#wretch of a woman: Oleana
fluffyfairychild · 5 years
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Bede ( abandoned fairy child: Bede ) Chairman Rose ( salt for sugar: Rose ) Assistant Oleana ( wretch of a woman: Oleana ) Hop ( sensitive child: Hop ) Leon ( forgotten champion: Leon ) Marnie ( spikemuth’s pride: Marnie ) Sonia ( newest professor: Sonia ) Milo ( wooloo chaser: Milo ) Nessa ( tidal trouble: Nessa ) Kabu ( irrational blaze: Kabu ) Bea ( rockhard countenance: Bea ) Allister ( lonely child: Allister ) Opal ( she who found me: Opal ) Gordie ( the stubborn ox: Gordie ) Melony ( frigid heart: Melony ) Piers ( rock n roll leader: Piers ) Raihan ( dragon fool: Raihan)
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alolanrain · 4 years
Nessa doesn’t believe it. She looks at Raihan with a raised eyebrow as Sonia continues to try and drag detail after detail out of him. “You’re so not in a relationship.”
“I am too!?” Raihan scrunched his face up at her. Eyeing the water gym leader like she’s gone particularly crazy. “Just because I don’t want to say anything more then ‘I’m taken’ doesn’t mean I’m not in a relationship.”
“Still.” She scoffed. Turning her nose up and away from the much taller man.
“Nessa!” Sonia admonished.
They didn’t say anything more after Sonia conceded the floor back to Raihan who was talking about how cool Sinnoh was during his dragon tamer camp he got to go to. 
Nessa still held onto her doubts but refused to speak any more on the topic of Raihans so called significant other.
It’s two years later when she spots a simple ring on Raihans finger, an engagement ring to be precise. They were at Melody’s place for a group dinner, Leon couldn’t make it like usual but that didn’t mean they couldn’t.
Raihan was talking in his comical way with his hands again. The piece of jewelry glittered in the sunlight that his hand swiped through when made a swooping motion, to represent a bird Pokémon to Gordie, before Melody immediately grabbed his hands and brought it up back into the light to examine it.
“Your married!?” Gordie was the first one to speak. Jaw slack as he spotted the ring for the first time.
“Engaged.” Raihan corrected. A syrupy sweet smile graced his lips as his bright blue eyes softened when Melody let out of his hand. Raihans other hand came up and his fingers twisted the ring about.
“I’m so happy for you!” Melody sang. Slinging an arm around Raihans shoulders and bringing the much large young adult into a tight side hug.
“Thanks Miss Melody.” Raihan grumbled.
“Oh who’s the lucky girl?” Piers snipped from the couch he was laying on. Currently having one of Melody’s younger kids on his stomach while the other happily plays with his hair.
“Who’s the lucky Ratatta in your hair?” Raihan snipped back jokingly. The two stuck their tongues out at each other but Piers didn’t question Raihan any further.
Nessa opted not to say anything. Biting her bottom lip between her teeth as she watched Milo get excited along with Bea and Opal about wedding plans and what’s Raihans theme for the wedding.
apparently it was gonna be themed after the sun and night. Very poetic and had all the girls there swooning slightly and Raihan actually having a more visible blush on his face. 
She still couldn’t find it in herself to believe Raihan. For so long he’s been trailing after Leon, their residential sunshine boy, and it seems so weird that Raihan would just drop him all of a sudden. Even after working so hard to get Leon to notice him romantically for years. 
Nessa will ask Sonia later. Raihan trust’s her more then anyone else in the league with this kind of gushy stuff. she’s bound to know more then anyone else. they are childhood friends after all with Rose being Raihan’s dad and Professor Magnolia being her Grandma. 
“Wait you have no clue!?” Nessa nearly screamed in shock and a bit of anger, “but you’re Raihan’s childhood best friend.” 
“Doesn’t mean I wouldn't know.” Sonia pointed out. stabbing into her piece of cake and eyeing her Grandma who was looking at some books on the other side of the lab and household. “Even though I kinda should? If that makes sense.” 
Nessa rolled a hand at her friend to continue as she sipped at her tea. eyes never leaving Sonia’s depressed face. 
“It’s obvious that Raihan wants to talk about... whoever he’s engaged to, but he always stops at the last second and looks around like someone might be recording him. even when we’re alone at his house or mine! this engagement is like this big dirty secret that nobody can know about and it’s killing me Nes! it’s killing me!” Sonia whined. slumping onto the table as Nessa moved her tea away, this was normal for the red head girl to act like this, draping herself over any object or living thing when she’s having a ‘crisis’. 
“Have you asked him about it?” Nessa prodded, “like call him out over him being secretive?” 
“I have!” Sonia shot up, hands almost slamming onto the table but stopping just above it, eye’s going back to her unassuming Grandma, “he called me a ‘bad friend’ for trying to pry into his deep personal life but I have the right as a best friend to know who he’s going to get married to.”  
Nessa didn’t say anything to that. perusing her lips and staring down to her half filed cup of tea. 
“Do you think he might be scared of something happening?” Sonia pipped up after a few minutes of both of them brain storming just what would make Raihan keep such a big secret under wraps for so long. 
“No clue.” Nessa muttered. 
Nessa’s the third one to notice the change of rings on Raihan’s hand. instead of a simple plain silver the ring was now a thick dark oak band mixed with some kind of dark blue jewel and gold. Elegant and stylish. 
she walked in on Raihan having a stare down with Rose, not even bothering to waver his gaze over to Oleana. Leon was sunk down in his seat as he watched Rose and Raihan glare and spit quite vile words at each other.
when Rose finally looked away from his son’s face and over to Nessa who stood behind Raihan in the doorway, it was like everything nasty and mean dissipated off his face. She never really liked the man for some unknown reason, now she understood why her gut always clenched when he was near. 
“Good morning, miss Nessa!” Rose cooed and it took all of Nessa’s model strength in not puking on the spot. “Sorry you had to me son and I have an... argument.” 
“I’m not divorcing them.” Raihan suddenly spat. eyes narrowed to slits as he damn near hissed at Rose when the chairman tried round the side of the conference table. 
“Now son,” Rose tried to reprehend Raihan. 
“I’ve never been your son!” Raihan shouted back. shoulder raised defensively. uncaring as Nessa and Leon shrunk from just how loud his voice echoed in the room. “Let me remind you, since your old man brain must be fucking melting in your thick ass skull, that you called Leon,” the Champion yipped a little when Raihan flung a hand out at him and slid even more into his seat, looking like a Yamper who was to fat and got stuck in one of those doggy Pokemon tunnels, “your son you never knew you had and always wanted on live television in front of me! Your actual fucking son! what do you have to say to that!?” 
“Not now Raihan!” Rose hissed, looking for once like a Deerling caught in headlights as he spotted Melody and Gordie who now stood besides Nessa behind Raihan, “we’ll speak more in my office.” 
“‘well speak more in my office.’,” Raihan mocked in a high pitch voice that was supposed to be Rose’s, “about what? you wanting me to divorce my Husband for a fucking arranged marriage you just now sprung onto me!? After you ignored me for most of my life after my mom died.” He snarled. 
“Riahan!” Rose yelled, “now is not the time or place to discuss this!” 
“It never is with you!” Raihan screamed back, slamming his hands onto the table,”there never a good time and every time there is you ignore my texts and calls. you used my wedding invitation as a coaster for your glass of fucking water! you mocked anyone who I brought home and now you’re interested in my love life!? get bent and I hope Eturnatus kills you before you can enact Darkest Day!” 
“How do you know about that!?” Oleana finally spoke up. shooting up from her seat with a wild panic look. 
“Eturnatus was my moms research after all,” Raihan sneered down at the blond woman, “her paperwork says it all, along with the diary you,” he pointed to Rose, “wrote in talking about your plan and how Mom responded that it was unethical and absolutely horrid to do to any kind of Pokemon, alien or not.” 
Rose’s face looks absolutely disgusted in rage. “Give me that book boy!” he threatened. 
“I burned it!” Raihan’s eyes now shone gleefully at Rose’s horror, “along with every other piece of paper with the world Eturnatus written on it and with that fact now out in the air. I quite.” 
with that Raihan stormed past the three gym leaders behind him and  and almost knocked into Bede and Allister. his loud footsteps echoing down the hall before Melony swirled back around and glared at rose with fire in her eyes. 
“Spill. Everything. Now.” Melony snarled. 
Nessa’s head was spinning as she slumped into a nearby chair as Melony started to tear into Rose while all the other Gym leaders arrived. she only moved and got up when Piers nudged her and nodded to Bea and Allister who were looking afraid and skittish with all the yelling from the adults. outside was more quite then inside that meting room and Nessa forced herself to go treat the two kids to a milkshake and some lunch. 
the First time Nessa saw Raihans husband was after Eturnatus broke free from it’s supposed egg shell. Ash was his name and he was gorgeous, standing by Raihan’s side. tall and strong as he glared down at Rose and Oleana as they were escorted away. 
Leon was being checked over by Champion Lance and Professor Magnolia. he leaned more into the older Champions side and weep in happy tears after the police drove those wretched people away.
she was by Sonia’s side, who was checking up on the kid gym leaders, byt she couldn’t help but keep glancing at Ash and Raihan. Watching them converse and move together like their one. 
they look down right deadly together, was the only thought on Nessa’s mind before she shoved Ash and Raihan out of her mind complete and turned back to Sonia and the kids. 
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