#yellow singlet
ares857 · 1 year
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internet finds
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tjkl895 · 3 months
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lunarflare64 · 1 year
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pixiesfz · 3 months
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steph catley x child (sunshine)
plot: Steph takes you home
warnings: mention of deaths
series master list: here
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When Lara passed you cried, cried like hell.
To you Lara was the world, your only world, she was what brightened your day whenever you visited and you were let out of the orphanage, even if it was only for about two hours or so.
But near the end of Lara’s fight, you started to share your world
With Steph.
You knew your sister liked her so you decided to like her, even if she didn’t play for her favorite team.
But now you were packing your bags with the help of one of the older kids.
Steph stood out the front of the door with Jen Beattie, one of her closest friends “Steph stop shaking you’ll be fine” Jen reassured the Australian “I know it’s just-“
“I just want her to have somebody, I promised Lara”
Jen squeezed her friend's shoulder “You still haven’t cried yet?” she asked and she crossed her head “I don’t know why”.
The doors opened to who Jen assumed to be the director of the Orphanage who welcomed them in, Steph was familiar with the woman as she greeted her with a laugh and a smile.
“How is she?” Steph asked the director as they sat down and waited for you to come down with your bags.
“She’s still upset, it’s the worst at six because that’s usually when she would go see her but it’s getting better, she is excited to see you” The woman smiled and Steph nodded “Did we finish all the files, and papers?” she asked and Steph nodded eagerly and Jen pulled them out of her bag for her.
“Now we just have a month trial and we get child services to come and ask her about you and the house life, especially since you have such an important job,” The director told Steph as she nodded, already knowing this information.
Jen watched her friend with a smile, she had seen Steph determined before but right now she looked so determined to give you a good life.
“Stephy” A sniff was heard behind the two Arsenal players as they both turned around quickly to reveal you, your brunette hair curled by one of the older orphans as you chose one of your prettiest dresses, one that Steph bought you when Lara was still alive.
She was out and about with Mini shopping for Harper when she saw the little yellow sundress and thought of you naturally as you always put a smile on everyone's face, like a little ray of sunshine.
But it was slightly cold so you paired it with a white cardigan.
“Hey, Sunshine!” Steph smiled before you waddled over to her, your dress flapping around before lifting you “You look pretty” she gushed and you looked down at her outfit “You look cool too!” you bashfully yelled, truly excited to see her after she finally told you that she was going to adopt you.
Steph had put effort into her outfit, wanting to look sophisticated when she picked you up, she had straightened her hair and wore a suit jacket with matching pants with a white singlet underneath.
Jen had teased her a little but she didn’t care, she was seeing her sunshine.
“Now I have to ask for protocol but Sunshine, do you want to stay with Stephanie?”
You jumped on Stephs knee’s nodding dramatically “Use your words Sunshine” Steph told you and you looked back to the director “Yes please”.
“Okay” the Director smiled, happy you were getting your happy ending with your circumstances “Let’s get you two out then” she laughed and Steph felt the butterflies in her stomach jump around like crazy, Jen got up to grab your bags, there were only two.
With her free hand, she took photos of you two that you both would grow to cherish.
The drive to Stephs was something you will never forget, both your smiles were huge as you asked questions about little things, Sometimes asking Jen about little things, especially asking her how it felt accidentally slamming Alexandra Popp which she was shocked to know but smiled when you told her that Lara was a huge arsenal fan.
“Who was her favorite player?” Jen asked and you put your finger to your chin thinking “Kimmy!” you yelled after remembering “But it was Jill before she moved” You nodded and Steph smiled “You have an amazing memory Sunshine” She complimented you and you nodded.
“It’s my superpower, now I get to remember Lara even more!”
Jen looked to Steph to see if any tears had fallen but no, she just nodded solemnly as she finally drove to her house.
When you got out of the kiddy chair that Steph had set up weeks ago, Steph held you in her arms and gave her keys to Jen to open the door when she opened the door Steph let you down, free to adventure which you did.
“Have you told her about Calvin?” Jen asked as she heard a squeal from you “I thought I put him outside” Steph's eyes popped.
“You have a doggy door”.
“Steph quickly followed your squeal but let out a laugh when she saw you and a still puppy Calvin playing with each other, you on your knees as he licked your face.
“Thankfully she likes dogs” Jen smiled as she turned the corner.
“Do you want to see your room?” Steph asked you and you looked at her with a grin “Do I have to share?” you asked and Steph crossed her head “Nope, you get it all to yourself and it’s a big girl bed”
“I’m a big girl” you smiled and Steph nodded “Exactly”.
You ran to your room with a smile on your face and jumped on your bed with a big yelp as Steph helped you up “Do you like it?” Steph asked as you looked around to see the room.
It had white walls and your draws were wooden but you had little yellow decorations as you told Steph your favorite colour was yellow “I love it!” you yelled, you kept on yelling, your excitement taking over you.
It was later in the day, after Jen went home at six o’clock you ran from the TV room into the kitchen where Steph was cooking pasta in your new pyjamas she bought you.
“Can we see Lara now?”
Steph dropped the wooden spoon in the pot at your words and quickly turned off the gas as she turned to you.
You had been so excited and happy all day that you had forgotten your troubles “We can’t do that Sunshine” Steph told you, bending down to be level with you “Why-“ you stopped your sentence as your memory finally caught up with you “oh yeah” you frowned, a tear escaping your eye which Steph wiped away quickly “I forgot” you cried a bit more.
“that’s okay” Steph eased you as she felt her eyes starting to water from your mistake “I forgot” you repeated and buried yourself into Steph's neck “It’s okay Sunshine” she squeezed your tights as tears began to flow down her cheeks.
Lara was truly gone.
Steph was all you had left.
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hero-the-meep · 6 months
Colour theory. The 60th Specials have this gorgeous colour palette of reds and blues and greens throughout. But what do they all mean?
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Donna spends much of the specials drenched in red – her fiery copper hair, her pink and red jumper, the warmth of her house as the Doctor looks in from the cold, blue night, of the vortex, and of flames.
In many scenes, she's in fact the only source of warmth in frame.
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The Doctor's palette is, of course, blue, and he starts his journey very blue prior to stripping off his long, solid overcoat to reveal brown and blue tartan (a mixture of both the Doctor's he's been) and white (a carte blanche that can throw to any colour).
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Red and blue, the Doctor and Donna. These are our two primary colours for the Doctor and Donna as individuals. But it doesn't stop there.
Donna often throws red to the Doctor.
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Or they share a frame of equal parts red and blue.
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But more often than not, the Doctor casts Donna a sickly blue green – not in the moments of peril Donna chooses, like her choice to remember the mind of a Time Lord to save her daughter, but the moments of peril that truly make Donna afraid.
Staring out into the black nothingness of space without stars at the edge of the universe, so far from her family. Being confronted with herself. Half-remembering the Doctor with her daughter in danger, because of her (perceived) failure.
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At her most afraid, like when the Doctor is genuinely angry at her, encroaching in her space, she wraps her body in her dark green jacket, a futile attempt to self-soothe. On an RGB colour wheel, green is our third primary colour.
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Whereas the Doctor, at his lowest points, is drenched blue.
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But where do they end up?
In glorious lavender purple and natural green with flickers of red and brown and yellow and blue.
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Purple is a secondary colour, an additive of red and blue. Purple complements green. Green and red add to yellow; add a bit more red than green and you get brown. Yellow complements blue. Red and blue and green are triadic colours – high contrast, bold and vibrant, spaced evenly on the wheel.
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Because their ark is not just for Donna to take on part of the Doctor, but for the Doctor to take on part of Donna as well. They are the Doctor and Donna, human and Time Lord, man and woman, travelling and at home – all these things and both and more, binary not-binary, a circle, complete.
Compare and contrast to season three and four.
Donna's colours are deep, jewel-toned reds and purples and blues, analogous colours. She's a bright, discordant blot in a sterile office. She's resplendently human in Pompeii. But by the end, she's adopted a long, brown coat, with just a hint of purple peaking out from a singlet top under all those layers. During Turn Left, never meeting the Doctor slowly sucks her colour to grey almost (but not) completely.
And when the Doctor takes her memories he returns her sans-jacket. Deep jewelled purple again.
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The Doctor splits into a Doctor brown and a Doctor blue. One home, with a family. One travelling, alone. A bittersweet – not a happy – ending.
Now is their happy ending.
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catfern · 29 days
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in support of palestine ∙ the reality of tlou ∙ resources
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pairing: trucker!abby x afab!reader
music: her - unloved
word count: 1.7k
summary: the night shift at a remote petrol station sounded like easy double pay. but nights get lonely. you've gotta find something to keep yourself entertained.
warnings: porn with a smidgen of plot, fingering, some perverted staring, tiny tiny implied age gap, australia. this is rlly just porn
fern says ⎯ THIS ONE IS FOR ALL THE AUSSIES IN THE AUDIENCE MAKE SOME NOISE!!!!!! this truly is self indulgent cause i miss flirting with hot women who call me darl.
you brought this on yourself, really.
the pale blue of the bug zapper fought a contrast with the dying fluorescents, painting half the aisles in an eery, twilight movie shade. the heat of a high december night was creeping, clinging to your shitty polyester uniform as you camp out in front of the only standing fan.
you had begged for a job, pleaded for it really, in the wickedness of this economic climate. you had run, tail between your legs, from your local chain grocery at the sight of the price of an avocado, and thrown yourself at the feet of the next passing employer. like a squire to the knights of old.
you just hadn’t expected it would be this job.
the gatekeeper of one of the last vestiges of civilisation. the night shift at a deserted highway petrol station.
the flickering floodlights by the pumps fighting an uphill battle to keep the creeping night at bay, you can do nothing but stare, eyes adjusting, ‘unadjusting’, readjusting to the dark over and over again. you’d had a total of two customers since you took over from the day shift crew. one just threw a gatorade your way in exchange for the bathroom key.
the high beam headlights of an oncoming truck shake you from your fading thoughts, baking you into the linoleum tile as you squint, blind. asshole.
you’d been warned about truckers, briefly. handsy rednecks, your manager had called them in passing while giving you a tour of the storage room. desperate old fucks who crawl like dogs to anything with a hole.
you watch with an almost bated breath as the peeling yellow cabin of the long-haul truck pulls into park, your eyes following its jaunty movement through the glass of the front windows. you’re starting to think maybe you should have brought an illegal switchblade to work. if you had one.
you avert your gaze quick, grabbing at something from the magazine rack in desperate hopes to appear disinterested, unapproachable. 15 Ways to Homeschool Your Kids. sure, that works.
the bell above the door chimes, you spy the scuffed leather boots crossing the plastic tiling with heavy footfall. 
“y’got a lounge?”
standing at the counter, you have to admit, she’s not what you pictured when you saw the truck. not that what you see is at all worth of complaint.
a thin sheen of sweat clings to her, echoes of the heat of the road. her skin is flushed, the contour of her muscle sitting, almost man-made, in a thin, cotton singlet. her hair is tied tight, her features, sharp, discerning, eyeing you down. you try not to stare, too obviously, at the soft outline of her nipple piercings beneath her shirt.
“hm?” you’re distracted.
“a lounge, darl. trucker lounge?” she repeats slowly with a bite of a smirk, looking at you like you were only a little bit stupid. your stomach drops with the honey of the nickname.
your eyes dart around the small space of the shop. you barely had space for the 3 aisles and the dingy bathroom. you clear your throat, trying to shake the feeling of fascination, “oh — uh, nah.”
she scoffs, a wicked, small laugh, before retreating to browse the snack section.
you watch her, when you think she isn’t looking. small, caught glimpses in your feigned disinterest. she’s been on the road long, a tension in the broadness of her shoulders obvious as she readjusts her posture, eyeing the chips. you try bury whatever rears its head in your stomach when you hear her groan as she squats to better see the canned fruit. a roughness in her voice, lead with age and smoke.
you drop your reading material and smile, tight lipped, polite, as she approaches the counter. a cold meat pie and a ginger beer.
"and uh — pack'a rothmans, thanks, love.”
you nod, turning to wrestle with the rusting cigarette cage behind the counter, when you hear her chuckle, breathy and deep as she talks,
“y’look a little young to have kids.”
spinning back so quick you make yourself dizzy, you swipe the shitty magazine off the counter, discarded and unimportant, “nah, i… i was just bored.”
she rakes her eyes over you, slow, and you can’t help but feel the pull, magnetic, a knot in your stomach as she studies you. you feel caught in a trap, under her gaze. looking up at her, her looming presence is becoming all too real.
you slide the pack of cigarettes over the counter, trapped meeting her eye. a smile, something sly, plays on her lips as she thanks you, moving to catch a breeze of the fan.
an uncomfortable beat of silence passes between you. well, it’s uncomfortable for you. no longer able to hide behind disinterest behind glossy paper, you instead wrestle with yourself to seem at least neutrally interested, not utterly obsessed. you wring your hands behind the shelter of the till.
the woman shakes a cigarette free from the pack, holding it between the skin of her lips. “you smoke?” she’s looking at you, through the corner of her eye.
no, never.
“uh, yeah.”
you follow her out the shop, tied to her artificial shadow in the fluorescents. something is crawling in the night, when you step outside. a cicada silence echoes across the gathering dirt and dust.
she offers you the cig she had been holding, you take it gingerly, holding it in your mouth as she holds her lighter up. she brings her hand to cup the flame, to keep the absent breeze from destroying it. you feel, just slightly, the brush of her calloused palms against the low of your cheek, and you pray that the navy hue of the bug zapper is enough to hide the heat on your skin.
smoke fills your lungs, foreign and quick, an itch inside you that feels impossible. you cough and splutter to the chorus of her raspy laughter.
“you haven’t smoked a day in your life.” she says with a lopsided smile, plucking the cigarette from your hand and bringing it to her lips, taking a long, constrastly confident draw.
you shake your head in between wheezes, “is that what everyone is always going on about?”
“you’ll get used to it, here,” 
she hands it back to you, you feel obliged to take it. to try again, as she so quietly commands. your second go is met with an only slightly irritating tickle in your throat.
“that’s it, good girl,” something that seems so unsure rolls off her like syrup, something you had never known you were so desperate for. her hand finds the small of your back, her fingers dancing circles in something akin to comfort, to praise.
you look up to find her eyes already on you, tracing the contours of your neck in icy blue form.
the smell of artificial pine and day-old dust clings to her, swallows you whole as you fall victim to her touch, light-headed and weak at the knees as her breath fills your lungs.
she’s nothing if not vocal, desperation falling from her lips in tortured moans as she presses herself into the crook below your jaw, drawing your soft skin beneath her teeth, softly licking the littered aftermath, a trail down your chest.
she’s quick to undress you, pulling impatiently at the scratchy fabric of your worn company polo shirt. she’s not phased by any forgotten need for privacy, for decency. she’s only here in passing, after all.
“oh, sweetheart,”
the lace of your bra is a temptation not lost on her, a delight she so happily indulges in after days on the road. in some perverted part of her mind, you wore it for her. maybe, in some cosmic, fated way, you did.
her hands snake down your body, helping themselves to the lux of your curves as her lips press, all-consuming, against yours. her fingers lightly spreading your legs, a mean chuckle souring the kiss.
she’s not at all easy, or kind, the way she pulls you open, watches you fall apart in the brutality of her control. she touches you like she aims to destroy you, her fingers working relentlessly to the pull of your walls, unheard to your pleas to — please, slow down.
“that’s it, darling. come on,” it’s sharp, delirious and oh so pleased to hear you, a whisper tickling the dip of your chest, watching you through the blonde of her eyelashes as you throw your head back, your body rocking to the rhythm she sets.
“p-please, fuck, jesus, fuck!” if she was any meaner, she would have laughed. but god, she’s distracted. driven mad by her own dripping need.
“you wanna come, baby? yeah, yeah?” she’s slowing down, and you chase her question with a desperate, shakey nod. “yeah, you do. come here.”
she takes your hand in hers, delicate, kind, a wicked contrast. under the guidance of her touch, you grip the stiff denim of her jeans, tender, unsure, until she leads you to the heat between her legs and you nearly melt. her hand goes to fiddle with her belt, her eyes finding yours, bleary, in the haze.
“think you can help me out, sweetheart?” she nods along with you, and you’re unsure if she’s copying you, or you are her.
“yeah — i can, please, please,” you whine, your hips still rutting a lazy pace against the now stagnant force inside you. your hand pulls, impatiently, at the waistband of her cotton boxers, pulling them down to sit unceremoniously at her hips.
“fuck, good girl,” she seethes at the languid circles you draw on her clit, gentle and paced, as you chase your own euphoria on her fingers, “come on,” a whisper, hot on your neck, “i’ll go faster if you do, darlin’.”
you pick up in a daze, so compliant to the whim of her demand, so desperate to feel her calloused fingers trace the tide against your centre. rushing that feeling, wretched to have her tear you apart.
her fingers rock against you without care, wrenching every ragged moan from the cut of your throat as her speed picks up, “that’s it, fuck, you feel so good, sweetness. keep — keep going.” hoarse whispers against your chest as she presses sloppy, undone kisses to the ghosts of your ribcage.
you watch, above the broadness of her shoulder, as a peak of the sun paints the horizon a muddy pink, your moans a soundtrack to the emptiness of the desert as you practically bounce on the stranger’s fingers, loud for your own release.
yeah, you lost your job.
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⎯ kofi
taglist; @whore4abby @endureher @beemillss @afraidofheightss @sentimentalyellow
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fredwkong · 5 months
hi. The new year is less than 2 weeks away, and I still don't know how to celebrate it.. All my friends have gone home, and my parents live far away. I was planning to go to a club or bar, but I'm embarrassed to go there alone. What do you recommend?
That hardly seems like a winning attitude. The club is where singles go to be together with other people, isn’t it? You probably just need to find the right club.
You’re sitting at home alone for yet another night. Hearing a tap at the door, you go to answer, only to find that a flyer has been slid under it. An ad for a new club. Their opening night party theme is “New Year, New Me.” Cliché, but certainly classic. And it’s a singles night, almost like they heard that you’re gay, lonely, and alone this holiday season.
You walk up to the club a few nights later, trying not to feel out of place in your nicest shirt and pants. Thankfully, most of the other guys waiting in line are dressed similarly. You awkwardly strike up a conversation with the guy next to you, who’s wearing an ever so slightly cropped shirt to show off his skinny belly. Cute, but not your type.
Inside, the vibe is totally different. The music is a mix of pop and EDM, with a DJ in nothing but a jockstrap spinning discs on the stage. You yell to the bartender, but he must have misunderstood your order. He slides you something tall and clear, the fumes of which have your head spinning. The guy from the lineup outside grimaces next to you. The bartender made a similar mistake with his order, but he has a neon yellow drink. The two of you toast and toss them back, too awkward to ask about it.
You lower your glass. Sure, it’s strong, but nothing to a party boy like you. The music, which just seemed overwhelming, moves through you, making you eager to dance. Through your sunglasses, you look over at the guy next to you. How could you have thought he wasn’t your type? With his perfect, airbrushed face and lickable muscles under his singlet, he’s the ideal hookup.
He gives you a once-over. You flex your abs at him, angling so that the thong under your sheer outfit is totally obvious. Getting laid is all about putting yourself out there, and if you’re lucky, maybe the two of you can join forces to find a top during the party. Seems like there’s a lot of bottoms turning up.
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Happy New You!
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captainlondonman · 11 months
HiViz Neighbour
Alec opened his door to leave for work just as his new neighbour opened his.
‘Hi mate so you’re my new neighbor, good to meet you, I’m Fred. You’re obviously an office guy from the way you are dressed.’
Alec looked a bit shocked as his new neighbor was in full Hiviz, from his rigger boots , his yellow trousers, yellow T shirt and jacket. The guy was about 40 and clearly liked a few beers judging from his beer gut, a big guy with shaved head and thick neck.
‘Yeah,’ Alec replied, ‘What about you?’ taking in the full picture. There was something about the guy, not exactly good looking but his big frame in the Hi Viz had something that Alec liked so much that as he stood in front of his neighbour he could feel his cock thickening
‘Yeh I work on the roads and down the drains. Doesn’t sound a great job but I love it and we are always looking for new guys to join us. What about you?’ he said with a  smile
‘I don’t think so’, Alec blushed
‘If you put on the HiViz you’d feel a different person and then who knows? When you wear Hiviz you hardly ever wear anything else. So think what I’ve said’
‘I will’ Alec mumbled, ‘but I’ve got to get off to work.’
‘Hope to see you soon mate, I’m usually back by 7pm.’
As Alec walked down the passage in the apartment block he saw his new neighbor putting up a couple of coat hooks outside his apartment
‘Not meant to be allowed’ Alec said to himself ‘but I don’t fancy getting on the wrong side of him.’ He put his hand to his crotch pushing it back a bit so the outline of his semi hardon was not visible.
When Alec got home hanging on the two hooks was HiViz gear and under a pair of high mud caked  rubber boots.
‘Odd’ he thought as Fred said he’s not usually back until 7.’ Sure enough Alec peeped through his spyhole and saw Fred arrive back in other gear to what was hanging there. As he looked at Fred’s rear view in his tight HiViz so he let his hand go down to his crotch and rub himself.
Next day the same clothes were hanging outside. Alec looked at his watch and thought if Fred is not back for an hour maybe I could borrow. Looking around the passage of the block and seeing no one he quickly lifted the Hi Viz and boots and rushed inside.
Knowing he only had limited time he quickly stripped off and already his cock was hard at the thought of putting on someone else’s Hi Viz clothes. He knew it would probably look ridiculous as Fred was so much bigger. First the thick yellowish socks but before he lifted them up to his nose and though they had been hanging on a hook he could smell cheesy feet. They had been on someone’s feet for days and the more he smelt the more he rubbed his nose into them finally ramming them into his mouth like a gag the smell beginning to almost overpower him making his cock almost vertical with excitement. Once the socks were on he noticed that they actually fitted him and yet looking at Fred’s boots they were at least 2-3 sizes bigger than his own feet. Not noticing this so much he wanted to get the hi viz trousers on which there was a thick belt at the top. As he slowly brought them up his leg so he could feel his dick rub against the yellow nylon, hoping that Fred’s cock had also rubbed against it perhaps letting out some pee drips or even better the left overs of some cum. Thinking they would be too long and too wide for him he was surprised when he discovered they fitted perfectly and in anything seemed slightly tight around his waist. Before buckling the belt he slid the yellow stained singlet vest over his head. He could see it was very stained under the armpits from sweat and had a couple of holes in the front one looking at where his nipple might be. As he tucked in the vest it was tight against his body and he felt as if his waist has expanded not just a little but a lot. His heart was beating so much from putting on the clothes and his cock starting to ooze precum from rubbing against the nylon and he did not bother to look down his body as his put on the high rubber boots which came up  over his Hi viz trousers. He felt amazing, was shaking with lust in his borrowed clothing, dirty clothing which he would never be able to try on had it not been for his new neighbour.
He went to stand in front of the mirror and looked at himself expecting to see him in clothing too big but still making him feel so sexed up. He stood back in shock. It was not his reflection, it was someone totally different staring back at him with a face also stunned but it was a workie he was looking at in the mirror. He guy in the mirror was 6’ 2’’ with wide muscled shoulders and long arms covered in tattoos ending in thick working mens’ hands. He had shaved sides to his head and yet a mass on thick black curls on top, he was unshaven and clearly with a heavy 2 day growth. As for his body it was covered in thick black hair erupting out the side of his vest and well up into his neck and down his tattooed arms. His stomach was thick the result of too many beers and slightly hung over the tightened belt. He was a bear of a man. As Alec looked down he could see a thick long cock tenting out in the Hi viz trousers. This was not him but someone totally different he was staring at. In some ways he was staring at a man he would love to be but he was terrified and in a panic quickly stripped off the clothes away from the mirror.
Having taken everything off he meekly went back to the mirror and there was his own reflection. He breathed a sigh of relief but then looked a bit more closely. He wasn’t exactly the same. His fair hair looked a bit darker and yes there was a bit of curl in what was usually straight hair. He looked slightly taller and his arms had a very slight blue haze to them. Was he looking a bit fatter around the waist? Even as he looked at his dick he thought there was a difference, the colour of the shaft seemed darker and where he had been circumsized there looked like the beginning of a foreskin.
Alec had to get the clothes back on to that hook as it was approaching the time Fred returned. He just managed to hang them and get in doors when he heard Fred walking up the passage and putting his key in the door. Alec could think of nothing else all evening and when he went to bed he started to remember in his mind the guy he saw in the mirror and immediately he had an erection. The more he thought of this workie the more his hand moved down to caress his shaft, working harder and harder as the image strengthened until he came in spurts of white cum up and over his chest.
Next morning Alec looked again in the mirror and could see there were still changes to his body. He had to wear a long sleeve shirt that was loose fitting to cover the bluish marks on his arms as well as the fact that he now seemed to have a bit of a beer belly. The trousers were stretched but at least fitted. His hair was darker and wavy which he tried to straighten out without success. He had a heavier growth on his face and had to have a much closer shave than normal plus he wore a tie as there was chest hair starting to sprout up his neck.
As he opened the door to leave so Fred opened his and took in the clothes that had been hanging outside.
‘Hi mate, off to work?’
‘Yes and you?’
‘Sure, as you can see from all my hiviz I’ve on. Probably down a few drains today As I said there are always jobs if you fancy? Your hair looks a bit different Alec, darker I would say and I don’t remember the curl.’
Alec blushed and said ‘No this is the normal, you must be mistaken. See you around, as he rushed outside to escape any more questions.’
When he got back at the end of the day there was nothing hanging outside and the following morning he made sure he heard Fred leave before going out. On his return the same clothes were hanging outside Fred’s apartment. Alec was at once terrified of trying them on again and what had happened but another part of him was getting so horny at the idea of seeing what would happen and perhaps this time he might leave them on a little longer. The temptation was too much and he quickly took the clothes off the pegs and lifted the rubber boots taking them inside and straight to his bedroom.
As he took off his trousers and underwear so his cock bounced up with excitement. He put everything on exactly as before and then stood in front of the mirror already knowing that his stomach had pushed outwards and his height had changed.
The same hard guy workie stared back at him in the mirror. He looked tough and so masculine and hairy. Alec could see the hair rising fully up his chest to his neck and sprouting great tufts on his shoulders and down his back. He looked a bear of a man. The rip on his vest exposed a large dark nipple, the outline of the vest showed a good sized pair of tits, almost man boobs and a thick belly. Alec felt a cock longer than his own inching inside his HiViz trousers straining to get out. Looking at his image his thick hairy hand with dirt ingrained in the nails slid down over his cock and rubbed, the feeling of nylon arousing him even more. Alec put his other hand up to the rip in the vest and tweaked the exposed nipple rubbing it gently over the teet making him shiver with excitement and then with two big fingers tweaking the nipple, all the while his other hand rubbing his cock. He could wait no longer and unzipped his flies and pulled out a long heavy piece of meat fully erect, the skin was dark with a thick vein on the underside and he could see the foreskin sliding back to expose a huge head which glistened with precum. Letting his cock stick out he forced his hand further in to grab his balls, heavy with spunk and bring them out so he could see all. Christ it must be a full 9”. What a cock!
With his tattooed right arm he started stroking his cock pulling the foreskin up and over the head to increase the sexual feeling. Was this Alec he was looking at, was it a dream. All Alec knew was that when he looked down at his cock it was the same one that was wanking in the mirror
‘Jesus what a fucking workie I am looking at. This is how I would love to be.’ He needed to cum and  to see how much spunk this person had so his hand worked furiously up and down the shaft as he spread his legs wide. He was so ready to cum and looking at the mirror and shouted
‘I’m cumin let’s see how much spunk you have mate’
And with that great spurts of spunk shot out of this big dark cock spreading out over the mirror, white glue like running down and still droplets on his hI Viz trousers. He arched back reeling at the strength of his orgasm.
Suddenly he realized that Fred would be back soon at his normal time and quickly took of the gear making sure he removed the cum marks. Putting on a dressing gown he shot out into the passage and carefully rehung the clothes and stacked the boots the way he had seen them earlier. He came back in to clean the mirror and looked at himself expecting to see the usual Alec but this time there were more changes. He had grown even more and now showed a beer belly that was covered in thick curling black hair. His legs looked thicker and more hairy  with bulging thighs and his hair was definitely curly and even darker. But two thing he noticed more. His cock was bigger and now had a definite foreskin but those blue marks on his arms were morphing in to what looked more like tattoos, not fully formed but they were definitely there.
 ‘Christ what is happening and all this for one almighty orgasm? What am I going to do, I have to get back to the way I was. No way can I go in to work tomorrow.’ Next morning he still looked the same so phoned in sick. Alec did not know what to think he was now not the same person. Gone was the slightly geeky guy with fair straight hair and looking again and again in the mirror was someone who looked between himself and the hunky bear of a workie. The hair of his chest was now thick but not as dark at the ‘other guy’ he was not quite as tall or as wide and his hair was now definitely curly but not cut short at the sides. What he did keep looking at was the heavy pair of balls he now had and the longer thicker and darker cock with its full foreskin. He had to wear a tracksuit to allow for the widening waist and beer belly. When he heard Fred leave he looked out and saw the gear was still hanging there. He wanted to forget it but every half hour he kept looking and every time he became more tempted and every time his cock grew bigger. He knew that when he was in the gear he loved the image in the mirror. He was a man he had in his dreams wanted to be but it was no dream it was reality. Eventually the temptation was too much and he crept into the corridor and brought it into his apartment. Now there was no second thoughts. He quickly stripped off and put on the dirty ripped vest, the tight Hiviz trousers with thick belt and the high rubber boots. He felt himself expand into the man in the mirror and his cock was again fully erect and so hard. Before he could stand in front of the mirror to see that horny image the doorbell rang.
‘Shit what can I do, I can’t open the door like this not just because of what I look like but my large prick is tenting.’ The doorbell went again but Alec could not reply.
Suddenly he heard Fred’s voice
I know you are in there Alec and I know you are wearing the clothes I left outside. Christ mate I’m a workie just like the way you are looking. Open up and let me see you.
Alec decided he had to get his clothes off but as he tried it was as though they were stuck to his body and he could do nothing
‘Don’t try taking them off Alec, you won’t be able so just open up, one workie to another.’
Alec opened the door and Fred stepped in
‘Fucking Hell man you look bloody amazing. I didn’t expect this.’
‘What do you mean’ Alec replied
‘The moment I saw you I knew you were into workie HiViz gear and yup I saw that cock of your inching down your chinos as you saw me. So I put out the gear I knew you would really like to wear but I did not know what the result would be. You decided that. The clothes allowed you to be the man of your dreams and what you would really like to be. The more you wore them the more your dream would be real and now it is, this is the real Alec, workie Alec who loves and lives for HiViz. And fucking hell look at that cock of yours, it’s clear you love being the new man and Jesus you look amazing so much that just look at my crotch’ Fred said as he let his down to rub his tenting crotch. ‘Seeing you like this makes me so fucking horny. But we are not quite there mate. I’m looking at a real manly bear of a workie but its still your preppy voice and mind which need to change. That’s what I’m here for.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Well lets start with the fact that you’re looking bloody horny with that stiff dick of yours, I’m as randy as hell looking at the new you and you want to be a rough hairy workie. I’ve a cock here that needs your mouth around it and the way you are looking at my crotch I know you cannot wait to get it down the back of your throat.’
Fred rubbed his crotch hard up and down the full length of his shaft his cock head rubbing against the HiViz nylon. Standing with his legs apart he unzipped and let his cock flip out.
‘Christ that’s some prick you’ve  got there’
‘Just like yours Alec and you’re soon to feel the full length of it but first get down on your knees and let me see you open your mouth wide.’
Alec was drooling at the size of Fred’s prick sticking out from the HiViz trousers. He wanted to feel his mouth against the HiViz nylon and the only way was to devour the full length of Fred’s shaft. Kneeling down he took his new thick hands around the shaft and started to use his tongue to lick around the pink glowing head that was already showing precum and Alec let the taste linger in his mouth before opening his mouth wider to take the full head. As Alec the workie he had no problem with his mouth
‘Shit man you could take a bloody log down that throat of yours. Go on let it slide all the way, let me feel your heavy growth rubbing against by Hiviz and balls.’ Fred had Alec by the shoulders pushing him in towards his shaft, groaning as he could feel his cock vanishing down the back of his throat, his cock covered in Alec’s spit.
Alec had never sucked a dick like this before but as his different self it was exactly what he most wanted. He could smell Fred’s cock and mixture of his spit, his piss and even hardened cum. The more he smelt the more he moved his mouth up and down.
‘Christ we need to stop there Alec and now it’s time to finish what you want. Stand up.’
As Alec stood up so his cock was tenting big time in his HiViz and a large precum stain was showing on his trousers
‘Come over here and stand in front of me Alec.’
Standing in front of Fred, he had his belt unbuckled and Fred pulled down his HiViz over his arse.
‘Fucking hell Alec what a fucking hairy arse you’ve got. I thought your bod was hairy but you have a fucking forest I need to get my cock past and into that crack of yours.’
Fred took hold of Alec’s cheeks and spread them apart to allow his cock to penetrate the hair and find the hole.
‘This should be easy for you with all the spit you’ve put on my dick. Christ feeling all your arse hair against by dick is so fucking horny.’
Fred found the hole and started pushing his dick in, Alec flinching for a second but his hole was so ready for a fuck and the large arse could take whatever was coming his way.
Fred putting his arms around Alec’s waist moved him back into his shaft until he could feel his dick right up to the hilt. Feeling his pubes against Alec’s hairy arse was amazing.
‘That arse of yours can take a lot more than just my dick.’
Once he felt he was fully in and could feel Alec breathing hard, Fred moved his hands up over Alec’s belly and further up until they came to his extended nipples.
‘God what erect big nips you have,’ he said squeezing them letting his hands tweak and then rub and then pinch. Alec arched his back into Fred with total pleasure whilst Fred started to work his cock in and out, at first slowly savouring every thrust and then starting to get faster.
I’m getting ready to cum Alec and when you feel me spurting inside you then at least you will be the real man you want to be , no going back, this is you.’
By now Alec could not care feeling Fred’s cock all the way up him, having his nipples worked hard and looking like a workie. Christ it didn’t get better, its exactly what he wanted and to hell with any consequences.
‘Cum when you want, I’m ready Fred. Make me a workie.’
Fred said’ Start rubbing your cock inside your Hi Viz. I want you to come and let all the cum drop down and stick to you.’
Alec took his hand and started rubbing the shaft over the yellow nylon
‘Christ what a way to wank, feeling the nylon over my shaft’
Fred’s head inside Alec’s arse was ready to explode and hearing Alec shoot was all he needed.
‘It’s now mate, I’m cumming, take every spurt of my spunk and say goodbye to the old boring Alec.’
‘That’s it, fuck me let me be the workie’
With one final shove of his cock into Alec’s arse Fred exploded all the cum that was pent up in his balls and Alec’s cock discharged all his spunk inside his HiViz some oozing through the nylon and most running down inside.
As Alec felt the cum rush up inside his arse so he felt a rush of blood up inside him and swirling around in his head.
‘What the fuck is happening,’ he said in a totally different voice. ‘Shit I’m speaking like a south London workie with a bloody deep voice. I can’t stop saying Fuck and it feels so fucking good’
‘It’s not just the voice Alec another couple of seconds and you are the workie, that’s your life now.’
‘Too fucking right ,Fred, that’s what I am and what else would I fucking wanna be. Us men as best as workies, real men and men who know the best fuck you can get is with another workie.
‘Well done Alec, join the club you’re one of us now. These clothes were never mine outside in the corridor, they were always yours, the clothes you wanted to really wear and I just allowed you to become the real workie Alec.’
‘Tell you what Fred I can already feel my fucking cum hardening on the nylon, fucking great man. Tell you what we’re both doing the same job and what’s the point of having two apartments. You might as well move all your gear into mine but remember I only accept Hi Viz and we sleep in Hi Viz OK?’
‘If that’s what you want Alec,’
‘Sure is mate and besides after that fuck, for me it’s just the beginning, so tonight I’ll have my cock up that arse of yours.’
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ares857 · 2 years
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internet finds
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tjkl895 · 1 year
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jockifyme · 1 year
Graham presses his hand into the panel at the front of the water fountain, bringing his head down as he begins to slurp up the ice cold water. He looks down the hallway as he continues to drink, the building empty save for the theatre students running through the play for the third time that day. He faintly hears his cast mates half-heartedly reciting their lines as he wipes his mouth with his forearm, beginning his walk back to the theatre.
“Hey!” A gruff but familiar voice echos from behind him. Graham turns around and sees Travis, one of his classmates and probably the most popular guy at the school. Even though they were both sophomores, Travis more accurately resembles a roided up third year senior. He’s got a high faded buzzcut and a square jawed face, the quintessential meathead jock look. But from his interactions with him, Graham considers Travis a nice guy. he’s wearing their university’s wrestling uniform: a charcoal gray singlet with yellow and red stitching and the letters of the university’s city, San Ventura, plastered across the front. Underneath the letters, two humanoid shapes grapple each other.
“Uhh, what’s up, Travis?” Travis starts walking toward Graham, his wrestling shoes squeaking against the tiled floor. As he gets closer, Graham notices the beads of sweat glistening across his skin, the singlet doing very little to hide the movement of his muscles with each footfall. Graham takes a couple steps back, not looking away from Travis.
“Why are you acting so weird, dude?” Graham asks as he takes a few more back steps. Travis flashes a smile as he picks up his pace, transitioning to a jog as he continues moves closer to Graham.
Utterly freaked out, Graham turns and runs, looking over his shoulder to see that Travis has also begun to run. His heavy foot steps sounding closer to Graham with each passing second as Graham races toward the theatre.
“Dude, stop! What the hell?!” With the door to the theatre in sight, Graham pushes his body, trying to get his legs to move faster, but as he begins to reach out his arm, two sweaty, burly arms grab his around the waist and swing him backwards, away from the door.
“Let me go! This isn’t fucking funny!” Graham tries to writhe himself free, but he’s no match for Travis’s hold on him. The jock drags him to a door down the hall from the theatre’s door, labeled, “Men’s Locker Room.” He kicks the door a couple times, maintaining his grip on Graham, entering the locker room as it’s opened by two of his teammates. The other two jocks watch as Travis drags the puny theatre nerd into the dark room, pinning him against a row of lockers.
“Get the gear,” Travis says calmly to one of the jocks. Graham renews his struggle as he sees one of the jocks, one he doesn’t recognize, reach into a gym bag and pull out a set of yellow wrestling headgear. The third jock that had been standing there joins Travis in holding Graham in place as Travis slowly releases his grip on him.
“Please stop,” Graham says exasperated, tired from his near constant struggling since Travis first grabbed him. Travis takes the headgear in his hands as the jock that fetched it now joins in on the “pin Graham to the lockers” game. Their muscles glisten in the low-light locker room, both of them dressed in the same singlet as Travis, with short-cut hairstyles that Graham guesses is so no one can grab it while wrestling. Travis pulls a few straps on the headgear, loosening it up while inspecting Graham’s puny frame. The small theatre nerd looks like a stick figure next to his two teammates. He’s wearing a T-shirt with the university’s drama club’s logo on the front, and his blue jeans hang off his skinny legs. A pair of dirty vans cover his feet, recently scuffed from trying to escape Travis’s grasp not too long ago. He’s got long brown hair, curly and unkempt—not good for wrestling.
With the headgear straps loosened up, Travis takes the foam headgear and positions it over Graham’s head.
“Dude, what are you doing?!” Weirded out and without a response, Graham decides to let this play out so he can get out.
Travis methodically fastens the straps around Graham’s head. Graham feels as Travis’s hands reach around and tighten two straps running across the back of his head, one across the crown, and one running across the top of his forehead. The straps press against his skin, and with the tightness, his sense of hearing is muffled. He looks up as Travis nods at the two jocks on either side of him. They release him, letting him stand on his own.
He takes a breath as he plans to make a break for it, and he goes for it. But, his body does not follow. Instead, he walks over to the open gym bag that the jock grabbed the headgear from in the first place. He reaches inside, and against his will, he pulls out a singlet. He tosses it on the metal bench in front of the lockers as he begins to undress. Blushing furiously, he lifts his t-shirt over his head and lets it drop to the floor. Next, he steps out of his shorts, revealing his baggy boxers underneath. He sits on the bench and bends over to plop off his socks and shoes. Almost fully undressed, he finds himself breathing shallower. He looks down to see his body is covered in sweat. Travis smirks at him as Graham’s body turns to grab the singlet. With it in hand, he pulls down his boxers and steps out of them. Utterly mortified, Graham body shakes the singlet out. Holding by the straps, he steps into it and shimmies it up his body, the sweat from his body being absorbed into the fabric as it makes its way up his body. The singlet had definitely seen the mat many times before, with the pungent odor of sweat and must quickly filling his nostrils, making him dizzy. He mindlessly readjusts his enlarged dick in the tight fabric as he turns back to the bag. He sits back down again and pulls out a pair of black socks and black adidas wrestling shoes. As he’s putting on the socks, his breathing changes. He begins to instinctively take deeper breaths, pushing against the almost constrictive spandex, with each breath feeling like his lungs are getting bigger, taking in more oxygen.
Travis and the two jocks watch as Graham begins to grow before their eyes. As he pulls the socks over his feet, they lengthen, pushing further and further into the sock. His legs do the same, growing in the length and definition—his calves pop out as his thighs begin to show some shred. Underneath the singlet, the three can see Graham’s pecs billow, straining against the fabric of the singlet. His arms are next, growing similar to the arms that grabbed him only a few minutes ago. His biceps and deltoids pack on muscle, crucial for taking down opponents on the mat. His hands thicken as he begins to tie his shoes, losing their delicacy and growing to grapple.
Graham feels like crying, but his body won’t let him. He watches in terror as his hands shake and change before his eyes as he goes to tie his new wrestling shoes. His fingers shorten and thicken, and as he ties his last shoe, he feels a tickling feeling from his head. He starts to stand, and he sees a pile of hair on the bench and floor below where he had been sitting. Travis opens one of the lockers, revealing a small mirror that had been attached to the back. Graham gasps as he sees himself: Underneath the headgear, his long hair had been reduced to a fade to match the three jocks standing in front of him. The fade is tight against his scalp on the sides, with length only on top. A tuft of hair billows out over his forehead, the only thing separating him from Travis’s military-grade buzz. He feels sick as he continues standing, and though trembling, his body reaches up and takes the last strap of the headgear, the chinstrap, in his hand. He reaches his other burly hand up and confidently tightens the strap under his chin, tightens it, and clicks it into place. With this resounding click, Graham’s vision zeroes in on his reflection in the mirror.
Travis and the other two jocks watch as Graham stares at himself in the reflection, his body twitching ever so slightly as his old personality, memories, and life are wiped. He’s gonna be one of them now: A C-student that’s riding a wrestling scholarship, spending his free time at the gym or at parties. A complete and utter-
“Bro!” Travis is snapped out of his soliloquy as Graham goes to dap him up.
“Bro!” Travis reciprocates the dap and pats his new teammate Graham on the back. “Dude we’ve gotta get outta here. The janitor’s gonna wonder why we’re still here so late after practice.”
“Fuck, dude, you’re right. Let’s get out of here.” Graham grabs his gym bag and stuffs his headgear into it. He grabs a pair of gray sweatpants from within and quickly changes into them. Following his teammates into the night and his new life as a jock.
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Graham after his first (?) wrestling match, two weeks since incident.
Also, thank y’all so much for 1,400 followers! That’s insane. Thanks for the support of my sporadic uploads
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cybertied · 4 months
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a hunky wrestler in a yellow singlet is tied up with rope
ai generated image
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neopronouns · 6 months
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flag id: a flag with 5 stripes, which are medium dark bluish-green, light golden yellow, purple, light orange-red, and faded red. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
singletn't: an umbrella term for anyone who is not a singlet
[pt: singletn't: an umbrella term for anyone who is not a singlet. end pt]
for anon! i took inspiration from inverted versions of the singlet flag's colors, plus common colors in various flags (such as the plural flag, the median flag, and the multiple flag).
tags: @radiomogai | dni link
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bettertwin1 · 2 months
here are some facts about oxygen
Animals and plants require oxygen for respiration. Plant photosynthesis drives the oxygen cycle, maintaining it around 21% in air. While the gas is essential for life, too much of it can be toxic or lethal. Symptoms of oxygen poisoning include vision loss, coughing, muscle twitching, and seizures. At normal pressure, oxygen poisoning occurs when the gas exceeds 50%.
Oxygen gas is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. It's usually purified by fractional distillation of liquefied air, but the element is found in many compounds, such as water, silica, and carbon dioxide.
Liquid and solid oxygen is pale blue. At lower temperatures and higher pressures, oxygen changes its appearance from blue monoclinic crystals to orange, red, black, and even a metallic appearance.
Oxygen is a nonmetal. It has low thermal and electrical conductivity, but high electronegativity and ionization energy. The solid form is brittle rather than malleable or ductile. The atoms readily gain electrons and form covalent chemical bonds.
Oxygen gas normally is the divalent molecule O2. Ozone, O3, is another form of pure oxygen. Atomic oxygen, which is also called "singlet oxygen" does occur in nature, although the ion readily bonds to other elements. Singlet oxygen may be found in the upper atmosphere. A single atom of oxygen usually has an oxidation number of -2.
Oxygen supports combustion. However, it is not truly flammable! It is considered an oxidizer. Bubbles of pure oxygen don't burn.
Oxygen is paramagnetic, which means it is weakly attracted to a magnet but doesn't retain permanent magnetism.
Approximately 2/3 of the mass of the human body is oxygen. This makes it the most abundant element, by mass, in the body. Much of that oxygen is part of water, H2O. Although there are more hydrogen atoms in the body than oxygen atoms, they account for significantly less mass. Oxygen is also the most abundant element in the Earth's crust (about 47% by mass) and the third most common element in the Universe. As stars burn hydrogen and helium, oxygen becomes more abundant.
Excited oxygen is responsible for the bright red, green, and yellow-green colors of the aurora. It's the molecule of primary importance, as far as generating bright and colorful auroras.
Oxygen was the atomic weight standard for the other elements until 1961 when it was replaced by carbon 12. Oxygen made a good choice for the standard before much was known about isotopes because although there are 3 natural isotopes of oxygen, most of it is oxygen-16. This is why the atomic weight of oxygen (15.9994) is so close to 16. About 99.76% of oxygen is oxygen-16.
Anon im going to killmyself please dont send me abything this long ever again i have never been more stressed scrolljng before this js too manh words im not reading all that please dont make mme read all that
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athletic-collection · 2 months
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Keegan O'Toole (yellow singlet)
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dudduk4992 · 1 year
A beached surfer, part 1
Caleb sighed, looking out onto the beach. It was a perfect day, with not a cloud in the sky, the brilliant yellow sand was teeming with people, talking, sunbaking, playing volleyball, building sandcastles, and splashing in the water. Everywhere he looked, he saw people enjoying the sun.
The hotel next door teamed with tourists, just like it seemed to do every summer when Caleb’s dad sent him here to work at his uncle’s restaurant, “The Seaside Crab”  where Caleb worked during his summers instead of enjoying it like everyone else. It always seemed worse to think about, but when he got there it wasn’t so bad, especially since his uncle actually paid him properly now, and with all the tourism they were reeling in, Caleb could only imagine what his bank account would be looking like. Caleb sighed again,
"Caleb! Stop mucking about and clear some tables!" Caleb heard his big sailor-looking uncle yell from within the confines of the kitchen at the front of the restaurant. Caleb gulped and quickly zoomed around the restaurant, clearing tables one at a time.
As Caleb cleaned up another table, stacking the dishes and wiping at the stains on the table, he resumed his daydreaming position at the large wooden bar, adjacent to a long, tall wall lined with glass windows. As he stared even longer, his eyes stayed in the same position, looking out the window despite hearing the front of the cafe's door jingle.
A shadow shunted his daydreaming; he noticed a tall, blonde, wide figure standing at the bar in his peripheral vision. It took Caleb a moment or two to realise that the stranger was waiting for him. "Could I get an iced tea, two lemons please?" Caleb heard the hunky surfer say in his deep voice. It was none other than the legendary Kanen Ariki. A local legend around Marina Beach. He was the only surfer to catch some huge waves, not to mention his insane popularity. When he wasn’t surfing or partying, he worked as a lifeguard at the beach.
Kanen was Polynesian and only 21, two years older than Caleb- and was fully ripped. Big, buff and covered head to toe in muscle, he had a massive chest with huge, meaty pecs and pink cherry-sized nipples, his thighs and calves enormous, and his abs well defined. His face was wide and handsome with a strong jawline, his eyes bright brown with a cut through his left eyebrow. He had various rings in both ears, as well as a double piercing through his right eyebrow and belly button.
His hair was cut in short curtains and dyed blonde while the roots remained black. The hunk also had some impressive Polynesian tattoos; several bands around his right arm, wrist and leg, as well as some triangles, reaching up to the bottom of his belly button. He wore a blue faded singlet, black board shorts and no shoes.
"I- uh, ohhhh..." Caleb Stuttered, gazing in awe at the surfer, he completely forgot what he was doing as he watched Kanen take a table number and sit down.... right next to where Caleb was cleaning. Was this really happening!? Caleb couldn't believe it!
"Hey man, not to rush you, but my stomach’s telling me it’s time to eat," Kanen said with a laugh, noticing that Caleb was stuck daydreaming for almost ten minutes.
"Oh! sorry!" Caleb yelped. "What can I get you today? we have some specials on, if you’re interested, I can show you what they are..." Caleb trailed off, gazing at the blond hunk's breathtaking abs.
"Uh yeah, I'll just get a club sandwich, extra meat, extra cheese, and double side pickle, please. And two iced teas while you're at it" Kanen says with a wink, his voice filled with that deep swagger many surfers carried.
“Right... right, is there anything else?” Caleb murmured.
“Nope! You’re good to go…” Kanen squinted at Caleb’s name tag. “Caleb.” Kanen looked up with a grin. “Nice to meet you, Caleb.” It took Caleb everything he had not to melt at the surfer hunk’s words.
“That… that should be ready soon sir.” Caleb piped, turning and hurrying over to the counter. As he did, he quickly scribbled the order on a piece of paper. However, what Caleb didn’t realize was that he had scribbled Kanen's order underneath a previous order that had come and gone, a family meal in fact. Caleb blindly handed his uncle the order without noticing and went back to clearing tables and taking more orders, sneaking glancing at Kanen when he could. Ten minutes passed as Caleb continued to work, occasionally glancing up at Kanen while he did.
Caleb eventually began to zone back into his work, prioritizing his tasks, rather than gazing at Kanen. Caleb was in the middle of clearing a recently emptied table when he heard someone approach him from behind. He turned around and found himself staring at Kanen, who stood there with a smile on his face.
"Hey there again." Kanen greeted him. "Sorry to bother you, Caleb- but I was just wondering if you knew when my food would be ready? It’s been nearly fifteen minutes." Kanen said with an innocent smile.
Caleb felt his eyes widen. He hadn't realized how much time had passed since he took Kanen's order. "Oh- uh, lemme go check for you." Caleb said quickly as he rushed off to the counter, where his uncle was busy cooking.
"Hey, Uncle Finn!" Caleb gasped. "A customer asked when his food would be out, he's been waiting for fifteen minutes."
"Well, I sure as hell won't be able to figure out his meal if you don't tell me what it is!" Uncle Finn grunted back as he chopped the head off a fish.
"Uhh... '1 club sandwich, double pickle and extra everything' plus two ice teas... For Kanen Ariki." Caleb said aloud, feeling a little embarrassed by the situation.
Uncle Finn glanced across the orders above his head and frowned. "Son, I dunno what you did wrong but I don't have that order here." He muttered. "I DO have an order for one Kanen Ariki, and it does have that sandwich and those ice teas, but there's more than what you said."
Before Caleb could say a word, his uncle placed a full tray on the bench, and it was indeed not what Kanen had ordered; 2 extra large burgers and sides of chips, a large panini, a regular garden salad, A T-bone steak, 2 plates of fish and chips, A regular lasagna, a basket of garlic bread- and of course, the two ice teas and the club sandwich to top it all off.
"Oh Caleb..." Uncle Finn leaned on the counter and covered his eyes. "How did you mess this up." he looked up with a tired smile. "You truly are one of a kind, lad."
Caleb felt himself grow pale as he realized he had messed up.
"I- I'm so sorry..." Caleb murmured, and the boy felt his face go from pale to beet red.
Uncle Finn chuckled and placed a hand over his shoulder. "Don't worry about it kid. I know you'll do better next time, you always do. Just apologize and tell the guy there was a mixup and give him the things he ordered- bring the rest back to me so I can bin it."
Caleb nodded silently and took the tray of food, turning on one heel and quickly made his way across the restaurant. As he approached Kanen's table, he found Kanen smiling at him, but his smile quickly turned to confusion as Caleb set the tray down on the table.
"Hey bro... I didn't order all of this?" he said, confused.
"No you didn't." Caleb confirmed, avoiding eye contact. "I- uh… there was a mixup in the kitchen... and your order got put down with a previous order- but here."
Caleb picked up the plate with the gigantic club sandwich on top. Uncle Finn had used an entire loaf of bread, sliced through the half, and put all of the fixings inside to create the biggest sandwich both Caleb and Kanen had ever seen in their lives.
"W-woah dude... I said club sandwich, not a surfboard panini!" Kanen practically yelped, grinning from ear to ear. "Guess I'm getting my money's worth!" The tanned surfer laughed, a hand resting on his exposed belly. "Seriously dude... thanks for this... you're awesome!" He said. "But I wanted to ask, what's gonna happen to all of this?"
"Uh, I'll probably have to dump it." Caleb replied. "I can't give it to other customers who ordered the same thing. Health code, you know?"
Kanen looked down at the food with a frown. "You can't throw this all away. There's enough food here for a whole family..." he said, gesturing with his hands at the large amount of food in front of him.
"I know." Caleb felt awful, but he really didn't know what else could be done.
"Here, just leave it with me and I'll eat as much of it as I can." Kanen replied with a shrug.
Caleb blinked. "What?"
"It's either that or the garbage disposal, and I hate it when good food is wasted." Kanen grinned. "So yeah, leave it with me."
"Uh... okay, are you sure?" Caleb murmured, placing it all on the table, including the drinks, before picking the empty tray up.
"Yeah man, no worries, I'll see how much I can polish off. Thanks again!" Kanen smiled.
Caleb nodded and left it at that and hurried back to his uncle to give him the tray. When he got to the counter, Uncle Finn was watching Kanen closely. "So he decided to keep all that food huh? Better than chucking it in the bin I say." Uncle Finn said with a chuckle. "He's got one big ass feed ahead of him!"
"Uhh yeah..." Caleb murmured, still blushing as he glanced back to the surfer boy and his massive meal.
Kanen wasn't sure if he would even be able to eat this much food. Here, he had arrived for a simple sandwich, and now he had a family-sized feast on top of that. Kanen worked on his original order first, drilling through the club sandwich at a steady pace. The mix of meat, cheese, pickle and lettuce made an explosion of flavour in his mouth as the young stud savoured every bite of the huge sandwich. He ate slowly, enjoying each and every morsel. As he neared the end of his sandwich, Kanen noted that he felt full, his stomach holding its regular curve after a simple meal like this- but his meal was far from over.
"Wow, that was amazing..." Kanen murmured to himself as he took a long sip from his first iced tea, before sighing and wiping his mouth with a napkin. He already felt kinda stuffed though, he thought looking down at his bulging gut.
But there was no time to waste, the food was there, and it needed to be eaten. After he finished the sandwich, Kanen dug into his burger with gusto. The paddy was juicy and fresh, stuck to a slice of melted cheese and accompanied by fresh crisp lettuce, tangy sauce, onions, bacon and tomato. It tasted incredible as he ate it, savouring every bite. With one burger done, the second followed in no time at all. With both now in his steadily growing belly, the young stud took a moment to finish the rest of his first iced tea, sucking down the sweet peach juice like water after a run.
"*BUARRP!*" Kanen belched and blushed as two customers close by glanced at him, Kanen ran a hand over his developing stomach under his singlet, before working on his two sides of chips, each slice of fried potato cooked to perfection as he drowned them in tomato sauce and tore into them ravenously.
The young surfer felt like he could take on the world, his gut was slowly expanding and so full of good food that it felt like he had swallowed a small soccer ball. He had never eaten this much in one sitting before, but he had to admit that he felt great. His muscles were well-fed, and his mind was clear, he felt good, and he was ready to tackle anything that came his way.
With that thought in mind, Kanen worked on his last side of chips and began eating slowly as he watched the people around him. After a few minutes, Kanen moved on his panini. The crust was crisp and the fillings were warm and delicious. The beef was tender and the cheese gooey, the flavors mixing together perfectly. Even though he already felt overly stuffed, Kanen devoured the panini in only a few bites, pausing to take sips from his second iced tea until both the tea and panini were gone.
Kanen burped again, this time not feeling as embarrassed, largely because of how stuffed the surfer stud felt. His slightly bloated muscle gut had expanded substantially, stretching his singlet even further than before as his underbelly dug into the hem of his boardshorts. Kanen knew he wasn't going to be able to fit into his pants for a while.
Now Kanen sat there, stuffed to bursting, yet content. He stared at the remains of his meal; the salad, Steak, double order of fish and chips, basket of garlic bread, and large lasagna, and wondered if he should just leave it there. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. If he did, then he would feel guilty for wasting such a large amount of food, and besides- something about this whole situation he had ended up in felt... good?
In a way eating all this food made Kanen feel amazing. The very idea of pushing the limits of his stomach, even though he was stuffed to the brim made Kanen's body tingle, and the thought of how big his gut would become made him more excited. Kanen took a deep breath and made his decision, he was going to finish every last piece of this food, and then he was going to enjoy a good long rest.
Eager now, Kanen filled a glass of water and downed it in one gulp before he started with the garden salad and garlic bread; The salad was light and refreshing, while the Garlic bread was hot and gooey and crispy. By the time he was done, the surfer was sweating and moaning, his belly was distended so much that it now jutted off of his body a good few inches. He could feel it stretching his singlet further, his gut pushing against the fabric as it grew. it had even begun to slide up due to the great volume of his gut, revealing a slither of his hairless belly.
Steadily running out of steam, Kanen turned his attention to the large steak. Kanen cut the steak into bite sized pieces and began going to work; the meat was tender and juicy, he found after the first mouthful, the juices running down his chin and dropping onto the singlet straining itself around his enormous gut. The steak was served with a side of fries and salad, both of which the hunk was able to finish off with relative ease. Kanen pulled at his boardshorts, which were unbelievably tight now. Kanen burped again, feeling up his tank of a belly, enjoying the fullness and tightness it caused.
He had no doubt that many of the customers in the restaurant were staring at him, especially the ones who had been here since the start and had seen how much food he had consumed. After finishing off the Steak, Kanen felt his gut throbbing now, his abs and stomach muscles burning tight as his belly begged him to stop eating, and that only made him want to eat more.
Kanen realized that if he was gonna get through the remains of the food, he was gonna need more drinks. By some streak of luck, the waiter boy Caleb passed by to clear a table, although Kanen could see that Caleb was also using this opportunity to stare at the surfer's impressive belly.
"Hey... *URP* Caleb?" Kanen spoke up with a long breath.
Caleb turned right around to face him, his cheeks flushed red. Caleb couldn’t belive how huge he had grown!
"Y-Yeah?" Caleb asked nervously, his eyes darting between Kanen's bulging gut and the huge amount of food that was still piled on the table.
"Do you *HIC* think you could grab me two more of those *BUUARP* iced teas?" Kanen asked, resting his hands on his belly.
"Uh... yeah of course," Caleb replied, his voice shaking as he quickly walked over to the kitchen, returning five minutes later with two bottles of iced tea.
"Thanks," Kanen replied with a shy smile.
"No problem... just let me know if you need anything else," Caleb said,  his face growing redder by the second. "I- need to go clear more tables." Caleb rushed off and Kanen couldn't help but laugh to himself. The poor guy looked so flustered, but he didn't blame him. Kanen could only imagine what a sight his gut must be for everyone else.
The fish and chips were by far the hardest to eat, although the battered Cod and chips were crunchy and tasty, they were both dry, and Kanen found himself gulping down a whole iced tea between the two servings. As he polished off the seafood, Kanen felt his belly grow tighter and tighter, it was beginning to push against his waistband as his gut now took up a good portion of his lap. It seemed like he might have to pull down his board shorts if it continued to get any larger.
Kanen had to stop himself from laughing as he marveled at how big his stomach had gotten, he had never been this big before. "Holy shit..." Kanen muttered, looking down at his stomach, which groaned and growled as it struggled to digest the mass amount of food inside. After another glass of water to wash down his throat, the young surfer made his way to his final course, the lasagna.
As he cut into the lasagna, he was surprised to find that it was still warm; the cheese, mince, sauce and pasta sheets melting as he placed the first forkful into his mouth. Kanen had to stifle back a moan as he ate, the taste was incredible. Even though he felt on the brink of bursting point, Kanen devoured the dish with relish, watching his obscenely huge muscle gut creep forward a bit with each delicious, gooey mouthful.
Part of Kanen knew he had eaten past his limit, and yet somehow he was still pushing on, the engorged stud stuffing himself with every ounce of willpower he had. It felt like an eternity before the plate was empty, his gut bloated and stretched beyond its limits, the weight of his belly pressing on his thighs as he sat there. When he was done, Kanen felt like a new man. His belly was stretched to its maximum capacity, obscenely huge and distended, making him look 9 months pregnant. But Kanen was happy with the blissful fullness that came with eating so much food. The weight of everything he had eaten, the pressure in his gut, the strain of his abs and the heat of digestion made him feel so tired.
"Ahhhhhhh!" Kanen moaned loudly as he threw back his head and let loose another deep, manly belch, the sound echoing throughout the restaurant. He closed his eyes, trying to hold in the next one but failing miserably. "Bwuaaarrrp!" Another loud belch escaped the surfer's lips as he looked at the large stack of empty plates in front of him. Something about it made Kanen feel proud, like he was some sort of gluttonous beast who was being rewarded for his excesses.
And so, Kanen struggled to stand up from his seat, his belly was so heavy and his abs stretched to the absolute limit, his legs felt like jelly as it took the stud a moment to adjust to his newfound weight. His singlet had ridden up so much that it only encompassed half of his overgorged belly. Kanen felt all eyes on him as he swaggered over to the counter slowly, holding his gut in both hands like a newborn as he tried not to burp loudly again.
Up at the counter, Kanen found Caleb waiting; a look of complete awe on his face as he gazed upon the young surfer's huge stomach.
"I believe I... *HIC* have a *BUUARRPP* meal to pay for..." Kanen chuckled, patting his belly proudly.
"Oh my God," Caleb gasped. "I can't believe you ate all that." Caleb began to grin from ear to ear. "That was incredible man... I've never seen someone pack away that much food!"
"Thank you *BWARP* Caleb..." Kanen laughed slowly. "I think I've *HIC* had my fill..." Kanen chuckled, his stomach wobbling slightly as he let out another burp, handing the young waiter his credit card, but Caleb shook his head.
"It’s on the house man." Caleb smiled. "You earned it."
Kanen lay sprawled out on the hood of his car as he watched the late afternoon sun dwindle on the horizon, the sky turning orange as the evening approached. The young stud had one arm behind his head, and the other wrapped around his gargantuan gut, releasing satisfied burps as he sighed contently. He felt so full... so fucking full... but so good too. The tightness, the weight, the size of his belly all felt incredible.
Kanen let out a long sigh as he brought his hand from his swollen belly down to hard manhood, stroking himself idly as he basked in the glow of his accomplishment. This had been quite possibly the most fun he'd ever had in his life. Eating so much food had left him completely exhausted and drained, his muscles ached and his mind was fuzzy from all the food he had forced into his system, but despite all that, Kanen wanted to see what other places did with order mix-ups.
This summer was going to be fun with people like Caleb around.
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