far-dareis-me · 2 years
but god if Egeanin DOES show up and they add a scene were Egeanin and Egwene have any kind of interaction in Falme when Egwene is a damane and Egeanin is full Seanchan brainwashed
and then that directly ties into during the Last Battle when Egeanin is willingly serving the White Tower and Egwene specifically and Egwene as the Amyrlin Seat bonds Egeanin as a warder
I will simply perish
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
the circus arc is a masterpiece and I have absolutely no notes and will not be accepting criticism at this time
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
It seems like you only like WoT for the queer content and not for the actual story. Hope I’m wrong cause I really like your blog.
i’ve been gay for siuan sanche since i was ten, so
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
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Oh my god?
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
The most difficult thing about being deeply in love with the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan (aside from all the other many difficult things that are inherent to that sentence) is that for the rest of my life I am going to know about Branden Sanderson, not as a vague author who some of my friends like and whose books were not to my taste or preference, but rather as someone who I will never ever stop being exposed to. Every algorithm is going to keep recommending me his books, every time he writes something new or says something new, I am going to hear about it, every time their an adaption or a new plot twist I am going to learn about it. I am going to never stop seeing fanart of his most popular characters, or meta circulated on his most controversial ones. It's just the nature of the beast: no matter how little I care for Brandon Sanderson, no matter how clear I make it that my only interaction with his work is the stuff he wrote to finish out WoT, the only way to dislodge myself from the background radiation, would be to dislodge myself from the WoT fandom, which I will never do, because I love WoT.
I understand intellectually that Sanderson is an author that many people enjoy, and if nothing else he certainly is prolific. But he's also not an author I enjoy. And yet, there will never be a world in which I stop being exposed to Sanderson, because of the indelible link between him and WoT.
So. There's that.
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
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I couldn't decide which I want Xelia Mendes-Jones to play more so I was skimming through their descriptions and it's actually incredible how much this happens
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
My quiet little theory is that Perrin's arc was originally intended to be commentary on how loss of faith in "competent" leadership (ie, established, classically trained, or hereditary leaders) will push people to rally around someone they perceive to be the opposite of that. Perrin's story was at it's most interesting as an exploration of why putting their faith in an "everyman" type blacksmith, who doesn't really want the leadership position he is thrust into, may be more appealing for many than trusting the institutions that had failed them, regardless of how fit that blacksmith may be to lead.
But I think RJ lost the plot on it around the time he started handing off most of those plot elements to the other EF5. (and BS... did not pick it up in the way it needed to be). Mat in particular got a lot of that subplot, but Rand and Egwene got elements of it too. And with the added complication of the Faile romance (which I genuinely think Jordan was just completely lost on), Perrin's arc just got stuck. Which is such a shame because that would be a fantastic thing to explore between him and Faile, given how ridiculously competent she is as a leader.
I have to laugh (bitterly) at Elayne hesitating to trust Faile to manage certain responsibilities because it genuinely doesn't make any sense. Faile is clearly an ally and a very capable person compared to Perrin + she has the experience of actually managing people because of her upbringing. I would also like everybody to stop pretending Perrin makes a great leader because he frankly doesn't and he only really accepted that he has a certain obligation to look after the people following him a couple of weeks ago. A couple of weeks ago!!!!
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
what if you were the daughter-heir of andor training to be an aes sedai and I was a former maiden training to be a wise one and we kissed (and we were both girls) 
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
there should be kink at the kia summer sales event
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
Don’t Forget to Sign-Up!
Big Bang sign-ups for writers are open till Sunday, June 5
Sign-Up Form | Writer Requirements | Schedule
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
Wheel of Time Big Bang
This is happening! If you’ve been waiting for a reason or an excuse to take on a more ambitious project and collaborate with other talented people in our fandom, this is the perfect time!
May 29–June 5: Writer Sign-Ups
June 26: First Check-In
July 17: Final Draft and Summary Due
July 24–July 31: Artist Sign-Ups
August 21: Second Check-In
September 27: Completed Fic and Art Due
September 30: Posting
Link for writer sign-ups, along with fic requirements, will be up tomorrow, May 29.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
Look at them!!!
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
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The Wheel of Time 1x06 The Flame of Tar Valon behind the scene photo of Sophie Okonedo
SOURCE: Salli Richardson Whitfield
BONUS: Siuan Sanche concept art!
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far-dareis-me · 2 years
Interest Check!
How about we organise a Big Bang? Here’s the Interest Check form!
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