#years apart. shes a taurus too we really have such similar personalities.
lesbianjonimitchell · 5 months
today is a good day :-) i went to see anna and she got all giddy when she saw me so i think she was genuinely happy to see me. it was so sweet, shes so sweet. im making my favourite tofu dish for dinner. i bought a new record player that i can connect my bluetooth headset to! i know its not gonna be the best sound quality wise but i dont listen to records anymore because i dont want to bother my neighbours. so. its gonna enable me to actually listen to my records again! im so excited!
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mirrorballls · 3 years
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* jacob elordi, male + he/him  | you know stephen maldonado, right? they’re twenty-three, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, their whole life? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to jerk by the front bottoms like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole dark denim jackets littered in pins paired with ratty white nikes, brow seemingly held frozen in a consistently furrowed brow, and empty bottle of mountain dew code red stuffed with cigarette butts thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is november 13, so they’re a scorpio, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
one more time with feeling (until i stupidly take up my fourth muse ASAP).  liz (she/they, 23, est) AKA auld liz syne#2288 on discord.edu. anyways every squad got the Extremely Normal Guy and sometimes that’s stephen. 
full name:  stephen casey maldonado. birthday:  november 13, 1997. big three:  scorpio sun, capricorn moon, taurus rising. sexuality:  bisexual. occupation:  guest service representative at the palm motel. neighborhood: grew up in the orion avenue area, now lives in delphinus heights.
stephen was raised by irving stock. his parents were hometown sweethearts that started dating when his mom was a sophomore and his dad was a junior and somehow, they made that last. they never wanted more than to live in their little home by the beach with their family and the community they were so attached to. his mother was a social worker and his father was a firefighter and they loved their little suburban life. they had kids and got involved in their neighborhood play groups and that classic idea of the little house and the two kids and an abundance of hometown spirit.
death tw. when stephen was seven, his dad died. it was sudden, unexpected, not even related to his work or anything. it was just like one morning he was there and the next he wasn’t. and it hit his family hard. he had always been close with his dad, and after this, he became immortalized to stephen as a hero. he still bumps into people in irving who’ll have a story about how his dad, who he barely got to know, and how he was this amazing guy that he should strive to be like. it’s given him something of a complex. he’s got this idea of the person he needs to be an he’s scrambling to piece that together. it’s just not as easy to him as all the old stories lead him to believe it would be.
through it all, his mom and his sister grew closer, and stephen began to feel like something of an outsider in his own family. it wasn’t their fault, it was natural. they had things in common, a similar temperament, just these natural things bonding them that stephen wasn’t apart of. he was already spending a lot of time hanging out at other neighborhood kids houses while his mom worked, so it wasn’t a stretch for him to stick around when he realized he had more fun there than at home. so he became one of those kids that would just bounce between friends houses and look for any opportunity for a group hang or sleepover. 
middle school stephen was that kid who wanted to be really funny and athletic and likable but always fell short. he wasn’t horrible by any means, he was just kind of a dork, by middle school standards. when high school came around, he was determined to rebrand himself, and it sort of worked. he grew out of his awkward phase, got a pass for his daily uniform of ratty flannels and hand-me-down levis from his mom’s friend’s kids, because now it was grunge and it was an aesthetic. he never had the confidence to try and pass himself off as Truly Cool, but he found a way to make his whole thing work as like a pretentious kind of cool guy. 
but what he did not realize is while being pretentious earned him street cred with a certain group, it also made him kind of a jerk. he always had to be right or like assert his opinion even when no one fucking asked. bit pathetic. but sometimes that’s the price of being a depressed indie king....
when he graduated, he got into hospitality. part of it was a fluke: when his friends all went off to college, he needed a job. so he took one working nights at the palm motel, because it was the best pay he could find and he was still able to sleep in on weekdays which was an epic win in his mind.  in the end though, he ended up loving it. it’s corny and he’d never admit it to anyone because he has a reputation to uphold, but he loves getting to feel like he’s giving the tourists that come through town a special little home away from home. he knew he loved the feeling of getting away, even if it was just down the street, when he was a kid, and he likes giving that feeling to other people. it was also around this time he started getting serious with his girlfriend and they moved into their own little place they could barely afford but still skillfully and thriftfully decorated and it felt like everything was really coming together.
like sure it wasn’t his parent’s perfect marriage and beautiful community serving jobs, but it felt like something close. something precious he could have and be proud of and use to get to sleep at night with a hope that his dad would be proud too, if he could see it.
but that was years ago, and now things have taken a turn for the worse. things lose their glimmer, over time. he still loves the idea of working at the motel, and has even worked his way up the ranks over his time there, but now working as a guest service rep, he’s dealt with enough pissed-off moms and spring breakers that fuck shit up for fun to last him a lifetime. “disgusting-little-man”gate hasn’t been great for business and he’s having to face the facts that there may not be much else for him left at the palm, but he’s also too broke to really stop and reassess the situation. icing on the cake has been his recent breakup and his car getting two flat tires at once, landing him in the ideal situation: living with his ex-girlfriend that he still has feelings for with no clue what’s gonna happen next in his life. funny sadman falls on hard times :pensive:
plotting ideas.
friends/acquaintances because he’s weirdly socialized!
enemies/people he’s pissed off being a pretentious [redacted]!
it’s always weird to ask for cousins but honestly i love extended family stuff be my cousin.
tinder date he fucked up by being too emotional about being recently dumped!
tinder date that went better and they hooked up but then he ghosted because he’s a bit out of it!
i’m out of ideas to just vaguely list but..... we talk and we plot something amazing okay?
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satans-helper · 4 years
Dig A Little Deeper
Thank you for the tag, @beautifulcinephile 🍀
Do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? Black, always. 
Would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? Probably the happy medium of the suburbs? If I really had to choose, I’d go with the county, especially if I knew I’d still only have a short drive into the city. It would take a lot of adjusting for me to move so far out into the country that the city is like, more than 15 minutes away, but I do love fresh air and nature more than anything else and the quiet beauty of the country always appeals to me.
If you could learn a new skill, what would it be? I would really like to become a better cook. 
Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? I will drink coffee any way you give it to me, though I do usually prefer cream and sugar in it (especially if it’s iced) and I drink tea as is. Unless I’m sick, then I’ll throw some honey in there. Also Earl grey tea always needs milk.
What was your favorite book as a child? The Runaway Bunny when I was really little. I also really, really loved I Spy books and still have all of mine.
Do you prefer baths or showers? Literally just sitting in a tub full of dirty water doing absolutely nothing is not for me. Showers all the way.
If you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? I’d love to be something brilliant and beautiful like a vampire or some woodland nymph but I think I was meant to be a harpy
Paper or electronic books? Paper! 
What is your favorite item of clothing? My black, red and orange striped sweater; my baby blue loose-knit sweater; my Radiohead North American 2018 tour shirt; my Chicago hoodie; my Def Leppard t-shirt; my GVF t-shirt; honestly all the t-shirts 
Do you like your name? Would you like to change it? My name is great. I’m the only Zara.
Who is a mentor to you? Nick Cave
Would you like to be famous? If so, what for? Not really, though gaining some sort of recognition for my writing has always been a goal of sorts. I feel like most writers never really get “famous” anyway, you’re really only famous within a particular realm of literature. But like, the thought of actually putting together and publishing a collection of poetry and having people buy it would be astounding. 
Are you a restless sleeper? Always. It’s a lot worse these days. I’ve managed to sleep through one night over the past like, three months. Trying to fall asleep is struggle, staying asleep is an even bigger struggle. This is why I don’t like going to bed nor do I like sleep in general lol it’s hard to enjoy something that’s entirely unenjoyable! 
Do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? I feel I am far more of a “romantic” person in the sense of the artistic and intellectual movement more so than the contemporary, common definition. But I’ll get back to you if I ever get a real opportunity to try.
Which element best represents you? Earth
Who do you want to be closer to? Myself, but in a healthier way.
Do you miss someone at the moment? Not really
Tell us about an early childhood memory. I remember getting one of those spinning, flailing sprinklers that was just like a big flower one summer when I was in preschool. I feel like only 90s kids would know what I’m talking about. But it was pink and it was so awesome and the memory of its tactile feeling is so vivid.
What is the strangest thing you have eaten? I don’t know if I’ve ever eaten anything all that strange? Fried alligator, which is amazing. I tried this canned pork by-product once, similar to Spam but not, that was okay. Eel. I’d like to try more “strange” things.
What are you most thankful for? All my basic needs being met; my friends; my health; my abilities; nature.
Do you like spicy food? I fucking love spicy food and crave it constantly. I have a bottle of Frank’s Red Hot on my desk right now. Need that heat and need that spice!
Have you ever met someone famous? I met Caesar Milan LOL
Do you keep a diary or journal? No. I really do advocate for a lot of people to give it a shot but journaling never did anything for me.
Do you prefer to use pen or pencil? Pen for sure
What is your star sign? Taurus sun
Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? A solid in-between. I love getting that crunchy top later but then a couple spoonfuls down, you get it a little soggier but still relatively crisp. I love cereal in all forms.
What would you want your legacy to be? My trailblazing fan fiction LOL really, any of my writing, as long as I’m proud of it. And being known for always being passionately true to myself and my values.
Do you like reading? What was the last book you read? I do like reading. I used to love reading but higher education put a damper on it for me. I’ve been trying to read more and have successfully read a number of books over the past few months--most recently, I reread Weetzie Bat, which is one of my favorites. 
How do you show someone you love them? Quality time. You wanna hang out? I’m down, I don’t care what we do. Buying food sometimes, too. 
Do you like ice in your drinks? I never really use it myself apart from when I’m making myself a cocktail of some kind.
What are you afraid of? Everything, truly. 
What is your favorite scent? Anything pine-heavy, dark and/or woodsy; jasmine; basil.
Do you address older people by their name or surname? Their first name
If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I would not work, for starters. And I would travel. Eat amazing food, always. Get another degree. Be free.
Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? The last time I was in either was a decade ago and, being a fragile 26 year old currently, I’m gonna go with pool. Pools don’t have threats living within them. The ocean is beautiful and I miss it but terrifying to me
What would you do if you found $50 in the ground? Did I see someone drop it? No? Then I’m keeping it. 
Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish? Yes, I’ve seen a few and yes, I did.
What is one thing you would want to teach your children? Study hard, but also have fun.
If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? I’m pretty set with my tattoos right now lol
What can you hear now? The a/c and my coworker rifling through a plastic bag in the break room 
Where do you feel the safest? In the sun, surrounded by trees and flowers. Also just home, whether it be my literal home or my city.
What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? My crippling...unprecedented...exhausting anxiety and panic
If you could travel back to any era, what would it be? The 70s could be fun. Why not?
What is your most used emoji? Well, I’m on desktop now, but I think the pine tree or the pink heart 
Describe yourself using one word. I’m using two because no synonym for the phrase really has the same effect: on edge.
What do you regret the most? I just keep telling myself “no regrets” no matter what. 
Last movie you saw? I rewatched Moonlight.
Last TV show you watched? Community
Invent a word and its meaning. I got nothing.
I tag @mountainofthesunn @oblvions @imacrowcawcaw @ashesandacidrain @cantbehandled-ever @shes-outta-sight @supersonic-darling @juvinadelgreko if y’all want ~~
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gg-astrology · 4 years
Can you tell us 10 things about you? and about ur friends irl? How u met them/ how long u know them/ what u like to do with them? This is gonna sound nosy but how's ur love life hdjsks LISTEN YOU'RE LIKE MY DREAM BEST FRIEND AND I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU AND ACT LIKE WE'RE TOTES HOMIES OKAY IM A VIRGO SUN PISCES MOON smh a girl is cURIOUS AND (platonically) IN LOVE WITH YOU 😖❤❤❤❤
Hey there!! 💕💓❤️ Oh wow!!!! 💕💓❤️💕💓❤️ Don’t worry this is fine!! I’m actually -- like, really happy and giddily flustered you’d want to get to know me!? 💕💓❤️ I’m really flattered and really grateful/touched aaaaaaa only virgo/pisces deserve rights, my current wife is also a virgo/pisces this is obviously some kind of synastry destiny (jk *wink wonk?*)!! 💕💓❤️thank you for caring about me!!! 💕💓❤️💕💓❤️💕💓❤️💕💓❤️
Yeah sure!! 💕💓❤️I can tell you more things about me!! 💕💓❤️
Disclaimer? I think it’s good for the audience to know where I’m coming from and who I am? I just think transparency/knowing who you’re talking to is important because knowing who I am, can also help you and me see where my flaws are and where I may be coming from! 💕💓❤️ Or what I provide, but where I might miss my mark somewhere, y know? 💕💓❤️ Not to say you have to judge me, I just don’t see the point in not just being who I am and saying yeah I can see where I took the L there. It’s just-- better? for future endeavors as well? So here we are? 
More about me? In sections?
10 things about me? 
I’ll start with this since it’s the shortest!
This may come off as totally random but I do better in colder climate than hotter ones -- even though I currently live in a tropical island 
I used to live in the US!
I actually have a designated place where I go to sit, open up my laptop and answer asks from tumblr. I sit outside my little patio and stare out at my garden, and then answer qs from here!
This means I’m always subjected to the Wild Life coming at me unexpectedly sometimes, but my cat also visits me at my table! So it balances out! 
My favourite drink is milk but I like plant-based ones, or rice milk? Or the lactose free ones! They’re delicious! 
Cherries are my favourite snacks but I usually get them once every 3 months -- so the result is I don’t tend to snack often. This is by design of me trying to Not Snack + using my pickiness to weaponize against myself and my eating habits.
To unwind I watch cat/animal videos on youtube before I go to sleep - it’s not very effective because I have to keep my eyes open to see, plus I always end up making cooing noises at the screen -- so I’m not sure when if it’s actually making me sleepy or not. But it’s working so far so I’m continuing to do it.
I have very specific knowledge of certain things in very acute details + link/resources of further studies on the topic, but otherwise I have 0.5 braincells most of the time, just a lot of Forbidden Knowledge.
I have a folder of cursed memes and that’s all you need to know about my sense of humour I think? 
Love life?
I am currently single! 💕💓❤️ Gf application is always open! 💕💓❤️ However, I’d like everyone of you to know I’m a 95 liner and I will not accept applications from those born after 98′ 💕💓❤️
Although I’m bi + had ex-bf before... I am (as of right now) on the fence about men personally in my personal life (disclaimer) because I’ve got a week of quarantine, thus I haven’t been doing the do and can think clearly for once. I am contemplating. Men. And the necessity in life. Y know? 
Although my love life is free!! I am not excused from the occasional panic of having a crush (annually). I’m lucky enough to go through it just once every year, but every time it happens I am an absolutely clown + always in turmoil. It’s what happens when you’re a sag venus who can’t control your p***y brain. Luckily, my crush just have to insult me or make me explain things from my past and then I’d be too traumatize to crush on them again. It’s quite effective, and works out best for all of us! 💕💓❤️
I’ll refrain from talking about my ex because I know I have a habit of recounting the good and being mushy. Even if we ended it on rocky terms. So! I’ll save everyone from that. 💕💓❤️    
Friends (expanded, clarifications?) 
The ones I mention on the blog are usually 
leo/cap (x2), 
libra/aries (x2), 
Oof that’s alot.. This might be better to outline in a timeline format... so leo/libra, scorpio/sag, libra/aries and partially virgo/sag are whom I grew up for the majority of my childhood-teenage life! 💕💓❤️ 
They obviously made a very big impact on me! 💕💓❤️ They’re with me through thick/thin, leo/libra (sag rising) is the extrovert of the bunch. He’s one of my best friends, close guy friend, most of the time I too find him a little exasperating because he’s.. well its his problem so nevermind, but he’s also very endearing! 💕💓❤️ If it wasn’t for him-- well, there’s also another leo I thought was very endearing in a little brother kind of way. So leos to me have a very positive influence in my life, they’re very cute especially when they ask for your attention. I think they are like puppies/kitties when they are needy, and their blatant way of just being themselves always makes me feel refreshed + I  admire them for it. In the end, I’m totally heart-eyes endeared for Leos! 💕💓❤️
Scorpio/sag is also my best friend! 💕💓❤️ She’s a taurus rising, and she’s so sweet, kind, chatty and very open/friendly to people! 💕💓❤️ Her, my cousin (who’s also a scorpio but a scorpio/pisces), and quite a few of my other best friends who are scorpios - actually made me realize they’re not like what they’re usually describe as. Maybe that’s just me? But I think they’re very sweet and comforting to be around, not to mention they’re quite supportive and willing to listen when you’re having a tough time with something!! 💕💓❤️The pillar of support and one of the few rare people I don’t mind interacting with (actually crave interacting with them) because of just how chill they are, I wish more people recognize that in a scorpio! 💕💓❤️
Libra/Aries is one of my longest childhood friend, probably from birth! 💕💓❤️ He’s a supportive big brother type figure. But he can be very silly and he doesn’t hold himself so seriously most of the time! 💕💓❤️ Whilst he’s very understanding and quite nosy with others, he tries to be subtle/sleek but he isn’t! I think he’s very endearing when he wants to be, and he deserves someone who loves him lots as well 💕💓❤️ We reunited for the first time in 6 years the other day? And I think we both ended up crying a little and holding hands because we miss each other alot! 💕💓❤️ It was very nice, I think he’s much more emotional (just suppressed) than what people realize! 💕💓❤️ He’s very caring though - like willing to talk you through your problems and make sure you’re taken care of, back on your feet, but also willing to smile scarily at people who’ve hurt you and actually take them to court/yell at them for you. I think its very sweet! 💕💓❤️
Virgo/Sag is someone I hung out with for a short period of time, but kept in contact with periodically throughout my life because we ended up going through similar majors/path in life! 💕💓❤️ She’s someone who’s very caring, wants to take care of you, when she’s endeared by you she makes sure to dote on you often! 💕💓❤️ Actually, she’s born a day after Namjoon I think? But that’s not the point, the thing is - she’s my virgo/sag and when she’s not by my virgo/sag she’s super cool and I can see that many of our friend respects her/think she’s very mature + she’s the Shit! 💕💓❤️ I really admire her too and I think she’s super cool, but more than that, I love how caring and tender she is. She’s the best 💕💓❤️
These are the people I grew up with, and then I went to college and met/lived with Scorpio/Cap + Pisces/Scorpio+Aqua. 
Scorpio/Cap and I actually hit it off since the first day? We were in orientation, and we’re both talkative I guess! But in similar ways. He appreciates my bluntness/sense of humour and I like that he’s sarcastic and the only one engaging enough to be around/paying attention to what’s happening. We went to a house party together and then had 1 class together the semester. After that, me and him decided we’d live together off campus (along with our other friend who fell through, I think he’s a Leo?) - whilst we lived together we share majors in the same division, on holidays or at night after class, we’d grab dinner together + walk there, or we’d eat at home and binge watch a marathon he’d pick together. 💕💓❤️ It’s really fun! 💕💓❤️ 
Both of us like cooking, so he’d make dishes/drinks and I’d do that and we’d coerced each other to hang out in the living space together. Basically, we’re there to force each other to socialize/hang out with people and also encourage each other. It’s very fun! But we also had moments where we’d buy each other dinner/go to art galleries/exhibit together. There’s more serious too of course, like talking about our problems or worrying about stuff. But I think I found someone who looks out for me/I can look out for him, be confidants for each other and not be embarrassed with each other. Besides this, he also found my p0rn collection and suddenly mentioned it when we’re on campus so now I can never unfriend him because he has blackmail material on me. I’m forced to be his friends forever now. 
Pisces/Cap and Pisces/Aqua are my roommates after Scorpio/Cap - actually, Pisces/cap invited me to live with them when I was finding a place, it was very fortunate! 💕💓❤️ We’re all close friends because we live in the same hall during first year, plus me and Pisces/cap (and a Gemini friend) would get drunk + go to parties together so!! This is very convenient! 💕💓❤️
Actually.. Pisces/cap, me and Gemini friend.. I went with Gemini friend to buy his apartment with him (along with his friends, I’m good friends with them too) and Pisces/cap went with him to buy furnitures lmao! 💕💓❤️ And then me and Pisces/cap moved in together, although I didn’t room with them. I roomed with Pisces/Aqua whom till this date is my favourite roommate I’ve ever lived with! 💕💓❤️
It’s a little messy with Pisces/Cap but not in a? bad way? at all? Like we’re close friends who still talk often, but they did confess once over the holidays, and I turned them down (that was when I was about to move in) - we did make out along with pisces/aqua but like.. that’s... I guess that’s normal for college y know? We did a couple projects together for their class, like a comic about me and gemini friend, poems, photography, I drew them something. And I think they did have something with Gemini friend as well but! Gemini friend moved away on the last year so it never went anywhere there. 
But these are all good memories we had together and it’s not like-- bad at all, I don’t ever think badly at them for it because it was honest to them/for them, it was their emotions and tenderness from the heart? I can’t ever look down on anyone for that or judge them for being true to themselves, I actually think they’re very brave to be able to heal themselves and process things especially involving emotions like that. I also think these are all precious and honest memories, being friends with them definitely helped me grow my EQ by so much. Without them, I’d be very close-minded today! 💕💓❤️ 
Pisces/aqua is my roommate for a long time, and I love them to bits too! 💕💓❤️ They have two cats, both I love so so much and would sacrifice getting up for very often! 💕💓❤️ More than that, Pisces/aqua is so smart and able to pick things up immediately! It’s honestly very admirable, how they pierce things together. Whether it’s tarot or astrology, they’re the one who got me into this actually? 💕💓❤️ It was their interest before it became mine through proxy or maybe osmosis lmao, but they’re quite judgey and sometimes have a ? idk, superiority complex/elitist attitude towards stuff sometimes? So I never really talked about it much with them because it can get really frustrating sometimes 💕💓❤️ I do love them lots though, I can be ignorant of a lot of things and really slow on the uptake, but they’re very nice and kind and patient with me - honestly they’re as patient as a saint sometimes with me. And I’m really really thankful to them for it! 💕💓❤️ They’re getting married this year to a Scorpio! 💕💓❤️
Taurus/taurus and Cancer/cancer are my college best friends. Actually we hang out outside of class too! 💕💓❤️ I celebrated cancer/cancer’s birthday with them and their friends/roommates and it’s really fun. Heres why it’s -- like, momentous. It’s because my college classmates are more like colleagues or co-workers, so we don’t usually have that kind of camaraderie outside of first year. Plus, we’re all kind of working or busy with our private life outside of class - so it’s hard to reconvene that with who you know in classrooms. 
They like their private life separated from the college one, which is what I prefer as well. I really adore them though, since we have a major that usually makes us get little to no sleep and have to stay at school at night-till morning most nights (for programs on the computer or printing facilities, rip) -- they’re the one who would either stay up with me, working together at the same table and we can ask each other for fresh eyes on our work. Or they’d motivate me to go home and not be stupid to stay at school. Or they’d drive me home so they know I get back safely/on time. It’s just -- I adore them so much they’re very very good! 💕💓❤️
Taurus/Taurus is also a college best friend whom I befriended later on in the years, they’re really sweet! 💕💓❤️ We have more of a friendship where we spend time outside together, walking in the city trying out a new cake store or just going back to their place to play games or talk about what else we have going on in our lives. They’re really busy!! Since they’re involved in church activities, they travel to another town an hour away every sunday - their dedication to their work, school and church (AND spending time with their fiance’s family + fiance) is amazing! 💕💓❤️ They also got me my first job at the firm they’re working in, in our last years - I made sure they’re not too tired and get their work done on time so they don’t rush their finished project. Or give better advice if the teacher is making them fume. I really like them lots too, we had alot of fun together AND they’re a foodie! 💕💓❤️
There’s another Libra/Aries whom I knew from college, while I was still living with Scorpio/Cap - I was in another town/not the same town as the Pisces back then. But Libra/Aries was close and she’d come by often! We’d travel the city together, lay on the lawn, go to parks together or exhibit. They’re very proactive and we spend a lot of time talking about work and projects, personal interests, when we watch movies together - we’d spend time sitting in cafes after watching them to talk for hours/until closing about the movie ( ‘we have alot to unpack’) -- they’re a lot of fun to talk to because they’re just as intense about stuff! 💕💓❤️ And their interest is genuine, give good hugs, a little too loud for our cats but she means well! 💕💓❤️ 
This is brief recount of everyone, mostly focusing on activities we did together but knowing them as people obviously made a big impression on me! 💕💓❤️ 
Leo/Caps are people I met since I finished college/working now, they’re my two admins on the blog actually! 💕💓❤️So internet friends, but I really click with and they’re soothing + fun to be around when I’m home/anywhere! 💕💓❤️ 
Sag/Taurus is also another internet friend, I’ve known her for a year now? But man, every conversation is an adventure and she’s so fun to be around! 💕💓❤️ Also very sweet and an extremely kind person, in a fire sign kind of way. Which means a lot of gawking from me and very loud laughs. But yes! 💕💓❤️ Very good people! 💕💓❤️
I do have friends from work... but well we’re not close enough for me to actually consider them good friends/talk about them personally? They’re nice! But I have yet to form a more positive opinion about them - it’s positive and negative, so I’ll see who survives and come through as a person I’d like to hang out with outside of work. 💕💓❤️
To Virgo/Pisces anon: 
Here’s my best friend application do I make the cut please reply 💕💓❤️
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remuswriting · 4 years
Sugarawa x Remus self-ship ‘hcs’
List of questions can be found here
I am sad and needed something to help cheer me up, so I did this.
You’re totally welcome to ship us if you’d like.
1. Where was your first date?
All of my first dates I’ve gone on were out to eat and were so boring because the energy was so awkward.  I planned all those dates, so he probably took control over this one.  We probably go on a picnic date in a park that I really like.
2. Who normally plans the dates?
Him 100%.   We were definitely friends before we started dating and he knew I’d get overwhelmed and just make napping a date
3. What type of dates would you two mostly go on? Do you guys have a “date spot” ?
We like to do pretty interactive dates, so ones where you’re not sitting in a restaurant.  Maybe going to bookstores and picking each other out a book.  Or maybe movie night but we go to a movie rental shop to get the movie, popcorn, and candy.  Our ‘date spot’ isn’t really definitive, but we probably end up going to the park the most.
4. What kind of date do you think the both of you would enjoy together the most? Why?
Interactive dates like I said above.  I know all dates are quality time with someone else, but ours kind of intensify it.  Our dates require us to be more alone together, even in a bookstore we end up back together in the end and then maybe go read at our park.  Just spending time together outside of the house and also being alone at the same time.
5. How do you think your friends would feel about them being your bf/gf/partner?
I actually asked my best friend this question because she also watches Haikyuu and she said she’d be shocked.  She’d be extremely happy for me, but shocked that I managed to actually talk to him.  My other friends would be okay with him; he and I are pretty similar, so they’d think it was a good match.
6. How do you think their friends would feel about you?
I think Daichi and Asahi would like me because we were already friends before. I’m not sure who all he stays close friends with after high school, but I doubt any of the Karasuno boys would hate me. Noya and Tanaka may be very wary of me because they obviously love and care about Sugawara.  Kageyama and Tsukishima would literally not care, because it’s not their relationship.
7. Who would most likely help the other study when they’re struggling in a class?
He would definitely have to help me.  Struggling in a class doesn’t really mean I’m bad in it but that I just can’t concentrate.  I am shit about math and science, but I could make pretty good grades if I was able to just focus on studying.  Suga would definitely help me focus though, because studying with other people always helps me.
8. How would you know them? ( ex: same homeroom, same route to school, etc.)
I’ve put so much thought into this.  It would be freshman composition 1, which means we’re freshmen in university.  I’m sitting alone, way too early to class because it’s the first day, and Sugawara decides he will sit next to me, even though there are tons of empty chairs. He decides to ask me what I’m doing on my computer because ‘you’re typing a lot’ and I tell him I’m writing. Every day he asks me to tell him a new thing about what I’m writing, and we end up pairing up for a group project and become friends.
9. What do you think your first impression of them would be?
Definitely ‘holy shit he is so pretty, why is this really beautiful guy so pretty’ and then he talks to me and I’m really trying to hold in my gay panic because ‘even his voice is pretty, I have never seen a man as pretty as this one.
10. What do you think their first impression of you would be?
Probably thinks I’m shy (I’m kind of am but not really) and thinks it’s cute how flustered I get when he starts talking to me.
11. Who’s more awkward in the relationship?
Me.  I’ve been in a lot of relationships, but they were all disasters, so I’d be pretty awkward because I’m not exactly sure on what to do.
12. Who initiates verbal affection more?
Me.  I’m not very touchy, even in relationships, and my love language is heavy on words of affirmation.
13. Who initiates physical affection more?
Suga.  I think he’s more into PDA to show his love.  We’d probably come up with a compromise, because I’ll do PDA but physical touch cause me a lot of anxiety at times.
14. Who gets more embarrassed by verbal affection?
I think we’d both get embarrassed when receiving it, but he’d also get embarrassed when saying it while I wouldn’t.  Even though verbal affection is my love language, but I still get embarrassed when receiving it (attention can make me embarrassed in general); I’m super confident at giving it.
15. Who gets more embarrassed by physical affection?
Me.  I’ve already said it can give me anxiety and that’s the main reason why I’d get embarrassed.
16. How well do you think your music tastes would mix? Would they like the music you listen to? Would you like the music they listen to?
I have absolutely no clue. Sugawara doesn’t seem like the kind of person who listens to sad music on repeat.  He’s into more of Disney and anime openings/endings.  I wouldn’t have any problems listen to what he listens to, I just hate country music.
17. Who is the one more likely to keep the other in check? ( ex: keeping up with studies, making sure the other isn’t skipping class, etc.)
He definitely always having to keep me in check.  I struggle with depression, which has made me skip 3 weeks of class before.  His way of keeping me in check would be to schedule breakfast/lunch dates on campus, so I feel like I have to go to class to tell him about my classes.
18. How similar are your personalities?
We’re pretty similar. He’s more affectionate than I am with people.  I come off as pretty aggressive and cold, but I do care about those around me.  So, we’re both fairly caring and like to help others, but we’re both extremely chaotic.  I’m pretty sure I’m more chaotic than he is.  He likes to ensue chaos amongst people while I’m the person who sits in the middle of campus at 2am and campus police have to ask if I’m okay.
19. How compatible are your mbti’s?
I’m an INTP and he’s an INFJ.  I looked up the compatibility and it says it’s pretty strong.   I’ll just believe the internet. 
20. How compatible are your zodiac signs?
I think zodiac signs are really stupid, so I don’t really care about this one.  I’m a Taurus and he’s a Gemini.  I have like 3 friends who are Gemini and we get along just fine.  I think personality type is more important than zodiac sign.
21. Who would be the tattoo artist and who would be the florist?
Neither.  Sugawara is a barista at the only coffee shop that serves gluten free lemon cake near campus.  I’m the creative writing major, who is working on his huge project, that comes in every day he works.  I also definitely messed up my order the first time I saw him.
22. How big is the height difference?
           He’s 5’8” and I’m 5’1” so seven inches.
23. How would you describe your first kiss?
I’m going to let you guys in on a little secret; all first kisses suck.  Never base if you’re going to date someone because of a first kiss, because it is always awkward and lowkey sucks.  Our first kiss would be awkward, we definitely knocked noses and he had to grab my face to kiss me.  The kiss itself wasn’t bad, the entire experience was awkward though.
24. Would you confess first, or would they? How would it have gone?
Sugawara confessed first because I literally don’t know how to.  He was at my apartment studying while I was writing and I asked if I could read out some dialogue for him because I didn’t know if it was any good. He then just said “I really, really like you” and I was like “Cool, I like you too, now can I read out this dialogue?
25. Do you think they’d be good at your love language?
I have multiple love languages, I tied in all three of these; Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, and Acts of Service.  They end up tying into some of my mental illness, so they all really make sense for me.
I truly know that he would be good at my love language(s).  Spending quality time together is already a common thing for us and we tell each other we love each other all the time.  He praises me when I do good on things and just makes sure I know he loves me.  Acts of Service isn’t a love language that I am always in need of.  It’s mainly for when I become depressed to where I can’t really function like I typically do, and he helps me where he can.  When I need that type of love language, I don’t really want any words of affirmation because it causes me to feel guilty.  But him coming over (or home) and cleaning up the place before laying next to me and telling me about his day is something that would mean the world to me.
26. What do you think their love language is, and do you think you’d be good at it?
I firmly believe this man’s love language is physical touch.  I would do my best at it.  I may not do it all the time, but there would be times I would just know to do it because he needed it and that’s all that matters to me.  Over time I think I’d get better at it, but it could take years for me to get to a point where I was ‘good’ at it.
27. Why do you think they fell for you?
I don’t 100% know.  I know we’d be good friends, but something probably happened to make him realize he liked/loved me.  It was probably something of he was sad and texted me he couldn’t come over, but I ended up at his doorstep with his favorite food and his favorite chick flic saying that we were going to have the best night ever.
28. Why do you think you’d fall for them?
I fall extremely fast in relationships, it’s really sad to be honest.  He would make me laugh and happy.  Suga would definitely be supportive when I come out to him and told me he’d never see me differently no matter if I was trans or not.  Him being so accepting would probably make me fall in love with him.
29.  Are there any songs that remind you of your self-ship?
Please Notice (Christian Leave), Into You (Ariana Grande), Lethal Combination (The Wombats), Enchanted (Taylor Swift), Dazed & Confused (Ruel), Sucker (Jonas Brothers), Come Back…Be Here (Taylor Swift)
 30. Are there any cliché tropes that apply to your self-ship?
           Friends to lovers is the only one I know of.  I don’t know a lot about cliché tropes.
31.  Who would prefer cooking? Cleaning? Baking? None of the above?
Sugawara would prefer cooking while I prefer baking.  Cleaning would just be something we do together because we both have certain ways we clean things and have to work together on.
32. Who takes really aesthetic, elegant photos of the other?
We take turns in a way, but mainly me.  I hate getting my photo taken, so I’m taking majority of the photos.  He takes really elegant photos of me when I’m not paying attention though.
33. Who takes very unexpected, unflattering photos of the other?
Both.  We’ve made it into a competition of who can get the worst one.  I’m winning with the high quality people where I’m sitting on his seat, my eyes/forehead in the photo, while he looks atrocious because of the angle.
34. How would your (future?) careers work together? Would your schedules clash, or sync well?
I truly hate this question, because I don’t know what career I’m going to have.  I’d love to work in a publishing house, so we’ll go with that one.  Sugawara is an elementary school teacher, as you may already know because of time skip. Our schedules alignment would change pretty regularly depending on the project I have, but I’m always home to tell him to go to sleep and he can finish grading papers in the morning.  He refuses my help on grading because he says I’d be too intense on third graders.
35. Who would suck at games?
I’m assuming this means videogames and I straight up just don’t play any video games.  I’m pretty good at board games (besides Monopoly because I’ve never played it) and would destroy him at Clue.
 36. Who would let the other win at games?
Neither.  We’re both pretty competitive.  He gets pissed because I keep winning at board games when I barely even pay attention to the game though.
37. Who is messier?
Me.  I’m the kind of person that has a clean room before I wake up and suddenly it’s destroyed because I got ready.
38. Who would propose? Would either of you want marriage in the future?
Sugawara would 100% want to get married, but I’m pretty hesitant because of my past relationships and just view on marriage as a whole.  I’d most likely marry him, but that would be a huge talk.  He’d also be the one to propose and it was a huge proposal where we literally go to Disney World to do it.  I later tell him that he could’ve asked me while we were watching Bones and I would’ve said yes.
39. Where would your dream vacation be with your self-ship? What would you guys do?
Disney World and Universal Studios.  I want to live out my dream of getting the photographers of me kissing my boyfriend at Disney World and buying Hogwarts stuff at Universal.  He’s 100% a Slytherin and I’m a Hufflepuff with Slytherin tendencies, aka best pairing.
40. What are traits you have that would annoy/upset them?
I’m severely pessimistic and lazy.  Being lazy would annoy him, but I imagine that my pessimism would eventually piss him off.
41. What are traits they have that would annoy/upset you?
I don’t really know. He seems to be the kind of person that just does everything constantly, and it would annoy me.  He doesn’t know how to take a break and relax, which I do way too much of but that’s because I do a lot of stuff at once and then I relax for however long I can.  Suga doesn’t know how to do that though.  It would just be annoying; it wouldn’t upset me.
42. How often would you guys probably fight? What would they normally be about? Would they be big or small?
I don’t think we’d fight that much, but that’s because I ever get upset enough to actually fight. Sometimes I yell and tell people to actually listen, but that’s the extent of my typical anger.  Our fights would probably revolve around unhealthy habits. Probably tells me to stop being pessimistic and I try to explain it’s not that simple, and soon enough there’s a fight.  He definitely starts them because I think he’s so much more open about everything he feels compared to me.  We never insult each other or anything though, even if it’s a nasty fight.  The worst it has come down to was “I don’t want to see your face right now, I’m leaving” and I end up sleeping at a friend’s house.  The next day we calmly talk through it and the fight is done.
43. Who would probably get sick more often? Who would baby the other when sick? Who acts like they’re dying when they get a stuffy nose?
He definitely gets actually sick more than I do because my immune system is really good.  I tend to not feel good when I’m depressed, I have actually ran a fever because of it, but I’m not actually sick.  I don’t baby him at all.  My mother is a nurse and the most I was babied was when I was really young and had a severe case of the flu, besides that she sets out medications and tells us to drink water and sleep.  I would buy him soup (I have caught soup on fire before) and really cover him with blankets to make sure his fever goes down.  I act like I’m dying when I get a stuffy nose though and he just asks my mom want to get and buys it for me.
44. Who has the worst patience? Does the other balance this out?
I have the worst patience out of everyone I know, except my mother (where I got having no patience from). Sugawara has a lot more patience than I do because of being in volleyball and has to constantly tell me that we will get to the counter eventually when I complain that the line is way too slow and my version of Hell is waiting in a line.
45. Which one suggests trips to stores at 3am?
Me. No one is there that late, so it’s the perfect time to go.
46. Who is a morning person? Who is a night person?
He’s a morning person and I’m a night person.
47. Out of the two of you, who would be the one to kill / get rid of the spider?
Me. Spiders don’t bother at all.
48. Who reminds the other of things? ( ex: appointments, tests, etc.)
Sugawara has to remind me of everything.  I am overly forgetful and he tells me the night before as well as text me before the appointment.  He thought in the beginning of the relationship that getting calls the day before my appointment would truly remind me, but they don’t.  I forget what floor my doctor’s office is on and I’ve been going there for years, so remembering appointments is just extremely hard for me.
49. What is the pace of the relationship? ( ex: started dating after a few weeks, takes months/years, act couple like right off the bat, need time, etc?)
I’m not sure if I fully understand this, but he and I were friends for probably months before we started dating.  I may have liked him longer, but I’m used to guys not liking me back.  He probably liked me for a month and then awkwardly confessed.  We immediately started acting a couple once we started dating though.
50. Who said the first “ I love you”? Was it immediately reciprocated, or did the other person wait?
He said it first.  It slipped out when he was lying next to me on one of my bad days and was like “I just love you so much.”  He didn’t even freeze, at all, and I was pretty quiet because I wasn’t in the mood for talking to begin with.  I said it later when he brought me food, and he almost broke a plate in shock.
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margotverger · 5 years
The Planets of Hannibal Lecter
As some of you might be aware, I’m very much into astrology. I’m also very much into Hannibal (obviously) as a show, so as you can imagine, it’s one of my favourite things to do to headcanon astrological stuff about these guys. However! In Hannibal’s case, a headcanon may not be necessary. Since his canon birthday is available, let’s look to see what (logically) his placements are. I actually possess an astrological book with a guide to planetary placements throughout the years, so I’ll be referencing that (the book is Joanna Martine Woolfolk’s The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need, for those who are interested). The birthday is listed here:
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As we can see, his birthday is August 7th, 1966 (I believe that’s 1966, anyway). Ironically, I was just headcanoning Will’s age and birthday and I remember the common theory/fact? that went around some time ago that showed that Will and Hannibal were 6 years apart both in showcanon and bookcanon, and I had decided on Will being born on 1972 and so I already interpreted Hannibal as being a ‘66 kid. Glad to see I was sort of on the money, haha. A lot of this information that I’ve put down for you to understand the placements is a culmination of my own knowledge, with a little help from the same book. 
Anyway! So, let’s begin. Warning: this is a long one. 
His sun sign is in Leo, meaning that his basic identity is ego-orientated, dramatic, confident (yet a fragile ego) and bold. Leo is a fixed sign, which indicates that his basic nature is that of a stubborn, perfecting nature; he finds it hard to move from things, he is not the most initiative of people (he can be more reactive) nor is he necessarily adaptable when it comes to his identity. Leos are fire signs, which are known for their emotional intensity, their passion and their ferocity. Leos are also associated with the Lion, which indicates a feline nature as well as an association with pride. Similar to Libras, they have a vain nature, but Leos I would argue are more passionate and emotionally involved, their egos are more easily wounded and they’re much more vocal about their wounded egos (Mizumono, anyone?)
His moon sign is in Taurus, meaning that his emotional instinct is indulgent, stubborn, pleasure seeking, materialistic, and romantic. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, harmony and love; however, as opposed to its other Venusian sign (Libra), Taurus is a fixed Earth sign. They seek pleasures in the material world, they are possessive and physical, they don’t just want to think and appreciate beauty from a distance; they need it. The moon actually exalts in Taurus, so this is actually a really good placement for him, the lucky bastard. 
His mercury sign is Leo. Like his sun, he is dramatic and bold in his thought process; he is prideful and prone to arrogance, while having a fragile ego that conceals his repressed insecurities. Mercury is the planet of thought and communication, of processing and ideas, of messaging and travel. With Mercury in Leo, Hannibal is naturally gifted in eloquence; he possesses a magnetic charm that allows him to control things with ease, including others. There is a tendency to prefer to play than work hard, but there is a determination to succeed and to succeed well (especially if we look to his other placements). Mercury in Leo turns a person to someone who admires theatre and performance, and often their whole life feels like a stage; they are happy when on display (think of his performance as a serial killer, his irritability when others take credit). Mercury in Leos resent tediousness.
His Venus sign is Cancer. Venus is the planet of beauty, love, aesthetics, vanity and indulgence. To a Venus in Cancer native, being loved takes precedence over many things. In fact, in some natives’ charts, it can be the most important thing of all. In Hannibal, we see that manifest; indeed, he destroys his life, he may even abandon every one of his whims, desires, higher purposes, if only to be closer to the man he loves. He is a terrible romantic, sensitive and desperate. He hides this though, as all Cancerian Venuses do; he suppresses this need to be loved and to love in return beneath a mask, because until needs (whatever needs they may be depends on the person) are satisfied, romance is not worth pursuing, because if they want love it must be perfect - similar to its polar opposite Capricorn in love. There is an insecurity in Venus in Cancer - they want to be pursued, because they want their partners to prove that they want them. Of course, Cancer is cardinal, so it is more initiative than it seems, but they may be the sort to trick their partner into thinking they’re doing the first move, when in actuality Venus in Cancer put the stepping stones in place. Consider Hannibal’s seduction of Alana, Alana’s feeling of control and equality in that relationship; consider Hannibal’s relationship with Will, how he subtly tries to establish a dependency which then hides his own future dependency on Will. Even Bedelia, he approaches, and he allows Bedelia to think she has the power, but in actuality he is always the one in control. But he is intensely at love’s mercy, and when he finds someone worthy of all of his divine love, it is sensual, demonstrative, intense, sentimental and highly loyal - in Hannibal’s case, to its darkest extreme. Should be noted that Cancer is associated with mothers and nurturing, as well as family and children, and consider Hannibal’s maternal connection to others.
His Mars sign is Cancer. Mars is the planet of aggression, passion, drive and sex. Cancer subdues Mars somewhat; I believe it may be in detriment (since Capricorn exalts in Mars). Cancer Mars people such as Hannibal have a great strength of will, but not many people are aware of it. Hannibal appears soft, easy and well-mannered to people, and not everyone is aware of his method of attack (consistency, dedication, an unending will to get what he wants). He is naturally prone to an artistic, emotive nature. In sex, he is emotional and intuitive, and views sex as an extension of an artistic pursuit. He has to have involved partners, or he will just abandon them. There is a tendency to cling to relationships that may not be emotionally satisfying, or make him unhappy. He is prone to suppressing his anger until it comes out only in volatile outbursts or nervous irritability. Very well regarded for emotional work and breadth of vision.
His Jupiter is Cancer. Jupiter is the planet of benevolence, optimisim, luck, good will and other good things. It can also be too idealistic, too blind to bad things, etc. When in Cancer, it is very happy! Hannibal then is blessed with a good disposition and a natural sense of humour when approaching everything else. We can see this manifest especially in his sense of humour in dire situations, such as when Mason kidnapped him and Will. Generally, he approaches everything with a good nature (not good actions), and is optimistic towards himself and his own luck; he is aware of it. He has a natural popularity (which we can evidently see) which is helped by his Libra rising (more on that in another post). Jupiter in Cancer often indicates luck with money and especially inheritance, which we see manifest in the case of Hannibal very well, considering his nobility and his successful practise. He has an appreciation for antiques and food. Jupiter in Cancer folk often are incredible chefs.  (Disclaimer: however, not all JiC people are cannibal serial killers). 
His Saturn is Pisces. Saturn is the planet of patience, criticism, time and difficulty; where Saturn falls in a chart can indicate struggle before achieving perfection. Pisces is a deeply mystical, spiritual sign, associated with the higher realm. So, combining these, Saturn therefore doesn’t favour material success but rather perfection in a spiritual sense. Although Hannibal does love his material goods (see his Taurus Moon for example, and his braggadocious Leo sun/Mercury), he doesn’t value them on a soul level - they merely satisfy his sense of pride and serve as a medal of his achievements. Deep down, he is rather more interested and satisfied by something deeper. Hannibal is not religious but as I’ll mention later, God does factor into his character a lot, which does give him this spiritual energy. 
Pisces is deeply imaginative, associated with dreams; Saturn in Pisces natives such as Hannibal possess vivid imaginations and capabilities to think of the strange and wonderful, which then are translated into creative work. Hannibal is no doubt a very artistic person, although his art is gruesome and vicious, his killings are considered an art form even within the canon text. Hannibal has a natural air of sympathy and understanding that stems from a good intuition, which draws people to him instinctively; Saturn is also the planet of the father, so the paternal energy combined with the empathetic nature of Pisces makes him a figure of comfort and (oftentimes) projection that others seek. We know Hannibal to be capable of incredible empathy, he merely weaponizes (and monetises) it. 
Saturn in Pisces, more than any other Saturnian position, are sensitive to the harshness and viciousness of the world. Hannibal was introduced to violence at a young age, and has always understood and seen violence. He is aware that there is an evil in everyone, and believes that evil is inherent. In his case, he wants to pull it out - it’s probably to satisfy his suspicious Virgo Pluto, and to comfort his inner traumatised child, who was taken aback by it and so, when one is aware of others’ evil because it is right in front of you, you can’t be hurt by it. There is a child-like nature to Saturn in Pisces. Try as Hannibal might, he can’t run from the traumatised child inside him. 
His Uranus is Virgo. Uranus is the planet of the eccentric, the strange and innovation. It is quite similar to Pluto in the idea that they are both transformative in nature, but Uranus tends to be a much more extravagant, lofty kind, as opposed to the karmic darkness associated with Pluto. Virgo is the sign of servitude, healing, perfectionism and criticism. With Uranus in Virgo, the power of Uranus manifests as a capability to analyse and use facts well; Uranus in Virgo natives have a natural intuition combined with potent common sense, giving them a heightened awareness of the world and a way to navigate the world intelligently. They have a need to improve the world, while seeking complete autonomy in the process of fulfilling their ideals. They reject authority. Their independence can be heavily noticed by others and registered as strange or unusual. 
Hannibal is on a mission to transform the world in his idea of perfection; he rebels against God, manifesting himself as Lucifer among the living. He is the image of rebellion, against morality, against logic, against anything and everything. Yet he does it not for the sake of chaos necessarily but for the sake of chaos as a tool of higher ability. He wants to shape the world so that others embrace their most carnal, spiritual, raw selves as creatures of cruelty and passion, similar to the image of the Christian God (who loves and in His love causes immense suffering even through His worshippers). 
TW warning for mention of (real life) cults, but very vaguely.
His Neptune is Scorpio. Neptune is an outer planet, a generational planet, and Neptune is the planet of the vague, dreams, mysticism, confusion; it is associated with the sea and so we can imagine that Neptune is a planet of depths, some completely baffling to us. Where Neptune falls in our chart shows our greatest source of creative inspiration (it is the higher octave of Venus) and aestheticism, and also our most confusing issues, where people misinterpret us or where we have a less than solid understanding/way of handling something. 
Scorpio is the sign of intensity, sex and death. With Neptune in Scorpio, Hannibal is drawn to what is hidden from public view (the darkest parts of people’s psyches), to the areas of death, sex, possibly the depraved, the taboo (his reasons from being a psychiatrist, his time as a surgeon, his serial killer-y-ness in general). Neptunian Scorpios are capable of immense innovation, invention, and are generally drawn to sciences, medicines and genetics because of what they represent. Interestingly, unrelated to Hannibal, during the Neptune in Scorpio generation (1955-1970), there was a breakdown of sexual taboos in society (the swingin’ 60s, the beginning of the free love 70s), as well as a revival in belief of the supernatural, and one of the most notorious cults committed their grandest actions of cruelty during the Neptune in Scorpio era. 
His Pluto is Virgo. Pluto is the planet of transformation, re-invention, it’s a huge karmic planet and it is a very intense one. It’s also a generational planet. In Virgo, Virgo is the sign of servitude, perfection, criticism, communication and analytical thought. So, when a person has a Virgo Pluto, they are naturally gifted with a profound capability for analysis, for being able to see deep within the layers of people. They are intensely devoted to perfection, but are suspicious and fault-seeking in the world around them. May have a paranoid nature that is concealed. With Hannibal, we can see this nature, but he hides his nature very well; the only time his Virgo attributes really come out is when he’s trying to take advantage of them so others warm up to him (i.e fussing over his imperfect past in order to get pity). However, he clearly does have a very paranoid, pessimistic view of the world - he distrusts even God. He is constantly seeking perfection and can even be prone to idealism in search of it. 
Interestingly, during this era, the civil rights movement really saw success, and the feminist movement was growing in the mid 1960s (around the time Hannibal was born). Although this was very American-centric, Hannibal was born into a time of radical change, of growth and medical advancement. Unfortunately for Hannibal, he likely didn’t see the boons of this until later, but no doubt the Virgo-Pluto energy reached his home life in some other, probably much darker manner. 
So, in summation: we can see a theme of luxury, perfectionism, intense emotion, spirituality, sensitivity, pride and creativity. Actually, Hannibal’s chart fits him very well, in my opinion, and only furthers my opinion that the fanon belief that he is some cold heartless manipulator who only feels genuine emotion for Will is completely wrong. After all, what he feels for Will is powerful (and I will write more astrological compatible stuff for them soon) but he feels love deeply, and for a multitude of things. He is just also the worst manifestation of these traits.
Also, a disclaimer: just because you have these placements, doesn’t mean you’re as bad as Hannibal or are like, evil. Hannibal is a fictional character and his fictional chart represents only the neutral state of the stars and how he manifests as a character is a representation of underdevelopment and the general evil of his nature etc etc. If you do have these placements though, tell me if you resonate with it or relate to Hannibal! 
I’ll write a post on Hannibal’s House placements as well, as well as Will’s planets and houses too. Once there’s easily accessible information about the basic nature of their charts, I’ll start writing synastry posts as well, analysing the relationship through an astrological lens.
Thank you for reading this kind of pointless character study-type thing. Mwah.
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ratinthewall replied to your post: Hi! So your reread is both hilarious and I love...
so… this does mean you have to dish on your horoscope headcanons for the rest of the kids too :)
i mean this from the bottom of my heart: SO glad you asked. honestly the animorphs, except (appropriately) for ax, are like, so easy to identify with astrological archetypes when i went through it i almost thought these were all too obvious? like, oh, pegging the leader as a capricorn, real thoughtful. but just as jake is a capricorn not just because he’s the leader but because he is a million-year-old disciplinarian who hates himself and will throw down at the drop of a hat, the more i thought about all of these the more convinced i became.
cassie is a pisces. the elemental rules of thumb lead us straight to water for someone as ruled by her emotions, and as full of real respect for the power of emotion, as cassie; cassie herself, of course, has a number of meaningful interactions with water and water animals herself, from suggesting their trout morph to making friends with a psychic whale to channeling the whale to drown the veleek to the spiritual regard she has for dolphins to bidding aftran farewell in water form. pisces is associated with dreams and sleep, which also are recurring cassie motifs, from her reception of ax’s distress call to her interpretation of her own nightmares about choosing someone’s death in MM1 to the dreams that hint at the unraveling of the alternate timeline in MM4. when i think of pisces i think of a certain porousness, the end of the zodiac meaning, kind of, the aspect of human existence nearest and most prone to drifting into the broader fabric of the cosmos, which is cassie all over; jake calls her mystical in the very first book, she’s sub-temporally grounded (whatever that means), she’s kind of the only one of the animorphs that gives a shit about what happens to the non-human parts of earth in the events that the yeerks when for real, she has a talent for beautiful morphing (pisces is also a mutable sign). empathetic to a fault, alternately wise beyond her years and blinded by the immediate overwhelm of her own emotion, trusting her gut more than anything else. pisces. keywords: intuitive, dreamy, artistic, humane, sympathetic, sensitive, compassionate, perceptive, tender, impressionable
tobias is a libra. libra is the only inanimate sign of the twelve, which feels appropriate for someone whose sense of self as an actual person is as weak as tobias’s. libra is the scales, which is to say justice but also a balancing act, and, like, is that not tobias’s entire life? hawk/boy, predator/prey, kill/save. he’s looking, always, for the true balance of the components of himself, and in true libra fashion is never fully satisfied. he’s also the most consistent swing vote on the team, specifically because he’s the only animorph who consistently sees both sides of a story, who can hold the micro and the macro in his mind simultaneously, who can really look simultaneously at benefits and costs—and he often expresses himself carefully, waiting to speak until he can articulate himself, not getting caught up in the back-and-forth of marco/rachel on one hand and cassie on the other. my favorite passage in the entire series is his interior monologue in 23 about how every single human lives on that edge between savage and saint—about how for everyone, doing the right thing is a balancing act, doing the right thing in fact requires a balancing act because there’s never going to be just one right answer that gets you through everything. he can be judgmental, but he is also willing to cut people slack—he tells rachel, gently, to back off a teammate more than once. IMO tobias is the character through which the true moral message of the books—which (again IMO) largely hinges on exactly that idea that there are no shortcuts, no easy answers, that you are constantly figuring out what is needed today and you don’t always get to be sure it was right—gets most clearly expressed, which i mention mostly because, and i did not know this when i first pinned tobias as a libra, K. A. applegate is a libra too. keywords: just, sociable, refined, accommodating, kind, fair, diplomatic, likable, indecisive, respectful, artistic
rachel as an aries, again, like, it feels almost too obvious? is it jake that literally calls her the goddess of war? but, well: rachel’s comfort zone is the fight. she’s a creature of action, someone who likes doing better than she likes thinking, and who is not great at sitting still. she is quick to anger, she does have the temper of someone ruled by mars, and she will fuck your shit up if she decides you deserve it. she’s got that aries impulsivity, too—how many times does she do something only to think immediately afterward, or even as she’s initiating the movement, “so, this is stupid of me”? she’s not one for planning ahead, and although she’s aware of the biggest picture she doesn’t intuitively take into account the consequences of whatever they’re considering. she’s restless, driven by an internal battery. but she’s thrilling to be around, she lights people up, she radiates strength that others can use. jake calls the shots, but rachel is the one metaphorically waving the flag. keywords: active, initiating, leading, independent, aggressive, impatient, combative, energetic, pioneering, naive, assertive. plus, rachel as aries gives some fun things with both pisces-cassie and libra-tobias. rachel and cassie very much are poles on the animorphs spectrum, which is captured by placing rachel as aries (the baby of the zodiac, holding only itself) and cassie as pisces (the eldest sign, containing all of them); the two of them are simultaneously nestled next to each other and a universe apart. meanwhile aries and libra are sister signs, which: Aries is drawn into the Libran mystery and benefits from diplomacy when they become confrontational. In comparison, Aries can teach Libra the skill of quick decision making; which although impulsive provides the spontaneity they need. Libra can be indecisive to a fault, they can benefit from any help in this department! sound like anyone we know? i also (1) as a capricorn who has only dated arieses and libras like the idea of them as a cardinal sign power couple and (2) love and find very fitting with them and the series as a whole the idea that rachel is ruled by the god of war while tobias is ruled by the goddess of love.
marco is a gemini. motormouth whose speed of talk is outpaced only by the speed of his brain. big on intellect, low on internal emotionality. a joker, vibrating a little higher, a little faster than everyone around him. difficult for other people to get a handle on, comes across as more glib, more callous than he is (i, a gemini rising.... Can Relate). a people person, interested in others—he is the only animorph we see trying to strike up new connections well into the war, and like yeah it’s mostly because he’s the thirstiest animorph by virtue of being the only human without a counterpart on the team onto whom he can focus and have reciprocated all that desperate energy but still—but also good with others, charming and likable and the best liar on the team by far, the quickest on his feet. containing a central duality, not the way tobias does, where there’s a constant tension and ongoing recalibration between hawk and human, but completely, even comfortably: the lightest animorph and the darkest, the most chipper and the most terrified, the most normal and the most ruthless, and, crucially, given to switching from one to the other on a dime. thinking in multiple dimensions. keywords: talkative, mental, adaptable, flexible, changeable, responsive, sociable, superficial, versatile, inquisitive, witty. (also, interesting to think of marco & cassie as the two mutable signs to whose openness, changeability, etc. cardinal jake is drawn to.)
ax... you know, it really is fitting that he’s the most difficult one. does astrology even apply if you weren’t born on this planet? is his astrological birthday the day of his first human morph? do andalites have their own zodiac, their own archetypes, their own beliefs about how the constellations shape their lives? (i bet they do. military andalites are probably too rational for it, but i bet everyday andaites do have their own set of astrological concepts). at first i thought aquarius, because of the easy Out There/weirdo/alien connection, and his technological prowess connoting a certain intellect, but the thing is, although ax is well ahead of humans scientifically because of the advanced position of andalites as a whole, we don’t know that he’s particularly impressive by andalite standards, and in fact the series strongly suggests he is... not. (falling asleep in xenobiology, anyone?) now i think—and again, i’m less convinced of this than of the others, but the more time i spend with it the more right it feels—i like him as a taurus. the food thing is obvious, yes, tauruses like to eat, like sensual pleasures, and we know that ax finds human senses just absolutely mindblowing all the time and has NO shame about sharing this fact. but ax is also determined (to kick visser three’s ass, as a mere aristh!), and yes, can be stubborn (”yes, prince jake” / “twenty-five of your minutes”). think of how he builds a scoop for himself, fills it up with concrete physical things to make it a home—that’s very taurean, to me. (the tauruses i know fucking love nesting.) i also like the idea of ax as a taurus to jake’s capricorn, because (as a capricorn) i always think of taurus as like, capricorn’s less deranged little sibling, and i think there’s something to be said for the fact that ax and jake are similar people—unimpressive students who deeply want to Do Right—who have a similar outlook on the war (which is to say that they’re the two who think of it most fully as a war instead of a series of battles, ax because he brings in the bigger picture of the yeerks and jake because he has to take a broader perspective in order to make the calls and lead the team), but ax is 6000% less tormented and fucked up about it than jake is. keywords: persevering, down-to-earth, stable, stubborn, possessive, prosperous, dependable, physical, sensual. in my reckoning, the only fixed sign of the bunch, which feels true. yeah, i’ll take it.
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