#ya didn't specify so I left it up in the air as to who it could be--
@drachliebe liked for Unico!!
Where was he?
This was not any place that he recognized. Unico was, at first, afraid. A normal reaction for someone who didn't know where they were. However, seeing the calm atmosphere of this place did soothe his soul greatly. It reminded him of the realm of Psyche... the one, final place he remembered before waking up here. Warm, paradisiacal, and filled with so much beauty... and a lot of creatures and animals here, too! And pretty butterflies. He liked butterflies, they were so fun to run after! And running was fun, too.
Unico strolled down the path, looking around curiously. Some equally-curious creatures were taking a minute to stop and stare at him, having never seen anything like him before. Just what was this thing, and how did it get here? It looked like it was from someplace very, very far away. Which he, in fact, was. But the circumstances gave the West Wind very little choice, and he had to be placed here for his own safety... she was sure that this was the one place the goddess Venus OR her sister-- the Night Wind-- could not reach, where there was no danger for Unico to ever worry about.
Eventually, Unico got thirsty. He must've gone a long time without water before eventually waking up here... it was all just a haze, which was a bit terrifying because who knows what happened before he wound up here. But no time to dwell on that, that was bad. Besides, there was a river right there. He could get a drink from there.
Unico took a minute to look at his own reflection in the water before getting down and lapping the water up with his tongue. Mmm, so refreshing.... much better! He needed that, especially after his throat felt so crackly and dry. Time to get up and get back to looking around... wait.
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He stopped just as he opened his eyes, having closed them as he took a drink from the water. Now he could see two reflections! But the other did not belong to him. In fact, it was a much different shape and person entirely, and they were on the opposite end of the river as him. The curious baby unicorn stood up and looked ahead at the other side of the stream to see who the mysterious reflection belonged to...
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intimacyequalsdeath · 1 month
Can i ask dor 'don't you trust me' with Michael Myers?
Of course! Sorry these requests are taking so long, college has been kicking my ass recently but I'm gonna try and upload more regularly. The prompts the anon chose for this request are: Prompt 1: "Don't you trust me?"
For future requests the prompt list is HERE Notes: Minors DNI, SFW, No specific pronouns or description of reader are used as anon did not specify as always I hope that's ok anon! TW: Talks of canon typical violence but that's about it.
You looked on, rather unimpressed, as Michael washed off his hands and his knife in your kitchen sink. He had been doing it as long as the two of you had been together, quite frankly you never knew the infamous shape of Haddonfield had any moral compass at all when it came to cleanliness but you guess even he got to be annoyed by it after a while.
"There's blood on your mask too Mike"
He craned his neck to look up at you from the sink. He stopped scrubbing his hands momentarily and tilted his head at you ever so slightly as almost a "what?" expression. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
"You can take your mask off here Michael, ya know, to clean it?"
Michael had only ever taken his mask off long after you had went to bed despite the fact that the two of you had been together, which you always kind of assumed was an official relationship since Michael wasn't really much of a talker to confirm or deny it.
Michael gave something that resembled a half shrug sort of thing before returning to scrubbing his hands.
"Ya know, It's not like I'm going to tell anyone who you are under there"
Michael didn't look up this time, ignoring you and he finally finished washing his hands of the blood and turned to grab the hand towel you laid out for him.
"Plus I mean, we've been together for a while and I've kinda sorta never seen your face"
Michael set the towel down after he was down with it and without so much of a glance left the kitchen. He put his foot on the first stair heading upstairs before you called out after him.
"Don't you trust me?!"
Michael paused, you waited with baited breath as you stared holes into the back of the mask, the bane of the argument. He stepped back off the stairs and slowly turned around to face you.
A moment of stale air passed between the two of you before he began slowly stepping toward you as opposed to where he was going. You stood your ground as he approached, knowing that Michael wouldn't hurt you.
Michael stopped in front of you, peering down at you from inside the mask. You peered right back at him, his eyes emotionless as usual as the two of you held direct eye contact with one another.
Michael's hand came up and for a split, fleeting second you thought he might strike you before his fingers wrapped around the bottom edge of the mask. He gripped it and slowly pulled it over his head until it was entirely off of his head. You kept your eyes connected to his as he stripped himself of his poisonous identity for the first time right in front of your face.
You spared a glance to allow your eyes to scan over his face. Allowing yourself a moment to take in each feature as you took in the man that you know but at the same time had no idea who you were dealing with. Emotionless orbs watched you as you took in his features, Michael stood so still that if you couldn't feel his warm breath fan across your face you would think maybe he was frozen in time.
After taking in his features you gave a gentle smile. Again, as usual, Michael stared on emotionless, but you smiled anyway. Michael, shockingly, allowed you to take the mask gently from his hand as you took it and placed it on the kitchen counter next to you. You then took your hand into his and lead him gently up the stairs where he was originally headed before you had reached your breaking point.
Michael allowed himself to be at your will and follow you up the stairs. His mask lay there, still sitting on the counter where you had put it. Michael would probably grab it in the morning and slip it back on and it would most likely be awhile before you saw his face again.
But tonight, you were going to drink him. Enjoy him and the fleeting moment of vulnerability. To Haddonfield he was the shape, but to you well, he's just Michael.
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latteandjacks · 1 month
"They should've made an emphasis on Sallie May being trans before" "There should be things that openly indicate she's trans aside from the horns" "The merch shouldn't show her with a bulge if she's trans, logically she should hide it"
My brother in Christ shut the fuck up
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Aight, I get where most of you are coming from but let me just say that Sallie May is a big breath of fresh air from a lot of canon trans rep I've been seeing in the internet about big projects such as Helluva Boss, let's go point from point
This contains spoilers from Hell's Belles
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Sallie May is a transgender Imp, this is not something that was decided just now for the short as her first appearance in the moon harvest festival already shows her with the thick line horns (Which are exclusively from AMAB (Assigned Male at Birth) Imps
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If there's only one point these people made that I agree with is the fact that the horns thing should be something implied in the show, not specifically with the intention of outing a trans character but something simple that could give more context for those who do not check the wikis or the social medias that often
Other than that, I feel like they haven't actually meet a trans person irl because they believe that her being trans should be something that everyone should catch the first time they see her, that someone should inmeditaly point out she's trans, yet, they get upset at the fact that she's proudly showing a bulge on the merchandise They want the show to scream verbally about her being trans but not casually
You have no idea how relieved I felt when, at no point in the episode, her being trans was mentioned or outed, none pointed out her horns or voice and instead the problem was her feeling left out of her sister's life, and, again, not because she's trans and feels like Millie doesn't view her the same or some bullshit, but because Millie doesn't go home as often and felt a bit mad when she had to do her work In fact! Her not getting genitalia reconstructive surgery is also a thing that is cool about her, she got tits but didn't chop off the dick and is not insecure about it, most of times trans people are put between not getting surgery or getting ALL of the surgeries AND being extremely insecure about their genitalia, and yes, there's a lot of trans people that feel that way, but I think that aspect of her is really good representation for those that don't want to get surgery or only want to either reduce or enlarge their chest, not everyone gets dysphoria the same way and this doesn't make her less of a woman for that
Even if it's okay to have characters where one of the main issue of the comes from being trans (I have a few myself), It's also nice to see character that are trans but the main issue with their life comes from something completely different and not related
So for people upset about her passing so well you can't immediately tell she's trans Surprise! That's a lot of us want, that's what a lot trans people irl try, to just be a person of the gender we really are, to be normal and not needing to always out of ourselves, to be treated the same no matter what I make a lot of jokes about my lack of dick and my excess of tits, I only out myself as trans when formally presenting to someone and that is just because I'm not allowed to be trans so I don't pass as a boy at all and need to specify, but me being trans is something that most of my friend only bring into the conversation to make a friendly joke or when I bring it up
Sallie May is not only good representation, is one of the best I've seen in a while in the modern adult media, because she's subtle yet obvious You may not like Viv (Me too girl /non gendered), but I got to give it to her, the lgbt+ representation she does is on point
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Anyways now that I tackled down that issue is time to actually talks about this short as a whole see ya
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luvsunarin · 5 months
[ megumi fushiguro x fem!reader ] ෴ IN WHICH⠀your roommate tries to convince you to join her band.
warnings・CORNY CORNY CORNY. i wrote this at 3 in the morning and did not proof read or edit this so my apologies if it makes no sense LOL
wc・1.1k || short read lolz. p2 mayb!?
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you laid on your arm chair in the living room with your head resting on the arm rest, while your legs dangled over the armrest on the opposite side of the small couch meanwhile your roommate sat on the floor in front of you while some of her band mates sat on the couch and some on the floor.
"c'mon y/n! we need a drummer, and you're the perfect option!" nobara pleaded you.
"look nobara, i'm truly flattered but i don't know." you sighed and shrugged.
"why not? didn't you tell me you used to be in a band in high school with megumi at one point?" she glanced between the two of you.
your eyes widened for a subtle second, "no? i never told you that." you told her and squinted at megumi.
"well then megumi did! he said that you were the drummer and that you played like no one else." she repeated his words dramatically which made megumi roll his eyes.
"didn't i tell you to not bring that up?" he scoffed.
"desperate times call for desperate measures." itadori reasoned with a shrug.
"well he's being dramatic. i really was an average drummer. our lead singer would always get mad at me 'cause i'd constantly fuck up during practices."
"yet you played flawlessly at shows." megumi added, staring at you intensely.
"what?" you furrowed your eyebrows at him.
"you rarely played good at practice but whenever it came to shows, you played perfectly." he said. "oh but ya know, it has been a while so i understand if you got even worse." a smirk formed on his features.
you raise an eyebrow at him and send him a brief glare, which he returned.
itadori cleared his throat and stared between the two of you who were staring very intensely at each other then glanced at nobara. "maybe this isn't such a good idea–"
"no, you know what? i'll do it." you scoffed.
they all went wide-eyed, "what?!"
"i'll be your drummer," you specified. "then i'll prove to fushiguro that i've only gotten better at drumming."
itadori and nobara's bright features dropped when you said that, "seriously? just for competition?"
"nah. she's just saying that 'cause she misses playing the drums. and she misses being in a band with me." megumi teased.
you scoffed, "in your dreams."
"yeah, i dreamt about it every night so much to the point it became reality."
your features relaxed and you adjusted your legs on the arm chair, "whatever."
"i'll let our manager know then!" nobara cleared her throat, breaking the awkward silence that grew upon them and she pulled out her phone. "gojo'll be thrilled."
"seriously? megumi's dad is the manager of this band too?" you stiffled your laughter.
"he's not my dad–"
"yet he's changed your diapers more than toji ever did." you cut him off and shrugged.
he scoffed, "whatever."
nobara clicked on gojo's contact and pressed call. "gojo, you won't believe it!"
you heard gojo's muffled voice through the phone, "what? wait, let me guess– you got y/n to be your drummer?"
"yup! she said she's only doing it to prove to fushiguro that she's still an amazing drummer but i know that's bullshit." nobara whispered followed by a chuckle.
"i heard that kugisaki." you called out.
itadori rushed over to the phone as well, "yup, they probably miss each other a lot." he whispered.
"you guys are right in front of us." megumi pointed out.
the other three rolled their eyes. three because you just know that gojo rolled his eyes as well. "fine then we'll go somewhere you can't hear us!" they made their way to the kitchen and continued to gossip there with gojo.
which left you and megumi.
the silence wasn't awkward. the air felt stuffy but not awkward. however you broke the silence by asking megumi a question, "do you seriously think i'm the best drummer or were you over-exaggerating 'cause you missed being in a band with me?" you teased as a smirk tugged on your lips.
megumi clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, "are you seriously joining the band because you wanna prove to me you're still the best drummer or 'cause you missed being in a band with me?" he mocked you.
you thought for a moment, "neither. i miss playing the drums." you told him confidently.
"i'm heart broken, really." he said dramatically. "you didn't miss me?"
"sure i did," you chuckled at him. "i missed throwing my drum sticks at your head before a show."
"i'd always keep it in my pocket during the show for goodluck."
"aw, was i your good luck charm?" you mocked him and laughed.
"you could say that if it makes you happy." he rolled his eyes.
"nah, i'd rather think of it that you had my drum stick in your pocket so that you could always have a reminder that i'm putting you under pressure." you looked at him.
he laughed softly, "i'd prefer the good luck thing."
"i wouldn't. if i kept one of your guitar strings in my pocket, i'd pressure myself to play ten times better." you spoke, "but then again, you don't like being put under pressure. so i see why you prefer the good luck thing." you smirked at him.
he looked at you weirdly while a smile subconsciously snuck onto his features, "i'd put myself under pressure for you."
"gross," you looked at him with a playfully disgusted look. "that's corny."
"it was a joke asshole," he shook his head. "hey but didn't you notice that i played better with your drumstick in my pocket than when i didn't?"
"under pressure."
"whatever." he sighed. "i'm glad you joined the band." he told you, changing the topic.
you hummed, "oh yeah? so you did miss being in a band with me." you confirmed.
"whatever helps you sleep at night. you sleep deprived fuck."
you looked at him playfully offended, "sleep deprived fuck?" you repeated his words. "i can't believe you."
"sure y/n. remind me of how many hours of sleep you get?"
"too far buddy, too far," you joked followed by a laugh. "anyway, how have you been?"
"better now that you joined the band." he smirked.
"oh? so you really missed me?" you joked.
"yeah," he finally admitted. "i didn't just miss being in a band with you but i missed you." he added.
you stared at him, "oh yeah? i missed you too actually." you admitted as well.
"sure you did. wasn't i the reason you left our old band?"
"well now you're the reason i'm joining your new one." you chuckled, "you gotta quit doing that– letting the past interfere with the future."
he sighed in defeat, "so you did miss me, huh?"
"oh shut up." you gave in and smiled.
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﹫heartshapedjewls' work! do not copy! || xtra words frm jules: im contemplating whether or not i should make a prt2 butttt idk... MORE BAND AUS TO COMEEE!! im so excited to write for star treatment 🫂. anyway have a good day yall, and stay hydrated!
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heartshapedbubble · 2 years
Hello again! I requested the spring heated wine headcannons! I wanted to request another luchino fic/headcannon but something angsty if you're comfortable ^^
I just love angst lol -🍄
oh my god i was supposed to finish this yesterday but i literally got lost ?? and spent like an hour walking outside in the rain without an umbrella and my phone on 1% until i found my way back but um anyways hi im back and i hope this fic is good enough anon🤲 sorry for the wait
the person i once knew, a luchino diruse oneshot🦎
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art creds: @/micro_menbow on twt
not proofread woo!!!, cw: mentions of blood and syringes/injections/needles, this one is kinda cringe tbh i hope its good enough anon, reader's gender not specified, a little less italian pet names than usual, luchino is a cocky little shit and i love him, yet another fic i did in samsung notes yas slay, the formatting is weird but im too lazy to fix it so uhh yet another slay i guess?
"Looks pretty charming, right?" The brunette man was beaming with excitement.
You two just arrived at the small, fishing village, where you were appointed to do some research on reptiles. The shack that was supposed to be your shelter for the week wasn't in the best condition - the roof had a couple holes in it and some of the windows were broken, but it was clear that it didn't matter to Luchino, your research partner. As he was excitedly inspecting the shack, the combination of damp air and annoying mosquitoes left you exhausted to the point you laid down onto your luggage to catch a breath.
"Well, if you call that ruin charming, I guess our research will be done in no time." You laughed. "Phew. As if housing is the most important thing about our mission!" You rolled your eyes - he put on the oh-so-high-and-mighty voice again. "This is a great opportunity to explore and find new species. Just look at the conditions! Perfect for finding various reptiles and snakes."
"Okay, okay, ramble all you want, but first, let's go inside and set everything up." You knew that once you start an argument with him, it never ends. But as much as he annoyed you with his stubbornness, it definetly was a valuable trait for his profession.
As you clacked with various bottles and equipment, you saw him already putting on his coat and gloves and preparing himself to head outside.
"But, Luchino, you barely ate today, you can't just go outside like that! I know you're excited but-"
It was obvious he wasn't listening. "Yeah, okay, I'm just going to go outside and check the surroundings! No exploring or anything." He basically rushed out of the house. Not much could be done except roll your eyes - but, oh well, it gave you enough time to prepare your microscopes and books.
A few hours passed. You already did a big part of the job - took notes about your previous researches, set up the petri dishes, labeled various sample bags and what not. There was so much to be done and it occupied you to the point you just forgot that Luchino even left. Him sprinting into the house took away the peace you just got to enjoy. He was ecstatic, his eyes twinkling and him doing weird hand motions.
"Okay, ___, you won't believe what happened! I ran into the university colleagues, who happened to be on vacation a couple of miles away from the village, and they told me they have something that might help our research, a snake actually, and that it might be the rarest and most fascinating specimen we-" He spoke so quickly you barely understood him and ran out of breath.
"Oookay. Now slow down and try again - what happened?"
"Our colleagues offered to give us a snake - no, lizard - they think might help our research a lot, they said that it's not like any other species we researched before"
"Give it to us? No payment or anything?"
"Nope. Not a cent."
The new situation made you think. It all just sounded too good to be true. And you knew that said colleagues were not the most generous people, so what led them to such an offer?
"I... don't know. Something smells fishy there. I'd recommend you being extra careful."
"So you're in?"
"I mean, I guess, but-"
"Alright! Perfect! I'll get it tommorrow then."
He headed straight to bed, not even willing to drink some tea with you.
"And the surroundings, Luchino? You said you'd check them ou-" "They're fine! Just a regular lake or swamp area. Nothing special." He turned his face towards the wall and covered himself up with the blanket. You sighed - the situation occupied his brain and now nothing was on his mind except it. It was a common occurence and something you constantly scolded him for in the university's laboratories, but this time it worried you more than usual.
You tried to shake off your anxiety. I mean, it's just some weird snake, apparently, It can't be that bad....
Can it?
the next morning
You stabbed your dry, canned food with a fork. You couldn't decide if it was the weird flavour or the whole reptile situation that took away your appetite. Luchino said that he'd be back in an hour, but it seemed like years and years have passed. "Maybe for the better", you thought to yourself. The dizziness and nausea that your anxiety caused you were already present and it wasn't just something you could shrug off as usual.
"I have it!" The sudden scream shook you out of your trance as Luchino burst through the door yet again, holding the little cage like it was a trophy of sorts. He gently put it on the table as you tried to get a peek of the creature that hid inside it.
Your anxiety was put aside as curiosity won over.
He grabbed a key from his pocket and nervously opened the cage. A small snake crawled out of it - no, a lizard? You leaned in to get a closer look. The little animal had the body of a snake, but the scales were unusually big and tough. It also had something that looked like small limbs growing out of it.
"What the hell did you bring here? What kind of peculiar animal is this?"
"Good question! I have no idea." He gently opened his fist in front of the animal as it crawled onto his palm, his fingers gently petting the scaled surface. "But, this little guy sure is something. Apparently he grows limbs and other parts of his body, not just the tail. When i picked him up, he was just a snake - but look at him now! His legs are growing already." He picked up his notebook and the quill and started sketching the snake-lizard on the first empty page he opened. "Even if we don't know what he is exactly, he's certainly helping us out during our research. Actually, I'm pretty sure we're at an advantage over everyone else right now!" The little creature gently rubbed its head against his arm, as if it just understood what he said.
"Ah, well, I guess you'll be so occupied with it to the point I won't be needed to complete the work?" You rolled your eyes. Luchino and you were always bickering at work and always wanted to do things by themselves, but you couldn't ever say you hated him. In fact, you cared for him, a lot. He was someone you used to look up to before you applied for your job, and he still is, even though you hate to admit it. Even with his (sometimes) unbearable attitude, he was a very charming man, in his own peculiar way.
"Oh, no, your help will definetly be needed! And well appreciated, too. I'll just... take care of the little guy." The animal was back in its cage. "Now, go to sleep, ___, I could bet you're very tired already."
the next morning
"Morning, ___."
Luchino's voice made you turn your head. He was standing at the door yet again.
"Oh, hey, Luchino. Let me guess, you went out again without me, right? And probably did most of the job again?"
"Well, I didn't want you wake you up or anything.."
You suddenly noticed his weird mannerisms. He was hiding his arm behind his back, and the cage wasn't easily visible either. His expression didn't help him much anyway, since he looked like he just bit into a lemon.
"Luchino, could you show me the reptile again?" You mumbled, waiting for the response. You wanted to bait out as much information as possible.
The man just sighed and sat down next to you.
"Well, here's the thing."
He placed the cage on the desk. It was empty, and the lock was hanging loose on the side.
"How? Where? Did you lose it?"
"In a way, yes. I decided to go out with the little fellow, you know, to see how he reacts to the habitat and to see what exactly he eats, but when I let him out of the cage and went to set up the sample bags, he..."
He then showed you the arm he has been hiding since he entered. The pale skin of his wrist has been penetrated by the animal's fangs, leaving a sickly green color around the wound.
"Oh god, are you okay? Is it venomous? I may have a bottle of antidote laying around somewhere.." you mumbled as you grabbed his wrist to get a closer look. You traced your fingers over it, causing the man to shiver.
"I doubt so. I... actually never got bit by a snake or any reptile since I was always cautious around them, but it seems like I was too carefree this time..."
"The animal escaped, right?"
"Yep. Ran away right after the bite. Guess we can forget about being at an advantage."
Damn it! The chance you two had slipped right out of your hands. "Ugh. Well, it seems like we'll have to resort to basic research." You knew it was too good to be true. While rummaging through your medicine kit, you found some bandages, and gently wrapped them around Luchino's wrist.
"Here. It's all I have. At this point you can just pray that it's not venomous"
"Thank you."
You stood up, heading towards the cupboard where you stored various serums and other concoctions. Some bottles spilled over and created a sticky, intoxicating mixture that was pouring down the wooden door of the cupboard.
Your partner drummed the desk with his fingers, seemingly lost in thought.
"Did you know that he didn't have fangs when I first got him?"
The question snapped you out of your little chore.
"The animal grew fangs today in the morning. I had no idea how, since yesterday he barely had them."
"Well, they weren't lying when they said that it's a very interesting specimen.."
"Truly. A wonder of evolution, if you will..."
three days later
If you could go back, you'd probably bite your tongue over what you thought about Luchino. Looking back at it, you were a bit ashamed of it... especially considering he hasn't been around recently. It was incredibly lonely, to say the least. He woke up before you, and arrived back to the shack when you were already long asleep. He didn't eat, didn't talk to you, yet you always woke up with a cup of coffee on the table and your desk tidied up for work.
However, you thought of a plan. You knew he'd probably hate your guts for it, and that taking in that much caffeine would probably keep you awake for the following 3 days, but your curiosity was stronger than your morals. What could he possibly be doing?
You were on your sixth cup of coffee, your heart beating like crazy while you were curled up in your bed, waiting for Luchino to arrive.
Almost as if you manifested him, he appeared, gently locking the door after entering. The lantern sitting near the door wasn't enough to fully illuminate his slender figure. He slowly went into the working room, sitting by the desk and slowly shutting the door. You waited for some time before getting up.
Since the keyhole was stuffed with cotton, you pressed your ear against the rotting wooden door, trying to make out the words he mumbled.
"Scales...Need...More venom...Experimental...."
It was a horrible idea, really, but you slowly opened the door a bit, praying to whatever gods out there that it doesn't creak.
You had to look twice to reassure yourself that yes, you're indeed seeing what you think you are - parts of Luchino's skin were covered in tough, green scales, his shirt torn in the front to reveal his bare, scale-covered chest. He wore an eyepatch above his eye, but you could make out some green blotches hiding behind it. The syringe he was holding was full of green liquid with honey-like consistency. You gulped watching him precisely aim the vein with the needle, injecting the thick mixture into his bloodstream. The eye bags under his eyes were not something easily ignored, but they definetly didn't take away the smug grin he had on his face. His disheveled, tired appearance and the way he maneuvered with the syringe made him look like some lunatic.
Your whisper was enough to kick him out of his trance, his eyes opening wide upon seeing you.
"___! What..are you doing here? Shouldn't you be asleep?"
"I propose a better question - What the hell is happening to you?" You approached him and tapped the exposed scales, the rough surface scratching your fingertips.
He only chuckled in response.
"Well, my dear ___, we might be reptile-less, but now, we have something much better...", he said as he victoriously raised his scaled arm, showing it off. You also saw black claws replacing his nails, making his hands look predator-like.
"And by that you mean?"
"We have me."
"I... still have no idea what's going on."
He propped himself up and put his legs on the table. "Well, after the bite, I managed to suck out most of the venom", he spoke as he spinned the syringe between his fingers as if it was a majorette's baton, "but I noticed some very...interesting side effects from the bite, such as those scales you see on my body right now. This might be the best thing to happen - as much as I was concerned at first, this is a miracle! Using me as a test subject, we could potentionally evolve the human race to have bulletproof skin or something!" He didn't seem to care about your concerned expression. This all seemed so insane, so inhuman that you started shaking and couldn't withold yourself anymore.
"Do you even hear yourself when you speak? You're batshit insane, Luchino! This transformation you're enduring is nothing natural, in fact, I'm 100% sure it was caused by some form of witchcraft! I know it's inevitable but please! Stop making the problem even bigger!" You unleashed your anger upon him, waving your hands around as you felt your face heat up. Luchino looked at you unphased as he waved the injection around.
"You're making such a big deal out of all this, amore. I know you are concerned, but please, trust me on this one. I might look different, but I'm the same old Luchino, trust me." He said with a soft voice, you could even say he said it mockingly. As he glared at you he carelessly aimed the needle at his vein yet again without even looking, the liquid pulsing as he pushed the plunger. You felt nauseous just looking at him parade with the venomous substance, let alone injecting it.
"God, you have always been so stubborn... ugh, okay, fine, I'll let you be, but stop with the fucking pet names, damn! Where did you even get those from..." He just smiled at your little angry fit.
a week later
It was about time you two presented your work - you luckily managed to stop Luchino from handing in the notes he made about the changes on his body though. The university decided to hold a small banquet in order to celebrate the successful researches.
Luchino sat beside you by the dining table, your concealer hiding the scaly skin, and bandages covering what the concealer couldn't. He was visibly nervous, and to be honest, you weren't really calm either. You could see him discreetly pull out the syringe again from under the table.
"Put it down! At least wait until the banquet ends", you hissed at him as you smacked his hand. "Okay, jeez, it's not like anyone would notice..." he groaned as he put it back in his pocket.
Suddenly he stood up. "I'm going to go outside, I desperately need some fresh air", he mumbled to himself. You tagged along with him.
He picked up the syringe yet again and injected it, his nervousness seemingly disappearing as he sighed out of relaxation. You zoned out, staring at the rain that soaked the nearby park and washing all the vibrant colors off for a short while.
"I also wanted to thank you for your work", he suddenly murmured, "sorry for getting preoccupied with my own research. That was selfish of me."
Your glared at him, suddenly mellowing out - from your two years of knowing him, one thing you were sure about was that he wasn't the type to shower everyone with praise.
"Oh... you're welcome", you stumbled over your own words, stuttering as you felt your face turn red, "...but I mean, you provided me with coffee everyday, and tidied up my desk and everything, so I mean, all those succesful researches were also thanks to your care-"
"That's nothing compared to your work, compagno" he grinned as he stood up straight. "I knew you were the right one."
"Wait, what?
"Oh, you don't know how the headmaster set up the research teams?"
"Oh well. Basically, I was the one who asked him to pair me with you."
You were red in the face, staring at him. He just curiously tilted his head.
"But... why?"
"I wanted to use the time we'd have during our research to bond with you. I admire your work a lot, even though we constantly bicker. Sadly, the situation was unexpected, as you know. Sorry for being so selfish."
He took one step further, and now he was standing right in front of you. You never really noticed the height difference between you two, but god, was it prominent now that you looked at it.
"I... really like you, ___."
His hand gently grabbed your cheek, carressing it. His claws slowly scratched your face, but it didn't matter.
"Woah... did it hurt your dignity to finally admit this?"
"Oh god, shut up."
You laughed.
"The feeling is mutual, Luchino."
He bit his lip.
"So, does that mean that I can...?"
"Go ahead."
He gently tilted your head with his cold hand, softly pressing his lips against yours.
The warmth of his lips was everything to you. No matter his scales, his claws, low body temperature and all the inhuman traits now present, the hot sensation that unfolded once he kissed you reminded you of how human he was. You lost yourself in the moment, slowly reaching for his hair and playing with it as he put his other hand on your back.
"I love you too, Luchino."
two weeks later
Perhaps this was the happiest you've ever felt in a long time - your relationship with Luchino was blossoming, and your chemistry improving with every second you two spent together. The usual bickering also wasn't as common - who would have thought?
It was almost midnight, and you were patiently waiting in front of your beloved's door. He said he'd pick you up in a minute, but it has been over half an hour without a trace of him - you started biting your nails out of anxiety, contemplating if you should enter his home. You didn't know if he lived with anyone, either.
"Luchi?" You quietly called him, knowing that it was in vain. You picked up the courage to knock one, two times, and the third time was seemingly a charm.
"Amore, I... please, go home. I'm sorry. I think we should put off our date for now." His voice sounded strained, almost like he was in great pain. You didn't let it slip, knowing something was up.
"Stay put. Is everything okay?" you mumbled as you decided to push the door. It was unlocked, and all lights in the house have been turned off. Everything was veiled by darkness, except the pale blue moonlight illuminating the corners through the open windows.
You anxiously stepped in, the floorboards creaking with every step you made. The volume of his voice indicated that he was in his workroom, in the corner of it. Suddenly, you heard a loud crack coming from beneath your feet.
You were right. A thin silk-like fold of shedded skin was lying on the floor. The moonlight beam shining on it made it glisten like a polished diamond. As you glanced at the skin, you noticed more of it laying around the floor, all seemingly leading to Luchino. This wasn't good.
You cautiously continued walking, avoiding the scales dragged around the house. Finally, you found yourself in front of your partner's door. His muted groans behind the door worried you even more.
You gently opened the door, not prepared for the sight.
He was laying on the floor, his body seemingly semi-paralyzed as his shaky arm covered his face.
"Tesoro, please, stay away before I hurt you, please, for your own safety..."
You slowly approached him, gently moving the arm away from his face.
He had a painful grimace on his face, his head shaking as his other eye turned into a reptile's, the tough scales tightening the surrounding flesh. He pushed himself away from you with his hand. Droplets of cold sweat poured down from his forehead to his chin.
"You... shouldn't see me like this. Go away, please, leave me!" His cries were interrupted by another layer of scales growing out of his body. You could hear him whimper as blood started staining his shirt.
You wanted to run, wanted to help him, but you couldn't. You froze, your legs paralyzing and your jaw dropping. You could only watch him cry in agony as he squirmed with each transformation. He was helpless, and there was nothing that you could do for him.
"Luchino?" You finally mustered out a word, waking up from your frozen state.
It was funny, and you knew it. The creature standing in front of you was no longer the Luchino you knew. Its eyes were deprived of your beloved's usual curiousity - instead, all you could see was bloodlust. The lizard-like monster hissed, slowly approaching you. You tried to run, escape to save your life - but it was faster than you. His hand gripped your waist, the claws stabbing into your skin and drawing blood, making you scream. There was no escape.
You tried to squirm from the tight grip he held you in - you even tried to bite him. All your attempts to escape were interrupted by a rusted blade stabbing into your abdomen, paralyzing you. Trying to speak through the sea of blood building up in your mouth, aching and writhing while the pain was becoming unbearable, you let out your pathetic last words:
"Please...let me die a painless death."
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Take Me Home Tonight
Summary: Warren accidentally confesses to you and is forced to realize that he’s been in love with you for a while now. This is Evan’s warren lipka I just wanted to specify
Word Count: 2928
Warnings: None this is pure fluff, Warren being his usual goofy and incredibly hot self
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You were having the time of your life right now, nothing was funnier than drunk Warren Lipka. He was the definition of a hot mess, one second he was grinding on some random lady on the dance floor and the next second he was passed out on the toilet, pants down and Spencer had to go and get him. You always volunteered to be their designated driver when they went out, you loved getting to see Warren like this. And because you would never get drunk in front of Warren, you knew you were a bold drunk and whatever you did he would never let you forget it. 
You scanned the room trying to make sure you had eyes on them. Spencer was snoring with his head down surrounded by empty bottles and various wrappers, he was sitting at a table towards the center of the bar and Warren was near the front of the bar. He was currently fighting with some woman over the karaoke machine. Warren wrestled the microphone from her and her friends cussed him out before he flipped them off. He took the makeshift stage stumbling on the last step. 
He squinted his eyes till he found you, you gave him a wave, water still in hand. He gave you a lopsided smile before pointing in your direction, pushing his hair back. “This one goes out to my girlfriend!” The crowd wolf whistled as they turned to face in your direction. You rolled your eyes.
“I’m not his girlfriend!” You shouted back with a laugh. 
“Yea but I wish you were!” He shouted back. 
“Wait what.” You felt your eyes bulge out of your head and turn to look at Spencer, he had the same shocked look on his face. You looked at him for an explanation and he just shrugged his shoulders, as clueless as you were. Warren whispered something to the guy running the machine and a second later Eddie Money started blaring out of the speakers, drowning out your attempts to call him off the stage. 
Warren bopped his head to the music, jerking his hips out, still pointing in your direction. “I feel a hunger, it’s a hunger, That tries to keep a man awake at night!” He began to sing and it was awful. He was basically screaming and his voice was raspy from all the alcohol. But he put up so much of a performance into the way he sang the audience didn't seem to care. He held eye contact with you slowly moving off the stage and towards you.
The spotlight followed his movements, the light creeping closer to your secluded corner of darkness. “Are you the answer?” Your heart pounded at the implication of his words and the way his eyes seemed alert. He continued singing until he was directly in front of you. He threw the cord around you and used it to pull you close, you stumbled into him catching yourself on his chest. He leaned forward, his close proximity making the hair on your arms stand up, he lowered his voice as he nudged the side of his head into yours. “I can feel you breathe, I can feel your heart beat faster…” 
He watched you with half lidded eyes, moving closer, his lips nearly brushing against yours, but before you could make contact he pulled away from you nearly causing you to trip over the cord as he yanked it back towards him. He danced back towards the center of the bar and jumped up on the table where Spencer was at. He threw his head back and screamed out the lyrics “TAKE ME HOME TONIGHT! I DON’T WANNA LET YOU GO ‘TIL YA SEE THE LIGHT!” 
He waved his arm in the air, signaling the crowd to sing along with him. He nudged Spencer with his foot and he began to sing along with the rest of the bar patrons. They were all drunkenly sighing along with Warren, their gazes locked on you. He moved his arms around madly jumping up and down on the table, going absolutely crazy. You laughed watching him thrust his hips forward, matching the beat of the song. He pulled Spencer on the table with him and they both began to drunkenly sing to you, your face hurt from smiling so widely. You took out your phone and began to record their little song and dance. You also took a picture of drunk Warren pointing at you and screaming be my little baby. He had nearly slipped off the table while doing it, so it was all blurry and his eyes were wild.  You made a mental note to make it your lockscreen later. 
He started up at the chorus again, this time him and Spencer belting it accompanied by the other customers. “TAKE ME HOME TONIGHT!” Warren jumped a little too close to the edge of the table and launched him and Spencer on the floor, knocking over the neighboring tables. You were doubled over in laughter, Warren hadn’t even stopped singing he just carried on as he laid on top of Spencer on the floor. 
The security guard walked over to the two of them and picked them up by their shirt collars. He tried taking the microphone from Warren but he just held it closer still signing into it, even though the music had stopped. The security guard looked at you and called you over. “Come get your boyfriend!” 
“He’s not my boyfriend!” 
“BUT HE WISHES HE WAS!” The bar patrons chanted together, remembering what Warren had shouted to you earlier. Your face burned in embarrassment as you want to collect them. Ripping the microphone from Warren’s hands as he whined and handed it to the security guard. The crowd cheered Warren on as you guys were escorted out, he bowed and blew kisses to the crowd. You had to drag him by his arm all the way to the car, Spencer just walked alongside you guys smiling to himself. 
You shoved Warren into the passenger's seat and he groaned as he hit his head on the roof going in. Spencer laughed at him. “Shut up!” Warren called reaching into the back seat. 
“Stop that!” You said, pulling him back into the front seat. You buckeld yourself in before starting up the car. “I can’t believe you got us kicked out of my favorite bar.” You scolded. You weren't really all that mad about being kicked out, you were more upset about the way Warren had said he wished you were his girlfriend. You knew that when Warren was drunk he would say and do just about anything so you learned not to take him seriously. But you had been crushing on him for years now and for a second you had felt a flicker of hope that he returned your affection. 
Warren just pouted with his arms crossed for a moment before playing with your radio flicking through the channels. He smiled when he heard the song he was singing earlier again. “Oh no not again.” You said reaching over to turn the radio off, he smacked your hand away and kept his own covering the buttons. 
“Warren.” You warned, glancing over to glare at him. He just smirked and started singing again. 
“Come on (y/n) sing with me!” 
“I feel a hunger….” He leaned across to the seat getting really close to whisper in your ear. “Come on, you know you wanna sing with me. You know you wanna take me home tonight.” He slurred. You pushed him back into his seat laughing at his poor attempt at flirting. But it got you to play along. 
“Oh yeah, I’ll take you home tonight.” You said in an over seductive voice, reaching over to run your hand up and down his thigh. 
“Really?” He asked, biting his bottom lip. 
‘Yeah I’m gonna take both your asses home and make sure you stay there.” You pushed your hand into his chest knocking him back into his seat. 
He groaned, lulling his head to the side knocking it against the window with a soft bonk. “You’re no fun.” 
You winked at him. “I know.” You softly hummed the tune to yourself the rest of the ride home and Warrens smiled to himself at watching you. 
You dropped them both off at Warren’s place, he said his dad wasn't home so Spencer could crash there. Warren had nearly fallen down the stairs into the basement, but you caught him and propped him up. He blushed as you gently helped him lay down in bed and removed his shoes. You laid him down and he grabbed your hand as you moved to leave. “What, no goodnight kiss?” You rolled your eyes and moved back towards him. He closed his eyes and puckered his lips, you made him lay back down and settled for a kiss on his forehead. 
“Goodnight Warren.” He was glad the lights were off so you couldn't see how red his face had gotten from your simple kiss. He hadn't expected you to do anything at all. 
Warren woke up in the middle of the night, needing to pee. As he was washing his hands he was hit with a full memory of what had happened last night. He stumbled out of his room and made his way to Spencer who was passed out on the couch. “Dude.” He shook him. “Dude wake up!”
Spencer jolted awake. “What do you want Warren?” 
“Did I do what I think I did last night?” Warren said slowly, his brows furrowed.
“If you’re asking if you indirectly confessed to (y/n) by serenading her with an Eddie Money song and then asking her to take you home tonight about a million times then yes.” Spencer curled back into himself hugging the blanket closer. He was always thankful when you made a bed for him. You always remember to give him a blanket and a pillow. Warren always forgot and he ended up having to use a newspaper or a couch cushion to keep warm. He turned back, opening one eye. “She also kissed you goodnight and left you a care package.”
“I’m sorry she kissed me?” Warren said, yanking Spencer's blanket away. 
“Yes.” Spencer said bordely, blindly fumbling for his blanket. “On the forehead idiot, you asked her for a kiss and that’s all she gave you.”
“But she kissed me?”
“Yes. Now give me my blanket back.”
“One more thing.”
“What?” Spencer groaned, trying to get his blanket back. Warren kept holding it out of his reach. 
“You said she left me a care package.”
“Yea, on the table.” Warren dropped the blanket back on Spencer and practically sprinted over to the table. “ But she left a gatorade for me too so don’t drink them both!” Spencer added before going back to sleep. There was a little wooden tray with a gatorade, an aspirin bottle and a whole bunch of little tricks to help with a hangover. He smiled at your sweet sentiment and downed some of the pills hoping they would ease his pounding head. He held the little care package in his hands, smiling at it unconsciously. You were always so thoughtful, you always took care of his dumbass and got him out of whatever trouble he managed to get into. You were always there for him when he needed you. He had always had lingering feelings for you but he’d brush it off as a crush, Warren Lipka didn't have “deep feelings.” 
But the longer he looked at the care package you left him and as he reflected on the events of last night he couldn't deny it any longer. “Shit.” He mumbled running a hand down his face. Spencer had turned to look at him. “I’m in love with her.”
“You're just now realizing this.” Warren tossed a pillow at him and Spencer batted it away. “So what are you going to do?”
“I’m just gonna hold all my feelings in until I die.” 
“Are you serious?”
Spencer sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He yawned out his reply. “Just tell her you liked her like a normal person.” 
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“What if…” Spencer sensed the change of tone in Warren’s voice and he now had his full attention. “What if she doesn't like me back. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”
Spencer bit his lip, debating on telling Warren what you had told him. Warren noticed Spencer's suspicious behavior and his eyes narrowed. “You know something.”
“No I don’t.”
“Yes you do.” Warren plopped onto the couch beside Spencer. “Tell me.”
“I’m not really supposed to-”
“Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell-”
“Okay!” Spencer huffed. Spencer looked around as if making sure you weren't there to overhear him. “She told me that she likes you.”
“Don’t yell, I still have a hangover.” Spencer groaned, pressing his fingers to his temple. He got you to take some aspirin, Warren followed.
“She likes me, since when??” Spencer bit his lip. Warren yanked his gatorade away. “How long has she liked me spencer?””
“Since high school.”
“Dude.” Spencer yanked his gatorade back. “I told you to stop yelling.”
“You knew that she liked me since high school and you never told me.”
“She made me promise not to tell.”
Warren glared at him. He wanted to be mad but the knowledge of you liking him outweighed his anger. “And you’re sure she still likes me?’
“Positive? This ain't something I can't take a risk on. I need to be one million percent sure.”
“Yes what?”
“Seriously?” Spencer signed. Warren glared at him and he rolled his eyes. “Yes I’m sure she still likes you.” 
Warren went up the stairs of the basement taking two at a time and yanking the door open. “Where are you going?” Spencer called up.
“To go see her.”
“But you don’t have a car. And it’s the middle of the night.”
“I don’t care and I don’t need one.” Warren slammed the door shut on his way out. Spencer winced and went to lay back down. “That idiot is going to run there.” He grumbled.
You woke up to hear pounding on your door. You were still in bed and your roommate went to answer the door. She took one look out before slamming it shut. “Who is it?” You asked.
“Your hot friend.”
You got up and  opened it, Warren was on the other side, bent over and breathing really hard. “Warren?”
“Hey.” He wheezed out.
“Are you okay?”
“You know it’s like 4 in the morning right?”
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re really sweaty and you sound like you’re dying.”
“I’m good just give me a minute.” 
“Do you wanna come in?” Warren glanced behind you and saw your roommate leaning back in her chair, trying to see what was going on. 
“Nah. I-'' He took a deep breath before starting again. “I kinda want us to be alone for this.” 
You closed the door behind you and leaned against it waiting for him to continue. Warren stood back up, pushing his sweaty hair out of his face. He was all disheveled, still dressed in his clothes from last night. But his shirt was unbuttoned, exposing his chest to you, you did you best not to look. “So.” He started off, looking down at the floor. 
“About last night.” Warren fiddled with the hem of his shirt. “I meant what I said.” He looked up to see your reaction, you were watching him with wide eyes silently asking him to continue. “I really like you, like a lot. And I have for a while now but I was too scared to admit it. I didn’t want to risk ruining our friendship.”
Your heart was beating out of your chest, you were pretty sure the whole dorm could hear it. “You… you like me?” 
“Yeah.” Warren rubbed the nape of his neck, his brown eyes staring into your own, waiting to see your answer. 
You smiled and glanced down at the floor. “I like you too.”
“Really?” His voice was hopeful, the edges of his lips curling into a smirk.
“Yeah.” You guys stared at each other like idiots with wide smiles on your faces. 
“So…” Warren started again this time a little more brave. ‘Would you maybe like to go out sometime?”
“I would love to.”
Warren pumped his first in the air. “Yes!” You laughed and went to open the door to your dorm. “As much as I love confessing to you in the hallway it’s the middle of the night. You should probably get back to bed.” He nodded. “So I guess I’ll see you around.” 
“Yeah, I’ll call you later to set up our date.”
You began to close the door before Warren rushed forward, he put his hands on the door frame, stopping you from closing it. “Wait! Can you uh, can you drive me home. I don't think I would survive running all the way back.”
“Sure.” you giggled, grabbing your keys and locking the door behind you. Warren smirked at you as you guys made our way down the hall. 
“So what you’re saying is you’ll take me home tonight.” He sang the last part, winking at you. You pushed his shoulder. 
“Don’t make me regret saying yes to going out with you.”
Taglist: @xxspqcebunsxx @coffeeandteaintheevening @kitwalkerangel @xmaximoffic @no-mercy-bby @evanmybeloved @livingmybestfictionallife
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kur0m1bab3 · 3 years
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The fruitful mid-day rays of the relentless Californian sun shone down remorselessly onto the Valencia orange trees, aligned ornately into groves.
sweet smelling Citrus sinensis suffocated the air in the light familiarity of hazy summer days and midnight snacks.
oppressive sea breezes kissed the fronds of the fruitful orange trees, causing for a paltry sway of the leaves to leave a minor hum in the air, along with the boisterous songs of bluebirds and cicadas. Sitting idly, perched between two specifically large orange trees sat Keiji keiji, who's gaze pranced around from the scenic view of the orange grove, to the worn down leather notebook sitting quietude among the old, tattered down black metal patio table. The calligraphy pen, resting between his middle and pointer finger, tapped on the rusted metal table softly, adding a harmonious component to the customary symphony of summer. A soft sigh left the young man's mouth, as his gaze transfixed on the man-made dirt road, bellowing in numerous paths through the vast grove.
May was the last month of growing season for navel oranges and tangerines. It was a seemingly good season for those two fruits, considering the countless times profits almost dwindled due to Mother Nature's tampering on the weather. Despite sales being great this quarter, keiji was not,too thrilled about the ridiculous rush they were about to receive once June hit. June was the start of Valencia Orange season, the Akaashi’s best selling item at the grove. The Akaashi family had owned this grove for generations. Stories always being told to keiji when he was younger about his heroine great,great,great, great grandfather, who snuck a single orange seed aboard a ship, taking prisoners from japan to America for labor, and planted it, an orange tree sprouting over night buying his great grandfather times 4 his freedom. Looking back keiji chuckled at the outlandish stories, not believing how gullible children really were, him being a prime example.
In the midst of his thoughts, keijis eyes somehow wandered over to the very end of the large grove. Despite the distance, keiji could make out 2 of 4 buildings that sat at the horizon of the lush forest of acidc fruits. The guesthouses, and the packaging house. The red-clay colored Spanish styled villa structures contrasted almost too perfectly against the panoramic view of the grove. keiji let out a slightly annoyed breath, absolutely dreading the growing season to come. keiji was seemingly brought back to reality rather quickly, by the bellowing of his name from a short distance. His eyebrow raised in minor curiosity as he turned his head, eyes looming over the bright landscape, in search of that oh so familiar voice.
"keiji!" The voice called once more, only this time, much closer allowing keiji to exactly pinpoint and discern who, and where the voice came from. A small grin formed at the corner of the young adults lips as he chuckled a bit.
"I'm over here mom" he said softly, only loud enough for her to hear, as he watched the lush greenery beside him carefully, anticipating for the reveal of his mother, Hanako. Just as suspected, a large straw hat came into view before anything else, the sight producing keiji to grin widely as he rested his chin on his palm, watching his mother in amusement struggle to carry a large wicker basket filled to the brim with assorted citric fruit.
"Love bug...where ya'been all day? I wanted you to help me pick the last of this seasons pick" Hanako huffed out, slightly out of breath as she pulled off the obnoxiously colored garden gloves from her small hands, placing the gloves under her underarm as she wiped a thin layer of sweat from her tanned forehead. keiji smiled a bit, gazing at his mom in amusement.
"Oh you were serious?" keiji chuckled a bit as his mother huffed out once more shaking her head, pulling the chair across from keiji from under the black table, plopping down into the metal chair with a soft thud.
"Obviously keiji" Hanako mumbled shaking her head once more, removing the extravagant straw hat adorned with wacky colored artificial flowers, from her head.
"Where's Kelly? I thought he always helped you pick?" keiji asked, reaching over into his satchel, that was sitting on the lush green grass. He grabbed a water bottle from the leather bag, handing the cool beverage to his mother, who's cheeks were beet red from the obvious time spent in the sweltering California heat.
"I—let him have paternity leave...his wife,
maya—you remember maya? pretty black lady-? Yeah she just had their first born" Hanako explained out of breath, from quickly chugging the water bottle keiji had gifted her. keiji hummed in understanding, carding a hand through his wind tousled hair.
"How long will he be gone?" keiji mumbled, reaching over to the wicker basket, gently grabbing a small tangerine, beginning to peel the vibrant fruit, as his eyes darted between his mother, down to the small fruit currently being nestled by his hands.
"I gave him 5 months...but I'm starting to think that's not enough.."Hanako trailed off, topping off her water bottle as she let her eyes glance from the plush green grass to her son.
"Are you excited about this growing season?" Hanako asked curiously, crossing her nimble legs waiting silently for keiji to answer as He scoffed popping a piece of the cool tangerine into his mouth.
"Thrilled...oh yes mother, I'm so entirely thrilled on having to share my living spaces with complete strangers for the duration of summer." keiji smiled sarcastically as his mother waved him off, letting her elbow rest upon the rusty table.
"Oh you're being dramatic.."Hanako chuckled, raising an eyebrow of amusement at her son as keiji leaned back, letting his arms rest behind his head, the small gold chain around his wrist slightly shifting downward onto his arm.
"I absolutely despise waking up to go eat breakfast, and there are complete strangers eating out of MY bowls and drinking out of MY cups, eating the breakfast MY mother cooked for me-" keiji began as he held out his hand, offering his mother a slice of the acerbic fruit, her happily accepting it as she popped it in her mouth, a small chuckle leaving her lips.
"Call me selfish" keiji shrugged, smirking a bit popping the last slice of the acute orange in his mouth as his mother shook her head, a hearty laugh erupting from her as she shook her head.
"It's a bed and breakfast keiji!" His mother exclaimed in amusement as keiji just smiled.
"I know ma I know...I just hating having people around...it's normally just me and you ya know?" keiji confessed as his mother hummed softly, letting her eyes trail over to the guest houses that connected to the main house by a series of dirt paved walkways and narrow steps.
"You know..." Hanako began to babble, her gaze still being transfixed on the clay colored buildings as she tapped her fingers on the armrest of the chair, creating a soft thudding sound.
"You're brothers are planning to move back here.." Hanako trailed off as keiji raised an eyebrow.
"What?" keiji scoffed in slight disbelief as Hanako pursed her cherry colored lips, turning her gaze back to her youngest son as she nodded.
"Yeah...kou called me...he told me him and tooru were moving back" Hanako trailed off as keiji scoffed crossing his arms, his one chipper mood quickly going sour.
"...why?" His bitter tone catching Hanako off guard as keiji held an unpleasant grimace on his face.
Hanako shrugged softly, bringing her thumb to her mouth biting on the nail softly as she gazed at keiji.
"I'm not sure...he didn't specify" Hanako said slowly, almost as if she was trying to piece together the honestly surprising load of information.
keiji abruptly stood up, the sudden shift in atmosphere caused Hanako to jump slightly, her eyes narrowing into concerned half moons as keiji began to gather his things.
"I need a walk" keiji muttered, leaving his mother to her own dismay as he began his departure off his family's grove.
"June First"
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