thank you very much (he does love a good pride parade, though)
unfortunately he was not blessed with height to go along with his muscles. he’s 5’9, not bad of course… but Jay is two inches taller than him and refuses to shut up about it EVER
before his top surgery, he stayed far away from long hair and more feminine clothes, but he gets more and more comfortable every day. Kai once even manages to convince him to wear a crop top, and Cole can’t say he didn’t like it at least a little
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albeitinzane · 3 months
pov: your card declines after top surgery so the surgeon brings out those wearable fake boobs and a stapler
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breathlessmorro · 5 months
Trans morro headcannons and maybe how he figured out he was trans?
This could go one of two ways. One, I completely and totally project my own experience with gender identity onto Morro and put the boy on blast. Or two, I come up with a sneaky sneaky story
.... Y'all ain't high enough level yet for my experiences. Sneaky sneaky it is lol
Trans!Morro Headcanons
Morro doesn't remember his parents, or how he ended up on the street. What he does remember is cutting his hair short so that someone couldn't grab it in a fight, and afterwards people started to think he was a boy.
So he took advantage of that. People were less likely to steal food from him when they thought he was a boy, and the other kids on the streets were more likely to let him stay with them. He felt a lot safer having more people to look out for him, even if he still kept his distance. So he started introducing himself as a boy, even using the nickname given to him by the adults who saw him around the area.
Morro is Spanish slang for boy. That's how he got his name.
When Morro's hair started growing out a bit more, and he started getting recognized as a girl again, he realized immediately how wrong it felt. There was true dysphoria every time it happened, so he started refusing to let people call him a girl. Even when Wu took him in, he referred to himself only as a boy, and wouldn't elaborate other wise.
He never had the language to explain why he felt that way until years after he died. As a matter of fact, he'd never even heard the word trans until then. He still didn't exactly go around advertising he wasn't biologically born a guy - he never had a reason to after all. It wasn't until he'd come back to life and started getting his period again that it came up, and even then he never had a huge coming out. Mentioned it in passing to Cole, asked Nya if she had a tampon he could borrow, talked to Zane about how to get on testosterone, Jay walked in on him changing, Kai find out after they got together. It was Lloyd and Wu and Misako that were the only people he really had to say the words to.
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A request for @trans-breadbelike for Ninjago Movie Lloyd tickle headcanons! I really enjoyed writing these, Lloyd in the movie was so precious!
To begin, Lloyd has only had affection from his mom. Once The Secret Ninja Force started, he realized how much he missed out.
It took him a while to be completely comfortable with touch, even if it was positive and if he was touch-starved. It was all overwhelming. Kai had to restrain himself so much because he wanted to swarm Lloyd with many hugs.
When he adjusted, the invisible wall collapsed. Lloyd has never experienced so much care like this, he still gets teary-eyed. 
A part of that affection was tickling.
Usually, when Lloyd gets poked it’s not a good thing. (Heavily considering how much negative attention Lloyd receives, specifically thinking about Chen the Cheerleader in this case.) So the first few times he was very on-guard and gave no reaction, much to the squad's disappointment.
That changed one day when Kai and Nya started rage quitting over a board game, and Zane followed after them like the agent of chaos he is. This left Jay to run around helplessly, while Lloyd and Cole watched from the sidelines in amusement. Cole had leaned over to whisper commentary in Lloyd's ear, his breath so soft and talking so lightly it tickled Lloyd’s ear. Poor guy was so startled he squeaked and yanked himself away, covering the targeted ear. Lloyd has never seen Cole’s face make such a curiously mischievous expression before.
He has no experience in a tickle fight. He can battle shark mechs and fist-fight generals but can't hold his own in a tickle fight. He doesn’t know what to do!
I headcanon Luh-Loyd as the second most sensitive ninja, but he had no idea he was so ticklish.
So many squeaks. One of the squeakiest laughs to ever exist, and has lots of hiccups between giggles.
Lloyd's laugh begins as a loud scream and then dissolves into bubbly happy laughter.
But if he's tickled on a few specific spots, then he starts cackling very similarly to Lord Garmadon. (This is a reference to when Lloyd was a baby and copied Garmadon's laugh. The scene in the movie where Garmadon monologues a dramatic flashback of Lady Iron Dragon taking away tiny Lloyd.) Even after when he makes up with his dad, he hates it when he starts cackling like a supervillain.
At first, the team were surprised but reassured him that just because he cackles doesn't mean he's going to grow another set of arms or something.
(Ironic, as I headcanon Lloyd to have tiny horns and sharp teeth.)
Garmadon was elated to find out his son laughs like him! It became the main reason why he starts tickling Lloyd, the passive way (The only way, for that matter.) to win a fight against the green ninja.
He gets teary-eyed so quickly with tickles too, but happy tears of course!
He blushes really quickly, and can't do anything to stop himself from doing so.
The Ninja are, of course, aware that Lloyd has gotten little to no experience in the friendship department. They're nice enough to him whilst also being gremlins.
Well, sometimes Nya doesn't play nice. Nya really loves to see Lloyd smile, as he beats himself up far too much. She gets brutal with her teasing. Even if Lloyd wasn't acting out, she'd see him frown and squeeze his sides without stop.
Speaking of, anytime Lloyd starts berating himself - and the reassurance doesn't work - they resort to poking him until he either takes it back or says something nice about himself. Lloyd would rather be fired out of a volcano then do either of those things, it's THAT flustering.
He's not the best at tickle related games, but if he gets competitive then he'll risk it for the biscuit.
The tickle spots go from underarms to ears to tummy to feet to thighs. Those are all gold mines.
He melts when someone tickles his back. Even if it's a little embarrassing, he's totally content to become a puddle of soft giggles.
That's him on the receiving end, but when he's giving it? Oh, he's still precious.
He dishes out the compliments, always being sweet and making sure they're still having fun. Afterwards he gets water and asks if they need anything else to relax.
If someone starts to run away, he will chase after them but slow down to keep an even pace.
"Hey! Get back here!!"
The type to laugh along with someone's giggles.
He can and will get devious. (He is the son of Garmadon, after all.)
"I won't let you go until you promise to sit on the couch instead of the floor!"
"This spot tickles? Huh. Then I guess you better apologize quickly!"
Oh, right, he can usually say tickle. When he gets nervous and shy, he cannot.
He enjoys giving people massages. (It originates from him being protective over his team, his friends, because he refuses to loose him.) This happens when everyone gets sleepy, and with a second thought, he starts to trace people's hands and arms. He loves hearing people's sleepy hums and titters, it's adorable.
Lloyd definitely tickles people awake. He'd let them sleep in, but they'll miss out on school. (And, being around chaos has influenced him to be more silly.) This ends up being Cole, Kai, and few times Jay. Even fewer times has he gotten Nya, but he knows the ticklish consequences far too well.
He gets worried about tag-teaming people, as he doesn't like to fight his team, but he really does enjoy the banter and the bonding.
Besides, two birds with one stone! He figures he shouldn't let the opportunity go to waste.
If he's being accidentally tickled, it's extra flustering for him, because he doesn't want to draw attention to himself but goodness gracious he may just about burst.
He tries to be serious, and succeeded most of the time. He makes awkward jokes, but his smiles seem more like grimaces - like he's cringing. He can't ever seem to smile genuinely for pictures either. A few scribbles help him out no problem!
He can't hold in his laugh, not at all.
Cuddle piles are some of his favorite things, and he really likes tickle hugs too. He giggles so hard when he gets trapped in a hug, because he knows what's going to happen next.
His favorite tease to receive has to be, "Uh oh. I think I see a smile! Are you giggling, Lloyd?"
Lloyd has walked in on so many tickle fights, and he's quick to make an escape before he's dragged into it. But one time he see's Nya pinning Kai down, and she asks for help in order to destroy her annoying brother, and he decides... he may as well join if he's going to be dragged in anyways.
He has never heard of the tickle monster bit before, and thinks it's so stupid it's funny. He attaches onto it, and instead animates life into inanimate objects. Like feathers! He gives them silly names.
"Uh oh! You better tell Mrs. Fluffy to get away, she's getting really close to your stomach..."
Hypocritically, he can't handle when people pretend to turn into a tickle monster. Koko does that a lot believe or not.
Master Wu has poked him before when correcting his fighting stance, and pretends to be none the wiser.
He's a dork, I love him so much.
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tasteslikevequill · 6 months
Autism Allegories - Zane from Ninjago.
(Edited to have a cut, your welcome!)
This is intended to be a random rant due to how disheartened I was from someone else not mentioning it or regarding the topic negatively. It's a weird thing for a first post, but something with passion nonetheless.
Many stereotypes surround autistic people within different media, as well as coding of all forms within the writing. (Queer coding, Trans coding, etc.)
Most people who are actively looking for autistic representation or accidentally stumble upon it are well aware of the common male stereotype of a highly intelligent, logical, non-sarcasm-grasping young man who is most often white or cisgender.
This is common, and can still resonate with autistic people even if it is overused and doesn't represent the wide spectrum that are people with autism. (Pun intended.)
While Zane from Ninjago, (a Lego series with nearly fifteen seasons, one spin-off movie, and a new production in the making,) carries a lot of the traits that an autistic person could have. (Both in a realistic fashion and perhaps a stereotypical fashion, as robots are often coded to be neurodivergent to show them being 'unhuman' and 'different.') However, this does not come from a negative point of view in my eyes.
I think Zane is a wonderful allegory for a person with autism, they acknowledge that he's odd. But they (the team of ninjas and Sensei Wu) all take him as he is. Not accept him, because accepting something about someone implies there is something inherently wrong with them. But are content and allow him to be him.
Now, here comes the part of this that disheartened me. I looked up this same thing I am ranting on, and saw multiple people agreeing that Zane has autistic traits. All of them, however, would deny him being autistic.
Now here is the kicker. Zane cannot be autistic due to him not having human anatomy besides his resemblance to one. This is true, but he still carries the experiences and struggles that would come with someone with autism. Hence, my specific wording on him being an allegory for people with autism -- whether this was intentional or not.
As said by Oxford Languages, an allegory is "a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one."
Said as well by Wikipedia, an allegory is "A literary device or artistic form, an allegory is a narrative or visual representation in which a character, place, or event can be interpreted to represent a meaning with moral or political significance." Which goes into a little more depth on the definition.
Zane is a perfect allegory when it comes to the autistic experience, as can be shown just by clips of him being himself. (Which, I will link.)
I believe this allegory is further pushed when we consider the fact that Zane has always stood out and has not been able to grasp the subcontext provided by the humans around him. Social cues can be difficult for those with autism. However, they don't make him entirely incompetent despite this.
Which is great! It's amazing! They treat him just like the other ninja in most cases, allowing him to fully feel like part of the family and not excluded.
One specific moment (which was included in the pilot) was as such:
Sensei Wu was beginning to announce Zane's ability, in which, he would respond with a showy move. Displaying his abilities. Kai, the newest member, would lean towards Cole and whisper.
"I sense this one takes things a little too seriously."
In which, Zane would respond blankly with genuine curiosity.
"You too have the gift?"
Which would bring a light chuckle from Jay. And he would explain to the curious Zane.
"He was just making a joke, Zane." Then lean in close with a mildly concerned expression. "Remember what we talked about? Your sense of humor, huh?"
Then in the most monotone voice, matter-of-factly voice, Zane would respond. "Yes, it was a joke."
With a flat "Haha." Which would earn a face palm from Jay in response.
This would serve to seperate him from the rest of the ninjas, but they would never entirely outcast him due to it. If anything, it gave him his own standing presence among them.
It was an indicator but also an endearing quality to him. If allowed to be, he is a good allegory as he most likely has the same experiences an autistic person would endure. (Being talked down to, struggling with social cues, facing judgement for who they are, and so on.)
(My laptop thought it would be funny to shut off while I was typing this, so I did loose some of my commentary. How rude.)
The negative out look I saw on this and the minor ignorance towards him as a character just made me feel icky and inspire me to do this rant. This is all I have to say for now, but Zane is very special to me in all these little clips of him being himself. (Especially when he doesn't understand gender norms!)
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patamonstan · 1 year
I lost the password to my famous ninjago account smh
Literally lost an average of 50-100 interactions per post, I even forgit the user for awhile
But alas, I remembered it, and it was @becszetta, tbh its a very me thing to forget.
So in memory of my first post there, I have it redone, with some things added, some thing removed cause I slay 24/7
Here it is, Ninjago NInja Headcanons + PIXAL bc I love her
Name: Kaito (Kai) Raymond Smith-Jiang
Age (as of crystalized): 21
Height(Feet): 5'10
Eye color: amberish hazel
Hair colour: Brown
Ethnicity: Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: trans Male
Headcanon: On the rare occasion that Kai doesn't gel his hair, everybody loves to see how long it is, especially his boyfriend Cole.
Name: Nya Maren Smith-Jiang
Age (as of crystalized): 20
Height(Feet): 5'9
Eye color: aqua
Hair colour: black
Ethnicity: Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/her
Gender: Female
Headcanon: For the longest time Nya tricked Kai into thinking she was taller than him by wearing slightly heeled and platformed shoes, but eventually Kai caught on
Name: Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon
Age (as of crystalized): 20 physically, 14 mentally
Height(Feet): 6'1
Eye color: red and green
Hair colour: blonde
Ethnicity: Canadian, Japanese
Sexuality: Pansexual, Demiromantic
Pronouns: he/him
Gender: male
Headcanon: Lloyd is the stereotype Canadian when it comes to helping his friends out.
Name: Nicholas (Cole) Louis Brookstone
Age (as of crystalized): 22
Height(Feet): 6'5
Eye color: brown
Hair colour: black
Ethnicity: Nigerian, Japanese
Sexuality: Gay
Pronouns: He/him
Gender: male
Headcanon: Cole is the Dad friend.
Name: Zane Howard Julien
Age (as of crystalized): 21
Height(Feet): 6'7
Eye color: Blue
Hair colour: White
Ethnicity: Japanese, Scottish
Sexuality: Asexual
Pronouns: any
Gender: male but dgaf about pronouns
Headcanon: Zane has no concept of pronouns I call canon
Name: Jayson (Jay) Icarus Walker
Age (as of crystalized): 21
Height(Feet): 5'6
Eye color: Blue
Hair colour: reddish brown
Ethnicity: Irish, Japanese, Spanish
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: He/they
Gender: trans male
Headcanon: Jay and Kai have bi-weekly sleepovers talking about the pains of having to deal with needles for their testosterone shots (they are both terrified of needles)
Name: PIXAL Borg
Age (as of crystalized): 22
Height(Feet): 6'3
Eye color: blue
Hair colour: silver
Ethnicity: Japanese, Dutch
Sexuality: Asexual
Pronouns: any
Gender: female
Headcanon: she and Zane initially bonded over not giving af about pronouns then fell in love
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xylomilo · 11 months
Ninja Headcannons
Any pronouns
Demiromantic Bisexual with male lean
Afro-Latino with a little bit of French from great-grandfather
NU Goth
Collects records
Short butterfly locs
Booba 🤲🤲🤲
Will eat anything and everything if it doesn’t leave his mouth
PTSD from the fall in March of the Oni 🥰
After DotD, the others (and him) kept forgetting Cole isn’t a ghost anymore so they kept hitting him and he kept bumping into walls for a while
His mother would make cake from him when younger, thus why he loves it so much
Releases stress by training, baking cakes, or listening to music
Likes to study the meaning behind song lyrics
3/4 Korean 1/4 White (Libber was half white half Korean)
Portable charger that never runs out
Southern accent that faded away over time
Scene kid in high school
Mythology nerd
Everyone bullies him for being part white
Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons fan
Refuses to download Twitter bc his fans scare the shit out of him
Audhd(?) (Autistic ADHD)
Half Filipino Half Argentinian
Used to sacrifice a lot of things just to see Nya happy (cough cough Kenny McCormick cough cough)
Switched names with Nya one day and got hit by the transgender-fication ray
Constantly refers to Nya as “sis” because she used to be the only thing he had
Only good at forging magical weapons (the opposite of Karlof lmao)
Allergic to seafood but didn’t know until he was talking to the others like “yk it’s weird how fish makes my lips tingle” and they went 😟😟
Used to have nightmares the day his parents disappeared
Has accidentally made so many fires out the most random things
Every sea creature hates him
Dragons adore him and Oni loathe him
Trans, non-binary
Achillean AroAce spectrum
Japanese with a bit of Chinese from grandma
Has never seen any pictures of his grandmother, only heard vague stories
Lots of animals like him. Like a lot. Bro is followed by anything and everything when he goes to the park.
Seasonal allergies (FUCKING LOSER (im projecting))
Collector of books he will never read, physical and digital
Old dreamsmp fan- the others still make fun of him for it to this day
Sleeps in the most uncomfortable positions and places but is somehow fine
Lloyd wishes he had stayed in contact with Brad.
Had matching bracelets with Brad, but Lloyd doesn’t remember where he put it
Lloyd sometimes stalks Brad’s social media pages to see what he’s been up to, but is too scared to actually follow him back. When they do though, they find out Brad blocked them on everything the day after.
Post season 16, Lloyd became a pet sitter for a while. Imagine their surprise when the door opened and he was face-to-face with Brad. Lloyd quit the next day.
Half Filipino Half Argentinian
Really observant
Knows what Kai did for her when they were younger and she feels awful about it
Can manipulate water in people but it’s hard to do
Couldn’t remember what her parents looked or sounded like until Season 7
Used to steal a lot when she was younger to help her brother
Every sea creature likes her
Dragons are terrified of her
Wakes up in a cold sweat when her older middle-child senses start tingling (Red Green Blue Ghost by beloved 🙏🙏)
Her and Morro got intense beef like fist fighting type (middle child stuff)
“Babe why is your mom hot” “Nya istfsm”
Used to overheat a lot pre season 4 but his ice powers cancelled it out
“Oh this media is nice” proceeds to research it for the next twelve hours (me)
Gets treated like a brand new iPhone by Acronix 😭😭
Doesn’t need to charge, being near Jay Is enough 😭😭
Kenny McCormick by how many times he has died
“Don’t worry guys, I can fix this problem” pulls out gun
Their heart is made of ice, literally (their power core is made of blue crystal and chronosteel, which is how the old EM gave Zane their powers)
Collects everything and anything
“Aw, this is too expensive!” … “Wait I’m rich.”
Only wears turtlenecks and plaid pants/skirts
Small rivalry with Nya because everything PIXAL creates, Nya has created before
A little bit insane
Zane: Would you still love me if I was a worm?
PIXAL: You already are
“Woah, they’re laser focused!” and PIXAL is listening to celebrity drama videos
Likes watching people argue on Samurai X’s gender/pronouns (thinks its funny)
Acts like schlatt sometimes
Has a habit of speaking in a monotone voice and is genuinely surprised when people think it’s being rude
Brutally honest 😭😭 Kai will say “does this make my ass look fat?” and PIXAL will respond with “the opposite, actually.”
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