#you gotta run buddy i say. he doesnt understand. i kick him again. go on run into the forest. be free. i kick him for he knows not of
daenystheedreamer · 1 year
What about Edmure "My people; they were afraid" Tully? /hj
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maternalcube · 7 years
hey i really like your voltron superhero au on ao3!! i just finished the last story and will we ever get to know what happened to shiro on that "sabbatical" of his and his battle with the emperor?
thanks! the short answer is that shiro… doesnt remember much. the long answer is as follows. :D
There are a few moments of clarity in the hell Shiro lives, but not many.
Those moments stick in his mind when the rest of his experience is a clouded haze. People in colorful costumes, chained in a row in a damp, dark warehouse; a man in blue on a rooftop, who meets his eyes, face stricken with terror; standing at attention with the other bodyguards while The Witch advises The Emperor in front of them. Begging the department head at the college for a medical leave, early on.
He knows he was given a year off, somehow. He can’t quite register the passage of time, but that was summer and now it’s winter, so it’s been months, at least.
He rarely has the presence of mind to worry about that.
The next time he starts to surface, though, he’s aware of it, which is already more than usual.
“You with me yet?” a voice rasps through the thinning haze, before he has quite registered his surroundings. It comes from a man he’s pinning to the wall by the throat.
He steps back quickly and the man slides to the ground, rubbing his throat. Shiro blinks a couple times, shaking his head to try to clear the last of the fog.
“Nng,” is the first thing he manages to say. “What…?”
“Easy,” the man coughs. “He really had his claws in deep.”
The cadence and tone of the voice is familiar, despite the rasp. Shiro squints at him; his hair is longer than when they were in college together, and his face is in shadow, but…
“Matt?” he asks.
Matt looks up and gives him a haggard grin. “The one and only.”
“What… how?” Shiro looks around; they’re in a makeshift cell in the warehouse. The Emperor’s headquarters. It’s quiet, right now, but he can’t quite remember who’s here or out…
“I’m guessing you’re not here by choice,” Matt groans, dragging himself back up to standing. “Obviously I’m not, either. I don’t know how you got yourself into this mess, though.”
Shiro rubs his forehead. “I don’t understand.”
“You’re The Emperor’s right-hand man, buddy. Feared throughout the city. Outside it, too.”
“I…” That can’t be right, can it? He’s vaguely aware he’s a bodyguard, and he knows he’s under The Emperor’s control. He doesn’t remember doing anything more than standing around, though. He rubs his forehead again. “How did we get here? Now?”
“Oh, I got caught doing reconnaissance and got dragged in here. You were guarding me so I goaded you into getting closer so I could–” He snaps his fingers. “Snap you out of it.”
“Sorry…. about that…. How…?”
“I’m a super too. Usually a pretty useless one, though. No fireworks.” Matt puts his hands on his hips. “Anyway, the primary goal here is getting me out, but stealing you away would be a big blow. You in?”
It still takes a moment for Shiro to process that. “You… want to escape.”
“No, I want to rot in a corner of an abandoned warehouse forever.” Matt gives him a look.
“Okay,” Shiro says slowly. “Okay.” He turns and looks out of the cell; the cavernous space beyond is mostly in shadow, and the light that seeps in through the cracks is orange. Evening, maybe.
There’s no telling who could be watching them.
“Do you have a plan?” he asks.
“Do you know your way around?” Matt returns.
Shiro squints into the darkness. “Maybe? It’s all pretty fuzzy.” With any luck he’ll have… muscle memory, or something subconscious, to guide him in the right direction.
“Well, I’m hoping that if you lead me like I’m still a prisoner and you’re taking me somewhere, we’ll be able to just walk right out.”
Shiro can’t help but make a face as he turns back to Matt. “You… really think that’ll work?”
“Well we gotta try something, and the big bads aren’t here, so it’s now or never.” Matt steps up beside him and folds his hands behind his back. “Here.”
Shiro takes a deep breath and gently grips Matt’s wrists. “Alright. Let’s go.”
They walk out of the cell, footsteps echoing on the concrete. A distant pair of glowing yellow eyes follows their progress from the shadows, but no one stops them on their way to the door. He has no trouble finding the way, but then, there’s not much here to navigate.
And then Shiro shoves his shoulder into the door to open it and standing on the other side are two figures, silhouetted by the setting sun.
“Hm,” says The Emperor, and he lifts a hand.
When next Shiro comes to, he’s being restrained–held down against the floor, in fact, the taste of blood and dirt in his mouth and a sharp pain across his face. There’s muted shouting, roaring, the crack and rumble and hair-raising fizz of a battle between supers nearby. A hand lifts from his cheek.
“He’s coming to now.” Matt’s voice sounds distant.
“Are you sure?” This voice Shiro doesn’t recognize, but it can only come from the man sitting on his back right now.
“Yeah, look at his eyes. Shiro?”
Shiro groans.
“Well, he’s responsive. Let him up.”
The pressure lifts, but Shiro doesn’t move right away. His senses still feel muffled and he aches all over; soon, though, the crackling atmosphere of the nearby battle forces him up to his hands and knees.
“You can go help, Ulaz, I’ll stay with him,” Matt says. Ulaz doesn’t respond aloud but Shiro hears him get up and jog away.
Shiro rolls over to sit properly, and then he can see the rest of the warehouse.
The whole place is lit up from the glow of The Witch’s powers and the flash of various others. There’s a lot of people he doesn’t recognize, a lot of bodyguards he only kind of does; The Emperor and The Witch are in the thick of it, fighting back whatever force came for them–and winning, it seems, though not by much. Then Matt waves a hand in his face.
“Stay with me, buddy,” he says. “I don’t have the energy to keep dragging you back out of there.”
Shiro turns to look at him, to ask for context, and does a double-take. Matt’s face and hands are absolutely covered in scrapes and developing bruises, and his shirt is torn–one cheek is red and puffy, probably soon to develop into a black eye. His hands are smeared with blood.
“What happened?” Shiro breathes.
Matt gives him a small, sad smile. “You should see the other guy,” he says.
Shiro blinks at him. He doesn’t remember, but he’s got an unsettling feeling the “other guy” is himself.
He looks back to the battle, mindlessly wiping at the dirt on his face with the back of his hand, only to find blood instead. He stares at it a moment before Matt gently pushes his hand back down.
“This superhero group infiltrated this place,” Matt finally explains. “They’re trying to take The Emperor down. You’re still gonna be susceptible to his control, though, so we should get going while they’re distracted.”
“…We didn’t escape.”
Matt snorts. “Nope.”
“How long has it been?”
“Dunno. An hour, maybe.”
Their attempt must’ve kicked this off, then, Shiro realizes. Apparently to its detriment–there are a few prone forms strewn about the warehouse floor and none of them are in the black and red and purple that The Emperor favors.
“We should help,” he says.
“No. No way.” Matt grabs his chin and turns his face so Shiro has to look at him. “I’m in no shape to fight and neither are you. I can’t fight. You go in there, he’ll just pull you under again, and I’m not keen on giving him more help.”
Shiro grimaces, then winces as it pulls at whatever injury is on his face. “But…”
“No. Trust me.” Matt grips his wrist. “You trust me, right? It’s been a while since college but we’re still friends, right?”
Shiro looks at his face, determined beneath the dirt, and relents. “Yeah, we’re friends. I trust you.”
“Okay, so, if The Emperor gets anywhere near you, don’t listen to him, don’t even look at him, just punch him as hard as you can and run. Got it?”
“Punch him and run. Got it.” The haze is mostly gone but Shiro isn’t sure he can trust himself right now–so trusting Matt will have to do.
Matt gets up, and tugs at Shiro; he stands, too, albeit a little shakily. And then they’re off, heading toward the door again, albeit with a much different kind of caution.
Matt takes the lead at a jog; they keep to the shadows as much as possible but the fight casts light into every corner. If they can’t go unnoticed, then maybe they simply won’t be worth the trouble, or so Shiro hopes. He keeps half an eye on the fight beside them as they skirt the wall.
There’s a screech, and someone comes flying toward them, hitting the wall just ahead. Shiro hesitates so Matt grabs his sleeves and pulls him on, hopping over the super’s legs as she groans.
“Keep moving!” he hisses. Shiro spares the fallen woman a glance, and then follows Matt, though something drops in his gut. Like he’s betraying himself.
“Almost there,” Matt mutters, and Shiro looks aside to the battle again.
The Emperor, far across the room, still in the middle of battle, meets his eye.
Shiro snaps his gaze away, throat tight. He pushes forward and almost trips up Matt on the way.
“He saw me,” he pants.
“Shit,” Matt says, and they start running. There’s a whoosh and a crackling, and then a boom that rattles Shiro’s very bones and seems to shake the ground beneath their very feet, sending them both toppling.
When Shiro scrambles back up to his feet, The Emperor is there. He lifts a hand.
“Kill the prisoner,” he says.
Champion turns to kill the prisoner. Reaches down. Lifts him up by the throat.
“Shiro,” the prisoner wheezes. “Friends… remember?”
The prisoner is his friend? The prisoner is his friend. There’s something he’s supposed to remember. Something he’s supposed to do.
The prisoner bumps his fist against Champion’s–Shiro’s–forearm. It’s not nearly hard enough to even bruise. The prisoner whistles as he breathes.
Fist. Punch.
Punch him and run, that was it.
Shiro drops the prisoner, turns, and punches The Emperor in the face.
Something in his mind suddenly goes slack.
Shiro comes to to find blood on his fist, The Emperor and Matt both crumpled at his feet, and only the vaguest memory of how he got here. He unclenches his hand, looking at his bloodied knuckles, and he can’t tell if it’s easier to breathe now or just the opposite.
The Emperor isn’t moving.
Matt, however, is gasping for breath as he stumbles back up to his feet. He steadies himself with a hand on Shiro’s elbow and points to the fray.
“Look,” he says.
Shiro looks. The fray doesn’t really qualify as such anymore–many of the combatants have frozen, looking down or around in confusion. The rest, those in brighter colors, are converging on the main source of light in the warehouse right now.
The Witch wails, and it turns into a shriek.
“We’re going now,” Matt says, and then Shiro is being pulled into a run again with only the faintest inkling starting to penetrate his mind that he just killed The Emperor.
They burst out into the cold, snowy air, and Shiro breathes in like he’s never breathed before.
“It’s over,” he gasps, because it hits him: he’s free.
“No it isn’t,” Matt says, though, and keeps pulling him along the snowy wharf, back to solid ground. “The Witch is still in there, and she’s pissed.”
“But The Emperor is dead,” Shiro hears himself say.
“Yeah.” Matt snorts. “You punched his face in. He’s dead.”
“He’s dead,” Shiro repeats.
“Okay, you’re definitely in shock. Remember to breathe, Shiro, but we gotta get out of here.”
Shiro breathes.
He knows when the ambulances show up, along with the special police unit. It’s hazy but it’s a different kind of haze. Temporary. He hears Matt explaining what happened, and someone wraps him in a shock blanket and then he’s bundled into an ambulance.
The Emperor is dead.
Shiro turns to Matt, who’s tucked onto the bench next to him in a matching blanket.
“He’s dead?” he asks once more, just to be sure. Someone murmurs nearby but he focuses on Matt. Matt is his friend, and he can trust him.
“Yeah, Shiro,” Matt says tiredly. “He’s definitely dead.”
In the end, it turns out that Shiro can’t be held accountable for the things he did under mind control. Nor does anyone seem keen on punishing him for killing The Emperor.
So, after three days in the hospital for minor injuries and probably-rather-less-minor trauma, he’s sent back out into the world a free man.
It’s a little strange.
He gets back to his apartment–which is still his, and he sends a fervent thank you to whatever god might be listening for automated payments–to find it dusty but untouched. His blinking answering machine is the only movement, the only light but for the gray daylight peeking through the blinds.
Ugh, he has to clean now.
No sooner does the thought cross his mind than there’s a knock at the door. He reaches for the doorknob… and then thinks better of it, and peers through the peephole instead.
Matt’s on the other side. He opens the door.
“Recovering well, I see,” Matt says, before pushing into the apartment. Shiro fingers the bandage over his nose–that, and his newly-white bangs, are going to be with him forever. Permanent reminders of what he’s done.
“I only just got back,” says Shiro instead, gesturing at the dust. “I still need to clean up.”
“I’ll help,” Matt offers immediately, and lifts the plastic bag in his hand. “Also, I brought you food. Figured you probably haven’t restocked your fridge yet.”
Shiro glances with horror towards his kitchen. He’s a little afraid to find out what state said fridge is in, untouched for six months.
“I appreciate that,” he says faintly, and Matt laughs.
They eat, and then they get to work. With the blinds open and Matt for company, the apartment feels a lot brighter.
“So,” Matt says at one point. “Are you gonna be a hero now?”
“No. Not for a while, anyway,” Shiro amends quickly, as he sweeps the kitchen. “Maybe someday. But I need a break, first.”
Matt snorts. “You can say that again. I’m straight up retiring. Never much into the superhero thing anyway.”
“Why were you poking around there, anyway? You never did explain,” Shiro points out.
“Oh, my little sister and her friend have this dossier project.” Matt waves a hand and stands on tiptoe to dust a high shelf. “I thought I’d poke around a bit, see if I could find something interesting for them. I had no idea what was in that warehouse beforehand.”
Shiro stops sweeping. “You stumbled across… us… by accident.”
Matt smirks over his shoulder. “Yeah, my luck hasn’t gotten any better since graduation.”
Shiro shakes his head, but he smiles too. It almost feels unfamiliar–he certainly hasn’t had cause to smile in a while.
Hopefully, that will change soon. No–it will. He’ll go back to teaching, hang out with Matt and their friends, start doing the things he enjoys again. He’s not going to let what’s happened drag him down forever.
And mindset is the first step.
“Maybe your luck has changed,” he says after a moment. “After all, we’re here now, and The Emperor isn’t.”
Matt grins. “That’s the spirit.”
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lacnunga · 7 years
due to the recent attention quincey and my strange love child has gotten, i’ve decided to do a post of my ‘character building’ aka ‘me just aimlessly rambling at Q in tumblr chat and getting overly invested in our hopeless little loser’. enjoy (or dont idk idc)
Naruto oc Gear
·         platonic bff w/ kankuro
·         i feel like they deserve a mullet. they're completely oblivious to why other people Hate it. they think it's cool.
·         "it feels swishy kank. kank. feels like Wind Country style. kank why are you laughing?"
·         nobody understands why someone 'cool' like kankuro hangs around with this dork
·         its like kakashi and gai. kankuro just shrugs - "dude is a good listener. and they write valentines cards to karasu. they're a weirdo and i love them so back tf off'
·         gear:: nyah
·         kank: what?
·         gear, staring at him through their souless glasses: you know, nyah *makes kitty motions*
·         *gear proceeds to be drop kicked all the way to fire country border*
·         also, nobody know whether gear is male or female or...other?? except their doctor, who enjoys keeping it a secret from a frustrated kankuro.
·         gear has promised him a years worth of buying hi hamburger steaks if he manages to find it out, so kank has some incentive
·         its been nearly ten years...no luck
·         temari doesnt understand the friendship, but its not the weirdest thing her fam is involved in so
·         gear is v scared of gaara though, especially when gaara, in a bid to 'understand his family better' tries to get to know him. gear tries to avoid gaara, but he's. always. there.
·         kank in the end tells gear to Just Talk to Gaara, there's like a 50% chance he won't kill them (if only for kank's sake)
·         wind forwards to a v awkward interrogation session where gear tries to explain the appeal of fireworks and the concept of second hand embarassment
·         no wait
·         i just had a brilliant idea
·         gear is the pioneer of light up ninja sandals
·         are they practical? no way
·         are they weirdly satisfying? hell yeah
·         (when too many shinobi got caught in the field bc their sandals lit up, by decree of the kazekage they can only be worn in the village
·         and preferably never, according to Temari)
·         also gear is a big fan of shino. why? (because I love shino) but Actually because kankuro is still bitter about losing to him
·         so when gear meets shino they make it their mission to become Great Friends, aka the Hoopiest of Froods
·         Rub In That Salt. Can You Taste It Kank? All That Salt.
·         their name is now Gear, or in the japanese version, Giya ギヤ (aka just Gear in katakana - hell, if it works for Lee.) fter visiting konoha kank is sulking bc gear went on and on about how shino was a Cool Guy and had Flair and a certain je ne sais quois ( doesnt know what that means, but it sounds adoring and he Hates it. Gear is his friend, not Shinos)
·         Especially when he remembers that Shino kicked his asssss
·         eventually gear gets ticked off and commisions a cake with big writing on it 'STOP SULKING, KITTY'. kank is weirdly frustrated that gear has remembered his favourite flavour cake
·         gear makes him sarcastic friendship bracelets
·         though gear and shino bond over the fact that nobody knows what their faces/eyes look like. its sort of like an Achievement Unlocked.
·         Gear is then integrated into the Aburame family as a honors member
·         Gets home made pies when ever they visit
·         Kankuro is jelly as usual but does not argue over the pie
·         when shino demonstrates his kikaichuu technique, gear waves their arms around making obnoxious buzzing noises. shino sniggers.
·         hell most things can be forgiven for pie
·         gear actually becomes very good at mimicking the kikaichuu noises so when they go back to suna gear makes the noises when kankuro is least expecting it. the suprised punches to the nose are so worth it.
·         I can just see kankuro just spazzing out before just decking this nerd in the face!
·         Ok but Kin adopts them and loves them but just...just hates their fashion sense more then anything in the world
·         she just eyes their mullet with a twitching brow. gear is holding onto their visor with all their might and watching out for any kunai that might come close to his fabulous mane.
·         lets face it, if shino and gear had a bit of a 'snip snip' training accident, kin wouldn't be disappointed
·         and of course if gear becomes friends with shino, they gotta get along w/ team eight as well. kiba is eyeing their hair with a strange mixture of envy and incredulity. hinata draws gear up some new face-masks. they love them, even the pink floral ones.
·         hinata, handing over the masks: d-do you like them?
·         gear, choked up and holding back sobs: they're fine
·         Gear has a habit of coming to Kank in the middle of the night with the weirdest shit. They knock on his door at three in the morning looking like they're about to cry.
·         G: Kank I've done something awful I'm a murderer
·         Kank is basically ready to help bury a body
·         K:okay okay don't panic what did you do?
·         G: *whispering* I eat eight spiders a year kank. EIGHT SPIDERS. HOW MANY SPIDER ORPHANS HAVE I LEFT TO GRIEVING SPIDER WIDOWS KANK. I'm a MONSTER.
·         K:...go home.
·         K: Spends the night googling 'is it true you swallow eight spiders a year?')
·         i have the idea that gear was a really plain child. you know the kind that never really got noticed and people just realised they were there when they tripped over them.
·         and they finally got sick of it when they graduated the academy like
·         'well now im just going to be so Extra you wont have a choice but to notice me fuck you'
·         now thats not to say they realise the mullet is a bad idea, however it does have the extra incentive of people going 'oh hi- DEAR LORD WHAT'S THAT ON YOUR HEAD'
·         plot twist, they look so completely ordinary under the glasses and mask that even the people who saw their face don't remember it the second they look away
·         surprisingly gear makes an excellent undercover operative
·         Just take off the mask and goggles and visor, fashion their hair a lil, and put on a plain kimmon and BAM Gear is an under cover cop
·         exactly. kankuro is really weirded out by the idea that any of the sort of twenty yo people he passes on the street could be gear
·         Kankuro was terrified of gaara but boy o boy does Gear just raise the steaks a lil
·         They could be anywhere
·         Behind that bush, near the bush, IS THE BUSH
·         one time gear was on a mission with their team and they got separated. in the fight, gear lost his mask, broke his glasses and his visor got tossed. when they returned to their team they had to spend the whole journey back convincing them that 'YES this is me i swear see? im wearing the same underwear!' 'how would we know what underwear you started out wearing?' 'I THOUGHT WE HAD A BOND'
·         they meet kankuro on the way into town and gear is just like 'here, kank is my buddy, he'll tell you im me'
·         'well kankuro-sama, is this Gear?'
·         K:...im gonna be honest i cant fucking tell
·         K:but are they wearing blue boxers with ducks on them?
·         Squad captain: WHY DO YOU-???
·         Gear: *shit eating grin*
·         Temari actually thought those two were together for a long time and they both just missed her euphemistic references to their ahem 'friendship' until Gaara mentions they couldn't put romantic partners on a team together and Kank just
·         ucking falls off his chair like
·         K: Wait what? Since when have we been romantic partners?? News to me??
·         When he talks to Gear about it they seem unfazed just straightfaced tell Kankiro that 'you make my kokoro go doki doki'. Kank doesn't speak to them for a week
·         Aka Gear is once again relegated to the sofa
·         Gear seems to say 'so worth it' a lot
·         Most of the time it really isnt
·         Gears surprisingly good a dancing, specifically the fancy pants type dancing.
·         So bc Kank is the kazekage's brother he's invited to a fancy do somewhere and he brings along Gear as his +1 bc hes a loser w/o a bf/gf. before the do he's just pointedly asking Gear like 'look do i need to teach you how to dance? because there will be dancing. fancy dancing. it will be Expected of You. do you want a dance tutor. are you sure? Are You SURE?'
·         Gear is just waving him off 'Relax kitty, its cool' Kank is just mentally preparing apology speeches for Very Important Peoples' crushed toes
·         the night comes along and Kank is making awkward small talk with some girl who roped him in when suddenly he's yanked away from the convo by Gear
·         before he knows it they're on the dancefloor and SURPRISE gear is waaaay better at dancing than kank's stiff penguin shuffle
·         gear takes great pleasure in dipping him really low at the end
·         and they never let kank forget about it
·         so i dont know if kankuro went to the ninja academy but lets assume he does
·         *did
·         so he and gear are in the same class
·         but gear is of course always forgotten
·         until one day kankuro notices them because IDK he runs into them and knocks them over or something
·         so somehow they hang out that day and kank realises 'yeah this kid is a good one i could hang out with this dude like forever. mine now.'
·         and the next day kank tries to find Gear except
·         the fucker is so Unnoticable
·         kank is just standing in the middle of the room scratching his head trying to figure out who the fuck he was talking to yesterday. gear of course doesnt have their sparkling personality yet and so is too shy/embaressed to go up to kank and remind him that 'hey this is what my face looks like'
·         eventually they do hang out again though
·         and the same thing happens
·         kank gets fed up and brings in his face makeup and like draws reminders on gears face
·         gear is fine with it, just wandering around all day with purple paint on their face
·         except ppl keep making fun of them so kank wears the paint as well as like a solidarity thing
·         of course gear finds his own look at the end of their academy days but kank carries on wearing the paint from then on(also gear used to be the kind of person who cried really easily and the paint showed it ALL up. they weren't too keen on walking around with tear tracks and smudges on their face, so mullet it is lol)
·         sad idea
·         gear is kankuro's first and best friend
·         sure, kankuro has other friends, but no real Friends outside of his fam later on, bc when he was smaller every interaction with other kids was coloured by him being related to the Sand Demon
·         kids didn't want to be friends with him bc they were scared for their lives (and kank threw himself into his puppet making for something to do bc puppets werent to emotionally fickle as kids)
·         so he latched onto gear and they became integral parts of their lives without even realising it
·         one day, gear leaves on a mission. they dont come back. they're declared MIA
·         it varies between villages but generally its one-two months before a MIA ninja is declared KIA
·         kank isnt worried about gear. gear is a tough dude, they'll come back.
·         a week passes and kank isnt worried
·         two weeks passes, and he's getting twitchy, spending more and more time hunched up in his studio, tinkering with his puppets
·         three weeks passes without a sign from gear, and he's wrecked seven puppet prototypes in senseless death battles and he doesnt want to think about why he's become so snappy and easily frustrated
·         (temari pops in on him every so often, forcing sandwiches and energy drinks on him even as he ignores her, whittling down a wooden ball joint with singular concentration)
·         the fourth week draws to a close and kank is visiting the mission room every day, lingering inside the doorway, scaring returning genin teams with his impatient aura. he's making trips around the hospitals in case they had an unidentified body turned in (he knows gear by their scars even if their face just wont stick)
·         saturday rolls around and kankuro is dragging himself down to the morgues, the crematoriums, clamping down on the threatening waves of despair - he asks by name, by description, by the rate of decay on any bodies returned by scavenging teams sent out across the sandy oceans
·         there is no sign of gear, not a peep as the fourth week draws to a close, the deadline for Suna mia operatives
·         he goes to the records office to bear witness as they change the status on gear's paperwork, and he feels hollow, like karasu as the red ink is drawn through the status box
·         he returns to his house, silent. temari is there, waiting, with a worried furrow between her brows (he thinks he even saw gaara, who was so changed since the chuunin exams, peer at him through his bedroom doorway opened just a crack, that emerald stare assessing, before retreating again)
·         he closes the door to his workshop with a calm firmness, blocking out temari's questions
·         kankuro stares at his puppets, propped up on various stands and in the corners, half assembled carapaces that seemed to mock him with their glassy stares
·         he snaps
·         kankuro thinks this is what gaara must have felt like, pulled under by the whirlwind of emotions as he rampages, trashing models and ripping up drawings and smashing incomplete headless, armless bodies. it feels like there isn't enough destruction to match the hole gear's death has left in his own chest and he only stops when his fist pulls its punch instinctively, barely an inch to karasu's face, those lovingly sanded planes and features carved with years of practice and patience
·         now karasu is left, his friend before, during, after Gear, and he never thought there would be an 'after Gear' - gear was only a chuunin, they didn't leave the village on any dangerous missions, not like the sand siblings
·         kankuro doesnt leave his workshop for three days
·         on the third he comes out, with karasu and gathers his supplies. he leaves for the funeral, to send off his friend
·         when they had visited konoha, he's seen their Memorial to the dead - a great stone slab, with their names carved into it, the oldest names almost worn away with time and touch. suna doesnt have a memorial - the souls of their shinobi are memorialised at the Oasis
·         the spirit oasis lies a few hours run outside of the city of suna, towards the east - once, or so the tales go, the oasis was part of a giant aquaduct that fed the blooming gardens of a wealthy empress, a long time before the establishment of the hidden villages. now, the oasis is a forest of crumbled stone and faceless statues, a giant pair of stone legs, broken at the knee marking the entrance. past there runs a river, mysterious in its crystal clarity - many suna scientists have tried to find the rivers origins and where it disappears to, but it remains one of the sand's greatest mysteries
·         it became known as the spirit oasis by the first kazekage, who saw the electric blue lights bob and weave above the rushing waters at night - he took it as a sign, and saw, from the top of the tallest ruin, the great crater that he would build his village in.
·         it is to the oasis that the suna shinobi go to remember their dead, and to let them go. it is where kankuro went. it is where he ended up kneeling beside the gently gurgling river, amongst the offerings of food and sake left behind from the visits of other shinobi. bells tinkle melodious in the soft winds, accompanied by the flutter of the shimenawa papers. he looked into the water, so clear he could see the mosaic tiles on the bottom of the aqua duct, and tried to imagine the corpse of his friend, buried somewhere under the grains of sand, lost, decaying until only his bones are left, to be collected one day many generations down, or simply to be forgotten until the gods reclaimed their peoples. kankuro imagines gear's spirit, their soul, instead, bobbing along in this river, laughing and dancing in the night, blue, bright, electric
·         "I- Geez, I can't believe you're making me say this, you idiot. I guess, I miss you. It hardly feels like you're gone. It's been, huh, i don't know how long. For me, weeks, since you've died, but I guess it only really hit me some days ago. You- urgh, you really always need to have the last word, don't you, G-"
·         Kankuro froze as the wind moaned. It was the wind, right? He knew the reports from the shinobi who had visited this place - odd sounds like groans and moans of the deceased spirits, and the embittered jounin who simply waved the tales off as the sounds the wind makes as it howls through the archways and pillars of the ruins.
·         he strains his ear for any other sounds and- there, again. It doesn't sound like the wind, he decides. it sounds like a person, a flesh and blood person. he rises to his feet, slowly pulling a kunai silently out of his pouch. he's ready for an attack as he makes his way through the labyrinth of ruins, following the sounds of grunts and pants of pain. he turns a corner and finds his quarry.
·         a fellow suna shinobi, judging by the tattered dull flak vest. brown hair matted to the head with crusted blood, the shinobi is slumped over a large piece of the ceiling that had fallen down centuries ago. as kankuro approaches, the shinobi gestured weakly with their own kunai, dripping blood onto the weeded tiles.
·         "who..." the shinobi rasps out
·         kankuro doesnt have to hear any more than that word - he recognises the voice, knows it because it's been cycling around his head with endless quips and puns and sarcastic riddles over the past few days. it was a voice he didnt think he'd ever hear again, and now that he has-
·         he dropped his kunai with a metallic clutter and swiftly crouched in front of the shinobi, casually brushing away the brandished knife that couldn't have speared a paralysed mouse. slowly, his hands grasped the drooped chin and he straightened the slumped head, so he could look the shinobi in the eyes.
·         they were brown and bruised around the edges. they stared back at kankuro for a moment, almost dead, before a spark of recognition lit up in them, and they crinkled up. the blood-tinted mouth stretched up too, showing a set of battered teeth. one hand come up to tug at kankuro's hair.
·         "...hey kitty. was the service...good?"
·         kankuro laughs and leans forwards, so his forhead touches the other.
·         "you're- you're a fucking idiot. you asshole-"
·         Gear just grins.
·         ………..
·         also i had an idea about gear's family
·         since they're hoity toity ima imagine they're an Old Clan
·         they were maybe friends of the first kazekage, and howsabout they built the water delivery system for the village
·         sooo even though they're not really relevant anymore (especially with the rise of more modern technology etc) they're still trying to regain that 'friendship'/allience whatever they had with the first kazekage
·         they consider themselves one of the village founders bc of their water systems but they're Not Really. basically the family is pretty stuck up and gear's parents are pretty peeved that Gear doesnt care more about his family history/doesnt conduct themselves with dignity
·         Gears parents are snooty plumbers
·         family name = 水瓶座/mizugameza
·         aka Aquarius/water bearer
·         not their original name but they rebranded themselves all fancy like after doing the village plumbing lol
·         gear is actually kind of embarassed about their family's attitude which is well known (and sometimes mocked) around the village
·         they prefer to just be known as Gear minus family name hence Kankuro didn't actually know which family Gear was a part of until quite a bit into their friendship
·         Gear ur a beautiful child I'm glad u were made
·         gear deserves all the happiness
·         the only reason im glad they're not canon is so they're spared the boruto ending
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kampasaur-blog · 6 years
So im picking up my son from monroe elementary after his bus ride home from camp. Bus arrives. I get out of the car and immediately i notice nearly all of the children, some with large bright red marks on both of their cheeks, sobbing so inconsolably that they could not breathe. Some were runnin away from the bus frantically lookin for their parents and some were already clutching their parents tightly and bawling, burying their lil tear soaked faces into their parents stomachs. they kept saying "please i dont ever wanna go back there, i dont wanna do this again, dont make me do this anymore, i was so scared, i didnt know what to do" let me tell you....these babies had the most traumatized faces ive personally ever seen on a kid and it just broke me. At this point i am very confused, concerned, and alarmed. my instincts kick in to try and help a little so i try to comfort some of em. im askin other parents what happened, but they understandably couldnt pay me attention as im sure their minds were probably as lost in all of this as mine. I keep aimlessly sayin wtf is going on and why is everybody crying like this. I start askin some of them if theyre hurt or if there was an accident but they couldnt even speak cuz they were too hysterical. Im trying to calm some of them down a bit like "hey its ok baby dont cry ur ok ur safe." still friggin looking around for adults who arent too absorbed in this mess to ask them wtf is happening. at the same time im searchin for my own kid in the crowd tellin ppl "hey, i cant find my son! is there another bus coming?!" A little girl said no this is the only one. So now im REALLY WORRIED. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY CHILD?! I run into a kid nate knows. him and a little girl are shouting, to what seems like essentially nobody in particular, about having the police called on them by the driver and that they coulda been tossed in juvi. (Honestly they should have been tossed in juvi! this particular kid brought a knife to camp and steals shit constantly from the kids at school especially my son) Grabbed his shoulder and said "calm yourself down and look at me! why?! what happened?! was there a fight? were u involved? Was nathan involved? Where is he??" The boy, (still shouting for some damn reason even tho he is right in front of me), says no nathan wasnt involved. He doesnt know where he is. (Turned out he knew where he was but lied cuz just minutes prior he threatened to beat him up and tried punching him, the little fucker, but staff grabbed his arm midswing) Then he tells me that almost the entire bus was gettin into fight after fight and there were kids punching, slapping, verbally abusing other kids, a lot of whom did nothing to warrant the abuse and continued being abused repeatedly for almost the ENTIRE 3 FUCKING HOUR RIDE, by much older kids whom they were afraid to defend themselves against. I was like "omg this is terrible. where in the hell is my son!" Some guy finally says "they are keepin some kids with staff up by the front of the bus" so i literally gotta force my way thru people who's kids were still hanging off of them in fear. now im crying, other parents are crying, some are screamin at the children who beat up their kids and the children who beat up their kids were screamin at them..... FINALLY.... I find nate. He had been slapped in the face by a 12 yr old girl but he was alright. they had made prior note of his behavioral disorder and quickly got him away from the situation while on the bus and sat him by camp staff. thank goodness. Im asking him, "are u ok?! did anyone hit u?!" before he can answer, suddenly i see an enraged mother almost attack an older girl who hit her kid in the head. The girl is shouting at the jefferson staff member who stepped in AND the mother. She yells out that she hit her in the head, at first, then 2 seconds later she says she didnt, and shouts "yea yea lady! bye bye! fuck off! shut up!!! i didnt hit her!! quit runnin ur damn mouth!! Shut your mouth!!". My. Jaw. Dropped. I saw her gramma or whoever she was doing absolutely nothing about this little shits behavior, actually trying to get the staff to stop speaking to her and leave her alone, and thats when i just plain SNAPPED. When i say snapped folks i mean i damn near deadass rowdy roddy pipered this child. It took every muscle i had to stop that train from derailing. I was pissed. Told her shes an awful disrespectful little shit and will go no where in life with that bullshit. She was like "thank u! Thanks bye! BYE!" Thats when i probably should have split. But i didnt. Conveniently forgot how to adult for a minute there. My bad! She was a repugnant little fart sniffing booger eater who felt a lil too validated from decking a much smaller kid in the head and just, just....fuck THAT... Then i word barfed. "good riddance to bad rubbish youre an awful AWFUL child and should be ashamed of yourself. Shame on you!" i looked at her gramma and shouted "good luck with your apparent lack of being able to deal with that mess of a child! Shes terrible! You have failed!" then basically i walked away tellin her shame on her for sucking. ****************************** A 16 yr old was shot n killed recently. A pastor was shot and killed recently. We got all ages of unsupervised kids vandalizing everything in site. Kids shootin off guns in parkin lots, stealin vehicles n crashin into buildings. breakin into cars 4 valuables or just breakin the windows cuz they feel like it. We got kids having knife fights n runnin round with gd knives, tellin other kids theyre gonna cut em or kill their siblings if they dont hand over cell phones money bikes hover boards u name it. Kids breakin into ppls homes. Kids stealing n vandalizing walmart 2-3 times a day. Kids stealin carts bringing em here and pushing each other around into ppls cars n then they run away. They beat on my son at school n bully him all the time stealin his things verbally abusing him. He got beat up by teenagers just playin with his toys in the backyard! Theres just hoards of em. Never supervised or disciplined. Not once have i seen the parents of any of the kids causing problems in my apt complex regardless of whether theyre 6 or 16. sumtimes theyre out there in the parkin lots screwin around til 2 am. They plain as day are simply not being parented and have no guidance. Sum of these piece of crap parents just dont wanna have the responsibility of raising their own kids period. Sum of em run away n their parents dont see em for days weeks months but never report em missing cuz they dont care. Theyre out there sleepin in abandoned sheds houses alleys parks n gotta steal their food. 12 yr olds smokin pot and having sex in ppls yards. Even when they mess up n end up at the police station n the police either cant even find their parents or they do n theyre told "i aint dealin with it find something to do with em urself" juvenile hall is FULL. There is no where to put them. And they just run away from annie whittenmeyer n nobody does anything. Im dead tired and fed up. I hate living here and im stuck. We dont feel safe anywhere. My kids cant have friends cuz u cant trust the kids nor their parents. Nate had a lil 9 yr old buddy next door and he would come to play n his mom would just leave n lock the door without saying shit to anyone not even him. He'd go home n come back like "nobody is over there" so i had no choice but to keep him with me even if i had shit to do or it was 10 pm n we wanted to go to bed. We have GOT to spread the word about this shit and try n get sum awareness. This is a crisis we are having in the qc. Im sick of the ever escalating crime here. I dont encourage ANYONE to move here. And i absolutely hate that i gotta raise my kids around this. Create a discussion about it. Get involved. if ur readin this n u kno ur kids causing mayhem but still u do nothin dont do right or make excuses then u better recognize UR JUST AS MUCH OF A PROBLEM. if u arent gonna give enuff of a shit about ur own offsprings lives 2 check n change urself then get u n ur kid the hell out of my city n away from me n mine!!
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