demon-cleanerr · 7 months
“cool knives and swords who are actually sexy women” is such an entertaining genre. its so funny but also i unironically love it
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indigosharks · 7 months
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Xal’atath has a rly pretty design
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kottkrig · 6 months
How did your three musketeers of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows react to the news of Xal’atath returning? I bet Cletus is ecstatic
Their religion teaches them to keep the Void at a safe distance and to stay in control of themselves, or they might not find their way back out if they fall too deep into the abyss Don't be tempted by power that they can't handle etc etc
They know of Xal'atath's history with Natalie Seline and the importance it played in the foundations of their faith, but that dagger is no friend and it would just make them nervous. Put it back!!
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winngs · 2 months
i will be the first xal’atath yume
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brendanaurabolt · 7 months
Blizzard unveils The War Within as it's 10th Expansion at BlizzCon AND the names of the two expansions that will directly follow it
  Four years after the last in-person BlizzCon, this year’s annual convention opened with the bombshell announcement of not one new expansion for THREE:   The War Within Midnight The Last Titan All three Expansions make up The World Soul Saga which involves Azeroth herself. Not the planet but the sleeping Titan within. In The War Within, it’s a vertical adventure deep underground. Xal’atath…
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moon-daisie · 1 month
im rebooting the totally righteous series to start at the war within and here’s what i have so far:
anduin wants to die. he wants to die so bad even though he tells everyone he’ll stop running. he knows though that if he dies he’ll just go back to the shadowlands, so he’s secretly hoping to find a way to die without the shadowlands.
he goes to dalaran and meets three people who gleefully describe themselves as khadgar’s “hired goons”. there’s saskia, the rogue, who thinks anduin is fascinating the way watching a tornado is fascinating (he thinks she’s insufferable); there’s natalie, the mage, and khadgar’s apprentice, who is a pleasant and brilliant person but also puts off the vibe of someone who wanted to be a mortician as a child (she did); and horace, the paladin, who, as a boy from westfall, doesn’t really like anduin for being a wrynn and therefore responsible for his family living in complete destitution for so long (he has the same thousand-yard stare anduin sees in himself and it causes anduin to feel a connection with him, even if it’s not reciprocated). then dalaran is attacked and (presumably) destroyed, khadgar (presumably) dies, and saskia and horace have to try and help natalie navigate the grief of losing almost everything she ever knew in one fell swoop, while they all navigate the loss of khadgar.
the trio and anduin end up having to work together a lot while they get their bearings on the isle of dorne and join up with the people who live there. anduin watches as, despite their pain, press on and find joy in the world again. he wishes he weren’t so far gone so such a thing would be possible for him, too.
the battlefield is, if nothing else, great at bringing people closer together. anduin starts out marveling at how seamlessly the trio work together, and steadily finds himself growing closer to them each day. he spends one late, sleepless night next to horace by the campfire, and reckons with how he and his father neglected the people of westfall. he and horace talk for a long time about a lot of things, and by the end horace tells him that he’s not a bad person, even if he’s let himself be blind to things. the two continue to grow closer as friends from that point on. then feelings shift from friendship to romance. neither has said anything to the other yet, but there’s lingering looks and gentle smiles and quiet moments together. during victory drinks after a particularly difficult opponent, anduin and horace slip away to someplace private.
horace notices immediately that anduin stops being mentally present the moment things get heated. after enough pressuring about why anduin tells him that he just lets people do whatever they want with him and doesn’t really think about it. he insinuates that he feels like it’s some form of repentance for what he did while under the jailor’s control. he lets people take pleasure from him because it makes him feel a little less guilty for a while and numbs the pain. horace immediately starts redressing, explaining that he wants anduin, but he won’t be used for anduin’s weird sense of atonement. if he wants to /really/ be with him, he knows where to find him.
things are awkward for a while. anduin retreats into himself more, feeling more ashamed than ever, and starts seeking out more alcohol again, like he had when he’d been traveling on his own. jaina starts to notice the change in his behavior and tries to get him to open up, but he pushes her away. he’s resigned himself to the notion that he just can’t be around people anymore because he doesn’t even know how to act like a person.
things are smoothed out with horace and they are just as close as they were before, but even if they hadn’t had that awkward moment anduin would’ve still kept seeking a way to die.
then, at one point, the trio, plus dagran and anduin, run into xal’atath. they prepare for battle but soon learn that xal’atath has been keeping tabs on anduin. she knows what he wants and, if he comes with her, she can give it to him. they then learn anduin knew she would be here, and had been purposely moving the group in her direction that day. natalie flies into a rage and slams him against a wall. how dare he do this to them, especially dagran, he’s just a child. anduin is not the only person in the world with unbearable pain, the trio have all experienced incredible horrors, but she insists that they cannot give up. healing is agony, living with what they’ve been through is the hardest thing they’ve ever done, but they do it, because it’s worth it. and now anduin has dragged them possibly to their deaths for his own selfish ends.
the four of them try and convince anduin to stay, but he goes towards xal’atath, apologizing and saying that he’s not as strong as them. the light has abandoned him and he can’t go on after everything that’s happened. he’s too far gone. so he leaves with xal’atath.
saskia and natalie are furious with anduin’s betrayal. horace is quietly heartbroken. once the three blow off some steam and talk things through with thrall jaina moira etc they develop a plan to bring anduin back from xal’atath.
anduin is a raid boss again. when they find him again they’re horrified to discover that death without the shadowlands meant that anduin’s memory had been wiped clean by xal’atath. he doesn’t even remember his own name, he’s totally subservient to xal’atath and does her bidding, which includes trying to kill everyone.
one by one, the raid party is subdued by massive blasts of void that cause them to relive their most traumatic memories. the last one to go down is horace, who relives the second legion war and his time on argus, including his death and resurrection fighting the world soul. but he realizes that it’s not real, and overwhelms anduin with a wave of light that subdues him and breaks the others out of their trances. natalie places her hand on anduin’s head and recites a spell to restore his memory. horace and saskia lend their own strength to the spell as anduin tries to resist, starts begging them to not make him remember as memories keep flooding back. the spell finishes and anduin has his memory fully restored. he’s a wreck, everything coming back to him at once. horace kneels down in front of him and looks into his eyes to tell him that no one is beyond saving. /anduin/ is not too far gone to heal. like natalie said, it’s agony, but it’s worth it. he offers his hand and anduin accepts it and is pulled into a hug. saskia and natalie join in, and they stay there for a while as anduin sobs through an apology. he doesn’t know if he can, but he’s willing to try and heal. there’s a faint glimmer of hope in his chest that maybe he can actually succeed.
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boufsy · 1 month
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I know it’s not bg3 but my other gf - Xal’atath 😍
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notmeowse · 3 months
wherever you are xal’atath…. just know that i love u
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wyrmguardsecrets · 7 months
Xal’atath and Manduin got me acting unwise.
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tsulong · 1 year
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my new sunglasses match this xal’atath recolor
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copperriddles-tales · 2 years
so I’ve been dragged kicking and screaming back into the vortex that is World of Warcraft just in time for Dragonflight. this side tumblr is a place for some stories and some memes.
If you’d like to read a bit about my characters, press on! If not, well, I think we’re all proficient at skipping dialogue.
⚙ Ivy :: plague gnome. tinker. hopeful codebreaker. ⚙ Nehelennia :: blood elf. paladin. anu belore dela'na. ⚙ Nosawi :: darkspear troll. druid. medic. ⚙ Alphonsine :: forsaken. priest. ““medic”” ⚙ Regs :: goblin. warrior. little league footbomb coach. ⚙ Roshala :: highmountain tauren. rogue. almost made it to Dragonflight undetected.  ⚙ Sevigny :: nightborne. monk. witchberry enthusiast. ⚙ Zioshelle :: blood elf. mage. selama ashal'anore. ⚙ Nanyang :: huojin pandaren. warrior. damn good cook. ⚙ Orizhki :: orc. mage. lok'tar ogar. ⚙ Lekwa :: darkspear troll. rogue. Griftah’s sworn enemy. ⚙ Ekinka :: mag’har orc. shaman. secret steamy romance novelist. ⚙ Taztha :: orc. shaman. pretty much 85% of Ekinka’s impulse control. ⚙ Vanaissa :: forsaken. warrior. forgefinder extraordinaire. ⚙ Rieusrobie :: nightborne. warlock. the Black Harvest’s next top model. ⚙ Izjo :: darkspear troll. monk. direhorn wrangler. ⚙ Zazie :: goblin. hunter. robosquirrel wrangler. ⚙ Schoenneau :: nightborne. priest. Xal’atath apologist. ⚙ Ashni :: vulpera. shaman. wolf-sister. ⚙ Hunzeli :: zandalari troll. paladin. Krag’Wa’s #1 fan. ⚙ Nikkia :: vulpera. rogue. treasure-hunter and/or thief (depending on who you ask). ⚙ Fyottha :: tauren. druid. Cenarion Circle’s literal greenhorn.
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Ivy Copperriddle is a plague gnome tinker. She was found half-dead and heavily irradiated by a team of Horde investigators in the ruins of Gnomeregan, who were there for totally legit reasons that the Ironforge leadership never needs to know about. Ivy was injured and at an advanced stage of radiation poisoning, but she was stabilized by the team medic’s experimental serum. That’s a win for science! And, well, it left her amnesiac and with intensely green eyes, but that’s still a win! What’s that? You want to know wha-- Oh, no, you don’t want to know what was in that serum. Trust me, you don’t. Just be happy for Ivy. The team brought her back with them to Orgrimmar and she’s been putting her life back together ever since.
Gnomes like Ivy are usually referred to as “leper gnomes” in WoW lore, but that feels awkward to say in 2022. I’ve opted for “plague gnome” instead, reasoning that the experimental serum used to stabilize her condition could have been made from Forsaken research into various plagues and blights. I’ve also opted for tinker over tinkerer and tinkologist, but I have a simpler reason for this one: “tinker” is just easier to say.
… okay, so maybe things haven’t been that simple for Ivy. She’s been trying to recover her past identity. She’s been trying to help plan a wedding. She’s been trying to get her inventions to work out right (that is, with a minimum of explosions). She’s been trying to figure out where she fits in this new world: forgotten by the Alliance, adopted but not entirely trusted by the Horde, infamous among her neighbors for her laboratory’s nightly explosions. She’s been working up the nerve to tell her crush how she feels about her. And she’s been trying her best to decode a mysterious journal she had on her when she was found, though each success raises new, unsettling questions.
And now the Dragon Isles are awakening! How does a landmass awaken? Well ... uh ... I guess we’ll find out!
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bewareofgoldshire · 6 months
now that I’ve had a month to cope, I felt like writing down my thoughts about WoW: TWW because I need to release the voices in my head. anyways
1. Earthen are fucking dumb. the Dracthyr didn’t have the greatest initial impression, but at least it was damn unique and new, with an actual mystery surrounding their origins. their storyline in 10.0.7 and 10.1 was more impactful than the bonds between most of the main characters (with the exceptions of the black dragon brothers and kalec and his flight).
granted, I can’t really judge the Earthen based on their lore in TWW, but Blizzard’s continued recycling of the core races breaks my fucking patience. tuskarr, nerbuians, sethrak, and even naga would be better options for a new playable race, and players ACTUALLY ASKED FOR THOSE IN THE PAST. Earthen do not justify their existence as a separate race just because their have “new” skin textures or whatever.
1. Alleria’s new model. idk it doesn’t stand out. she looks kinda cool, but her color palette doesn’t make her stand out enough considering she’s a central protagonist. maybe i’m too used to Dragonflight where the loading screen alone has more color than any TWW concept art so far.
2. hero talents? i was really excited about these at first, but it just feels like an extra portion of the talent tree that doesn’t affect the aesthetic of the specs at all. of course, it’s still in development, but the reviews of the first four hero talents left me underwhelmed.
1. Anduin is FUCKING BACK BABY. yeah, i’m pretty excited to see where they take his character. i don’t really want to talk about his lesbian hair cut since it’s been done to death. but I did go through the five stages of grief when I saw it on battle.net during blizzcon so that’s fun.
2. Xal’atath is BACK BABY. not much to say, i just think she’s pretty.
3. Alleria is BACK AGAIN BABY. idc if i just based her new look, i still adore her. can’t wait for her bisexuality arc (and i need her to divorce what’s-his-face and marry ME)
4. warbands are sick as hell, and transmog themes for characters are going to be insane. argent crusade themed warbands? scarlet crusade themed warbands? dark ranger themed warbands? communism warbands? anything is possible
5. delves are a really cool way to explore a new area. i don’t believe WoW has had anything like them before, unless you count Shadowlands (because technically the Maw and the rest of the realms were stacked), but I sure as hell don’t.
i guess that’s it. overall, sound like a solid expansion. i’m kinda sad Dragonflight is ending, mainly because a lot of its thematic beats never reached a fulfilling conclusion, but Metzen is back so maybe the story will be managed better despite the insane time constraints.
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nzoth-the-corruptor · 7 months
Do you think N’Zoth knew he’d be hunted down after release, so plotted a plan to ‘expose’ himself, ultimately getting stabbed by the blade Xal’Atath was formerly held in and taken into it, leaving a husk infused with a grand portion of his power behind to trick us into thinking we’d defeat him, giving us a false sense of security? 😱
You could argue it’s trading one prison for another — but even so, the new one is portable, so the possibilities would be greater depending how much power he could retain, surpass and how that vessel is used. 🤔
According to the N'Zoth Manifesto I wrote at the end of BfA, just before Shadowlands dropped, the odds are good. And that was years before we knew that we would chase Chromie and Eternus though time and unwittingly give N'Zoth our knowledge of the future during the Thaldraszus finale.
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jcmarchi · 7 months
Blizzard Reveals Three New World Of Warcraft Expansions, Starting With 'The War Within' Next Year
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/blizzard-reveals-three-new-world-of-warcraft-expansions-starting-with-the-war-within-next-year/
Blizzard Reveals Three New World Of Warcraft Expansions, Starting With 'The War Within' Next Year
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Blizzard Entertainment revealed three new World of Warcraft expansions this weekend during BlizzCon 2023, starting with The War Within, which launches next year. Midnight will follow it in the new Worldsoul Saga, which the studio is calling an “ambitious creative endeavor for the Warcraft universe,” and The Last Titan will release after that. Together, The War Within, Midnight, and The Last Titan make up the Worldsoul Saga. 
“Deep beneath the surface, an ancient Nerubian civilization is rising to power, aided by Xal’atath, the harbinger of the Void first introduced in the Legion expansion,” a press release reads. “Players will need to enlist the aid of the Earthen, a new allied race available to both Horde and Alliance players, as they make their way deeper and discover an entirely new world that has existed for centuries and whose denizens are preparing for conflicts that loom on the horizon.”
Check out the World of Warcraft: The War Within cinematic trailer for yourself below: 
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In The War Within, which is set to launch sometime in 2024, Blizzard says the level cap will be raised to 80 as players discover enemies, loot, new allies, and more in new zones like the surface-level Isle of Dorn, the industrial Ringing Deeps, the bright and lush Hallowfall, and Azi-kahet, the pinnacle of Nerubian society. 
The War Within will introduce Delves to the game, too. These are scalable world instances for 1 to 5 players and experience earned in them contributes to a new reward track in the Great Vault for world content players. 
“New Hero Talents for each class specialization will provide players a way to progress their characters with evergreen self-contained talent trees that also infuse class fantasy flavor inspired by iconic Warcraft universe archetypes such as a Mountain Thane for Warriors or a Dark Ranger for Hunters,” a press release reads. “With Warbands, players can enjoy account-wide progression with all characters in their Battle.net account, regardless of faction, that includes shared War Within renown, a warband bank, achievements, and more. Additionally, a new change to transmog collection will let players learn the appearance of any gear type, even if they cannot equip it.” 
World of Warcraft: The War Within hits PC and Mac in 2024. 
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic
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Elsewhere during BlizzCon 2023, Blizzard pulled back the curtains on World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic. 
“Deathwing the Destroyer returns to Azeroth, erupting from the elemental plane of Deephold and sundering the world, leaving a festering wound across the continents,” a press release reads. “Blizzard Entertainment’s third World of Warcraft expansion, originally released in December 2010, returns with an improved leveling experience, new dungeon difficulty system, and more.”
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Two new playable races – Worgens and Goblins – join the struggle between the Alliance and the Horde in Cataclysm Classic, alongside a new level cap of 85, new zones, new levels of power, and more. 
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic hits PC and Mac sometime in 2024.
World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery
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The final World of Warcraft news from this year’s BlizzCon event is the Season of Discovery, which goes live later this year. In Season of Discovery, players will start a fresh adventure where exploration and experimentation will be key to unlocking new abilities for their characters. Plus, classic dungeons and world player-versus-player events will give players the chance to test their newly acquired abilities as they traverse the world searching for more things to discover.
Other World of Warcraft-releated announcements from this year’s BlizzCon event include Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos, “an exciting and truly collaborative way to play coming to the popular game mode in 2024,” according to Blizzard, and the full release of Warcraft Rumble, previously called Warcraft Arclight Rumble, on iOS and Android devices. 
For more, read about World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight expansion and then read Game Informer’s Diablo IV review. After that, read about this new Mountain Dew Game Fuel flavor that unlocks exclusive in-game Diablo IV rewards. 
Which World of Warcraft announcement are you most excited about? Let us know in the comments below!
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ansu-gurleht · 7 months
OKAY SO now that i've seen the cinematic trailer and gameplay(?) trailer, i'm gonna dump all my war within thoughts below:
dig anduin's new design. hate that they're making me like him. don’t like that they detwinkified him but whatever. i remember when he was a wee lad. i digress
THRALL. he’s back. after being kind of mysteriously absent from i think all of dragonflight? which was dumb bc there’s a lot of elemental stuff going on there he should’ve been a part of but i also kind of understand that they wanted to focus mostly on their dragon and dracthyr and dragon isles native characters for this expac. was a little surprised it was thrall and not baine who came to find anduin, though.
pretty brutal for anduin to throw saurfang’s words back at thrall. “what, are you going to tell me ‘we don’t get to hide?’” kind of messed up, anduin.
so it’s been three expacs since it happened and we’re just now FINALLY going to properly address the giant sword in the planet? come on guys.
so without rewatching the gameplay portion of the trailer, all that really stands out to me from watching yesterday is 1) more dynamic flying mounts and 2) earthen allied race.
more (and retroactive) dynamic flying mounts is kind of a no-brainer tbh. i think the dragonriding mechanic of df was pretty universally loved. bringing that to other flying mounts is going to be great.
now. the earthen. it’s a reskin. of a race that already has a reskin. the real fear i think is that the earthen are going to be alliance only, but i doubt it tbh. why would they announce just ONE race for the expac if it was going to be exclusive to just one faction??!! so yeah. horde dwarves. finally
ALSO earthen females can have BEARDS. you have no idea how much i love that
so apparently xal’atath is back and is supposedly the villain of either war within or the worldsoul saga as a whole? cool ig.
i have….some thoughts on the worldsoul saga titles. the war within is cool ig but sounds more like a call of duty subtitle tbh. midnight tho? fucking midnight??????? that’s so lame. the last titan isn’t much better either tbh.
oh um. the zones. apparently 3/4 of them are underground, zaralek style, which makes me wonder if that zone was designed to get us ready for war within. the zone designs themselves seem cool enough, ig. won’t really know until i can explore them properly. but i am concerned about how dynamic flying will work underground. it’s already a little janky in zaralek tbh.
i think that’s all i got to say? i hope they announce more new features, either more new races or a new class or something. just one allied race (therefore a reskin) is kind of lame. every other single-race addition at least gave us a class too (pandaren + monk, dracthyr + evoker)
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gameforestdach · 7 months
Zusammenfassung: Blizzards jüngste Ankündigung seiner neuesten Erweiterung für World of Warcraft, mit dem Titel "The War Within", wurde mit viel Begeisterung aufgenommen. Jedoch hat ein Aspekt nennenswerte Kritik hervorgerufen: das Preisschild von 90$ für drei Tage Frühzugang. World of Warcraft enthüllt eine neue Erweiterung, "The War Within", als Teil der Worldsoul-Saga. Spieler äußern Unmut über den Preis von 90$ für drei Tage Frühzugang. Die Community befürchtet Auswirkungen dieser Preisstruktur auf die sozialen Dynamiken des Spiels. World of Warcraft: Die Ankündigung von "The War Within" Erweiterung der Worldsoul-Saga Wie auf der BlizzCon 2023 angekündigt, ist "The War Within" die neueste Ergänzung der Worldsoul-Saga, einer Trilogie, die diese Erweiterung zusammen mit "Midnight" und "The Last Titan" umfasst. Dieses neue Kapitel im WoW-Universum wird Spieler in vier frische Zonen führen: Azj-Kahet, Isle of Dorn, Ringing Deeps und Hallowfall. Mit neuen Features wie Kriegsbünden, Delves, der verbündeten Rasse der Earthen und Heldentalenten verspricht diese Erweiterung, die Spielerfahrung für die engagierte Basis des MMOs zu bereichern. Zudem erwartet Abenteurer eine packende Erzählung um eine uralte nerubianische Zivilisation und die geheimnisvolle Xal’atath, die Botin der Leere. Die Kontroverse um den Frühzugang Preisstufen und Spielerreaktionen Die Erweiterung bietet drei Kaufstufen an: eine Basisedition für 50$, eine heroische Edition für 70$ mit zusätzlichen In-Game-Gegenständen und die kontroverse epische Edition für 90$. Diese höchste Stufe gewährt Spielern eine Fülle von digitalen Boni, einschließlich 30 Tagen Spielzeit, garantiertem Beta-Zugang und dem viel diskutierten drei Tage Frühzugang. Obwohl Frühzugänge in der Gaming-Welt nichts Neues sind, mit Blizzard, das sie bereits für Titel wie Diablo 4 angeboten hat, wurde ihre Anwendung in einem MMO-Umfeld mit Missbilligung aufgenommen. Dieses Sentiment spiegelt sich deutlich in den Worten der Community wider, mit Begriffen wie "ekelhaft" und "Raub". Spieler fühlen, dass der Frühzugang, besonders zu einem so hohen Preis, die sozialen Dynamiken des Spiels verzerren könnte, indem diejenigen, die sich für die Basisedition entscheiden, benachteiligt werden. Stimmen aus der Community "Jedes einzelne Spiel in der Eröffnungsnacht gespielt, aber das ist ehrlich gesagt eine Enttäuschung." - Castia10 auf Reddit "Wir müssen FRÜH und LAUT sagen, dass das nicht in Ordnung ist." - DJ_Marxman auf Reddit "Es hinter einem fast doppelten Preis zu verschließen, ist jenseits von schäbig... es ist Raub." - One_Reputation_1048 auf Reddit Die übergreifende Sorge ist die Vorstellung, dass dieser "Frühzugang" tatsächlich das wahre Veröffentlichungsdatum ist und Spieler extra dafür bezahlen müssen, das Spiel zu spielen, wenn es technisch gesehen gestartet wird. Laut der Store-Seite soll die Erweiterung "am oder vor dem 31. Dezember 2024" veröffentlicht werden. Für diejenigen, die jedoch in die epische Edition investieren, verschiebt sich dieses Datum effektiv auf den 28. Dezember 2024. Ausblick Mit dem breiteren Kontext der Worldsoul-Saga, der sich noch entfalten muss, bleibt abzuwarten, wie dieses Preismodell die Spielerbindung an zukünftige Erweiterungen beeinflussen wird. In der Zwischenzeit können sich Enthusiasten tiefer in andere Updates von der BlizzCon, wie WoW Cataclysm Classic und die Season of Discovery, vertiefen. Wir laden unsere Leser ein, ihre Gedanken und Erfahrungen zu diesem Thema zu teilen. Glauben Sie, dass der Preis für den Frühzugang gerechtfertigt ist? Oder denken Sie, dass Blizzard einen Schritt zu weit gegangen ist? Treten Sie der Diskussion bei!
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