#wizards 101 character
wrenbirdii · 2 months
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What up Wizblur my friend got me into Wizards and HERE IS MY EDGY SON BELGRIM! No trauma yet b u t he will get some story elements soon…
He loves to fish because I’m insane about it ITSSOFUN-
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stormy-sierra · 2 months
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something about balance wizards and blades...
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saphqi · 11 months
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have a really specific memory of being 8 online and not understanding wtf people would say but knowing it was some weirdo shit
also participating in art fight this year id love to draw some wizz ocs or anything else so drop ur user if you have one 😌 saphqi
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tourneys-by-me · 8 months
Preliminaries Part 5 - Electromancy 1/4
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Top 4 gets into the final preliminary.
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expcharm · 13 days
noticing im getting back into a lot of online games I played as a kid anyways with that out of the way I think wizards 101 will be my new oc maker
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libertys-lovers · 8 months
So I had a dream where a group of heroes & I were looking for this sword that had literally unlimited power? And because my dreams give me the abilities of my sona (and my sona’s fucking OP), the group decided I was the only one strong enough to handle it??? I guess???
So ya know, I pulled it out of the ground, and of COURSE as soon as I did we got ambushed by these… creatures? A disembodied voice called them Eldritch, but they were more like trolls that looked like stone. And the whole point of the ambush was to test the sword & the people that wanted it.
Anyways, I’m telling you this, because you’ll NEVER guess who was in my group
fucking LÚCIO!!!
THAT’S RIGHT! You thought it was a normal dream, but it was actually me, SELF INDULGENCE!
He wasn’t wearing his normal aesthetic though. Like he was wearing all yellow? I distinctly remember a yellow tank-top. His locs were shorter than normal too, I noticed. But like it was still obviously him ya know?
Anyways it was just really fucking cute. We were teaming up & fought together! And despite us being in this action-packed scenario, we still found time for us to smooch a lil 🥺🥺. I could really feel him man…. It was so damn wild 😭🙏
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fallow-grove · 1 year
[Fallow decides to clean around the office while Watts is away, but does so rather...unconventionally.]
ah, sir? [cartoon blink/head shake sfx]
he must've left already...and did he leave his journal out? [swipe sfx] oh nah yeahyeahyeah i can take care of things, i can take care of things! it's cute that he mentioned me- i mean come on, this place is a mess, it's time someone tidied up. and, uh, [gulp] it looks like there's no...wizards...around to complain...?
Hoho, let's go.
[sung] Oh, I am...
Just a little rusty, sir, your desk is kinda dusty, and I'm not sure this'll work because your antimagic's fussy but I'm doin' it, I'm tappin' to the wonder of the dream The hue that flows behind the notes and binds me at the seams
And sure, it doesn't do much-- 'til the acid sequence starts But it's all rhyme and rhythm when you're... secretly a bard!
[spoken] why's it secret, again... Oh, right: we can't have our own community because of the fucking Witcher!
A batch of books upon his desk because he stayed up late will shelve themselves in order if i know just what to say I'll flip his journal closed, you know, it's just to be polite And open up the curtains, let the darkness give to bright
I know that being miserable's the default starting card But if you learn to LET YOUR WIGGLES FLY then that's just how you bard!!
[spoken] You know what...i think this could go a bit faster. How about we try something a little more... emotional?
Oh, sir, I know, sir Your pain runs dark and deep I'm not quite as oblivious As i pretend to be
I know you only want me for the work that i can do But I'm just here cuz I'm a freak... Who else would work for you~?
A vase of orange lilies like the time you planted mine A wall of quotes so silly you can't help but crack a smile A custom death-inspired couch I fixed up from the yard They can't help but love or hate you--just a funky bard =]
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givemethesleep · 1 year
The League of Extraordinary Wizards
The Not Entirely Comprehensive Guide to Sleep’s AU the NPCs of the Spiral Cast.
Disclaimer - This is all AU stuff, and was initially written out to be something of like.... a hypothetical Wizard101 DLC? If you dislike it, that’s totally fine!!! If you like it, let me know!!! A good thing to read, especially as I begin uploading my writing (maybe.) ANYWHO- [Has not been proofread cause I’m tired]
The League of Extraordinary Wizards is an organisation established by a sorcerer named Amira Crane 25 years before the main events of the game, endorsed by Headmaster Ambrose. This group of skilled magicians help to tutor, guide and mentor Ravenwood students who show extreme promise. Amira initially created this group to provide extension for her son Spencer, who now runs the League in his mother’s ill health. For each year of students coming through Ravenwood Academy, one student is nominated by their professor to represent their School of Magic and receive advanced classes, as well as opportunities to do work to help the Wizard City community - and later help people Spiral wide. Even some familiar faces have that elusive lifelong League membership under their belts (How else would Malorn have been brought to the attention of Headmaster Ambrose after the incident with the Death School? And Ceren being on Unicorn Way when it was blocked to students?) Though perhaps under that pristine, perfect surface, things aren’t quite what they seem....
There are a couple of other headcanons that come alongside this AU that I’m going to post about separately (since they’re pretty rambly) but some things you should know that don’t require a whole lot of depth to make sense :
Mana is found all over every universe, but magic users tend to be found in areas with high mana concentrations, or who actively interacted with mana-rich environments
Time moves differently on Earth than in the Spiral, which explains why wizards from Earth don’t return home. For each year in the Spiral, 3 years pass on Earth. So while a Wizard from Earth ages 10 years in the Spiral, family members will have aged 30.
The ability to manipulate, carry and create mana for the use of spells comes from a mutation in DNA from long term mana exposure, allowing or the production of mana creating and mana carrying proteins (shoutout to my biology teacher for this one)
- However, building on that, it’s not uncommon that these genes and proteins are faulty or simply not present, which is why very few of the Wizard City Guards are active magic users.
Arcs 1-3 take 13 years, and for the sake of aging and consistency and stuff, ages listed below are characters ages at the start of Arc 1
Admittedly, this AU was an excuse to Make Little Guys and Put Them In Situations, but pretty much every OC on this list has at least one questline attached to them and some even have work as Vendors or otherwise help the Young Wizard/Player Character - so if anyone catches your eye, send me an ask about their quest or them in general!! (I’ll be doing a Pirate version of this post soon, so stay tuned for that also!)
CAST LIST (aka Sleep has too many characters. Feel free to skip!)
Amira Crane
, she/her, late 60s, Sorcerer - Rarely seen but quite well known, Amira is the founder of The League. Has fallen ill early in the game, and surrendered leadership to her son.
Spencer Crane
, he/him, 39, Pyromancer - Current head of The League, a mildly unpleasant man, who cares for three things above all. Wealth, Reputation, and his young daughter.
Jomana SandTamer
, she/her, 24, Sorcerer - Skilled sorcerer and Sun trainer, Jomana is one of the three main points of contact that students have with Spencer. Probably helps that she looks considerably younger, though she’s been sleeping for hundreds of years in Krokotopia.
- Janus SoulMask
, they/he, 23, Diviner - Janus was born on Earth in the 1970s and taken to Earth in the early ‘80s, and sometimes it shows in the slang they use. Takes particular care for children who came of their own free will (read - manipulated) to the Spiral like himself. Also the resident Moon trainer
Grizelda GriffinTamer
, she/they, 23, Pyromancer/Thaumaturge - Being raised on the skyways by a bunch of Grizzleheim pirates doesn’t make you particularly friendly, though Zelda tries her best. The students can be pests sometimes, so if her office is empty chances are she went home early. Teaches Star spells to League students.
- Melora TaleThief
, they/she, 29, Conjurer - Raised by an adventurer, the League’s secretary is full of anecdotes, when you can get them to talk. In later levels, however, she reveals a skill with shadow magic and offers her tutelage - illegally, of course. Ambrose and Spencer both would have a fit.
Class 25, Same Year as the Young Wizard*
- Dorothy RubyTalon
, she/her, 13, Pyromancer - From a wealthy and influential family on Firecat Alley. For the sake of comedy, her family is named alphabetically. Academic Rivals with Jordan.
- Jordan WinterHeart,
he/him, 13, Thaumaturge - From a similarly wealthy and respected family on Colossus Boulevard. Has three younger sisters and a cousin he cares deeply for. Rivals with Dorothy, but is a lot less enthusiastic about it.
- Blaine SilverStone
, they/he/she, 13, Diviner - Grew up on Triton with their single mother, entertaining himself by tinkering, crafting and inventive. Incredibly creative, but runs their mouth more than necessary. Thinks they have one pet bat - there are several bats living in the roof and Blaine thinks that Maurice is simply really fast.
- Luis DawnCaller,
he/him, 13, Sorcerer - Though initially reserved and independent, Luis is very well rounded for a sorcerer. Very polite! Adopted by a pair of Marleybonian Airship makers who love him very much. 
Tatiana RoseThorn
, she/her, 13, Theurgist - Sent to Ravenwood to study and avoid following her mother into servitude in Darkmoor, Tatiana is fiercely protective of herself, and her independence and desperation for power and approval make her a terrible team mate or support player.
- Brynn DrakeHeart
, she/they, 13, Necromancer - Born to Dragonspyre refugees, Brynn’s connection to death isn’t her favourite feature about herself, though she has an intense love and interest in her history and heritage. Was selected by Jomana with Malorn’s input in the absence of a Death Professor.
- Esmee DreamWalker
, she/her, 13, Conjuror - A half-fairy from Avalon, Esmee is a diligent and hardworking conjuror, who wants to make her professor and her mother proud. She writes home often, and has a love of creatures and their stories.
Class 26
Deirdre SunCatcher,
she/her, 12, Pyromancer - One of Esmee’s childhood best friends, she would spend her days watching her father at the forge back in their village in Avalon. She wants nothing more to be useful, and is very kind and protective of her friends.
Isabella WinterMask
, she/her, 12, Thaumaturge - Her mother was a cobbler and her father a journalist in Marleybone. She’s very inquisitive - almost too much for her own good. Very excited about meeting a real life fairy.
Gabriel DawnSpear,
he/they/it, Unknown, Diviner - A Celestian construct meant to simulate hut a human would act with the learning capabilities of a Celestian. When the Marleybonians began messing around, ‘Gabriel’ was taken out of storage, and upon activation began looking for new things to learn and catalogue. One unwatched Spiral Door and a few weeks in Wizard City later, Gabriel enrols himself into the school of Storm and passes as a skilled diviner - allowing him acceptance to the League. Lets hope their identity doesn’t get outed to the public... 
- Samuel PathFinder,
he/him, 12, Sorcerer - Having grown up on a farm on Earth and having been taken to the Spiral at the very beginnings of That Virus, coming into this new environment made Sam pretty skittish, and is almost solely a support for his companions. Makes an effort to protect his classmates how he can.
- Madison FairyBlood,
she/her, 13, Theurgist - After being expelled halfway through her first year at Pigswick, Madison was sent to repeat her first year at Ravenwood with her Uncle Chester’s punishments hanging over her head. Uncomfortably nasty and violent for a Life Wizard.
- Cole Raven,
he/him, 12, Necromancer - He doesn’t talk much about his past besides growing up in Grizzelheim, in your typical edgy teenaged fashion, and though Cole is a skilled necromancer and could prove useful in group settings, he is very strict in isolating himself from his classmates from one reason or another.
- Jesse DarkWood, he/him. 12, Conjuror - Son of Victor Darkwood in the robes shop, Jesse has a sense of responsibility and a cool and calm demeanour. He’s a natural born leader, and there isn’t a whole lot that can ruffle his feathers - besides the undead.
Schismists (ages from Arc 2)
- Emmaline FrostFlower,
she/they, 15, Thaumaturge - Younger cousin to Jordan WinterHeart, Emmaline has a serious need to be seen, be listened to, to be respected. She needs to be important to be worth something, and recreating the first world and having a position of leadership under Spider seems like the perfect plan. While the Old One tries to make amends, Emma gathers the interests of people put out by the sudden change of plans.
- Valkoor TitanBlood,
he/him, 15, Necromancer - Tatiana’s cousin, though they don’t talk, and another child sent from a life of servitude. The only person who’s interests Valkoor is willing to protect is his own, and by extension Spiders. Very flashy and dramatic!
- Lukas BattleBringer,
he/him, 15?, Pyromancer - In an attempt to escape the horrors of the fighting pits, Luke accidentally knocks out a travelling pyromancer in fear and steals her robes and spellbook. Hidden in a cave, the satyr tried to master rudimentary spells like Firecat and Fire Elf before getting picked up and tutored by Emmaline and Valkoor under the protection of other schismists.
Miscellaneous (Ages from Arc 1)
- Stephanie DragonWhisper,
she/her, 15, Theurgist - Earth Wizard from remote Australia, she was almost too quick to step through the portal to Merle’s office. After a rough few weeks getting settled and the onset of Professor Sylvia Drake’s illness, she makes friends with other students in her class and in other schools, and is taken under the wing of Zeke and Eloise who all but formally adopt this troubled but inquisitive young girl. She goes on to act as a hint base and sparring partner for the Young Wizard and takes on an Arcanum internship and an admission to the Council of Light in the later worlds.
- Sean IceWeilder,
- Olivia O’Doyle,
he/him/they?, 15, Thaumaturge - Another Earth Wizard, taken to the Spiral a few weeks after his now best friend Stephanie. He’s a bit of a clumsy Ice wizard, but his proficiency in wards has proven useful. He and Stephanie are an iconic duo that can be spotted in every world, just like Zeke and Eloise!
- Louella PixieHunter, she/her, 14, Necromancer - 5th and final Earth Wizard on this list, Louella turned down an offer to be the death school representative for Class 24 of The League and has stong negative feelings about the institution and its almost elitist attitudes.
she/her, 22, Thaumaturge Dropout - Daughter of the dye shop keeper and the guard outside of Colossus, Olivia was the designated babysitter for her cousin Mindy, Jesse Darkwood, and the WinterHeart kids when they were little. Now she helps her mother run the Dye Shop and helps Emmaline with her shopping when she’s too busy. Is dating Janus.
- Noelle, Lumi and Gwendolyn Winterheart,
all she/her, 11/9/6 respectively - Jordan’s younger sisters and Emmaline’s cousins. 
- Nochtli,
he/him, 28, Theurgist - A blue triceratops Aztecosaur and gardening enthusiast with several quests regarding conservation with the approach of Xibalba. He’s very sweet!
- Sandra O’Connell,
- Snuggles,
she/her, 35, N/A - Esmee’s mother and widow of King Artorius’ knights Sir Morgrim Wyrmbane. 
- Tarmi, she/they, 27, Thaumaturge/Necromancer - Wallaru sharkmer, feared in her community as a dark witch communing with spirits. Some even go so far as to accuse her of kidnapping! Though in truth, she just wants to be left alone in her cave to study her magic.
he/him, 5, N/A - Stephanie DragonWhisper’s  pet Forest Basilisk. Neediest pet known to man. Hates Ceren, loves anyone else. Has Lore. 
 *(Note: The Wizard either does not get nominated because they’re too busy saving the world, OR get wedged in last minute alongside the representative of their School)
SO THIS TOOK ME LIKE 8 HOURS TO WRITE. I am taking questions and clarifying stuff as needed! Any and all support would be appreciated, and I look forward to hopefully sharing more stuff with you soon!
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wlwizard101 · 1 year
hi i have so many thoughts about polaris + arc 3 as a whole so im just going to rant about them. spoilers for polaris and mirage under the cut. also monsquista in pirate101. also a little bit of emperyea. just a smidge.
polaris is probably my favorite world simply because of its writing and it does something kingsile and honestly a lot of media in general fails to do: how to write a good revolution.
first of all, the revolution has good motives and the writers want us to percieve as good. the penguins (proletariat. yes im doing a semi marxist analysist for a kids game dont @ me) are uprising against the polar bears (the borgeious class). the penguins struggles are seen as real. they do not simply want a return to the status quo or to 'bring back the king that was good' (looking at you mirage) - no, they want change.
and that is so refreshing! in pirate101, that goddamn ape (i literally hate him so much) does a revolution and. simply becomes king. thats it. the revolution itself is started by princesses and disgraced generals, not the people. which is not inherently bad writing, however this is portrayed as good. is the material conditions of the monkeys at all changed? nope! there's just a different king on the throne. its closer to a coup than anything. (i do enjoy the implications of the pirate doing much, much grimier things that the wizard due to them being well, a pirate, but i never thought it was handled all that well).
but back to polaris. there is changed, goddamnit! after overthrowing the monarchy, celebration happens in the central area of polaris. in a paralell to azteca, where everytime you go there you are reminded that everyone here is going to die soon holy shit, in polaris, you are reminded you fucking won. you did it. and this is especially refreshing considering it is based off of the french revolution, one that pop culture always tends to demean. but kingsile (though having napoliguen in pirate101 does have some implications) shows a different view point to the french revolution, one with much more empathy to the peasant class.
and this is where mirage kinda fell flat in comparison. i was half expecting ozy to turn out to be a twist villian, due to the writing competency of the previous world, but nope. hes just the rightful king guys! and now we have to defend against xerxes. who is evil because. uh. yeah. trust us guys!!! (his boss fight was also really underwhelming tbh. middle siblings always get the short end of the stick).
over all, arc 3 differs from the other arcs in that it is not about saving the status quo. in arc 1, you defended the world from malistairs gried. in arc 2, you defended the world from morganthes god complex. but in arc 3? we are shown grandmother raven to be a control freak, who'd rather let the spiral be destroyed than let her ex husband live, and we have grandfather spider, who is destroying the spiral to put everything back to the way it was. in some regards, yes, we are defending the status quo - but i would argue raven is infact that status quo. the gods as they are, under ravens plan, would stay the same. the spiral would soon be destroyed anyways because of the heat death of the universe, why try and change? let it be. we're here to change that! what it going to happen in emperyea i do not know, as i only just got to part 2, but im incredibly excited for it, even if the refrences are a little grating. no spoilers please <3
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kitkat-the-muffin · 1 year
Thinking about wizards
Actively pitching a Wizard101 TV Show in my brain every night to help me go to sleep
It’s an isekai
The protagonist is genderfluid and doesn’t feel comfortable staying in the gendered dorms so Merle Ambrose lets them stay in Gamma’s tower until a new dorm can be constructed because in this story Merle is a chad
This is a plot point ^
The story I have so far is basically this:
“Where am I and why am I in a Wizard school?”
“We have some idea of where you came from but we can’t send you back yet cause it’s in another world so wanna stay at Wizard school for a little longer?”
“Sure I guess, woah that’s a super evil bad guy what’s going on?”
“Whoops looks like Malistaire is up to no good, guess we have to postpone your return home for a while, wanna run a few errands for me in the meantime tho?”
“Yeah sure consider it payment for letting me stay in your tower. Whoops looks like I just defeated Lady Blackhope and Rattlebones huh”
“Wow this whole child labor thing was completely unintentional maybe stop running my errands for a while and focus on your schoolwork”
“No :3 because I have no sense of self preservation :3”
“I am going to adopt you and that is a threat istg”
And that’s it for now
Protag is a Necromancer btw, for the extra angst factor
The season ends with the new gender-ambiguous dorm being established after the defeat of Lord Nightshade and a whole bunch of students both new and old move into it including the protagonist
Their move is reluctant and forced, however, because Merle has suspended them from any activity unrelated to schoolwork because they keep actively traumatizing themself trying to fight the forces of evil in an attempt to feel both useful and in control of their current isekai situation
Once again Merle is a chad in this story and in no way would a self respecting chad of a headmaster/semi-father-figure allow his student/semi-child-figure do this to themself
The story eventually progresses of course but not before a nice heart-to-heart and also a few self-preservation lessons
I’d turn this into a fanfic if I wasn’t busy 24/7
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wrenbirdii · 2 months
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Eventually I’ll draw my Wizzy OC Belgrim in his actual Wizards outfit but for now it’s his grunge fashion nonsense
He LOVES fishing and getting all the magical fish >:D
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stormy-sierra · 4 months
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i got One pose for sierra and that's it (but she does that pose well)
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tourneys-by-me · 6 months
Round Two - Geomancy (earth) 7/8
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Propaganda under the cut (beware of potential spoilers!!)
No propaganda :(
He looks like a little rock among us!!
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jazzofalltrades · 1 year
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Witch design I made inspired by the death school in Wizards 101. Ended up more spidery though. 
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incandesang · 2 years
okay so i AM occasionally going to post other stuff but like. same vibe as iwtv and the vampire chronicles. same vibe i SWEAR!!
like i’m not gonna post x-men, asoiaf, or tolkien on here but i will post. other comic stuff + gothic lit stuff. just nothing that’s like so different in tone that it’ll give u whiplash. ep 5 grabbed me and said ‘aurora bestie u do in fact have other interests’ and i will be plastering those interests all over the internet
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oz-wyrmcatcher · 2 years
i understand that Jacques the Scratcher is a Jack the Ripper joke character or whatever he reminds me more of the London Monster. like he went around poking women and Jacques the Scratcher, not being a murderer, is more just a menace and attacker
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