#yandere telltale riddler x reader
lonleydweller · 11 months
May I request yandere headcanons for a Telltale!Riddler whose darling doesn't love him back, at all? How does he handle the rejection?
🥀Yandere Telltale Riddler with darling who isn't interested🥀
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!Warnings!: this content contains toxic/forced relationship dynamic, yandere trope, mentioned kidnapping, murder, violence, stalking, blackmail, threats, stockholm syndrome
Yanderes are OK in fiction. They should stay fiction. They are not example of healthy relationships. These behaviors are NOT okay in real life. This is for entertainment purposes
●Hmph. How.. annoying. Only a minor setback however. He'll get what he wants in the end. Even by force. It was bold of you to assume you had any say in the matter in the first place. How you feel frankly dosen't matter to him.
●it's so easy to root through all your personal files. Let's see, medical history, any criminal records, family, friends, online presence, financial situation. Such vulnerable information.
●Not to mention his easy access to weapons. The missiles Mori sells, his army of goons, his puzzles, even his canes a weapon. You saw how he easily got into the agents phones, placing a missile target above their heads. Your family isn't much different. It'd be a shame if something happened to them wouldn't it?
●If you have no family or freinds he can use as leverage. He can always do it the old fashioned way. You really should get better house security you know? Of course, no house security could stop his goons from busting down your door.
●Any yelling, screaming, or protest you have is silenced by the sharp hooked cane aimed at you. He won't kill you, don't get him wrong. However if you act too out of line. Don't think he's not afriad to hurt you. After all.. you can live without a few fingers can't you?
●You'll probably awaken tied to a chair in riddlers workshop. Any wounds inflicted during the abduction pacthed up to the best of his ability. Mouth gagged for the time being. Oh? You want to talk? Well maybe once he feels like hearing your voice and can trust you won't make such a ruckus. The others already gave him judgemental looks when he dragged you in.
●No matter much you curse, scream, cry, kick, bite. It won't change anything if anything he finds your attempts amusing. It's almost funny really.
●Once he feels you adjusted he might let you wander around the base under supervision. First just around his area of the base. Then the other areas one by one. These freedoms are hard to gain, and easy to loose. The repercussions are anything but pretty If you step out of his lines.
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Yandere telltale riddler with a darling who attempts to escape? You can do it as a short fic, hcs, whatever ya feel like ^^. And have a wonderful day
Right on!
TW: Physical violence, failed escape, yandere themes, obvious kidnapping, crying, gaslighting, possesiveness
His eyes watched as their figure attempted to crawl out of his sight, though through the piss poor attempts at holding back their tears he could track exactly where they'd managed to shimmy off towards. It was a damn pity they were almost to the door too.
He scoffed at the stupid idea of an escape plan.
He knew he wasnt a kind man, a caring boss, or a good 'husband' but he prided himself on being a conniving son of a bitch.
He took three long strides forward and without hesitation-
The sound of cracking bones followed by the wails of his partner echoed disharmonically in the empty excuse of a home he could provide them. Their head hit the ground close to their now broken hand as they blew at it desperately to cool down the horrible fire swelling inside.
"Have I or have I not-" he forced their face to look up at his own from the ground, the sharp blade of his cane forced into their flesh.
They whimpered. He continued.
"-told you not to attempt and escape from me?" They weren't given a chance to answer before he knelt down n disagreement with his back to pick them up by their collar.
"Listen to me."
They looked at him horrified to find he had no trace of malice in his eyes, only a look of deep- frustrated, concern.
"You are never leaving me, for as much time as I have left in this hellhole you will stay with me." He dropped them abruptly. Then he flashed them the ring on his finger.
"IF this means nothing to you, go out on the street and proclaim it! You think the schmucks of this town would give you one shred of consideration if you weren't with me?" He bent down to their level, knees popping as he got closer.
"You're mine. Say it back."
"Im yours."
He smiled tightly before helping them, and himself back up. With a hand to the small of their back he ushered them along.
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vampyan · 3 months
⌕ edward nygma masterlist ⨟
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-> fics
nothing yet.
-> headcanons
nothing yet.
-> thirsts & drabbles
nothing yet.
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key ⨟ ✮ = sfw ✮ = nsfw
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mr-voorhees-husband · 2 years
Smart Boy... pt.2
guh, part one here.
A fic I was writing for myself, but decided to post. Can be read as an x reader, but, it's written w/ me in mind, so.. yeah.
Warnings: Blood, Major Plot Change, Gore, Yandere, NSFT, NSF/W, non-con biting, dub-con elements, Reader + Riddler are both messed up, Trans Masc fingering, T-dick, top-scar mentions, major age gap, Telltale Riddler being Telltale Riddler
Reader - He/him, FtM, 20-25, Not good morals.
I’d considered tearing down the shrine. I really had. I even got as far as to go up to it with a trash can in my hand, but, no matter what I tried to tell myself, I couldn’t. Granted, I should have. Especially considering how Riddler wasn't no longer in custody. 
Waller hadn't made it to the station, apparently, not before Riddler had already broken out and run. Gordon had called me three times already, but, according to the DA, there was never a chance my father would be given parole. Not only did he lie, he was trying to continue to lie. It took massive amounts of self control to not hunt him down, and he was lucky I understood why he lied in the first place. If he wasn't doing it for the good of the people, it’d have gotten bloody.
My boots clattered noisily against the hardwood floor of my room, arms reaching down to take off my shirt and toss it to the dirty clothes. I was tired, sick of the day, and wanted nothing more than to sleep until my body was forcing me awake. My grandma was back in the hospital, Dad was still locked up, and to put the icing on top, John was trying to force me and Bruce to meet his friends. “Fuck.” I sighed, collapsing on my bed, jeans and socks still on.
“Bad day?”
I turned half-heartedly to the infamous villain, eyes cold and unimpressed as I glared. He was leaning against my wall, next to the open window, which I either forgot to lock, or he picked said lock. Riddler grinned, trailing over to my bed. “So you break out of the station, and head to see someone who put you in there?” I crossed my arms under my head, shutting my eyes with a sigh. “Real smart genius.”
“It’s 9 letters, rhymes with perfection, and you need it so dearly.” 
There’s a beat of silence, before I gave up, shoving myself up to look at him. Riddler was sitting on my bed now, at the very edge, as if he didn’t want to risk upsetting me, or just didn't want to get close to me. Rolling onto my back, I thought over the riddle for a moment.
“I don’t need affection, Riddler.” I hissed, making him smile wider.
“Ah, wrong and right,” In a flash, the sharp edge of his cane was pressed against my shoulder, “should I punish or reward?” I didn’t dare move, knowing damn well that cane was sharp enough to split skin at the barest graze, and it being that close to my neck wasn’t the most relaxing. “How about neither?”
“Sounds- Sounds good.” I mumbled, eyes flickering between the intruder and his weapon. He smiled, pulling the cane away and resting it against the bed.
“What’s something of mine that belongs to you?” He continued, adjusting on the bed so his legs were pressing against my feet.
The cane was back against my shoulder, and this time, on instinct, I tried to pull away, sitting up. It didn’t change much though, Riddler simply followed my movement to keep the threat prominent. I knew the riddle, it was some sappy riddle about owning someone’s heart. The fact Riddler was asking me is what was throwing me off. “The..” I passed a nervous glance to the cane, and Riddler raised an eyebrow. “Your heart..?”
“Good boy.” He chuckled, and I couldn't hide the shock of pleasure that shot down my spine from the simple praise. Riddler moved fast, grabbing my wrist and twisting my in a way so my back was against his chest. “Now, keep up this little winning streak, and I’ll keep rewarding you.”
Before I could ask what the hell he meant by reward, lips were on my neck. I gasped, instincts telling me to struggle while my brain seemed to understand they wouldn’t do much. It wasn’t like I didn’t enjoy it, anyway, this older man, who I’d had a crush on for years kissing my neck. It had me spiraling in the best way possible. A nip made me yelp, finally trying to tug away. I shouldn’t be getting pleasure from this, my brain seemed to finally register, or maybe it was simply what little morality I had left fighting for me to not completely accept how insane I truely was. Riddler’s grip tightened while he shushed me quietly, akin to how you’d calm a scared animal. Maybe that’s all I was to him.
“This one should be fairly obvious, my love.” I flushed at the nickname, too caught off-guard to even try and fight when he went back to marking my neck. “What belongs to you now, everyone who ever dated you wanted, and I will have?”
“I..” That was a loaded question for a riddle I already basically answered. It made me rethink it for a solid moment or so, wondering if maybe I was wrong about it being my heart. “My heart?”
Searing pain spread through my shoulder, making me cry out in agony. Adrenaline started pumping, and I tried to rip away in pure surprise. Riddler crushed me back against his chest, kissing my shoulder better from whatever the hell he just did. Choking on air, I turned to the best of my ability, eyes finding a thin line of crimson trailing down my chest. Whatever he did, he broke skin, and it hurt. “Wrong, darling.” I whimpered at the feeling of his gloved fingers sweeping up my warm blood, before I heard him hum at the taste of it. “Try again.”
“..I- I don’t-” A cry escaped my lips, fingers pressing against my shoulder. “Love?”
More pain, making me sob out a broken beg of forgiveness. He kissed the wound once more, as if trying to shake away the pain. “So close,” a kiss under my ear, and I felt his teeth graze the shell of my ear before he continued, “something I don’t already have, dear boy.”
My brain shook for an answer, pain and adrenaline making it much harder than it usually should be. I still didn’t even know how he hurt me, which made it so much worse. I didn’t know what he did, all I knew was the pain it caused and I was bleeding. “Fuck- My virgintinty? I don’t know!” My eyes shut, expecting that agonizing pain to spread through my shoulder again. Yet, it never came.
“Amazing,” a hand cupped my chin, pushing my jaw up to give Riddler more room to kiss my neck and mark me, “absolutely brilliant, my dear.” For a moment, I was just happy I got the answer right, before it fully seemed to register what the answer was. Riddler wanted my virginity. Fuck. That idea alone made me flush, not to mention how close I was to him. I knew I shouldn’t feel lust right now, but I couldn’t shake it. I liked people like this. I wanted someone insane about me. Someone who would kill if I asked the right way. He ticked all my boxes and then some. “I knew you’d get it.”
“How do you know I still have my virginity?” 
“Hm.” Fingers slipping in my pants made me gasp, head still pointed up with his other palm. “You’re too sensitive.” Riddler replied calmly, “Now, be a dear and unbutton your jeans.”
I didn’t have to listen. Nothing was forcing me. He was asking me to unbutton them, not telling me. Though, this was a one-in-a-million chance, and I wasn’t exactly known to be lucky. So, with only slightly shaking fingers I reached down and un-did my jeans. 
“Good boy,” he purred, the praise making me whine and thrust my hips. Riddler chuckled darkly, kissing the wounds on my shoulder that had finally started to stop bleeding. “Is that what gets you going?” Nimble fingers found my cock, jerking it back and forth with smooth motions. “Praise? Such a smart boy gets off on being told how good he is?”
“Uh-huh..” I wasn’t sure if he wanted an answer or not, but I still decided to answer, anything to keep his hand there. My head hit his shoulder with a moan, and he finally let my chin go to rest his other hand on my hip.
“How adorable..” Fingers grazed my entrance and I trembled, the idea of him finger fucking me with his gloves still on making my head spin. “Let’s see…” 
“No- wait-” I begged pathetically as he pulled his hand away and out of my pants. 
“So needy,” he sighed, pulling the other hand away, “pants off, and then I’ll keep touching you.”
My pants were in a heap on the floor in seconds, underwear with it before I was clambering back onto his lap. Riddler grinned madly, accepting me with open arms as he situated himself against my pillows. This time, I was facing him, knees straddling his thighs. A much more willing position, along with allowing me to see him. My knees shook when his fingers found my cock again, slipping around it and jerking it between his middle and index finger.
“Would you believe me if I told you this was my first time?” He hummed, only getting an answer in the shape of me shaking my head. I was too far gone now, I never knew being touched could feel this good, all pain from earlier being forgotten. “It is, with a man, that is.” Riddler didn’t miss the way I seemed to huff softly at that, either in jealousy or a self consciousness, I couldn’t tell. “Oh, don’t worry, darling, those whores meant nothing.” The feeling of two of his fingers stretching me out made me sob, hands finding the lapels of his jacket. He grinned, teeth grazing my neck before they bit down softly on my good shoulder. “Just means to an end, nothing like this,” I grinded into his palm, rutting like an animal in heat with a stangled groan, “nothing like you.”
“Riddler- fuck- please-!”
“Eddie, darling.” Edward gently chastised, fingers stretching me out before searching for that special place. When he found it, stars flashed through my eyes and I sobbed out a moan, burying my head in the nape of his neck. “Oh, there it is.”
“Eddie! Please-pleaseplease!”
“Shh, darling, I know,” His voice was demeaning, like talking to a child, but I couldn’t care at all, not with him making me feel like I was on cloud 9. “I know you can cum like this, so why haven’t you?” His free hand grazed up my side, before landing on my chest, rubbing the crescent shaped scars under my pec gently. “You’ve been so good too,” I moaned at that, eyes rolling back as I continued to hump his palm, “I’m sure if such a brillant, smart boy can fuck himself on my fingers, he’d be able to cum on them.”
“Can’t you, darling?”
I cried out to him one final time, body tensing as I came on his hand. Edward continued to thrust his fingers in me until my orgasm was finally over. I shuddered against his shoulder with the barest whine as he pulled his hands away. My eyes flickered over to him just in time to watch him suck my climax off his glove, pupils blown and face ever so red. Edward hummed at the taste, hand moving from my chest to tug off his gloves and toss them to the side. He glanced at me, before smiling. 
“Well, dear boy, how do you feel?”
“..Warm..” My arms dropped from his jacket to dig between his back and the pillows and pull him into a hug. Edward hummed, bare, clean, fingers going to my hair to run his hand through it. “Are you gonna leave now?”
I couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or not.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
💚 my requests are always open 🩷
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you can find my writing:
in my tag
on my masterlist
my AO3
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important things first:
🔞🔞🔞 minors DNI 🔞🔞🔞 you can request anonymously 💚 i don't write in order of when things are received, i do it based on inspiration. if i can't think of anything for something after a few months i'll delete it without explanation, sorry i have a prompt tag and if you use it let me know which prompt list you've asked for or let me know more than just the numbers! let me know gender specifics of "reader" if there is one (pronouns, genitals etc.) if you don't specify it'll be gender neutral or female please don't include images or gifs in your requests, they visually overwhelm me and make it difficult to tackle the prompt i mostly identify as cis/white/afab so keep this in mind if you request nb/trans/t4t/different races/male reader presenting etc. i will choke you if you don't reblog and like the thing you requested, be nice and supportive!
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requests i accept:
i write for batman rogues, fallout and a few other characters! for dc rogues headcanons: i will do multiple characters per post for headcanons but only for all general rogues, a specific dork squad (in my do writes!) or all iterations that i write for of a specific character e.g. ✅ can you write first dates with arkham!dork squad? ✅ what would all the riddlers do on a first date? ✅ how would the rogues handle a first date? (if you ask for all iterations of a specific character i'll either write for them all or pick several of them depending on the ask. if you want one specifically to be included just let me know)
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characters i write for:
Riddler (⭐arkham, dano, ⭐zero year, telltale, TWOJAR, gotham, BTAA, young justice, BU, BTAS, general)
Penguin (⭐farrell, BTAA, telltale, OBD, gotham, general)
Scarecrow (⭐arkham, ⭐BTAA, golden age, general)
Two Face (⭐arkham, BTAA, general)
Victor Zsasz (gotham, general)
Mad Hatter (arkham, gotham - NO INCEST, general)
Captain Boomerang (⭐ss:ktjl, general)
Poison Ivy (arkham, general)
Polkadot Man (suicide squad)
Harley Quinn (telltale, arkham, ss:ktjl, ⭐general)
Bane (arkham, telltale, OBD, ⭐general)
Harvester (bu)
Amanda Waller (ss:ktjl)
Mr. Freeze (arkham, gotham, general)
John Doe/Joker (telltale)
Butch Gilzean/Solomon Grundy (gotham)
King Shark (ss:ktjl, general)
Deadshot (ss:ktjl, general)
Killer Croc (arkham!origins, general)
Firefly (arkham, general)
Harvey Bullock (gotham)
Alfred Pennyworth (gotham, general)
Black Mask (arkham, general)
☢️ Fallout Franchise ☢️
Cooper Howard (fallout prime)
Maximus (fallout prime)
Thaddeus (fallout prime)
John Hancock (fallout 4)
Sturges (fallout 4)
Edward Deegan (fallout 4)
Paladin Danse (fallout 4)
Nick Valentine (fallout 4)
Kent Connolly (fallout 4)
💚 Other Characters 💚
Cecil Stedman (invincible)
Walter Skinner (x-files)
Arthur Morgan (red dead redemption 2)
Egon Spengler (ghostbusters)
Nick (left 4 dead 2)
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i will write:
x reader, x fem/male/gn character, ships, headcanons
absolutely yucky disgusting smut of most kinds
most kinks including knife play, blood play, bondage, sub/dom, pain play, mommy/daddy, etc.
darker themes like cnc, dubcon, noncon, somnophilia, hypnotism, manipulation, gaslighting, guilting
angst, fluff, romance, friendships, hurt/comfort
jealousy, yandere, obsessive themes etc.
ships plus ships x reader also!
non-ship pairings of characters in my "will write" criteria
death, gore, extreme violence
blood, cum, spit and some piss
imagines, scenarios, full fics, short fics, headcanons
i won’t write:
underage characters (at all, in any scenario, including platonic)
vomit, shit or breast milk
real people
pregnancy/pregnancy sex/having children/step-children
age play (daddy and mommy kink fine, dd/lg not for me!)
incest (even step-relations)
characters x monster/monster!reader (may do in commissions)
OCs or overly detailed reader specifications (may do in commissions)
AUs or crossovers (may do this in commissions)
extreme anal i.e. fisting/enemas/stretching (may do in commissions)
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also i am anti-cancel culture! i'm not about to out you/report you/fuck with your privacy if you send me anything that i'm not sure about or uninterested in writing
and finally, no pressure at all but if you want to thank me i would greatly appreciate reblogs, comments, and maybe even a tip
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ilovetheriddler · 27 days
Fanfiction Request Info.
Hello! I enjoy writing Fanfic's. Please feel free to request one if it falls into what I'm willing to write.
I'm not the most confident in my writing capabilities, so I thought this would be a good way to improve and practice!
Fandoms I'll Write For.
Batman Media.
Star Trek TNG.
The Evil Within.
Characters I'm Willing to write.
Batman Media.
The Riddler. (Gotham, BTAS, Arkham, Telltale, 2022, Zero Year, Young Justice.)
The Penguin. (Gotham, Telltale, BTAS.)
Scarecrow. (BTAS.)
Star Trek.
The Evil Within.
Joseph Oda.
What I'm Willing to Write.
Fluff, Romance, Platonic Friendships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Slightly Suggestive Themes, Yandere, Jealousy, Obsessive Themes, Pinning, Unrequited Feelings.
Gore, Violence, Death.
I mostly write X readers. However, if the ship interests me enough, I could write it.
What I'm not willing to write.
Explicit Smut. (There's nothing wrong with it, I'm just not confident or comfortable enough in my writing abilities for that right now, could change later on.)
Underage Characters.
Extra Info.
Fanfic's will be really short, unless I get a really good idea that I like. If you do make a request, thank you, and please be patient with me. Also Please Specify The readers Pronouns or Gender in the request. If not specified, it will be a female reader.
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could I request
Hear me out
Yandere telltale riddler headcanons? I feel like he would be absolutely terrifying
Yandere Telltale Riddler x reader
Tw: kidnapping, surveillance, branding, punishment reward system, nonsexual, withholding
•First and foremost this man knows there is a need for comfort and he is willing to give it to you, if you obey. Obeying can be something simple to complex, and he’s someone to slowly deprive and even more slowly reward. Lest you obey from the beginning.
•He’s a very quiet sort of danger, and he’d let his general distaste for any attitude slip on by until he’s able to make his point.
•In regard to punishment one of his favorites is branding. In his mind branding is the clearest way of making sure you know who exactly you’re dealing with. It doesn’t happen often but for mistakes you must learn and learning clearly doesn’t come easy.
•As bossy as he is towards anyone else he’s open enough to you. He asks for advice and options, and sits down, and shuts up like a proper gentleman at least with you. He tries to make what he does somewhat natural.
•As hes ran the criminal underground for quite some time he’s got leverage everywhere in Gotham. He has eyes to keep on you even when you don’t suspect. If you managed to escape you’d be back faster than you could snap a belt across someone’s face.
•He would prefer if you treated the relationship as a spouse would in any case. Like an old married couple, just reminded of the rules of marriage.
•Being the king of puzzles is no joke, as his more playful moods bring out this side of him. This means that he’ll hide things or hold them out of comfortable reach to until you answer him. This ranges from a cookie to clothing, and can be outrageously tricky to answer. The longest time this had lasted was when he hid your cat in his study for two days until you cried because you thought he got lost. That’s what had your husband caving and bringing the precious little thing out unscathed (and over fed because Eddie might like that cat a smidge more than you’d expect.)
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mr-voorhees-husband · 2 years
"Smart Boy..."
A fic I was writing for myself, but decided to post. Can be read as an x reader, but, it's written w/ me in mind, so.. yeah. This is part one..
Warnings: Blood, Major Plot Change, Gore, Yandere, NSFT, NSF/W, Slight dub-con (Feelings reciprocated, but reader doesn't specifically consent.), Implied stalking (riddler), unhealthy obsessions on a human (reader), major age gap, Telltale Riddler being Telltale Riddler
Reader - He/him, FtM, 20-25, Not good morals.
I was exhausted.
No, wait, scratch that, I wasn’t exhausted, I was just on my last leg. Quite literally, considering that fight with Riddler had twisted my ankle in a way I was pretty sure would leave me limping for a day or so. Batman hadn’t been much help either, focusing on saving some pretty girl agent (or spy, not like I cared to remember) rather than help me in a fight I was seriously outmatched in. No matter, we still won, leaving Riddler beaten and tied up. Not that I wanted him to be, in all honesty, if it’d been up to me, I’d have let him go scott-free. I found the older man pretty damn hot, after all.
“It’s over Ridder.” My eyes flickered up from where I was leaning, landing on Batman who was looming over Riddler in a way not-so heroly. With a bit of trouble, I limped over to them, listening. “Look forward to a padded cell.”
That irked me, the guy may not have been sane, but he didn’t deserve to go to arkham. Though, granted, no one did. That place was hell on earth to put it bluntly. “Well, congratulations, Batman.” Riddler muttered, eyes downcast and voice oddly.. Defeated. It made me feel bad in a way I hadn’t felt in a while, even with the aftershock of adrenaline slowly draining from my blood. “You and your…” Riddler glanced at me for a fleeting moment, before back to the flood, “friend managed, even in my twisted game, to keep everyone alive. But at what cost?” I looked over at the woman again, knowing immediately what he meant before he even said it. “Agent Avesta suffered, so no one had to die. That can’t sit well with you two.”
“Don’t drag me into this.” I hissed out before Batman could answer. Making the caped crusader pass me a glare.
“This entire twisted situation is YOUR doing, Riddler,” Batman spoke up finally, scowling down at the villain, who’d finally looked up at us, “all blame is on you. And so are the consequences.”
“You came after me, you know.” Riddler pointed out, and I gave Batman a look. He was right, which was ironic to say considering how much pain this damn old man put me through. From traps, to fights, he’d given me my fair share of bruises, burns, and scratches within the last couple days. “Not the other way around. I made you hurt an innocent woman to get to me.” He chuckled softly, before his eyes fell again, replaced with something akin to, oddly enough, being disheartened. “My comrades would have been impressed.”
“I set this all up to show them,” a glint caught my eye, eyes going towards the bridge. Someone was up there, I noticed, which wasn’t odd, but something told me to keep staring, even while Batman started to pace. “I thought they’d back me up, even if they didn’t agree.” The longer I stared, the bigger my worry grew, and against my better judgment, I looked back to Riddler, who was still glowering at the floor. “They… They left me here to deal with you alone.” He growled out, eyebrows furrowing behind his domino mask. “They… They betrayed me…” His voice cracked, and I gave him a look of concern.
“You need better friends.” It was blunt, and made me want to sock Batman for saying it. He really did need to learn when to stop rubbing salt in the wound. “The term “thick as thieves’, it’s a lie–”
“I need smarter friends, like this boy.” Riddler snapped back, cutting off Batman’s words and motioning to me with a nod of the head. “They were all so small minded. None of them had vision…” Part of me wanted to crouch down and offer him a hug, though I knew it wouldn’t do much, especially with my leg. “Unless.. Unless that white-faced prick set me up… never told them to meet me here.”
There was that glint again, and I knew what it was this time.
I clutched his face to my chest. Riddler shouted. The sniper rifle went off. A dart hit my metal gauntlets with a ‘dink!’. Then Batman yanked me off of the poor villain. “Sniper.”
Batman spun to look, sure enough finding the damn gunman already running off. Riddler was staring at me bewildered, yet I ignored it, reaching down to grab the dark, which was just a crude bullet shape, with a glass vial to hold the poison, and a needle to inject it. 
“Well, either those friends of yours are a lot worse than you thought,” Crouching down, I showed Riddler the dart, which was filled with a vicious lime colored liquid, “or Waller ain’t the only person who wants you dead.”
The police station was buzzing with attention, a mix of news reporters and Waller’s men trying to force their way in to reach Riddler. I peered silently at them from where I was resting, a now lukewarm cup of tea in my palm. Currently, Riddler was being interrogated by Bats and Gordon, some bad cop and worse cop shit that I didn’t care about. All I wanted was some Ice for my ankle, but judging by how ‘busy’ the station was that wouldn’t happen. I wouldn’t leave just yet either, though, as I still needed to talk to Gordon about when I should go talk to the DA about getting the release on my father’s parole block. That was the only reason I even agreed to help with putting Riddler behind bars anyway.
“(L/N)?” I glanced over to the deputy, a nice woman, Melody McKenna. “Erm.. Commissioner Gordon needs you.”
“Oh,” With a slight limp, I walked over to her. “Why?”
“He’ll tell you.”
She led me to the interrogation room, which had none other than the Dark Knight and the esteemed ‘only good cop’ in front of it. I didn’t miss the look they shared, an odd mix of annoyance, defeat, and guilt. Deputy Mckenna quietly excused herself, leaving the three of us alone.
“Well?” I leaned against the wall to try and get some of the weight off my good foot. Gordon and Batman glanced at each other, before Batman motioned for Gordon to explain.
“Riddler is refusing to talk..” His voice trailed off with a sigh, hesitence more obvious then how gay I was. “Riddler is refusing to talk unless it’s with you.”
I blinked. A second went by of me just staring at them, trying to dictate if they were telling the truth. Riddler wanted to talk to me. Not just talk to me, but me and only me. That was simultaneously a horrifying and flustering thought. To say I had a thing for Riddler would be an understatement. Every couple months I’d end up hyperfixating on him, and now that he’d made his comeback, I was back to my roots. Meaning I was more blushy and simp-y then normal. Logically, I should tell them to fuck off, and that I already did my part, but logic had long gone out the window, and the idea of having a one-on-one chat with Riddler was too alluring to pass up. “Alright.”
“I said alright,” I repeated, crossing my arms, shoulder still against the wall. “I’ll do it.”
“Good.” Batman grabbed my wrist, yanking me towards the door. I hissed in pain, instincts winning over logic as I tried to stabilize myself with my bad leg. Batman didn’t say anything urging me to the door. “We’ll be waiting out here.”
With a glare sent his way, I opened the door and limped inside. Riddler was sitting at the metal table, hood off, bruised face still bloody, and his cuffed hands resting on the table. He glanced up, eyes showing something unreadable as I barely managed to make it to the chair myself. Lord knows my dad would kill me for not getting it checked out, but, It’d figure it out. 
“You wanted to talk, I’m here.”
For a moment, Riddler didn’t say anything, simply staring at me. It didn’t bother me that much, but, when you have someone you’ve had a crush on for years staring you down, it doesn’t exactly feel the best. “You should really get that leg of yours checked out.”
Okay, not what I was expecting out of him, but it was better than nothing. Subconsciously I rubbed my swollen ankle with my other foot, ignoring the way it ached in pain. “It’s fine..” I mumbled, cut off with a cry of pain as his foot pressed against it. I yanked my foot away, whimpering in pain as he continued to stare with that damn unreadable look.
“For a ‘fine’ ankle, that seemed to hurt.” He replied bluntly, intertwining his hands together. I didn’t reply, letting out a shaky sigh as I let my foot fall back to the floor slowly. I noticed the way both his feet were now between mine, set in a way that made me only slightly worried he’d try and actually break my ankle. “You’re a smart boy, aren’t you?”
“I mean..” That wasn’t something I was asked often, and it definitely wasn’t something I had a prepared answer for. “I like to think so.”
“You like to think so.” He repeated as if he was tasting each syllable, eyes scrutinizing. “You solved my riddles in record time…” his left foot rubbed against my right one, and I fought the urge to yank back in pure surprise. Even if I liked the guy, I knew better than to let my adoration get over my fear. He was still dangerous, even with Bats outside. “And you only like to think you’re smart?”
“I… I guess?”
“Hm.” I didn’t miss the way his right foot grazed my left, yet, this time much more careful, and flat out missing anywhere that might hurt. “You’re (Father's name)’s son, aren’t you?”
How did he?
I never told him my name- I never even..
Panic settled in my bones, for a moment I didn't even move, and neither did he. He shouldn’t know that. Even if he recognized me, the way he said it. It wasn’t a damn question, it was a statement. He knew who I was, he just wanted to hear it from me. Wanted me to know he won already. I squeezed my fists, inhaling only slightly shakily as I tried to come up with some kind of reply. Hell, what do you say to that? 
“I am.”
“Mhm,” He nodded, and I almost jumped at the feeling of his left foot trailing up my leg slowly, “of course you are.” His foot reached my thigh now, not going any farther, not yet at least. “I’ve been keeping an eye on you for a while now, (Y/N).”
“Shh, I’m talking.” Riddler hissed, and on instinct, I shut up. He smiled at that, eyes still unreadable. “You see, before I made my grand.. Let’s say comeback.” His foot nuzzling against the inside of my thigh made me jolt, so close to my crotch I wasn’t sure if I should push towards it or away. “I caught wind that my old partner in crime was locked up, leaving his poor, darling boy alone to take care of his mother all alone.” At this point, I couldn't tell if I I should be more concerned over his foot or his words. He was downright admitting to stalking me, telling me things only those who had my records knew. “And well, I wanted to see how good you’d be if I needed a replacement for your father.” 
“What are you-”
“Silence.” The sharp word was extenuated with his foot pressing against my clothed sex, making me bite back a gasp. I didn’t run yet, though, I probably should have. “I was surprised to see how utterly brilliant you were,” Riddler’s boot grinded against my cock, making me fight the urge to lean against it, “Oh and that shrine of yours. Quite the ego booster.”
Fuck, of course he knew about the shrine. A small section of my room, hidden from most people, covered in newspaper clippings and any kind of physical things I could find surrounding Riddler. As stalker-ish as it seemed, it was the only thing that I could really have that kept my hyperfixation at bay.
“So what?” It was an act, and an act quickly unfurling at that, but an act nonetheless. “I’m a fan, sue me.”
“Sue you? No, no. I was thinking something much more… primal.”
I stood up, my chair clattering to the floor noisily. I couldn’t do this. Not now. I needed my dad out first. If I even slightly jeopardized this, he could stay locked up for the rest of his life, which I really didn’t want. Every fiber of my being wanted to leap over the table and shove our lips together, but if Gordon even got the idea I did this for any other reason other than to help my old man, he could call it all off. I wasn’t risking that, even if Riddler lit a spark in my heart I hadn’t felt in… well, ever. 
Riddler stared, eyebrows furrowing, this time with eyes I could read. They were a bit upset, and if I didn’t know better, I’d say jealous. The door clicked open, Gordon coming in and resting a hand on my shoulder. “(L/N)-?”
“I’m leaving.” It was said much harsher than the Commissioner probably deserved, but, I had too many emotions storming my body I didn’t care. Gordon reached out to me, but I was already storming out the door.
“See you soon, darling!”
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vampyan · 4 months
blog & request rules ⨟
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minors and ageless blogs do not interact! you will be blocked on sight.
this blog is dom!reader x sub!yandere!character only. you can find sub!reader everywhere else so don’t come looking for it here.
all gender identities are welcome but this blog mainly caters to fem/afab!readers.
this blog is yandere-centric and will be littered with dark content, though all of these things will be tagged.
anon hate & rude asks will be ignored & deleted on sight cus idc.
this is a sideblog and i’ll mostly be posting fic here, so it won’t be nearly as active as my main -> @vampcubus
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characters i write for ⨟
-> kimetsu no yaiba
kyojuro rengoku ; obanai iguro ; tengen uzui & wives ; shinobu kocho ; sanemi shinazugawa ; shinjuro rengoku ; zenitsu agatsuma ; inosuke hashibira ; tanjiro kamado ; genya shinazugawa ; muzan kibutsuji ; akaza ; gyutaro ; gyokko ; hantengu clones (sekido & urogi preferred) ;
-> telltale batman
john doe / joker ; edward nygma / riddler ; harvey dent / two-face ; harley quinn ;
-> my hero academia
cathleen bate / star and stripe ; toshinori yagi / all might ;
-> helluva boss
blitzø ; fizzarolli ; asmodeus ; mammon ;
-> the arcana
lucio ; muriel ; asra ; vulgora ;
-> dragon ball
goku ; vegeta ; gohan ; broly ; frieza ; frost ; beerus ; android 17 ; android 18 ; zamasu ; goku black ; jiren ;
-> miscellaneous fandom yanderes
mizu (blue eye samurai) ; sidon (loz botw & totk) ; john doe (visual novel) ; victor van dort (corpse bride) ;
-> original yandere characters
coming soon!
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request rules ⨟
requests aren't guaranteed and might take me a while (especially since i run another blog as well) but i'll try to finish as many as i can >:3
yandere!character is the main focus of this blog, but yandere!reader is also acceptable!
all characters aged up to 18+ if applicable
please be specific and have a concept instead of sending something like ‘kyojuro x reader smut’ i’ll be more likely to write it if you know exactly what you want :)
will write ⨟
fics, headcanons, and quick thirsts/drabbles.
dom!reader x sub!yandere!character. (top! or bottom!reader so long as they are dominant)
fem or afab!reader for nsfw. will do fem or gender-neutral reader for sfw. (pls specify if you’d prefer a gn!reader)
non-sexual non-con, dub-con, non-con touching/affection, stalking, controlling behavior, kidnapping, manipulation, blood & gore.
polyamory, threesomes, and harems (ex: uzuren x reader, obamitsu x reader, inotan x reader, kamaboko trio x reader, fizzmodeus x reader)
a/b/o dynamics. alpha!reader x omega!character preferred, but will write for dominant omega readers (ex: prime omega!reader)
monsterfucking/teratophilia, monster/cryptid au yanderes (ex: cryptid!kyojuro, werewolf!sanemi, eldritch horror!yandere)
kny demon pet au (@/invertedphantasmagoria, @/phantasmiafxndom), hybrid au, catboys, puppyboys, bunnyboys etc...
won’t write ⨟
sub!reader x dom!character
male or amab!readers.
kink no-no’s: sexual non-con, incest/stepcest, daddy kink, piss play/watersports/omorashi, foot fetish, maledom.
forced pregnancy, miscarriages.
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92 notes · View notes
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Welcome folks-
My name is Festen Martinez, you can call me Festen. I am an actor above all else and a writer second. I write and draw for Team Fortress Two, as well as the Batman Rouges, (Some Hazbin), and FNAF. If you spark up a convo with me and I know the property and character you have a good chance at me writing for them too.
Feel free to send me requests and I’ll have a look. Current count (41, with 3 more in drafts).
Follow my second blog @faire-of-fictition
My hazbin oc blogs: @mc-tooley-tobias-toby , and @magnum-pritchard-repro
Other info:
American (West Virginia, and Texas)
You can send me requests for your OCS or you can ask for mine as well. Don’t me shy, make yourself at home. 🧡
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Requests open!
I am a Fandom Writer:
I write for:
Btas villains: Riddler, Twoface, Mad Hatter, Scarecrow, Harley, Ivy. Batman also
I will write:
•Should be obvious but chubby (or fat) reader
•Yandere (preferred)
•Smut (preferred, just reference what you’d want in the ask and I’ll give it to ya.)
•Non con/ Dub con/ CNC
I’ll draw any of the above as well
I won’t write (or draw)
•Age Regression (dkh)
Demo joining a LARP group!
Yandere Demo w/ an s/o who doesn’t like dancing
Yan demo w/ bartender S/O
Yandere Conagher Brothers x oblivious reader
Dell x trans husband smut
Yandere Engie and forced affection
Traveling preist Engie Art by @virginstoner666 💗
Yan heavy cuddles!
Yandere Platonic Emesis py Reader
Semi unmasked art
Ms. Pauling
Yandere Ms. Pauling
Semi Marriage proposal
Platonic Ms. Pauling and new trainee
Yandere medic smut
Yandere medic with a captive that goes missing
Yandere medic and a partner w/ stolkholm
Yandere medic lap dance
Yandere medic Cycle of violence smut
Get bonked
Yandere scout, kissing practice
Platonic scout
In my style
With a bratty so smut
Nsfw thoughts
Platonic Solly and overstimulated hugs
Yandere spy egg vibes
Yandere Red Octoberfest drawing
Would I trust them with my pets?
Demo and heavy x reader Head-cannons
Mercs reacting to a love letter
Yandere emesis Blue x reader
Yandere medic and sniper w/ clingy s/o
Emesis character comfort
Yandere mercs and if they’re comforting or not
Yandere mercenaries and how scary they are when jealous
Yandere Angel au with Sniper, Solider, and Medic smut
My my mercenaries
Merc Headcannons
Memed science party
Spy and Engie dad stance
Cornelius Stirk:
Stirk img.
Yandere Arkham asylum riddler w/ shy and anxious reader
Yan telltale riddler with a reader who tries to escape
Yandere telltale Eddie
Yandere Arkham Eddie hcs
Handling it (smut)
Caked up Eddie img.
Eddie frame redraws💚
In my style: Ed and Jerv 💚💙
Nightmares img.
An Ed Kento for Sunny 💚💛
For Arkhamverse simps
Scantily clad ed
5’2 Au pt 1
5’2 suited up
5’2 Au ground img.
5’2 classic mv
5’2 smut pic
There’s a light img.
BTAS Insp. Art
Indulgent riddlebat
More fancy Eddie Art
Dilf Eddie?
Flashy Eddie ing.
Yandere platonic Eddie teaching riddles
Au art
Harvey and insert art
Tasteful nudity
Joinker au
More whore clown img.
Bonkers img
Jervis img.
Wonderlan img.
Reading img.
Johnny img.
Scarecrow design img
BTAS scarecrow yandere head-cannons
Comp drawing w/ batman
Yandere BTAS headcannons
Oswald Img.
Au Squad: Jervis, John, Jack, and Edd
5’2 height matrix img (WIP)
Batman Vigilante Squad Au
Hazbin/Helluva Boss
Under the Same Young Sky (male reader, ao3)
Yandere Vox housespouse
It Takes Time to See a Doll, Yandere Vox x Cis!Fem Reader P[1] [1.5]
Maddox x reader play fighting
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