#yeah ive noticed its a very recurrent thing
turrondeluxe · 8 months
I hate how tmnt will only ever give Mikey development in the comics like he has phased out into a background character at this point who is barley relevant in fact the only reason they add him is because he's part of a package deal and it would be hard to get rid of him even though it's become obvious they don't want Mikey a part of the series what so ever so they do everything in their power to make him as less relevant as they can. Also isn't it suspicious how when any big Mikey projects are in production of being made they suddenly get cancelled.? there was supposed to be a foot solider Mikey movie that got cancelled and the last Ronin was actually in production of being Mikey since the 90s there was another Mikey centric movie were his bros and sensei reverted back to turtles but guess what it got cancelled anything Mikey related that's important either gets \cancelled or thrown into the comics also rise actually had multiple Mikey centric eps on hand but the show got cancelled like it's honestly starting to get annoying let my boy live.
this is why i say that there really needs to be more mikey enjoyers in the writers rooms or in higher up positions
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Where there was Fire,embers remain
Cw:injury and food ment
Ok to rb
Part 1
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Its been two days since their last encounter.
Thinking a third one was going to go by without meeting with her ex again jerico went to sleep early.
Shes snoring, wings sprawled on the matress.
Someone shakes her awake, jumping on the bed sitting Straight shes met with an injured rorschach, a recurrent theme with him, looming over her with his mask lifted up to his forehead so she could see his beautiful face.
--What the fuck happened to you?!-- jerico asked running to catch him.
--goons...--he answered sitting on the matress.
She ran to the bathroom grabbing the first aid, and ran back to Stitch his injuries.
Same thing as last time happened, hes laying on the bed, hands on his chest sighing,jeri washing his clothes.
She comes back, sitting with him, he looks away and she does the same.
-- theres either two things happening here,either those goons are serious biscuit boxes or you just want an excuse to see me
He snorts looking at her-- if you think I want to see you, youre wrong, I have better things to do...
She chuckles at the obvious jokey undertone of that answer, it was just like old times.
Laying down with him, she doesnt dare to come closer, she doesnt want to repeat what happened two days ago.
So they Keep distance, rorschach is not even attempting to break the Ice and neither does she.
Jer sits up however, she doesnt leave the bed,all she does is Stretch her wings as far as she can,Walter heard the bones pop, and she let out a groan.
He chuckled under his breath, he forgot how cute she could be.
She then yawns, her sharp fangs grow target as her tongue became similar to a lizard for a quick second.
--y'know Its been a while since I flew...remember when we used to fly togheter? You on my back? The wind blowing as we passed the clouds?
He nodds trying to Keep an emotionless face-- I do
Noticing the lack of interest in his voice she stands up, putting her shoes on-- ill be right back, you stay here
As shes about to leave,already on the Fire exit stair right infront of her window he stops her.
--Wait! What if someone comes? Im in no condition to fight! You have to stay!--it was all bullshit, he didnt want her to leave.
She peeks her head through the Window and he looks away-- ill be right back, ill bring you something!
He sneered-- I dont need your pity prizes
She rolls her eyes,a bit annoyed-- Whatever-- her cold answer made him stiffen, he never heard her voice like that-- im tired of you treating me like shit even if I save your ass... youre lucky youre injured..
-- with that he heard her wings flop and she flew away.
The cold wind felt like home flying was just in her blood, it was freeing her arms stretch, and she lets out a loud roar.
She looks down at the city, and lands on a tall building,watching a couple walk hand in hand.
It reminded her of Walter and her when they were togheter.
They were smiling, laughung togheter while eating,she couldnt hear what they were saying, all she saw is that the woman was very happy and excited about something, and her boyfriend is calmly hearing her, happy for her and whatever she was saying.
Jerico stared at them,heart aching as a single lonely tear ran down her cheek.
Why? Why did they split up? They were happy just like that.
She hits the ledge she was standing on with her fist, the rock melts away dripping on the windowpane below.
While she was crying to herself,rorschach wasnt free of destinys cruel jokes.
He couldnt sleep if jerico wasnt around, so hes leaning on the Fire exit, it was like a balcony,and he was leaning on the handrail.
Below Him there was this married couple...the Man was cold but acted as if he wasnt, his girlfriend catched up to that and shared the jacket he gave her.
Awkwardly they both Walked togheter, arms around the other.
He snorts gripping the cup, jerico and him were just like that, inseparable, they had eachothers backs.
He remembers one particular time where jerico sacrificed herself taking an molotov explosion that was meant for him.
He remembers how much he chastisiced her afterwards, how scared he felt of losing her.
That same fear he was feeling now, he didnt want to admit it.
The simple thought of her slipping through his fingers made him feel scared.
He wouldnt loose her, he couldnt afford to.
He finished his coffee and left the cup on the kitchen, he washed it himself.
He lays in bed, and heard the flopping of wings, then someone coming in.
He knew her steps so well he didnt bother to Open his eyes,he knew she was with him in bed, but away from him
Both remembered what they witnessed today, the old memories of their love haunting them all over again.
And those embers lit a Fire then and there.
The Next morning jerico woke up with a nice breakfast in bed, of course Walter wasnt with her on her bed,but the gentle rustle of cluttery and the noise of the tap water running told her he didnt leave her.
She Ate comfortably,and took the tray with her to the kitchen, wich she left on the counter.
Rorschach smiled hearing her cheery soft tone, this time he didnt hide it.
He turns around drying his hands-- morning...howd..Howd you slept?
She giggles at his awkwardness--fine,what About you?
He shrugged-- alright.. no nightmares this time
She nodds-- im glad
The silence that followed wasnt awkward or tense, just sort of there.
--im going to take a Bath--he said-- id...id appreciate it if you could help me
Walter knows he fucked up when he sees her raise an eyebrow with a smirk.
--though you didnt want me touching you~
He stomps his foot on the floor-- iTS A MATTER OF EFFICIENCY!, YOUR TOUCH IS A NECESSARY EVIL!--He blushed hard walking to the bathroom with jerico laughing following suit.
He missed her laugh.
Carefully she helped him bathe, her light touches didnt help his blush,he wanted to pull her in and kiss her hard and passionately.
But he stopped himself, just comforming to biting his Lower lip and looking away.
When they are finished she helps him put on a shirt and both sit a bit closer on the sofa.
During the afternoon jerico went to write, trying to finish the first draft of her story.
Feeling stuck she calls rorschach,who walks over and reads what she wrote.
--Its good-- he said leaning in-- but thats not how that works -- he knew a bit about what she was writing so he helped her, once she corrected it she thanks him and he presses a kiss to the top of her head-- dont mention it doll...
Her heart skips a beat.
Not for the kiss.
But the nickname...
He uses to call her doll when they were dating. She forgot how nice it sounded when he said it.
She smiled,blushing and kept writing.
At night rorschach rested way closer to her than before.
Walter looks at the ceiling-- y'know...lately ive..ive remembered some things...I got reminded of how much...--he made a pause-- of how much I love you...
When we met, I thought you were just like any other woman, I was so wrong.
With you everything I felt repulsed by, love, intimacy...they all felt right with you -- he licked his lips and he sat up, so did she-- I was such a fool to leave you...im so sorry...
Jers hand pressed itself against walters cheek, he looks at her.
--i too got reminded of our golden days, you had me eating out of the Palm of your hand rory, Man, you had me crazy for you, a single look would make my knees weak...
Id put myself in danger just for you,and I did several times
He snorted-- yeah you did
--I still remember how angry youd come to me,stomping and yelling about how stupid I was for sacrificing myself for you...I miss those days...i miss you..
Rorschach licked his lips-- would you ever consider of taking me back?
Jers eyes fill with tears--are you kidding me?! Id take you back right here right now!
He also starts to cry taking her hands in his-- would you do it now?
She nodds cupping his cheeks and kissing him
He kisses her back with passion, both fall on the bed, the heated kiss ends with laughter and happy tears.
--im never leaving you again--walter said cupping her cheeks-- I promise
She hugs his hips looming over him-- im never letting you go, im staying through good, bad and worse rory
-- im staying through good, bad and worse Walter..
He chuckles and kisses her again as tears stream down their faces.
Both end up laying in bed, cozying up to their Newly lit Fire.
A Fire that would never be put out.
After all, where there was Fire...embers remain
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