#yeah i think that’ll do
theflagscene · 2 years
My SO asked me if I’m watching the new IWTV show, cause they know how much I loved the 90’s movie.
Me: Totally.
SO: Episode recaps and GIFs on Tumblr don’t count.
Me: It does too!! ☹️
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scover-va · 7 months
“How’s the pay.” “Not great. But! The hours are worse.” I’m imagining this is also the exact same conversation William and Michael had before Mike got sent down into the sister location bunker
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moliathh · 11 months
crossover: hellsing x identity v
Integra as survivor (rescuer type), career: occultist
Alucard and Seras are hunters, their alias is Alucard is No-Life and Seras is Draculina.
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this is what i mean when i said hunter Alucard attacks with his mouth because his hands are tied
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okay so I bought the acotar series (before I knew the author was a freak and I’d already thrown away the receipt PLS DONT CRUCIFY ME) and I’m almost done with the second book and the series is good yes Rhys supremacy did I cry during chapter 54 yeah what the fuck about it I didn’t get it before but I get it now y’all know I love a sarcastic morally grey asshole I eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner!! “there you are, I’ve been looking for you” I get it now!!!!!!
HOWEVER!!! the way everyone was claiming these books were like the end all be all of literature…..like yes they’re good but they’re not earth-shattering, there’s a lot of parts that are….💀 like i’ve found myself making faces so often bc some things are just so….weird
like the whole animalistic mating trope has always been kinda eh to me especially when it’s overly dramatic like him getting into a fist fight with his best friend for an hour bc the mating bond thing makes him insane was so……grow up maybe?? 😭 IDK IT JUST GIVES ME THE ICK like I get the idea of it I understand what the appeal should be but for me it’s Too Much!!
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ongreenergrasses · 2 months
Last Line Challenge
tagged by @lyricfulloflight and first i am so pleased you are writing again 💜 boy oh boy. do i have many lines to share. HOWEVER because i am in the middle of revisions idk where the last line i wrote actually is so have a little snippet from the vicinity
She’d spent years distracting herself as much as she could, doing everything she could to keep from thinking, and now, suddenly, she had enough time on her hands to begin to think again.
She didn’t want to. She didn’t have the time to, not now.
tagging @aphroditestummyrolls @godihatethisfreakingcat @goldheartedsky @non-un-topo @blooming-violets and anyone else who would like to, i’m not so sure who’s creating things these days
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mobbothetrue · 6 months
Spotify prompt! Knuckles and tails, an 19 :)
Oh hoho! You managed to land FightSong by EVE (<- YouTube link), a song that by all rights shoulda been #2 (<- I refuse to pay Spotify money).
Hmm…. It’s been a while since I’ve done anything with Super Sonic Speed, but I always did intend to write follow-ups…
The city is unbelievably loud. They’re in what Sonic had called a shopping district, and it’s apparently very popular. Knuckles would kind of like to go home, a lot, actually, but Tails is flirting from one shop to another and he doesn’t have it in him to shut the kid down. Sonic is somewhere on the periphery of their little group— he and Tails had bonded, thick as thieves, and Knuckles— well, he tolerated the guy.
Tails gasps like he’s seeing the sun rise for the first time, excited enough that he’s lifting off the ground. Knuckles ambles over, grabs him by the ankle, and pulls him back down. He’s looking at some sort of… thing. Knuckles can’t make heads or tails of it, but it’s definitely saying something to Tails.
Hmm. He is, at least, familiar with the idea of shops. Chao liked to set them up, sometimes, selling fruit or handmade crafts for rings, but Knuckles has no idea if their idea of currency and everyone else’s aligns. Would the shopkeep accept a fruit? Most chao did. It isn’t like rings are a problem, so…
Knuckles turns, seeking out Sonic in the crowd. There he is— stiff as anything, glancing frantically back and forth between Knuckles and some other hedgehog, a pink one. One of his friends, maybe? They look irritated, maybe not. Knuckles steps away from Tails, invites himself into their conversation.
“and you just RAN OFF—“ the hedgehog is shouting. Sonic cracks his mouth open, a faint wheeze escaping.
“Hey,” Knuckles says.
“—do you have ANY IDEA how WORRIED I was—“
This looks like a battle Sonic is better off fighting on his own. Still, Knuckles needs his question answered. “Hey,” he repeats, slightly louder.
“—I mean, I knew you were alright because my cards said so, but—“
“Hey Knuckles,” Sonic manages to crack out, “this is Amy.”
Amy tilts her head at him, and then gives him a sharp, discerning once-over. “Are you one of his other friends?” She asks.
“Yeah, sure,” Knuckles says, and then “do rings work as currency down here?”
She blinks at him, as if this is a weird thing to ask. “Yes?” She says.
“Okay,” Knuckles says, nodding, “try not to scare him too bad.”
Any lingering confusion evaporates, and she whirls around to find Sonic trying to sneak away. “AGAIN!” she shouts, full of conviction, and Knuckles makes his way back to where he left Tails. He isn’t pressed up against the glass anymore, so Knuckles steps into the store. Yeah, there he is. Hovering— literally— over the same display.
Knuckles takes a moment to properly observe, rooting around for the terms Tails would use, in an attempt to ensure he gets the right thing. There’s a looping track, and a few other gadgets on the sides. A switch, one of them looks like, and some barricade, and a few blinking lights. On the track itself is a… sideways cylinder, set on wheels, connected to a few boxes, puffing out smoke— or steam, maybe. Tails is absorbed enough in watching it chug along that he doesn’t even realize Knuckles is standing right next to him. Knuckles’ll just have to make sure he comes up for air, occasionally.
He casts about the rest of the store, vaguely lost. There are a lot of displays, and a lot of colourful boxes. Knuckles picks up one, flips it over, and realizes swiftly he is out of his depth. He brings the box over to Tails, handing it to him. Tails holds onto it for a full few seconds, watching with bated breath as the cylinder switches tracks, before he looks down. His fur all along his spine puffs up, and he turns to look at Knuckles so fast he has to wonder if Sonic hasn’t started to rub off on him in more ways than one. That’s the right box, for sure.
“Really?” Tails asks, voice breathy with excitement, and Knuckles ruffles his fur instinctually.
Maybe the shopping district isn’t that bad.
#eggthew#prompt fill#askbox#uhhh so. I kind of barely followed fightsong at all I CAN EXPLAIN#went off the visuals instead of the lyrics. two people running around in city. ooh I could do knuckles protecting tails from Eggman in some#kind of egg city! ah hang on there’s the eggperial city arc in idw and I haven’t read that yet. so I’m not confident in portraying it. hmmm#I could do a Different egg city… man Knuckles and Tails. what a great pair. I really enjoyed writing them in super sonic speed. hey! I could#do super sonic speed’s Knuckles’s first time in a city! maybe he gets kind of freaked out? escape from the city haha#well tails would be familiar with cities. and sonic would be there ofc but I’ll shuffle him off to the side so he doesn’t hog the spotlight#I could do tails looking at a shop! yeah! and knuckles needs to ask how currency works but sonic is… busy? hmm. oh! a city!!!! amy lives in#a city!! she runs into sonic! which keeps him from coming back over with knuckles. I always did mean to write her reunion with sonic.#that’ll be nice to do. alright. perfect. it’s all working out. get to the final few lines. think ‘hey how did I end up with this anyway.’#pulse of adrenaline as my brain goes OH YEAH FIGHTSONG. ach.#I’m happy w this though :)#knuckles: I Tolerate sonic. at best.#sonic: hey I am in a vaguely uncomfortable situation#knuckles *rolling up metaphorical sleeves*: do I need to kick ass#Amy making a mental note: sonic apparently befriending a space alien okay okay cool#they meet up for ice cream. knuckles is inflicted with curse of immediate brainfreeze. tails is So Excited about his new model train set#within a week he mods it to A) be strong enough to pull the Master Emerald and B) be armed.
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whereismyhat5678 · 5 months
Guys I think my brain is telling me I should redo and draw a brand new “Meet the Artist” pinned post.
I think it’s a good idea cuz my style has changed from the last time I drew it, AND I think I could be more expressive ✨✨
Should I do it? 👀
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frog-girlfriend · 8 months
hi. i’m going to be on break for a bit, i’m sorry to the people who’ve sent me messages or replied to me recently that i haven’t gotten back to yet. i’ll be gone until november at max but idk exactly yet, see you all in a while <3
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tomatoluvr69 · 4 months
Sitting down to floss and brush my teeth has been lifechanging. On a completely unrelated note how the fuck am I supposed to have this skeleton for several more decades. It’s all over for me lads 😔
#knees hurt. hips hurt. back hurts. wrists hurt. swag#it’s not this bad most of the time but by the end of the day it’s like auuuugh#it really is too bad that I’ve got extreme doctor fears because of the IssuesTM!#and oh yeah I don’t have health insurance LOL…#which I am using as a convenient excuse to avoid going to the doctors LOL#i have some doctor ~traumas~ I think LOL!#im working up to it. it’s glacial. sometime this year maybe?#I went twice as an adult and both times were for health forms for college enrollment#I’ve been to the ER and an urgent care once or twice though so clearly I’m FINE…#this is BAD do not be like me#but it’s only become clear to me in the past year or two that the incidents in my childhood reeeeally affected me#and to have US healthcare be such a profoundly difficult and punitive process basically means I am just never going to like jump through#those hoops only to be confronted with a severe phobia lol#im not saying that’s a reasonable train of thought but it’s more that that’s my subconscious reasoning#but it is a 2024 goal to get seen by a doctor#but the other thing is that it’s so fucking clear to me that they will do NOTHING for either PMDD or my joint pain which are my chief#complaints at the moment#but like i should probably be like getting routine panels and Pap smears :-(#everything’s SO EXPENSIVE…#They’ll be like give me your blood. ok all normal everything is healthy. ok that’ll be literally $200#:-(#ugh I’m upsetting myself just thinking about doctors. ok Goodnight#(with full intention to keep scrolling)
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victimized-martyr · 1 year
Are you optimistic about season 26?
erm um… no?? 🥲
Season 25 and Streaming Wars had their moments, but overall the delivery of ideas felt lackluster. Much like the last 2 years, I expect a running theme. Essentially, the season won’t really be a season per se, but acts as narrative buildup interspersed with side episodes—though they will loosely connect to the season—leading up to the 2 specials airing later this year. It’s a solid game plan on paper, but s25/SW was super dodgy. I feel the saving grace was Tolkien’s renaming, and Cartman’s whole hot dog arc thing that just got set up. I know Randy was given competition (finally! the little resistance and pushback to his hijinks has done serious damage to his character) but really the biggest takeaway I’ve seen from fans/merch is stuff from Cartman’s arc. (cartitties).
However, I feel Matt and Trey have been revitalized by the concert, Casa Bonita’s opening, and their deepfake deal. It’s a double edged sword though, because now Mattrey are juggling the opening of a restaurant, production for the video game, their deepfake studio… I’m worried their attention will be divided and affect the quality of the story this season.
TLDR: Very mixed feelings, though not quite approaching cautiously optimistic… I expect the fresher ideas (HotDog) to get sidelined and Randy will remain in focus.
#south park#I’ve no doubt ​Trey will apply his patented Two Sides: Rivalry setup between Steve and Randy#and their rivalry will take up like. 60% of the plot#and Trey can be a lil shit so i’m ready for when he’ll be like ‘yeah it’s the randy show again deal with it fuckheads🤪’#meanwhile the more interesting arc is sitting. right. there. in the bg#a buddy and I were realizing Cartman has been taking a turn these past few years and the hotdog is the culmination of that#his motivations are transparent to those closest to him (butters+ liane in s25) and he’s frustrated by his#inability to adapt#Liane’s putting her foot down so that will be VERY interesting to see how the Cartman family dynamic will evolve#and we expect the boys to start closing off Cartman for taking advantage of their kindness#idk. he’s losing his grip on liane and he needs to lose his grip on his friends. I think we’re gonna start to see the latter#I think?? Trey is taking him.. well not towards redemption but… somewhere???#and I do wanna see stan and tolkien hang out more and maybe that’ll cement the changes in the group dynamic#or maybe it’ll only affect the bus stop openings lol idk#I do feel their friendship is delicate rn and Help My Teen was a step but there’s more re-bonding left to do#and the physical separation of them all is gonna make that a bit more difficult#it’d be nice to see a growing dynamic between Kyle and Kenny. we have! no episodes centered on their dynamic!!#they give me the impression of ‘oh we’re good buddies but only hang with a group and never outside of it’#they’re the weakest relationship of the 4 for sure and these circumstances can remedy that!#…. watch trey do absolutely nothing with kyle and kenny except have them be reactionary :’)#asks
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scover-va · 2 months
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Carla + Lionel hcs and also a goth Carla bc i started rambling to my gf last night abt how Carla would def listen to goth music. Drawing Carla with two visible eyes is scary and i dont like it /j Sorry abt the horrible cropping but its either that or both images being big as fuck
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hellagator · 10 months
Aziraphale egret
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Will the angel bird???
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Yeah it sure does!!
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heartpascal · 11 months
you totally don't have to respond to this but when i saw your post about your dog i cried for you. i lost my cat last year, i had her for 9 years so i 100% understand just how much it hurts. sending all my love and support, take all the time you need hun <33
hi lovely. i’m so so sorry for that loss :( losing any pet is just one of the worst experiences. they’re a member of the family, really. it’s a long time to spend with them!!! and being without them just feels even longer :(
i had my doggo, thor, for the past ten years. i was seven years old when was got him, and it was such an amazing experience from beginning to end!! i hope you don’t mind if i take this opportunity to talk about him!! i’ll put it under a cut!
and know, if any of you, but also you madi, ever want to talk about your pets (here or not!), my dms will always be open to you. well. about anything, really, but my pets have always been my pride and joy
so. thor was a little dog (despite how the name makes him sound!!) and we rescued him when he was around a year old!! his old home was awful, and he’d never been outside before :( (the lady who had him was VERY ill, and should’ve never had pets to begin with… but alas.)
my mum was his favourite person. i like to think i was a close second!
he was the fun police, always barking if we were louder than he liked lol, or telling us off if we were just being little shits. we have cats (3!!!) and he absolutely thought he was one of them. he used to clean his eyes like a cat :’)
he was poorly for quite a while a year or so ago, but never has there been a stronger doggo than him! he improved so much, and i’m just happy that the last year of his life was happy, and he didn’t deteriorate too much before the end :(
anyway. he never used to be a very playful dog!! i remember once getting angry at him (when i was about 8) because he took my favourite teddy outside and was nearly shredding it!!! but he was quickly forgiven, and the teddy was saved. but i got a little wind up bunny rabbit as a joke gift last august and i have NEVRR seen that dog as excited by something (toy-wise) as he was by that. he loved it. i used to sit on the floor for ages (dodgy knees, hips and back be damned) just to wind it up for him every 20 odd seconds!!!
it’s really weird not to hear him following my mum around, or not to see him curled up in the bed in the front room when i come downstairs, or to come into the house and not have him barking to let everyone know somebody was coming in.
but i know he was very very loved. and i will continue to love him forever :(
anyways. apologies for that!!! but it’s hard to talk to the family about it because when we try, it’s just a mess of tears. this is .. easier!! and nice to tell people (if anyone made it this far) about the amazing little dog he was <3
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cherrysnax · 11 days
oh yeah we were also wondering why we flock to media with dead kids that haunt the narrative both figuratively and literally and uh :) yeah we know why
#child death tw#rowan seemed so much older when we were kids#but realistically she was barely like 14#maybe even 12 or 13#Jason Todd chara and asriel. them mfs from fnaf and maria#they’re dead kids but at the end of the day they’re all apart of someone else’s story#and a lot of them come back. in one way shape or form#with the exception of maria they all come back wrong and hurt and twisted by their deaths#but still deserving of love. still craving it more than anything#being a vessel for someone else’s opinions. barely even themselves#rowan died. and a part of us died with her#that was probably uh.. yknow. That guys last real time being here#cheri took all the stuff as kid. all of it happened to them but buddy boy was still kinda around#and then rowan died and then. She did too#and then Jay had to take over for years and then cheri came back but didn’t know they were cheri until#like they were 17 because they just repressed repressed repressed#and obviously those are very shallow views of those characters#but to a hurting kid who resonated so much with them they were everything#I have no clue why I’m so introspective tonight#but my friends do call me the emotion guy so#I guess it means something. but yeah something died in us when rowan died#but something was also born. rowan was a person. a little girl who should’ve grown up and that’ll never change#but I think this year is the year that we learn to let her go#im happy i got the chance to know her when we did#I hope she’s a fucking butterfly or something really cool like an alligator if her next life#also we already knew why we flocked to this media because duh. but like it helps to know which part of us needs more healing#who needs a therapist when you have me ;)
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
Established sastiel, Castiel/Gadreel!Sam dubcon, do u see my vision.
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ladymacbeths · 10 months
Macbethposting Friday anyway I am thinking about the come you spirits etc etc and just… the implications of it all. Lady Macbeth’s motivations to do the Thing aka kill Duncan aka have Macbeth be king aka be queen herself are never cleared up and only there to be built with clues. But in any case— whether self-serving or altruistic (wanting it for Macbeth not herself)— it’s something extreme.
Extreme enough to make her want to rid herself of her very nature to achieve it. She’s insane 2 me bc she’s self-aware but not self-aware enough to know that going against who she really is will end terribly. But thing is that she Knows that she, as she is, with the qualities she has Now, won’t be able to do it. She’s desperate enough to say “okay, make me able to do it then. Rid me of my nature. Make it impossible for me to prevent myself.”
Like, the Thing that makes her do it, whatever it is, has to be big enough to get her to That Level and I fear there’s too little talk of… what it could be that also makes sense.
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