#you can take this as a civilian au bryce and dick or you can add in their vigilante personas too
moider-time · 1 year
Okay, how about Trans Bryce Wayne, but she gets pregnant with Dick? Like she's hired as a surrogate for the Graysons and they keep in contact, showing her pictures and they tell Dick when he's around Bryce's age (when she lost her parents) the day before the Graysons themselves die about Bruce being his biological mother and maybe just happy ending with Bryce hugging her son?
Dick takes it better than the Graysons would've expected. He knows that no matter who gave birth to him, that they're his parents. Only to lose them the next day.
Or you could make it angsty and have him take it as a betrayal. That he's not actually their child. That their relationship is built on mistrust. And when they die the next day, he realises that the last thing his parents thought about him was that he hated them when that was the farthest from the truth.
Either way, the Graysons die and Dick is taken in by Bryce. She doesn't know that the Graysons already told him and feels like telling him now would be too much for him. Dick thinks that she's not bringing it up because she was only alright with his existence when other people were raising him.
The first few months of her taking him in are tense. They both just can't overcome the invisible hurdle between them. Bryce is caring and there for him completely but she doesn't want to replace his parents. And despite Dick not wanting to, he's getting attached too even though he thinks everything she's doing is just for show and not out of love.
It comes to a head when, because of a nightmare, Dick wakes Bryce with his screaming. He's tried to but he's still not good at muffling his screams and sobs. She asks if she can come in and when given permission, the first thing she sees is her son ward curled up fetal position and shaking. He doesn't know it but she's trembling too from seeing him in so much pain.
He's mumbling something when she sits next to him. She asks him to repeat himself and has to suck in a sharp breath when big, teary, blue eyes are turned on her with a trembling lip and flushed cheeks and he murmurs "d-did you ever truly want me?" And it all comes pouring out in a storm of tears, snot and sobs.
Bryce is stuck in some sort of limbo for what feels like hours but is actually seconds. To think that her baby ward knew that she gave birth to him and had been suffering in silence this entire time. That he believed that she took him in cause of everything except love. He didn't know that she had loved him ever since she had held him in her arms, covered in sweat and blood. That her love only grew with every picture sent to her by the Graysons.
She gathers Dick in her arms, similarly to how she once did, wipes away his tears and for the first time, she's completely honest with a person who isn't Alfred or her parents. She tells him that she has no regrets on taking him in, that she didn't know he knew about her being his biological mother, that she would've been in his life a lot earlier but her and the Graysons agreed that he would meet her once he knew the truth.
She also lets him know that he's under no obligation to see her as anything more than his caretaker. The Graysons were there for him and will always be his parents and she respects that. Needless to say, they end up with tears running down both their faces, feeling lighter and cuddling together in Dick's bed. Dick is still mourning and Bryce is still a new parent with a traumatised child but they're willing to work with eachother now.
"Goodnight chum, I love you"
"Love you too, Mama"
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