#yes... its brianstorm.....
val-zilla · 1 month
how much do i have to love something to actually turn the fun animatic haunting my brain into a real thing
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Can you do one where mtmte bot buddy is perceptor easily scared younger sibling that has a crush on rodimus? Thanks for the help with how to inbox my request.
I've been noticing a trend with request for Rodimus lately. Our Co-Captain is getting some loving hours.
Hope you enjoy!
Perceptor's younger sibling who is scared easily with a crush on Rodimus
SFW, Romantic, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronian reader
Buddy had always been a jumpy bot.
Whether it be in the heat of the moment or in times of peace, something always had Buddy on edge about something.
“What was it this time?”--Perceptor
“I thought I felt something on my pedes.”--Buddy
“Don’t ‘hmm’ me! I’m telling you I felt something on my pede and now its not there!”--Buddy
“Careful, you’re starting to sound like Red Alert.”--Perceptor
“Hey leave Red out of this!”—Buddy
“Yeah leave—”—Red Alert
“AHH!”—Red Alert
That being said, Perceptor is protective of his younger sibling.
He loves them, scaredy bot, and all.
He does try and help Buddy in his own ways by trying to rationalize everything, which helps them a bit, but too much.
Is willing to put a bot in their place if they try to make fun of Buddy for their jumpiness.
Primus forbid that someone does scare them with malicious intent.
He wasn’t a Wrecker for nothing.
Buddy had tried going to Ratchet or any other doctor or nurse to see if it was a medical problem.
“I don’t see anything bout of the ordinary here kid.”--Ratchet
“Perfectly normal frame inside and outside. I think you just get jumpy too often. You can always go see Rung if it gets any worse.”--Ratchet
Whirl barging into the medbay.
“Whirl! Please, you’re—”—Ratchet
Buddy passing out on the med slab with their spark beat going wild.
“Ohhh… Jumpy’s here.”--Whirl
In the lab.
Perceptor looking up from his work.
“Is your Buddy sense tingling?”--Brianstorm
“Stop calling it that.”--Perceptor
“But it is!”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm saw this problem as a challenge and had asked Buddy if they were willing to be tested to see if he could solve the problem.
Buddy had never been raced out of the lab faster than at that moment.
“Is this safe?”--Buddy
Buddy sitting on the lab table with several jumper cables clipped into their frame with a series of wires on their helm.
“Oh Buddy! Of course, it is relatively safe, in theory.”--Brainstorm
“In theory?”--Buddy
“Yes. Everything comes from a theory. Now whether this is a good theory is what we are about to answer now!”--Brainstorm
“Does Percy know?”--Buddy
“What he don’t, know wont hurt Buddy. Now let’s flip this—”--Brainstorm
“He sounds mad! What did you do!?”--Buddy
“… I may have locked him in the closet before I grabbed you from Swerve’s…”--Brainstorm
“…You know, for one of the smartest bots on the ship, you sure can make a dumb decision.”--Buddy
Perceptor kicking down the lab doors with his snipper rifle in his servos.
“AAHHHHH!”—Brainstorm and Buddy
No mercy from Percy.
Their friend group had gotten used to Buddy’s jump scares after the first few times.
Sometimes they were the cause of it.
Buddy would always laugh it up in the end.
They would never take it too far so it was all fun and games.
But there was one thing on board that made their spark run faster than the scares.
Rodimus Prime.
The captain was going to be the death of them, they were sure of it.
The two got along great, which wasn’t the problem.
The problem was that Buddy liked the reckless captain.
“Has anyone seen Rodimus? He should have been here by now.”--Buddy
“Haven’t seen you’re Conjux since this morning.”--Brainstorm
“Conjux?! Brainstorm!”--Buddy
“Don’t lie to me Buddy I’ve seen how you two look at each other. Everyone on the ship practically knows about it.”--Brainstorm
“Oh don’t tease them Brainstorm.”--Chromedome
“thank you—”--Buddy
“Its not their fault that they are both oblivious to each others feelings.”--Rewind
“You too Rewind?”--Buddy
“I’m getting sick and tired of watch you two pine over each other.”--Rewind
“Who’s pining?”--Rodimus
“GAH! Roddy, don’t do that!”--Buddy
“Hahaha! You know you can’t be mad at me.”--Rodimus
“…One of these days I’m going to get a spark attack because of you.”--Buddy
With their friendship the amount of reckless stunts had gone down.
Something Ultra Magnus was grateful for.
Buddy the ever worry wart always tried to talk their captain from doing many reckless activities.
Most times they would work, but that would usually mean that he would try to do another activity that was less of a threat without Buddy looking.
Rodimus trying to get off the ship to go meteor surfing.
“Shh! Megs will hear you!”--Rodimus
“And? You are in no condition to go meteor surfing! You just got out of the medbay from last expedition.”--Buddy
“And I’m fine!”--Rodimus
“…Fine. But you have to help me with some of the reports.”--Rodimus
“After I go and flip over the captains chair!”--Rodimus
Rodimus jumping and failing to do a flip landing on his faceplate.
“Hang on I’m bringing you to Ratchet.”--Buddy
“Nooo… I don’t wanna.”--Rodimus
Buddy throwing him over their shoulder like a sack of potatotes.
“Too bad Captain.”--Buddy
Key word try.
Buddy watched him sometimes like a hawk.
The other times that Buddy wouldn’t be able to talk him out of the activity ended up with Buddy joining.
Those time Rodimus would smile that smile of his that could literally light up a room.
“How did I end up here?”--Buddy
“What do you mean?”--Rodimus
Buddy latched on a cord dangling from the ceiling by their chassis.
Rodimus on the ground with his arms wide open.
“I must have my circuits fired to even say yes to this!”--Buddy
“Nope, I just asked, and you said ‘yes’.”--Rodimus
“I know!”--Buddy
“Relax Buddy its just a trust fall!”--Rodimus
“Yeah! But I didn’t think it was going to be from this height!”--Buddy
“It’ll be okay! Just let go!”--Rodimus
“Let go?!”--Buddy
“Trust me Buddy! You’ll be all right! Just trust me!”--Rodimus
Buddy saying one more pray to Primus before detaching from the chord, screaming on the way down.
Rodimus catching them nearly falling on the floor too.
“See! I gotcha—Buddy?”--Rodimus
Buddy passing out.
Perceptor knew about Buddy’s little crush on the Captain.
While he would have wish it be on another crew member, he supposed that Rodimus wasn’t the worst of them all.
After talking it over with Drift, Perceptor decided that it would be a good idea to actually talk to Buddy about it.
“What’s going on? We don’t usually have private talks like these. Wait! Did something bad happen to you?”--Buddy
“No, no, I asked you to meet me here to talk.”--Perceptor
“To… talk?”--Buddy
“Okay, I’ll bite what did you want to talk to me about?”--Buddy
“Its about Rodimus.”--Perceptor
“What about him? Did some—”--Buddy
“Nothing happened to him…yet.”--Perceptor
“I noticed you and the Captain have been spending more and more time with each other. And if my theory proves me correst, you like him.”--Perceptor
“Umm… where did you—I mean, me and Roddy—I mean—”--Buddy
“Its okay.”--Perceptor
“I’m fine with you dating Rodimus.”--Perceptor
“Really! But doesn’t he annoy you? Especcially two days ago when he said ‘science is magic’. You nearly grabbed your riffle and made him into Swiss cheese.”--Buddy
“… Yes. I have taken that into account, but you are mainly going to be spending time with him. He wont be my Conjux, he’ll be yours.”--Perceptor
“That was a joke.”--Perceptor
“It didn’t sound like it!”--Buddy
“How do you intend on telling him?”--Perceptor
“You’re just filled with questions aren’t you?”--Buddy
“I’m a scientist Buddy.”--Perceptor
“Yeah, but its not that simple Percy.”--Buddy
“How so?”--Perceptor
“I can’t just go up to him and say ‘Hey Roddy, I like you a lot. You want to go out with me? We can go to Swerve’s for our first date. We can drink, dance, and watch movies all night long’.”--Buddy
“Don’t sound like that Percy—”--Buddy
“That wasn’t me.”--Perceptor
“Then who—”--Buddy
Rodimus standing in front of the door way.
Buddy’s fans kicking in before passing out.
“How long where you there?”--Perceptor
“Long enough to know Buddy already beat me to the chase and already had a date night planned.”--Rodimus
“…If you ever think or try to hurt them in anyway, I know how to shoot in between your seams and make you go through the worse pain imaginable before any medic comes to help you. Do I make myself clear?”--Perceptor
“Clear. And the thought of hurting them is the last thing I would want to do.”--Rodimus
“We should probably get Buddy to Ratchet.”--Rodimus
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Weird thought! The Science Group: Brainstorm and Perceptor taking over a college.
Brainstorm is thrilled to see this and Petceptor approves of the labs so they've invaded like an old abandonned science building that's meant to be torn down but instead they take and upgrade it. And the students return after the summer to find they have been invaded by aliens.
The college just adopts them as mascots and the Science Majors, as all college students get superstitious, leave tributes outside the robot lab for luck. They decorate with them.
Brainstorm is very excited to see loud science projects and constantly checking out the engineering and chemistry lab. Maybe its one of those course programs where their graduation test is to make some ridiculous racing drone or make a egg parachute or car. Just Brainstorm happily enjoying the freshman experiments
Perceptor is a lot more polite and quiet about it, observing them and qaiting for them to finish before taking their stuff. He notices them signing things out so leaves a small mark for himself when he takes them because he can't read it.
Everyone knows not to touch the blue and red microscope.
Anon idk if you knew but I am a huge Simpatico shipper so receiving this ask made my whole day 🥰
I. LOVE. This.
Percy and Brainstorm being new university mascors. Brainstorm always peering through the windows during classes because he's curious about what they're doing. He wanders around campus at seemingly random times and always waves hello to the students. He also probably does it at 3 a.m. like the gremlin he is, and at those times he stops by the 24 hour coffee shop on campus to check on the poor STEM students who are studying for their midterms and crying
The students love these 2, and the first time someone snaps a picture of them kissing it ends up on the front page of the campus newspaper with the title ALIEN ROBOTS SAID GAY RIGHTS. The next day, their lab/hab is absolutely bombarded with gifts: stuffed animals, old science equipment, boxes of chocolate, potted plants, interesting coins, anything and everything. Brainstorm gleefully sorts through all the gifts and even if he doesn't know what half of it is he atill keeps it for "his collection"
Perceptor is more shy and reclusive when it comes to the humans. He doesn't like to wander around campus as much, tho occasionally he'll join Brianstorm for a 3 a.m. stroll when the insomnia hits and they both can't sleep
ALSO Percy being so polite about using the library or borrowing things 🥺 leaving a little mark behind so they know, that's so cute. He's such a doll
And yes, everyone knows not to touch the big blue and red microscope. It's easy to remember cuz, well... he's the only 6-8-10 foot tall microscope on campus XD he's a huge ass alien robot, there's no way he compacts down into one that people could use
The art students make sculpts of them all the time. The first time Brainstorm brought Percy a mini-him sculpture they both lost their minds over how cute it was (that was probably also the thing that made them realize how absolutely adorable it would be for them to have a baby that also turns into a microscope)
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maytenths · 6 years
some want to kiss some want to kick you
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shesnotnice · 3 years
here's my play by play of the album cause live tweeting it was overwhelming and i kept getting distracted and talking to people lmao:
play by play IK NO ONE CARES I CARE!! BINCH.
longest intro for four out of five known to man??
i sustained psychic damage from four out of five leading into brianstorm .
the crowd singing the riff !!
“we r the arctic monkeys from high green babey!!!”
crying lightning was rlly good al refused to stay on tempo and u can hear the crowd in the first verse
intro riff to diwk!!!!!! wish matt was louder not drums backing vocals
“carrying ur boots” instead of shoes as usual
NICK!!! BASS !!!!!!!!!! NICK!!
idk abt that synth lmao
“thank u very much london how r u this evening” tqvm alex how drunk r u this evening
skip! jk its okay
awh the crowd
sound mixing was weird the guitar solo seemed quiet
that drum transition thank u matt !!!!!
“mr jamie cook on the electric guitar” yes sir !!!!
actually just cornerstone all of it
alex singing cornerstone live at the royal albert hall: i am going to change so many words just to throw the audience off fuck them kids
NICK!!!! YAAAAAA!!!!!!!
okay this one is the longest intro known to man
arabella is MY manic pixie dream girl!!!!!
the guitar !!!!!
(woo!) THE SOLO!!!!
the crowd singing !!!
he sounds so drunk introducing tbhc at the end of arabella fkkdm
yes jesus in the day spa!!! aaaa
ew cam avery
sounds so much better live
tbh i never hated it but this one is extra !!!! yknow
good morning cheeseburger!!
wrong lyrics!
i lost it here tbh
so did jamie i guess! lol
so loud but SO GOOD AAA
is he okay .
“lets play darts” ????? HUH??
“do the macarena in the devil's lair but dont u sit down cause ive moved your chair yeEAAAAAA”
“we’re arctic monkeys and this is i bet you look good on the dance floor, don’t believe the hype” !!!!!
they r cursed to play that song forever huh literally all of them hate it. then they first came out w it matt said it was rubbish lmao
“i dont know if ur looking for romance or what!”
“jukebox in the corner...dark enough to dance” he sounds SO GOOD HERE. nothing to say about. the intro. or ending LMAO
“what do u mean uve nvr seen blade runner??”
“i’ve been uh almost threatened w my life during the intermission w regard to playing this next number so uh” HUH???
alex forgetting lyrics to the view from the afternoon like USUAL
funnei tbhc accent old song. :( miss bb alex
“when shes pressed the star after shes pressed unlock” no one uses flip phones anymore bitch
monash university killing my vibe w an ad right before the last track which was r u mine how dare u try and advertise higher education to me i am Stupid!
had a headache literally had to like. go sit quietly lmao. anyway am7 when
i was going to force this onto ppl following my spam instagram account but it literally didnt fit in the instagram caption so they were spared. follow me on twitter @urlowbeams for more nonsense im a riot!
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torblog22 · 2 years
hello my name is octora zumaru abrar! im 13, yes im a young man 😎, my codename is brokolij, i really like music and sports, especially driving and basketball, i like driving since 13 years old, my record is 121 yards 😎 cool right? and i really really like 505, wyocmwyh?, 7, brianstorm, yes! i like arctic monkeys, i dont really play games, i do like it but meh i dont really play it, i also like horror movie! i always watch it when i got a friend, its so much fun when there is a friend with u right❓❓❓ and you know i really like eating... IM NOT FAT OK❓ i really like cats! mostly black cats, it hits different you know, there is my neighbour who have a cute black cat IIIITTTSS JOJO, he is very very very cute, he always follow me, and i always think, "can i a cute black cat" and then my parent said no sadly, "who will clean the cat, who will feed the cat" ITS ME OF COURSE, but sadly my parent reject it, so i always play with jojo again and again, and oh! i have one big brother and one little sister, im alergic to shrimp but i really like shrimp :( its making me soo itchy, oh ya im muslim btw, and i feel i have a terrible life, ITS OK, i think im done introducing, BYE❗❗❗
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midnght-sxn · 6 years
85 Question Meme
I was tagged by @walllflxwerr
Rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
– what was your last…
1. drink: water 2. phone call: my mum 3. text message: about chibi art 4. song you listened to: brianstorm by arctic monkeys  5. time you cried: last night lol
– have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: nah 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: to death? nope. probably did in other ways, but nothing that keeps me up at night 10. been depressed: i guess? really agree with @walllflxwerr on this. they said “not diagnosed depression, but I think anyone can experience it. It doesn’t have to be diagnosed to be experienced” 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
– favourite colours
12. orange 13. anything that you would label as “cyberpunk” 14. maroon probably
– in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yesss 16. fallen out of love: haven’t fallen in yet 17. laughed until you cried: a tear or two but don’t think that really counts 18. found out someone was talking about you: i don’t remember so probably not haha 19. met someone who has changed you: doesn’t everybody you meet change you a little bit? 20. found out who your friends are: somewhat 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: yeah
– general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: on a personal level? probably 60 percent-ish 23. do you have any pets: sadly (not really), no 24. do you want to change your name: nah 25. what did you do for your last birthday: i honestly don’t remember. might’ve had dinner with my parents? 26. what time did you wake up today: 10:30 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: showering 28. what is something you can’t wait for: to get new contact lenses 29. last time you saw your mother: everyyyday
30. what are you listening to right now: some dank yoga music 31. have you ever met a person named tom: holy shit i think haven’t??
32. something that’s getting on you nerves: like the fact that 행복/幸福 is most commonly translated as “happiness”
33. most visited website: ao3 34. hair colour: black 35. long or short hair: long
36. do you have a crush on someone: nothing serious 37. what do you like about yourself:  38. want any piercings: tongue maybe??  39. blood type: most likely B but i never checked 40. nicknames: Han is the only one i claim 41. relationship status: single 42. zodiac sign: aquarius/pisces  43. pronouns: she/her 44. fave tv show: goblin 45. tattoos: none 46. right or left handed: right 47. ever had surgery: nope 48. piercings: three on two ears but at least one closed theyre all closed 49. sport: played volleyball in secondary high but i like biking i guess 50. vacation: romeee (and europe in general) (but also 西雙版納) 51. trainers: anything comfortable lmao
– more general
52. eating: instant noodles (for once!) 53. drinking: water 54. about to watch: just about to finally (finally) finish teen wolf 55. waiting for: this pimple to pop
56. want: question is too vague and i am too greedy 57. get married: sure, if its right 58. career: literary agent
– which is better
59. hugs or kisses: both 60. lips or eyes: both 61. shorter or taller: shorter than me is really short so...hahaha taller i guess 62. older or younger: does it..matter lol? as long as theyre emotionally mature (enough) and not old enough to be creepy 63. nice arms or stomach: stomach i guess 64. hookup or relationship: omg both. 65. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant with a random and rare streak of absolute recklessness
– have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: nope 67. drank hard liquor: how hard is considered hard 68. turned someone down: sort of 69. sex on first date: no. 70. broken someone’s heart: dont know 71. had your heart broken: in one way or another, nothing i didnt survive 72. been arrested: nooooo hahahah 73. cried when someone died: yes 74. fallen for a friend: no?
– do you believe in
75. yourself: isnt this a little vague? what about myself? am i a good person? will i be a successful person? will i be brave enough to overcome the obstacles in my life and keep pursuing happiness? maybe. idk. yes and no 76. miracles: maybe not like miracle miracle, but these impossible coincidences? things happening right when they need to? yes 77. love at first sight: nah, not the kind of love you should want anyway 78. santa claus: nahh im like, chinese, so like, not even as a kid 79. angels: i guess
– misc
80. eye colour: brown 81. best friend’s name: Oriana 82. favourite movie: uhhhh this one is really hard but the most recent favourite is probably call me by your name 83. favourite actor: I actually really like Domhall Gleeson hehe 84. favourite cartoon: uhhhh Brother Bear maybe?? Howl's Moving Castle?? 85. favourite teacher’s name: Ms Luc. Mad organised. One of few teachers who actually helped me improve.
thank you @walllflxwerr for tagging even tho we never interacted much! Feels like we have quite a bit in common too!
Not gonna tag though, since im already so late hehe
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bronovatwelvemore · 6 years
Sho Wara
Satoshi Sho Wara (サトシ翔ワーア) is an english singer-songwriter, record producer, multi-instrumentalist, poet and painter under Asylum Records. Dubbed as “The Poet Of Rock And Roll”, he has enjoyed consistent critical and popular success and is widely credited as one of the key artists in the rock genre. Besides music, Sho has released poem books and paintings. He is also one of the only artists of asian ethnicity to win a Grammy Award.
Full name: Satoshi Sho Wara (サトシ翔ワーア). Stage name: Sho Wara (翔ワーア). Birth date: June 1st 1984 (33). Birth place: London, England. Nationality: English. Zodiac sign: Gemini. Chinese zodiac sign: Wood rat. Height: 1.93cm. Weight: 86kg. Blood type: O. Voice type: Bass. Vocal analysis: A-.
Positive traits: Adventurous, charming, communicative, creative, dynamic, energetic, enthusiastic, independent, lively, loving, self-confident, sociable, strong sense of teamwork, virtuous, talented, warmhearted and witty. Negative traits: Changeable, competitive, daredevil, flirtatious, foolhardy, greedy, impatient, impulsive, inquisitive, jealous, obsessive, possessive, quick-tempered, resentful, self-indulgent, selfish and unfaithful.
Physical appearance
Dark brown and straight hair. Brown eyes. Tanned skin. Athletic. Dimples. One piercing on the left ear and one piercing on the right ear. Eighteen tattoos.
Critic Of Music
Vocal type: Bass. Positives: Robust, clear lower register that is projected well. Bass is achieved with great technique and support down to F#2. A highlight of the voice. Slightly brightening as he ascends, the middle register still maintains ease and displays a warm, masculine tone. Though he gains a slight (pushed) rasp above E4, his voice remains open, projecting well. Well-developed mixed voice, allowing him to access a clean, head-dominant C5 belt. A light, warm falsetto that Sho has no issues staying in for extended periods. This area possesses a soft vibrato and is reached with ease until around Eb5 when he needs more volume to phonate. Solid understanding of musical phrasing, being considerate to the music by changing vocal colors, texture and dynamics. Negatives: The upper extremes of the falsetto are unstable and undeveloped and the chest register thins as he ascends. Though he mixes at the extremes of his chest voice, the rest of the belting range could use a more even mix.
Albums and singles
Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not (2002) I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor When The Sun Goes Down
Favorite Worst Nightmare (2004) Brianstorm Fluorescent Adolescent Teddy Picker
The Things We Do To Find People Who Feel Like Us (2006) Bad Art & Weirdo Ideas Dirty Lights Noisy Heaven
Gumboot Soup and Polygondwanaland (2007) All Is Known Beginner’s Luck Greenhouse Heat Death The Last Oasis
Ok Computer (2010) Airbag Karma Police Lucky No Surprises Paranoid Android Plug In Baby
In Rainbows (2012) All I Need Bodysnatchers House Of Cards Jigsaw Falling Into Place Nude Reckoner
The Underside Of Power (2014) Cleveland The Underside Of Power Walk Like A Panther
Boarding House Reach (2016) Connected By Love Corporation Ice Station Zebra Over And Over And Over Seven Nation Army Supermassive Black Hole
Thin Black Duke (2018) Come As You Are Locked Out Of Heaven Roxanne Smoke On The Water
Science Fiction (2020) Happy Together Hold On We’re Going Home Sex And Candy Time Of The Season
Virtue (2022) ALieNNatioN All Wordz Are Made Up Leave It In My Dreams Pointlessness QYURRYUS
For Nina, Forever Ago (2024) Lover, You Should’ve Come Over Since I’ve Been Loving You Skinny Love Slow Dancing In A Burning Room You Are My Sunshine
Hug Of Thunder (2026) 1979 Hug Of Thunder Losing My Religion Viva La Vida
Sleep Well Beast (2028) Carin At The Liquor Store Day I Die Guilty Party I’ll Still Destroy You The System Only Dreams In Total Darkness
Kid A (2031) Burning For You Don’t Fear The Reaper Kid A True Love Waits
Skeleton Tree (2033) I Need You Jesus Alone O’Children Skeleton Tree
Is This The Life We Really Want? (2035) Dejà Vu Smell The Roses The Last Refugee Wait For Her
Relatives In Descent (2037) All Along The Watchtower A Private Understanding Don’t Go To Anacita Whole Lotta Love
No Cities To Love (2040) Babe I’m Gonna Leave You Hallelujah Stairway To Heaven
Twin Fantasy (2043) Bodys My Boy Say It Ain’t So Twin Fantasy
To Be Kind (2045) Oxygen Screen Shot
Snares Like A Haircut (2047) I Want You Just Like A Woman One Of Us Most Know Snares Like A Haircut
Sleeping Tapes (2053) A Glass Of Water Goodmorning, Sweetheart The Raven
Grace (2060) Eternal Life Forget Her Grace Last Goodbye So Real
Albums and non-title tracks
Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not (2002) A Certain Romance Dancing Shoes Fake Tales Of San Francisco From The Ritz To The Rubble Mardy Bum Perhaps Vampires Is a Bit Strong But Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured Riot Van Still Take You Home The View From The Afternoon You Probably Couldn’t See For The Lights
Favorite Worst Nightmare (2004) 505 Balaclava D Is For Dangerous Do Me A Favour If You Were There, Beware Old Yellow Bricks Only Ones Who Know The Bad Thing This House Is A Circus
The Things We Do To Find People Who Feel Like Us (2006) Hard Luck Kid I Break Guitars Porno Love Ride The Wild Haze Throwaways Too Late To Die Young Young & Alive
Gumboot Soup and Polygondwanaland (2007) Barefoot Desert Down In The Sink I’m Sleeping In Muddy Water Superposition The Great Chain Of Being The Wheel
Ok Computer (2010) Climbing Up The Walls Electioneering Exit Music (For A Film) Filter Happier Let Down Subterranean Homesick Alien The Tourist
In Rainbows (2012) 15 Step All I’ve Ever Known Faust Arp Pain Videotape Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
The Underside Of Power (2014) A Hymn For An Average Man A Murmur, A Sign Animals Bury Me Standing Death March Cry Of The Martyrs Mme Rieux Plague Years The Cycle/The Spiral: Time to Go Down Slowly
Boarding House Reach (2016) Abulia And Akrasia Ball And Biscuit Everything You’ve Ever Learned Ezmerelda Steals the Show Get In The Mind Shaft Humoresque Hypermisophoniac Respect Commander What’s Done Is Done Why Walk A Dog?
Thin Black Duke (2018) A Gentleman’s Gentleman Cold & Well-Lit Place Ecce Homo Host Letter Of Note Other People The Finished Line The Upper
Science Fiction (2020) 137 451 Batter Up Can’t Get It Out Could Never Be Heaven Damn Desert Everybody Here Wants You In The Water Lit Me Up No Control Out Of Mana Same Logic/Teeth Waste
Virtue (2022) Black Hole Lazy Boy My Friend The Walls One Of The Ones Permanent High School Pink Ocean Pyramid Of Bones Think Before You Drink To Fall In Love With You We’re Where We Were Wink
For Nina, Forever Ago (2024) Can’t Get Started Edge Of Desire Give Me Love I Don’t Trust Myself With Loving You I Know It’s Over In The Blood I Still Feel Like Your Man Little Lion Man Nina Please Don’t Fall In Love With Someone New The Girl The Night We Met White Blank Page You Should Know Where I’m Coming From
Hug Of Thunder (2026) Gonna Get Better Halfway Home Mouth Guards Of The Apocalypse Please Take Me With You Protest Song Skyline Sol Luna Stay Happy Towers And Masons Vanity Pail Kids Victim Lover Violet Hill
Sleep Well Beast (2028) Born To Beg Cheers, Darling Coconut Skins Dark Side Of The Gym Empire Line Helpless Moving On And Getting Over New Light Nobody Else Will Be There Sleep Well Beast Turtleneck Walk It Back
Kid A (2031) Eskimo Everything In Its Right Place How To Disappear Completely Idioteque In Limbo Morning Bell Motion Picture Soundtrack Optimistic The National Anthem Treefingers
Skeleton Tree (2033) Anthrocene Distant Sky Girl In Amber Magneto Ring Of Saturn
Is This The Life We Really Want? (2035) Bird In A Gale Broken Bones Is This The Life We Really Want? Oceans Apart Part Of Me Died Picture That The Most Beautiful Girl When We Were Young
Relatives In Descent (2037) Caitriona Corpses in Regalia Elephant Half Sister Here Is The Thing Male Pleague My Children Night-Blooming Cereus The Chuckler Up The Tower Windsor Hum
No Cities To Love (2040) A New Wave Bury Our Friends Fangless Gimme Love Hey Darling No Anthems No Cities To Love Price Tag Surface Envy Wave
Twin Fantasy (2043) Beach Life-In-Death Cute Thing Famous Prophets High To Death Nervous Young Inhumans Never On The Day You Leave Sober To Death Stop Smoking
To Be Kind (2045) A Little God In Your Hands Bring The Sun Just A Little Boy Kirsten Supine Nathalie Neal She Loves Us Some Things We Do To Be Kind
Snares Like A Haircut (2047) Cruise Control Drippy Popper Primitive Plus Send Me Secret Swamp Soft Collar Fad Squashed Stuck In The Changer Third Grave Rave Tidal
Sleeping Tapes (2053) Chimes For Dreams Feeling Good Good Evening Hummmmmm IKEA Seeing With My Eyes Closed See You At The Dreaming Tree Sleep. Dream. Wakeup. Temescal Canyon The Hen The Sea We’re All In This Together (Goodnight)
Grace (2060) Corpus Christi Carol Dream Brother Lilac Wine Mojo Pin You’re Gonna Live Forever In Me
Shraddha Kapoor (1999) Caryn Marjorie (2001) Adeline Rudo (2002) Yovanna Ventura (2002) Seryna Seo (2003) Caitlin Beadles (2004) Dina Denoire (2004) Lily He (2004-2010) Koleen Diaz (2006-2011) Jessica Vu (2005) Dollicia Bryan (2005) Mishti Rahman (2007-2009) Jasmine Villegas (2007) Érika Januza (2008) Yes Liv Can (2008) Blue Cantrell (2009) Tammy Torres (2009) Rosario Dawson (2010) Bria Myles (2010) Karrine Steffans (2011) Alyssa Arce (2011) Vanessa Vargas (2011) Mikaela Long (2012-2015) Krista Santiago (2012) Maika Monroe (2012) Cindy Kimberly (2012) Shenelle Scott (2013) Nicola Peltz (2013) Cydney Christine (2014) Marie Avgeropoulos (2014) Jasmine Sanders (2014) Draya Michele (2015) Bernice Burgos (2015) Cyn Santana (2015) Ammika Harris (2016) India Westbrook (2016) Lily Collins (2016) Baskin Champion (2017) Audreyana Michelle (2017) Cailin Russo (2017) Jordan Ozuna (2017) Alexandra Daddario (2018) Olivia Holt (2018) Raina Lawson (2018) Nina (2018-2023) *married in 2022, divorced in 2023 Rachel Roy (2021-2023) Karisma Ramir (2021) Jasmine Rose (2022) Maya James (2022) Lani Blair (2022) Marie Nova (2023) Stephanie Woods (2023) Brenda Lowe (2023)
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