#y'all know I'll bring feyre's nice ass anywhere lol
romanticatheartt · 27 days
your headcanons for Emorie?
ps: I really love them too🥹
Note: apologize to anon for taking long to answer them I'm so busy this semester :')
They're so precious to me😭❤️‍🩹 Both Mor and Em deserve something special and I think they can have that with each other<3
So here's my headcanon for these two (both as a couple and as characters):
So let's start with them being mates. Yes they're mates, I refuse anything else!! The author describes the bond as a blessing, as a deeper connection and her couples are mostly mates because she want them to have it all. So I won't tolerate anyone whining about so many mated couples. If you don't like it, don't read it simple as that. (sorry I got heated because this always annoys me lol)
They're a power couple. Mor is a very skilled worrier and before she came of age everyone could feel she's more powerful than the rest and above all, she's NC's third in command. Emerie is the first Illyrian female that is Carynthian and on top of that a Valkyrie.
In acosf, when the Valkyries were making friendship bracelet, Emerie uses green, purple and gold. Siphons have red, blue and green stones and I think Emerie is going to have green siphons. 5 of them to be exact.
And the gold can be a hint at Mor's hair color...
She's also going to have Illyrian tattoos.
Their mating vow is going to be some sort of bargain that is going to appear on the ring finger<3
Mor will try to find a way to heal Emerie's wigs since she's traveling through continent.
And when they're healed, Em will always takes her flying at night.
They're both so possessive but Mor is not subtle at all!
There's this one time an Illyrian male dares to get close to her to insult her in her face. Em is calm and doesn't react but when he abruptly stops talking, she can't help the smirk appearing on her lips.
Because her fierce mate is putting a sword on the idiot's throat and is that blood? yup it is
Emerie is taller than Mor but she's very shy & calm and Mor is her sunshine and energetic mate. Their dynamic has an undertone of sub/dom and we all know who's gonna be who!
At first Emerie is crushing so hard on Morrigan and she's oblivious but she'll catch up slowly.
Since Mor said she likes to join the Valkyries training these two are always in pairs. Mor teaches Em some of her skills and it involves so many touching and Em is so hot and bothered all the time because her crush is touching her elbow and waist!!
In acowar Feyre is so excited to be the matchmaker for Mor so imagine her surprise whenever Mor is talking about her training with the Valkyries, she mostly talks about Nesta's friend and she gets curious.
So she joins the training one day and observes the thing that's going on between these two and realizes she's not the only one, Nesta is sensing somethings too. So she gets to know she has a clothing shop...
She's like:
fey: OMG you don't have any Illyrian leather to wear to training? mor: I literally have several at my house. fey: No you don't, they're burned. Nyx was trying his autumn power and he burned them all. teehee :D nyx: *looking all confused while sucking his tumb* fey: You should totally visit Emerie's shop!! em: *blushing so hard* nes: *face palm*
She's going to be a menace like her mate. She's not that subtle like him tho lmao.
Their first kiss is going to be in the said shop. While Emerie is trying to help her with the ties of her gear.
When Em is not looking, Mor sees her in the mirror and for the first time notices how beautiful she is. Her glowing skin, how the sunlight is shining on her wavy hair and most of all her fulll lips. She also notices her flushed cheeks and heavy breathing.
She's the most beautiful female she has ever seen.
She's so overwhelmed and feels like if she doesn't kiss her right this second she'll compost. So she does.
And for both feels like the sunshine finally revealing herself to their world.
From there, their dynamic is full of teasing and flirting from Mor and blushing from Emerie.
They don't jump into a relationship. There's much to healing and mending for both of them but they'll get there eventually. (I'm not gonna bring the angst here this is just fluff!)
Recognizing their bond isn't a grand, big thing. One night they're at Rita and Mor is dancing on the dance floor and Em is looking at her from the corner of the bar.
Mor senses her burning stare and when they lock eyes, they know...
Feyre will be the one who plans their mating ceremony with the help of Nesta and Gwyn.
She always gloat about how she was the one who pushed them together and she claims it as her biggest success.
Mor might've teased her like the rest of IC if it wasn't true. If Feyre wasn't the one who burned her clothes (LMAO) it might've took them longer to reach where they are.
They would've found their way to each other nonetheless because they both feel that it was inevitable. They were destined to find one another.
They're going to be famous. The Morrigan, who fought two war (probably more at that stage of the book) and The very first female, who has the title of Carynthian...
Please if you have any other headcanon, you can share it with me<3
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