#women entrepreneurial network
stphns3311 · 5 months
There's an undeniable allure to turning a side hustle—something you're passionate about—into a full-time endeavor. This transformation can be particularly powerful in the creative industries, where
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henindianetwork · 2 years
Importance of Networking in Business
It’s true, for our success certainly starts with us, but it grows to higher levels as a result of our association and relationships with people. And this is the reason why Networking is so crucial for any business.
Networking is a dynamic tool and in today’s interconnected world, it has become more important than ever to maintain a strong network of business connections for you and your business. Often Networking is confused with selling, but it is actually all about building long-term relationships and a good prestige over time. The benefits of networking are not only constrained to the Business arena but are also extended to the personal realm. It involves meeting and getting to know people who you can assist and who can potentially help you in return. Your network includes everyone from friends and family to peers and mentors and members of groups to which you belong.
Lets’ understand the importance of Networking in detail and how this fuel can accelerate the growth of any business.
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Creates new avenues for business –
Having a strong network not only opens new avenues for businesses but also keeps you updated with the recent trends in the industry. The more you network, the more likely you are to stay up-to-date on the business climate, news, and trends.
Networking allows you to expand your client base and remain relevant in this competitive era of constant change.
Leads to new ideas and perspectives –
Networking means engaging with all kinds of different people who come from all different backgrounds. Each and everyone brings something unique to the table. Connecting with people gives you the right exposure to New ideas, New insights, New opportunities, and some great learning experiences. Gaining advice from experienced peers is also one of the most crucial aspects of Networking, it can open the door to wise counsel and guidance.
Attract and retain customers –
Networking acts as a channel for businesses to tell their story. If you are not explaining your product and services and what you do, then your business might remain stagnant. Here networking serves as the perfect avenue to introduce new products and services, which leads to acquiring new customers and retaining the existing ones. Building relationships through networking is essential, for the customers and clients will feel more confident doing business with someone they know and trust.
Strong support Network –
Networking is about forming trust and helping one another toward goals. The famous percept says-” You can get everything in life you want if you’ll just help enough other people get what they want”. Regularly engaging with people and assisting them in times of need leads to a strong relationship and this relationship which you build with people through networking could lead to great opportunities during your rough times, provide you with resources when you face a challenge, and so much more.
In a LinkedIn survey, more than one-third (35 %) say that a casual conversation on LinkedIn Messaging has led to a new opportunity. Networking can open doors to success even in tough luck.
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Improves visibility of the business –
“It’s not what who you know, it’s about who knows you”. This old adage is absolutely true when it comes to building a successful business. One of the biggest perks of regular networking is creating an impact and enhancing your reputation within your industry. Networking allows you to stand out among the competitors as well. The more people know your business, learn about you and your business, and know what you bring to the table, the greater visibility and prestige your business can gain.
Networking is a virtuous cycle and there is no doubt that it is indispensable. It doesn’t have to take up a lot of time if you approach it with care, and consider what you are doing strategically. So, after knowing the importance of networking in business go ahead and leverage this powerful tool to build a solid foundation of relationships and continue to strengthen them.
Development of women entrepreneurship, our team at Hen India, is providing Professional and High-Growth Support. The aim of Hen India is to strengthen the women entrepreneurship ecosystem, through creation of women friendly networks, and guidance from experienced mentors. In this article we will be providing the ways in which Hen India contributes in strengthening Women entrepreneurship in India
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nayziiz · 1 month
Shadows | LN4
Summary: [Mafia] In the face of dire financial troubles, Lando receives a desperate plea from his father to unearth a lucrative solution within the family business. Fueled by the pressure to rescue his family from ruin, Lando stumbles upon a seemingly perfect venture—using luxury cars as a facade for the clandestine world of drug trafficking. With the unexpected partnership of Amelia Rossi, his father's best friend's daughter, Lando believes he has found the ideal accomplice. However, as the Norris family collides with the ambitious Russells in a ruthless bid to establish their dominance, the perilous path Lando has chosen places not only his newfound enterprise at stake but also entangles Amelia in the dangerous crossfire that unfolds.
Warning: Violence, drugs, blood, smut, fluff, guns
Pairing: Lando Norris x OC (Amelia Rossi) - appearances from other drivers
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Chapter 2
Amelia's father, Harold Rossi, had built his family business with a steadfast commitment to integrity and cleanliness. As the head of the powerful Rossi Enterprise Holdings, he understood the potential profits that could be reaped by engaging in questionable dealings, yet he chose to walk the moral high ground. His priority was his daughter and only child, Amelia, and he went to great lengths to ensure her safety.
Harold Rossi's unwavering commitment to ethical business practices shaped not only the trajectory of his enterprise but also the upbringing of his daughter, Amelia. The rejection of lucrative deals, each one carrying the promise of substantial wealth, left a lingering bitterness in Harold's mouth. Yet, he remained resolute in prioritising the safety and well-being of his only child.
Amelia, in turn, spent countless nights in her teenage years immersed in her father's office. Reading through contracts and listening to recorded business meetings became second nature to her. Every facet of her father's business, every decision made in the pursuit of integrity, became ingrained in her understanding. Harold was moulding her into the future leader of his empire, and she absorbed the knowledge with the diligence of a determined heiress.
Despite her father's faith in her capabilities, scepticism lingered in the eyes of Amelia's mother. A dedicated wife and mother with few personal pursuits, she harboured reservations about Amelia's ability to take the reins of the family business. However, from a tender age, Amelia harboured an unyielding desire for control and power, traits she admired in her father. Her ambition set her on a path to prove her mettle in a world where expectations for women were often limiting.
Upon graduating from university, Harold presented Amelia with a substantial challenge—a small, second-hand car dealership. It was a test, a gesture aimed at allowing her to prove herself in the realm of business. Undeterred, Amelia transformed the modest dealership into a bastion of luxury vehicles, leveraging her business acumen to establish a prominent presence in the London automotive scene.
Everyone who mattered in the city knew Amelia by name, recognizing her as a force to be reckoned with. Her ability to secure coveted vehicles and her extensive network of contacts became legendary. Importantly, she achieved this without seeking her father's assistance, proving that her success at the dealership was a testament to her own entrepreneurial skills.
Lando, in stark contrast to Amelia's focused and specialised approach, had cast his influence across a diverse array of industries. From music to nightclubs, motorsports teams to golf, and electronics to security, Lando's ventures were as eclectic as his charismatic personality. Despite his multifaceted business portfolio, he never forgot the bonds forged during his school years, especially with Amelia.
Upon learning about Amelia's foray into the business world, Lando extended numerous offers to involve her in his ventures. However, Amelia, driven by her determination to prove herself independently, consistently declined his invitations. While she valued his advice and listened to his proposals, she was hesitant to align herself with Lando's expansive empire.
Amelia's reluctance to accept Lando's assistance stemmed from a desire to break free from her father's imposing shadow. The limitations imposed by her familial ties made expanding her business a challenging task. She faced a dilemma – either seek her father's aid, which came with its own set of constraints, or explore alternative means, even if they involved engaging in less-than-savoury deals on the side.
Despite the potential moral complexities, Amelia's decision to embark on a less conventional path was not a compromise of her principles. Rather, it was a testament to her unwavering commitment to proving herself in the fiercely competitive business world. Recognizing her struggle, Lando offered not a handout, but a genuine partnership. Their shared history of navigating rough waters during their school years built a foundation of trust between them.
Lando understood the challenges ahead, aware that Amelia's journey towards expansion would not be without hurdles. However, he believed in her capabilities and resilience. The partnership they forged was built on mutual trust and a shared understanding that success would be hard-earned. Lando's involvement wasn't just about the financial benefits for both parties; it was a commitment to standing by Amelia's side as she ventured into uncharted territories. As Amelia delved into a world beyond her father's confines, she found an ally in Lando who recognized her potential and trusted her instincts.
The pulsating heartbeat of London's nightlife reverberated through the streets as Lando and Amelia emerged from her office in the dealership. Their first shipment to Monte Carlo had been a meticulously planned operation, executed with precision and finesse. The three Ferraris, symbols of luxury and opulence, had been transformed into vessels of secrecy, their interiors carefully packed with the requested cargo. Lando and Amelia had spared no expense in ensuring that every detail was attended to, from the placement of the hidden compartments to the timing of the delivery.
As the cars navigated the labyrinthine streets of Monte Carlo, they moved with the silent grace of phantoms, their sleek exteriors betraying no hint of the valuable cargo concealed within. It was a delicate dance, navigating the bustling city under the cover of darkness, but Lando and Amelia had anticipated every possible obstacle and contingency. Lando’s expertise in the underworld of illicit dealings had served them well, allowing their shipment to evade detection and reach their destination unscathed.
For Lando and Amelia, the success of their first shipment was both a triumph and a relief. It was validation of their skills and capabilities, a testament to their ability to navigate the treacherous waters of the criminal underworld. As they received photos of the Ferraris and their contents safely delivered to their destination, a sense of pride washed over them.
Their destination for celebrations was one of Lando's exclusive clubs nestled in the heart of London's East End. The club, a hidden gem known only to those in the inner circles of London's nightlife, exuded an air of exclusivity and mystery.
As Lando and Amelia made their way through the bustling streets of the East End, the anticipation of the night ahead hung in the air like a palpable energy. The club beckoned to them like a siren's call, its entrance discreetly tucked away from prying eyes, accessible only to those who knew where to look.
Upon arriving at the club, Lando and Amelia were greeted with nods of recognition and whispers of admiration. It was a familiar scene for Lando, who moved through the club with the effortless grace of a seasoned host. Amelia, though less accustomed to the spotlight, found herself drawn into the whirlwind of excitement and energy that surrounded them.
Inside, the club was a symphony of lights and sounds, the air alive with the pulsating rhythm of music and laughter. The atmosphere was electric, charged with the promise of a night filled with revelry and indulgence.
Lando's gaze swept across the crowded dance floor until it settled on Zara, perched gracefully at the bar, a vision of elegance amidst the pulsating lights and swirling colours. She sipped delicately on a pink cocktail, her slender fingers wrapped around the glass with effortless poise. With her long, lithe frame and striking features, she exuded an aura of confidence and allure that was impossible to ignore.
As Lando approached, a smile playing on his lips, Zara turned to greet him with a warmth that matched her beauty. Their exchange was easy and familiar. But as Amelia joined them, her insecurities threatened to overshadow the moment for her.
Standing alongside Zara, the contrast between them was stark. Where Zara was tall and statuesque, Amelia felt small and insignificant. Where Zara exuded an air of effortless glamour, Amelia couldn't help but feel plain and ordinary by comparison.
The unease that had been simmering beneath the surface threatened to boil over as Lando's attention shifted between the two women. Despite her best efforts to maintain her composure, Amelia couldn't shake the nagging sense of inadequacy that gnawed at her from within.
Amelia found herself in an all-too-familiar situation, struggling to connect with Zara as they sat together at the bar. Despite her best efforts, the conversation between them faltered, stumbling over the awkward silences that hung heavy in the air.
It wasn't for lack of trying on Amelia's part. She searched desperately for common ground, grasping at straws in an attempt to bridge the gap between them. But try as she might, she couldn't shake the feeling that she and Zara were worlds apart, their lives and interests diverging in ways that seemed insurmountable.
Zara, with her effortless charm and easy confidence, seemed to effortlessly navigate the social dynamics of the club. She was surrounded by admirers, her laughter ringing out like a melody in the crowded room. In contrast, Amelia felt like an outsider, a solitary figure adrift in a sea of unfamiliar faces.
As the night wore on, the gulf between them widened, each passing moment serving as a painful reminder of their differences. They had nearly nothing in common to speak about, no shared experiences or interests to bond over. Try as she might, Amelia couldn't shake the feeling that she didn't belong in Zara's world, a world of beauty and glamour that felt foreign and inaccessible.
In the midst of the chaos and noise of the club, Amelia couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness. She longed for the easy companionship of her male friends, for the camaraderie and understanding that came so naturally to her in their presence. But with Zara, she felt like an outsider, an intruder in a world that she could never truly be a part of.
As Lando and Zara slipped away to dance together, leaving Amelia alone at the bar, a wave of loneliness washed over her. She watched them disappear into the crowd, their laughter and easy banter a painful reminder of her own insecurities.
Taking a seat at the bar, Amelia felt the weight of her solitude pressing down on her shoulders. She longed for the familiar presence of Charles, one of few people who had always seen her for who she truly was, flaws and all. In his absence, she couldn't help but feel adrift, lost in a sea of uncertainty and doubt.
Closing her eyes, she summoned memories of their time together, the moments of laughter and connection that had anchored her in times of turmoil. Charles had a way of making her feel seen and valued, of reminding her of her own brilliance even when she struggled to see it herself.
As she nursed her drink, Amelia couldn't shake the nagging sense of inadequacy that plagued her. She knew she was capable of so much more than she gave herself credit for, but in that moment, surrounded by the glittering lights and pulsating music of the club, it was easy to lose sight of her own worth.
With a heavy sigh, Amelia wished that Charles was there beside her, his presence a comforting anchor in the storm of her emotions. She longed for his reassuring words and gentle touch, the reminder that she was enough just as she was.
But as the night wore on and the music swelled around her, Amelia knew that she would have to find the strength to face her insecurities on her own. She couldn't rely on Charles or anyone else to validate her worth; she had to find it within herself.
As Lando returned to find Amelia at the bar, a sense of relief washed over him. The weight of their successful shipment lifted from his shoulders, replaced by a buoyant euphoria that seemed to permeate the very air around them. The liberating effects of alcohol only served to enhance the surreal glow of the night in Monaco. Leaning against the bar beside Amelia, Lando raised his half-empty glass of champagne in a toast.
“To successful partnerships.” he declared, the words carrying a weight of gratitude and accomplishment.
Amelia smiled, her eyes sparkling with pride. She clinked her glass against Lando's, the sound echoing through the bustling atmosphere of the bar.
“And to keeping secrets.” he added with a sly grin.
Dazed and enveloped in the euphoria of their success, Lando leaned in and pressed a reassuring kiss against Amelia's cheek, a silent acknowledgment of their shared triumph. For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as they savoured the warmth of the moment, the weight of their unspoken bond hanging in the air between them.
But as quickly as it had come, the moment passed, and Lando disappeared once more into the swirling crowd of revellers. Amelia watched him go, a sense of exhaustion washing over her like a tidal wave. The day's tension had taken its toll, leaving her feeling drained and in need of solitude.
Without a word, Amelia slipped quietly out of the club, her footsteps echoing against the pavement as she made her way into the cool night air. She didn't look back, her mind consumed with thoughts of rest and respite.
As she disappeared into the darkness, leaving Lando and Zara to continue their own celebrations, Amelia couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that lingered in her heart. It wasn't jealousy or resentment that plagued her, but a sense of loneliness that seemed to settle over her like a heavy cloak.
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luxuryandbrown · 2 years
Amal Clooney
the perfect embodiment of feminine & masculine energy.
Feminine in her mannerisms and how she presents herself but rightfully masculine in her career, Amal Clooney is a beautiful representation of what it means to balance your feminine and masculine energy.
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who is she?
Amal Clooney, now 44 years old, is an international lawyer, human rights activist, mother, and wife to the famous George Clooney. When she’s not representing powerful clients before international courts, she is advising political governments and individuals on legal issues. She is a brilliant woman known for her high profile cases, accomplishments, husband, and fashion. She is described as “a brilliant legal mind” and “knows her brief inside out”. Her accolades make her the ideal role model and inspiration for young women.
her background
Amal is a Lebanese-British lawyer and activist specializing in international law and human rights. She was raised in England by her educated father and entrepreneurial mother. Following high school, she studied at Oxford University and graduated with her bachelor’s before attending New York University of Law where she got her Master of Law degree. 
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influenced by strong women
Amal is a product of her environment. As mentioned, she was raised by an entrepreneurial mother. Her mother, Baria Alamuddin, is an award winning journalist. Baria has interviewed some of the most notable and prominent figures in the world. Amal’s mother and grandmother both are strong supporters of women empowerment and education which you can see in Amal’s philanthropic work. Another example of being influenced by strong women is when she worked in the office of Sonia Sotomayor, the first woman of color and Latina to serve on the supreme court. She even had the pleasure of working with the judge for the United States Court of Appeals and a NYU Law faculty member. It’s obvious that Amal was fortunate enough to have examples of strong and powerful women not only in her home but in the workplace.
I admire Amal for her intelligence, wit, and ability to keep most of her personal life private. Not much is said about her private life, but colleagues have mentioned that Amal has a ‘commanding presence”. This is obvious when watching her interviews — her energy fills the room. She never overshares or says more than necessary, but when she does speak it’s worth listening to. As you probably guessed, she is an intelligent woman. Fluent in English, French and Arabic. Her cleverness and well articulated speeches immediately captivates those around her.
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love life
One person who was captivated by her mind is her husband George Clooney. In the world of law, she was already a celebrity but became one in the literal sense when she became involved with the well known bachelor, George Clooney. George had a long history of dating gorgeous, famous women but never settled down. He even publicly said he would never get married... this was until he met Amal in July of 2013, in Lake Como Italy.
Similar to Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, the two met through a mutual friend. This is why your connections, network, and personal brand matters — those can open more doors for you than a dating app can. While most women would fall at the feet of George, Amal didn’t. In fact, he chased her for months before they became serious. He claims he fell for her because of intelligence and personality, but I assume the chase also had a huge impact. Amal is highly intelligent and understands seduction. She knows if she were like every other woman, she would get treated like every other woman. Instead, she stayed committed to her career and mission while making time for him when she could.
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In 2014, the two love birds became engaged only after a year of dating. The Clooney’s were married in Sept of 2014 by no other than the former mayor of Rome. Their beautiful multi-million dollar wedding was in Venice, Italy and was one to remember. After they said “I do”, the couple moved to a multimillion-dollar estate built on a small island in London before having their twins in 2017. Together the couple committed to philanthropic work for women’s and human’s rights. It’s rumored that they’ve donated over $22M to a variety of charities. In 2016, her and George Clooney founded Clooney Foundation for Justice. She has partnered with several other charities, such as Aurora Humanitarian Initiative, and has her own scholarship program to send young girls to college.
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awards & achievements
I would love to end this off not talking about Amal’s love life but the amazing things she’s accomplished. Her list of her achievements and awards are way too long to cover so I’ll mention the few I thought were most notable. Amal was awarded the most fascinating person in 2014, the World Economic Forum’s 2016 Young Global Leader, and Time magazine’s Woman of the Year in 2022. Her fight for human rights has made her a noble activist, leader, and role model. She uses her celebrity status to shed light on political issues that may have otherwise been thrown under the rug.
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Amal has shown us that you can be a feminine family woman while being successful at your career. Her brilliant mind has captivated the red carpet, magazines, and one of Hollywood’s best actors. Amal is an inspiring mother, wife, and activists. Her poise, style, and grace are just a few elements to her feminine charm. Her healthy balance of masculine energy is portrayed in her ability to relentlessly peruse her career, fight for meaningful causes, and excel in a highly competitive field.
X, @luxuryandbrown | You might like: Meghan Markle: Femininity Breakdown
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lullabyes22-blog · 8 months
Snippet - Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO - The Council
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Silco meets the Council. And ponders his history.
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
Hatred rises like a toxic effervescence in Silco’s veins.
(These Pilties, eh, Vander?)
(These fucking Pilties.)
In a city whose lifeblood is old money, they are the crème de la crème: an elite group steeped in Piltover's rich heritage of trade and commerce. A century ago, the city was a drowsy backwater, a middling port of fishing settlements and warehouses. The Council's forefathers were Shuriman midshipmen, Ionian merchants, Noxian brigands and Demacian bureaucrats. Men and women who made their fortunes through sheer tenacity and hard graft.
Then came the boom.
Beneath the settlement lay caverns with rich deposits of minerals. Soon, smelters dotted the waterfront, and shipyards sprang up along the bay. Steel became gold. Iron turned to platinum. The age of industry dawned: Piltover blossomed into a manufacturing metropolis.
Then came the Void Wars. In a trice, the city's population doubled. Zhyunian refugees fled by boat; Noxian merchants came by steamships; Demacian scholars boarded trains and Freljordians rode in on zeppelins. Language diversified; the city grew cosmopolitan.
In the coming decades, successive waves of migrants were swept onto Piltover's shores: from noble families seeking to expand their power across Valoran to small-town traders laden with cheap luggage and big dreams. By the century's end, they'd propelled Piltover into a global megacity of palatial mansions, art deco skyscrapers and pristine streets hosed clean every morning before the business hubs threw open their gilded gates to the bon ton.
The population boom meant more houses to build, more food to eat, more clothes to wear. All of which required labor, capital investment, and raw materials.
All of which came from the Fissures.
In theory, the Undercity should have prospered hand-in-hand with Piltover. Yet little of the riches from the Fissures’ recesses was ever relished by the Fissurefolk themselves. They were cut from a different cloth from their over-the-Pilt brethren. Their ancestors were miners and craftsmen, not shipmasters and merchants. Their culture was a clotted stew of customs and dialects; most didn't even speak Piltovan. They weren't born in the city itself but in its shadow, living in close-knit riverside settlements and twilit caverns.
Physically, they resembled deepwater piranhas compared to their sun-kissed kin—narrow bones, wan skins and sharp teeth. Culturally, they were foreigners. And socially, they were inferiors.
Their economy was a rich relic of the Oshra Va'Zaun empire. Their gemcraft and metalworking industries were well-established. Their artisans were peerless and prolific. Their alchemical scholars were the backbone of innovation. They had a robust labor force, a thriving entrepreneurial class, and a history of keen ingenuity.
Their forbearers traded along a flourishing network of maritime ports and river routes. They bartered with Bilgewater; bankrolled the gold mines in Shurima; forged trade deals with Ionia. They even had stakes in the black markets of the Shadow Isles and the mercenary guilds of Noxus.
They did business with every corner of Runeterra. And they did so proudly.
A century's time would turn the glad tidings into bitter tides.
During the first wave, the Undercity's wealth was a windfall for Topside. The demand for labor and resource was insatiable. But the Undercity's resources were finite. When Piltover's population ballooned after the Void Wars, the Fissurefolk were forced to compete. Lacking the natural advantage of fertile terrain and plentiful sunlight, they had no choice but to cut corners. In a trice, the factories and mines teemed with orphans and the elderly, each one paid starvation wages and offered none of the protections aboveground. By the century's end, the Undercity was squeezed dry, a sweatshop with a single employer.
As the upper-city's wealth quadrupled, mercantile clans rose up, each vying for control over the mineral deposits in the Fissures. These overlords were no friends of the poor. Their purview was profit, and profit meant one thing above all else:
Their first order of business was stymieing the Undercity's trade routes and keeping its resources under lock and key. The collapse of the old Sun Gates and the flooding of the Undercity’s ports gave them the perfect pretext. The borders were sealed off in the guise of a safety net. The only routes were now through Piltover's Bridge, and each shipment was heavily taxed.
In time, the Undercity’s local markets choked. A slow strangulation of wealth reduced former artisans and alchemists to scavengers. Tariffs trapped them in a perpetual cycle of debt and debasement. Once-proud traders stooped to selling their own daughters for coin. Others tipped over into outright smuggling.
Then Piltover launched its second phase: a systematic strangulation of the Undercity's voice.
Fissurefolk were barred from owning or leasing property aboveground. Their children were denied access to Topside schools. Their customs were deemed barbaric. Their traditions were branded as backward. Their dialect was derided as guttural filth. They were derogatorily referred to as Sumprakers—as if their entire existence was an aberration.
By the century's end, Piltover had transformed from a trading partner into a hegemony. The Fissurefolk were no longer perceived as citizens, but as the Other.
An enemy within.
Soon, Topside began consolidating power by buying up land around the Fissures. Displacing the poor and demolishing their homes, they drove them deeper and deeper belowground, while putting the leftovers to use. Historic districts were privatized. Temples were razed. Marketplaces were shut down. The Undercity was reduced to a febrile womb of raw material, ready to be ravaged.
And ravaged it was.
When the first mining rig was installed, the Fissurefolk rioted. The unrest was put down. More mines followed, and more violence. It wasn't until the Enforcers were established as a body of justice that the tide turned in Topside's favor. These overseers were a law unto themselves, their ranks composed of mercenaries and miscreants. Their uniforms were black; their hearts were blacker. Their methods were a brutal amalgam of medieval torture and modern bureaucracy.
Under the banner of peace, the Enforcers were tasked with quashing dissent belowground.
They did so—brutally.
Piltover's third phase was total dominion.
The first mercantile houses had grown rich off the Undercity's spoils. But the new generation hungered for something more: absolute rule. They were no strangers to political maneuvering. Their forefathers had been shrewd tacticians: men and women who'd honed their wits through war, diplomacy and backroom deals.
They knew how to twist the knife, and keep their own hands clean.
Before long, they'd allied with Piltover’s industrial magnates and the monied elite. Together, they formed a cabal of oligarchs, each as ruthless as they were influential. Thus, the Council was born: a body of seven self-appointed sovereigns charged with regulating trade, enforcing laws and levying taxes.
They saw the Fissurefolk as a means to their own end. Disregarding their petitions for better sanitation, downplaying the contributions of their labor, and turning a blind eye to the rampant pollution, they proceeded to carve the Undercity's soul from its body.
When the Fissurefolk protested, the Council responded with Enforcer raids.
And bloodbaths.
By century's end, the Council had built a wall of bureaucracy between themselves and the Fissurefolk—most of whom were treated with neo-colonial contempt. Meanwhile, their wealth continued to reach dizzying heights, with every merchant ship that sailed through the port's grand arches and every sculpture patronized by celebrated virtuosos in their mansions.
The Hex-Gates only quadrupled their fortunes. With every invention by Talis, investors flocked and the Council’s influence grew. The wealth they had hoarded was now limitless. They could build a brand-new city, if they so desired. But why should they, when the Trenchers had already done the hard work for them?
Today's Council—Hoskel, Salo, Bolbok, Shoola, Medarda, Kiramman—are Piltover's pivotal political force, decreeing laws with a gesture from their grand parlors. They're the ones who decide whether jobs are created or lost, how many schools are funded, what taxes are levied.
They make decisions that affect every citizen in the city—every bloody day.
They are also corruption incarnate. Yearly, they’ve swallowed over one-third of the allocated Undercity budget, without accounting for a single cog. Between them, they preside over an empire of private business interests in everything from real estate to racehorses, stowing away their wealth in Demacian bank accounts, Noxian jewelry splurges and private islands dotting the annexed Ionian shores.
To them, Silco's coal-mining origins are as offensive as a rat turd in their caviar. Among Topside's upper-crust, he's a social climber, a rabble-rouser, and a scabrous opportunist. He wasn't born into privilege: he made his wealth through the cutthroat crudeness of industry.
More offensive still, he keeps a singlehanded stranglehold on his fortune, no different from a smuggler stowing all his coins in his codpiece. He never invests in stocks or allows Piltovans to buy shares in his enterprises. Like his factories, everything he owns belowground—publishing houses, restaurant chains, repair garages, gyms, nightclubs, salons—employs Fissure-bred workers, and is rumored to be a front for funding anarchism.
As if that weren't bad enough, he has no inhibitions in debating money or politics in their glittering ballrooms. Worse, he mocks them for entertainment—all while displaying impeccable manners.
Case in point—
With grave courtesy, Silco bows his head, "Councilors."
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aswanivoizzit · 1 year
Aswani Nambarambath , who serves as Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Dubai-based TPConnects Technologies, a new generation travel technology company, has recently been granted UAE’s prestigious 10-year Golden Visa, given to prominent global personalities.
Nambarambath, a tech-enthusiast, has been a driving force in creating new technology capabilities in the hospitality and aviation distribution. She is also a start-up visionary and the driving force behind several start up initiatives in India. She is also a representative for women of the Indian diaspora, working tirelessly towards empowering them with social, economical and entrepreneurial benefits.
In her most passionate role as founding President National Council of Kerala Pravasi Association, an independent non-profit, national political party led by expatriates, she continues to work towards the realization of a self-sufficient and self-reliant New Kerala through expatriates. She also member of the startup evaluation committee – MAN (Malabar Angel Network), Kerala’s first native angel network to create and nurture local startups and offers a local, early-stage funding ecosystem, lending her expertise at pitch sessions and investor advocacy programs.
Nambarambath says, “I am honored and humbled to be receiving the Golden Visa. Since I moved to the UAE, I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded by mentors and colleagues who have provided me with much support and encouragement, which has made way for this recognition today.”
“I would also like to thank the Government of Dubai for their encouragement and support to make this happen. Dubai has always been known as  the land of many opportunities and I look forward to contributing my expertise and experience to the growth of this wonderful city, that I now call home” .
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Empowering Excellence: Business Women Australia Unites Professional Women Across the Nation
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Elevate your entrepreneurial journey with Women's Business Events, where Australian Female Entrepreneurs converge for inspiration and growth. Our platform goes beyond networking, providing invaluable Business Resources for Women to navigate challenges and seize opportunities.
Read More : Business Women Australia
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khemchaneduard · 3 days
Accessibility and Inclusivity with Eduard Khemchan: The Promise of Peer-to-Peer Crowdfunding
In recent years, the landscape of fundraising has witnessed a remarkable transformation with the advent of peer-to-peer (P2P) crowdfunding platforms. These platforms harness the power of technology to facilitate direct interactions between individuals, enabling them to raise funds for a wide range of projects, causes, and initiatives. In this blog, we delve into the promise of peer-to-peer crowdfunding with the help of professionals such as Eduard Khemchan in enhancing accessibility and inclusivity in the fundraising process. From bypassing traditional gatekeepers to empowering marginalized communities, P2P crowdfunding holds the potential to democratize access to capital and drive positive social change.
Eduard Khemchan
Democratizing Access to Capital
Peer-to-peer crowdfunding democratizes access to capital by eliminating barriers to entry and providing a level playing field for individuals from diverse backgrounds. Unlike traditional fundraising methods, which often rely on institutional investors or established networks, P2P crowdfunding enables anyone with a compelling idea or project to connect directly with potential backers and solicit support. Whether it's a small business seeking seed funding, an artist looking to finance a creative endeavor, or a community organization aiming to address pressing social issues, P2P crowdfunding platforms empower individuals to take control of their fundraising efforts and access capital on their own terms.
Moreover, P2P crowdfunding platforms offer greater flexibility and autonomy compared to traditional financing channels. Creators have the freedom to set their own fundraising goals, timelines, and incentives, without being constrained by rigid investment structures or external intermediaries. This flexibility enables creators to experiment, iterate, and innovate, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and creativity. By democratizing access to capital as highlighted by professionals such as Eduard Khemchan, P2P crowdfunding not only enables individuals to pursue their passions and bring their ideas to life but also drives economic growth and innovation in communities around the world.
Empowering Marginalized Communities
Peer-to-peer crowdfunding has the potential to empower marginalized communities and amplify their voices in the fundraising landscape. Traditionally, marginalized groups such as women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ individuals have faced systemic barriers to accessing capital, limiting their ability to pursue entrepreneurial ventures or address pressing social issues. P2P crowdfunding platforms provide a platform for these communities to bypass traditional gatekeepers and connect directly with supporters who share their values and vision. Whether it's funding for minority-owned businesses, initiatives promoting social justice and equity, or projects addressing environmental sustainability, P2P crowdfunding enables marginalized communities to mobilize resources and drive meaningful change.
Moreover, P2P crowdfunding platforms often incorporate features that promote inclusivity and diversity, such as community-driven governance models and anti-discrimination policies. By fostering a culture of inclusion and belonging as highlighted by professionals such as Eduard Khemchan, these platforms create a welcoming environment where individuals from all backgrounds feel empowered to participate and contribute. Additionally, P2P crowdfunding enables supporters to directly support causes and initiatives that align with their values and beliefs, fostering a sense of solidarity and collective action. Through peer-to-peer crowdfunding, marginalized communities can leverage the power of technology to amplify their voices, challenge systemic inequalities, and create a more equitable and inclusive society.
Leveraging Technology for Social Impact
Technology plays a pivotal role in driving social impact through peer-to-peer crowdfunding, enabling individuals and organizations to leverage digital tools and platforms to address pressing social challenges. P2P crowdfunding platforms utilize cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain, smart contracts, and digital wallets to facilitate secure and transparent transactions, ensuring that funds are allocated efficiently and ethically. Moreover, these platforms leverage data analytics and machine learning algorithms to optimize campaign performance, identify trends, and target potential backers effectively. By harnessing the power of technology, P2P crowdfunding enables individuals and organizations to amplify their impact and reach a wider audience with their fundraising efforts.
Furthermore, P2P crowdfunding platforms serve as hubs for collaboration and knowledge sharing, enabling individuals and organizations to connect, collaborate, and learn from each other. Whether it's sharing best practices, providing mentorship and support, or forming strategic partnerships, these platforms facilitate meaningful interactions and collaborations that drive collective action and social change. Additionally, P2P crowdfunding enables individuals to engage in philanthropy and support causes they care about, regardless of their financial means. By democratizing access to philanthropy and enabling micro-donations as highlighted by professionals such as Eduard Khemchan, P2P crowdfunding empowers individuals to make a difference in their communities and contribute to positive social change on a global scale.
Enhancing Transparency and Accountability
Transparency and accountability are fundamental principles of peer-to-peer crowdfunding, ensuring that backers can trust the projects they support and hold creators accountable for their actions. P2P crowdfunding platforms leverage blockchain technology to provide immutable records of transactions, enabling backers to track the flow of funds and verify the legitimacy of project updates and milestones. Moreover, smart contracts enable automated escrow mechanisms, ensuring that funds are released only upon the fulfillment of predefined conditions, thereby mitigating the risk of fraud and mismanagement.
Furthermore, P2P crowdfunding platforms often incorporate community-driven governance models, where backers have a say in decision-making processes and project management. Through decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and token-based voting mechanisms, backers can participate in governance proposals, vote on strategic initiatives, and hold project creators accountable for their actions. This decentralized governance structure not only enhances transparency but also fosters a sense of collective ownership and responsibility within the community. Backers are no longer passive donors but active participants in the projects they support, contributing to a culture of accountability and collaboration that drives long-term success and sustainability.
Overcoming Geographic Barriers
One of the key advantages of peer-to-peer crowdfunding is its ability to overcome geographic barriers and connect individuals from around the world. Traditional fundraising methods often prioritize projects based on their proximity to financial centers or established networks, leaving aspiring entrepreneurs and social innovators in underserved regions at a disadvantage. P2P crowdfunding platforms transcend geographical boundaries, enabling creators to access a global pool of potential backers and supporters. Whether it's a rural farmer in Africa seeking funds to invest in sustainable agriculture or a student in Southeast Asia crowdfunding tuition fees for higher education, P2P crowdfunding empowers individuals from all corners of the globe to access funding and pursue their aspirations.
Moreover, P2P crowdfunding platforms facilitate cross-border transactions with ease, leveraging blockchain technology to eliminate the friction and costs associated with traditional payment systems. Backers can support projects using cryptocurrencies or digital tokens, bypassing the limitations of fiat currencies and international banking regulations. This seamless integration of global payment networks not only expands the reach of crowdfunding campaigns but also fosters financial inclusion by providing access to capital for underserved communities. Peer-to-peer crowdfunding transcends borders, languages, and currencies, creating a truly borderless ecosystem where creativity and innovation know no bounds.
Navigating Regulatory Challenges
While peer-to-peer crowdfunding offers numerous benefits, it also presents unique regulatory challenges and considerations that creators and backers must navigate. The decentralized nature of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies has raised questions regarding compliance with existing securities regulations, anti-money laundering (AML) laws, and know-your-customer (KYC) requirements. Creators must tread carefully to ensure that their crowdfunding campaigns comply with relevant regulations and avoid potential legal pitfalls. This may involve consulting legal experts, conducting thorough due diligence, and implementing robust compliance measures to mitigate regulatory risks.
Moreover, regulatory uncertainty and evolving frameworks pose challenges for backers seeking to participate in peer-to-peer crowdfunding campaigns. Concerns regarding investor protection, financial stability, and market integrity may deter some backers from engaging with crowdfunding projects, particularly those involving novel or experimental technologies. Creators and backers must work together to address these concerns and advocate for clear and equitable regulatory frameworks that foster innovation while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders. By engaging in constructive dialogue with regulators and industry stakeholders, the peer-to-peer crowdfunding community can help shape the regulatory landscape in a manner that promotes transparency, accountability, and investor confidence.
Peer-to-peer crowdfunding holds immense promise in enhancing accessibility and inclusivity in the fundraising process, enabling individuals from diverse backgrounds to access capital, mobilize resources, and drive positive social change. By democratizing access to capital, empowering marginalized communities, leveraging technology for social impact, enhancing transparency and accountability, overcoming geographic barriers, and navigating regulatory challenges as highlighted by professionals such as Eduard Khemchan, P2P crowdfunding creates new opportunities for innovation and collaboration on a global scale. As we embrace the promise of peer-to-peer crowdfunding, let us harness its transformative power to build a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable future for all.
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sistamagza · 9 days
Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Enter the Santam Women of the Future Awards
New Post has been published on https://sistamagazine.co.za/empowering-women-entrepreneurs-enter-the-santam-women-of-the-future-awards/
Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Enter the Santam Women of the Future Awards
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The 10th annual Santam Women of the Future Awards in association with FAIRLADY and TRUELOVE offers the perfect platform to showcase your business. We’re inviting you either to enter yourself or to nominate an outstanding woman entrepreneur you know.
Over the past decade, the Santam Women of the Future Awards has showcased the success, innovation and resilience of South African women who have dared to dream big. In celebration of a remarkable 10 years, we aim to be even more impactful as we continue to celebrate the brilliance of women in business. So, whether you recently started a new business, or you’ve been running your own enterprise for a while, we want to hear from you! We believe women who run their own businesses can change the economy – and the future – of our country. 
Winning one of the three Santam Women of the Future Awards is a game-changer: the winners will benefit from cash prize money; mentorship from the judge of their choice; luxury products from Lancôme, our beauty partner; and many other fabulous prizes. On top of that, the winning business owners will get an enormous publicity boost from FAIRLADY and TRUELOVE. 
Santam understands that the first 1 001 days of running a business are the hardest. If you’re still in business by day 1 001, they believe you’re in it for the long haul. Santam’s on-going committment to supporting women in business has given them real insight into the potential pitfalls of any entrepreneurial journey. For all the ways that Santam can help, visit santam.co.za 
Let the expertise of Santam, and the networking contacts and publicity of FAIRLADY and TRUELOVE take you and your business to greater heights. 
Entries close 3 June 2024. No late entries will be accepted.
Santam is an authorised financial services provider (FSP 3416), a licensed non-life insurer and controlling company for its group companies.
There are 3 categories:
The Santam Woman of the Future Title Is awarded to an entrepreneur whose business is older than 1 000 days and who is well on her way to establishing an extensive enterprise. 
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The Santam Rising Star Title Is awarded to an entrepreneur between 16 and 35 years old who is still within her first 1 000 days but whose business, our judges believe, will flourish way beyond them. 
The Santam Social Entrepreneur Title Is awarded to an NPO/social enterprise or entrepreneur who is making a real difference in her community. Her business/NPO/social enterprise has survived the first 1 000 days. 
The prizes awarded to the winners
R125 000 in cash to the Woman of the Future from Santam
R75 000 in cash each to the Rising Star and the Social Entrepreneur from Santam 
A luxurious beauty hamper from beauty partner Lancôme, worth R10 000 
A full-page advertisement in FAIRLADY or TRUELOVE to promote your business, social enterprise or NPO 
An invaluable mentorship session with one of our judges 
Business printing worth R5 000 from Lithotech 
A STACKD spinner and Weekender cosmetic case worth R6 498 from Samsonite 
An online masterclass from the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) worth R4 000 
Spa vouchers from Camelot Spa worth R5 000 
A hamper from The IV Bar, including a Jetfuel drip worth R7 330 
A Seiko ladies’ dress watch worth R7 000 
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thatswhatshedoes · 5 years
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The entrepreneurial force behind Nasty Gal and Girlboss is launching a new LinkedIn-style platform for women
Sophia Amoruso created Girlboss, LinkedIn for women, to help other female entrepreneurs forge their own careers.The networking platform focuses on sharing personality alongside professional accomplishments.
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davismartin01 · 11 days
Empowering Excellence: Business Women Australia Unites Professional Women Across the Nation
Elevate your entrepreneurial journey with Women's Business Events, where Australian Female Entrepreneurs converge for inspiration and growth. Our platform goes beyond networking, providing invaluable Business Resources for Women to navigate challenges and seize opportunities.
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henindianetwork · 2 years
5 Benefits of Community for Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship is a practice. Entrepreneurship begins with action, creation of the new organization. Being an entrepreneur is not just starting a business, it is about having an attitude and the drive to succeed in business. But in today’s ever-increasing competition and challenges, only having the qualities of a successful entrepreneur or being determined is not sufficient.
Innovation and having the right plan may be an advantage, but working on it constantly needs a perfect environment and with constantly changing needs, one can fall behind in the race without even realizing it. It’s commonly told that who you spend the most time with is who you eventually become. To reach new heights of success, we must surround ourselves with people who not only inspire us but challenge us. It isn’t always easy, but it’s widely known that one of the best ways to improve on a skill is to practice it with someone who’s better than you.
One of the most important tools for entrepreneurs to be there in the race and eventually win it is being part of a Community. Being part of a community is beneficial in so many ways. Community is not only a place of opportunities or inspirations but also is fuel to growth and experience. HEN India believes in the same and provides its members with the same environment contributing to their success tremendously.
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Here are 5 major benefits of Community for Entrepreneurs:
1. Learning New Business Skills:
One of the most important benefits of being part of any community is the opportunity to learn. Interacting with other entrepreneurs can brush up your business as well as your communication skills. It’s essential to stay updated with the recent trends in your industry and a Community can help you in achieving the same.  By being a part of the community you get to learn from others’ experiences as well which may aid you in avoiding the same mistakes in your entrepreneurial journey. Feedbacks from other entrepreneurs in your community can be a lifesaver sometimes. A strong community allows its members to help each other out and scale up together along the way.
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2. Networking:
Networking is a dynamic tool and in today’s interconnected world, it has become more important than ever to maintain a strong network of business connections for you and your business. A vibrant community can open doors for you to a strong network of people. You get the chance of meeting and make connections with everyone from budding entrepreneurs to established experienced entrepreneurs. This network can open new avenues for your business and in the long run, will certainly lead to growth and success.
3. More Business:
Professional communities give you access to an entire group of people that potentially need the product or service you offer. A community can also act as a channel for businesses to tell their story, eventually attracting and retaining more customers. Here, being part of the community may lead to more leads and sales.
4. Support group:
Entrepreneurship may get lonely at times. Having a tribe to rely on in entrepreneurship is essential. A community of like-minded entrepreneurs can provide the right motivation and a support group of people who are dealing with or have had the same experiences. Communicating regularly on business topics, trending news and sharing experiences builds a healthy environment for entrepreneurs to move forward in their journey.
5. New Ideas and Opportunities: or collaborate
Being part of a Community allows you to brainstorm together, share information, and join forces to meet your shared goals. Discussing ideas, analyzing them with a group of like-minded individuals, receiving feedback from others can refine your plans as well as your business models. Community gives you the leverage to consult with professionals and ask them to review your ideas. This helps you to take huge strides in your efforts to improve and scale up your business.
“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much” – Hellen Keller
Being part of a community of entrepreneurs comes with many benefits but apart from these benefits, a community can build you as an individual who is prepared to scale up both on the professional and personal realms.
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creative-pens · 12 days
Namrata Goyal: A Visionary Leader in Aviation, Film, and Philanthropy
Born on September 4, 1990, in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, Namrata Goyal is celebrated as the daughter of Indian business magnate Naresh Goyal, renowned as the owner of Jet Airways, one of India’s premier private airlines. Naresh Goyal, a prominent figure in Indian business circles, founded Jet Airways in 1993 with initial support from Tail Winds Incorporated, Isle of Man, thus initiating a remarkable journey in aviation history. His entrepreneurial prowess led to Jet Airways’ successful IPO in 2005, catapulting him to the ranks of India’s wealthiest individuals, as noted by Forbes magazine.
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Namrata Goyal, born to Naresh Goyal and Anita Goyal, and sister to Nivaan Goyal, has left an indelible mark in her own right. Educated at ESADE Business School, she emerged as a beacon of innovation and leadership in the aviation industry, echoing her father’s legacy while charting her unique course. Holding the esteemed position of Executive Vice President for Revenue Management and Network Planning at Jet Airways, Namrata’s influence extends far beyond the airline’s confines.
In her role, Namrata orchestrates strategic and operational facets, navigating the complex waters of network development, pricing strategies, and revenue optimization. Her adept leadership has propelled Jet Airways to expand its domestic and international footprint, enhancing profitability and overall performance.
Beyond aviation, Namrata is a versatile individual, equally at home in the realms of film production and social activism. As co-founder and director of Moxie Entertainment, a film production company, she champions the creation of meaningful and impactful content, with projects like Masaan, Zubaan, Rukh, and Manto garnering critical acclaim and awards.
Namrata’s commitment to social causes is equally commendable. As co-founder and trustee of the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne, she showcases Indian cinema and culture globally. Additionally, she serves as co-founder and president of the Mijwan Welfare Society, an NGO focusing on rural community development and empowerment in Uttar Pradesh.
Namrata actively supports causes like the Aseem Foundation for acid attack victims and organizations like UNICEF, Smile Foundation, and Save the Children, embodying compassion and activism in equal measure.
Recognized for her achievements, Namrata features in prestigious lists like Forbes India 30 Under 30 and Fortune India 40 Under 40. She has been honored with the Nari Shakti Puraskar, the highest civilian award for women in India, and the Women Achievers Award from the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce.
Her philanthropic spirit and leadership inspire young women and aspiring entrepreneurs, shaping a brighter future for India and beyond. Namrata Goyal, with her vision, creativity, and compassion, leaves an enduring legacy in aviation, film, and humanitarian endeavors, touching lives and hearts around the world.
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love-menzone · 13 days
Shaping Your Dreams: A Guide to Barber Academies and Hair Styling Academies
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Ever dreamt of wielding scissors and combs to create stunning transformations? Perhaps the artistry of hair styling or the precision of barbering ignites a spark within you. A career in hair care offers a unique blend of creativity and fulfillment. But with so many options, where do you begin? This guide will equip you to navigate the exciting worlds of "barber academies" and "hair styling academies," helping you find the perfect program to launch your dream journey.
Unveiling Your Path: Barbers vs. Hair Stylists:
While both barbers and hair stylists are hair care professionals, their areas of expertise differ.
Barber academies focus on training you in the art of men's hairdressing. You'll master skills like:
Classic and modern men's cutting techniques using clippers and scissors.
Shaving and beard trimming with expertise in straight razors.
Fades, tapers, and other barber-specific cutting styles.
Hair styling academies, on the other hand, provide a comprehensive curriculum encompassing all aspects of hair care. You'll learn:
Cutting and styling all hair types for men and women.
Coloring techniques including highlights, lowlights, and balayage.
Performing perms and hair straightening treatments.
Adding hair extensions and creating intricate updos.
Finding Your Perfect Fit: Key Considerations for Choosing a Program:
Choosing the ideal academy hinges on aligning your program with your aspirations. Here are some key factors to consider:
Curriculum and Focus: Identify your desired career path. Do you envision the bustling environment of a barbershop or the diverse clientele of a salon? Choose an academy with a curriculum that aligns with your goals.
Program Length and Intensity: Program lengths vary depending on the depth and intensity of training offered. Consider your schedule and desired skill level when making your choice.
Hands-on Training: Practical experience is crucial for success. Prioritize programs with a strong emphasis on hands-on training, allowing you to hone your skills under the guidance of experienced instructors.
Licensing Requirements: Both hairdressing and barbering require state licensure. Ensure your chosen academy meets the specific licensing requirements for your desired profession and location.
Financial Aid Options: Explore opportunities for financial aid, such as scholarships or grants, to help manage the cost of your education.
A World of Opportunities Beckons: Thriving Career Paths:
A career in hair care offers a vibrant tapestry of opportunities for growth and creative exploration. Here's a glimpse into some exciting avenues you can pursue:
Salon Stylist: Become the client's confidante, specializing in creating trendy cuts, vibrant colors, and captivating styles in a dynamic salon environment.
Barber Shop Owner: Take the entrepreneurial leap by opening your own barbershop, building a loyal clientele, and delivering personalized high-quality services.
Platform Artist: Showcase your talent on a grander stage, working on intricate styles for fashion shows, competitions, or even on film sets.
Educator: Share your knowledge and passion by becoming a hair styling academy instructor, inspiring the next generation of hair professionals.
Matching Your Passion with the Perfect Program: Tools for Your Search:
Now that you're armed with valuable information, it's time to find the program that ignites your passion. Here are some resources to facilitate your search:
Online Directories: Websites like [barber schools near me] or [hair stylist schools near me] can connect you with accredited programs in your area.
Industry Associations: Professional organizations like the National Barbers Association (NBA) and the American Association of Cosmetology Schools (AACS) provide valuable resources and program listings.
Local Salons and Barbershops: Network with established professionals in your area. They may offer insights and recommendations for training programs based on their experiences.
Remember, success thrives in the environment of dedication and passion for hair artistry. Use this guide as your stepping stone on the path to becoming a sought-after barber or hair stylist. With the right training and a dash of creativity, you'll be well on your way to shaping successful careers and dreams, one haircut or style at a time.
For more information about barber school near me, Hairdressers academy, barber academy, Hair Styling academy, barber academy, please visit the - Menzone Academy.
Reference taken from here.
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smbmatters · 18 days
Breaking Barriers: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Business
Empowering women entrepreneurs in business is not just a moral imperative; it's also a strategic one. When women are empowered to start and grow their own businesses, they not only contribute to economic growth and job creation but also bring a unique perspective and innovative ideas to the table. In this article, we'll explore the importance of breaking barriers and empowering women entrepreneurs in business.
The Importance of Gender Diversity in Entrepreneurship
Gender diversity in entrepreneurship is essential for fostering innovation, driving economic growth, and promoting social equality. Research has shown that companies with diverse leadership teams perform better financially and are more innovative and adaptable to change. Despite these benefits, women continue to be underrepresented in entrepreneurship, facing numerous barriers and challenges along the way.
Breaking Barriers to Entry
One of the primary challenges women entrepreneurs face is access to capital. Studies have shown that women are less likely to receive funding for their businesses compared to their male counterparts, often due to biases and stereotypes held by investors. Additionally, women may also face challenges accessing networks and mentorship opportunities, which are crucial for business success.
Empowering Women Through Education and Training
Empowering women entrepreneurs starts with providing them with the education and training they need to succeed. By investing in programs and initiatives that provide women with business skills, financial literacy, and mentoring, we can help level the playing field and empower women to overcome barriers to entry and achieve their entrepreneurial ambitions.
Creating Supportive Ecosystems
Building supportive ecosystems that champion and nurture women entrepreneurs is key to fostering their success. This includes creating inclusive and diverse workplaces, providing access to affordable and flexible childcare options, and promoting equal opportunities for women in the workforce. Additionally, governments, corporations, and organizations can play a role in providing funding, mentorship, and networking opportunities for women-led businesses.
Promoting Women-Led Businesses
Promoting women-led businesses not only benefits individual entrepreneurs but also contributes to broader economic growth and development. By supporting women entrepreneurs, we can unlock new sources of innovation, job creation, and wealth generation. Additionally, women-led businesses are more likely to reinvest in their communities, contributing to social impact and sustainability.
Empowering women entrepreneurs in business is not just the right thing to do; it's also smart business. By breaking down barriers and creating supportive ecosystems, we can unlock the full potential of women entrepreneurs and drive economic growth, innovation, and social progress. Together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable world where all entrepreneurs, regardless of gender, have the opportunity to succeed.
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swissfintechledies · 18 days
Close the Female Entrepreneurship Gap
The entrepreneurial landscape is often depicted as a realm of boundless opportunity and innovation. Yet, beneath its glossy surface lies a stark reality: the persistent gender gap in entrepreneurship. Despite strides towards gender equality in various sectors, women still face significant barriers when it comes to starting and scaling their own businesses. It's time to address this disparity head-on and pave the way for a more inclusive and diverse entrepreneurial ecosystem. In this article, we'll explore the challenges women encounter in entrepreneurship and outline actionable steps to close the female entrepreneurship gap.
Understanding the Disparity
Studies consistently reveal the disparities that women face in entrepreneurship. From access to capital and resources to cultural biases and societal expectations, the hurdles are multifaceted. Women-owned businesses often receive less funding compared to their male counterparts, limiting their growth potential and scalability. Moreover, cultural norms and stereotypes can undermine women's confidence and deter them from pursuing entrepreneurial ventures.
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Breaking Down Barriers
To close the female entrepreneurship gap, it's crucial to address the root causes and dismantle the barriers that hinder women's entrepreneurial success. Here are key steps to consider:
Access to Capital: Facilitate access to capital through targeted investment programs, venture capital initiatives, and grants specifically designed to support women-owned businesses. Financial institutions and investors should actively seek out opportunities to fund female entrepreneurs and provide mentorship and guidance along the way.
Support Networks: Foster supportive networks and communities where female entrepreneurs can connect, share resources, and mentor one another. Initiatives such as mentorship programs, networking events, and peer-to-peer support groups can empower women to navigate the entrepreneurial journey with confidence and resilience.
Education and Training: Provide tailored education and training programs that equip women with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to succeed as entrepreneurs. This includes workshops, seminars, and courses covering topics such as business planning, financial management, marketing, and leadership development.
Addressing Bias and Stereotypes: Challenge cultural biases and stereotypes that perpetuate gender inequality in entrepreneurship. Promote diversity and inclusion in entrepreneurship by celebrating the achievements of female founders and showcasing diverse role models across various industries.
Policy Advocacy: Advocate for policy reforms and initiatives that support women's entrepreneurship, including equal access to opportunities, fair treatment in the workforce, and policies that promote work-life balance and flexibility.
Empowering Change
Closing the female entrepreneurship gap requires collective action and commitment from various stakeholders, including policymakers, investors, business leaders, educators, and the broader community. By addressing systemic barriers, fostering a culture of inclusivity, and providing targeted support and resources, we can create an environment where all aspiring entrepreneurs, regardless of gender, have the opportunity to thrive.
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As we strive towards a more equitable and inclusive future, let us not only recognize the importance of closing the female entrepreneurship gap but also take concrete steps to empower women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams and contribute to economic growth and innovation on a global scale. Together, we can bridge the divide and build a more prosperous and equitable world for all.
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