#you know how so many people think luxray should be a dark type
laundrycephalopod · 2 months
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thinking about pokemon and alan wake at the same time
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juuvio · 7 years
Pokémon trainer Kuroo Tetsurou wants to battle!
Haikyuu!!/Pokémon [Kuroo Tetsurou / Sawamura Daichi]
Genre: Crossover, alternate universe
Rating: General audiences 
Two ex Pokémon League Champions abandon their high titles to embark on a self fulfilling journey across the world; fate does them justice by having the two cross paths.
Also available on AO3!
Cities sure were lively locations, filled with luminous lights of varying colors and vibrancy all throughout the brightly lit streets. A completely different atmosphere from the city’s outskirts that homed the many bug type pokémon. Although Sawamura Daichi had enjoyed his time exploring forests, caves and the seas, it was only a matter of time before the constant moving around took it’s toll on him. However with this freedom to travel, he had all the time in the world to rest before he got back to his engaging adventure he had been embarking on up to this moment.
Saffron city had it’s fair share of restaurants and café’s alike, a wide range of choices on what to eat. Daichi took it upon himself to try just about everything he passed by, the money made from his on road battles being more than enough to allow him to spend carelessly on luxuries. He sat himself on an outside bench with a warm panini and had a moment of peace with himself as he looked towards the dimming sky, the moon and stars vaguely beaming in the approaching darkness. He would have loved the share this moment with his pokémon, but their large sizes would likely scare off other pedestrians.
A soft purring distracted Daichi from his wandering thoughts, dark eyes falling to meet with large, violet ones. They shone brilliantly, a glimmering gaze reflecting the barely woken moon off. It was an Espeon, as cute as any Espeon Daichi had to admit yet he quite honestly could say he rarely ran into one. They were a struggle to evolve into one after all, this one must have a good trainer. Come to think of it, where was it’s trainer?
“Hey there,” Daichi said, gently reaching a hand towards the Espeon who butted it’s head into his palm. It’s short coat felt silky under his touch. “You lost?”
It pulled away from him and looked up questioningly, tilting it’s head to the side as it let out a sort of purring and meowing sound at once.
“Espeeeeeon, c’mon I’m starving and I’m bored of this game if you don’t stick to one hiding spot!”
The mystery voice had a smooth tenor and a husky touch to it. Daichi turned in search for the source and spotted only that atrocious hair. It was wild, completely unruly and apparently unkempt, flicking off into every direction known to man. The trainer had bangs that fell over his right eye and a small undercut beneath the obsidian forest on top. It sort of suited him. The way he was decorated in various ear piercings and gauged ear lobes, finely detailed tattoos embedded beneath the golden skin of his arms. Daichi never often ran into such delinquent looking figures, even during his time in the Pokémon League where he was exposed to all sorts of people. Must have been a city thing, considering it was a rarity to pass by a fellow travelling with more than two ear piercings.
The trainer wore a plain black t-shirt and black jeans, a pale grey hooded jacket tied around his waist and a red backpack. Backpack? Must be travelling too perhaps. He visibly perked up upon hearing Espeon cry out again, the cat like pokémon trotting off gracefully to its trainer’s open arms. Daichi listened into his trainer fussing over his pokémon for a moment and smiled to himself, he definitely looked like he took good care of his pokémon.
“Hey! Thanks man,” he called out, drawing a perplexed expression out of Daichi.
“Huh— oh, I did nothing… Espeon just happened to be wandering around here,” Daichi waved off, seeing a soft smile curl the corners of the trainer’s mouth.
He stepped over, still holding Espeon in his arms and shot out an arm towards Daichi. “Kuroo Tetsurou… Nice to meet you…”
“Oh, Sawamura Daichi. Nice to meet you too Kuroo,” he replied, taking his hand in a firm shake. They were cold to touch, but it felt nice against Daichi’s warm skin. He couldn’t help but notice the gentle smile plastered across Kuroo’s face, which was in fact anything but gentle. The cunning type… “You live around here?”
“Nah, passing through. Exploring the Kanto region! I’m from Lumiose City in Kalos, things sure are different over here…”
“Travelling? Same actually, I’m from Oreburgh City in the Sinnoh region,” he paused as he considered mentioning he was a former champion, but Kuroo spoke before he could.
“Sinnoh region… Sick, wanna battle?”
Of course, there was no chance of simply talking to a fellow trainer without engaging in a pokémon battle. Daichi was lucky he visited the pokémon centre today. “Sure.” He guessed like every other battle he’d been in since travelling, would be over in near an instant. The only battle her considered a challenge was weeks ago against a particularly pretty doe-eyed boy with a Milotic. What was his name again… Oikawa?
Kuroo smirked and looked down towards Espeon, who looked back up at him adoringly. “Fancy going first?” It mewed with a clear smile in it’s tone, hopping out of his arms and flicking out it’s twintails. Daichi waited for Kuroo to back off a little before pondering who to bring out first. Espeon was considerably smaller compared to his whole team, but he’d be a fool to believe size determines the outcome of the battle. However he just couldn’t help it seeing the past 50 battles he won bare barely lifting a finger. “Let’s see what you got, fellow traveller Sawamura~”
He wanted to laugh, this poor guy didn’t know what he was getting himself into. “Alright, let’s make this quick, Kangaskhan!” He lobbed the ultra ball into the air, the capsule snapping open in a blinding light to reveal his Kangaskhan.
“Espeon, single beam—”
“Sucker punch Kangaskhan!”
Espeon was briskly interrupted by the sucker punch, it’s dark type properties making it a hard hit on Espeon.
“Smart move,” Kuroo mumbled, directing Espeon to go full offensive. Kangaskhan’s sucker punch only worked so many times before the hits started piling up on her through Espeons sweeping and fast hits.
Daichi underestimated him for sure, his Espeon was sure a mean hitter, and Kangaskhan’s durability was coming to the end of its tether. Thankfully, Espeon wasn’t entirely durable.
“Espeon, nice job… Return.” Kuroo barely sounded sullen, in fact he was rather smug. “Kangaskhan looks a bit worse for the wear!”
Toxic! Shit— The damn thing didn’t go down alone, as Daichi’s side was next to hit the ground. “You did great, return.”
The pair began to take notice to the growing number of bystanders watching this nerve wracking battle, but were hasty to move on.
“You’re better than I thought, Sawamura!” Kuroo called out from the distance, leaving Daichi to snort. If only this guy knew he was taking on a former champion. Kuroo threw a dusk ball into the air without any words spoken, the void like energy striking out to reveal a Weavile.
Ice type, you should handle that…  “Arcanine, go!”
“Oya, oya, look at that. Type advantage!”
This damn guy, he likes to talk huh. “Flare blitz!”
It looked like a solid hit, and considering the type advantage Weavile should have gone down a bit harder than it appeared to. In fact, it only looked like a regular attack and barely did a number on it. Daichi caught the sly smirk grace those lips on Kuroo, and now he was really starting to wonder what the hell was on his mind. “Nasty plot.”
The attacks were traded back and forth, mainly Weavile prancing around dodging and boosting itself and Arcanine chasing after it. Eventually, the lion like pokémon landed a particularly hard hit that sent the smaller pokémon flying, and morphing— morphing?
“Aw crap, busted.” It was a Zoroark all along, dirty trick! No wonder those fire moves weren’t doing much against it.
“What the hell, that was good,” Daichi snorted with a smirk, and he was sure even that Zoroark was snickering.
That round soon came to an end with Zoroark winning, who was this guy? A frontier trainer? No way, even against those guys Daichi had an easier time, and his Arcanine rarely went down like that.    
“Zoroark, come back,” Kuroo called. Withdrawing? “Luxray!”
Damn, electric. Daichi considered withdrawing, but he had a hunch Kuroo would only do the same. “Alright, ready big guy?” Steelix responded with a rumbling, groan like roar. He may always look grumpy, but Daichi had mastered the ability to read a steel boulder’s expression. This time round, Steelix was more than determined to take on Luxray.
“Charge beam!”
Steelix wasn’t a big dodger, but he sure was study. “You okay?” Daichi checked, waiting for the subtle nod. “Alright let’s ruin their day, earthquake! Keep it contained will you?”
“Oh fuck—” The ripples from the violently trembling ground beneath Luxray was a sure way to give him a bad time, knocking out most of the fight in him. There were a few squeaks and screamed from the crowd watching the fight, the earthquake not being as contained as Daichi hoped.
“We’ll have to work on how to contain that…” He laughed nervously and watched Luxray struggle to get back up. “That did a number on him!”
“Go with another charge beam, that bulky pile of rubble can hit hard but he can’t dodge.”  
Kuroo was right, and those charge beams wore Steelix out at only the second hit, but a swift whack with an iron tail knocked Luxray out before he could land a finishing blow. Now Daichi was really starting to get nervous, but exhilarated as can be. These were the kind of battles he strives to have.
Weavile, the real one Daichi assumed, finished Steelix off with a quick shadow ball, not giving the slower pokémon a chance to even react. Now that’s how you could tell a real Weavile, they were terrifyingly fast. He only prayed Raichu would be able to somewhat keep up.
Now there was a serious change in pace, the speed of an electric type and the speed of the assassin like cat led to an almost unseen battle of blurs. Weavile however, was that one step ahead, and Raichi went down.
“Raichu good job, return. Pangoro go!”
Kuroo’s eyes widened in a brief display surprise before he hardened his features again. “Watch out Weavile…”
Speed wasn’t a perk Pangoro held, but his defense was. “Sky uppercut!”
Weavile barely dodged the first hit, and managed to fit in a few hits before getting hit by Pangoro’s second attempt at sky uppercut. It was an instant knockout. “Aw shit— nice job out there.” Kuroo returned Weavile and gave Daichi a long, hard stare down. Now he looked like he was getting serious. He was now down to three pokémon, and Daichi down to two. He knew for a fact though his Zoroark wouldn’t be able to hold up long against his two fully able pokémon.    
“Zoroark!” The pokémon emerged from the inky energy of the dusk ball, smirking just how it’s trainer does. She didn’t stand much of a chance against Pangoro however, and went down without doing much of a number on him due to her weakened state from the previous fight. “Awesome work…”
“Is someone getting nervous?”
“Says you, I can feel the ground trembling from your shakes! Go, Garchomp!” Daichi’s breath hitched at the name. Now that was a scary dragon, and it’s recognizable shriek sent chills down his spine. Maybe he should withdraw Pangoro and face it with another dragon, Dragonite. No, too risky. If Garchomp manages to get a first hit on her was over for his own Dragon, and then Kuroo still had one more pokémon left.
“Alright, I’m counting on you Pangoro!”
Fair to say, Garchomp was a nightmare. Daichi wondered if his last pokémon was at brutal as this land shark— it must be, and now he only grew more stressed on taking out Garchomp with Pangoro and leaving Kuroo’s best to Daichi’s Dragonite to handle.
The battle between them was long and tedious, but ultimately Garchomp took out Pangoro. “Dragonite!”
“Holy shit, nice Dragonite!”
“Thanks, could say the same for your Garchomp.”
Garchomp was indeed faster than Dragonite, but Dragonite relied on her exquisite dodging and using Garchomps exhaustion to her advantage. He was soon finished off with a dragon pulse with minimal damage done to Dragonite. Now that leaves…
“Final showdown, Gengar!”
Daichi almost choked on air, they had the exact same grin. But behind that fact, Gengars alone are terrifying, but considering the rest of Kuroo’s powerhouse team this one had to be a nasty piece of work itself.
This fight lasted considerably longer than the others, Gengar’s blinding speed and sweeping abilities giving him the advantage of all dodge and dish. Daichi did know if he did get hit, it hurt. Dragonite was no gentle hitter, and Gengar proved that the first time he slipped up against the swing of her tail. The sky was eventually engulfed in darkness, the stars and moon shimmering on the pitch blanket, and they were still fighting.
“Heh… Hey Gengar, been a while since we had such a hard time huh…” Kuroo spoke just loud enough for his pokémon to hear, whom turned his head and grinned passed the weariness.
“Dragonite, look how enthusiastic you are… Guess you like that smug jackass.” Dragonite glanced back towards Daichi and let out a gleeful cry, turning back to glare violently towards Gengar.
“We can do this all night, bring it Sinnoh!”
“Oh yeah? Are you sure? You both look like you need a nice long nap from all that excessive grinning.”
It lasted for another half an hour at most, before the two pokémon finally collapsed on top of each other. The two trained jogged over onto the space declared battlefield to tend to their pokémon, pulling each away from each other to embrace them— with much struggle considering their weight and size.
“Nice one, Gengar. You did awesome.”
“You did brilliant, Dragonite.”
“Return!” The spoke in unison, drawing the fainted pokémon back into their pokéballs.
He two trained shared a gaze before breaking out into bright grins. “What the hell… Do you even know who I am?”
“No clue, enlighten me please.”
“Former champion of Sinnoh… You’re pretty damn good.”
Kuroo gaped at him before he turned his head nervously and scratched the side of his head with a finger. “Former champion… Me too. The post gets pretty boring right?”
He— wait, what? “Hold on… You’re a former champion too?”
“Yep, but it was so bland and boring and I couldn’t be bothered to stay in one place anymore, so I dropped the title to do a bit more exploring before I become a wrinkly plastic bag who can’t do anything.”
“Woah… Same— exactly the same even. Well that explains my great struggle against you.”
“Geez, I’ve never felt so excited when battling someone before. Thanks. Sawamura.”
“No, thank you…” Daichi stood from the ground and helped Kuroo up. “That wore me out, I could use some food.”
“Same, let’s go find somewhere to eat— Or like, can I just ask you on a date?”
“A— huh?!”
“A date, will you go on a date with me, former Sinnoh champion, so I can go home and brag to all my friends how I dated a tough mother fucker like you?”
Daichi was loss for words, and his voice was trapped in the back of his throat for a while. “…Yeah, let’s go on a date. If… You accompany me on my travels.”
Kuroo cocked an eyebrow up and smirked. “Deal.”
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inthenameofsverige · 7 years
she’s probably too cliché or marysue-ish but like, i really love my pokémon trainer oc.
her name is andy and she was born in jubilife city. she’s never had one of the three starters from sinnoh. her “starter” pokémon is a shinx her father helped her catch when she was little. she named him Sparky bc four-year-olds are creative like that. she was really really into the “conquer the gyms, defeat the elite four, become the champion of the sinnoh pokémon league!!!” so she signed up as soon as she turned 10, and she (actually pretty easily) made it to the elite 4. she was absolutely destroyed by bertha. (the team she had put together was at a major type-disadvantage. and since she was only 12 she had never realized.) she had been fine through the other gyms because she had been catching and training pokemon with the right types thanks to the advice guy at the beginning of most gyms. but for the elite 4 she had decided to take her “favourites”. luxray, rapidash, nosepass, chatot, umbreon, and lucario. even though bertha said it was alright that she lost, and that she should really try again sometime, andy just kept. thinking. about. it. this was the first time she had really been beaten. and it made her wonder if all the other gym leaders just let her win, if they had gone easy on her because she was so excited to participate and she was so young.
its honestly dumb, to her own mind especially, but this is what really set off her depression. after that, of course, as things tend to go with depression, things got dark. she didnt know what to do, she felt like a failure. she had lost so thoroughly and it made her question everything. and nobody else, not even her father, seemed to understand how much that loss affected her. people kept telling her to “get over it” and that “plenty of people lose to just the first gym every day!” so she “should really be thankful that (a whiny brat like) you got to the elite four!” which really helped cement her fears that she had been coasting through on her innocence and excitement and people’s pity the whole time. this all bittered her to people, and crashed her worldview. she got pretty reclusive, but not in the usual way. andy would take long, long walks through sinnoh, staying away from people and especially trainers. any trainer that insisted on battling her she just lost to. she wouldnt even try anymore. no point to it, really. honestly, she got very, very wrapped up in her own self-hatred and loathing. because while the loss against bertha is what triggered it, her depression fucking snowballed from there. and suddenly everything she was and everything she was doing was wrong. she had given away most of the pokémon on she had caught, convinced that they didnt deserve her. that they should have a trainer who knew what they were doing. and this ball of self-hatred deep in her gut kept her away from home and strained her relationship so much with her family. she hadnt told anyone about how much she despised herself, all her family knew was that she had become reclusive, angry, and rebellious towards them. she was almost never home and when she was she would spend all her time in her room, and yell at anyone who came in.
she was 14 when she first contemplated killing herself. it would be so easy. she was gone from home and from people for so long. she thought about it most on dark nights under the new moon. she could just leave. and no one would be angry at her, no one would worry about her, no one would pity her ever again. but then, always, she would come out of her mind, and notice the warm side she had been using as a pillow. and she would start to think about sparky. he was one of the few pokémon she hadnt given away, and the only one she took on her walks. he had been in her life for so long. she couldnt just leave him. she just, she just couldnt. she would end up crying into his fur and he would lean his head against her and purr. sparky never fully knew what was wrong, but he did know andy wasnt okay, and that he made her feel better. at 15 andy decided Fuck It. her life was shit and it was her own fault. she may as well see what the world had to offer, and if it didnt, she would just kill herself by the end of the year. andy got on a ship, and left for unova. this, looking back, was the best decision she made in her entire life.
she met so many new people just on the boat ride there. by the end, she had made some tentative friendships, for the first time in years, with some other kids who were traveling all the way from johto. the small group journeyed around unova together, becoming closer and closer friends. andy still had those nights. those pulling, dragging thoughts and the reminders in the back of her mind that none of this would last. but the year ended; and she didnt kill herself. after two years, the group decided to leave unova and move on to kalos together. on the ship ride out of castellia, andy confessed to her friends that she really wanted to die sometimes, and kinda wanted to die most others. but they made her feel better sometimes. and she was glad she wasnt alone on dark nights and rainy days. they were quick to convince her she needed help. in kalos, the first thing they did was set themselves up in a hotel, and get andy to make an appointment with a therapist. she resisted, pretty hard, but as much as she hated herself, she hated feeling like this just as much. so she went. she got medication, and coping methods, and a place to just vent and reconcile about what had started this whole thing. after a month, she didnt want to hold up her friends on their exploration around kalos, so she told her therapist she was going to stop seeing them. her therapist gave andy their card, and gave her the addresses of other therapists all around kalos. they made her promise to see them, as often as foottravel would allow, and to keep her medication filled, and her coping methods in the back of her mind, and her friends at the front. so she did. its been years now, and shes traveled through kalos, back to sinnoh, and then way around to johto as well, to say goodbye to her friends that had saved her from the darkest times in her life. (they still keep in touch)
now shes alone again, traveling, but this time she has a full team of pokémon. and she travels with people. a different group every week sometimes. shes even started battling trainers who challenge her again. and shes started trying again. of course, far more battles now are hard-won. and quite a few are lost. but shes had a different outlook on them. she learns. and she understands why and how and what she can do better. shes not the best, but shes found her joy in battling again, in taking her losses in stride and about cherishing the lessons shes learned and the great battles shes had. she still has those dark nights sometimes. the new moon still brings back those decade-old feelings. and shell still get twinges of her old thought processes in the back of her mind. but now she has more than sparky’s comforting fur to soothe her. she has a team she lends her whole heart to, and them to hers. and she has people that she talks to and meds that she takes and friends, even passing ones, that keep her from falling down that cliffside again. shes back to her old self, more or less. seemingly boundless enthusiasm and joy for everything she does. and everyone she meets. recently, she even went home and told her family what had happened all those years ago. they finally understood, and they apologized for not taking her seriously or seeing the signs of her illness. andy apologized for pushing them all away, and for leaving home, and sinnoh entirely, for near-on a decade. they told her there was an open bed at home any time she should need it. and open ears should she ever need them too. her latest travels have taken her to alola, and honestly, she thinks she might make her new home here.
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