#yami: talks 💌
emjiroki · 1 year
7, 8, 14, and 4 for the ask game I’d be interested in hearing about Yami if that’s cool! If you have another character in mind that’s perfectly fine too!!!
I'll definitely do more for Yami since I don't talk about often!!! Aahhh I love that man 😍
4.How messy is the sex, or do you and your f/o try to keep it as clean as possible?
MESSY!!!! He's a big sweaty man and cums wherever he wants. Plus he's always got me drooling on myself. Messy.
7.Any favourite positions?
Doggy is my personal favorite. But Yami almost always wants me on top of him. He always says he likes the view too much.
8.Any favourite places (ex. bedroom, kitchen, on a desk, against the wall  etc)?
Yami wants it when he wants it, does not care where or if anyone is in the room; im thankfully able to drag him to the bedroom most of the time. There have been times when we might've gotten a little too tipsy and everyone around us has just had to leave the room.
14.What’s something that usually gets your f/o in the mood?
Being drunk. Which is a lot of the time. He can't keep his big hands to himself and its a little too easy to give in to him. Me sitting on his lap in general never fails especially when paired with his ultimate downfall, neck kisses 💕
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nkogneatho · 1 year
why do you add so many fandoms even from things you havent ever posted and interacted with?|gen
Just because I never posted content, doesn't mean I don't like it or watch it. I watch a lot of anime but you don't see me writing every fandom do you? I just don't actively write for them since I feel like my characterization would be wrong.
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💓💌🖤👀💋 For my precious string bean (Jack) plsssss. Thank you (^o^)
AAAAAAAAA SORRY FOR THE LATE ANSWER DEAR ANON But I was finishing up other requests too and I wanted to post them all together hehehehe
💓— What could their partner do to make their heart race?
If his partner is adept at weilding knives or swords, that really surprises him 'cause come on, he's a knife man ;))
Oh, and touch his waist. He has a really thin one and just wrapping your arm around it or just laying your hands on his waist gets him really excited.
💌— What kind of love notes/messages do they leave their partner?
Jack doesn't leave notes often but when he does, he leaves encouraging notes for his partner when he's away like:
"You could kick his ass babe!"
Or he'll tell you where he's gone to like:
"Yami was talking shit about my squad again so I am going to go knife his ass."
🖤— Random romantic headcanon
Jack likes cooking for people, but especially you! He feel sooo happy when you like his food and it's how you two fell in love in the first place. You were pleasantly surprised by his cooking skills and he was just in awe of how much you enjoyed his cooking
👀— What’s their favorite body part on themselves? On their partner?
Everyone, and I mean everyone, you, me, Jack, the whole BC fandom and Clover kingdom knows what that tongue could do ;)) I MEAN JUST LOOK AT IT IK DAMN WELL HE'S PROUD OF IT
On their partner, he likes their face the most! He likes how beautiful they look and think they make a pretty sight above or below him;)))
💋— What are their kisses like?
Jack's kisses are nearly always passionate af. His lips would move so urgently against yours, pressing you up against him as you strain your neck to kiss him. He’s holding you close and tight and I imagine that the pose may sometimes seem like the “Kiss” painting😌
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yami-writes · 3 years
mannn i wish people would use the ‘read more’ more often
it would make scrolling thru my blog and deleting posts much easier and faster
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yamichxn · 4 years
eYe- where did my cupid anon go...? ;(
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emjiroki · 1 year
Ok ok hear me out, wolf hybrid Yami and Dragon hybrid Enji
Omg Stari please ive been thinking about this ask ALL DAY
First off, Yami is THE wolf hybrid man I- 🥴 the sharp teeth, the gruff attitude, the claws that he tries to be careful with around you; his "little bunny". Can you imagine the knot from him?
Dragon hybrid Enji has me clawing at the walls going feral. The man is already big but Dragon Enji is BIG. Over 7 feet of hulking man, red scales smattering across his shoulders and his hips, a heavy tail that knocks things over around the house but wraps around you in bed to keep you close. He would have the prettiest eyes too 😍 I feel like they'd be even more vibrant and have flecks of gold in them. I think I might faint 🤤
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emjiroki · 1 year
Hi Em! For the self-ships I would love to hear about you and Yami!
💐: How did you two meet?, 😘: What’s your f/o’s favorite thing about YOU?, 💞: How do you both express affection?, and 🌌: What was your first date like?
Yami selfship!!!! I love him so 😍 I'm coming to your inbox next hehe
💐- we met when he stopped at the tavern I was working in. It was a slow burn relationship. At first I didn't want much to do with the drunk rowdy big man but after awhile of seeing him and getting to know him better we slowly started crushing on each other
😘- probably my attitude. He loves that I keep him in check and get on his last nerve (he would probably say my ass too but you know how he is.
💕- rough play honestly. Wrestling and biting (I love biting him and he gets so mad lol) it almost always ends in heated kisses and us escaping to our room. Though he does like to hug me real close and pull me into his lap when he's drunk.
🌌- we actually went to a market on our first date. Picking up ingredients for dinner, he ended up haggling with this old shopkeep for a pretty bracelet I wanted and we stole an apple for the ride home. We um may have made an hour long side trip in the forest as well 👀
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emjiroki · 1 year
26-29 of the ask game with Yami please unless you want to talk about a different F/O that is fine too!!!
Ah Stari love I hope you've been well 💕 I don't think I've ever talked about Yami so YEAH LET ME SALIVATE OVER THAT MAN
What’s your f/o’s stamina like? Do they last long or finish quickly? Can they go for multiple rounds?
Yami lasts a long time! Stamina at max but he cums so much that multiple rounds are a no go, he's practically drained dry after the first (I think I have a thing for my men being messy...)
What’s the aftercare like, if there is any?
With Yami being Yami there really isn't much aftercare besides him slinging an arm around me and then offering me a cigarette lol but he's caring in his own way and always makes sure I'm comfortable 💕
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yami-writes · 3 years
i am considering adding hxh, jjk, aot, kny, and once i watch, blue exorcist to my fandoms list :0
maybe genshin once i play too BYHUVUIB
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yami-writes · 3 years
Hey hon! Make sure you don’t over work yourself, you’re always at your office and I get lonely at home sometimes.. but I’ll always be here when you get back💚
- Tadashi P.S.
Kageyama came over and just- took our milk??? Like robbed us clean- said you told him he could-
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and when i get home we can cuddle and watch a movie 🥺👉🏾👈🏾 if u want
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yami-writes · 3 years
hi. do you accept emergency comfort requests? <3
hello dear! yes I do!!
I want all my followers to be safe and happy, I'm willing to do basically anything for that <3 send me what you need babes 😌✨
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yami-writes · 4 years
certain 👀
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‘well.. im certain we really fucked it up this time..’ you thought.
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send me a word and i’ll reply with a sentence from a WIP with the word in it
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yami-writes · 4 years
Just wanted to drop in and say 🤗 I love your writing!
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yami-writes · 4 years
I'm about to go to bed but I wanted to pop in your inbox and say hello! :) I hope you're doing well
hihi!! i am doing well and i hope ur doing well too bby!! make sure you get a good amount of rest!!
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yami-writes · 4 years
i just want shouto to be happy..
i wanna give him all the hugs, kisses, love, and happiness he’ll ever need...
plz stop making him suffer...
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yami-writes · 4 years
i cant-
i actually cant
seeing shouto cry...plz.. dont..
plz be happy for me bby... i just wanna see you smile... i want you to be happy..
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