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They grew up so fast :,)
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beastlyinstrument · 8 months
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Karlach Headcannons - @vibingandsimping ☁️🥀🔥
Unable to Get Enough of You - @angelltheninth 🥀🔥
Wanna be loved every night, wanna know she's only mine - ohnoyoongi ☁️💦
Save the softness for later - @princesssmars 💦
Ache - xutaes 💦
A Blazing Hearth - echogalen 💦
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~ Artfight - II ~ More artfight attacks ヽ(•‿•)ノ Nyssa Perseffon for @stealingpotatoes Sheriff Honey Wheat for Thewigglyplant Vateris k. for Pouzin Cinnamon Sugar for Xutaes
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mav-0 · 1 month
🐾 Hounddoom 🐾
[ Houndkit/paw/doom ]
General Information
12 Moons
Male | He/Him
Riverclan - Fighter
Virtue: Prudence
Former Mentor: Nightmare
Father: Galespirit | RC [ deceased ]
Father: Roachheart | TC
Adoptive Mother: Nightmare | RC
Brother: Antarctic | TC
Sibling: Mothsnow | RC
Houndpaw was born to an unknown mother and his father, Galespirit, who brought him and his sibling, Mothpaw, into Riverclan where he resided. As a kit, Houndkit was very rambunctious and energetic, always bothering the warriors and apprentices when he could to hear stories of their outings and training. He was always dedicated to making new friends and, if anything, could be too naive when it came to this. As soon as he became an apprentice, Houndpaw was off, often running away to explore the territory by himself enjoying the freedom being older finally gave him. To be honest, in his mind, clan borders never really mattered much. Of course, he was loyal to Riverclan, but friendships should transcend those borders! Nobody ever really taught him any different, Galespirit tried but it never stuck, his son was nothing like him.
A little over 2 moons after he was apprenticed, Houndpaw’s father disappeared. It crushed him, but he tried not to let it crush his spirit. He still makes friends, but a part of him will always mourn that loss.
Houndpaw is fun-loving, energetic, and open to friends no matter their origin or disability. He's very non-discriminate but can often overstep boundaries and ask uncomfortable questions due to a lack of a filter. He never has any mean intentions though. Some part of Houndpaw can be quick to jump the gun and make impulsive decisions, he's been in a few fights but he never holds a grudge and gets over it pretty quickly. In a weird way, he can come across as oddly charismatic, but to Houndpaw nothing really matters as long as he's surrounded by the people he likes and who are kind to him.
Other Relations
Willowpaw | Best Friend
Batflower | Friend
Mantischaser | Friend
Antarctic | Acquaintance
(Image 1: design, by me | base, by Xutaes - Image 2: by kickz/houndscare)
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regalonea-mee · 1 year
Honestamente dudo poder tener una linda noche pero gracias
xuta, ya me había mimido f por las malas noches
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lesfoteses · 1 year
El partit de les dues derrotes
17 de gener del 2023
Avui estic ben trista. Alguna toia m'ha trencat el plat de la bici i potser no la podrem salvar. Va passar ahir a la nit, després del partit de futbol al Bon Pastor. Sempre aparco la bici dins del camp, a la zona de les grades, lligada a una de les barreres de ferro que separen el camp dels seients. Ja que hi som, us explico com va anar el partit i com vam perdre èpicament 7-9.
En menys del que triga a bullir l'aigua, ja perdíem 0-5. Crec que en els primers 2 minuts de joc ens piten penal en contra, primer gol. Cinc minuts, segon gol. Set minuts, perdem 0-3. Els ànims cauen, un del meu equip crida "va, no ens desanimem! O ens ho creiem o ens en cauran 10". Efectivament, ens en cauen 5 més, però llavors en marquem un. Ens plantem a la mitja part perdent 1-8. El drama està ben servit. L'Andreu, que és qui tota l'estona anava dient "que no decaiguin els ànims, que no decaiguin els ànims", planteja un canvi d'estratègia. Jo em perdo amb les indicacions que dona, que si el punta, que si juguem ara amb un central, que si els dos laterals han de pujar a ajudar. No entenc un borrall, però assenteixo. Només entenc "cadascú amb la seva marca". "Ja els demanaré després que m'indiquin", penso. Al principi uns quants tenen dubtes del canvi de plantejament de joc que està proposant l'Andreu, "però és això o ens en fotran 8 més. Provem-ho, el que estem fent fins ara ja sabem que no ens funciona".
Per sorpresa de tots, comencem a marcar amb el nou sistema de joc i la remuntada èpica la veiem cada minut que passa més a prop. A 7 minuts d'acabar el match anem 7-8. La tensió es palpa en l'equip rival, de cop ja no els veig tan bons com m'havien semblat només començar. Només un parell em semblen realment bons. Suen, malgrat el fred que fa, però per sort avui jugo amb guants i no noto la suor quan els toco per accident. A mi no m'agrada el contacte en el futbol mixt (AKA quan jugo només contra homes en aquesta lliga on soc l'única dona). A res, pocs minuts d'acabar, el David del meu equip té la pilota. Xuta. Al pal. Hem perdut l'oportunitat d'empatar a 8. Contraatac dels altres. Ens marquen el definitiu 7-9. Una llàstima. Marxem tristos per la derrota, però jo estic ben contenta perquè crec que hem lluitat molt bé fins al final. Em quedo amb això, dec tenir ànima de perdedora? Me la suda, tampoc som el Barça.
I llavors ve lo de la bici. M'hi enfilo, pedalejo i cata-crec, cata-crec, cata-crec, salta la cadena. Miro bé i em trobo el plat totalment desviat. Ràpidament pillo que deu haver estat una pilotada, que amb mala sort li ha anat directament al plat i me l'ha abonyegat. Em cago en la puta i en tots els gilipolles que trenquen bicis i després no s'atreveixen ni a demanar perdó.
Aquest matí l'he portat al mecànic, el del barri. Ja em coneixen, a la pobra bici ja li han canviat un fre, la roda del darrere després que me l'aixafessin per accident amb un cotxe i li han arreglat la cadena. "Què li ha passat, ara?". "Algun desgraciat se m'ha carregat el plat". Estava tan concentrada en el match que no vaig veure ni sentir ningú disparant un canyardo contra la meva preciosa bici. El mecànic -que no recordo com es diu, però té cara de Xavi- em diu que no fa gens de bona pinta, que no té clar que la puguin salvar, però que faran tot el possible. M'han de trucar aquesta setmana, com a tard dilluns. "Si dilluns no t'he trucat, truca'm tu. Espero poder-la arreglar". Resarem totxs per la meva bici.
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finch-clovers · 1 year
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Lovely cat Tom Fool  Full ref is a base by xutaes on DA Headshot is mine >:)
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angelsarts · 3 years
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Artfight batch #19
@azybluee and my oc Takehiko!
@xutaes ( DeviantArt )
@jamscandraw and my oc Yuna!
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ducissa-animi · 2 years
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lazeenadark01 · 3 years
Porcierto- le ando haciendo algo a Charles 👁️👁️ awuas eh- ando dibujando a uno de sus enanos encuero, xuta su favorito era sun? Xd o cuál
XD que le vas a hacer al pobre?
Solo dijo que su favorito era Sun porque el fue el primero en quitarle lo virgen :v
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The siblings!
(More characters being made, but I wanted to show these two)
Bases: F2U CAT BASE by xutaes on DeviantArt
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lovemonth9 · 3 years
Botox V Fillers Discussion.
Pdo String Lift Vs Facial Filler.
The Advantages Of Hifu.
When Will I See The Effects?
General Loss Of Quantity.
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The ageing process triggers a loss in the skin's capability to fix itself to ensure that in the locations of over-use the lines become more noticeable. BOTOX or Azzalure is carried out by injection at particular factors on the face in very small amounts to kick back contraction of face muscles. By briefly obstructing the nerve impulses to the facial muscular tissues it is infused right into the movement of the muscular tissue is reduced and the skin quits being creased, permitting it to recover and the lines progressively soften. ' Botox' is the all-round term typically used to describe therapy which makes use of a purified protein produced by Botulinum Toxic substance Type A. There are a number of different brand names in operation.
Does Botox stay in your system forever?
For those who do use it, the effects are temporary, so even if the toxin does travel between cells, it won't remain in the body forever. “For most patients, regardless of how Botox is used, it will eventually be destroyed by the body.”
This has the effect of paralysing the muscle, thus making sure that a person's pain is significantly minimized. When knowledgeable medical professionals do the treatments, Botox as well as dermal fillers are minimally invasive remedies as well as are risk-free. Although they are minimally invasive, both can carry some dangers you require to be aware of.
The Benefits Of Hifu.
Botox ® is made from a neurotoxin called botulinum toxic substance that is generated by the germs Clostridium botulinum, an organism discovered in the natural environment where it is largely non-active and non-toxic. Infection with the microorganism is dangerous to human health as it creates a potentially fatal illness called 'botulism'. Botox is, however, the detoxified form of Botulinum contaminant An and also is usually thought about extremely risk-free when infused right into the muscle mass or veins.
Neurosurgical Products Medical Devices Pipeline Assessment, 2020 Report - ResearchAndMarkets.com - Business Wire
Neurosurgical Products Medical Devices Pipeline Assessment, 2020 Report - ResearchAndMarkets.com.
Posted: Fri, 15 Jan 2021 11:14:00 GMT [source]
Injecting botulinum toxin right into the affected area briefly paralyses the underlying muscle mass in charge of wrinkling, offering the face an extra unwinded as well as positive appearance. Thanks to this treatment, lines and botox are significantly lowered, otherwise eradicated. It is very important to explain that this kind of surgical treatment is almost non-invasive, as a result leaves no marks, stiches or marks. It's practically pain-free as well, plus it is a far more affordable option than lots of various other cosmetic procedures. Botox Shots are just one of the most extensively understood of all aesthetic procedures, after laser therapies, utilized by people of all ages to combat a variety of cosmetic as well as medical skin issues. From the elimination of botox through to managing crow-lines, among the expert Botox cosmetic surgeons at CoLaz will have the ability to efficiently provide this therapy, as they have actually done for hundreds of other people before you.
When Will I See The Effects?
It is among the UK's most preferred cosmetic treatments for the removal of wrinkles. Over-activity of the face muscles often results in the development of deep frown lines, temple lines and/or crow's feet.
this website explains ='display: block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;' src="" width="300px" alt="hifu"/>
The toxic substance is used commonly in medicine, having many different qualified medical uses across the world including treatments of squints, muscle convulsions, cerebral palsy, bladder instability as well as chronic migraine headache. The terms botox shot treatments as well as botulism injection treatment both refer to the very same treatment, namely the injecting of botox right into the piriformis muscular tissue.
General Loss Of Quantity.
At my examination, I obtained Botox jaw decrease shots; the process was quick as well as painless, whereupon I discovered a noticeable and less uncomfortable distinction within a couple of weeks. As we age the skin is creased in areas of duplicated face.
The drug brings an FDA warning stating it has the potential of infecting other websites when the shot is administered. The warning was made obligatory in 2009, following fatalities related to Botox use. Many people have been successfully treated with the medicine without any noticable side effect.
Just How Does Botox Job? Where Can You Deal With?
The even more filler we utilize, the higher the expense and advanced treatments might cost even more. Rates are very sensible in Perthshire compared to other locations in the UK, with prices in London starting from ₤ 250- ₤ 400! In a similar way, as with Botox, centers must supply a totally free examination to ensure that facial fillers are the appropriate remedy for you, as well as to be clear on what your goals as well as assumptions are from the treatment. Our assessments, treatment testimonials and dermal filler visits are all performed by Dr Julia. A lot more just recently, dermal fillers have also been made use of as a skin booster. The medical professional injects a watery filler in beads under the surface area of the skin in a grid pattern. This improves the structure of the skin and also enhances hydration as well as plumpness.
' Botox' treatment is most efficient treating the lines associated with the forehead, around the eyes and also frown lines, as well as can produce a flattering brow lift when meticulously provided. The greatest outcomes are achieved when integrated with protective skin care. We are enthusiastic regarding skin treatment and also have a collective pool of competence and therapies at the center which numerous people functioning alone can not match. After several years of jaw clenching creating my masseter muscles to become bigger as well as extremely excruciating, I was referred by my orthodontist to Clare at Dentelle.
Shape Soft String Lifts.
official website can carry out this treatment on the hands, cheeks and around the eyes. This contaminant when used for Anti Crease Therapy, is a normally taking place protein that unwinds the muscular tissues of the face, as well as subsequently in time, smoothes out any creases.
As a result of the non-invasive nature of HIFU treatments, there is no downtime from the treatment.
HI-FU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is a non-invasive treatment that helps lift, tighten, and improve skin high quality.
We provide a nonsurgical skin tightening procedure in which plasma is used to heat as well as tighten up the skin.
You'll have the ability to return to your typical activities straight away, and there are no unique healing procedures required.
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monkeycraft · 4 years
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Base by Xutaes Design by Monkey
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sora2937 · 5 years
Day 3: Favourite couple
- Així avui has quedat amb Hakkekkyiū, eh?
- S-senpai no em miris així!
- Aixi com, eh? -pregunta AA-5100 amb un mig somriure mentre fa un moviment suggerent amb les celles.
- Només hem quedat per passejar per l'orella interna!
- Diuen que a la tarda s'escolten belles melodies... -murmura NT-4201 pensativa.
- Exacte, exacte! Així que dues cèl·lules més música és igual a cita romàntica! -exclama la castanya amb un somriure.
Avergonyida, AE-3803 comença a balbucejar paraules incomprensibles fent que les altres dues eritrócits riguin per sota el nas.
No era un secret per elles, ni pels amics del neutrófil, que els dos tenien sentiments que anaven més enllà d'una simple amistat, tenien masses proves que ho corroboraven com el gran sonriure d'AE-3803 en reconèixer la figura blanca del neutrófil, la preocupació que l'assalta cada cop que el veu lluitar contra un bacteri o quan el veu tacat de sang i no sap si és perque està ferit, o també el petit somriure que U-1146 sempre dibuixa quan la veu esforçar-se en la seva feina, la completa atenció que li dedica quan AE-3803 li explica el seu dia a dia -rebent més d'un cop, una bronca dels seus companys per apagar "accidentalment" el transmissor- o les acrobàcies que realitza per ajudar-la a seguir el camí correcte sense que ella se n'adoni. Però malgrat tots aquests detalls, els dos implicats eren massa innocents i despistats com per adonar-se'n, fent que els seus amics es frustressin i comencessin a pensar que la situació s'allargaria per sempre si no els donaven una petita empenta.
- Vosaltres sereu les meves víctimes!
Espantades, les tres eritrócits miren al seu voltant per veure un Bacillus cereus flotant sobre seu.
- Correu!!
Sense cap més ordre, les tres cèl·lules sanguínies arrenquen a córrer mentre esquiven els atacs del bacteri, agafant amb força els seus respectius cistells plens de nutrients. Veient que el camí es divideix en dos, AA-5100 exclama:
- A la dreta!
- Oh? Ni parlar-ne!
Estirant un dels seus tentacles, AA-5100 i NT-4201 segueixen corrent per la dreta mentre que AE-3803 es veu obligada a seguir per l'esquerra i poc després, perseguida pel bacteri.
- Per què sempre m'he de creuar en el camí dels bacteris!? -exclama l'eritrócit espantada, esquivant amb salts i tombarelles les estocades del microorganisme.
Sense fixar-se gaire en el camí, AE-3803 continua corrents fins creuar una porta metàl·lica oberta, en l'interior de la qual hi ha una cinta transportadora llarguíssima flanquejada per màquines acabades en pinces.
- Això és... un dels glomèruls renals de reserva...
- On ets, eritrócit? Què vols jugar a fet i amagar, pot ser?
Ajupida a sota d'una cinta, AE-3803 comença a arrastrar-se sigilosament cap a la sortida, intentant despistar al bacteri que es dedica a trencar les cintes i a volar d'un extrem a l'altre de la sala.
- Una mica més...
Ja podia veure la senyal lluminosa de sortida quan xuta una clau anglesa abandonada al terra.
- Aquí estàs!
El flagel blanc trenca la cinta que protegia AE-3803 que aconsegueix apartar-se just a temps, quedant al descobert.
- Mira, ho podem fer per les bones: tu em dones els nutrients i jo et deixo marxar, què hi dius?
- N-no...
- Perdona?
- Que no t'ho donaré! Això és per una cèl·lula no per un bacteri!
- Què t'has cregut!?
Furiós, el bacil estira un dels flagels per lligar-lo al voltant del coll d'AE-3803, alçant-la del terra. La cèl·lula sanguinia lluita per alliberar-se, amb esgarrapades i cops de peu, però sense deixar anar el cistell, decidida a complir la seva funció fins a les últimes conseqüències. Estrenyent el seu coll amb més força, AE-3803 comença a boquejar en busca d'un aire que no li entra, notant com la seva consciència s'emboirina i els seus moviments van perdent força. El riure cruel del Bacillus ressona en les seves orelles, i amb els ulls humits, xiuxiueja:
- Hak...ke...ky...ū...sa
- Aquí estàs! Mor bacteri!!
Caient de cul a terra i amb el coll lliure, AE-3803 s'abraça al cistell mentre tus i respira forçadament, aliena a la lluita que es desenvolupa al seu davant. Al cap de pocs minuts, el silenci s'apodera de la sala sent interromput per unes ràpides passes que s'aturen al davant de l'eritrócit.
- Sekkekkyū, estàs bé? Estàs ferida?
- E-estic bé, no pateixis. Gràcies per ajudar-me.
- Gràcies a la cèl·lula mare que estas bé... -murmura U-1146 abraçant a AE-3803, agafant-la per sorpresa.
- Hakkekyū-san?
- Quan t'he vist quieta, m'he espantat molt... He pensat que havia fet tard, que ja no...
- Hakkekyū-san! Estic bé, has arribat a temps! Veus? Mira'm, estic bé, mira'm. -ordena la cèl·lula vermella, mentre ajunta les dues fronts i acaricia les galtes blanques del contrari.
- Sí... Estàs bé...
- Estic bé, perquè tu sempre m'ajudes.
- Però i si...?
- Mai passarà, jo sé que sempre arribaràs. -interromp AE-3803 amb un somriure, notant com els braços ferms del contrari la rodejen amb cura i afecte.
- Entesos. Sekkekyū?
- Sí?
- P-podem quedar-nos una estona així? -pregunta U-1146 amb un curiós to vermell a les galtes.
- És clar, tot el temps què vulguis.
Pot ser, el dia en què els dos protagonistes corresponguin els seus sentiments no és tan llunyà com els altres volen creure.
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lowerparts · 5 years
New mix from Asty Tekk for the nomadic Brazilian platform A-MIGthat broadcasts mixtapes and sound experiments. ⚽️🥋 Tracklist 1 Untitled - Astytekk x Xyn Cabal 2 Dropout - Lonny Zone (320 RIP) 3 LUCY - (Rapala700 _RE_DRUM) Know V.A. 4 Gotas ft. Lao & Adrian Be - Taso & Siete Catorce (NAAFI) 5 Nova Deli - B1 Produções 6 CHUN-LI - ZUTZUT EDIT 7 NeguimBeats - GOSTAS ( XXIII ) 8 Alala - Citizen Boy 9 African Conga - AudioBoyzSA (Hypermedium) 10 Percussion 11 Dj Marino - Xuta bola (2018) 12 larinha w_ tap - ai droga 13 XIAO QUAN - 108 dragons crime syndicate II 14 Green House Living - Lord Pusswhip ( bbbbbb )
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regalonea-mee · 1 year
Describe te en una palabra aver
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