#wonshik reactions
sadfragilegirl · 2 months
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1st Picture: April 11, 2023: "And that's how everything's turning red all over the place after I saw this heart shattering news that it became my lifetime traumatic nightmare finally came true that as I felt the cracking pain into my heart and tears streaming down right onto my eyes and face that I could imagine myself that I was captured and trapped into a dark black void filled with red threads like blood, signaling that my life will never ever be the same again. Scarlet red to be exact.
And that's when I gave this lifetime trauma dream a special name. A special name of a lifetime trauma dream that it could turned everything scarlet red all over the place as my life will never ever be the same again.
I called this lifetime trauma dream that turns everything scarlet red as...
Scarlet Dreams."
Second Picture: March 11, 2024: "I'm the Scarlet Dream Girl who lived in a Scarlet Dream World.
I faced two Scarlet Dreams that it took a toll of my entire life...and it caused to be completely lost that's being a part of me.
And I faced too many heartaches and heartbreaks, tragedies, conflicts, unhappy endings, shattered memories and never ending nightmares that it made me think how the world today has lost its hope and humanity.
One more moment that's about taking away all the happy things from me, I'm going to broke myself into tears, tear my heart out, and my life will never EVER be the same again.
Because why...? I'm already traumatized enough...ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!"
Today, April 11, 2024, marks the 1st Anniversary of Scarlet Dreams aka the day Ravi's departure from VIXX due to the "scandal" that he didn't deserve the hate he has been giving last April 11, 2023.
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Miscarriage [Jaehwan and Wonshik]
If it wasn’t obvious, this is angst.
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Jasmine’s pregnancy was going perfect. She was in her last trimester with her  fiancé, Jaehwan, and her daughter. And everything was ready for their daughter’s arrival. Jaehwan had set up the nursery and he had been by Jasmine’s side through the entire pregnancy. He was nothing, but supportive and loving as he was excited to have a child with the woman he loved. Though, they did receive a lot of backlash since Jasmine was pregnant before they were married. However, after being together for as lone as they were, neither of them really cared about the hate because he knew it was only a matter of time when he would marry her.
One day, Jasmine was with Jaehwan, the VIXX members, and their significant others. They were lounging about enjoying the Saturday night together for their movie night. Throughout the day, Jasmine felt off as she would rub her stomach in the hopes to feel her daughter kick or move, but there was nothing. She hadn’t told Jaehwan as she didn’t want to worry him. Something told her there was something wrong, but she tried to push it off as her overthinking.
“Babe, you okay?” Jaehwan pulled her from her thoughts. His hand rested on her stomach. He rubbed his thumb on her stomach as she looked up at him. He pecked her lips, “You feeling sick?”
“No, I’m just a bit tired” she lied. “I’ll make some more popcorn. You guys want something?” They told her no as she got up and headed to the kitchen. She threw in her popcorn bag in the microwave when she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She hissed as she held onto the counter out of shock. Her other hand rubbed her belly. The pain amplified as she felt liquid gather in her underwear. She let out a sharp cry drawing the attention of the others.
“Jasmine!” Jaehwan shouted as he ran into the kitchen. Jasmine squatted down in pain as she held her stomach. “Babe, what’s wrong?”
“The baby!” She cried, “Something’s wrong…” Another wave of cramps hit her.
“We need to get her to a hospital” Taekwoon rushed out. Jaehwan and him helped her up, both holding on tightly to her arms to keep her from falling. The others movers out of the way as Hyemin raced to the car and got the door open for her.
Not only had Jasmine had a miscarriage, but she had to give birth to her dead daughter. It was all because of the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck and eventually ended up suffocating her. Jaehwan was with Jasmine through the labor and when they were asked if they wanted to see her, they immediately said yes.
Jasmine cradled their daughter, Lauren, in her hands. Neither Jaehwan or Jasmine could stop crying as they stared down at their child. He was on the bed with her. “She’s so beautiful…” Jaehwan swallowed a lump in his throat as he rubbed his fiancée’s back. “Why can’t she just cry? Just once…” Her voice cracked, “I just want to hear her once.”
Jaehwan held Jasmine close, but said nothing. He didn’t know what to say. His heart was shattered, but he could only imagine how much pain Jasmine felt. He put his head on top of Jasmine’s head as she cried. Jaehwan knew they could get through this, but it was hard to voice it. He wasn’t ready to lose his baby girl. He never imagined they would go through such heartache at the end of this pregnancy.
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When Deja found out she was pregnant, she fainted. Her sister, Elfie, and cousin, Kiara, were with her the day she found out. Already mothers themselves, they knew how the shock could be. It sounded bad, but at first Deja didn’t want a baby. Not that there was anything against her husband, Wonshik, but neither of them were ready for that. Wonshik was a successful solo artist who just dropped a new album and was preparing for his solo concert. Kiara and Deja just got approval to opening up their own salon in Gangnam. Everything was JUST going right and their careers were taking off. She knew she had no one else to blame, but herself and Wonshik for not using protection. She knew it would catch up to her.
Even though her sister and cousin encouraged her that it would be fine and that they’d be there every step of the way, she wasn’t ready to be a mom. She was terrified. Even more so on breaking the news to her husband that she was pregnant. Deja had expected him to get frustrated, but instead she was greeted with shock. It wasn’t a bad shock. Wonshik wasn’t ready to be a dad, but he knew it was his responsibility. He was happy that he was going to be a father, but like Deja, he was scared. Neither of them were sure how to be parents.
However, as the first few months went on, the idea of being parents grew to them. Even while Wonshik was out on tour, he was reading up on how to be a father as Deja was on being a mother. He would get pictures of the ultrasounds and he only grew in anticipation that the little deformed thing in her womb was their child. Their son what they came to discover later on.
Elfie took Deja out shopping one day to start buying things for the baby as Deja’s fifth month approached. Elfie was so excited to be an aunt and had plans to spoil her little nephew.
It was during the shopping, Deja felt like a liquid traced her inner leg. She looked down at her bare leg to see a red liquid at her calf. Soon after cramps started to plague her. She hissed as she touched her stomach in a panic, “Elfie, call the ambulance–please.”
Elfie watched her sister go to her knees in pain. She shook seeing blood on the front of Deja’s dress. “So-some-someone!” She screamed alerting a worker. The worker ran over to see what was going on and immediately called for an ambulance.
At the hospital, Deja gave birth to a dead son. She refused to see the child as the nurses took the corpse to prepare it for the wake. Elfie stayed by her side, but Deja didn’t shed a tear. She just stared at her hands that were once covered in blood. “Funny” she whispered. “I didn’t want a child and I got my wish…”
“Deja…” Elfie reached over and touched her sister’s arm. “It’s okay. You were looking forward to having a baby. I understand. Things change.”
Deja’s eyes casted down to her stomach as she let out a weak laugh, “God must have known I was gonna be a shit mom.”
Elfie tsked, “You’d have been a great mom, sissy.”
Deja’s eyes blurred with tears as she looked up at Elfie, “Then why did he take my son from me? Why if I was going to be a great mom? Why?” Deja broke down into tears suddenly. “Why wasn’t I good enough to have my son?”
Wonshik was in Japan when Elfie called him to tell him the news about the baby and about Deja’s state. He was preparing for an interview when he got the call and he immediately called it off. Wonshik was told by Elfie Deja wanted him to stay in Japan and finish the concert as he only had one more stage to do, but he wanted to be with her. Elfie got off the phone as Wonshik struggled to understand the news he was given. He was getting into the idea of being a father and now… now he lost his child and he couldn’t even be with his wife when she needed him. Wonshik felt at odds with himself as he weighed his wife’s wishes to his desires. It was destroying him inside until he bought the first plane ticket to Incheon, cancelled his concert, and hightailed it back home. He couldn’t focus on his concert. Not when his wife was possibly in pain a thousand times more than him.
Part I | Part III
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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itsnotworkinguys · 2 years
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i miss my voodoo dolls so much 😔
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narika-a · 7 years
I Didn’t Just Say It?
||| Anon asked: Can you write a scenario with Ravi (Vixx) where he and the reader are dating. They have been talking about going public but haven't done it yet and he is doing a live interview and he accidentally says girlfriend instead of friend |||
Kim Wonshik (Ravi) x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 454
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You rolled to the other side of the bed and put your phone to your ear.
“Y/N are you listening?”
“Yeah, I heard you. I’m just sleepy.”
“Hey! Don’t fall asleep yet! We’re about to go live, you have to watch it?” he whined. “Oh got to go, I demand that you watch us! Bye~~”
You lay there on the bed for a while, somehow finally sitting up and picking your laptop from the ground. You lazily scroll through the websites and when you found their VLive they weren’t even on yet. Ah and he made such a big deal out of this. After a few more minutes, it finally started. You watched all of them introduce themselves. Cute. They’re cute. You had trouble keeping your eyes open, listening to their soothing voices when you heard Wonshik speaking.
“I talked to my girlfriend just now and she-“ he continued talking and everyone else stood there like nothing happened. You rubbed your eyes, your sleepiness going away immediately. Maybe you just imagined it? But then you looked at the comments.
“Oh my God! He actually said it!” you hit yourself in the face with the pillow. “That big idiot!”
He was talking non stop by now and you looked at the screen and noticed how silent and confused the other members were.
“Uhhh Ravi,” Hongbin interrupted pointing at the computer. He came up to it and started reading the comments himself, his face turning red instantly.
“I didn’t just?” he looked at the others and they just nodded before all of them started laughing. He hid his face between his hands, bowed down to the screen and ran out of the room screaming.
“We’re sorry Ravi is having some technical difficulties right now,” Sanghyuk said, taking over. They all looked in the direction he just ran off to and started laughing again. Thank God you weren’t with them because they would tease you so much right now. You heard your phone ringing and picked it up.
“Hello~” it was Wonshik. “Jagi, I hope you were sleeping and I just woke you up.”
“I saw it,” you quickly replied.
“You weren’t suspicious at all, running off like that,” you chuckled.
“I got flustered and embarrassed, what did you want me to do?”
“Then why did you say it in the first place?”
“Because I love you so much it slipped out by accident,” this time it was you who were silent, blushing like crazy you put your hand on your cheek. “Y/N are you listening?”
“Yeah… I love you too,” you said, quickly hanging up and falling back into the pillow. There you said it. Now hopefully he will calm down and clear everything up.
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muselin · 3 years
Kinktober 2021 Day 22 VIXX⛓Reaction to chains
N/Cha Hakyeon
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At first Hakyeon might be a little taken aback that you're trusting him to that level. He would definitely enjoy that kind of power over you though and his freaky side will come out pretty quickly. His artistic side will be joining that and if you say yes, there will be an entire photoshoot of you chained up in various ways, right before he fucks you. And a little bit after, with his cum splattered over your skin and the chains like an abstract painting.
"And what will I get in return?" He'll ask with a sly smirk while you explain to him that he'll get to experience what it's like for you for once. Hakyeon doesn't like not being in control but his curiosity will get the better of him. His exhibitionist streak will come out in full force and he'll insist that you record the whole session. And in exchange, he'll incorporate a sensual dance for you with his hands chained up (see what i did there).
Leo/Jung Taekwoon
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"Are you sure?" He'll ask you several times, not wanting you to feel uncertain about putting so much trust in him. At the same time Taekwoon will relish in being given power over you in this way and will go down a rabbit hole of researching how to restrain you in the most efficient way. He'll make sure that the session is scheduled beforehand, knowing that the anticipation will drive you both crazy. He'll chain you up gradually. His hands will work slowly, making the feeling of each new pass of the chain over your skin linger, and he'll ask if you can take it tighter each time he wraps the chain around a limb.
Silence. He might have acted this out in plays or music videos but it's a different game when you're asking him to do it for real. When you ask him for a response, all you're gonna get is "Let me think it over." And that was that for the next few days. Until one day you get home and he's there, sitting in a chair, waiting for you with a pile of chains on the table. Without a word he'll strip for you, then ask you to blindfold him. "I'm yours tonight. Take your time."
Ken/Lee Jaehwan
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Giggly as fuck when you first ask him. "Where the hell did you get that idea??" And when you tell him, his expression turns thoughtful. "Oh yeah, that makes sense." He'll ask for a bit of time to gather supplies. Over the next few days, you'll notice him almost becoming a different person. Moodier, quieter. You catch him staring at you with something burning in his eyes. Then one day while you're in the middle of a steamy makeout session in your bedroom, he reaches for a box under your bed which rattles clearly. "We're doing this now. You'd better be ready." Good with his hands and he doesn't leave slack, he wants your heart racing from the thrill of a little danger.
Pretends to think it over, trying to be cute by puffing out his cheeks and pouting his lips but agrees pretty quickly. Quite excited about it right up until the cool metal starts to wrap around his wrists. Nervous, twitchy, bratty, comes close to calling the whole thing off because it just feels like too much. Tries to leave extra slack in the chains as you restrain him. If you distract him with kisses though, he'll comply and he'll enjoy how it makes his heart thunder in his chest and how hot you look when you're in charge.
Ravi/Kim Wonshik
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Says yes immediately. Puts on a brave front, but you best believe later he's on the phone with his friends (cough-cough-asking Taemin about Key's stash) asking for tips. But to compensate, he'll indulge your pain kink if you have one. He's nervous at the start but he knows what he's doing. You feel safe with him and melt under his touch. He gets downright high off your moans as you're at his mercy and he's fucking you.
Tries to tease you about it but can't quite hide how excited he is. He's already been dreaming about it and tries to rush you and pesters you to make it happen sooner. Has no problem letting you take the reins (or rather, the chains) and he can take them being quite tight, too. You better believe he's writing a song about it afterwards.
Hongbin/Lee Hongbin
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Agrees with surprisingly little preamble. Good at improvising and somehow has an intuitive understanding of what feels good and what doesn't. If you like it the first time, he'll get adventurous and bring up suspending you in chains next time rather than simply restraining you. Another one who's good with his hands and doesn't make mistakes as he wraps the chains around you just right.
Says no at first and doesn't tolerate discussion. But curiosity eventually gets the better of him, especially after he chains you up several times first and sees how much you enjoy it. First it's "Okay, but just some handcuffs," then it's "Okay, maybe arms and legs both, it would make it easier for you." And finally, it's him getting hard every time he hears chains clinking.
Hyuk/Han Sanghyuk
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Like Ravi, he says yes immediately but then panics, because he has no clue how to do it and he's too stubborn to ask Ravi or anyone else for help. What if he loses the key?? What if he tightens the chains too much?? He's in his head and comes back to you, telling you he's backing out. But you won't let him get out of it and instead offer to chain him up first so he can see how it's done. Hyuk is relieved and excited to be trying it first, and then confidently reproduces the result on you. He loves the marks that the chains leave on you and all his initial worry disappears. He's impulsive and adventurous, and will use his size and strength to his advantage, carrying you and manhandling you while you're bound and makes you feel so deliciously owned and used that the chains become a staple in your bedroom.
As mentioned above, he ends up trying this first. And once he sees the new side it brings to your sex life, he rarely receives anymore. He needs to be in a special kind of mood to ask you to chain him up, but once he's there, he takes it like a champ. Definite pain kink. You tighten his chains too much on purpose, trying to get him to beg to be released but he only hisses and takes everything you give him. Especially loves it when you overstimulate him and he can't do anything about it except moan.
@anabsolutemyth @dissoluteways
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1n2d-s4 · 3 years
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1N2D S4 ✰ make way for the beloved maknaes! ↳ E82
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horanghaes-gaze · 4 years
Requested by: @bluekidohoonikonsmutopera
Group/member: Vixx's Hyuk (Han Sanghyuk), Got7's Jackson
Genre: Smut; warnings: daddy kink, fingering, cheating, no condom, fingering, mentions of marking, oral
Title: Man of the Hour
Word count: 3.2 k
Notes: This was a whole mess, I typed it out and it didn't save so I had to retype it and it was all just a rollercoaster. But, I finally finished it, I hope you enjoy, and I'm sorry this took so long to write~~💕💕 Also, tell me if y'all want a part 2 because that ending got me feeling 🥵🥵
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As the chandeliers lit up the dim and warm room, you put the champagne glass to your lips, taking a sip. The announcer still calling the last few names of the guests arriving, the last guest being the most important. This gala was the biggest one held every year, topping the rest and putting them to shame. It pulled off all the stops, fancy invitations, suits and tuxedos, long dresses and ball gowns, masquerade masks, the full 100. The venue resembled that of a royal ballroom. The dining table stretching to what seems like a mile long, the large, cushioned chairs and shiny fine china plates added as a perfect touch. The whole event was stunning and looked forward to every year, each time topping the last. Everyone's attention was at the entrance, awaiting for what name the announcer would say, this name being the last.
"And the last and most coveted guest of the night this year," his voice was loud and clear.
"The man of the hour, Hyuk, Han Sanghyuk"
You placed your glass of champagne down and clapped along with the crowd. You watched as the man walked through the doors, expecting another old man to walk down the stairs with his wife, sugar baby, and/or gold digger. But the man that did walk down the stairs was quite the opposite. He was clearly well built, tall, and despite the mask, anyone could tell that he was handsome. His sleek black hair parted and swept back with a jaw that could cut diamond, the suit he wore only accentuating his broad shoulders, small waist, and long legs. You swore that God carved this man himself as his looks rivaled perfection. He smiled and waved towards the crowd, a group of women fighting over who caught his attention. You continued to watch as he walked, surprised when he waved and smiled one last time. Looking right at you. In your eyes. It didn't last long however, as your husband wrapped his arm around your waist.
The night started off with dancing, the orchestra setting the mood for every song. You and Jackson, your aforementioned husband, were dancing the second to last dance, both swaying in each other's arms. You were content in his hold, calm, until your husband suddenly stopped. You looked up to see why and saw where he was looking.
"Excuse me," the man standing in front of you spoke.
"I'm sorry" was all he said towards your husband before leaving. You looked up to face Jackson, who gave you a confused look back, he shrugged, leading you to your table as the song ended.
"Hm, wonder what that was about" you said.
"Maybe he thought I was someone else, we are wearing masks, and this is masquerade gala." Jackson replied. The last song started to play, Jackson leaving to talk to some associates and business partners. You sat there, looking around until you locked eyes with the man who interrupted your dance, the same eyes that had caught you by surprise earlier, at the staircase. You had to think for a second, Hyuk, that was his name. You got up, your legs bringing you to him before you even realized where you were heading. And right now, not knowing what you were going to say or do, you're standing right in front of him. He gave you a smile and took your hand, leading you to the dance floor. You followed him, it was like he cast a spell on you, you were completely mesmerized. He took you in his arms, leading the dance.
"Why'd you tell my husband that you were sorry?" you asked.
"Because I am sorry, for what I'm going to do to his wife tonight"
The last song ended, and he lead you back to the table. He sat himself down right next to you and Jackson. Jackson took your hand, smiling at you, looking into your eyes with nothing but love and adoration for you. Hyuk saw this and a small part of him almost felt bad... almost. The servers soon filled the room, pushing in carts with food that enveloped the air with the most delicious of aromas. Food was being served on the fine china plates and all the guests were now preoccupied, including Jackson. This gave Hyuk a chance to start his night with you. His hand slowly went towards your thigh, his thumb stroking over it back and forth. You let out a small gasp, only Hyuk noticing as he continued to tease you. Throughout dinner you were trying your best to seem as calm as possible, keeping your attention mostly on the food. And also throughout dinner, Hyuk's hand only kept going further up your thigh, towards the inner direction. Hyuk only got more cocky as this went on, even having the audacity to strike a conversation with your husband, knowing fully well what he was doing to you. Once dinner ended, guests continued to socialize and chatter about. The men talking business, and the women complaining about their husbands and eyeing the young and attractive men in the room. You were now sipping on a glass of red wine, making your way to the balcony. You leaned on the thick cement rail, setting down the wine glass. Taking a breath in, you let the cool night air fan over your skin, gazing up at the midnight sky.
"It's a beautiful night isn't it? Romantic, even." you heard from behind you. Turning around, there Hyuk was, looking at you with that smile again. He walked to stand next to you, holding a wine glass of his own.
"It really is." you answered him.
"If you don't want this, tell me now. Because if so, I'll leave you be and we never have to meet again." he said with utmost seriousness. You shook your head.
"No, I want this. And I know it'll ruin what I have with Jackson but, I want it. I want it so bad."
"Here's the key to my hotel room, my driver will take you. I'll tell your husband that you got sick and called a cab home." He handed you the room key. Room 339. You left the venue and got in the car, the smell of roses filling your senses as you stepped in. You soon arrived at the hotel, thanking the driver as you got out of the car. Making your way inside the building, you looked around, the hotel's luxurious interior making you feel out of place. You went up to the receptionist and asked which floor room 339 was on.
"Room 339, let's see... It's on the very top floor, ma'am." she replied. Nodding, you bid her thank you, walking to the elevator. Pressing the button, you waited as the elevator made its way up, dinging when it arrived on the top floor. Taking out the key, you unlock the door and enter the dark room. Walking further in, you went to stand in front of the window, looking at the midnight sky once again.
"It's a beautiful night isn't it?" you knew it was him.
"Romantic, even." you answer back.
He smirked and took your hand, leading you to what seemed like the bedroom. You both stood at the foot of the king sized bed. He took off your mask, then his. You finally got to see his full face and there was only one way to describe him: breathtaking.
"Not to be basic or anything but, like what you see?" he teased.
You look away, flustered and a little embarrassed for staring. He took your face in his hands and kissed you. Kissing him back, you couldn't resist giving into the temptation. Both of you fought for dominance, Hyuk eventually winning. Finally letting go for air, you both looked into each other's eyes. You leaned up and kissed him again, you arms wrapping behind his neck. As your lips crashed together, he laid you down on the bed. His lips left yours, moving down to your neck and collarbones, leaving a few marks. He looked up at you, sincerity filling his eyes.
"I'll ask you one last time, do you truly want this?" he asked. You nodded and kissed him again, urging him to continue. He sat up, taking off his jacket. He helped unzip your dress as your fingers worked on the buttons of his dress shirt. Once you both were discarded of all of your clothing, you couldn't help but admire him. Your hands hovered over his abdomen, not knowing if it was okay to touch or not. He noticed this and placed your hand on his body, silently telling you that he wanted you to touch him. Then, he finally took a moment to fully look at you, taking in your naked form.
"You look even more beautiful than I imagined"
"Imagined? But you don't even know my na-"
"Y/n. Your name is y/n, and mine is daddy for you tonight." he cut you off.
"Then please show me what you imagined, daddy" you said as your fingers traced his chest up to his shoulders. He kissed down your body from your chest to in between your legs. Spreading your thighs, pecking them and leaving a hickey or two, he slid two fingers between your folds. He then brought them up to you, showing how your arousal was practically dripping down his fingers.
"Suck" he commanded, placing his coated fingers on your bottom lip. You opened your mouth, letting his fingers enter and harshly sucking on them. He took them out, making a pop sound from how hard you sucked.
"Good girl" was the compliment you got before Hyuk made his way to in between your legs again. Starting with the two fingers you were previously sucking on, he started to slowly push them in.
Gasping as his fingers went deeper, your hands slowly bunch up the sheets under you in tight fists, the pleasure coursing through your body from head to toe. You then felt his lips wrap around your clit, harshly sucking, making your back arch off the bed. He added a third finger, going a little faster each time a moan left your lips. Your hands then went from gripping the sheets to lightly tugging his hair, legs keeping him in his position. Feeling the knot in your stomach tighten, your moans get louder, body getting more reckless.
"D-daddy, 'm gonna c-cum" you managed to get out between your moans. This urged him to go even harder on you, dead set on making you cum. He felt you clench tighter and tighter, adding a fourth finger, his tongue making obscene sounds against your wet core. He let out a small chuckle, sending vibrations through your pussy to the rest of you. With a few more pumps of his fingers and flicks of his tongue against your clit, you let go, your orgasm hitting so hard that your vision went blank for a few seconds. Hyuk licked up every single drop, absolutely basking in your taste and the way you clenched around his fingers even tighter than you already were when you cummed. Your chest was still heaving up and down when he took his fingers from your wet and sensitive pussy to his lips. He sucked his fingers off, lacing it with the same pop sound you had made earlier at the end.
"You taste so sweet, just like candy" he told you.
Giving him a small smile, you got up and took his hand, leading him to sit at the edge of the bed.
"I wanna taste you too. Can I daddy, please?" you asked, kneeling down between his legs. Taking a look at his length, you swore that it was the most beautiful cock you had ever seen. It was thick, long, and had just the right amount of veins. He lifted your chin to meet his eyes, nodding. Keeping eye contact, you start kitten licking his tip and watched as he let out a sigh of relief, head rocking back slightly as he bit his bottom lip. You then licked down the side, your tongue gliding over a vein, reaching the base and coming back up to the tip. Finally taking him in your mouth, he started to weave his fingers into your hair, holding your head down.
Going lower and taking him deeper, you started to lightly suck, keeping eye contact with him the whole time. You were now bobbing your head up and down on his cock, the tip hitting the back of your throat everytime you came down. His grip on your hair tightened, small grunts and moans leaving his lips as you kept going. Getting caught up in how good he felt, his hand kept your head still, hips starting to buck up and slowly thrust.
Now, his thrusts were harder, his cock hitting the back of your throat even deeper, making you gag slightly. Despite that, you let him thrust more, tears pricking at your eyes and threatening to spill, but you couldn't deny how much you enjoyed it all, enjoyed pleasing him. Feeling how his cock twitched when he thrust in, you knew he was close. He looked down at you, seeing how eager you are to make him feel good, your glossed over eyes, your lips wrapped around his length, how you were on your knees for him, hands on his thighs as your nails dug into them. Seeing you like this gave him the final push to climax, cumming with one last buck of his hips, grip on your hair tightening, and his quiet moans growing in volume, voice breaking towards the end. You got up, reaching eye level with him, letting him watch as you swallowed his cum, sticking your tongue out to prove that you consumed every last drop. He smirked and pulled your chin closer to catch your lips in a kiss, lips dancing with yours in a perfect harmony.
"Hands and knees on the bed, babygirl" he told you with a smirk.
You obeyed, scrambling as quick as you could to get on the bed in the position he had asked for. You heard shuffles as Hyuk made his way onto the bed, kneeling behind you, hands going to hold your hips. Leaning down, he spoke softly into your ear,
"Bad timing, but you're on the pill right?"
You nodded your head immediately, desperate for him to continue. He returned to his previous posture, now aligning his length to your entrance. He pushed in slowly, stopping when he bottomed out, giving you time to adjust. After giving him the okay, he started to thrust at a steady pace, rocking your hips along his cock while doing so. His movements made him hit deep and hard within you, making you feel fuller than you've ever been before.
Your body moved back and forth as he rammed into you, the sound of skin hitting skin echoing throughout the room. Moans were leaving your mouth like a mantra, sounding even louder than before. Arms giving out, you let your face meet the sheets, hands gripping at the pillows. His hips continued to harshly meet yours as he continued to push his length in and out of your now quivering pussy. Grabbing your wrists with one arm, he held them behind you as he continued to abuse your sensitive hole, going even faster and harder than before, eliciting even louder and more broken moans from you. His other arm reaching around to find your clit, rubbing it fast and harsh, making your body stutter along his thrusts.
"Tell me who's making you feel good" he grunted between thrusts.
"Y-you, mmf, you daddy, you're m-making me f-feel good"
"Yeah? How good?" he said, hand moving from your wrists to hold you hair, pulling you up so that your back met his chest.
"So, so, good-ah" you replied, moaning at how this new angle allowed his cock to hit a different part within you.
He continued to slam his hips into yours, soon switching your position so that you were now straddling him. Your arms held his shoulders, nails digging into them as he went harder with each thrust. Not long after, your nails raked down his shoulders to his back when he hit a specific spot that had you seeing stars. Incoherent curses were whispered in between your moans as he kept hitting that same spot, knowing fully well that he was ramming into your g-spot.
"R-right there, daddy, right t-there. Just l-like that please-" you were cut off by an especially hard thrust that sent you over the edge.
Your walls tightened around his length, your second orgasm hitting you even harder than the first. Your pussy was dripping, quivering, and convulsing as he kept going, riding out your climax. He loved seeing you like this, all fucked out because of him, from his cock, his doing, makeup smudged, saliva down your chin and even a few tears streaming down your cheeks. It all gave him a push to continue pushing into you, working up to his own climax. As he let his length slide in and out of your abused core, he ravished in the way you were still so tight, like velvet around his cock.
"Just a bit more babygirl, help daddy cum, can you do that?" he asked, seeing your worn out form.
Nodding your head you let out "yes, use me, use me to feel good daddy, use me to cum"
Hearing those words leave your mouth had his head become empty of all other thoughts, the only one staying being the thought of filling you up with his cum. Pushing into you even harder, and deeper if possible, he did as you had said and used you to reach his high. With a few last sloppy thrusts, he let go, cumming into you and filling you up as he intended to, staying still in you when he did. You let out an especially long moan when you felt his warm seed spill into you, happy and satisfied that you had made him feel good.
Pulling out, he watched as the thick, white liquid dripped out of you, mixing with your own arousal. Hyuk then got up, going into the connected bathroom, disappearing past the doorway. You closed your eyes, trying to calm down your breathing as you slowly came down from your high. You heard the water running from the faucet and how it splashed, then hearing a second faucet and water fill what you assumed was the tub. Then footsteps came from the bathroom, stopping near you. Feeling the bed dip, you kept your eyes closed as strong arms carried and placed you into the tub. The warm water immediately relaxing your muscles as you leaned back on the smooth surface of the tub. You were about to fall asleep, but before you did, you felt a kiss press against your temple.
"Don't worry, I'll get you cleaned up honey, just relax, you've had a long night"
Your eyes shot open as this wasn't the same voice you'd heard earlier.
It was Jackson's.
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igottiny · 4 years
VIXX: How they would react to their partner being a dom.
Requested by @rohirrim1996
Hakyeon - He doesn’t quite know how to feel. He’s been in a leadership role for so long that handing over control to someone else isn’t the easiest thing. He’s really apprehensive at first; that is until you eased him into it. Demands to be pampered before, during, and after. He’s a diva really. Worship him and he is going to be the best boy in the world for you. The moment you try and get rough with him though he will bare his fangs and fight you for it. Gives in only if you choke him.
Leo - Is 100% ok with you being a dom. Loves to take it easy and be worshipped and praised, and otherwise taken care of. Can be really bratty when he wants to be but takes finding out you are a Dom as a huge relief. Falls into sub headspace very easily so aftercare is a must. He will backpedal in the relationship if after care is skimped on and he doesn’t have you there if he falls into sub-drop. Take care of him and you have the most loyal sub on your hands.
Jaehwan - B.R.A.T. Is hella high maintenance as it is and will spare no extreme in this. Gets off to giving you a hard time. You are going to have to really break him if you want him to be a good sub. Anything to be the sole focus of your attention. Will sincerely fight it on occasion if he is already feeling like his life is out of his control. Typically fine with being a sub, but will sometimes ask you for the reigns.
Ravi - Depending on his mood he is either going to find it really hot or hate the idea. Even when he does love the idea he finds he can’t resist being a power bottom. Will be the worlds biggest brat if you try and restrain him; will see this as a challenge. Give and take with this one. You better be willing to switch if this is going to work, especially if he is stressed. This is amplified if his partner is male and roughly the same size as him.
Hongbin - Is really uncomfortable with it, namely with a female partner. Tends to fall into the gender roles a bit more and would rather be in control. It would have to be a special occasion like, your birthday for him to readily be a sub to you. With a male partner, he needs to actually be the physically smaller one in the relationship to comfortably be able to relax and hand over control. This steaming back to stereotypes. A lot of conditions have to be met before he even considers pursuing a relationship with someone who is a dom.
Hyuk - Has been and will always be a brat. Will give you a look that says, “Oh really now?” Will probably try and take it as a challenge. He’s not going to actually tell you no though cause at the end of the day, he still gets to cum. Will intentionally be as disobedient as possible just to rile you up. However, there are days where he is just happy that he doesn’t have to do any work. Like I said, a brat. Down for anything you throw at him. Wild as fuck.
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suholic-writer · 4 years
Wonshik: Why can’t dinosaurs clap?
Jaehwan, happily: Because their hands are too short-
Taekwoon, dead serious: Because they’re all dead
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dearrenjunnie · 4 years
Kidnapper: We have one of your members.
Taekwoon: Oh really? Who?
Hyuck, screaming in the background: ITS ME, HYUNG HELP.
Taekwoon: You have the wrong number, have a nice day.
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imagineurfavs · 4 years
VIXX - Ravi A-Z
“Hiiii, could you please write an A to Z for Ravi?? 🙏🙏”
“vixx ravi a to z 👀thank u ❤️”
“Ravi A-Z NSFW please?”
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A - Aftercare Bless him he tries, but he’s so exhausted afterwards the most he can probably stretch to is maybe getting you both a drink...after that youre on your own lol sorry 
B - Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner) does it count if i say his favourite part on himself is his tattoos? idk, i just feel like theyre something about himself that he really cherishes, and he knows how much you like them too. On his partner, he likes the cakes, the booty, the butt meat. He can’t get enough.
C - Cum Likes to cum on your face or neck. Bonus points if you let him cum in your mouth then kiss him, it’s something he finds so unbelievably hot.
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs) He really REALLY wants to record the both of yall going at it and use the audio in one of his songs, but he thinks you’d never agree to it so he’s afraid to bring it up :((( 
E - Experience He strikes me as someone who’s no stranger to one night stand kinda things so he’s definitely got a fair amount of experience. He just gives off the energy of someone who knows his way around the female body lmao
F - Favourite Position Loves having you ride him, he likes the lazy approach and watching you bounce on him is his favourite site in the entire world. Always has a soft spot for doggy as well, he’s always a fan of anything where he get’s a full view of your ass.
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous etc) Not that goofy at all tbh, sex is something he just takes super seriously, he’s not here to mess around lmao. He’s here to fuck you up and get you shaking fgfdgdg
H - Hair (how well groomed are they) Trimmed to the point of almost being bare, but he leaves a little bit lol
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect) He has his softer days every now and then, but he’s not really all that intimate in the moment tbh. He knows that you know how he feels about you, so he doesn't feel the need to be overly sentimental when at that moment all he wants is to rail you into the mattress until you're shaking oop.
J - Jack Off (Masturbation) Honestly he probably does it basically every day; it’s pretty much a part of his nighttime routine at this point. He finds it the perfect way to relax just before he goes to sleep
K - Kinks (one of more of their kinks) For sure marking, both giving and receiving. He doesn’t even care if anyone sees them, he wears them all with pride and a massive smirk lol. He’s into maybe lowkey bdsm stuff too, just a little light pain and restraint kinda things.
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do) His favourite place would be his recording studio. It’s just that bit different enough to be a lil saucy, but private enough to where he’s like 95% certain no ones gonna walk in on you. It’s the reason he bought a super big sofa to go in there tbh lol.
M - Motivation (What turns them on) He’s a simple man, literally just touch him in an even slightly suggestive way and his brain will go straight to his dick. His thighs and lower stomach are the places he really likes to be touched
N - NO (something they won’t do, turn offs) No sharing, so that means no three(or more)somes lol. You’re his and he’s yours. That’s how he wants it to stay. 
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) Lowkey the type to be more into the whole “face fucking” thing when you go down on him. He can get super intense when giving too, he wont stop until you've had a least one orgasm from foreplay alone lol.
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc) I feel like he’s somewhere in the middle lol, a happy medium. Probably a little on the faster side, but not crazy rough. He’ll be sure you feel it the next day.
Q - Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc) He’s quite a fan, he thinks they definitely have their charm of just scratching that itch whenever it occurs. They happen every now and then, usually in the morning when he wakes up with a boner but has to be somewhere soon.
R - Risk (are they down to experiment, do they take risks?) To a certain extent. He does have a few hard limits, but aside from that, he’s totally open 
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go, how long do they last? etc) I dont think he lasts all that long, mainly because of how much energy he puts into whatever he’s doing. But providing you catch him before he falls asleep, he’d be down to go a second round.
T - Toy (do they own toys do they use them on a partner or on themselves?) Definitely owns a few. Not a crazy amount, but mainly what he considers the “essentials”. Stuff like a vibrator, blindfold, silk ties and maybe a paddle if he’s feeling extra spicy.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease) Maybe surprisingly idk, but i really dont think he’s that into teasing. I think he’d much rather just get straight to the main event then draw things out needlessly long.
V - Volume (how loud are they, what type of sounds they make) Some super gravely moans and very very sweary. Super into dirty talk also. Very much a “let the neighbours know my name, baby” kinda guy sdfds
W - Wild Card (a random headcannon) He love love looooves it when you’re super vocal, the louder the better. It doesn’t matter where you are, what time of day it is etc. He knows all the right spots to hit that’ll get you screaming and he’ll keep going until you’re as loud as you can get.
X - X-ray (what’s going on inside those pants) Average in both senses i’d say, pretty n veiny though lol
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive) Pretty high, like it’s not that high where its unbearable lmao but it’s probably a little higher than average. 4-5 times a week at most
Z - Zzz… (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Super fast lol. Pretty much as soon as he pulls out of you, he’s out like a light lmao.
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sadfragilegirl · 11 months
I just wish they would write me a VIXX Ravi scenario on my 23rd birthday, which is on this year of July 20. My request is a Ravi romantic fluffy smut WITH PLOT.
Was it too much to ask? I miss Ravi so much now and it's been freaking 2 months!
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Lip-Singing [Wonshik, Honbin, and Sanghyuk]
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Wonshik had planned to work a late night, so he sent his girlfriend, Ashlyn, a quick text to let her know not to wait up for him. Ashlyn knew that he would stop by a cafe to grab food on the way home, so she decided to make lunches for the next couple of days for the two of them to take when they went to work.
After she got off work, Ashlyn headed to the grocery store and piled her cart with vegetables, fruits, meat, and anything else she could get her hands on. She paid and headed home with her groceries in hand as she hummed to the songs that played through her headphones.
Once home, Ashlyn made spaghetti for Wonshik and her to have for lunch the next day then she went to work to clean the bedroom. She put on music and got to work on cleaning up. As the song ended, Rock Your Body played which made her grin. She swung her hips and lip-sang to the song as she picked and around the room.
Wonshik came home earlier than he had anticipated after he finished up the lyrics faster than he thought. “Babe?” He called, but he got no reply. He could hear the faint sound of music and followed the sound to the bedroom where saw Ashlyn dancing and lip-singing. He shook his head in amusement. As much as he loved watching her lip-sing to his songs, he was starved so he powered on to the kitchen. That’s when he saw the steaming spaghetti his eyes widened in hunger. He grabbed a plate, took a large amount of the pasta, and chomped away at the savory dish.
Ashlyn went to the kitchen after she finished and saw the back Wonshik’s head at the dining room table. She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck, “Welcome home” she whispered as she kissed his cheek.
“Mmm yea! This pasta is good!” He complimented.
She looked down at his plate and let out a sigh. He stopped chewing and looked up at her. She could see the worry swimming in his eyes as he tried to figured what was wrong. She pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head, “No. Never mind… Glad you like it.” She squeezed his shoulders in reassurance. However, she looked back at the kitchen and contemplated what do make next.
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Hongbin was enjoying the new adventure as a newbie father to his wife’s, Rae, and his son, Junhyun or Jun-Jun for short, when his company offered him a youtube show. It would be a variety show of sorts that would focus on his daily life as an idol, husband, and father. Before he agreed, he spoke to his wife as she wasn’t a celebrity and didn’t know if she would be able to handle camera’s around watching their every move. However, he was surprised when Rae gave him the okay with one condition: no filming through the nights. His company agreed to her wishes.
When the show first aired, Hongbin hadn’t expected it to take off the way it did. The amount of views and positive feedback was insane. However, though it’s focus was supposed to be Hongbin and his son, people begged for more of Rae and Junhyun. The company asked to show clips of just Rae and Jun-Jun and Rae agreed.
While Hongbin was out on tour, the broadcast continued to follow Rae and Jun-jun as well as Hongbin as he went through the trials of the separation.
During one of the days, Rae decided to clean house. She carried on her days as if the camera’s that were on the wall were no existent. Jun-Jun was in his toy bouncing and playing with the bells on the side. Rae pulled her son’s bouncy toy to the side before she grabbed her phone to bluetooth to the speakers. She played her music and hummed to the song.
After a few tracks, The Closer played and Rae stopped cleaning as she danced to the music.
Hongbin answered a little q&a while he was on tour. First they asked about how he felt being separated to questions about his wife and her cleaning habits which made him laugh. “She has this habit of lip singing in the house, so being on a broadcast, I wonder if she’ll realize people will be watching her even when I’m away.” They showed him the recent clip of Rae the day she cleaned house. She lip-sang to VIXX’s The Closer while holding Jun-jun. Hongbin laughed and put his head in his hands, “Does she realize the cameras are there? YEOBO!!” He shouted at the screen even though he knew she couldn’t hear him.
“Do you like when she dances?”
He nodded with a love struck look, “I love it. It’s a reason I fell for her as hard as I did, but I’d never tell her that.”
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Sanghyuk was in a secret relationship with Alice. They hit their six month together and their relationship had only grown more serious, so Hyuk approached the idea of telling his friends about her. At first, Alice was hesitant with the thought. She knew VIXX was his second family. A family of five older brothers and being the youngest in her family, Alice knew a thing or two about older sibling and interrogations.
However, she relented. If their relation was going to continue to grow, she knew they needed to take that next step of meeting friends and family. She offered to make dinner for everyone and just take it easy at her place. However Hyuk was against it, he didn’t want her to worry about looking nice for his friends, so they compromised. She’d make some food, but they would bring over some as well. She insisted that they met at her place as it was safer than meeting out in public where they’d get spotted or if she went to their apartment when there were lurkers.
It was a weekend when they were to come by. Hyuk was going to drive with two members and the others would follow to meet up at Alice’s apartment so they could make sure they weren’t followed.
Alice was nervous about meeting the members. Not because of their celebrity status, but because of their status to her boyfriend. If they didn’t like her, would he leave her? Alice shook the thought and decided to simmer her thoughts by music. She started to dust the bookshelf when Hyde came on. Alice started to sway to the beat and lip the words as her nerves cooled. Her eyes shut as she focused on the song. She was so enthralled with what she was doing, she didn’t hear the knocks on the front door.
Hyuk knew her passcode, so when his knock went unnoticed, he pressed in her code. He led his members into the apartment and heard the group’s song playing in the living room. He stopped short in the living room entrance and stared at his oblivious girlfriend for a moment before he walked back out the way he came. He shooed his friends away, “I lied, I don’t have a girlfriend. The person in there is weird.”
His voice caught her attention. Her eyes opened to see the five other members. She felt a faint blush cross her face as she turned off the music and greeted them.
The guys pushed passed him and greeted her with large smiles and food. Hyuk stood off to the side muttering how crazy they all were, but when Wonshik got a little too close to Alice, Hyuk materialized next to her with his arm around her waist protectively. His sudden mood made him a prime target to his friend’s relentless teasing.
Part I
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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dreamythoughtsmood · 4 years
Falling in Love
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Ravi x Reader
Requested by Queennie
Warning: Smut
  You saw Wonshik at a party, he was the handsome guy everyone wanted for the night, but he obviously didn’t care. He just drank and danced. He was a really good dancer, that’s the first thing you noticed about him.
You didn’t even know he was an idol. A friend of yours told you the next day. You thought all of your chances were gone with the wind. You got interested and dug yourself deeper into music and you started to like his and his band’s music more and more. And as you realized just how many people was his fans you knew that there was no way an idol like him would look at you let alone date you.
How wrong you were.
Wonshik went on a tour and he needed a new stylist. You applied for the job at first as a joke, but when you actually got the job you were shocked. You still didn’t think you’d have a chance with him. You did your job to the best of your abilities. Since he mostly performed shirtless all he needed was a jacket and some jewelry besides some nice shoes and jeans. But you really enjoyed seeing him all dressed up and ready for a concert.
As it turned out, he was a very nice person who made you laugh a lot of times. But what surprised you the most is that he began to flirt with you. And eventually he asked you on a date.
It was the last show of his tour. You were in the middle of dressing him up and retouching his clothing when he suddenly asked you. At first you thought he was joking, but no, he was serious.
And now there you were.
Five months into dating Kim Wonshik, or how you preferred to call him, Wonnie. He was an amazing boyfriend, caring and a real gentleman. He took you on dates and treated you well.
And today, he took you to meet his dog, Butt. The adorable cream Frenchie ran to you as soon as you stepped into Wonnie’s home.  
You obviously started petting and playing with the dog. He was just too cute.
Wonshik couldn’t really hide the fact that he was jealous. You payed more attention to Butt than you did to him, and soon he got fed up with it.
“Y/N? Should I order some food?” Wonshik got the chance to finally get you away from Butt as the puppy when to sleep.  By the mention of food you went to your boyfriend who was sitting on his couch, phone in hand to order.
“I have another idea.” you said, but before he could ask further questions, you kissed him on the lips with such passion, he never felt before. You knew Wonshik was a rather shy man with the ladies, despite his attitude and style in music. And maybe that is why he was so soft with you. You knew that deep down he could be a beast and a tender person. He has a switch.
A switch which can turn him from merciless rapper to an absolute cutie. And you loved it. You loved the duality of Wonshik. Because one moment he was kissing your lips with care and kindness and the next, you couldn’t really breathe as he got more and more into it.
You felt him remove your shirt. You let him and after he did he kissed your neck and collarbone. 
Now both of you were out of your clothes, with you still on his lap. You were still kissing each other like insane. You mouth started to hurt a little. You still rolled your hips against his member. You were about to take matters into your own hands when he stopped you and pulled back from the kiss. He looked at you with eyes full of lust and love.
“Let’s go to the bedroom, Y/N. I can’t let our first time be on the couch.”
You nodded and stood up. Wonshik was about to collect his clothes but the way you swayed your hips as you walked made him stop and his eyes followed you. You looked back at him giving him a smirk.
He looked so damn perfect. Standing in the middle of your house, naked, with him hard member begging for you to be touched as lights of the TV illuminated him.
You turned back and started to walk upstairs. You knew Wonshik was following close. You could feel him.
And just as you entered the master bedroom, he had you pinned to the wall and attacked your neck.
You ran your hand up and down his muscular back. When he was done with the hickey on your neck, he moved you to the bed and he laid you back.
“You are gorgeous.” he said it, more to himself than to you. You could only smile at his cuteness.
“Come here. It’s getting cold without you.” you said. He laid in between your legs, both of his arms next to your head and he kissed you once again and he pulled back.
“Do you have a condom?”
“No.” you said and he looked a little annoyed. “But I’m on the pill. And I know for sure that I’m clean.”
“I’m clean too.” he said quickly. Without thinking, as a raw instinct, he opened your legs and he was just about to put himself in you when his mind came back to reality. “Sorry. I…I didn’t want to rush it …just….You just look so sexy and I can’t help myself.” you pulled him closer by his neck.
“It’s okay. You can put it in. I’m ready.” you said. But Wonshik wasn’t quite satisfied with that.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” you said and he still wasn’t sure.
“But…Are you…really sure?”
“Yes, Wonnie. I am.” you laughed a little.
“But A-“
“Oh for the love of God. Kim Wonshik put that penis in me, or I will take matters into my own hands and ride you until you can’t breathe.” you said a little bit harsher than you intended but the fact that you were so horny didn’t help. He looked at you, mouth open, for a few minutes.
He didn’t say anything else just pushed himself into you.
You let out a sigh as he let out a groan. Slowly, he started to move. Soon his moves got more intense and quick.
You moaned loudly as his moves picked up once again.
“You make me feel so incredibly good.” you said as his eyes deepened.
So he has a praising kink, good to know. You made a mental note of that.
“Tight. fuck.” he swore.
“You’re soo good baby. Fuck me harder.” and he did. He leant down next to you. You felt his breath on your neck. You hugged his body and moved your legs around his waist, giving him a better angle.
Soon both of you got closer to your climaxes.
“Me too.” he simply said, knowing what you meant and hugged you closer to himself.
And just like that, both of you came at the same time. You ran your nails down his back, leaving marks. Just as he did, you marked him as well.
After all, from now on, he was yours. And you were his.
Wonshik slid out of you and off of you. He was trying to even his breathing and so were you.
Moments later you were cuddling to his side as his hand ran up and down your back. You slid your hand over to his other hand and you ran your fingers along his arm, up and down, your fingers traced his tattoos ever so gently.
You placed a kiss to his chest.
You couldn’t be happier that you fell in love with him.
As he was stroking your back, you fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
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mintyjin · 7 years
new writing blog!
ok I’ve promised @sugaspiano that I would start writing about a month ago so here is me making good on that promise
Hi! I’m Julianne and this is my blog. The groups I will write for right now are VIXX, BTS, GOT7, and BIGBANG. This list will inevitably grow longer because grind don’t quit and I never learn. I’ll do reactions and MTLs, so hit me up! 
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themoontokki · 4 years
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You guys had been dating for a couple of months now, but you were still getting to know each other better. You guys were out on a date when he asked you “Y/N when did you say your birthday was?”
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“February 29” You smiled. You could see his mind working on the new information you had just dropped. “Wait... the means... your a leap baby?” You just nodded in response then he smiled so big and said “Ohh that means your still a baby!! I’m dating a minor!” You playfully hit his arm and both of you laughed
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“I’m actually a leap baby” you said a little nervous. Leo looked at you and smile faintly. “So when do you celebrate on regular years?” “I usually let it pass, but my family and friends congratulate me on March 1”. He hold your hand and said “Then we will celebrate it on March 1”
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“Well it's kind of unique you know” you said teasingly “Jagi everyone's birthday is unique and special” he said sticking out his tongue. “Yeah but mine is only celebrated every four years... so that makes it even more special” “Ottokaji!! My baby is actually a baby!!” all you could do was laugh at his cuteness
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“It’s actually on February 29” “Oh that’s something I wasn’t expecting” You laugh at his confuse face “So like can we celebrate both on February 28 and march 1? ... of course when it isn’t  a leap year” “Well if you're ok with it sure why not” “Great!!” You could believe how happy he was for being able to celebrate twice your birthday.
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“Oh, I’m a leap baby” “A what?” “A leap baby, I was born on Feb. 29” you could see how he was so confused yet he still asked “So does that mean you are like five?” ok that's it you couldn't contain you laugh anymore “Well not really but if you're into that” “HEY!! I’m not like that, I was just asking to be sure I’m not doing anything illegal” “JAJAJA relax Bin I’m legal” You could se a faint blush creeping up his cheeks “Good” he said.
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“It doesn't matter” “What? Of course it matters!” to be honest  you were a year older than Hyuk but you knew the moment you told him you were born on Feb. 29 he was going to tease you “Hyuk it doesn't matter" "Oh no you better tell me, or I’ll still figure it out if you don’t” you sighted, it was true he would find out one way or another “February 29” you whispered “WAIT!! FEBRUARY 29!!” here it was, you knew he was going to make a big deal out of it “YAHH!! YOU MADE ME CALL YOU NOONA WHEN WE MET!!” “Well I’m still a year older than you so that was right” “No it WASN'T!! You are still a baby!! YOU should call ME oppa!!” you rolled your eyes “keep dreaming baby”
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