#yall realize the OT isnt JUST for christians right
tbh nothing has helped me overcome my culturally christian mindset more than learning about antisemitism. Those roots run so, so deep in everything, ESPECIALLY Christianity. Learning more about Judaism as a faith and Jews as a people also has helped me unpack so much.
It’s calling it the Tanakh and not the Old Testemant. It’s learning that there are other ways to interpret these old stories than the mindset of “everything points towards Jesus.” It’s really stopping to question WHY we don’t see these interpretations as “valid” or more worth considering than the more prevalent Christian ones. It’s raising an eyebrow and calling into question people who say the “old testament god” was a bloodthirsty misogynistic tyrant (because yeah that’s dogwhistle-y to me)
Anyways any jewish ppl who come across my blog I am blowing you a kiss and handing you a cool sword to kill nazis with <3
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