#would have been real sexy if as soon as gadreel was expelled sam started hearing the call of hell
pinbitch · 1 year
obsessed by hell having a physical reaction to sam breaking and entering in s8. he showed up like “so you’re gonna look like somewhere i can easily break my mean uncledad out of” and hell was like “OKAY DADDY” and became that weird and kinda naff dnd campaign. for the first time hell had its rightful boyking inside its walls, outside of the confines of the cage. if it started to adapt itself to sam’s idea of hell (shaped by the cage so even more warped and twisted and terrifying than usual, even for demons), wouldn’t it make sense that crowley would *have* to respond? wouldn’t it make sense that he spends so much time outside of hell after that point? it threatens his power it doesn’t accept him it hurts to exist down there and sam is still continuing with the trials to lock him in hell forever. of course he’s gonna go nuclear and attack everyone sam and dean ever saved. he’s desperate
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