#x baptiste
alastors-oc-sthuff · 3 months
Pietra - Overwatch Wiki
Italy’s former hero, Pietra will stop at nothing to make sure Omnics burn in their own oil. Even if it takes away his life. But dare not touch his home, his loved one, less you want him as your enemy. - Official Description
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“I’d let myself burn if it meant saving them…”
Real Name: Massimo Caputo
Age: 30
Birthday: October 21st
Nationality: 🇮🇹 Italian
Massimo: Singer, Performer
Piera: National Protector, Military Aid
Former: (Rome, Italy) Base Di Difesa Italiana, (Bengaluru, India) Vishkar Corporation
Current: Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Atlantic Archology
Former: Vishkar Corporation, Militare Italiano
Current: Overwatch Agent, Solo Protector
Relations: Marisa Mezzasalma (mother, unknown but believed to be deceased), Silvio Caputo (father, deceased), Niran Pruksamanee (boyfriend), Satya Vaswani (friend), Jean-Baptiste Augustine (close friend, doctor), Sofia Segreto (manager, boss)
A masked and cold protector, Pietra’s determination and golden heart for his people and nation were the main factors that pushed the man to let go his life of luxury and take on a life full of pain, death, disappointments, broken hearts and suffering.
The once happy and cheerful singer turns into a cold-hearted and brutal protector when the horned mask is placed on his face, trying his hardest to leave that facade with his mask but finding it extremely complicated to separate the two, especially when it comes to his night terrors and difficult consequences attached to Pietra, but he’s lucky enough to have found people who care for him, willing to get close and remind the man that he’s not alone, that he has support and that it’s more than okay to detach to take care of one’s self.
The son of one of the most intelligent engineers and inventors in Italy, his father’s cold-heart toward his ‘stupid son’ only increased as Massimo took a major dislike to any sort of mathematical subject and love for any sort of artistic and creative subject when he was a young kid; his father’s hope was that he’d grow out of it when he became older, but it never came true. Because of this, Massimo’s father began to disregard him, emotionally abusing him to the point of making the young boy feel stupid, even though he really wasn’t; having given up on his son, Massimo’s father refused to communicate in any sort of manner with his son, forcing him to come to Vishkar with him, never telling him what happened to his mother as well as not accepting his sexuality and using it against Massimo as another means of isolation from him.
For Massimo’s entire childhood, the man remembers one thing about his mother; her screams of pain and his father’s incomprehensible insults to her, a bruise to her eye and a single letter the following morning with the simple words ‘I’m sorry, amore. Love, mamma.’ Massimo’s mother is rarely talked of as the Italian man doesn’t like to bring her up, his only memory of her being that day.
Vishkar Corporation
In his early teens at the time (early13M), Massimo was forced to follow his father to Vishkar once Silvio was offered a high-earning position, caring less to ask for his son’s opinion, as for everything else.
Quickly, Massimo hated the place… He hated the teachers, the students, how bland the building looked, how distant and uncaring everyone was, especially how much he was undermined and casted out; because of his fame and reputation, students and teachers alike rendered him an outcast rather quickly as they deemed him a snob and arrogant alongside ‘not as smart as them’, which only added to Massimo’s dislike to mathematical subjects. Safe for one student, a year older than him but in a couple of the same classes; Niran Pruksamanee (early14M - late14N).
The Thai student always had been a fan of Massimo’s music and image, taking the opportunity to meet with him when the singer organised a music club, hoping to gain some interest from his peers, but to avail, safe for Niran who was the only student who attended said club before it was permanently shut down by school staff.
Within their mid-teens (late15M - early16N), Massimo and Niran understood that they both held romantic feelings for one another, beginning to date in secret when confessing to each other; the only one who knew about their relationship was Niran’s roommate Satya Vaswani, who was quick to realise Niran’s attention was caught somewhere else when he seemed more concerned about his messages than his work, among many other things that Niran was rather careless to hide and forget them about his desk and bed. The two lover’s feelings for one another grew intensely rather quickly (mid16M - late17N), so much so that both of them agreed that Massimo could announce to his fans that he is taken, but still keep Niran identity a secret.
Meanwhile, while Massimo opened up a new chapter in his life and finished his studies before than all his peers independently and separately from Vishkar (late16M), Silvio had created a bionic arm that could transform into a huge mech, the first of its kind, creating this machine to pass down to a man which would use said machine to protect Italy as Omnic attacks were on the rise again, but Massimo managed to see that the older man, who was in his early 20’s, cared nothing about the responsibility it took and only flaunted the possession of the machine, ignoring the trainings and preparations and lying to Silvio as well as Vishkar’s higher ups; Massimo understood that the man would do nothing to change and that Italy would fall into ruins at the hands of this man.
Deciding to amputate his own left arm (early17M - late17N), much to Niran’s major distress, Massimo managed to secure the machine and began to train with Vishkar, deciding to flee Vishkar in his late teens (late17M - early18N), despite the heartbreak that it caused the couple; saying their final goodbyes and giving their last kiss, Massimo finally departed with a heavy heart and tear filled eyes, having done what he could to keep his love with him, but to no avail.
It wounded both men deeply, but it wounded Satya as well, who Massimo gave no proper goodbye to as he didn’t want to cause anymore distress to his good friend who already had her plate full with other, more important worries; he wished he’d never done that, wishing that he gave his good friend a proper, heartfelt goodbye.
Italy’s Omnic War & Overwatch (New Blood)
With the new-found identity of Pietra, Massimo fought long and hard to save Italy and its people from the omnics, losing the mechanical arm just two years into the war which led to a self-amputation as the wound was too big to let heal; as quickly as he could have, Massimo returned to Vishkar Corporations, much to the Italian Military’s warnings and denies, searching for his father in hopes of stealing another arm and fleeing again, managing in his mission rather quickly and easier than he thought, finding the perfect fit to replace his fully lost left arm alongside half of his shoulder, dismantling the arm’s tracker and alarm and fleeing back to Italy.
This theft didn’t go unnoticed by Vishkar, who were quick to send out their best forces to hunt down Pietra; quickly enough, Italy’s borders were closed to any sort of Vishkar activity or employee in order to protect Pietra to allow him to keep doing his duty without any further worries, to which they succeeded in as Vishkar quickly gave up on the search, ordering Silvio to create another one, only for the man to suffer a stroke in his sleep and pass away.
With the war over after seven years, Massimo kept up his Pietra facade to still protect Italy from any sort of other threats, specifically to recurring omnics and Talon activity, to which Italy’s people were more than grateful for, keeping up his double life for other six years, until finally letting his mask sit for longer then he wore it as he was sure Italy was rid of all omnic and Talon activity.
Just after three moths, Pietra was visited by Cassidy on his day off, who was in search of new recruits for Overwatch’s recall; after a rather intense battle and concussion, Cassidy transported Pietra with himself along his way back to Watchpoint: Gibraltar, where Pietra met one of the medics by the name of Baptiste. Much to Massimo’s displeasure, Baptiste met him without his mask and knowing his true identity, attempting to keep this happening a secret by threatening the medic, unsuccessfully. Instead of successfully pushing the medic away and keeping him at a safe distance, Baptiste managed to get the man to open up, especially once Massimo began to wear his mask less and less in their shared quarters as well as dropping his facade, being more himself, to which Baptiste majorly appreciated.
Surely enough, once Massimo had opened up and began to share his struggles with his roommate, the two men grew close rather quickly, trusting one another with their past and present worries and problems, yet always reminding themselves that their primary relationship is doctor-patient in hopes to not let themselves get too attached to one another.
To this day, their relationship is still close, with the medic throwing in the occasional flirting, both of them knowing that it’s mere teasing between close friends.
Atlantic Archology
Coming when the chapter is out! Stay tuned!
Heroes Ascendant
Coming when the chapter is out! Stay tuned!
- Massimo’s name ‘Pietra’ was chosen by himself as he believed it would represent what kind of protector he wanted to be for Italy; firm, cold, strong and always there as someone to lean on when needed
- In his opening quote ‘I’d let myself burn if it meant saving them’, its unclear who he is specifically referring to
- Massimo writes his own songs and creates concepts for the music composition, passing it onto Sofia for approval; the music composition is executed by one of the top bands in Italy, which were extremely excited to work with someone as famous and talented as Massimo
- Massimo wrote music dedicated to Niran, but he never published it nor showed it to Niran, as he was too embarrassed to do so, even though he knew his boyfriend would appreciate it
- Massimo has called Niran ‘Niran’ when they first met, then began to call him ‘Bua’ once they got close, finally calling him ‘amore’ or ‘tesoro mio’ in private when dating, still sticking to ‘Bua’ when they were in public; Niran always called Massimo ‘Max’, then began to call him ‘khon dii’ or ‘tii rak’ in private when dating, sticking to ‘Max’ when they were in public
- Massimo was extremely fearful when meeting Satya as he was scared she would see him the same way the rest Vishkar scholars do; he was proven wrong and the two hit it off rather quickly
- Massimo kept Niran’s first biolight lotus he ever created, as Niran had given it to him as a gift for their first year anniversary, then integrating it into his new arm by pacing it into his shoulder and connecting wires to it, giving him a soothing and helpful healing pulse; Niran kept one of Massimo’s shirts, which the man had forgotten in Niran’s room when he left, sowing it to a medium-sized pink teddy bear Massimo had given him on their first year anniversary, then consistently sleeping with it at night or keeping it on his desk while he worked
- Neither Massimo nor Niran knew of each other’s whereabouts when they two separated, having no method of keeping contact as well as having very little time
- Their first kiss was with one another, during Massimo’s music club; neither of them mentioned it again before they began dating
- Massimo is gay, being openly so especially in his music
- Massimo is 1.83m/6ft, being said to be shorter than Cassidy, Baptiste and Niran but taller than Satya
- Massimo’s songs are very different genres; romantic, angst, rock, hard rock, pop, EDM
- Massimo’s music has its own app; the songs became so vast and numerous that Sofia chose to move the man’s music to a free app for all to install, as well as having accommodations for those who require them
- Sofia’s age is never specifically mentioned, but she is referred as ‘the older woman’, implying that she is, at minimum, 5-7 years older than Massimo
- The only ones who know of Massimo’s double life are Niran, Satya, Baptiste; Sofia knows as well, but she has never spoken on it to anybody, even to Massimo who suspects nothing
- Massimo has always worked solo, residing in the Base Di Difesa Italiana as a place to live as Pietra, never having sent out any other soldiers during the omnic war; Overwatch is the first time the man has worked in a team
- Massimo is always kind and friendly to his fans, even to paparazzi, to which Sofia disagrees with, but she knows the man is too kind to tell them off; whenever Massimo needs to tell the paparazzi off, he can’t help but feel guilty
- Massimo has always refused to have a bodyguard around him, even if he was strongly recommended it
- Sofia has always been Massimo’s manager and boss ever since the man began to get famous at a young age, wanting to work with Massimo instead of having Massimo work for him; she is the closest to a mother figure Massimo has in his life ever since his mother departed, having unintentionally called her ‘mà’, the shortened version of ‘mamma’, some times when he was younger
- Silvio has never been to one of Massimo’s concerts and refuses to listen to his music, preferring on having no radio or phone rather than listening to his son’s ’screechy and annoying voice’
- Sofia has never liked Silvio ever since they met, always doing everything she could to keep him away from Massimo, especially when he would come to her crying and sobbing about him
- Massimo would go with Niran during his travels, not caring those who saw them together and always being careful with PDA
- Massimo would use his wealth to buy things for Niran and Satya whenever they needed, passing them off as gifts as to not make the two feel guilty about ‘spending his money’
- Massimo was never really aware of the true extent of his wealth ever since he became 16, when Sofia agreed to show and explain the sum of his wealth to the boy as he became mature enough to understand the true and proper concept of money; even after this occurred, Massimo’s attitude toward his fortunes never changed, always using and asking for his money when he needed to buy something for himself or for others, but Sofia would sometimes give him her own money without him knowing
- It’s never really explained how much Massimo’s wealth truly runs, but it is known that his fortunes are ‘three thousand times more than the Pruksamanee family’, which can imply that Massimo could be a billionaire, or even more than that; it is shown that the man does buy extremely expensive things for the purpose of it serving those close to him and not only himself as the man is only selfish with his money when spending it for the basic expenses someone needs to live
- Even though Niran and Massimo dated when they were young, the two truly loved and cared for each other, finally understanding it one year in their relationship; the two never stopped loving one another, despite the fact that they were separated
- In game, Pietra and Lifeweaver have some matching skins; this is seen with their matching skin ‘Anubis & Anput’
- It is a known fact that Massimo knows a vast array of languages; it is known that he knows Italian, English, Thai, Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese, Korean fluently, as well as working on leaning Russian, Haitian Creole, Dutch, German when he has his free time
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Wow, it has been a while since I posted anything on here!
Just remembered that character Wiki pages are a thing and decided to make one of Pietra!
This is not fully finished; it will be updated as chapters get added and as we all get to know the character together!
Hopefully you enjoyed this, even if it was long!
Excited to see more about him? Stay tuned from more!
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bloodiedflora · 6 months
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Buamaugtiste for “mistletoe” drawing suggestion on twt :3
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donniesdorm · 1 year
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the dinner voiceline between these two >>
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froggibus · 4 months
Valentine's NSFW - Overwatch Men
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Pairings: Baptiste, Cassidy, Genji, Hanzo, Ramattra & Reaper x fem! reader (reader uses she/her pronouns + has a pussy)
Genre: smut/NSFW
CW: cheesy Valentines things, aftercare, manhandling, bondage, role play, toys, shibari, praise, degradation, dirty talk, oral (giving & receiving) unprotected sex, p in v, cum stuffing, overstimulation, cervix fucking, teasing
i flopped so hard this Valentine’s Day but here’s some overwatch content 😭 im sorry my fellow lucio enjoyers i simply couldn’t do it i could not write him for valentines
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he’s a busy man, it’s a rare occasion that he has a day off, let alone two 
wants to make the most of his time with you 
takes his time to decorate your room, even changing the sheets to nice red ones and lighting some candles
for him it’s all about the ambience 
takes his time to seduce you, starting with kissing you, then moving down your neck and so on
takes his time with your chest, his expert hands turning you into a moaning mess 
when you’re finally so wet that you’re begging him just to touch you, he knows you’re ready
has you spread out on the bed, his head buried between your legs 
it’s been so long since he was able to eat you out, it’s like a feast to him 
doesn’t stop until you’ve came on his face at least twice, until his beard and chin are dripping with your juices 
he’s so gentle but so intentional with his touches 
teases your clit with his cock and laughs at the way you squirm and plead for him to put it in 
once he puts it in, it’s not coming out until he’s fully satisfied 
the man is insatiable, he’s drilling his cock into you like he’s trying to push it straight into your womb
it brushes your cervix and makes you wince, the pain only adding to the overwhelming pleasure you feel
loves cumming inside of you but saves it for special occasions like today
his aftercare is unmatched, the man has a basket of things to help soothe you after the fact 
he’ll massage your shoulders and talk you down
and always forces you to pee because god forbid you get a UTI (although he’d take extra good care of you then, too)
wants to try absolutely anything
he’s always a kinky mf but Valentine’s is his excuse to dial it up to 11
buys you cute underwear that you can show off to him 
wants to roleplay 
once you get in bed with this man you’re not getting out all night 
he’ll have your hands cuffed behind your back while he watches you try to ride him 
just watching you struggle to take his cock without bracing yourself with his hands is enough to have him cumming
it’s just so cute how pathetic you are, dragging your walls up and down his thick cock and whining how it’s “too much”
gets tired of your whining and has you flipped in doggy, your head pressed into the mattress
this man is breeding you for hours
even after your pussy is aching and dripping with his cum, he’ll try to keep going 
switches between praise and degradation so fast he gives you whiplash
“so good f’me…takin’ my cock so well.”
spanks you if you get too quiet
“fuck, you’re sucha slut for me, aren’t ya?”
there will be bruises on your wrists from the handcuffs
when he finally lets you out of the bed, you can’t even walk on your own
so he runs you a hot bath with nice smelling salts, candles and lotions 
kinky mf 
he’s probably been preparing for tonight for months 
has some of that aphrodisiac chocolate and definitely feeds it to you
so much foreplay 
he has you laying against his chest, legs spread out over his own, your pussy wide open for his fingers to dip into 
he loves playing with you and teasing you, listening to you whimper that’s it’s ’too much’ and you ‘can’t take it anymore’
your cute whines must make him want to bury his cock in you and pound you 
but tonight is about you and he wants to take his time 
definitely brought some toys with him, like a magic wand and a rabbit 
has the vibrator pressed against your clit while he fingers you
even after you cum a few times and whine about how you’re getting overstimulated, he still wants to fuck you until your brain is mush
it’s sweet relief when he finally puts the toys away and lays you down on the bed
you weakly spread your legs around his hips and give him access to your puffy pussy
feels so fucking good 
he gets so deep inside you every time, and he’s going slow enough that you can feel it every time his cockhead brushes your walls
whispers praises in your ear about how good you are, about how you just need to give him one more and he’ll be done 
“one more” turns into an extra hour 
by the end of the night, you’re completely fucked out and drooling, your pussy aching from how good he took care of you
helps you clean yourself up, planting kisses on your burning skin  
he’s been waiting so long for you to want to try it
you run to the bedroom when you get back from dinner 
Hanzo is so patient waiting outside until you finally yell come in 
you’ve stripped yourself to just your lingerie and you’re kneeling on the floor, holding silky red ropes in your hands 
he’s instantly hard just seeing you submit to him 
binds you up so nicely in the pretty little ropes, making sure you’re properly tied but keeping all your good places on display
manhandles you in front of him so he can prod at that pretty mouth with his cock
smears pre all of your lips and cheeks before pushing past your mouth and finally feeling your tongue on his length
you look so cute and helpless sitting beneath him and slobbering on his cock 
probably straight up carries you by the ropes on your back and tosses you into the bed 
you are doing it in every position tonight 
bent over, balls slapping your clit with every thrust 
on top of him, laying on his chest clawing desperately while he pounds you
against the wall, over the bed, on your knees, on his lap
he’s taking you any way he can
ends it in a mating press, undoing some of the ropes to offer you enough slack to fold your knees into your chest
leans over and coos about how cute you look with tears and cum smeared on your face
you’re stuffed with cum at the end of the night, laid out in the bed, face on his chest
has no idea what Valentines is, and even after you explain doesn’t quite understand it
but if it’s important to you…
is teasing you the whole fucking day 
pinning you against the wall and rubbing your pussy until you’re dripping wet, pulling you into his lap when you walk by so you can feel the thrumming in his crotch plate 
he wants you soaked, prepped and ready for him at any time so that when he does decide to take you, he doesn’t have to waste any time
has you cockwarming him while he does work, an arm around your waist to hold you down on his massive length while his other taps away at a keyboard 
you’re squirming and writhing in his lap for more but his grip is like iron 
eventually he gives in to your incessant pleasing
“it’s St Valentines after all”
but don’t even think about trying to disobey him or try anything funny 
pretty much uses you like a flesh light the rest of the night 
the benefit of him being so strong is that he can manoeuvre you in anyway that he wants 
and given that he’s an omnic, he can go all night and never falter 
he’s brutal with his thrusts, pounding into you until your juices are spraying out and coating the plates of his thighs
“Look at how you’re gushing on me,” he teases, “look at how ruined your pussy is.”
probably fucks you until you’re on the verge of falling asleep 
after he’s done with you, when you’re laying and looking al cute and fucked out in his bed
he’ll just brush your hair away from your face. “Happy St Valentine’s, dear.”
he does not give a fuck about Valentine’s Day 
but if it gives him an excuse to take you in anyway he wants, he’s in
absolutely not what he has in mind when you’re binding him to your headboard with handcuffs 
he won’t admit it but he’s into it 
you spend over an hour just teasing him 
rubbing, licking, drooling on his cock, watching the way he shifts uncomfortably with every move 
it’s only after he calls out, “just fuck me or move on, please” that you listen to him 
Reyes never says please so you know he’s desperate 
of course you won’t even think about putting his cock inside of you until he's came in your mouth at least once
when you finally straddle his hips and sink down on his cock, Reaper is beyond impatient 
he’s straining against his handcuffs, telling you what a whore you are and how he can’t wait to get out of these and fuck you silly
you ride him painfully slow, scratching up his chest with your nails as you slide up and down his cock
eventually you get desperate and start bouncing even more, forcing his cock as deep as it can go
just as you’re about to cum, Reaper snaps the bedposts and frees his hands 
you’re in shock from the pure fucking strength it took and have no time to react before he’s flipping you on your back and taking you 
the muscles in his arms are strained as he props himself up above you, veins protruding 
just for teasing him, you’re not leaving the room until you’ve come at least three or four times 
or unless you beg for mercy (though Gabe is a wild card, and it’s a 50/50 if he’ll even let you go)
masterlist | overwatch masterlist
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minteehell · 11 months
Overwatch Bicon and his boyfriend 😊
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I know pride month is over but im just reposting extra drawings Ive made on twitter…
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bitchtoss · 1 month
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Kirsten Dunst photographed by Marc Baptiste, 1999
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overwatch ratings based on how they would date
did this a while ago but spent too much time on it for it to not be posted. this is just a personal opinion and personal ratings based off lore and bias tbh. this will be updated with every hero (if I remember to lol)
D.VA: 6/10. Caring and loving, fun gaming dates, but gets recognized a lot, and if it came down to it she’d choose her job to protect south korea over her lover
Doomfist: 4/10. He’d be a gentleman but probably only in it for sex or to be a sugar daddy. He’d treat his “lover” with respect tho so not a total loss i guess.
Junker Queen: 7/10. After the shit she’s been thru i think she doesnt really want a partner cuz shes afraid they’re just using her to get to the throne or that she’ll lose them. She’s protective and caring but also a bit overprotective to the point where it’s like okay calm down. Also might get into a few fights but eh.
Orisa: 0/10. she thinks it would be cute to be in a relationship but knows she cant be in one due to being the “protector of numbani”. so no.
Ramattra: 8/10. Deadass depends if it’s an omnic or not. If his lover is an omnic he will cherish them and take care of them, knowing that they’re one of the few things he loves in this life. If it’s a human then theres some. Problems. He doesnt open up easily and while he’s still protective and caring he can sometimes get very distant towards them because he fears that they only got close to him to use him or kill him.
Reinhardt: 9/10: Perfect gentleman. Treats you with respect and love, and cherishes you no matter what. -1 is because he can be really loud sometimes even when he doesnt mean to be
Roadhog: 5/10. I think of him as aroace but he would try and give it a shot just to feel what it’s like. Hes very quiet but also very calm. He would listen to his lover and do his best to help them, but he moves around a lot thanks to junkrat now and might cut off communication with you just to keep you safe when he's on the run
Sigma: 5/10. A real gentleman, would treat his lover with respect and kindness and love. Only downside is when he has one of his mind breaks and breakdowns. He forgets who he is and just focuses on violence. Also his control of gravity in that state is very fucky so if he’s having a breakdown his lover might get throw to the ground. He feels like jackshit afterwards and probably realizes it’s best not to have someone he cares about so close to him
Wrecking Ball: 0/10 no. he would simply not even if he wanted to. Aroace hampter 
Winston: maybe a 1/10. i feel like he doesnt want a romantic relationship with anybody and just wants friends (aroace monke)
Zarya: 6/10. Protective and caring but would focus too much on her job. would also pick her country over her lover if it did come down to it
Mauga: 8/10: Would treat his lover right and give them anything they asked for. Free beach house, gifts, and a loving, protective, obsessive bf. -2 because slight yandere vibes and can get too possesive-
Ashe: 6/10. Partners in crime kinda thing but if you’re not really into that stuff she’s probably not that into you. She has BOB watching you when she cant during a fight but shes always next to you when she can be.
Bastion: 0/10. Dude just wants to live in the woods with his bird he doesnt want that stuff.
Cassidy: 8/10. Southern sweetheart. Treats his partner with love and respect. Only downside is that he’d be out a lot doing his job, but he would let somebody else do it to be with you if it’s a special occasion or if he really wants to stay with you.
Echo: 2/10. Not big on romance but would try it out for science. Sadly in the end it’s not real love so. Oof
Genji: 9/10. Probably doesn’t want a relationship at first because of his body but he gets used to it and opens up his heart. Honestly very good boyfriend would be there to listen and help you with stuff. -1 cuz he might be out doing overwatch stuff a lot and also might not be the most exciting person to be around if you're a hyper person.
Hanzo: 6/10. Can’t see him getting in a relationship after everything thats happened but if he did he’d be kinda bad at it but you could tell that he’s trying his best.
Junkrat: 5/10. I love him but i cant really see him *staying* in a relationship for long. He doesn’t know how to stop sometimes and can get really annoying really quick but he loves making things for his lover and would do his best to keep them away from the dangerous bombs. He loves them a lot but doesn’t know how to turn the love down. Really clingy so if youre into that cool.
Mei: 9/10. Absolute sweetheart. Loves you to bits and takes you out to her favorite restaurants and stuff. -1 cuz you had to have a long distance relationship due to her being in Antarctica and the fact she slept for years with no communication with her lover-
Phara: 4/10. Cares about her job more but would be an okay girlfriend, doing the basics.
Reaper: 1/10. He’s done with love and would probably just just be a sugar daddy or just be there for sex. Even if he did find himself feeling something he’d ignore it and move on
Sojourn:5/10. Not interested in dating or finding love but if it finds her she’ll go for it. Pretty nice girlfriend, makes sure to take care of her lover but does focus on her job a lot more sometimes.
Soldier:76: 0/10. Not interested and has made sure to break off any past relationships. Doesn’t want the people he cares about to get hurt. So he still cares but doesnt go see them.
Somba: 7/10. Would be a pretty good girlfriend if she wanted to have a relationship. She keeps all people she cares about far away and unaware of her deeds at Talon. So a long distance relationship until she can take some time off to go see her lover and vibe.
Symmetra: 3/10. Doesn’t know how to even start a relationship and doesn’t really want to. Her job is important to her so she wouldn’t want distractions from it.
Torbjorn: 6/10. His wife and him had a few children and have been married for a while so he’s probably got the whole love thing covered.
Tracer: 9/10. Probably one of the best on this list. She’s loving and caring and makes sure to spend a lot of time with her partner. 
Widowmaker: 3/10. Last partner she had was um. killed by her so. +3 if you could break down her walls and see the real her but very low chance
Venture: 8.5/10: Would talk to you about rocks, fossils, and everything else they can think about. They’d even let you name rocks around the house. -2 cuz they’ll talk your ear off about rocks n stuff while also bouncing around everywhere. They can also be gone for long periods of time but always makes sure to call. If you can deal with the infodumping and adhd then 9.5/10 for you 
Ana: 5/10. She doesn’t want a relationship but she’d be very loving and caring to her lover.
Baptiste: 8/10. Great boyfriend, lovers needs always come first and he’s very open and always has an ear out to listen. -2 because he’s constantly on the run and the relationship could get stressed.
Brigitte: 5/10. Mostly focused on her work but would make a pretty good girlfriend if she finds the right person. The relationship would mostly be a test one because she lowkey doesn’t understand it.
Kiriko: 4/10. Would love to be in a relationship but protecting her home is more important than finding love to her.
Lucio: 9/10. Actual sweetheart. Would make music for you and would cancel shows last second if something came up and you needed something. If you need anything he’ll be there to help.
Mercy: 8/10. She’s really focused on her work but no matter what would take time to come stay with you for a while. -2 because sometimes too focused on work and sometimes doesnt have time to see you for a long time.
Moira: 0/10. Not looking for a relationship and would probably lie just to get you strapped to a table and butchered.
Zenyatta: 7/10. Would make a decent boyfriend but he can’t have relationships due to being a monk. He’d be there to listen and to give advice when you needed it.
Lifeweaver: 9/10. Perfect boyfriend in every way. Like no competition. -1 cuz he's on the run from multiple governments so he won't be able to talk all the time or be with you much to his dismay. multiple texts a day tho
Illari: 4/10. Tbh I can't see her getting into a relationship after everything. She's too scared that something will happen with her powers again and hurt her lover
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junjomonstah · 1 month
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I bet this was the real reason they broke up---
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u-x-o · 5 months
snore mi mi mi mi💤🐻
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Can't express how much I'm fixated on these mofos as of late🙏
Also Niran is an ugly sleeper and you can't convince me otherwise!
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kennylikessalt · 2 months
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alastors-oc-sthuff · 3 months
⚠️ Trigger Warnings ⚠️ - Injuries, drowning, mentions of when he lost the arm but nothing in detail, vomiting.
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“Thank you for bringing me back to base, Baptiste… You really didn’t have to…” Pietra says with a lightly pained voice, his eyes on Baptiste from behind the mask “No issue at all, Massimo…” The medic chuckles back, helping the Italian settle on the medical bed, which causes the man to let out a sigh of relief once he’s seated “Besides, you and I both know you’re to stubborn to ask for help” Baptiste laughs lightly with a smile as he looks at Pietra before turning around to grab his medical equipment. Pietra chuckles lightly, starting to take off the armor patches on his chest and abdominals “Only months of knowing each other and it’s like you’ve known me for a lifetime…”
Baptiste gives a smirk at the Italian’s words, settling the medical equipment on the desk, looking back at Pietra to then grab the armor patches that he took off, setting them aside to give the Italian more space “You know you need to take your mask off for this, yes?” Baptiste says in a rather quiet tone, his eyes shifting back to Pietra, who reluctantly nods his head after a few seconds of stillness “I know… just give me a second…” He replies. Baptiste knows that, despite the fact that his friend took off his mask many times around him, he still needs time to adjust to the entire idea of someone knowing his face.
With a soft whirring sound, the horned mask comes off, revealing the Italian’s face “Good, now let’s get started, yes?” Baptiste questions with a smile, extending his hand for the mask, to which Massimo hands it over hesitantly and unsurely. Baptiste grabs the mask and settles it near the armor patches, proceeding to start checking the Italian; during the battle in Toronto, the Italian was slammed rather hard against a wall, to which caused his mech to retract back, leaving him open and vulnerable. Baptiste knows the Italian is feeling the impact, but he also knows he’s too proud to say anything “Feeling any dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath?” Baptiste questions with a tinge of worry “I’m fine, feeling the same pain as every day…” Massimo answers in a somewhat serious tone, but his gentleness is finally heard “What? Where?” Baptiste asks, his worry increasing, but it dissipates once he sees Massimo grinning lightly “Ah, you almost fooled me…” Baptiste sighs with a shake of the head, a grin painting his features “Almost? You completly panicked!” Massimo laughs back.
A loud ring interrupts the conversation; it’s Massimo’s communicator on his right sleeve.
Baptiste expected Massimo to answer the communication immediately, but he turns confused once the Italian’s expression shifts to puzzleness “Cosa? Ma, that can’t be right…” Massimo says as he looks at the name on the communicator then points at his mask and gesturing Baptiste to grab it for him, to which the medic complies, giving the mask to him and observing him as he places it back on his face with another soft whirring sound. Pietra answers the communication, tapping on the screen “Pietra qui, who is this?” He questions; it’s obvious his Pietra facade is back in play…
Baptiste and Pietra’s eyebrows shoot up as they hear the sound of gunfire and panic from the communicator, a panicked voice being heard “Pietra?! We need help! T-the omnics are back!” A female’s voice is heard, panting and seemingly sobbing lightly “Where are you?” Pietra wastes no time to question with critical information as he gets up from the medical bed, his face twisting in light pain as his feet hit the ground, but nonetheless he sucks it up as usual, grabbing the armor patches he took off earlier “T-the Colosseo! W-we can’t shoot through them and they’re cutting through us like paper!” The woman answers back in the same tone of voice, letting out another sob. Pietra places the armor patches back on, checking the status of his mech as he answers “I’ll be there as quick as I can, hold out for a little more, Sergente” Pietra answers, grimacing at his mech’s status: 60% recovery “Please hurry… Less than half a team remains and-“ Before the Sergeant could finish her stance, the communication gets cut, causing both men in the room panic.
Pietra groans and flicks his wrist, the communicator closing and screen turning off “Cavolo!” He shouts lightly, finishing to check his mech then looking back up at Baptiste “I’m going” He simple states, beginning to rush out of the room, but Baptiste grabs the shorter man’s wrist and looks down at him “You’re hurt, you need to recover first. I’ll call whoever’s available to go in your place…” He states with a worries and firm tone “I don’t have time for that. For all I know the Sergeant got cut, too” Pietra brushes off the medic’s hand and start to rush out again “Don’t follow me, tell the team I’ll be back soon!” Pietra shouts out, then fully rushes out of the room,
Baptiste sighs with defeat, shaking his head; he should have persisted harder to let the Italian stay… He knows him too well to know that even if he called in whoever’s available for battle, Pietra will send them back without protests and hesitation… Pietra’s stubbornness always has worried the medic…
With a swift and fast zoom, Pietra finally arrives at the Colosseum, landing on the top windows and looking down at the scene; omnics tearing and rushing through soldiers like nothing, tearing down pieces of the majestic architecture, throwing civilians around like bags of potatoes… It makes Pietra angry.
In this moment, he doesn’t even remember what made him think he could ever depart from Italy, his Italy and leaving her so open and vulnerable. He’s doing nothing else but kicking himself.
With a swift jump, Pietra lands on one of the omics’s shoulders, shooting down at its head and dashing down at it, crushing it into the ground, decommissioning it effectively. With another dash, the Italian slams against a second omnic, punching it in the lens and shooting it through the mid-section then punching it again; wrapping the mech’s arms securely around the omnic and facing a third omnic, Pietra dashes toward said omnic and slams the two omnics against one another, sending a ball of bullets through the two ominc’s heads, decommissioning them as well.
Turning his head to his side and gasping as sees another larger omnic rushing toward him, Pietra extends his arms to shoot through it, but it speeds up and harshly runs into the Italian, flying upward and rushing down to slam him against the hard ground; Pietra shouts out in pain, his blue eyes looking at the mech’s status which already reached 85% damage taken… He can’t hold out for longer and he’s very well aware of it…
Shouting as he pushes against the omnic, Pietra places the mech’s hand on its neck and shoots, pushing to stand on his feet again and facing another omnic, implying the same strategy of slamming them against one another, and effectively doing so, but failing to realize that another omnic, the same model as the as the two he’s in the process of decommissioning, is rushing to him.
‘Where did these come from?! Why can’t I-‘ But his thoughts get cut short when another pair of omnics rush into the mix, joining their three companions into throwing and shooting the Italian around.
Pietra’s utterly lost; he’s already in pain from the earlier injury, now he’s gaining more from the sole fact that he’s unable to defeat these new models of omnics… He tries to stand up and retaliate against them all, but every time he does so another pair appear and join in, but his entire soul comes crushing down once he hears the mech’s alarm and sees it shutting down and retracting back.
The omnic’s red lenses staring down at the defeated and injured Italian, then move again once they see him move to try to and stand up, one of them rushing toward him and wrapping its arms around him, flying at a great speed through the walls of the Colosseo and slamming Pietra against said walls, the rest of the omnic’s following suit.
As they all fly up above Rome and the rest of Italy and finally reaching the ocean, Pietra feels at the verge of passing out as he’s shot from one omnic to the other; he hasn’t felt this hurt ever since he lost his arm… Yet the man keeps his blue eyes open from behind the mask, tears pricking the corners of them as he looks at the group of omnics who still toss his around as they all zip and zoom up above the ocean.
What gives him a smudge of hope is when his communicator begins to rings loudly as beforehand, but it quickly gets crushes as one omnic buries its hand in the suit and rips it off, tossing it down below into the sea, then being tossed to another omnic who quickly wraps its arms around him again and rushes toward the nearest structure, slamming Pietra against it for what sees like seventy times, to then grab him by his left arm and tossing him down toward the ocean.
The water hits Pietra much like a slap to his back, sinking down into the deep blue; he tries his best to swim up, but every movement sends pain shooting through his entire body, the armor patches making much heavier than he truly is; he can’t bear the struggle and pain anymore, involuntarily opening his mouth from under the mask as his eyes close, letting his body go and letting the water fill his lungs; he can’t help but feel as if it’s truly over for him… all the people he left behind, all the last words he said to others… they all replay in his head… especially his beloved… how he’s sorry that he’s never going to see him alive again.
But… why does he faintly notice the shadow of a person swimming toward him?
The person wraps their hand around Pietra’s wrist and struggle to pull him up, then wrap their other hand around his wrist and dash upward, beginning to swim with Pietra in their grasp; gasping for air as they both reach up above the water, the person dashes again to shore, laying Pietra down on his back and attempting to remove his mask, but find themselves unable to do so. Their hazel eyes begin to carefully scan the mask, their gaze settling on the horns; placing their right hand on the tip of the right horn and their left hand just below that, they manage to snap the horn in half, which causes the mask to unlatch off of Pietra’s face. The person quickly removes the mask and tosses it to the side, rushing to tear off the patch of armor on the Italian’s chest and tossing it as well “Come on, please be okay…” The person’s soft and worried voice breaks as their hazel eyes look down on Pietra.
Placing their hands into a certain grip with one another then starting to preform CPR on the Italian, they occasionally place their right hand flat against Pietra’s chest as a soft pink and yellow glow emits from their palm, then go back to preforming CPR; their breath catches in their throat as Pietra begins to cough, the water expelling from his lungs as air finally fills him, turning around and beginning to vomit and cough out the water that filled him, breathing deeply as his vision begins to unblur. The person sighs deeply again, placing two fingers on Pietra’s neck and checking for his pulse.
Pietra freezes when he realizes he’s not alone; turning around as quickly as he can and pointing his mechanical hand toward the other person, even if its deactivated, Pietra’s ready to put up another fight even if he’ll lose it. His blue eyes go wide as he lays his gaze on the person in front of him, completely unfazed from his action and only carrying a worried, teary-eyed gaze…
“Bua?” His hoarse voice whispers in disbelief, his hands dropping down as he stares at his former boyfriend.
Niran chokes out a sob, tears falling from his face as he moves his shaky hand to cup Pietra’s- no, Massimo’s- Massimo’s face “Oh, Max…” He simply whispers as he looks deep into his former boyfriend’s blue eyes “You’re alive…” He whispers again as chokes out another sob, shifting to get closer to Massimo and wrapping his arms around him, trying to be as gentle as possible “I thought I’d lost you for good…”
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Yes, I am leaving it on a mild cliffhanger! (Insert evil laugh)
In all seriousness, here is Pietra’s chapter in Invasion!
Next one will be- ah, I’m not going to spoil it! But I’m pretty sure it can be guessed, right?
Stay tuned on here to know more!
Curious about anything? Asks are always open!
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mimisempai · 1 year
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How it started...
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m-musings · 4 months
Headcanons: Overwatch Men Saying I Love You for the First Time (Pt 1.)
A/N: splitting these headcanons into 2 parts so that i can get the creative juices flowing for when i write the others. (hcs under the cut!)
(part 2 here! :])
Warnings: none that i can think of Word Count: 952
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Baptiste, being ever the spontaneous one, first tells you he loves you during the movie night you have about every two weeks.
The two of you were huddled underneath a large, fluffy blanket, the film you chose somewhat forgotten as you idly chat about whatever comes to mind.
As you go to lean against his shoulder, you can hear a small breath hitch in his throat as his sentence fades off.
With a concerned look on your face, you pause the movie before lifting your head to look at him.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Baptiste nods his head in reply as he places a comforting hand on your arm.
"Yeah, I'm alright, it's just...You know I love you, right?"
Your eyes widen in surprise for a moment before softening again as you sweetly smile at him.
"I love you too, 'Tiste..."
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Cole is almost always on charmer mode with everyone he knows and comes across. It's part of how he got this far in life and how he prefers to be seen.
But when it comes to his first time telling you how he feels after you've just started dating? Completely different story. He's an absolute mess.
Here he is, pacing back and forth in front of your door with a gift in hand as he debates on how to admit his affections for you.
As he hypes himself up to finally knock and just tell you, the door creaks open with you peeking out from behind it.
"Oh, hi Cole! What can I do for you?" You say, fully pulling the door open as you greet him with a grin.
"H-hey, darlin'... I- I, uh, made somthin' for you. Here." An unprepared Cassidy stutters as he hands you his present.
As you look down at where your hand meet, Cole pulls his away to reveal a braided leather bracelet with round wooden beads interlaced.
Letting out an excited gasp, you place it upon your wrist before throwing your arms around the cowboy.
"This is amazing, Cass, thank you! I love you!"
Cassidy then chuckles deeply, wrapping himself around you as he leans into your touch.
"Love you too, sweetheart."
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Akande is very in tune with what he wants for himself, so when he realizes how he feels, he won't hesitate to tell you.
He'd call you to meet him somewhere private in Talon's headquarters, where once you arrive, he'd instantly start flirting.
"Ah, hello my dear. Looking as wonderful as always."
"Oh, thank you, Akande! Is there something you wanted from me?"
He would shake his head in confirmation before tenderly grabbing your hand and placing a kiss atop it.
"Nothing too serious, I assure you. I simply wanted to tell you that I love you. I hope you feel the same."
With a flustered expression, you'd whisper a small yes before he places his arms around around your waist in an unusually soft embrace.
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Genji says it during a rare quiet moment at Gibraltar.
After preventing a Null Sector attack on a town not far from base, you were helping him repair some of his cybernetic parts that got damaged in the fight.
In the middle of adding a few adjustments to one of the mobility mechanisms, he heaves out a deep sigh which causes you to glance up at him.
"I can tell you wanna say something, 'Ji. You can tell me if you want."
With a shake of his head, he lets out another sigh as he places a gentle hand on your face.
"Just... thank you for everything you do for me, my beloved. I love you."
"Love you too, Genji."
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If anyone would be the one to plan something to tell you his feelings, it would absolutely be Hanzo Shimada himself.
Even if he isn't normally one for romance, your presence in his life would have changed that
Hanzo would make preparations to meet you somewhere special so he could not so subtly show you off in public.
After eating a fancy dinner at an expensive restaurant and going on a walk through a park, he'd turn to look at you with admiration swimming in his eyes.
"I just want you to know that I love you very much. Even if I don't say it often, I really do care about you."
"I love you too, Han." You'd grin before kissing him softly on the cheek.
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Let's be honest with ourselves, Jamison would have blurted it out within the first few days of being with you.
He'd probably be so focused on building a new explosive contraption that he wouldn't have even noticed he said it.
"Oi, could you hand me the thing? It's in the toolbox over there!"
You'd walk over, grab the thing he needs and go to give it to him with a few pats to his shoulder.
"Thank youuu, I love ya!"
You'd chuckle quietly in response and give his head a smooch before walking off to do your own thing.
"I love you too, Fawkes!"
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Niran will tell you he loves you when he hides out at your place after a group of hunters sent by Vishkar find him and try to chase him down.
After a relentless pursuit, he manages to escape and find his way to your house, needing a place to recollect his thoughts.
When you respond to the banging on your door, you look out to see an exhausted Lifeweaver on your doorstep.
"Could I bother you for a place to stay for the night?"
"Always. The guest room is already ready for you."
With a relieved sigh, Niran would hug you before pulling you back into the house.
"Thank you, I love you so much, darling!"
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froggibus · 11 months
Hey can I request headcanons for overwatch characters and if their gf was drunk and asked them "would you still love me if I was a worm" with the overwatch men please (you don't have to do all of them but PLEASE include McCree and Reaper)
“Would You Still Love Me If I Was A Worm?” - Overwatch Boys
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Includes: Cassidy, Reaper, Genji, Zenyatta, Ramattra, Hanzo, Lucio + Baptiste (w gn! reader)
Genre: fluff/kinda crack?
CW: general crack, kinda dumb tbh, suggestive in Genji and Baps, Ram is Ram (lmk if I missed anything)
been in a little bit of a writing slump but this was too good to pass up lol. I want to get a bit more writing done this week so who knows how that will go. anyway, enjoy <3 hope you like it anon!
“what kinda question is that??”
looks at you in flabbergastation 
you pout and bat your eyes at him and of course, he breaks 
“you’re really not gonna let this go, huh? alright—of course I’d still love you, darlin’. I’d keep you in a lil jar and you could accompany me on my missions”
a jar????
now you’re the flabbergasted one 
jars don’t have air—he’s gonna let you suffocate?? 
what are you?? rainbow dash (sorry)??
somehow leads to him going out into the yard despite it being the middle of the night to try and find a worm
somehow finds one?? 
keeps it in a jar as a pet just to prove he would love you as a worm
even names it after you and pets it’s head and calls it “my wriggly little y/n”
weirdly wholesome experience would try again
“of all the stupid shit you could have asked me…”
he says that but he’s already considering it after the question leaves your mouth 
would he love you as a worm? 
“what kind of worm”
what do you mean what kind of worm?? does it matter?? 
obviously the pink wriggly kind 
he has to ponder this 
sits in his chair stroking his chin trying to think of how you would be as a worm
“would you still be able to talk and think or would you be an actual worm”
“it would be me if I was a worm, Gabe”
more pondering 
“I’d love you platonically but you would probably have a short life span. I’d throw you a worm funeral.”
better than any response you could have expected but would not try again
“would we still have sex”
please hit this man
he’s joking of course—he’s not that weird 
“why would you be a worm tho”
just answer the question, Genji
green cyborg ninja dude has no idea what to answer 
will you be mad if he loves your worm self more than your current self?? would you be weird if he said he would love a wormy version of you??
“I would get myself turned into a worm too and then we could have a wormy life together and a wormy wedding and little wormy kids”
“you just want to have wormy sex” >~>
“that too”
at least he’s honest?
exactly as you expected, would not try again
“a worm? like the insect?”
“yes? what other worms are there”
considers this
“is everything okay?”
poor omnic boy is so confused. are you planning on turning into a worm??? 
please reassure him it’s just a hypothetical and you’re not turning into a worm
goes on a ten minute tangent about how we are all the same in the Iris, and that he will love you no matter what form you take
honestly so wholesome + cute 
“i will care for you in this life, and the next, and all of the ones after that. even the ones where you are a worm.”
good enough would try again
way to sugarcoat it, babe
it’s only when you get upset that he sighs and pulls you into his lap
“why would you ever become a worm? is someone trying to harm you? you know I would never let anyone bring harm to you.”
you try to explain that it’s just a hypothetical but he’s already going on a tangent on what he would do if you got turned into a worm
talks for five minutes alone on how he would defeat your enemies and defend your honour 
says he would “put you out of your misery”????
“you would KILL ME?!”
“as an act of honour”
0/10 would not try again
idk bro just answer the question 
lots of sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose
“would I also be a worm or am i still human” 
only gets more confused when you say he’d be a human and you’d be a worm
probably looks up worm life expectancy and if worms are capable of love 
“would you even know who I am if you were a worm”
has to ask a million questions before he can give his final verdict 
lets out a long sigh before looking you dead in the eyes 
cute in the end but would not try again 
“would you still love me if I turned into a frog?”
that’s not the question 
somehow it turns into a discussion on if he would eat your worm self if he was his frog self? 
he insists he wouldn’t and would let you ride on his back but you insist his frog instincts would be too strong 
“babe I’ve once seen you almost eat your own finger while eating chips”
“ok and??”
says you guys could live in a swamp together and he would protect you from evil
“I could be like your own frog superhero. I could even sing you little froggy songs”
makes up this entire life of you guys living together as a frog and a worm and him serenading you by croaking songs at night 
honestly it’s the best reaction you could have gotten, would try again
“i would find you a cure and turn you back into a human”
honestly he’s very amused by this whole situation 
“but what if I want to be a worm”
“if I cure you and you want to turn back into a worm, that’s on you”
fair enough
insists he needs to ‘examine’ you so he knows you’re not turning into a worm 
makes a lot of jokes at your expense too
finally sighs and admits he would keep you in a little terrarium with all the food and nutrients you need 
“ha, so you would love me if I was a worm”
“love is a strong word”
good enough, would not try again
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wengryl · 4 months
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bitchtoss · 23 days
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Kirsten Dunst photographed by Marc Baptiste, 1999
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