#yeah forgiveness is good and all but i wish taryn had felt more remorse than she did
sweetvillainjude · 2 months
‼️The Cruel Prince spoilers‼️
I’m not the only one who never forgave Taryn for what she did to Jude right? Like with Valerian and Locke, yeah I despised them, but it’s not like I truly expected them to be better. But taryn was jude’s family. Her twin. And it makes it worse that Jude was always so savagely loyal to Taryn when Taryn wouldn’t do the same for her. Like Jude straight up shoved Cardan into a tree without thinking because he made her sister cry. Whereas Taryn not only didn’t help Jude, was the reason she was suffering and sincerely didn’t see how she was being awful??? I was honestly hoping when they duelled that Jude would rightfully beat the shit out of taryn because of all the ways she’d let Jude down. It still makes me mad to think about. Jude just deserved better. Ugh.
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