lured-into-wonderland · 7 months
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Continued from [x] with @wonderloste
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She trembles as she hears the voice. Only then realizing that she is not alone.
“Wonderland…Is that how you call this place?” – she hesitates for a moment – “It doesn’t seem to be a fitted name.” – though she is dodging replying to the question. Does Wonderland make her uneasy? It does obviously. She finds herself like being in the wrong place. Even more in the wrong time.
“I was expecting to meet the Cheshire-Cat…” – her lips formulated the reply before her mind is able to stop them – “That is I was not expecting myself to fall down the rabbit hole.” – Nunnally is speaking; she knows the story. Everyone knows the story, right?.
(“I must have hit myself when falling down.”)
She remembers the fall. But she doesn’t remember the rabbit hole. Or what does she remember truly?
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“Have you seen me actually falling? So, perhaps you can also tell me how I ended up here…” – she points at the surroundings – “And perhaps you could assist me to get back…through that hole…” – it cannot be too deep, right?
“My name is…” – suddenly she has a problem. She cannot remember what her name is.
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innocence-impulse · 6 months
"i could teach you a little witchcraft, you know. spells that would help you survive here in wonderland, at least." / from gretel!!
@wonderloste ♩ UNPROMPTED!
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Witchcraft? Magic? Sounds like a silly fairytale, though, Alice is already in one, so it's not like she can say anything against it. Moreover, she knew some exorcists who did use magic, however, she wasn't sure to what extent, and they usually kept their secrets to themselves. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would probably never believe it.
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«Y-You're...gonna teach me?»
Alice frowned, truly it did seem a bit ridiculous to her. A person she just met claims to teach her a subject she barely knows about, in a place she knows very little. In the world she's from, she could barely trust anyone. In the place she ended up, she is also unsure who she should trust, who's a friend and a foe here. And this what defining a state of survival before anything else.
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«...so, what's the price? Everything has a price, isn't it?»
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seeasunset · 1 year
{Starter from s.c. for: @wonderloste}
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❝Now, this would be an unfair thing for my end but I'm not sure if I got much of a say in this matter.❞
Being in uncharted territories - or rather, uncharted territories by Vasco's standards - isn't in his favor. He could go anywhere and get lost. And he would rather not be stranded anywhere. Let alone adventure off to somewhere with little to no knowledge of anything. There could be anumber of things that could proven to not be in his favor either.
❝What's the catch if I accept this offer; whatever it could be?❞
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galaxiasus-a · 2 years
☛ do you think the moon is jealous of how pretty you are? ☚ aleister & travis.
CONTINUE > LOAD FILE // what meme was this
File Name: @wonderloste
Not platonic.
     Ever since that kiss. Ever since that specification ever left his lips- his hands, to be more specific- he was unable to tell if that was a good or bad thing to have done. He remembers back home, when things were more simple, when there would be rumors over who was 'official' and who wasn't. How some would be hoping to make things 'official' with another. He never cared for it. Of course not, it had never applied to him until someone came into the picture. But he was always listening. Always hearing. Even when he told himself to not do so.
It's moments like this that bring that similar feelings of questioning. Was it a good idea? What are they now? They are nothing like what they were at the beginning of all this. Two pairs of strangers; a deity and a worshipper who did and still does swear his life to him. Did he want things to be official? He would have never dreamed of it before this. But as days, weeks, (maybe months?) pass it started to feel more and more like the other was starting to get it. It wasn't just simple touches anymore. It was the way he looked at him. The way he 'said' things like this to him.
Sure. It was, in theory, good. All of this coming to the surface. Despite him questioning his intent by it; a simple comment or an actual attempt to reciprocating something more romantic? But at the same time he absolutely hated the embarrassment that came with it. With a pouty huff he turns away from him. He didn't hate the compliment by any means. But the way it bubbles up in his chest along with that longing and pressure-filled ache. By gods was it weird. Pleasant, but weird, and he can feel the heat rise to his cheeks.
     You've gotten bolder. Aleister told him once. So have you. He replied.
He doesn't dare look back at him. He knows what he will find. That soft expression and the pink eyes that are starting to get less rare. They were still a surprising find, but he knew that they were there now. He knows if he looked at them right now then he would stop functioning completely. So he instead gently pokes at the flower that he was staring at a moment before. It looked like a rose. It had it's frills. But that was about it. It was larger and had more of those frills than a normal rose would look like.
It used to be so simple.
     "Back home." He suddenly speaks, though his voice wavers slightly. The more he thinks about it, the more out of nowhere the comment felt. Though that was normal for Aleister, wasn't it? How he had no shame in that mind of his? He shouldn't be caught off guard by it anymore, yet he was.
"We had a small project of sorts. Talking about culture. One of the kids got up and started talking about mythology their culture had relating to some Gods. I didn't pay much attention to it, mostly because I thought it was stupid and fake. I had my own God to believe in, and I was told anything else were false." It was probably not the response he was expecting. What was he expecting? He could still feel Aleister's gaze on him, waiting. He had a point to this, so with a sigh to keep him steady again he kept going.
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     "Anyways. There was one that stuck out to me. I don't remember the name of the goddess, but story goes that she controls the moon. Pulls the moon across the sky and rides a chariot to bring in the light that shows in the dark. Says that she was basically an all seeing eye, as the moon is constantly hanging overhead, and you can never run from it."
How familiar that sounds. He leans back, hands resting on the ground so it provides support as he does so. He pauses for a minute before continuing on. "I don't know if you have that kind of thing here. Probably not. Since its you who created all. But if there was.. if she or some other type of moon goddess did exist, I don't think she'd be jealous of me because of my looks. I don't know what you find pretty in me, and I doubt she'd agree on whatever your answer was."
Travis himself doesn't think he is, then again his looks were never a main concern for him. He knew he always looked like hell; a bruised eye, some part of his face bleeding. Whether by a fight or something else. Some injury was part of him, and now there always will be an injury permanent on his face. Last he checked the eye that was got caught in that crossfire was a murky cloudy color. He'd judge Aleister for finding that pretty, but he wasn't one to talk.
Humming, he leans forward, going back to his sitting position so he can continue to stare at the flower in front of him. The other made this.. that's how it goes around here. From the marshes to the flowers, that was all him. He doesn't doubt that someone that was pleasing to the eye such as him created something just as pretty.
     "If she were to be jealous over me.. It would be because I'm in the same space of, and have the attention of, someone beautiful."
He has not looked back towards him once.
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stxrcxller · 2 years
At this point in her life, she was no stranger to nightmares. However, things had taken an abnormal turn once she was back in Sharlayan from Ultima Thule and reliably back among the living. Being bedridden while she recovered, there wasn’t anything she could do to distract herself. The only thing to do to pass time was one of the things she hated most at this point- sleeping and letting it happen. The first time she woke up bleeding, she brushed it off- reasoning that she had reopened any of her numerous wounds with her tossing and turning. Deep down she knew that was impossible, irrational, by the time she he had woken up, the Scions all assured her that her wounds- external- were healed. So perhaps it was internal again?
The second time, wounds that had been healed for years were searing with pain and beginning to horribly bruise. The third time, her silent scream was cut off as she coughed up blood- and again she tried to brush it away- she had reopened something inside, she’d just heal it and she’d be fine.
And on, and on, and on. By the time she was hearing whispers of a name not her own, she was beyond paranoid- jumping at every little sound. The Scions had to near force her to sleep, made drowsy with magic as she frantically protested that no- she could not sleep. Bad things happened when she fell asleep- bad things that were somehow worse than her nightmares had been before all of this.
This time she was lucid. Or perhaps she had been the other times and had just forgotten. Hells if she knew at this point. She gripped her staff in a death grip within trembling hands, claws digging into the wood.
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it wasn’t long before it grew too dark for her to see, something knocking her off balance and her staff out of her grip. The Miqo’te fumbled blindly in the dark for her staff- or anything she could use to get up as it somehow got even darker. Normally she’d be too prideful to voice her distress, but at the moment all bets were off.
Continuing to clumsily shift about on her knees and feel around for anything she could use for support, she started screaming to those she knew would come at her beck and call. “Fray?! Ardbert?! FRAY!!”
But no one came. No one she could see, at least.
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dangaer · 2 years
          he thinks he must be some kind of non-believer, taking the hand of a man    who has already been injured by a plot to kill him, claws still extended and blood still leaking from the wound. that, or aleister now holds a sudden sense of respect for the man who has chosen to follow him into the never ending night over the sun he’s sure to be protected in —– he’d desire as such, but desire is often a risk at best, catastrophic at worst. all the same, there’s a comfort to be found in aleister’s warnings, the fond line of his lips curling upwards as he takes his hand in turn. 
         ❛    hm. i could be. if you have the strength to go and kill me, this would be the perfect time to follow through. it’s not like you find yourself lacking motive now, is it?  ❜   he replies, and he can consider a multitude of ideas that may fit that description —– his unannounced appearance,  the unbridled view of the skies that surround them, the very existence of alice being far too gone all along ... —– and it makes him wonder if the jabberwocky would ever see it fit to humour him, feel some sort of sympathy towards the man he knows he will soon ultimately have to kill. would he, he considers, still manage to once he realises the truth: one death, perhaps, for the sake of many, many more.  ❛   if you were truly concerned, i’m certain you’d have your ways of kicking me out ... this place looks like a safehouse for you, in the way that nothing else is. there must be a boundary i've managed to cross, somewhere.  ❜   
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         he offers a sense of comfort ( that he wonders if he even wants, now that such words have managed to leave his mouth; these are their consequences after all, what good would the kindness from the one set to be gone soon do? ) with dulcet tones and a softer gaze he’s certain will be misinterpreted as something rather cruel. he says nothing else, wishing not to worsen things as he closes the gap between them with an air of determination, a reckless and beautiful prince charming and his stunning, wary god ... hand to hand, feet to feet ... those silent, peculiar blues make their home in watching the way the white drips, and drips, and drips .... 
         ‘how much does it hurt?’ he thinks, as he kneels by his wounded side. but it comes out as:  ❛   is it your first time, being so put out like this? everything seems mad at you, but yet ...  ❜  you’re not mad at it, he wants to say; but on second thought ...  ❛   everything you feel is directed at solely at me, not them.  ❜ / @wonderloste​ cont.
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blotlcss-a · 2 years
@wonderloste​​ (Apostol)  from here
They had been taken aback by his honest response. It was all so strange. The blue thread that no one could see except for the two of them.... Her supposed enemy claiming he was her fated person and then dropping everything to stay by her side..... Under normal circumstances Yuu would have easily said this was a trap and too good to be true. 
“I know better, betrayal is no stranger to me. Acts of malice could easily be disguised as kindness. I have even been told that tragedy follows me wherever I go. To believe in my enemy would would be nothing short of idiocy.” And yet perhaps they were truly a fool. Whenever their brilliant ruby eyes meets his ethereal silver they find it harder to focus. Their laugh was so enchanting and smooth it felt as if they were being enthralled by silk in the form of words. 
               This was so frustrating!!
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“Yet.... I believe in you.” Their fingers, so slender and yet calloused, traces over the strange blue thread wrapped around their wrist. “Despite knowing so little about you, I felt at ease from the moment we met.” Their voice is so soft and vulnerable as they admit these things to Apostol. “It doesn’t make any sense to me, and the fact that I don’t mind it is even stranger.... Is this the string’s fault...? Or am I just really weak for pretty men?” It was meant as a joke but they do believe he was beautiful, string of fate or not.
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tvrningout-archived · 2 years
@wonderloste​ | continued from here!
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     a frown curves along chiyo’s lips. " then i’m not asking anything of you, darcy. i’m telling you. ” perhaps she would be more delicate, but the rabbit is being so damn stubborn ( hey, mrs. pot? mr. kettle is calling )! watching him struggle simply to keep himself straight frustrates chiyo, makes her want to push him back and tell him to relax and quit worrying over her for one second so that he might actually worry over his own wellbeing. of course, she can’t bring herself to push him back, too worried that she might hurt him even if she’s gentle ( a broken heart apparently must hurt just as much literally as it does metaphorically ). chiyo does cross her arms, though, standing her ground and fixing darcy with a stern look that is more worried than it is cross.
     “ if something did happen, you aren’t in any condition to fight, much less traipse all the way to spade kingdom. ” he looks to be in such agony. chiyo can’t help herself -- she has to reach out, brushing stray strands of white away from darcy’s face in hopes that it may soothe him, even a little. she almost pokes the crease between his brows as well, but instead her fingertips ghost along his jaw before she drops her hand back at her side. there’s a little pink to chiyo’s cheeks as she meets darcy’s eyes again, expression softer than when she first began. “ i know you’re worried about me, but you’re the one who’s hurt. you can hardly stand. do you really think i’m going to agree to put you through more pain? ”
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lured-into-wonderland · 7 months
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Continued from [x] with @wonderloste
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She neither hears him coming nor feels him watching her. These words about non-remembering have been spoken more to herself than for anyone to hear. Let alone comment. And why is he giving her all these advices? As if he knows her? Or as if she was supposed to know what the fae village is. ("By the way faes don't exists, right?") What a funny dream! But it’s not an unpleasant one! Nunnally wants the dream to last. It’s so different from the nightmares that were hunting her recently.
She’s concerned about his words, though. Does she suffer from amnesia? No! She does remember who she is. Who her father is. What her plans for tomorrow are. Just this funny (or perhaps rather disturbing thought) that she is missing an important piece; an important puzzle…to understand. She smiles to the k i n d stranger: --
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“I am all right, thank you. You don’t have to worry about me.” – though there she has that feeling once more. That something is odd. That she should actually be worried about herself. Though is the man she doesn’t know (or recognize) the right person to ask this kind of questions? And then he mentions magic.
Nunnally lets a small chuckle. She doesn’t believe in magic (but why something tells her she should?): --
“What a funny dream.” – she hums, ignoring the Jabberwocky presence for a brief moment, but then she’s back to her usual politeness – “So, what is your magic then?”
“Can you take a white rabbit out of a hat?” – why suddenly this question feels so wrong?
“White rabbit…” – her lips suddenly mentions; is that what she should remember?
“Black rabbit... Is that what I should beware of? – she asks…
“What a funny dream…” – she repeats...
("And it even makes me talking nonsense...")
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hattaazu-a · 2 years
@wonderloste​ | x.
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“It could be, it could not be~” Leave it to Xerxes Break to be vague at a time like this. “I’m aware that you have to sacrifice me, as Alice, but for now, can’t you just regard me as your one and only, a precious gem?” 
Despite the smile on his porcelain features, there’s a bitterness that looms behind his wine-red hue as he pleads with the deity, holding out his hand for Aleister to take. He tilts his head to the side. “Come on. You don’t have to fear me. I’m naught but your best mistake.”
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purewhiteprophet · 2 years
@wonderloste continued from “ We share a name and fate.”
The strong grip doesn’t escape White’s notice. It’s comforting, in some ways. But also worrying in some others. He knows the drastic steps Darcy must take to change the fate he has seen. And it takes little to know that Darcy will do whatever means necessary to fulfill his mission. It makes White sad; how many times has he failed? How many times has he experienced the worst heartbreak imaginable? How much sorrow does he carry on these shoulders White is grasping onto?
White sighs into the hug, putting his head on Darcy’s shoulder for a moment before pulling away. “You’ll find that I’m a bit of a worrywart, especially for friends.” Such a bold statement, considering they hadn’t known each other long. But White would like it to be true.
‘Whatever you have seen is wrong’
He’s only known one man to defy the fate given to White with his foresight. If one man can do it, surely another can. White holds onto that one string of hope with all his weight, and prays it doesn’t break. He smiles weakly at Darcy, patting his shoulders. “If anyone can,” White starts, “Then you can.” He knows Darcy is crying, call it a feeling. So he blindly reaches for the man’s face, trying his best to push back the tears he can’t see or hear, but know are there. He’s gentle with his touch, which perhaps is a little too cruel. But he cannot help it. To him. Darcy is a brave but shattered soldier. He has to be careful lest he fall apart under the seer’s touch.
“Rewriting fate is not going to be easy, however. Are you sure there is nothing I can do to help you on this journey?” He asks again, he asks despite it all. He slowly pulls his hands back down to his side once he’s satisfied with brushing the other’s tears away.
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“If we’re rewriting fate, and all, then certainly there is more I can do for you. With you.“ White offers. “If we’re going to defy it then to hell with everything you’ve known before, try something new.”
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galaxiasus-a · 2 years
> CONTINUE // @wonderloste​
     It was an offhand comment and nothing more. One that he didn't intend to say out loud, or at least not one that he wanted it to be heard. Something to mumble under his breath as he breaks his gaze away from Aleister to stare at the pastel foliage. It's true, he hasn't, not a full smile at least. Often his mind lingered to what it could look like, how he could get the chance to see it, but it was immediately brushed off and buried. It was simply one of those thoughts that would linger around his head whenever the two were together for too long. An incident weeks prior took enough energy out of him to try anything more intimate to achieve something seemingly small.
The former priest heard a shift in Aleister's direction, deeming it enough to look back at him once more in case he was going to 'talk' to him. I never heard your voice before either. He wanted to believe it was simply because he was full mute, which is fine, he supposed. Communication was not an issue between the two of them. But he can feel he's capable of it, especially when he's heard noises come out of him before. What did it sound like, he wonders. There wasn't much to go off of. He imagined it was either incredibly soft or gruff and stern.
He doesn't know which he was wanting to hear. Or why he cared. Maybe he'll ask why he never talks. Or maybe he won't. There's plenty of reasons why someone would want to rarely use their voice, he knows a few.
     For now he simply looks at him with a similar empty look, unphased by the dead eyes. Travis awaits patiently, feeling his body tense when Aleister finally confronted him. “No I don’t.” He speaks quickly, defensive, knowing well enough that it probably won’t help his case. Especially not when he gives off an observation of his own like that.
“...Am I not allowed to look at you? You’re basically the only other thing for company I have around here.” He keeps his stern, non-angry tone, walking back as Aleister gets closer. He’s only stopped when he hits against tree bark, making him more cornered than he already was. Damn. Though he remains somewhat obedient, raising his head the moment he felt Aleister’s hand under his chin. He knew what was coming. It’s routine at that moment. One he can’t say he hated.
     “Gods. No.” He raises his hand but stops, hesitating, as if he’s unsure what he was planning to do in the first place. He settles for reaching to press it against Aleister’s chest, gently nudging him back to get some space. Compared to what he would usually do, the act was almost playful. “A simple observation and nothing more. If one of these days you choose to smile, and if it’s at me-..” It’d be nice. “Then it’s your choice. I’m not going to just ask you to do it.”
He leans back against the bark, more or less attempting to relax as his figure shivers with his rapid heartbeat. A pace that he knew Aleister can either hear or feel. The thought made him finally break eye contact, looking off as he quietly speaks, “If I want to make you smile I would may as well kiss you again. You nearly did in that moment.” Maybe that was the root of his curiosity. He never saw him smile, up until that moment, and then not much after that. Was that what it takes? Was it because he liked it? He himself had the temporary urge to feel happy about the notion as he lets out an embarrassed huff.
     Brows furrow in thought, wanting a way out of this, blinking up at the God before him. “What do you mean by what I taught you? Do you watch me?”
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rewrittn · 2 years
soulmate starter | @wonderloste​ | generated prompt: the one where once you meet your soulmate, it’s physically uncomfortable to be apart from them for too long. | generated muse: mochizuki kiyoshi
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❝ S - Sorry ... I didn’t even see you .. ❞ He had accidentally started to tunnel vision on trying to find something familiar in the area that he was in, the downside was that he found absolutely nothing familiar and he was already feeling a bit of panic over that so now he was double panicked from his bumping into the other blunder. ❝ Let me just give you some space ... ❞ He still hadn’t really looked the other over fully, instead ducking his head ( as if bowing in some sort of unspoken apology ). He finds that as he takes a good few steps backwards that his body really doesn’t want to, that his feet want to carry him back forward and there’s a dull ache that blooms in his chest more and more with each step that he forces himself to take back away from the other. Hand rises to clutch the front of his pale blue sweater, as if it might soothe the aching but knowing it wont.
❝ Why does my chest ache ... ? ❞ words are mumbled under his breath as head finally tilts back so that pale blue grey hues can finally look at the other and now that he looks at the other he feels more than an ache, instead he feels a sharp pain that makes him jolt forward ( of course the feeling lessens when he does jolt forward and it leaves him confused overall ). 
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untowonder-gone · 2 years
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BEGIN ROUTE : KING OF HEARTS  ;  @wonderloste​ 
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         Nightmares were nothing so special,  nor so sweet to a regret. To an orphan who had nothing to her name besides a tale she calls her own,  ink splattered pages so readily confessing the her birth as a tragedy.  ( It says,  she recalls  :  Mary Ann,  Marianne,  you are not real.  You cannot replace ▇▇▇.  )  Fatherless.  Motherless.  A regret in the eyes of God,  if he even recognized her existence.  What was another nightmare,  another fantastical and morbid dream,  an escape from what was above and what must be waiting for her below?  She minded not the White Rabbit who should have taken her cracking,  shattering inkwell heart in his paws and written her eulogy.  She minded not the Cheshire Cat which offered little to no help at all,  let her stumble her way through Wonderland.  She was,  after all,  passing through like a phantom,  a ghost,  a soul departed and drawn into what might have been the afterlife.
Empty,  void of desires,  she was not made for this world,  or any world,  really.  She didn’t belong,  Sister Heron had told her time and again,  whilst pulling a harsh bristle brush through her pale locks,  tearing at her tender scalp as though she were touching something vile.  Wouldn’t the denizens of this world feel much the same?  That what was brought here was something to regret,  to look upon with some disdain?
Still, this dream,  for a dream it was,  lacked her garden funeral.  No white roses,  lilies,  and gladiolas to tend to.  To call her own.  Only these wilted,  dropping,  barely breathing roses rooted throughout a marsh like the ones she had often traveled through.  And it was such a shame she could not weep over them,  though her inkwell heart did so ache.  She feared,  though,  if she were to weep,  her tears would be something toxic,  corrosive,  a danger to these lamentable roses.  That whatever vile substance made her,  remained within her,  might spread and cause such harm to these plants.
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❝  A pity to leave you so wilted,  my dear rose,  ❞  Marianne murmured,  small hands cupping the lonesome blossom,  ignoring those thorns which bit into her skin.  Those thorns which left faint red lines in their wake,  painting her red.  It stung in a way that a dream shouldn’t sting.  It stung in the way real thorns did.  An itchy,  sharp sting that would leave her skin irritated for hours.  She had to force herself to let the rose go,  to pull her fingers away from its velvety surface so she might stick her aching fingers into her mouth,  kiss the swelling red scratches until something else dragged her away.  Until she had to chose some other path,  if the paths were even marked.   
❝  I hope I did not poison you,  Sister Heron once said my blood was filthy.  ❞  She whispered,  between kisses,  the faintest coppery taste manifesting on her tongue.  ❝  Though how does one even end up with filthy blood?  Is it because I was born from scraps of paper?  ❞  Was it because she sat there speaking to flowers as though they had ears and could hear her soft voice,  Welsh accent thick on her tongue,  not quite beaten out of her.   Or was it because she was so willing to reach down and tear strips out of the hem of her nightgown,  wrapping her fingers tight with the thin shredded linen. ❝  If I have,  I shall make sure to walk on thorns,  that way it is mutual,  I suppose.  If I’ve harmed you,  you may harm me too.  It is only fair,  after all,  that the sin of harming you should be paid tenfold.  ❞
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nulltune · 5 months
☛ very few ever look to the stars and feel fear. but they should. especially you. ☚ / from aleister !!
unprompted,  always accepting !   @wonderloste  ♡
❛   is there a reason why ?   ❜       starry - eyed  ——  the stars' lights reflect upon caramel hues,  doe eyes wide as the maiden stared upon the glittering night sky.  it's a genuine question,  knowing nothing about this world,  she was eager to learn;  curious to find out,  such an inquisitive nature was almost inherent to kishinami hakuno.  but of course she was,  of course she wanted to know more about the world around her—  she has to,  if she wants to find her place in it  /  even though distantly,  she is well aware that such a thing was ...
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underneath the vast expanse of the sky,  one would often feel so very small.  hakuno didn't quite understand that feeling,  holding no personal sentiments for the stars either,  but she felt like—  she could understand it,  somewhat.  the feeling that everything else was so big,  and the feeling that there was something more.       ❛  are there constellations here too ?   ❜       she finds herself asking,  all of a sudden.       ❛   do you see that one over there ?  the one that looks like horns.   ❜       a slender hand would reach out towards it,  trying to point  —  or at least gesture  —  to the direction of the group of stars she was speaking of.       ❛   they appear a bit similar to your horns,  no ?   perhaps that can be aleister minor ...   ❜   aha.  this joke doesn't seem to be the easiest to grasp,  is it ?
—still,  she hoped that this time they had together wasn't anything bad.   ( and to answer his question truthfully,  it was hard to feel fear when she wasn't alone.  that singular fact alone was something so comforting,  but hakuno wonders if it was truly alright to feel that way ...   she doesn't speak of it. )       ❛   it's fine if you can't see it,  though.   ❜       pulling her knees to her chest,  her head rests languidly  —  a gentle tilt as she'd looked towards the other.
❛   could you tell me what you see ?   ❜
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