#xinjian region
kneedeepincynade · 1 year
🌸 L'obiettivo del Collettivo Shaoshan è fornire notizie ed analisi per la comprensione della realtà politica, economica, militare e geopolitica della Repubblica Popolare Cinese in italiano e in inglese🌟
🌸 The goal of the Shaoshan Collective is to provide news and analysis for understanding the political, economic, military and geopolitical reality of the People's Republic of China in Italian and English🌟
🌸 Secondo Master-Post del Collettivo Shaoshan del 2023, dopo quello sul Tema Militare.
🤪 Dato che i "professionisti dell'informazione", ogni due per tre, promuovono l'assurda idea di una Cina che ha abbandonato la Russia per qualche stramba ragione, per poi - dopo qualche giorno - affermare l'opposto, con articoloni tuttavia osceni del tipo "Russia e Cina siglano il nuovo «Asse del Male»", è diventato necessario raggruppare - in maniera sistematica - alcuni dei post del Collettivo Shaoshan sul Tema delle Relazioni Sino-Russe:
😔 In breve: i Governi di Cina e Russia hanno firmato un Partenariato Strategico che non è mai, mai stato messo in discussione, e - anzi - è stato coltivato con grande cura, e ha portato al raggiungimento del miglior livello delle relazioni tra i due Paesi nella Storia ❤️
🔎 Ecco qui i Link:
Nuovo master post su taiwan
Cosa si trova nel post:
💕 Cooperazione Sino-Russa - Sostegno della Repubblica Popolare Cinese alla Federazione Russa, Dichiarazioni di Sergej Lavrov, Wang Wenbin, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Esportazioni Cinesi in Russia, Tecnologie Cinesi alla Russia, Cooperazione contro l'Espansione della NATO: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X.
⭐️ Progetto di Allineamento Trilaterale guidato dal Partito Comunista Cinese tra Cina, Russia e Corea del Nord: I, II, III.
🐺 Cappuccetto rosso, Cenerentola, Putin e la Cina - Nessuno può fare i compiti della Russia per conto della Russia: I, II.
🥰 Relazioni tra Cina e Iran - Questioni Politiche, Sicurezza, Difesa, Cooperazione Militare, Economia e Commercio, Educazione e Cultura, Questioni Internazionali, Afghanistan e BRICS: I, II, III, IV, V.
🔎 Vi sono anche i Master-Post precedenti, che trovate qui sotto:
🌺 Master-Post Militare ⚔️
🌺 Master-Post su "Rivoluzione Colorata, Eventi del 2022, Questione del COVID-19" 📄
🌺 Master-Post sullo Xinjiang 🌃
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🌸 Second Master-Post of the 2023 Shaoshan Collective, after the one on the Military Theme.
🤪 Given that the "information professionals", every two by three, promote the absurd idea of ​​a China that has abandoned Russia for some strange reason, only to then - after a few days - affirm the opposite, with obscene articles of the type "Russia and China sign the new «Axis of Evil»", it has become necessary to group - in a systematic way - some of the posts of the Shaoshan Collective on the Topic of Sino-Russian Relations:
😔 In short: the Governments of China and Russia have signed a Strategic Partnership which has never, ever been questioned, and - indeed - has been nurtured with great care, and has led to the achievement of the best level of relations between the two Countries in History ❤️
🔎 Here are the links:
💕 Sino-Russian Cooperation - People's Republic of China's Support for the Russian Federation, Statements by Sergei Lavrov, Wang Wenbin, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Chinese Exports to Russia, Chinese Technologies to Russia, Cooperation Against NATO Expansion: I, II , III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X.
⭐️ Chinese Communist Party-led Trilateral Alignment Project between China, Russia and North Korea: I, II, III.
🐺 Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Putin and China - No one can do Russia's job for Russia: I, II.
🥰 Relations between China and Iran - Political Issues, Security, Defense, Military Cooperation, Economy and Commerce, Education and Culture, International Issues, Afghanistan and BRICS: I, II, III, IV, V.
🔎 There are also previous Master-Posts, which you can find below:
🌺 Military Master-Post ⚔️
🌺 Master-Post on "Color Revolution, Events of 2022, COVID-19 Issue" 📄
🌺 Xinjiang Master-Post 🌃
Taiwan masterpost
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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lilbluntworld · 2 years
Just now:
The U.N. rights council on Thursday voted down a Western-led motion to hold a debate about alleged human rights abuses by China against Uyghurs and other Muslims in Xinjiang in a victory for Beijing as it seeks to avoid further scrutiny.
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UN Labor Agency Cites Concerns About China’s Xinjiang Region
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Keaten, J. (2022, February 11). UN labor agency cites concerns about China’s Xinjiang region. The Globe and Mail. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-un-labor-agency-cites-concerns-about-chinas-xinjiang-region-2/ UTL Link: http://myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.proquest.com%2Fnewspapers%2Fun-labour-agency-cites-concerns-about-china-s%2Fdocview%2F2627867060%2Fse-2%3Faccountid%3D14771
Jamey Keaten writes: "An annual report from the United Nations labour agency Friday highlighted the work conditions of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in China’s Xinjiang region, noting signs of 'coercive measures' that deprive workers of free choice in selecting jobs. It also called on Beijing to provide more information about how it’s respecting their rights. ... The 20-member committee of independent international experts cited the Chinese government’s defence, given in a different report, of what it calls vocational training centres in Xinjiang. Beijing says the centres are intended to help improve economic conditions and defuse extremist violence in the region."
"'The committee takes due note of the view expressed in the government’s report that 'some forces recklessly sensationalize the so-called 'forced labour' issue in Xinjiang on various occasions,' adding that this is 'nothing but a downright lie, a dirty trick with ulterior motives,' the International Labor Organization document states. They said 'various indicators' pointed to the relocation of workers under security escort, the strict surveillance and 'retention' of workers, and 'the threat of internment in vocational education and training centres if workers do not accept 'government administration.' ... 'The committee is bound to observe, however, that the employment situation of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in China provides numerous indications of coercive measures, many of which arise from regulatory and policy documents,' the ILO experts wrote."
Additional Information
(2022). Application of International Labour Standards 2022. International Labour Organization. https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_836653.pdf
Photo Source: Schiefelbein, M. (2022). UN labor agency cites concerns about China’s Xinjiang region [Photograph]. The Globe and Mail. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-un-labor-agency-cites-concerns-about-chinas-xinjiang-region-2/
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enewsedition · 4 years
China forcibly sterilises Uighurs to control population: report
China forcibly sterilises Uighurs to control population: report
Chinese authorities are carrying out forced sterilisations of women in an apparent campaign to curb the growth of ethnic minority populations in the western Xinjiang region, according to research published Monday.
Also read: Leaked Chinese government documents show details of Xinjiang clampdown, says news report
The report, based on a combination of official regional data, policy…
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I dont know how many people are going to see this but my girlfriend texted me today and we decided that we are making a campain to try and get china to stop its crimes againt the muslim ethnic groups in the north western region of Xinjian. She has sent me screenshots of a artical about this.
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We will be sending letters to british MP's and the goverment and also other world leaders. We will also be doing a petition that i will post about when we start it. For now i ask you that if you live in england please send a letter or email to your local mp telling them about the genocide that is happening in china and if you can't then please reblog this we are trying to reach as many people as possible. Even if you don't then thank you for reading this.
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drewgaither6 · 3 years
Issue Anaylsis 6 - Chinese World Domination, Imperalism & What Gives?
Drew Gaither
Professor Brown
Honours Global Issues
6 November 2020
Issue Analysis 6 – Chinese World Domination, Imperialism, What Gives?
“Brushing Off Criticism, China’s Xi Calls Policies in Xinjian ‘Totally Correct’” outlines a relatively clear violation of human rights by the Chinese government against multiple ethnic minorities within its territory including the Uighurs and the Kazakhs. This, of course, is not a first for China given its history of brutal oppressive measures and “revolutions” which entailed massive cultural destruction and a collective transformation in beliefs by the Chinese people. Notably, before the Uighur crisis was China’s annexation of Tibet and the forced exile of Tibetan Buddhists and the Dali Lama. I want to caution that it is not necessarily bad to have firm education reared in collective collaboration and empathetic growth, as well as horizontal understandings of power. China claims they are doing this despite their actions speaking to the contrary. They are, rather, an elite oligarchic society.
Furthermore, certain religious beliefs and other ideologies that run contrary to the ideals of collectivism and empathy should be reasonably challenged in the classroom via an exchange of ideas. However, China is not a noble actor in this manner, and their efforts have been misguided, supremacist, and have evolved well beyond an exchange of ideas to a state of authoritarian hegemony. I also would like to add that I find the United States government’s criticisms of China’s practices hypocritical and unsubstantiated given its OWN erosion of soft power, and it is clear that the United States acts in a very similar manner as China. Still, as citizens of the United States, with hopefully just intentions, we can and should SHINE A LIGHT on and put an END to such atrocities occurring ABROAD as well as AT HOME (Confucian Value of Yin/Yang) - The Tao)).
The Chinese government plays a central role in their society in promoting cultural nationalism. Nationalism, of course, is not always bad, especially in terms of solidarity. This is somewhat demonstrated by President Xi’s comments when he states that there needs to be “education about a shared awareness of Chinese nationhood into education for Xinjiang cadres, youth and children, and society” and calls to make “a shared awareness of Chinese nationhood take root deep in the soul” (Buckley). In theory that is the ideal statement you want from a government that intends to ensure the citizens' democratic control over every aspect of their lives (aka Marxism/socialism/communism/anarchism); however, China—as a competing capitalist empire—falls short on its promises and cannot credibly disprove massive human rights atrocities in the name of “shared awareness”. They clearly violate all three generations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, violating even the first generation, which is negative rights—the bare minimum of just outlining things the government shouldn’t act on. In other words, the government has to be proactive and go out of its way to violate these, WHICH China has.
It is also worrisome when one looks at how the U.S. government will try to “handle” this situation and elicit a “positive outcome.” The article states that on “Wednesday, the House of Representatives approved legislation that would bar imports from Xinjiang unless they were proven not to have used forced by forced labour. The Trump administration has imposed sanctions on officials deemed responsible for policy in Xinjiang and imposed restrictions on imports of clothing, hair products and technological goods from that region” (Buckley). One can only hope economic sanctions do not surmount global conflict, as they are a form of hard power that has historically lead to escalations between competing countries. While the House’s sanctions may indeed be the correct course of action, given the United State’s own involvement in industrial slave labour in LDCs throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America for both domestic goods as well as their invaluable precious minerals and resources that are essentially robbed from the Earth, and vulnerable developing countries (who are tied to the will of transnational corporations, the IMF, World Bank, and various imperial states), one has to ask if American interests really lie with preserving human dignity and rights in China, or is it about the U.S.’s ability to expand imperial dominance and economic supremacy?
China, in its imperial efforts, has expanded its country into a colonial empire, annexing more and more of the surrounding territories despite clear ethnic divisions and separate sovereign groups, like the Tibetans. The Uighurs and the Kazakhs are other such examples, as outlined by the New York Times article. The interpersonal result of conflicting ethnic minorities is victimisation and surrender to the ethnic majority’s nationalist calls for imperial unity. The article discusses that their “Turkic language and Muslim traditions have set them apart from China’s Han majority, and many members of these minorities have resented the expanding presence and power of the Han Chinese majority” (Buckley). Other such efforts of imperial domination can be seen at China’s South Sea where they have been pouring large quantities of sand, creating artificial islands, to increase their naval border. Just recently the government has enacted a new security policy in the once semi-sovereign Hong Kong, despite massive civil unrest and a clear demonstration that this goes against the will of the people—a violation of the first generation rights as outlined in UDHR. While challenging the idea of someone’s religion in a positive forum may be respectable, it has to be on an equal and mutual exchange of beliefs from two equally recognised people.
It cannot be in the concentration (or “indoctrination”) camps that deprive sovereign people of their rights and freedom; that is unacceptable. Just as I condemn the U.S.’s role in imprisoning immigrants and refugees in concentration camps here, and illegally detaining suspected “terrorists” in Guantanamo Bay—a space occupied against the wishes of the sovereign government of Cuba—in violation of even our own constitution, I also condemn China’s many attempts to act in the same fashions. We are the TWO PRIME examples of dominating empires whose lowest peaks@!, with Russia foaming at the mouth as they dream of imperial domination. We fundamentally prove the inefficiency of the imperial system and demonstrate that a NEW ORDER DEL MUNDO needs to take root in the GLOBAL community before competition leads to MASS DESTRUCTION and CONFLICT. We need MORE socialism and Marxist-oriented WORKER SOVEREIGNTY as well as more international COOPERATION like the UN but with equal, sharéd-power Bé-[T]ŵęęñ nations (preferably DECENTRALISED collectives of PEOPLEZ loosely identified as “states”).
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earthstory · 5 years
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Snapped, offset rocks.
When one continent grinds slowly into another and the rocks in between (whether marine or terrestrial) are slowly crushed and thrust upwards, the resulting tectonic forces create huge networks of faults as the rocks crack, along with subsidiary mountain ranges as the stresses redistribute though the landmasses.
The main ranges are created by giant thrust faults, when huge slabs of rock (called nappes after the French for tablecloth) detach from the underlying layers along a weaker layer of rock and push up over the continents. At roughly right angles to these, subsidiary faults redistribute stress through the surrounding plate as it heaves and groans up a new mountain range and its surrounding landscape pattern. Try shoving your tablecloth across the table as if your hand was a continent and you will quickly see how the stress patterns distribute, even though cloth is a very different material to rock. The Piquiang fault is located in Xinjian province, China, on the fringes of the mighty Tien Shan, and is picked out wonderfully by the varying colours and origins of the lightly tilted sedimentary rocks smiling up at the camera. Far to the south, India is crashing into Asia, and a whole clump of mountain chains across the continent continue to grow. The Himalaya are the best known, but many other chains are growing further inland, including the Hindu Kush, Altai, and Pamirs, petering out into rolling hills and ridges such as those of Burma, Vietnam and northern Thailand.
The fault trends northwest, and is a strike slip one like the San Andreas, where blocks of rock are sliding past each other as Asia shudders. Running for some 70km, at the point where it reveals itself so clearly in the photo, it is crossing some colourful sedimentary rocks that pick it out perfectly through their beautiful 3 km offset. The bottom layers are greyish cream limestones, deposited in shallow Cambrian and Ordovician seas (542-443 million years or Ma). The sea subsided in the Silurian (443-420Ma), becoming a deeper marine oxygen poor environment, represented by the darker grey and green layers of sandstone in the middle of the sandwich. Their colour is due to unoxidised iron, that tells us the chemistry of the depositional environment.
In the following Devonian period (419-359Ma) the land rose above the waves again. The grains in the red sandstones sitting above the marine sediments are covered in a fine patina of rust giving the rocks their colour. They were originally deposited in rivers just as land plants were beginning to take over the shaping of the landscape. Other rocks were deposited on top, but have now been removed by erosion.
Their current geological adventure involves being gently tilted upwards into parallel brightly coloured ridges some 1200 metres high in the Keping Shan thrust belt. Like many mountain chains, these peaks have had multiple rises and falls. They first formed some 300 million years ago when the Tarim block (a chunk of Australia) came crashing in. During the Mesozoic era (252 to 66 million years ago), several chains of volcanic islands collided with Asia, remobilising the faults and pushing new peaks upwards each time, only to be eroded in their turn.
And 80 million years back, the current ongoing collision started, bringing about the third incarnation of this mountain range, as new stresses push through the same old deep geological weak points in the underlying continental structures.
Loz Image credit: NASA.
Further photos of the region from space: http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=82853
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peashooter85 · 5 years
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Ancient Greeks vs. Han China, The War of the Heavenly Horses
By the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC the Macedonian Empire stretched from Greece in the West all the way to Northern India in the East. One of the most remote cities named after Alexander was Alexandria Eschate, literally meaning Alexandria the Farthest, located in what is today the southwestern end of the Ferghana Valley in Tajikstan. The city was founded by Greek colonists and former Macedonian soldiers retired from Alexander's army, who were granted land as a reward from their service. Nearly two hundred years later Alexandria Eschate was a thriving Greco-Bactrian city when it was visited by the Chinese explorer Zhang Qian in 130 BC. Zhang Quang returned to the Han Emperor with reports of incredibly fast, strong, and rugged horses which were bred by the Dayuan (Greater Ionians aka Greeks) living in the Ferghana Valley. The Chinese greatly desired the horses to help fend off the Xiongnu, a confederation of nomadic horse tribes who lived in the northern steppes of what is now Mongolia. Like most nomadic horse tribes throughout history, they were a major pain in the butt for their neighbors at best, and dangerous enemies at worst. The Chinese were looking to acquire Ferghana horses to help level the playing field against the Xiongnu.
At first the Chinese and Dayuan traded a limited number of horses, however the Greeks refused to trade more. When an incident occurred that led to the death of a Chinese ambassador, China declared war on the Dayuan. The Han Emperor sent an army of 30,000 infantry and 6,000 cavalry to conquer Alexandria Eschate led by the general Li Guangli in 104 BC. Unfortunately for the Chinese, the operation would be extremely difficult as they had to cross through the rugged and barren Taklaman Desert in what is now the Xinjian Uyghur Autonomous Region. 
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While traveling through the region, Li Guangli demanded local towns, city states, and tribes provide his army with food and provisions. Most refused resulting in petty conflicts. By the time the Chinese army had arrived at Alexander Eschate half of it's men had died of starvation, exhaustion, disease, and exposure. The remained were not fit for combat, forcing Li Guangli to retreat for home. Few returned alive.
In 102 BC the Emperor gave Li Guangli an army twice the size, this time better equipped with pack animals and supplies for the journey. Again the army traveled through the Taklaman Desert, however this time it was large enough to quell most opposition, and the local factions willingly supplied the army with food in order to avoid war. Regardless by the time the army arrived at Alexandria Eschate, half of the men had died from the harsh conditions. The army laid siege to Alexandria Eschate. After 40 days the Chinese were able to break through the city's outer wall and cut off it's water supply. The Dayuan surrendered and presented the head of their king to Li Guangli on a platter. A puppet ruler was appointed in his stead, and the army returned with a tribute of 3,000 horses which were used for breeding.
Li Guangli's army returned to China with around 10,000 men, around 1/6th of its original size. The Furghana Valley and Taklaman Desert become territory of the Han Empire as a result of the expedition. 
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The short war between Han China and the Furghana Valley Greeks is one of the first documented instances of contact between China and a European culture. It was also signal a beginning of the important historical trade network known as the Silk Road.
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geologyin-blog · 5 years
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Paracoquimbite is a rare mineral formed in the oxidized zone of pyritic hydrothermal orebodies, especially in arid regions.  from Hami District,  Xinjian Uygur Autonomous Region, China
Photo: Mardani Fine Minerals
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nobertsales · 2 years
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Happy National Noodle Month! * It was believed that noodles were first made from millet, a kind of cereal grain in China, at around 2000 B.C. Later it was found out that noodles originated from a desert region in Central Asia, the Tarim Basin in China’s Xinjian province. * Wheat noodles in Japan (udon) were adapted from a Chinese recipe by a Buddhist monk as early as the 9th century. * Instant noodles may be considered as an inexpensive food item today, but the fact is that they were once sold as luxury item. * By federal law, a noodle must contain 5.5 percent egg solids to be called a noodle. * Ramen is the Japanese word for Chinese “lo mein.” * In Japan, slurping loudly while eating your noodles is not considered a poor etiquette. Rather, it signifies appreciation for your host that the meal being served is delicious. #NationalNoodleMonth #Noodle #FoodConsultant #FoodService #FoodServiceSolutions #FoodSales #Food #FoodDude #WeKnowFood #FoodOfTheMonth #NobertSales @NobertSales (at Germantown, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cav3FZ_ghJ3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
The Americans are afraid,they know their days are counted and that the unipolar world Is dead in the mud of Ukraine,they know they can no longer win and so they prepare for a last stand in the name of capital
The post is machine translated
The translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🤡 Il 10 Gennaio, Mike Gallagher - Membro della Camera dei Rappresentanti degli USA e del Partito Repubblicano - è stato nominato Presidente del neo-nato "Comitato Ristretto della Camera degli USA sulla concorrenza strategica tra gli Stati Uniti e il Partito Comunista Cinese", un piccolo ma potente "comitato" fondato da Kevin McCarthy, una delle figure più anti-Cinesi ed anti-Comuniste nel "paese degli UFO" 🇺🇸
😱 Per comprendere il terrore che gli imperialisti provano nei confronti della Cina e del Partito Comunista Cinese, è necessario leggere le farneticazioni dei politici del Comitato, che non solo mostrano di non avere alcuna intenzione di abbandonare l'obsoleta mentalità della Guerra Fredda, ma preparano letteralmente anche quella "calda", qui le dichiarazioni:
😱 Kevin McCarthy: "Per vincere la nuova Guerra Fredda, dobbiamo rispondere all'aggressione cinese con politiche dure, [...] parlare a favore dei diritti umani, opporci all'aggressione militare (❗️) e porre fine al furto di informazioni personali, proprietà intellettuale degli americani e posti di lavoro [«ci arrubbano il lavoroooooo»]" 🤦‍♀️
🥰 Piccola pausa, perché non è semplice leggere tutto questo, il Collettivo Shaoshan vi capisce, queste righe sono un'oasi felice, tanto felice: 🐰 ❤️ 🐰
😱 Riprendiamo: "Dobbiamo riconoscere che l'Ascesa Pacifica della Cina è stata pura finzione (❔) e affrontare il Partito Comunista Cinese con l'urgenza che tale minaccia richiede. Pertanto, i Repubblicani della Camera istituiranno un Comitato Ristretto sulla Cina nel nuovo Congresso" 😵‍💫
🤔 Pura finzione?! Quali paesi ha bombardato la Cina? In quali paesi la Cina ha inviato soldati a rubare le risorse altrui come fanno gli USA in Siria? Quali paesi hanno ricevuto sanzioni da parte della Cina? In che modo l'Ascesa Cinese è stata una finzione? | Accusano gli altri paesi di fare ciò in realtà hanno sempre fatto loro. Dal "paese degli UFO", però, non ci si può aspettare la coerenza... 😪
😱 Mike Gallagher, probabilmente, voleva rivaleggiare McCarthy nelle dichiarazioni contro la Cina e il Comunismo, e queste sono le sue "affermazioni": "La più grande minaccia per gli USA è il Partito Comunista Cinese. Il CPC continua a commettere genocidi (❔), oscurare le origini della pandemia di coronavirus (🤡), rubare centinaia di miliardi di dollari di proprietà intellettuale USA (🤡) e minacciare Taiwan" 🤡
🤦‍♀️ Queste dichiarazioni rappresentano perfettamente - e ciò è spaventoso - la frase di Joseph Goebbels - Ministro del Reich Nazista per l'istruzione Pubblica e la Propaganda - "accusa l'altro di ciò di cui sei colpevole" | Gli USA che accusano la Cina di genocidi? L'accusa di "Genocidio Culturale degli Uiguri" nello Xinjiang è una colossale fake news costruita dagli Stati Uniti, ed è stata debunkata dal Collettivo Shaoshan qui: Master-Post sullo Xinjiang 📄
🦠 Gli USA hanno politicizzato il COVID-19 fin dall'inizio, e per quanto riguarda le sue origini, Hua Chunying, Direttrice del Dipartimento d'Informazione del Ministero degli Affari Esteri, ha scritto il 12/02/2023: Non è la prima volta che [gli USA] lo fanno [rimanere in silenzio, mentire] - HANNO FATTO LA STESSA COSA SUL TRACCIAMENTO DELLE ORIGINI DEL COVID-19"❕
🌺 In futuro un post sull'argomento, ma - in ogni caso - la politicizzazione del COVID-19 da parte degli USA, con gli epiteti razzisti dello stile "Virus Cinese", hanno provocato un'onda d'odio enorme nel mondo, ma d'altronde - dal paese più razzista sul Pianeta - non ci si poteva aspettare altro 🤔
🤡 Sul "rubare", basta il commento per McCarthy, sul "minacciare Taiwan" il discorso è una ripetizione delle solite farneticazioni di Mike Pompeo, trovate il commento qui: I, II, III 📄
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🤡 On January 10, Mike Gallagher - Member of the US House of Representatives and of the Republican Party - was appointed Chairman of the newly created "US House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Communist Party of China", a small but powerful "committee" founded by Kevin McCarthy, one of the most anti-Chinese and anti-Communist figures in the "UFO country" 🇺🇸
😱 To understand the terror that the imperialists feel towards China and the Communist Party of China, it is necessary to read the rantings of the politicians of the Committee, who not only show that they have no intention of abandoning the obsolete mentality of the Cold War, but prepare literally also the "hot" one, here the declarations:
😱 Kevin McCarthy: "To win the new Cold War, we must respond to Chinese aggression with tough policies, [...] speak up for human rights, oppose the military aggression (❗️) and end the theft of Americans' personal information, intellectual property and jobs [«they steal our jobsoooooooo»]" 🤦‍♀️
🥰 Little break, because it's not easy to read all this, the Shaoshan Collective understands you, these lines are a happy oasis, so happy: 🐰 ❤️ 🐰
😱 We resume: "We must acknowledge that the peaceful rise of China was pure fiction (❔) and confront the Communist Party of China with the urgency that such a threat requires. Therefore, House Republicans will establish a Select Committee on China in the new Congress " 😵‍💫
🤔 Pure fiction?! Which countries has China bombed? In which countries has China sent soldiers to steal other people's resources like the US does in Syria? Which countries have received sanctions from China? How was the Chinese Rise a fiction? | They accuse other countries of doing what they have actually always done. From the "UFO country", however, coherence cannot be expected... 😪
😱 Mike Gallagher probably wanted to rival McCarthy in his statements against China and Communism, and these are his "statements": "The greatest threat to the USA is the Communist Party of China. The CPC continues to commit genocide (❔) , obscure the origins of the coronavirus pandemic (🤡), steal hundreds of billions of dollars of US intellectual property (🤡), and threaten Taiwan" 🤡
🤦‍♀️ These statements perfectly represent - and this is frightening - the sentence of Joseph Goebbels - Nazi Reich Minister for Public Education and Propaganda - "accuse the other of what you are guilty of" | The US accusing China of genocide? The allegation of "Uyghur Cultural Genocide" in Xinjiang is a colossal fake news fabricated by the United States, and has been debunked by the Shaoshan Collective here: Master-Post on Xinjiang 📄
🦠 The US has politicized COVID-19 from the beginning, and as for its origins, Hua Chunying, Director of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, wrote on 2/12/2023: It is not the first time [US] does [remain silent, lie] - THEY DID THE SAME THING ABOUT TRACKING THE ORIGINS OF COVID-19"❕
🌺 A post on the subject in the future, but - in any case - the politicization of COVID-19 by the USA, with the racist epithets of the "Chinese Virus" style, have caused a huge wave of hatred in the world, but on the other hand - from the most racist country on the planet - nothing else could be expected 🤔
🤡 On "stealing", the comment for McCarthy is enough, on "threatening Taiwan" the speech is a repetition of Mike Pompeo's usual rantings, find the comment here: I, II, III 📄
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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athibanenglish · 2 years
New chief of Xinjian calls for modernisation of industry
New chief of Xinjian calls for modernisation of industry
This is despite a U.S. call for boycott of items made in area The new party chief in China’s Xinjiang called for improved business conditions in his first official visit to the region, where forced labour accusations have prompted some countries to announce a diplomatic boycott of the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics. In a visit to regional capital Urumqi this week, Ma Xingrui called it…
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opedguy · 2 years
Biden to Sign Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Dec. 14, 2021.--One the eve of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping meeting Dec. 15 on Zoom to strategize about dealing with Western hostility, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.) and Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) hope to send the “Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act” to Prresident Joe Biden’s desk.  Washington’s become so tone deaf WW III could start with the White House, U.S. Senate and House completely oblivious.  Meeting tomorrow, Putin and Xi will plot strategy for Biden’s new hostile approach to foreign relations pushing the U.S., Russia and China to the brink.  “We have been clear that we share Congress’ view that action must be take to hold the [Peoples Republic of China] accountable for its human rights abuses and to address forced labor in Xinjiang,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said, pushing U.S.-China and U.S.-Russian relations over the edge.  
             When you consider Xi and Putin are at the breaking point with U.S. relations, you’d think Psaki would have more awareness how her words make a bad situation worse.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), another oblivious one, promised “swift action,” not realizing that the “Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act,” contradicts the White House accusations that China has engaged in the systematic extermination of Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang Province.  There’s a big difference between forced labor and “genocide,” something the Chinese Foreign Ministry has been saying for months.  When 59-year-old Secretary of State Anton Blinken and 45-year-old National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met a senior Chinese delegation March 18 in Anchorage, Alaska, they both accused Beijing of “genocide” against Muslim Uyghurs. Blinkken and Sullivan had zero proof of genocide.
             So now that a compromise House and Senate bill heads to Biden’s desk, he’ll put one more nail in the coffin of U.S-China relations.  Chinese senior diplomat Yang Jiechi told Blinken and Sullivan that no nation that practices “systemic racism” has a right to lecture another country on human rights.  Biden and Blinken have acknowledged that “systemic racism” against Black Americans, Native Americans and other ethnic minorities exist in America.  Admitting to systemic racism opened up a can of worms to the U.S. that likes to get on its high horse when it comes to Russia and China.  Biden and Blinken had the temerity to demand that Putin release 45-year-old Russian dissident Alexi Navalny from prison.  Putin told Biden to mind his own business, when Biden had been accusing Russia of meddling in U.S. elections. Biden’s public remarks have inflamed U.S.-Russian and U.S.-Chinese relations.   
          Biden’s approach to foreign relations with Russia and China guarantees that the two superpowers will continue as implacable enemies.  “We’ve already takeen action on the global stage in that regard, leading an effort at the G7, putting in place financial sanctions and Global Magnitsky visa restrictions, and I think that’s evidence of our commitment to this,” Psaki said.  Psaki has driven U.S.-Russian and U.S.-China relations to lowest level since the Cold War.  Unlike the Cold War, where it was clear that the battle focused on propaganda and disinformation, Psaki’s words push both nations to the point of war with the United States.  No one in the EU or NATO wants a confrontation with China and Russia.  Yet if you listen to Biden’s words, it’s clear that he doesn’t see how close the China and Russia have come to blows.  Branding China “genocidal” has hurt U.S.-Chinese relations.   
          When the U.S. Congress pass a bill and sends it to the president for his signature, it’s far more serious that simply rhetorical accusations.  Passing the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act takes insult to China to a new level.  Rubio and McGovern want to hold the PRC accountable for China’s discriminatory practices against Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang.  Rubio and McGovern’s bill bans all imports from the Northwest region of Xinjian, unless the U.S. government determines with “clear and convincing evidence” that products were not made with forced labor.  Xi resents the U.S. accusations, refuting any suggestion that anyone in Xinjiang is abused by Beijing.  Yet in passing the “Uyghur Force Labor Prevention Act,” the U.S. government thinks there’s factual accuracy to all the allegations about Muslim Uyghur genocide.  Signing the act will only make U.S.-China relations all the more alienated.  
           No matter how watered down the final version of the “Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act,” it’s bound to burn all bridges with China.  When Putin and Xi meet tomorrow on Zoom, they’ll no doubt come up with a strategy to neutralize U.S. aggression whether in Ukraine or Taiwan.  White House officials have already admitted to China’s “campaign of mass detention, surveillance, forced labor and forced sterilization of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities,” burning all bridges for future relations.  No one in Europe is willing to stick their necks out accusing China of “genocide” and other atrocities against Muslim Uyghurs..  China thought after former President Donald Trump they’d have an easy time with the Biden White House.  With Biden’s arrogance on human rights, Russia and China have been in the cross hairs, accused by the White House of egregious abuses, whether true or not. 
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.  Reply  
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babyliyi · 3 years
The genocide that vanished: The U.S. is downplaying Xinjiang for now
Editor's note: Tom Fowdy is a British political and international relations analyst and a graduate of Durham and Oxford universities. He writes on topics pertaining to China, the DPRK, Britain and the U.S. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.
Towards the end of 2020 and for the first few months of 2021, the United States relentlessly accused China of committing genocide against the Uygurs and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The claims were given wall-to-wall coverage, and on his last day in office, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made the formal designation which purported this: boxing the Biden administration into accepting this designation accordingly, who in setting the stage embraced it and also pushed the charge that China was committing "forced labor" against these ethnic groups, utilizing it to attack China's cotton and tomato production as well as solar panel industries.
Then suddenly, it all vanished. As of October 2021, and particularly so since the Afghanistan withdrawal, the Biden administration has quietly downsized their attacks on China over Xinjiang and shifted focus as they have consolidated their own China strategy, which has involved moving their priorities towards Taiwan, the Indo-Pacific, and deals such as AUKUS, while also opening the door to trade talks with the Chinese government.
A Congressional bill to ban all imports from Xinjiang has also vanished. In conjunction with this, the relentless mainstream media coverage of Xinjiang has quietened too, with observers surprised today to see a feature appear in the Associated Press (AP) which seemed to be toning down allegations, claiming: "Xinjiang eases its grip, but fear remains."
Genocide is the most egregious, immoral and serious crime possible under international law. For something seemingly as serious and damning as the events the media claimed were happening in Xinjiang, it is highly suspicious for those who advocated it to suddenly "brush it under the carpet." Although it could be resuscitated as they see fit, the downplaying of these allegations in line with shifting U.S. foreign policy goals is damning evidence that it was weaponized as a bad faith initiative in order to manufacture consent for tough policies against China, a process conceived and pushed by the previous administration to manipulate the public. Now it served its purpose, it's been shelved.The United States frequently weaponizes rhetoric of human rights for political gain, a process which the mainstream media pushes in tandem and the Western public falls for it every time. It is a means to an end, as opposed to an end in itself, and there are numerous examples as to how the U.S. State Department utilizes a myriad network of think tanks, scholars and media organizations to manufacture consent for its policies, only to turn them off like a switch when they are no longer needed.When the Trump administration confronted the DPRK in 2017, it gave publicity to defectors and frequently condemned it on the matter of human rights. As soon as Trump met Kim Jong Un, the critical coverage disappeared and these people were never heard of again. In line with this, the U.S. used Xinjiang for a number of policy ends. Firstly, to discredit leading Chinese technology firms such as Huawei and Hikvision by accusing them of "links to human rights abuses" to justify their entity listing. Secondly, to promote extreme hostility towards China in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic to bolster Trump's election and reset U.S. foreign policy towards the country altogether. Then thirdly, within the first few months of the Biden administration, to meet U.S. protectionist goals by using accusations of "forced labor" to consolidate Biden's solar panel agenda, as well as to marshal allies into siding with him on China and "set the stage" for his presidency.Since that time, Biden has seemingly made a strategic choice not to weaponize Xinjiang for the time being, having got what he wanted from it. Organizations and individuals who were also notorious for building this narrative, such as the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) and Adrian Zenz to name a few, no longer receive the wall-to-wall coverage they were getting on the matter. This decision occurred sometime in the summer, with him slowly downplaying other extreme Trump era anti-China initiatives as well, such as the COVID-19 lab leak conspiracy theory. Instead, his new China strategy has colluded around militarizing the Indo-Pacific, pushing the Taiwan issue, wanting to compete with the Belt and Road Initiative and also seeking trade talks under the mantra of "being tough."This should be a warning, if not a clear demonstration, that the U.S. is wielding the issue in bad faith. It is a switch which they turn on and off in accordance with policy preferences. What we are left with is an effective demonstration that the U.S., framing themselves as "defenders of liberty and human rights," accused a country of committing genocide and then otherwise decided they weren't doing that anymore, or at least not for now. Everyone who was labelled a "genocide denier" by pious journalists and analysts who were zealously pushing this opportunistic narrative deserves an apology.(If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at [email protected].)
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aliworldtrade · 3 years
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kisamehoshikage · 3 years
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