#wot s1e6 spoilers
far-dareis-me · 2 years
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On Your Knees
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highladyluck · 2 years
Wheel of Time 01x06 liveblog
Why is Alanna always eating fruit, is this a metaphor or what
Bring Your Children To Work Day is going well, I see
I was promised homoeroticism and I better get it
Sea Folk? ooooh baby Siuan. Ooof, Tear really does not like channelers.
AL'NATIO!!! I guess it really is Siuan's theme, specifically. I still like my more general translation, though.
She's so baby T_T
"Fish touch the moon's reflection every night" damn girl you got poetry and a refreshingly can-do attitude towards teaching male channelers doing the impossible
She comes, she comes! If your showverse Moiraine/Siuan fic doesn't include this phrase echoed at a crucial moment, then what the fuck are you even doing, go write Perrin/Mat instead if you need to get your gay on
Moiraine like: "my hot GF is the pope"
Leane please step on me
Tower guards or Accepted?
Oh my god she sounds like Siuan should
Aes Sedai are unpopular, noted. Siuan like "I won't be goaded"
Siuan that's kinda fucked up, but otoh really sets up some parallels
Mmmm, a Green defending a Red (for the sake of a Green), got some shakeups in the standard politics maybe
"Laws exist to protect people from us" what an interesting thing to say- like, absolutely correct, but there are certain other countries that would say the same thing and mean it entirely differently, certain other countries that were already reminding me of Tear
Liandrin like *pouty face* "I wish mommy would yell at someone besides me"
Moiraine and Siuan staging a homoerotic drama to put Liandrin off the scent
"I will think on your penance" -> it's gonna be gay af
Why is Alanna always eating fruit, is this a metaphor or what
Tar Valon as Constantinople, I want to go to there T_T
Ooooooooh it's trauma time for my boy :) my stupid boy :) :) :)
I love how Rand is like "You'll have to go through me" and Lan is like "that's sweet but I'm going to disarm you now"
The way the black gunk interacts with the weaves almost looks like magnetic fields- kind of repelled and compelled at once- and I look forward to more special effects of that nature in future seasons [eyes emoji]
Give Barney an Oscar
"I would do it for any of you" love this Moirane and Rand sort of bonding moment
"He's stronger than he has any right to be" THAT'S MY STUPID BOY
Iiiiiinteresting so she's healed him of the dagger connection, but he can't touch it again or it's probably curtains. [So, knowing Mat, I would assume we are on track for the usual shenanigans... wait, y'all, what are the odds Mat ends up introducing the falcon to the party in this iteration? I want them to be friends.]
"Feeding on a darkness in him" wtf is that all about, though?
*nods to Rafe* This bisexual thanks you for Moiraine side butt [typing this now I have to confess that this is seared into my brain and I'm gonna be horny forever, also I originally left out those disappearing ships from my notes, which should confirm exactly how distracted I was]
When will people learn that you can't keep Moiraine in the Tower? She's like Mat, if you try to trap her she will run away
More Aes Sedai truthiness, on poor Egwene too, rude
Oh Egwene, count no one in this series dead until you see the body buried, and then check for supernatural allegiances XD
"It'll be like it never happened" Moiraine, honey, that's not how profound emotional trauma works
Moiraine like "Please don't tell anyone Perrin is a werewolf, they'd take it the wrong way"
"You masked our bond." "I'm delegating." "You're getting laid is what you're doing."
Guessing T'A'R? [later thoughts- my best guess is a ter'angreal that creates a construct space, like vacuoles or something]
Moiraine is a power bottom
yaaaaay someone is swearing by the Light!
I love the theme of untrustworthy data, incomplete information, etc
"You little pufferfish" omfg what an adorable petname for Moiraine I'm dead
"I'll kill them myself before I let him have them." yessss classic Moiraine lines
Siuan as a Dreamer? I'll accept it
eeeeey it's the plot, Dark One and the Eye of the World, which appears to be kind of Bore-like in this instance (no one make fun of the Dragon later when they make the speech, you know the one- in this turning Moiraine really is setting them up to think that!)
Moiraine like "please exile me, in any Turning of the Wheel I need to get out of this place"
"In this life or the next" MY HEART
Got some clumsy blackmail on Liandrin [The man in North Harbor- I've seen speculation this is Fain, but tbh it could be any bad guy or even related to those ship disappearances that got mentioned in the bath scene. Whoever it is, I will eat Mat's horrible coat if it's a romantic liaison.]
Moiraine gets her pun in: "A Way to surmount it"
"Confusing to have the woman and the throne named the same thing" *froths at the mouth* I *need* to write that Egwene and The Problematic Fave parallels essay, what delicious foils they are to each other
Omg, these actresses, Nyn is perfect, so is Egg
Bring Your Children To Work Day is going well, I see
Nyn vs Siuan is so fun "Then you must have very low standards"
"The Wheel doesn't care what you want, the only thing that matters is what you do" [Mat rejects your determinism! Mat rejects your determinism so hard he yeets himself out of the storyline XD]
You could cut the sexual tension with a knife
Swearing fealty on the oath rod to the judgement of the Amyrilin Seat... but Moiraine makes it VERY GAY and & specific to one person. That's a smart strategic choice, but also sets a precedent for oaths sworn to the person rather than the seat, at least if anyone else heard. [eyeballs emoji]
It's Waygate time, bitches
Moiraine is such a horse girl
The gang's back together!
Am I reading too much into this or is this a ship tease between Mat and Perrin? Mat has such bisexual energy in this show and I do actually support it, I just literally can't believe I kinda ship Mat and Perrin
*Everyone* is a horse girl
Rand's "are you shitting me" face is so good, he's like "Wait, you don't know who the Dragon is?"
Nyneave asking the tough questions, as usual
Sidebar why has no one gotten Mat a better coat? There is wind in the ways, too!
Moiraine like "this is now beyond our control, the Wheel weaves as the wheel wills..." meanwhile Mat is like "Please don't make me deal with the darkness again, hahaha just kidding but actually not kidding at all." [OK, so obviously this was because Mat's actor left when Covid hit, but "You have no control and Fate is gonna chew you up and spit you out and you'll likely die if you're not the Dragon" is literally the most anti-Mat statement you could possibly make and I don't blame him for noping the fuck out. Besides, his fate is gonna find him anyway.]
Mat really is being set up as the Edmund Pevensie of the group here XD hope that deeply cursed Turkish Delight is worth it, buddy
"It's fairly obvious that one of them is the problem, and it's Mat. They should have been spending more time watching him!" - My beloved spouse, who is correct
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primeideal · 2 years
Wheel of Time Episode 6: The Flame of Tar Valon
Fishy business.  (Again, no direct book spoilers, but lots of things that might be foreshadowy.)
Little Siuan untangling the nets! The Pattern is a weave, fish nets are woven together...there's a metaphor here somewhere. "Daughter of the river" fits well with the "surrender to the river" motif of womanhood in the Two Rivers. "Clever as a pike" is obviously a coincidence, but tell us how you feel about Pikes, Siuan ;) The first line we get from adult Siuan is "why is Logain in chains, he's gentled, he can't hurt anybody like this." Leane's banging her staff to be like "order in the court" is the inside counterpart to Lan's hyah! kicking his horse as their most frequent "line." Basel Gill! "I saw that darkness moving over you" is that...normal? Like, can everyone see the weaves? "I suggest you start using some" get wrecked Maigan is an interesting character. Butch vibes. Is she up to something? Ships disappearing off the west coast, oh no The Blues sent Taren Ferry money to make up for the boat that Moiraine drowned :( "I have people watching for their arrival, but I have it on good authority that they're alive" very Aes Sedai answer. Lan probably thinks Moiraine is masking the bond to give him some private time with Nynaeve but really she just wants private time with Siuan And the mysterious portrait is just a portal to Siuan's room :D Even some obscure prophecies are considering the "what if the Dragon this time is really all five of them with their powers combined" theory, heh! (One of the things I've seen going around is show-only watchers' theories about "who do you think it is" and "the dragon is all of us by the power of friendship!" is an occasional suggestion.) Siuan and Moiraine both wear red pajamas when they're off the clock. Like, they have to be neutral/Ajah representatives with their color schemes on official business, but in bed, it's whatever. Yay Tower unity! ;) "one day we will, in this life or the next" d'awwww. Liandrin is having secret meetings with a man the Red Ajah would not like to know about?? Hahaha what. Is it Mazrim Taim or somebody like that?? Egwene wondering "how does the Amyrlin Seat refer to both the woman and the throne itself?" When the answer is kind of like "the church isn't a building, it's the people"--the title is important, but if you're a good leader and lead with authority you're the true titleholder even if you don't get to sit on the fancy chair. Immediately cut to Nynaeve: "if you can't lead the world from a room made of wood and dirt, are you really a leader?" Moiraine: "Siuan Sanche only waits for one woman...and it's not you." WINK WINK. Egwene and Nynaeve side-eying each other like "are you gonna bow" "no" Siuan: "You are the most powerful channeler we've seen in a thousand years!" Egwene :D Siuan: "...Nyneave." I've only seen a few episodes of Game of Thrones but I know they pulled this with Sansa, Arya, and Petyr! Here's the shot from the trailers of Moiraine looking out the window, in a bleaker context than that might have indicated. Yikes, the Oath Rod, this is escalating seriously. "the Amyrlin" can rescind the exile, not necessarily Siuan by name... but Moiraine just rolls with it and turns it into a marriage ceremony, "I'm going to honor and obey Siuan in this and everything else" yeah I bet! Perrin: "at least I wasn't stupid enough to steal an evil dagger" just bros being bros! "the wheel weaves as the wheel wills" ShE sAiD thE ThING Egwene is first to follow into the Ways. Also, in the time between this episode dropped Thursday night (my time) and I watched it Saturday morning, I think about seven people browsed the Siuan/Moiraine tag, found one of my fics, and left kudos <3 hope you don't mind the book spoilers!
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butterflydm · 2 years
Wheel of Time fic & meta
voice in the back of my head: Rand/Mat+others. Splits off from canon in the middle of S1E6: The Flame of Tar Valon. Spoilers through book 7: A Crown of Swords. Show and book mix. In progress.
bootleg gin: post s2 Mat/Elayne; with spoilers through The Shadow Rising and with some unverified spoilers for s3. Mommy kink.
feels something like summertime: pre-series Rand/Mat, kissing practice.
the shadow of history: post-canon Rand-focused ficlet with spoilers through A Memory of Light. Book-based.
not in the stars, but in ourselves: Rand/Mat; Rand/Mat/Elayne/Aviendha. Splits off during The Path of Daggers, with spoilers through A Memory of Light. Book-based.
(more fic and meta links under the 'read more')
Randfear Trilogy: Rand/Selene; show canon with spoilers through 2x5.
past is prologue: Rand/Mat; Rand/Mat/Lanfear. Show canon with spoilers through 2x8; uses the Randfear trilogy as optional backstory.
give me your trust (said the love of your life): Rand/Mat/Elayne; book canon. Spoilers through AMoL (including the epilogue).
Seia Ascar: Rand/Mat; book canon. Spoilers through AMoL (including the epilogue)
stars fading (but I linger on): Rand/Mat. Splits off after S1E8 of the show. Show and book mix.
maybe this time (i’ll be lucky): Rand/Mat/Elayne/Aviendha. Splits off from chapter 42 of TFoH. Book-based. I am eventually planning to write a sequel for this, but it’s been on the backburner a while.
Skipping Stones: Rand/Mat. Pre-canon. Show-based.
share one more drink (with me): Egwene/Rand/Mat. Pre-canon. Show-based.
like roses and clover: Rand/Mat/Elayne. Splits off from Chapter 49 in The Dragon Reborn. Book-based.
negotiating with the truth: Rand/Mat. Splits off in between The Dragon Reborn and The Shadow Rising. Book-based.
lean on me: Rand/Mat/Elayne. This fic is based on one way that negotiating with the truth could have gone; written for polyship week 2023.
soul of fire, heart of stone: Rand/Mat/Talmanes. Set roughly in the early parts of LoC, but with an alternate Rand/Mat backstory. Book canon.
where the lightning splits the sea: Rand/Mat; fix-it fic for Winter’s Heart. Written for WoT 2022 Big Bang. Book canon.
trackless domain: Mat/Elayne; Rand/Mat/Elayne/Aviendha. AU for ACoS. Book canon.
Meta & Reread posts:
General meta posts sadly under two different tags
WoT!Prime speculation and specifically WoT s3 speculation (obviously wrong a lot but speculating is fun)
Series Reread in chronological order (COMPLETED)
reverse order
Initial Show Reactions/Meta
reverse order
Initial thoughts on the Dark Along the Ways (post refuses to be retagged for some reason)
Show Rewatch
reverse order
Worldbuilding notes (all of these have spoilers from the books):
Leavetaking ~ Shadow’s Waiting ~ A Place of Safety ~ The Dragon Reborn
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thewheelweevils · 2 years
The WoT Prime series as a Peter Jackson-like adaptation
A day late, but before I do my Wheel of Tim S1E6 thoughts, I need to share an “aha” moment I had form watching Brandon Sanderson talk about the show on YouTube a few days back. He made a really interesting point that kind of jarred me:
“This is a Fellowship of the Ring kind of adaptation,” he said (paraphrased). And I kind of went, “Yeah, but is it thooouuuugh? There are a lot of changes …”
But he went on and pointed out that the fandom divide online in 2001 was intense, and that a lot of that got buried in the tidal wave of public opinion and nostalgia glasses.
And I really thought about it and realized … yeah. Actually, yeah. You have this whole prologue sequence that was not in the book—it summarized information from the books, but those scenes were written, shot, etc., entirely original to the film. You have some scenes right from the book—Bilbo’s party is very close, the Council of Elrond is very close, Weathertop is reasonably close, Moria is pretty close, the Mirror of Galadriel and Amon Hen … reasonably close. But all of those scenes hugely condensed and simplified. A lot of added scenes—most everything with Saruman, for instance—a lot of scenes rewritten from the book, just little “essences” of those book moments, and massive swaths removed. Most of the first act is gone—nary a barrow down or yellow boot, no conspiracy, no decade-and-a-half gap between Bilbo’s party and Frodo leaving the Shire, no Buckland, no Fatty Bolger, and Glorfindel is written out and replaced with Arwen. When we get to The Two Towers, we have Faramir’s massive departure from the books and an entire added subplot in Osgiliath … in Return of the King, the entire Minas Tirith segment is massively different (Denethor actually has the beacons lit, for instance). Etc.
And WoT is actually similar. We get a prologue sequence that sets up a lot of backstory and context … the added Egwene scene … and then Tam and Rand on the road is much like the book. Bel Tine is much like the book, from what we see of it, and is adapted about as closely as your average Fellowship scene, with the added conflict of the Laila situation and Nynaeve vanishing. The aftermath of Bel Tine, when Rand comes into town with Tam, is almost straight out of the book, and then diverges again.
In later episodes, Shadar Logoth is just significantly condensed, not drastically altered save for Moraine being asleep. Egwene and Perrin’s story is pretty darn close to the books, just condensed and allowing for the Laila motivation for Perrin and Child Valda. Someone pointed out to me that Mat and Rand’s story was partly cut short due to COVID issues, so we didn’t get Caemlyn, but that should be in S2. I don’t even remember what Lan and Moiraine and Nynaeve were up to in the books before they reunite with Mat, Rand, Egwene, and Perrin, and I just reread that book a year ago.
All this to say, I took a step back and was like … yeah. This is kinda like how LotR was adapted. It is further from the source material, at least in this season—and to be fair, the first book was basically one long chase sequence and in my view one of the weaker books (there’s the ***minor book spoilers*** joke that Mat didn’t get a personality till The Dragon Reborn). But the same overall approach.
Anyway, that shifted how I look at the show. Episode 6 was a solid hit for me, and I’m super stoked to talk about it … when I’m more conscious
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
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The face of a woman who knows she most certainly can get away with that every time and fully intends to continue doing so
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
There are so many things I love about Moiraine’s oath, but currently I am reeling over the fact that, from the outside, it probably sounded like she was insulting Siuan.
“Siuan Sanche, Daughter of the River, Clever as a Pike, and Strong as the Tides...” she states these things like titles, as if she is using them in place of Siuan’s current titles- “The Amyrlin Seat, Watcher of the Seals, the Flame of Tar Valon”. Which in and of itself would be a slight, a clearly intentional one coming from someone who was once a noble. But beyond that, it is referencing Siuan’s childhood in Tear. And to remind any Aes Sedai, especially the Amyrlin, of her humble beginnings is considered an offense. So to the hall, it probably looked like Moiraine’s response to being exiled for disobeying the Amyrlin was to publicly insult the Amyrlin, right to her face.
I just... Even as Moiraine is saying goodbye to her beloved, maybe forever, she has to keep up the illusion that they hate each other. Because that’s the only way to protect her, to protect their secrets. But she’s still so determined to express her true feelings, that she finds a way to maintain the facade while also pledging her undying love and devotion. And I am incredibly emotional about it!!
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
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With one last kiss, one last touch, one last prayer, I bind my fate to her with stolen thread. So in death, if not life, we may meet again.
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
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A clever girl twisting her clever words... wonder if that's going to come in handy down the line :)))))
book spoilers below the cuuuuut
And the worst is, because Moiraine will be trapped in a magical inter-dimensional space, she might actually hear it.
And the worst is, because Moiraine will be trapped in a magical inter-dimensional space, she might actually hear it.
Which means that with some slight tweaking, Siuan calling Moiraine home could be the reason she survives and makes it back out of the realm of the Eelfinn. Even as she believes Moiraine is dead, even as she mourns her.
Which honestly has the potential to ruin me on all other great romances. What is going to top that, really?
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
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Leane Sharif, Keeper of the Chronicles, Historian of the White Tower, Second to the Amyrlin Seat
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
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when you sentence me, it must be exile
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
They established pretty clearly that Lan knows about and supports Moiraine and Siuan’s relationship, but I’m pretty convinced that so does Leane.
She’s Siuan’s keeper, her closest confidant in the tower. Just watching her expression during Moiraine’s sentencing, there’s no way she doesn’t see how much this is hurting Siuan and Moiraine both.
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This is the face of a woman whose heart was breaking as much as mine was watching that scene.
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
Can I just say how much I appreciate that the first shot we have of exposed breasts was so casual?
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The framing wasn’t remotely sexual, and the camera didn’t even focus on it at all. It was just a simple element in the background of a steam bath scene, a place where it makes perfect sense to be topless. Topless characters were mostly in shadows, and their chests were natural and not at all highlighted. They pass in and out of the scene quietly with absolutely no fanfare whatsoever- it’s so understated that its easy to miss if you aren’t paying rapt attention.
It’s such a simple thing, but honestly I don’t think I’ve ever seen it done so well. Breasts are virtually never allowed to just exist, casually and without the medium commenting on them somehow. So, simple as it is, I’m deeply grateful for that.
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
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... and I had to become worthy of her
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
genuinely cannot find the words to convey how incredible that scene between Siuan and Moiraine was. the tenderness of it, and the tragedy, and the familiar kind of love that just shone every look and motion.
we’ve gotten more in terms of queer representation in media of late, but this for me was on a whole different level and i’m gonna be all up in my emotions about it for a long long time
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
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